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Anyone here play with FoxPro?
yeah, I don't think it is going to be fun.... looks kind of like VB stuff though (OLD VB STUFF)
I may have to read through about 14k lines.....hopefully I find what I am looking for and it's an easy fix.
my sympathies.. good luck!
Answer on one of my questions could use some help: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/128138/27623
no syntax highlighting!!!!
@Malachi Is there formatting?
it looks like VB code for the most part.
@Malachi use Notepad++
still a boring read.....
commenting is off using VB
Welcome to StackOverflow! This is a well-formed question, but code review is off-topic here. If you post it on codereview.stackexchange.com, I'm sure they'll be able to help! — CodeMoose 51 secs ago
@Malachi in other news water is wet
looks like asterix denotes a commented line
@Malachi uh, wat?
looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks very similar to a duck
@Mat'sMug it's Fox Pro
never used it and I hate it already
Visual FoxPro is a data-centric, object-oriented, procedural, programming language produced by Microsoft. It is derived from FoxPro (originally known as FoxBASE) which was developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984. It contained the fastest PC-based database engine available at the time. Fox Technologies merged with Microsoft in 1992, after which the software acquired further features and the prefix "Visual". The database engine became known as the Microsoft Jet Database Engine which was used by Microsoft Access. The last version, (FoxPro 2.6) worked on Mac OS, DOS, Windows, and Unix: Visual FoxPro...
Q: Why is my PHP returning variables out of order?

user3472810I have spent a good deal of time creating this form, and all was well until I tried to concatenate my PHP variables. I have no experience with PHP, but I have come a long way over the last week. I am trying to concatenate my 3 $areacode variables with my 3 $phone variables. I want the area cod...

been mentioned twice on Code Review --> codereview.stackexchange.com/search?q=foxpro
note: in toy projects
that looks dreadful
> developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984
LOL, I actually have Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 installed on my machine....lol forgot about that
@Malachi well, I now know what the FoxPro says, and I wish I didn't.
That language looks awful
it looks like VB's inbred sibling
> The database engine became known as the Microsoft Jet Database Engine which was used by Microsoft Access.
well that explains many many many things
I am sure it was wonderful back in the day
@Mat'sMug So who is going to tell them that Access isn't a "real" database? *snicker*
that sounds scary
Jet DB engine needs to pack up and go home. Access is just a layer on top of it to make forms and stuff
Access is actually not that bad if you connect it to a real database
Q: array-based queue implementation using c

kidkkr/* * array-based queue implementation by using void* * written by kidkkr * May 6 '16 */ #ifndef QUEUE_H #define QUEUE_H #define QUEUE_CAPACITY 10 #include <stdio.h> typedef struct { void* data[QUEUE_CAPACITY]; int head; int tail; int size; } Queue; void initQueue(Queue* p...

Learning the value of interview challenge questions.
@rolfl Just hired a guy who knows zero languages?
fizzbuzz - watching the thought-processes materialize as they work.
(though, it's not fizzbuzz, it's create a mirror-image of a binary tree).
Sounds a lot more interesting than fizzbuzz.
Q: Extended exception (Python)

LetMeSOThat4UI need a custom exception for network errors that holds a related exception and more than one URL (the first one as the used service has its URL but it indirectly calls other URLs), so I wrote this: class ExtendedNetworkError(Exception): def __init__(self, reason, *args, **kwargs): ...

@rolfl ooh, so you're hiring JD? :D
No, please not.
@rolfl I don't think I have ever done that....I would have to look up a binary tree tbh so I knew exactly what I was looking at.....
some stuff I look up and say "I have done that before"
I got a bad grade on my Unix Fundamentals final because I wrote the script in BASH and not Bourne Shell
I'm feeling stupid as well. If return is implicit in Ruby, why is my code doing something else when not mentioning it...
That word is not very respectful guys
I feel stupid....
but that isn't respectful to stupid people....
how do I feel?
I hear what you are saying @Phrancis.
that is not respectful to dumb people
1 message moved to Trash
No offense meant, I don't like being PC that much, but don't want flags
I tried to edit it, but it was too late
FWIW I'm stupid ignorant as well
I feel the opposite of intelligent
I think "ignorant" describes all of us at one point or another :)
Monkeys are smart.
@rolfl What are you looking for though in such an interview? Binary trees don't really have anything to do with quality of code (patterns, etc.). I think I'd struggle with coding that while I think I can code reasonably well
Don't insult monkeys.
Thinking another minute about it it should be really easy with recursion though
@skiwi I'd wager, what the thought process is, when confronted to a new problem, or one you're not familiar with
@skiwi It's not technically me asking the questions. But, in general, I am anti asking programming challenges in interviews. I'm not particularly interested in the conrrectness of the solution, but in the thought process.
the funny thing is, I don't remember seeing the requirement what shell it had to be in. it probably said "sh"
My thought process consists of bright ideas that occur at random times
@rolfl you'd make a good math teacher methinks
"Show your working"?
@rolfl Is there supposed to be a thought process behind that particular example? Because I don't really see it, you read the question, you start thinking about it and then suddenly you have an answer and start coding it
not that I think you're in the wrong branch in any way though :D
I done fell out of the tree, I ain't in any branch.
@Malachi pushing directly to /trunk are ya
If you realize you are working in the wrong branch when working with binary trees you are at least halfway there already
lol ^^^
@Mat'sMug are we talking about git or binary trees?
SVN actually. but nevermind ;-)
oh I know Binary trees for some value of "know"
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Heng Sopheak: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128158/revisions
I was just taking a break from reading code, I better get back on that....
sorry, just saw that in a slack channel, had to share.
Yesterday I learned from PPCG folks that you can simply delete an element from the page you are viewing in Firefox
Very handy for images like that ;)
@Phrancis Hey, I knew that.
possible answer invalidation by Paolo Go on question by Paolo Go: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/128142/revisions
@Duga rolled back
I'm a bit uncomfortable with this question:
Q: Loan disbursement and repayment calculation

Heng SopheakAt my new job, with new young developers, we are seriously discussing improving code structure and performance. (They keep more than 80 lines of code in a method). However I've read more tutorials, and based on my experience, I think I should use some method to wrap that code by its conditional a...

It reads a bit like "my coworkers' code is crap, right?"
Q: Effective ways to find partial sha1 collision

TommyI need to find 2 different string and compare their hash value. Both string must contain "abc". I looking for the first eight character that are the same and stop. I have been running for more than 24 hours and still not found. My code has no problem running but i am wondering is there any more e...

@200_success the original code doesn't even need to be in the post.. removing it would only require minor rewording of the first sentence of the accepted answer
@CaptainObvious wtf is a "partial" hash collision?
okay then I guess
Second opinions? Just reviewed this and flagged as NAA. Left a comment.
sounds correct
NAA-ing I mean
Thanks for the extra set of eyes :-)
Q: Pomodoro clock in js

GeorgeGkasI created a JavaScript library on Pomodoro time management method. I don't know if it's good so I though that you can help me with reviews. var PomodoroClock = (function() { 'use strict'; 'esversion: 6'; // Where to output the clock values var hOutput = null; var mOutput =...

Q: Small C++ thread pool. Am i managing memory correctly?

vinnylinuxI've made a small thread pool that i'll be using to communicate with a Redis server: #include stuff redox::Redox rdx; void my_cool_function() { // do stuff with rdx } int main() { rdx.connect("localhost"); int max_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); std::vector<std:...

Dataset of the challenge was roughly ten-thousand characters. To include or just stick to the smaller example data set...
making mistakes is human automating them is ops
[furiously lights scented candle]
Coder Superpower
@CommitStrip wtf
@CommitStrip lol
@CommitStrip the real superpower is getting two, presumably educated people to follow you and your dowsing rod around and do all the digging for you
Welcome to enterprise development, where the requirements are made up and the documentation doesn't matter
If you have working code which merely needs improvements then you're probably in the wrong place with this post. Code Review is where they handle existing / working code and do their upmost to improve it in terms of speed, security, sustainability, and longevity. Give it a try. They're good! — Ralph 42 secs ago
@DanPantry the shed should be blue :)
With polka dots.
lol documentation
@Mast Not yet, I need help with D3 before I can get them done.
@DanPantry I kid you not, at my last job I asked for a reason behind one of the "requirements," and the response I got was "it seems like a good idea."
@Duga be ready
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comD Stanley 54 secs ago
@MattBurland this would not be on-topic on Code Review, as their code is not working as intended and they are asking how to write the code they want. — Phrancis 1 min ago
please ask this question here : codereview.stackexchange.comRakitić 51 secs ago
Anyone interested in overly long switches‌​?
@Phrancis: It's not clear that the code isn't working. Their teacher told them to get rid of all the timers, which is the part they can't figure out. In other words, they need to optimize the code. Of course, it's bad for code review because they have given us no idea what it's supposed to do in the first place. — Matt Burland 38 secs ago
Please read What topics can I ask about before recommending Code Review. — Phrancis 23 secs ago
You should consider posting your script to the code review stackexchange so they can suggest a better approach all together. This is not a situation a well written program will find itself in. — that other guy 50 secs ago
Good grief, those people on SO sometimes.
I've never seen so many 'go to CR's in my life
@Duga Please don't be incoming, it's a low quality question.
@JoeWallis 'go to jail'
@JoeWallis yeah I know, right
I think you'll have a hard time getting people to click on a link that says Download Virus Totaljuharr 2 mins ago
@Malachi Yea, almost flagged it as spam.
@Mast That is a really big switch, you weren't joking
This, is a question that should be on stack code review. First off if your trying to count characters, you can use linq or regex which would be way less code, but if you don't like your ternary use an if. — johnny 5 12 secs ago
It always makes me nervous when I make a change to a fundamental part of the system.
Q: The Genetic Code

MastThis question is part of a series solving the Rosalind challenges. For the previous question in this series, see Wascally wabbits. The repository with all my up-to-date solutions so far can be found here. Problem: PROT The 20 commonly occurring amino acids are abbreviated by using 20 lette...

Woohoo, looking at the docs for a UI/UX redesign that team published... example class name frmDateTypePickerUIUX
And all controls methods have ctl prefix
so you suggested renaming the form to DateTypePickerView?
I like how they seem to imply UX has anything whatsoever to do with code
No here's the thing... UIUX means that that is part of the new design
> ● EnableUIUXStyling = True
● UseUIUXStyleset = Default
In other words, the new design is called UIUX
@Phrancis fromDateTimePIckerUIUX: because fromDateTimePicker doesn't get across to the coder that it is a date time picker.
@Phrancis I guess it's better than a _new postfix
Q: Advent of Code Day 7: Some Assembly Required with Powershell

Collin StumpI'm trying to learn some powershell using the Advent of Code Challenges. I am currently stuck and I am hoping you can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong. This puzzle has proven to be quite the challenge. It involves Bitwise operators with input as strings. Here is the puzzle prompt http://a...

I know. I'm not a real web-develop and had based of examples I had seen online. The website was only supposed to be used internally by a few engineers but has migrated to a production environment without proper code review. My main point in posting this question was not so much to ask for help but to warn others and help out because I'm sure I'm not the only one to have linked against that code. — user1978816 54 secs ago
should this have been migrated to DBA? ▼▼▼
Q: Normalization: is it done well?

user33352I am creating game review database. I am new at this, but I am trying my best. Little bit about database: The system is simple, the user will fill out a form, where they will insert their name, email and choose feedback between whether the game is good or bad and leave a comment/suggestion. thi...

@Phrancis Nope, and relatively similar to what I was doing earlier in C++.
Q: Nodejs application to send records to Kinesis in bulk or delay for 200ms

toy'use strict'; const config = require('../config'); const logger = require('../logger'); const streamName = config.kinesis.streamName; let records = []; module.exports = (kinesis) => { let sendRecords = (listOfRecords, callback) => { let payloadRecords = { Records: listOfRecords, ...

@CaptainObvious Broken.
i will cool it on editing my answers now...lol
It seems like this question should be migrated to codereview — Chris Dunaway 5 secs ago
@Duga Always code like it will end-up in production.
me and @EthanBierlein have almost filled up the first page of 50 active questions...lol
@Malachi That's going to cost me views on mine lol :P
lol maybe
@Malachi maybe, but probably UWYA or too broad there... why are you asking about this 2013 post?
@Phrancis I answered it, and it was closed, but @SimonForsberg thought it might be a good fit for DBA. just curious
It's more of a business architecture question, not something a DBA is normally that involved with
he is talking about normalization and maintenance, why would a DBA not be involved in the architecture of the database?
Key word is business architecture
the DBA is the one managing the permissions on the table. the table definition is up to the devs. at least, I'd think.
okay, I can roll with that
A lot of places have database architecture people also
DB dev and DBA are two different things
Kind of the more high-level stuff like that
@Malachi usually yes
pffft. I'm the DB dev, the DBA, and the architect, team lead (yay one-man team!) and head dev all at once
Q: "Multiplying" 2 lists of Strings together in Java 8

gla3drThe following method is part of a class that imports zip archives, and part of that class's job is to verify that a given zip archive contains "complete filesets". A "complete fileset" is one such that, for a given file name prefix, there exists a file in the zip archive with that prefix and each...

this makes me feel better about Fox Pro
@Malachi lol, I was editing some of my old question titles that were... not so great
When editing (especially older posts) it's best to do it in small increments to avoid flooding the activity page with old posts
As an aside, once you have something working, you might wish to post a section or your complete code to codereview, to get feedback on coding style, practice and design as there are numerous things in your code which could be improved or follow more standard java programming conventions. — jewelsea 10 secs ago
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Generating all permutations of a template pack
ROFL, I got two answers posted in the same minute telling me (partly) the same thing here
Writing slightly-technical documentation with Word is such a pain.
@GrapschKnutsch non constructive comments have been removed before. Re-posting them isn't.... constructive. — Mat's Mug ♦ 11 secs ago
@Phrancis Go LaTeX
Yeah, we don't have that here...
(also, I don't know LaTeX)
Q: Asp.Net Identity, controller authorisations using Claims or Roles

mctunaI am using Asp.Net Identity as membership system and want to give permissions or restricting users for accessing controllers and actions. For example, a user or role will have write, read, export permissions to the Sales controller. I am planning to create a "Modules" table to store all controll...

@Mat'sMug Posting 3 answers isn't constructive either.
for some values of "answers"
Great answer by a newer user: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/128209/27623
@Phrancis Not too hard to pick up
@syb0rg I might try it sometime, I don't write documentation that often but typesetting might be interesting to play with
Q: Auto-resizing array, that accepts negative indexes

Yk CheeseI've been coding a helper container template to contain tiles in 2D games. What I figured out I would like when writing code for my games is forgetting all resize stuff, allowing negative indexes (for proceduraly generated worlds, that I hope to achieve in the future) and returning a default valu...

@Mat-s Mug -- I've had earlier run ins with "moderators". I have no need for "moderators" -- I would rather put up with a little bit community flagged spam than with "moderators"... — GrapschKnutsch 3 mins ago
He doesn't get that his comments ARE flagged by the community.
Also, I flagged it, but the content of the comment was different at the time I flagged it.
I'm not going to respond though.
@Mast he also doesn't get that the "moderators" were elected by the community, and that he'd much rather deal with a "moderator" than community spam flags. and oh, does it surprise me that this user had "earlier run ins with 'moderators'"...
It's over 9000!
If that answer goes poof, I get one point of reputation back and it will be exactly 9001.
But yea, 9000 is a good number.
I should get my badge somewhere today, for 30 questions.
Blame caching
Q: Clojure code to spiral a matrix of size nxn filled with integers from 1 up to and including n^2

Erwin RooijakkersI have written a solution in Clojure for the following question: When starting from the number 1 and adding three numbers on each row a 3x3 matrix is formed as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Starting from the upper right and spiraling inwards in a clockwise direction the follo...

@CaptainObvious looks interesting, and they even documented their code :)
Do migrated questions not show as migrated in the, Top Questions, feed? Like edits do "modified 1 min ago {name} {rep}"
Q: Context manager for SuspendLayout

RoadieRichI've found a few places where control updates take longer than the redraw cycle. I started off surrounding them with Suspend and ResumeLayout: container.SuspendLayout(); updateControls(); container.ResumeLayout(true); After doing that a few times, I realized it could be refactored into a c...

@JoeWallis I don't think so, no
AFAIK they only show on the post itself, e.g. "Migrated from Stack Overflow"
Thanks, I saw one today and was confused, I won't post a meta question then.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this probably belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comRiggsFolly 1 min ago
This would not be very well received on Code Review unless and until the OP looks at this: How do I ask a good question? Also, chances are that we would recommend ways to make your code better, not necessarily shorter. — Phrancis 58 secs ago
Q: Reading from text files in C/C++

Skyp89I'm writing a program that has to check which are the two largest three digit numbers that are missing from a text file. I'm writing this in C++ and I'm trying to solve the mystery in a while loop. How can I "move" the search back to the beggining of the text file? More explicit: if the checking ...

Q: Refactoring Slow Nested ForEach Loops

jward01I am working on refactoring this method on the API. Its very slow, and can take the browser 12+ seconds to recieve the result from the API. Basically the method gets all products with a particular licenseId. I am not sure how to begin to refactor it, can someone give me something to get me sta...

Q: Large MySQL Query takes about 15 seconds to execute

goatmealI am creating a sort of Sales Report for an Invoicing System. I have an extremely complex MySQL Query that takes a very long time to execute (usually about 10 - 15 seconds). It involves multiple tables (containing hundreds or even thousands of rows) in a database that an even more complex system...

@CaptainObvious Ugh, pick one.
SWEET I updated Java and didn't get prompted to make Ask! my home page
@CaptainObvious I hate all the backticks
Q: assign number to possible values and define a row, column, and 3x3 square

W. bad at codingSo I am creating a Sudoku solver for a project, and I am having trouble assigning values to a row, column, and 3x3 square. Using those to assign possible values to each 0 in the 9x9 sudoku grid. here is my code so far v = input("") def print_grid(v): for i, c in enumerate(v): print(c...

Makes every identifier look like a string :|
@Phrancis Progress!
@Phrancis You need a better filter for your Sublime.
One that actually understands your dialect of SQL.
Yeah I guess, that's just the basic SQL one.I'm tempted to just find-replace all the backticks (code will work just the same)
That's like enclosing all identifiers in T-SQL in square brackets SELECT [Emp].[Name] FROM [Employees] AS [Emp] ORDER BY [Emp].[Id]
You could take a shot at the filter yourself, can't be too hard on Sublime.
MUCH better
That bright pink and yellow scheme was irritating, also :)
Much better indeed :-)
That code is pretty horrible
FROM documents AS d
    LEFT JOIN inventory AS i
        ON (CASE
            WHEN d.document_type = 'Invoice'
                THEN i.skunumber = d.skunumber
            WHEN d.document_type = 'Purchase Order'
                THEN i.originalskunumber = d.skunumber
Joining tables on a conditional is usually a sign that the architecture is crap
Q: Excel Data Manipulation - parse, match and create

Dex' terI've got a simple Excel Data Manipulation Script to match one of my daily tasks, written in python 3. Intro Let's assume that I have 3 excel files: main.xlsx, 1.xlsx and 2.xlsx. In all of them I have a column named serial numbers. I have to: lookup for all serial numbers in 1.xlsx and 2.xlsx...

@Phrancis What's the appropriate fix?
In this case, normalizing Invoices and Purchase Orders into their own tables would be a start, if you look at the d.sku_number column, it can represent either an invoice ID as i.sku_number or a PO ID as i.originalskunumber
And only dogs know how many other kinds of documents are stored this way
Knew it
WHERE d.document_type <> 'Quote'
So we have invoices, POs and quotes, all shoehorned in one place :D
Probably a common (anti-)pattern
	        WHEN d.document_type = 'Invoice'
	            THEN d.document_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT document_id FROM payments WHERE active_payment = '1' AND payment_amount > 0)
	        WHEN d.document_type = 'Purchase Order'
	            THEN 1
This^ is much more horrible than it looks
Bottom line is, the whole query is centered around this horrible architecture, and as such what they are doing is also unnatural
Woot, did I just post a C++ review?
@Phrancis Yea, which tends to happen if people start building first and never re-structure based on newly acquired knowledge along the way.
They got it working and forgot to make it pretty.
Which, happens. A lot.
Money and all.
If only it was only about pretty... lol
I hope this doesn't sound too harsh...
A: Large MySQL Query takes about 15 seconds to execute

PhrancisThere are some formatting and code clarity points I will mention a bit further down, but for now there are some places I think the performance could be improved, at a glance. You should definitively consider posting your EXPLAIN and table definitions, as was suggested in a comment, for this and f...

I have a query that takes 40 seconds to run
@Quill with only 3 tables?
1 table actually
Can I buy a vowel an index?
Although, I've seen it, but only in very, very special cases
27 rows, 26 UNION statements... you do the math :p
It's a special "generate a report" query... so I don't mind
Fair enough :)
in Cardshifter TCG, 6 mins ago, by Duga
Mat's Mug vs. Simon Forsberg: 6549 diff. Year: +3264. Quarter: +1580. Month: +169. Week: +133. Day: +39.
@Phrancis Do you want me to link the relevant meta on harsh answers or can I just tell you you're ok?
@Mast Just tell me if I'm OK or not
I skimmed the answer, looks good.
I wanted it to sound firm, but just not rude
As you said, the truth hurts.
If you don't want to hear the truth, don't put your code up for review.
Thing is, some reviewers think it's necessary to insult. It isn't necessary and it's unwanted.
But this is just honest critique.
No insults.
So, good answer :-)
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