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@Zak I'm jealous
codereview.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/56829 --> didn't show that I rejected it once already....
today I was told that I should reduce the number of hours I spend coding from 5 to 4 per day so I can provide support to user tickets..
I will leave it though, because it appears that the user did their research, but I did leave a comment as well
@WhiteHotLoveTiger , wouldn't it be MaxDate instead of CreateDate in the column declaration? — Malachi 8 mins ago
I want my wife to call me that.....
Sometimes I wish there was a Programmers Anonymous, like Alcoholics Anonymous.
additionally, there are so many books i need to read
like this one.. I still need to finish The Clean COder and the books janos got me for christmas
whoever decided to put 24 hours in a day failed to realise that 24 is too few
@DanPantry migrate all programmers to Mars. problem solved! ....................
@DanPantry If there were a downstar, you'd have it.
hey, if you want iced coffee at least you could just put your mug outside for a few minutes
@Zak basically it's becoming very apparent we are suffering resource issues
oh well
I guess this is why Facebook added the emoticon things.
@DanPantry As am I.
I mean the PMO said I can spend 10% of the sprint doing refactoring and stuff.. but 10% of 60 hours isn't enough time to get anything done
Well, 23 views and 0 votes.
@Mast One of the few advantages of being the only IT guy: so long as there is nothing urgent around, I have mostly carte blanche to develop as I see fit.
well, it's 3am... but at least I understand the code finally
@Zak I had that advantage, and then suddenly I got given some 30 tickets in the past 2 weeks
while also being given the most complex feature since our initial release
in the same sprint
Yeah, my last 2 months were like that (which explains why I'm a whole day in and still feeling I could spend another entire day refactoring it further).
To be fair, that's probably because you can never be done refactoring
@Mat'sMug not sure I should have posted that....lol
@Malachi lol
@Zak Tell me what certifications to get and I'll seriously consider it.
it would be weird to hear her call me MaxDate though....
@Malachi it'll get lost in the transcript eventually
@Malachi Unless your name happens to be Max.
@Mast it's not
wait, you wanted to be called MaxDate?
I starred because I thought you wanted to be called "WhiteHotLoveTiger"
lol no
I was being funny.... but WhiteHotLoveTiger would sound odd coming out of her mouth....
It would sound odd coming out of anyone's mouth.
Sounds like a quote from a Seth Rogan movie.
@Quill you, understand code?
@Mast You seem to be assuming I have any certifications at all...
@Malachi at least this code
Believe me, If I were this useful with a spreadsheet and certified to boot, my salary would be double what it is.
@Zak Well, there must be some reason they hired you.
@Mast Probably because someone with certifications would be double what he is? :p /end quote Zak
There's only one thing a business loves more than a good employee, and that's a cheap good employee
(Not that I'm calling you cheap, @Zak)
@Mast "Smart and gets things done"
@Zak certs are a scam
@Mat'sMug Depends on the industry and the cert.
@Mat'sMug A lot of them are, but some of the basic ones are actually quite useful.
That's the total number of questions on each SE site, scaled logarithmically.
@EBrown Why is SO on there twice?
Finance is heavily regulated.
Oh, my mistake, SO isn't on there twice.
(though you might not believe it)
There's SO and "SO ????????"
@DanPantry One is the chinese or japanese site or whatever.
@Zak Can confirm: work for a CRA.
I cannot, under any circumstances, discuss anything with our clients. Anything.
@EBrown lol. It just seems like an intensely passive aggressive version of SO. More than usual, I mean
Sorry, russian.
@Zak Exactly. So I expected you to have at least something. Except you aren't in finance exactly, just in the IT of a finance department. Of which I have no clue whether it's regulated.
@EBrown You don't have proper Unicode support?
@Zak eh.. get paid or get out. Someone somewhere is willing to pay you what you're worth
@Mast All my stuff is for internal use, so we can do what we like.
@Mast I'm not sure where it disconnects, but it has the same issue in the DB.
Pretty sure I used varchar and not nvarchar, but that's an easy fix.
Yep, that's the problem.
Q: Dynamic Multi-threading lock with while loop - C#

Only a Curious MindI have already asked a question about dynamic multi threading lock, and the reviewer found a problem. Here is the description of the problem that I need to solve: "I need to create an structure to control dynamically locks. For example, I have 100 threads running, and each thread will "process"...

Q: Comparing 4 heuristic search algorithms in Java

coderoddeI have implemented the following four heuristic search algorithms: A* (AStarPathFinder), BHPA (BHPAPathFinder): the algorithm invented by Ira Pohl in 1971, NBA* (NewBidirectionalAStarPathFinder): invented by Wim Pijls and Henk Post in 2009, PNBA* (ParallelNewBidirectionalAStarPathFinder): inven...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.seMatthew Herbst 26 secs ago
@Mat'sMug For various reasons I have a lot of goodwill towards the guys here and up until pretty recently I wouldn't have had any complaints about my valuation. If I have an entire year like the last 4 months and my salary isn't 30% higher than it is right now, *then* I might seriously start exploring my options.
learn yourself some .net on the side, I know a C# open-source project that can use VBA experts :)
Did I just hear @Mat'sMug (implicitly) call me a VBA expert?
@Duga Poof.
@UweKeim, I have had issues before that my question though valid on stackoverflow, got negative on code review. So I prefer to ask them here. — Naphstor 58 secs ago
@Duga Not how it works.
@Vogel612 SIR, YES SIR! — Uwe Keim 2 hours ago
@Mat'sMug I detect sass
If I had a nickel for every smart-ass comment on SO...
@Mat'sMug I never even noticed this ^^
You can refer codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/15684/… it has the information you want for the shell part — Mowgli 33 secs ago
Understanding dev culture
@Mast Unicode support fixed.
Annnnnnd we're back
Q: Find the odd occurrences in an array

Tolani Jaiye-TikoloRecently, I came across this problem on Codility. I am aware there is a bit of similarity to Finding all integers in an array with odd occurrence and Most common occurrence of an int in an array . But I am trying to achieve this in c# The problem is as follows A non-empty zero-indexed array A c...

The DeepWeb proposal just went live btw guys
Out of curiosity, anyone here know anything about the ICCP protocol?
I'll take that as a no haha
I Can Code Programs? sure :)
@Quill the wot
@EBrown :-)
@Quill 10 bucks it will turn into something worse than LH currently is within two months.
not with me as top rep user it won't ;p
This is a better fit for code review, despite your disclaimer to the contrary. And the compilers that do funny things when you don't cast the return value from malloc are C++ compilers. — user3386109 50 secs ago
@Quill You know that much about it?
I know enough :p
Nothing personal, but the whole problem with deepweb is that everybody thinks that.
there's still downvotes flying... just not in my direction
Downvotes during private beta is good.
Not enough downvotes and the whole place goes belly up.
If you have working code (that works as intended), that you would like to improve in any way, it's probably better to post a nicely-formatted question on Code Review (protip: include the whole procedure, not just the if statement, and give reviewers as much context as possible) than in comments on SO ;-) — Mat's Mug 46 secs ago
So, what's the difference between Tor and Deepweb? Does Deepweb include say I2P?
Deepweb is a genre. TOR is just one of the implemented methods.
My first question got a close vote for that actually...
just one though
2 new users? Welcome!
I need to order a UPS.
@Mast Any recommendations?
@EBrown You got a thing with electronics right? Try to DIY. Mighty fun.
@Mast A DIY UPS?
Do It Yourself
Right, but is that safe?
If your design is good, yea.
If it ain't, no.
Q: Block a partcular machine for a particular period of time interval after x failure

liningThis is an extension to this question I am working on a library which makes Http call to my service. I have below two requirements: If my service machine doesn't respond back (there is a socket timeout or connection timeout), I add them to my local blockList and if service machine doesn't resp...

I don't have time to design one.
Hey Guys, does this deserve a meta question? should we be giving advice on what to put on a resume? --> codereview.stackexchange.com/q/128597/18427
@EBrown Oh. I'll look it up.
@Malachi No, that's very off-topic.
Perhaps The Workplace likes it, but we don't.
> APC Symmetra PX SY250K500DL-PD 250kVA Tower UPS, $152,000.00
First things first: power specification and reliability
@EBrown uh, no
@Mast Somewhere in the range of ~1200-1500W.
@EBrown UPS don't do ranges. You'll want to specify a minimum power.
@Mast I know, 1200W is the minimum I need.
If anyone thinks this should go to the Nth, say Aye, otherwise we'll stick it here. Might be interesting for the rest as well, don't know.
@EBrown That shouldn't be too expensive. How reliable do you need it to be?
Next question will be a price range.
@Mast You mean the amount of time it will power for?
No less than 10 minutes, I would presume.
@Mast there is reviewable code, code that this poster created, the code could be seen as code that she maintains (as a code sample)
@EBrown No, whether you need military, business or consumer grade.
> Is it good or bad practice to show both versions?
Mighty irrelevant for what we do.
Workplace at best, not CR.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions asking about improving working code are best answered at Code Review. — Robᵩ 30 secs ago
We can review the code given, but not answer the questions he poses.
@EBrown Right, so a cheap 1200W UPS. How expensive max and what is your threat model (do you need to catch a couple of seconds, a couple of minutes or multiple hours)?
@Mast No more than $1000 USD, and only a few minutes.
Get a 1.5 kVA for a couple hundred.
Hmmm, wait.
Yes, as long as it's 1.5 output.
Looking at this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16842101400&ignorebbr=1&cm_‌​re=ups-_-42-101-400-_-Product
It's bigger than I need, but it's right in the price range.
You don't need anything fancy, right? No settings, no server, etc.
Just a battery that charges when it has power, and powers my stuff when it doesn't.
And with a surge protector as well.
Schneider is good, I was just looking at a different product line they had, but you need 120V.
Yeah, I need 110/120V.
APC (Scheider) and Eaton are the big guys in UPC-land.
Q: rspec: method mocks on objects returned by activerecord

jtmarmonIf I have a controller that does this: class FooController def bar foo = Foo.find(id) foo.bar render text: 'done' end end What's the right way to test that that particular foo receives bar? So far I've been doing one of the following two methods, both are hacky ...

Honestly, looks good. I'm having trouble finding anyone supplying to the States with 120V, I'm not used to that voltage range :P
I got 75 minutes for ~$230 a few months ago, I used up a whole 15 seconds so far
That's true, the one he linked will power for much longer.
but you shouldn't need much longer though. not for a home desktop at least.
I have a desktop, Mac and laptop to power.
Yea, but do you need to cover all 3 of those?
Your laptop already has a UPS.
Not this laptop.
No battery in it.
and the mac can fry
Right, that makes it a desktop IMO, but that's semantics.
@Mast Or a brick
With the one you linked, you'll be powering 1.5 kW for over an hour.
That should be plenty.
@syb0rg nah, my batteryless laptop is useful for rubberducking on a business trip
If the problem isn't solved in 10 minutes, you should go power-saving mode anyway, powering off all non-essentials.
Yeah, I just need them to power long enough to shutdown.
So, 10 minutes max.
@Mat'sMug I have a CR rubber duck for that
@Mat'sMug I put them to use as servers.
@EBrown In fairness, if I got the money, I'd go for a long-term one. Especially since those things degrade over time so this one will keep you good for over 15 years or so.
But you could do with a smaller/cheaper one.
I'd like to get one that will last for a while.
Anyway, off to hit on the woman at the Subway shoppe, then to work.
Good luck ^^
It looks like I'm never actually going to ask her out, but oh well.
my laptop is essentially a battery-less laptop, but that sucks because the second something moves and tugs the cord in the RV my computer dies, so I save often and try to shut down on the regular
@EBrown just do it
@EBrown reminds me of that song, "Donnez-moi des roses"... the guy keeps going to the flower shop to ask the girl to give her a rose "because he's got a date and she likes them". at the end of the song the flower shop girl tells the guy she's getting married, the guy says "there never was a date, I was only coming here to see you" -- if you don't jump on the train, you might miss it.
Q: How to remove the boilerplate Promise code from ES6 and "co" code to write code without callback

joyI was trying to use the ES6 Promise with "co" module to write the async code without callback. Though actual async call is neat and clean however still I have to add wrapper method to return "Promise" object which made it little bulky. Any feedback to improve this code quality will be appreciated...

How is the cr community today?
@JoãoVilaça: there is a Code Review website if you are interested (see links at the bottom of this page). If you do use it, be sure to read their on-topic rules, so you can get the most out of it. — halfer 25 secs ago
hey @Smarticles101! monking!
Q: Boilerplate for Backbone routers

joey ahearnWhat does *actions do exactly. How can I capture the hash part of the URL and save it? // www.foo.com/#hash var save = hash Here is what I have currently: /*********************************************************************************************************************** *Router */ ...

I just realized that there was a DuckDuckGo bang for Code Review :o
What is it?! cr!?
Oh wow that works!
RobotSanta? He is new...
@JoeWallis Probably !cr
And yea, they got !se, !cr and probably others.
And one other thing I just noticed on the code review side, your public method is returning the cfcatch of your database call. Log your error inside your system, but don't return much more than "Uh oh." An error dump gives a whole bunch of information to people who don't need it. — Shawn 16 secs ago
@Mast I hated playing OSU! with DuckDuckGo, it'd always search the wrong thing, D: Cause it recognises the bang at the end
Q: Turn script into a function which extracts the div ID and places it inside

JohnDotHRAlright, so I've got this script which basically drains the thumbnails and streams from the twitch API/JSON. $(function() { var i=0; var twitchApi = "https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams"; var twitchData; $.getJSON(twitchApi, function(json) { twitchData = json.streams; ...

@JoeWallis If you type OSU!, it will actually re-direct you exactly to that page, no questions asked.
Unless Firefox does that, I never know which one of them takes it.
Got DDG as default on FF.
I'd search for my friend and, it'd go for beatmaps, D:
So say I'd search osu! friend it'd search not for my friend but beatmaps... so I always had to go osu friend
I have no experience with searches in which the bangs are mid query.
@Mast That's pretty impressive. They can't have such a short bang for everything.
@Morwenn No, there's way too many SE networks to cover them all.
On the other hand, it does sense a lot of things.
If I ddg for regex cheatsheet, it gives me exactly what I want BEFORE the results.
Q: Seeking Advice and Criticism For this masking Code

SomeStudentSo this code was originally written in C++, but as I am trying to teach myself C# I decided that I will rewrite the code for practice. The purpose of the code is to partition an int into separate parts and try to pass values into it; sort of like an array, but not quite. I discovered some bugs ...

VBA is a hack. Proof:
IOW, careful what you name things, it might come and haunt you two decades later hahaha
@Mat'sMug You needed proof on that?
Looks like a mess.
no, but seeing that Microsoft itself has struggled implementing the VBE is kind of soothing
For some values of soothing.
I'd call it disturbing.
Quick question: what does super do in Java (or, IIUC, base in C#)? Does it call the "parent" class's constructor and add it's properties/methods to the new object being created?
Heck should I know, what does the spec say?
It has something to do with a parent, but I never understood exactly what.
I don't know how I would find the spec.
I'd think it's just a qualifier to access the base members, no?
A qualifier?
[this].Foo = 42
[base].Foo = 42
[qualifier].Foo = 42
Q: Python file reader/writer, with processing pipeline and context manager

Steve DThe following code does three things: The filename is determined by the RawData class The reader and writer send data through a processing pipeline (Hopefully) makes changes and extensions easy Regarding (2), the processing pipeline consists of "processors", that can process and deprocess dat...

Some crazy but very big company released their version 2017 of an IDE last week. I get highly annoyed by that.
Have you seen what car companies do?
I'm still happy with a 2012 car and a 2013 IDE
Q: Calculate daily average for selected period in PHP

vitozev Basically, I'd want to calculate average for same days (e.g. monday, tuesday, etc) in selected period. This is my current (working) code: $data = array( '2016-05-01' => 100, '2016-05-02' => 150, // monday '2016-05-03' => 5, '2016-05-04' => 5, '2016-05-05' => 25, '2016...

possible answer invalidation by Xiaoy312 on question by Tolani Jaiye-Tikolo: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128605/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Florian Schramm on question by Florian Schramm: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128515/revisions
@Duga ok
@Duga not ok
I think this is more suited for codereview.stackexchange.com — Linus 56 secs ago
Q: Link List Memory leaks

Jay JohnstonCan someone help me find what is causing the memory leaks in my templated Link list? I'm new to c++ and am struggling to get my head around memory management. My previous language was Java. #pragma once template<typename T> class LinkList { public: class LinkNode { public: ...

@SirPython what the mug said. Also there's the super-constructor
The super constructor?
That's what I was referring to above.
Does that do the same thing as C#'s base?
in a different way, but yes, somewhat
Different in how it's written, right?
You have to write it inside the Constructor body to chain constructors
instead of in the method signature
and it works as a qualifier (just like in C#)
it's 1:30 AM
:) I understand.
thanks :).. I'll grab my sleep now. Just a teeny tiny bit allergy is really annoying and tiring :/
Niters :)
Good night!
You will probably get more useful feedback posting this on codereview.stackexchange.comTom Dalton 58 secs ago
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