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RELOAD! There are 2305 unanswered questions (93.2614% answered)
Yesterday, we got 14 more accepted answers, 28 more questions were answered, 38 more answers were posted, 142 badges were earned, 159 comments were left, 36 more questions were asked, 8 more questions were unanswered, 96 users were created, and 277 votes were created.
Our question answer accept rate went down by 0.0213%.
Our question answer rate went down by 0.0163%, and our answer accept rate went up by 0.0012%.
Q: C++ STL WinAPI IP Range Scanner

Sessions1024I am trying to create an IP Range scanner as part of my learning which is geared towards latest STL usage/practices and some Windows socket programming. So I conjured up this idea which seems to fit purpose; however I am having problems designing the multi-threading part of it. I guess I am just...

Well this is a horrible graph.
I think SO skews my graph a bit.
Not really...lol
Mathematics has the second highest number of questions in the network.
Yeah, I need to scale this logarithmically.
Anyway, off to work.
I think this belongs on code reviewThe Trombone Willy 49 secs ago
Q: Private functions in Object-Oriented JavaScript

willlmaWhen I'm trying to do object-oriented pure JS with private methods, I frequently do the following (function(exports) { var Foo = function(num) { this.num = num }; var addTwo = function() { this.num += 2; }; Foo.prototype.addFour = function() { addTwo.call(this); addTwo...

I honestly haven’t checked out the Stack Exchange Code Review site much, the performance questions could be fun. http://codereview.stackexchange.com/a/128538/15
@matt The encoding o the file is already IBM437, I'm trying to decide it from 7 bit to 8 bit, I never saw the hints till now lol, I'll post the full length program on code review when I finish it. — 13aal 28 secs ago
It looks like I'll be taking Intro to MySQL this fall. I would've taken Unix OS II instead, but it's not being offered online this time.
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Mord Zuber: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128506/revisions
@Jamal My condolences. Let @Mat'sMug me know if when you get frustrated with it
Okay. :-)
Hope they're not teaching PHP side by side with it
They probably will
and when they do, ask them how they would implement a table-valued function in MySQL
"a what?"
or, or - or, a common-table expression
> Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?
Oh that's easy... SELECT * FROM (SELECT Id, Name FROM Persons)
yeah, right, sure. there's the Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Does MySQL even have just plain old functions?
only scalar ones I think
Hm. Handy, but not that handy most times
Q: Writing a Rustic segmented prime number sieve

Trevor AlexanderI wrote a prime number sieve in Ruby last year as part of a coding challenge, but lately I wanted to port it to Rust. I finally got around to it, but it's still intensely Rubinic. Before I take the obvious next step and parallelize it, I want to make sure my code is as Rust-idiomatic as possible...

Postgres has TVFs at least. Though, it doesn't have stored procs, which is a bummer
Whoa, Postgres can lateral-join a table to a table valued function, pretty cool; I don't think even SQL Server can do that
select *
from book, lateral f_3(book.id)
you can cross apply a TVF to a set, if that's what a lateral join does
TVF? Table Valued Function?
table-valued function yeah
wait no, I'm talking out of my .....mug.
wait no, yeah, sure, you can cross apply a TVF
Q: Processing names and meanings from .txt files

Kaitlyn HeI've wrote this program to process the names and meanings from .txt files. From the while loops I wrote, I noticed they are very similar loops containing Scanners. I am wondering if there is any way to reduce the redundancy in the code. import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class BabyNam...

Q: calloc, malloc, free and realloc wrappers to store the size being allocated

JCMI'm currently building a node.js addon for libcurl. Right now I'm trying to correctly use v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()->AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory to update v8 on the amount of memory being allocated by libcurl, and to do that I need to wrap the above mentioned functions that libcurl uses...

Q: Self organizing maps R

gyreI have already asked similar question here, but I figured this place might be better on getting some actual implementation feedback. I tried to implement a simple SOM. You can see the training implementation function here. The main part of the code is seqTrain function: seqTrain <- function(so...

This is what trying to develop chat programs is like
You should take a look at codereview.stackexchange.com - that's the place for soliciting improvements to working code. Make sure you read their help before posting though! — Blorgbeard 59 secs ago
Q: Buy and Sell Message Board Database

johnI wanted to create a simple buy & sell message board, more like craigslist actually, for my local community here because what they are doing now is to create a GROUP with TONS OF MEMBERS in Whatsapp. I think that idea is insane. However, I'm not really sure whether these tables are enough to cre...

Q: Simplifying my Snake Game program

JaccobTo give you a simple background, I've been programming in C++ for about a week and decided I wanted to build a simple snake game. So, I made one over the course of a day and this is the end result. I was wondering, what overall improvements can be made to this code? Is there any general advice o...

Q: Objective-C: Solution for interview Q Does directed graph contain cycle?

Smart HomeI create a myGraph class as shown below. Then I created an instance of the graph by giving the adjacency list as a NSDictionary and then call the isGraphCycleFree method. Will this answer look good if asked during an interview programming round? Initializing the myGraph class and calling the i...

@zerkms If you think this is not an appropriate question for Stack Overflow, you should vote to close it. Now the poster has cross-posted it on your advice to Code Review, where it has been closed as off-topic. Please read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users. — 200_success 28 secs ago
monking all
hey there
If your code is working, isn't Code Review the better place to ask? — Rad Lexus 17 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Nat on question by Nat: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128457/revisions
Q: Implementing The Proper Undead's Cave Generator

Demyx97I recently stumbled onto a very old article about procedural dungeon generation on this site. Unfortunately, the author did not provide any code, only a description of the algorithm he used. Wanting to use this in my game, I tried to write my own generator following their algorithm: local random...

possible answer invalidation by Florian Schramm on question by Florian Schramm: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128515/revisions
@200_success "where it has been closed as off-topic" --- WAT. If it's not a code review question, what it is then? — zerkms 35 secs ago
Q: Checking to see if array can be sorted using only one operation

Sidharth SamantI'm doing this HackerRank problem. I've written this code and it passes all the tests, but it seems very convoluted. Is there any way I can streamline this code to make it more Pythonic? n = int(raw_input()) ar = map(int, raw_input().strip().split()) ar.insert(0, -1) ar.append(1000001) ups = 0 ...

@zerkms Primary reason is that it is not real code. Secondary reason is that the author is uncertain whether it is sufficient to do the job. Code Review is for critique of working code, not design sketches. — 200_success 43 secs ago
@Mat'sMug lol. it's funny because that's how Windows 10 feels
Monking @all
I got an adobe acrobat reader update this morning
I have not once used adobe acrobat reader
also, it turnso ut that my work is going to be offering two kinds of laptops
mac with a dual core processor... or a windows pc with an i7
cus... those are equal performance...
It appears that you should be handling boolean combinations inside the method if all of them are needed required, this ensures all modules have a single responsibility. Also, this question is better suited for [codereview.stackexchange.com] (Code Review) — Paras D Pain 34 secs ago
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Proper class user.php
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: JavaScript function to create HTML select option elements
TIL: every dev who has a MSDN license has $150/mo of azure credits
(but if you go over you haev to pay for it personally)
Q: Caches implementation in C++

vpetrigoI had a test task for internship where the main part was in implementing fixed size caches with different displacement policies (LRU/LFU/FIFO). I did that task, but was refused afterwards. Now I am wondering how my solution might be improved? Requirements for an implementation are: Cache must ...

This might be more appropriate on the Code-Review Stack Exchange site. — Toby Speight 28 secs ago
You seem to know a lot. Honestly my future depends on the quality of this work, would you consider doing a 5minute code review? And I understand if you wouldn't do it for free, thanks in advance. — João Vilaça 55 secs ago
There is a dedicated site for codereview (for question like "is my code ok?"). Here it's offtopic, unless your code doesn't works, but then it still lack details of what doesn't work, with what error, etc. — Sinatr 48 secs ago
Q: Multithreading pipeline synchronization with queues

CIVI89I've a problem in synchronizing some threads with queues, the program run but I'm searching for optimizations. My thread safe Queue is like a buffer, so is not like an infinite queue. All the program consist in pushing and popping indexes in 3 queue in a way to synchronize the work of the thread...

two close votes "broken code" but I'm not seeing it
if there was one, then I'd dismiss it, but it's two
can anyone spot the obvious that I'm missing?
@Pimgd Edit History.
so are those old votes?
or is there still a problem?
@Pimgd That, I don't know.
Malachi Multithreading pipeline synchronization with queues Leave Open 19 hours ago
Tunaki Multithreading pipeline synchronization with queues Leave Open 1 hour ago
Q: Web scraping with VBA

svacxpythonI have this code that fetches rates from a website called X-Rates, and outputs to excel the monthly averages of a chosen country. The code runs quite fast, but I still think there's improvements to be done! Apologies for long code, but if you help me I would be really grateful! Option Explicit...

Q: Splitting a date-range - can it be improved somehow?

OddDevI've created a method to split a date range into a collection of date-arrays. These arrays consist of two timestamps. Example: System.out.println(""); System.out.println("*****************************"); System.out.println("Split 2.1.2004 to 26.3.2004: "); for (...

mdfst13 Multithreading pipeline synchronization with queues Close 2 days ago (before the "num-j" fix)
so it got a close vote because "hey my synchronization is bork"
it got another close vote in review because either someone tried to compile it or read carefully
and then it got 2 leave open
I voted leave open because it's non-obvious and it's unclear what exactly is broken
@CaptainObvious Parsing HTML with regex... in VBA...
If you try to summon too many demons at once, your spell will just fizzle out
@Phrancis actually they have stored procs. They just differ from functions in the language they use
and they're called functions
but that's basically syntactic sugar
Q: What is the use of @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) @SuppressLint("NewApi")

Rathiga Jayakumar @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) @SuppressLint("NewApi") public class CounterClass extends CountDownTimer { public CounterClass(long millisInFuture, long countDownInterval) { super(millisInFuture, countDownInterval); } @Override ...

@CaptainObvious I'd say spam
Hello @ZangMingJie
Monking @Pimgd @Zak btw.
Monking @DanPantry :)
Coder Dilema #9 – The Upgrade
This question may be more appropriate on Code Review. — Autar 55 secs ago
@CommitStrip git revert
@DanPantry actually ... nope
more like ... make a patch of all changes and reapply that patch
git revert to undo changes
apply update
git revert <revert hash>
or branch out at the repo root, apply the update and then rebase
because i'm lazy x)
@DanPantry hmm... you'd have to have started with version control and you'd lose your versioning for the direct blame
because all changes are in one commit now
#NamingAdvice - What do I call a function that returns a 1-D array from an index of a 2-D aray?
Q: Triggering methods on other objects using a Dictionary<string, Action>

ToadfishI've been reading up on Actions and delegates for the last couple of days, and I think I'm finally starting to understand, but I wanted to check that I was using them correctly, or at least using them in a way that isn't totally insane. I'm using a text-based game (as such) as a platform for lear...

1 hour later…
@JacekCz I agree :) But hard-to-spot in code review, when you are just reading a code through. @Dem: You should use -pedantic-errors compiler option and code without errors and warnings - helps a lot! — Marinov Iván 26 secs ago
"But hard-to-spot in code review, when you are just reading a code through" I don't know, I spot = immediately. — Lightness Races in Orbit 30 secs ago
@Zak flatten?
@DanPantry Sounds a bit generic. And (to me at least), flatten could easily imply some kind of Reduce() function
@JeroenVannevel from the sounds of things it is a very specific flatMap function
@JeroenVannevel I like Extract.
@Zak you are reducing though :p
you're reducing a (object[][], number) => object[]
I also considered Slice
general work question: how on earth do you keep programming on something that is overhwleming you mentally with the level of just stuff it requires
I had a feature assigned to me that would take 6 hours to complete.. no way.. this would take at least 1 1/2 weeks of dedicated focus.
but even then, I'ms trugling to be able to implement stuff with just how much stuff there is to do
@DanPantry Break it into smaller things.
If the problem is just the size of stuff, refactor the problem until it gets to a size where you can start programming bits of it.
That's the problem, though, it is all very interconnected
At least, the specification is.
It's very hard to be able to work out where to start; even when I am just focusing on the part of the feature that requires viewing a record it's all mixed up with editing one etc..
I don't have direct experience with any of that, but my advice would be to compartmentalise part of it.
So, take a part, go through the spec, note down every interaction with other things.
And then build a (container? I guess) which will handle all those interactions
and then build your stuff inside the container
I've booked a short meeting to discuss with the owner of the spec to try and break it down a bit
There's just so much crap to do in this spec and I think the amount of work is being both underestimated by the owner and overestimated by myself
Otherwise I can feel myself slipping into procrastination mode
(Which I tend to do when I get overwhelmed)
Monka Monka Monka Monking
Greetings, Programs.
Doesn't work. When I click the browse button, it opened in the last directory I uploaded a file from (which contains a bunch of .diff files for code reviews). I think you seriously misunderstood the question (since you have included a bunch of code that looks like it will show a preview of a selected image). — Quentin 52 secs ago
@DanPantry anecdote time... I had an assignment that was scheduled to take a full week
basically "take this component, scrap it and rewrite it from scratch according to the spec given by vendor XY"
If the work is very linear, (not many interconnections) I usually already see how it needs to be designed and can basically start programming directly
If it's very interconnected and touches upon many aspects of code, I usually try to compartmentalize it into logical units that do the smallest possible "unit of work"
so... what Zak said. I think the meeting is a good idea, given you're prepared. Ask them specific questions
I have a draft spec for the API, which is too technical for the people involved
But it should at least give me some signposting
I found that it was much easier to do what I have done already by designing part of the API first, implementing that, and then creating the UI based off of what the API does
Rather than trying to implement both stacks at once, which ends up with you unnecessarily mixin UI concerns with API concerns
so your issues don't compartmentalize front- and backend?
The specification I have is basically a functional specification. From the perspective of that specification, it doesn't care about the difference between the two.
Today I've been trying to implement both which has been unnecessary complicated.. additionally, that's only one part of the specification
@Joker_vD, better do a cast that can be found in code review, than applying write-only code. — StoryTeller 18 secs ago
What I've realised while writing out the back-end specification is that actually there's a large amount of code re-use between the two..j ust the code that my colleague left before he went off on holiday after starting this feature doesn't make that very clear and is very hard to follow
The tl;dr is that basically I need to sit down and write more documentation before embarking on a feature, but I still want to clarify a few things from the functional specification.
And I would not have realised any of this (nor booked a meeting) without The Clean Coder. Such a good book
@StoryTeller I'd have a hard time explaining in code review why I casted const char* to char*. Besides, &const_string_variable[0] yields const char*. — Joker_vD 22 secs ago
Wrong site "bro"... better try at Code Review ;) — bassfader 48 secs ago
Interestingly, the docuemtnation generator I have used has generated this:
 x ∈ { new (default) , followup }
I.e, the value must be one of new or followup, but new is the default
Didn't expect it to use mathematical notation
BBIAB, checking out a car :D
@bassfader - This would still be a low quality question on code review too. I'm pretty sure it doesn't meet their standards either. — Sayse 20 secs ago
@DanPantry maybe this is a junior thing, but I literally have no issues assigned to me right now.
they're all In QA or Ready for CR :/
@Quill I am currently the only developer working on the project at the moment and I've been a feature to implement that is easily the biggest feature since launch
and I have to do that on top of every other feature and providing support and looking into bitbucket and devops and refactoring existing code and.....
you get the idea
> only developer
I shed a tear for you
i wouldn't mind it so much but the original time estimation for the feature was 6 hours.
and so the sprint was planned accordingly
there's no way this feature would take 6 hours.
6 hours of solid coding, maybe without tests
> Sprint planning by management
but that 6 hours was meant to include testing, coding, reviewing the documentation, reviewing the existing tables..
Sounds like a horror movie
My colleague was the one who said it would take 6 hours
He doesn't write unit tests, he just copy pastas until it works
Not management
Q: SQL Query over ODBC is slow with DISTINCT

WhiteHotLoveTigerIs there any way to simplify this query? It's being run against a Progress Database via an ODBC connection. The CustomerSalesperson table has a CustomerID, a SalespersonID, and a CreateDate. Each CustomerID could have many records, each with a different SalespersonID. I'd like to get a list of t...

@CaptainObvious I just answered this one, but not sure I explained it well enough....having a hard time putting it into words....
@Zak Had to read it twice before I understood what you were actually trying to do. Is so much boilerplate really required for such a simple construct in VBA?
Q: Web crawler in F#

DiyI have been writing a web crawler in F# that downloads pages with stylesheets and scripts. Can somebody give me suggestions on improving this code, please? Would appreciate any feedback that could improve it / prettify it. open System open System.Net let log fmt = Printf.kprintf (fun str ->...

Q: Logical Predicate Class

ZakFor a while now I've been playing around with various ways of passing a logical predicate E.G. >= someValue as an argument to a function. (see: If ComparisonIsTrue(thisPost, ComparisonOperator.NotEqualTo, goodCode) Then Me.Answer and a global enum for comparison operators) In the end, I've decid...

@Mast I could write it in fewer lines, but there isn't really any better way (that I've found so far) to do it.
I could just write a Compare() Function but then I have to carry around 3 variables everywhere rather than 2.
@Zak That's probably bad if you want to use it much.
Q: Pointer arithmetic or array

zadaneThe following is a full example to illustrate my question: #define MAX_LENGTH 32 #define ITEM_COUNT 3 using namespace std; void doSomething(char ** name, int items) { *name = new char[MAX_LENGTH * items]; strncpy_s(*name, MAX_LENGTH, "Oracle", 7); strncpy_s(*name + MAX_LENGTH,...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about a code review of working code. — Quentin 14 secs ago
Q: Rearrange data without using Cut and Insert

user1996971I'm fairly new to VBA, and I'm currently trying to tidy up code I've written in the past. This was a fairly brute-force solution to a problem I had a while back. I wanted to take data that appeared in two columns, and pull it together into one. The current code is: Private Sub Arra() Dim Li...

Shouldn't this be on Code Review? — Arc676 25 secs ago
I have so many Standard Array Methods, I'm tempted to build a whole new Array Class.
This question would fit better on codereview.stackexchange.comOebele 33 secs ago
In fact, yes, let's do that ^^
@DanPantry You say competing, I say complimentary ^^
Q: Dynamic Multithreading lock - C#

Only a Curious MindI need to create an structure to control dynamically locks. For example, I have 100 threads running, and each thread will "process" a "key", sometimes two threads could be processing the same "key", and if it occurs, a dynamic lock need to be created and used by both, to process one at a time. I...

time for another [down-the-rabbit-hole] javascript blog post
when I finally meet the queen, maybe I'll venture down a different rabbit hole... maybe C# or something
@Quill There's plenty of holes left to discover.
Don't worry :)
I'm considering writing a blog post on the Apple Watch.... maybe that'll be fun
I'm starring just for out of context.
might be better on CodeReview.SE — OMGtechy 23 secs ago
@OMGtechy not really. This isn't a "How can I make my code better/faster", he is asking about one specific aspect. Shouldn't be moved to Code review. — easterly irk 38 secs ago
also lowercase formatted not smallcaps
I borked my own keyboard layout, doesn't work anymore on my computer.
@Duga @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Technically it could work on both.
Making things generic is part of Code Reviews scope.
Yeah, but I think it would be better of SO.
Q: VHDL mux in need of generics

MastI've built a multiplexer which takes 2 inputs: one array of std_logic_vector and one std_logic_vector to select the correct array. It should be written more generic, but I'm not sure how. The length of SEL grows if the length of X grows (4-bit if 16 inputs, 6-bit if 64, etc.). I'm currently using...

> so that I can simply append the name of my new program to the end of "BINARIES" and not have to continue to copy and paste the repeated targets?
... that doesn't sound like CR.
@DanPantry why do you have to hardlink the image?
@k0pernikus I've post my question on codereview.stackexchange.com . Thanks for taking your time to reply to my question. About my problem, I just can't think of a better code to follow the ball with my cursor :( — Ricardo Reis 15 secs ago
You may want to scour a bit around the meta till you know for sure.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ i am lazy
it's easier to copy the url out of the omnibox than copy the image url
@RicardoReis definitely not on-topic on Code Review though. We don't fix code. — easterly irk 15 secs ago
>_> but you have enough time to right-click and select open in new tab?
Anybody else agree with me regarding ^^^?
> However I have many bugs
oh, nice white hair
Unlike seemingly every single NPC in the first few zones of Pokémon, here at CR we are not Bug Trainers, so this question would be inappropriate for migration or x-posting — Dan Pantry 6 secs ago
How is it every once in a while we end up referencing Pokemon?
@Mast idk
never played pokemon
@Mast we just love references
we gotta catch em all
goddamn it @DanPantry....
what is wrong your my lol's today
I don't want to see your exception handling @DanP
@Mast my exception handling is more akin to my team mates in ranked games in LoL:
i like to throw
I love how goddamn it @DanPantry got more stars then his pokèmon quote.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I have no shame.
@DanPantry pls no more game quotes
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Pokémon
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I have a meeting anyway. Hopefully when I come back the electra-buzz would have died down
fixed. :P
@DanPantry ihaichu
oh, quartata's avatar is a weird tilted pichu
it is too... wow
in The DMZ, May 5 at 12:58, by Thomas Pornin
@LucasKauffman In the name of Shannon, Turing and Shamir, go forth and become a crypto god. Or die trying.
There is also the pun-fest from back in september. Still my personal favourite
Sep 4 '15 at 12:05, by A Red Herring
that's not tentacool, @Zak
Sep 4 '15 at 12:07, by Mast
So instead of TS we'll now yell Staryu?
and so on :D
How can I get literal quotes in a string in bash?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Sometimes they're perfectly applicable though.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Escape them.
Apparently, the 2nd is the 8th-most popular room across all of stack exchange (right now anyway) ^^
Thank you both; I wasn't aware of codereview.stackexchange. — dwo 16 secs ago
now that is a CR question.
@Zak proof?
@Mast Why it no worky???
My current code: paste.ee/p/A79B2
the string= line is the broken one I htink.
because aliases require single quotes IIRC
Replacing the \" with ' doesn't work either.
okay, got it.
Apparently I couldn't save it to a variable before echoing to a file.
Q: Check if images are loaded (ES6 Promises)

demrksI wrote a small function that checks if a image or multiple images are loaded. For that purpose, I decided to use ES6 promises, but I'm not really sure if my way of handling errors is the best way. const loadImg = function loadImg(src) { 'use strict'; const paths = Array.isArray(src) ? ...

Q: Find out the number under 1 million which produces the largest Collatz Sequence

Aradhye AgarwalSo, I have written a code which calculates the number under n( 1 million in this case) which produces the largest Collatz Sequence in that range(). The problem is given in detail below: The following iterative sequence is defined for the set of positive integers: n → n/2 (n is even) n → 3n +...

interesting note, you can see the total amount of users who have spoken in a room in the bottom left corner of each room's onebox
lol we talk too much in TNB.
@Zak There's 6 entities here. Not much.
18 counting the sorta-here people
Those gaps are interesting though. Shows some chats are populated at different times.
Just had a meeting about integrating a feature with another system, turns out the two devs of the other system are boooked up for 6 months... we need more resource
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ interesting. that tag doesn't go to a specific tag-filtered question list, but to the newest questions tab
@DanPantry Get other devs.
@Mast Apparently our budget is blown
stuck between a rock and a hard place
I don't make hiring decisions nor am I team lead, though
apparently you're working overtime :/
Nah, the answer will simply be "just duplicate the data" and let some poor sod worry about it in 12 months (probably me still)
Overtime comes out of the budget, so...
Work guaranteed.
sure, job security is nice, but writing code that doesn't feel crap to write is better
I'd much rather work myself out of a job than write crap code
The only downside in working in internal apps is that it isn't customer facing, even if it directly increases revenue; the cognitive dissonance in the reasoning that "it's just an internal app" is crazy
First time I've been on this chat at my job
Hello @syb0rg
@syb0rg Congratulations.
Hello friends!
@DanPantry Yes, unfortunately many fall for it.
Q: Would Python, JavaScript or C++ be more sensible to use for Brute-force

user105665I am wondering which would be most efficient to use as a bruteforce program.

A baseball bat usually works the best for me
If the code works as you expect and you just want to improve, post it on codereview. — Johnny Mopp 9 secs ago
Python, JavaScript and C++ are languages, not programs. — Mast 17 secs ago
@Quill Brute enough.
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review. — Mike McCaughan 50 secs ago
@Duga Probably.
@Mat'sMug wait what
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Uh, no.
would delete if not starred
stars prevent deletion?
like bounties :p
I could prove you wrong but that would be MOD ABUSE!!!
@Mat'sMug no, but they stop my heart from breakign.
I read it like Mod Abuse Eleven and imagined Mat'sMug and Simon doing a casino heist
@Quill You could look at mine then :P
@syb0rg you'll have to do with my upvote only... my C is horrible ;-;
I totally didn't just commit broken code to master
Q: jQuery code for displaying server status from XML feed

Mike HarrisonI am using the below jQuery and HTML to read in and use an XML server status feed for a server widget. This is the code: XML Feed: status> <script id="tinyhippos-injected"/> <serverinfo> <hostname>harvey</hostname> <external> http://stats.pingdom.com/3tltrr03waho/1435422/history </external> </s...

Will move this to Code Review. Thanks — zak 28 secs ago
Isn't this a better question for Programmers or Code Review? — Uwe Keim 36 secs ago
This is actually a pretty decent question for Code review, you may want to delete this question and ask it there. — Scott Chamberlain 31 secs ago
Maybe a teeny tiny bit hard ....
@UweKeim if there's an "or" in your site-recommendations, then you don't know what the scope of the recommended sites is, and then you may want to keep it to yourself. Because recommending people to go to a different site without knowing dead sure they'll be welcomed there results in a bad experience for all involved. Thanks! — Vogel612 24 secs ago
@Quill I'll take it haha
Q: XSLT 2.0: apply class to XHTML element based on content

sampablokuperI wish to take demo.in.xhtml and add class attributes to the td elements based on those elements' contents, which will always be one of: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, or C2. The corresponding classes will be mytable-a1, mytable-a2, etc. demo.xsl performs this as desired, but is not DRY: it uses a six-line...

Q: Simple modals in vanilla JS

Tomek BuszewskiRecently I was looking for some really simple modal/popup solution in vanilla JS, but nothing popped. So I wrote mine component. It works great so far, have all the options I need, but I don't know if I can improve the code itself. JS: /* A very simple modal component You can close the modal ei...

in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 4 mins ago, by Awal Garg
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3053711 bahahahahahaha
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 4 mins ago, by Awal Garg
> High CPU use by taskhost.exe when Windows 8.1 user name contains "user"
possible answer invalidation by mrkflp on question by mrkflp: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/127833/revisions
@Duga handled by Mast
possible answer invalidation by Mast on question by Mike Harrison: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128593/revisions
Oh, yea, probably should've left a comment here as well.
@Duga Fixed a copy-paste error in the XML by OP.
It's never going to work without that character.
Q: Code Sample - promise chain / Angular

HolyMolyI am putting together a couple code samples for prospective employers and would love some feedback. I am still pretty junior so I am not sure what constitutes a good code sample and the do's and dont's. So any input for that is appreciated. The code sample shows both the original version of the c...

@Dave that's a stupid justification to require the JVM to do needless work and waste memory.... Aside from that, I find your recommendation against using ` final` actively harmful. The suggestion about not reinitializing SecureRandom is actually a security flaw and simply wrong. On the other hand the advice about not using Streams is great and your naming recommendations are nice... I'm currently rather torn, but overall your answer has more good than bad. Just the bad is really bad. Feel free to drop by in Code Review Chat and drop me a note to discuss this further. — Vogel612 21 secs ago
maybe they'll drop by. I'm off for now, so I leave this here so you guys know what it's about in case they show up.
I'll be back in something like 4-5 hours
> Reason for deletion:

Yea, that clears things up...
Today I got to spend the entire day refactoring my code and it was glorious.
Time for lunch
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