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> if( no error ) { send confirmation email; }
Close -> Off-topic because... -> broken code
@Quill Ok, will try to remember :)
Do you have a problem/question? If you're asking for code review you might want to look at codereview.stackexchange.comQwerky 52 secs ago
@MathiasEttinger don't worry too much about it, the mods here are pretty cool about it
there's a whole conversation about it too, cause the definition of spam technically includes those kinda posts
I'm not reporting spam posts anymore until they solve their whole issue :/
what issue
You should be reporting as one specific reason (even forgot which one) if your goal is that the user gets annihilated, and apparently it's not the spam flag that does that job
The SE staff want to reserve the spam flag for product advertisements, because it helps with their ML instance
A: What are the spam and offensive flags, and how do they work?

KipWhat makes something spam and when should I flag it? A post should be marked as spam ONLY when it contains an unsolicited advertisement. It should NOT be marked as spam when: The answer contains no useful information, such as an answer that says "I don't care about your problem". Flag an answ...

This bs ^^
@Quill I don't agree with that, they should fix their ML instance and let the user choose the intuitive option
> It contains only gibberish, such as "fsdguejgkfdlk". Use the 'offensive' flag for these cases, or flag 'for moderator attention' with a custom explanation if it requires more detail.
That is spam, not offensive..
If spam can be both product advertisements and gibberish, then it can't really learn how to tell product advertisements better
@skiwi pretty much this
the gibberish posts are very easy to identify, but product ads are harder to identify
You can either use humans to create algorithms to replace humans or you can just use the humans you intend on replacing
Q: find longest sequence of zeroes in a binary representation of an integer

Tolani Jaiye-TikoloI am aware this problem has been asked before but in java e.g Printing longest sequence of zeroes. This is a similar problem but in C#. A brief explanation of the problem is to find the longest sequence of zeroes in a binary representation of an Integer. For instance, the Integer 529 in binary g...

@Donald.McLean I'm planning on being watched twice today.
hi, this is my first CODE REVIEW post. just checking if it's alright. i'm just looking for a general review, advice, etc. http://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/128081/81072
echo $mppkg.pkg
echo $mpchk.chk.txt
curl $uridist/$mppkg.pkg -O
curl $uridist/$mpchk.chk.txt -O
sha256=$(shasum -a 256 ./$mppkg.pkg)
if grep $sha256 $mpchk.chk.txt;
what's your code doing in chat
i dont know why it did that
Q: MacPorts - Quick Install Script

tjt263I wrote this script to automatically install the relevant version of MacPorts. It's supposed to be used in a fashion similar to the official installer for HomeBrew. FYI: The real reason that I decided to write this script is; I'm not all that confident in every aspect of my bash scripting abili...

Q: jQuery placeholder plugin checking

BestintheI have been experimenting with jQuery and HTML placeholder plugin for practice work. I've used this jQuery plugin. I've checked it in IE8 in, it seems it works. Could you please check and write is this implementation and integration is correct? /*! * jQuery Placeholder Plugin v2.3.1 * h...

must have accidentally copied a section of code with the link, i'm not sure how.
i didnt ask a specific question so just checkin if its ok
@Ivan in your case, you'd be better served by code reviews — Teryk - SonarSource Team 7 secs ago
seems okay
am i even in the right room to ask that question lol
this is confusing
yes, what other room are you thinking about?
> General discussion about codereview.stackexchange.com - Welcome to The 2nd Monitor!
oh thats good then, i'm not sure at first i was going to ask in a meta chatroom
how come we can't post code with unsolved bugs? seems that's the kind of thing this place was made for
i.e. to help people with their problematic code
and so on
You've got StackOverflow for that
if I spot that you're doing something redundant
and I pull on that thread
and it turns out that after removing that, other bits of code can get removed
then I'd be along the way towards a great improvement
and if I then post an answer like that "Hey, you could remove all of this, this and that for 100x speedup"
and get back "yes, but it was a bug/not-yet-implemented feature"
then nobody learned anything
huge waste of time
@tjt263 I'm pretty sure we are actually interested to your thoughts behind that one, why did it seem that this place was made for that?
Q: How to optimize code when using content from a seperate scripts Array

WONDERGGI've created following code which works just fine: GraphBar1.GetComponent<RectTransform> ().sizeDelta = new Vector2 (50, oScript.reactionTimeArray [0] * 1000); GraphBar2.GetComponent<RectTransform> ().sizeDelta = new Vector2 (50, oScript.reactionTimeArray [1] * 1000); GraphBar3.GetComponent<Rect...

We're struggling with quite a lot of new users thinking that this is the place for unresolved bugs
oh ok then, so what's the actual real main goal of CodeReview then?
just the title actually
To review your working code
... no skiwi
to review your code
"can you look at this for me"
"... because I have this bug..."
I think that's the sentiment here
Code Review is used as a title because this is where we do code reviews, like you'd see in the workplace
pointing out deviations from company standards ("best practices"), bugs in corner cases, bad approaches and potential improvements
@vascowhite: please keep your comments constructive. Note that Mast is very active user on Code Review, this is not just their personal opinion. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 58 secs ago
@Duga ooh, the SO users are starting to fight back?
personal recommendation from Martijn Pieters... nice
@Mast You ought to print it out and hang it on your wall
@skiwi yeah, i guess most people want their code reviewed if its not working properly and they want to learn why, and how to fix it, or how to write better code. thats the general vibe i got. also people here tend to share entire scripts. which StackExchange doesnt tend to have.
> to learn why
that's a new one
do you think so
mostly people want to get their buggy code fixed
and then move on?
But yes, this is a place to learn
oh really? that seems a bit rude of them haha
Q: Convert a dictionary of iterables into an iterator of dictionaries

Mathias EttingerI have a user-editable dictionary of content used to fill in a string.Template and I wanted to allow the user to fill the same template with several values at once. Using only values, itertools.product would be enough for my needs but I needed dictionaries to fill in a template. I also wanted us...

Q: Sort array of hashes with nil values last

sschmeckI wrote method which sorts an array of hashes by given hash keys. The method should put nil values at the end. def sort(records, *attrs) records.sort do |a,b| result = 0 attrs.each do |attr| unless a[attr] == b[attr] result = if a[attr].nil? 1 ...

It's all in how you ask that determines if it is rude
to learn why or to understabd is like 90% of my core motivation lmao
bad analogy alert
some people will take their car to a mechanic and just want to get it fixed
they are not interested in hearing that it was the left-front round thingie in the engine (or something)
@MathiasEttinger NAA/VLQ, pick one.
those people aren't "rude", they're just different
yeah no doubt, i agree, there;s a major difference though
also, about your question
I was thinking you could run the mpvers part
mpvers=$(curl -s $urisvn | grep -m 1 -e \'*.*.*\' | cut -d \' -f 2)
asynchronously, maybe?
I didn't put it in my answer because I'm not sure
and because it's a tiny file so it ought to be pretty fast
but you could be waiting for the download whilst you determine OS
it's very quick but i;m interested to know more
Q: Execute curl requests in parallel in bash

JustinWhat is the best way to execute 5 curl requests in parallel from a bash script? I can't run them in serial for performance reasons.

also; did you mean the download is a tiny file; or my script?
the first download is a tiny file, right?
Q: Python 3 NetScanner Deamon

Chris GleasonI’m pretty new to programming and python in particular. This is a simple ICMP/TCP scanner that dumps output to a terminal and/or csv file. My goal was to make a daemon that could do simple scanning without requiring any special imports. It is my first attempt at writing something that would be us...

yep its quite small, just wasn't sure what you were referring to
@Quill Awesome :-)
I added it to my answer
you could get a minor-speed up out of it
cool i gave your comments/answer a quick +1
more importantly to me, it will likely be very helpful in the future
^ the whole point of this site
at least partially
so when you say asynchronous, you mean sort of like parallel, right?
Ah yes
rather than in series
the downloads run parallel to each other, that is, at the same time
but they run asynchronously to the script, that is, the script doesn't wait for the downloads
even although it's "start download 1, start download 2, wait for downloads"
yep cool, i started with copper wire and solder, then moved to computers you see ;p
and now you're soldering computers?
writing scripts/programs i meant
I started with computers, learned to solder, combined the two in my study and now I'm an embedded engineer.
Never soldered a computer though...
so sometimes i will use terminology from another field and peeps r like wtfff
Unless soldering PCBs with microcontrollers on them count.
sounds sneaky
What about that sounds sneaky?
the microcontrollers
always ... micro controlling
Microcontrollers control macro things.
lmao exactly. hidden microcontrollers inside our devices!
wait, what, that's the sneaky part?
I still have computers which don't have a casing. Nothing sneaky about that :P
Or other bare electronics.
the only time i ever did that was to build a keylogger back in the day. so my imagination is probably biased
Q: passing JTextarea text to XML file using DOM parser

user105173I am new to Java. I am developing a GUI using swingForms on Netbeans IDE. In my code I have 3 Buttons. Add- which opens a Dialog to select only arxml files and return the path of file to JTextarea. Delete- where I can select the added file paths to delete.( here am able to select the entire p...

Q: Generating HTML code dynamically with jQuery

SarahI am doing a college project and I would like to write my jQuery code following best practices. The project involves using the jQuery .getJSON method to retrieve information from a json file. I have left out parts of the code so that it is more readable (however this is indicated in the comments...

@CaptainObvious Broken, take it down.
I'm not perfectly sure this fits the stackoverflow meta, perhaps it is more appropriate at codereview? Besides, can you please share the html or at least the criteria followed that generates such a code? many pieces of code are repeated, but there are no clear patterns of the display div classes. — briosheje 33 secs ago
@Mast <strike>Done</strike> Down
Q: Find the Age Ranges

HendrinaWrite a program that accept user input from the keyboard, the program should take a number and then test it for the following age ranges: 0-10 11-20 21-30 30 and over Display the message in the output window in the following format e.g. user age + ("is between 21-30")

Hm, I have a dilemma
boss wants me to rush out a big feature. I want to make sure ti is done correctly by having correct normalised db structure and such
and also, question... how would one deal with enumerated data in a DB?
define "enumerated data"?
Best example I can give atm is "types" of something.
so let's say I have this model
You have this model.
class Application
  public AppointmentType AppointmentType { get; }

enum AppointmentType
in this scenario would you keep a separate table for AppointmentType or rely on magic numbers if you ever try to analyse the data
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it’s about working code and not broken code, thus it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.com. — Xufox 53 secs ago
what's the problem with an AppointmentType table?
The way I'm seeing it is that if you view the server and database as a coheisve unit (aka, microservice) and the db is opaque, you would not store the types in the DB (and thus you wouldn't have an AppointmentTypes table)
There's no problem with it, but then if you want to add an appointment type you have to modify two locations - the db AND the service
big deal. the tradeoff is that you can reorder your enum members without completely breaking everything
it's a big deal when you try and do continuous deployment
we have two web services on a live environment that point at the same DB (well, DB cluster)
There could be a scenario where one of those applications would error when trying to display "newer" appointments because a type was defined in the DB, but not in the c#
that said, that would happen regardless of approach, I guess..
any int can parse to any enum afaik
basically, I have a model with 5-6 values on. each of these values are mapped to enums in C#
There's nothing "interesting" about each of those enums, as far as the DB is concerned (if they were their own tables they would just be an ID and MAYBE a description of each one)
just wondering how best to approach structuring that kind of db model
Q: Java program to find the kth smallest element in a BST

Rahul Singh//Program to find the kth smallest element in the BST public class KthSmallestElement { static Node root; //method to insert a key Node insertRec(Node root, int key) { //if the tree is empty if(root == null) { root = new Node(key); return root; } //otherwise recu...

Q: Size of all files in particular directory using Perl

Gopi R KoI have four files in a directory and i need all the four files sizes seperately.

normalisation is hard =.=
currently all of these enums are stored in one giant look up table which doesn't sit well with me, especially as someo f those enums should really be discrete resources in their own right
@CaptainObvious I have five options in a dialog and none seem to apply
I got 99 close reasons but this question ain't one
Maybe I should go ask on DBA or something :P or rtfm
lol.. how does EF6 deal with enums?
by default it will serialise them to/from an int I believe
you can do that, if the enum members are never going to be allowed to ever change values
I would consider the values to be immutable once written
You would only ever add extra values
Never remove
// change any of these values, and live with the consequences
What would your alternative be?
My main goal is to make it simple to add new values because the business will ask for new values to be added..
as for removing them, we could apply an attribute to the enum ([Obsolete]) that would then have those values filtered out when they are returned by a web service or similar.
fwiw, the current way of doing things like this is to store 2-3 character codes as a legacy holdover. I'd like to avoid doing that lol
you're over-thinking this. make a separate table, and get rid of the enum. it's something the business will want to change on a whim, sort and filter in ways you can't imagine at the moment, etc. - it's an entity of its own. an enum paints you in a corner
that's what I was thinking - but then you end up having to specify a resource for apponitment types, and the user would have t odo something similar to GET /appointment-types to determine what they may specify when POST /appointment
gahhhhh @_@
rock-solid systems do it that way
and users won't be getting appointment types, your front-end will fetch the values and put them in a nice dropdown for the users to pick from
@Mat'sMug this is a web service
so "users" could be the front end but it could also be some other system
i may have missed the joke but i am hungry and stressed shhhHHhhhHhhh
its okay i have a mars bar now all will be okay
look at SEDE, for example. PostTypes is one such support table.
I thnk I'm just having conceptuallising it simply due to the vast amount of cognitive load, atm
appointment types is not just the only thing.. this entity also has 0..1 relationship with some far off system and 0..* relationship with another system and other supporting tables and....
you get the idea
And that is, btw, without factoring how any of this information is translated and displayed to an endu ser
imo the fact that other systems need it sounds like it's definitely a good idea to have it live in one single place - the database all these systems are playing with
other systems will access it through a web service; they will not access teh db directly
so it could be stored either way
Sub ProPlanner() - the fact that the method doesn't start with a verb that tells us exactly what it does, is an indication that it's doing too many things. Split things up, extract responsibilities into separate functions and procedures, each responsible for handling their own set of possible errors. I'd suggest you put your code up on Code Review once it works as intended, if you would like peer review / feedback on all aspects of the code, and tips for making it cleaner, more fail-safe and generally easier to maintain. — Mat's Mug 27 secs ago
I want to start answering questions, but there is no really messed up code I can fix.... :(
@DanPantry hmm that's where "web" came from alright
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ lol you haven't looked very hard have you?
I looked at the most recent 10 or so python questions?
@Mat'sMug hm?
> "spiderweb" and "spaghetti" start with the same letter and have the same number of syllables
select distinct top 10
    convert(varchar(20), dateadd(minute, datediff(minute, 0, vcoh_updated), 0), 108) as lastRuns
where vcoh_detail like '%Called'
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Don't look at the most recent ones, take a zombie.
do we have a zombie finding tool?
Monkey probably has one, the other SQL guys may have one as well.
That's not a tool, that's the 'unanswered' questions tab. You could've found that yourself :P
yeah, but it works. :P
> [python] is:question hasaccepted:no created:..2016-03-30 score:0
A score of 0 isn't required for a question to be a zombie.
'tis for a tumbleweeder zombie though :)
Doesn't that require 30 days as well?
just a week
So you just posted a super-zombie finder.
The real ugly ones.
asked a question with low views, no votes, no comments, no answer for a week
We don't have many of those.
Q: Write a program that, given an age in seconds, calculates how old someone is in terms of a given planet's solar years

CodeYogiProblem: Write a program that, given an age in seconds, calculates how old someone is in terms of a given planet's solar years. Earth: orbital period 365.25 Earth days, or 31557600 seconds Mercury: orbital period 0.2408467 Earth years Venus: orbital period 0.61519726 Earth years...

maybe this is better for codereview.stackexchange.com, these kind of questions. — baboizk 48 secs ago
Hey @Mat'sMug I just found an awesome little function in this DB
For rouding datetimes
select dbo.udf_RoundDatetimeToIncrement(vcoh_updated, '00:15', 1)
oh nice
That rounds to 15 min increments, with the 1 argument signifying round UP if 1/2 or more, 0 would round down
@Mat'sMug I put something in SQL Helpline if you are interested
cool! [](http://@Phrancis)
they killed stealth pinging... :P
hey that stealth-ping PPCG thing is a scam!
they killed it?
it used to be intact, there even used to be a chatroom called "stealth pingers unite"
then The Powers That Be on Meta.SE ruined it.
in The Nineteenth Byte, Dec 10 '15 at 21:25, by Dennis
@FlagAsSpam If you mean stealth pings, those do not exist anymore.
in The Nineteenth Byte, Dec 10 '15 at 21:26, by RikerW
@Dennis then why is there still a chatroom called StealthPingers Unite!
in The Nineteenth Byte, Dec 10 '15 at 21:27, by Dennis
brb deleting chat room
of course if a chat bug allowed such a thing, it had to be PPCG figuring it out :)
holy crap i am soaked
<3 the british summer
it better stops raining by tomorrow
belgium is sunny 23° weather right now
@Mat'sMug after some consideration I've worked out there will be absolutely no way that i could not use an enum.
I will not downgrade that
The main reason being that if other systems want to use the app they would either have to create their own enum or use magic values (if id == 5..)
as for translations, there's no way by having the translations on the client would there be a way to deploy a new "type" without having to update the client to translate it
there's no such thing as a free lunch ._.
other apis (i haven't looked at the SO one) tend to also use enums - Stripe, Riot, for example
for example, stripe uses well-defined string enums - so i'll just to go with the fact that adding a new value needs to be handled in a backwards compatible manner. f.e the client if it sees a value it doesn't recognise should ignore that value
also i'm rambling on so much i actually don't know wtf i am saying. im going to bed LOL
oh, nice teal hair
> I'm not asking on how to pick out the Time only but my question is how can i go about in accessing the getEmpResults variable results and do what i need to do which is pick out the time only .
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ fmy hair? it's white now. but thank you :)
is it naturally white?
I guess brown?
> For one of my international clients in the software industry, I’m looking for a freelance COBOL DEVELOPER.
> In addition, of developing codes (..)
Developing all the COBOL codes
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ was blonde years ago, i dyed it black, now it won't go anything other than dark brown. i bleached the entire fringe (the bit that is blue) into white last night
I'm not actually going to sleep, though, fyi, it's 4pm, that would be a bad idea
> freelance
i do not want to be the person paying for that programmer
@DanPantry lol
you can't decide?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ years ago = 7 years ago or so
making two decisions in that time period is hardly "not being able to decide" ^^
So naturally blond weren't you going to sleep?
Q: iOS MQTT client app base view controller

user3490458I've been working on an iOS IOT client app which uses MQTT. After some reading I decided to go with CocoaMQTT. I have only been programming in swift/iOS for about 2 weeks now, so I thought I should have my base code reviewed here before continuing any further. The idea is to have most of the ...

Q: Calculating the 'binary gap' of a number

RobHInspired by this question and therefore this one I decided that clearly the best way to solve this is with Regular Expressions. A binary gap within a positive integer N is any maximal sequence of consecutive zeros that is surrounded by ones at both ends in the binary representation of N. ...

> I'm not actually going to sleep, though, fyi, it's 4pm, that would be a bad idea
ooh this is exciting... I'm like 70 points short of hitting 10K on SO
haven't had a new priv in ages :)
i love the smell of internet points in the morning
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ if anyone can understand what's up with this code, I suppose it's the PPCG folks? (warning: mind-blowing VBA code behind link)
That OP needs more line _
continuations in their life
the best part is that Rubberduck 2.0 parses it just fine
Super awesome parsing FTW.
Q: C++ Node class template

Diche BachI'm working on building understanding of data structures in general, and specifically linked lists in this example. I'm also trying to increase my ability with templates. In cross-referencing dozens of examples, I've blended what I've seen into the following node template "Node.h" file: /* 11 ...

I should write another question.
That would put me on exactly 30.
in VBA Rubberducking, 1 min ago, by Mat's Mug
the complexity of correctly implementing IDisposable is due to unmanaged resources that could be trapped in a base class that's inherited, when you cannot know for a fact that Dispose isn't overridden; sealing classes kills the problem at the source.
@JeroenVannevel ^^ correct, right?
I wouldn't have come up with it myself but yes, that sounds correct
how would you put it?
assume this
Base : IDisposable { // implements Dispose() }
Sub : Base
oh nvm
no yeah, what you say makes sense
@Mat'sMug oh crap
If you're interested in more dispose stuff: github.com/VSDiagnostics/VSDiagnostics/issues/475
that is disturbing, even for VBA.
@Mat'sMug It appears to be approximately "while true: loop: else"
I don't know VB, so that is as far as I go.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ good for you (honestly)
@JeroenVannevel except... except if unmanaged resources are involved.. then it gets funky again
what do you mean?
You already brought up unmanaged resources
@JeroenVannevel hop into VBA Rubberducking :)
thanks santa!
Q: Does programmers need to dance?

Filip Bartošwe can go on dance practicing, I dont want to but my mother says you will need it even as programmer. They have balls also. I disagree with it So can some programmer and I mean actually programmer who works in some medium or greater firm tell me how it is with dancing ? How you used it in your li...

Obviously. How else will you celebrate a successful compilation? — Jeroen Vannevel 1 min ago
@Mat'sMug LOL
Now you can see all my snarky comments on deleted questions!
This might be another one of those
Q: I want to make a program c# in which user inputs 10 numbers and program have to print only even numbers, what should i do after this?

Azeem ShafiqI want to make a program c# in which user inputs 10 numbers and program have to print only even numbers, what should i do after this? int[] n = new int[10]; n[1] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); n[2] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); n[3] = Convert.ToIn...

Q: Can someone please create a decryption programme out of my encryption?

Mike ParkinSo I've created this encryption programme but for some reason I'm not able to get a working decryption programme... Can anyone create one for me out of my encryption? for (int loop = 0; loop < password.length() - 1; loop++) { if (passArr[loop] % 2 == 0) { double ascii =...

This macro is just a one time thing, but if I make a macro that is widely or frequently used I will use the code review. Thank you — Chris 32 secs ago
@Duga uh-huh. as in "temp fix" alright
leave building git out
precious lost opportunities ;/
I'd just go with #Fail ;-)
@Mat'sMug git -tf out
haha nice
I saw that one on Facebook, I think.
looks like FB is good at ruining memes
Found it.
> ERROR: commit could not be pushed because there are unresolved merge conflicts
no -f, no party
missing the git pull --rebase at the top?

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