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How 'bout y'all? Any fascinating questions I've missed?
RELOAD! There are 2269 unanswered questions (93.3271% answered)
My latest favorite is the compression routine where any size file magically compresses to 32 bits!
@Edward Idk. Haven't been around much. Been spending too much time writing motion controller code.
Poorly I might add.
Q: innner join troubles

atxdbaDang it's hard to send you well wishes here. I wish you all a good year before this post is deleted. Remember to love your fellow developers. I'd like to join using(love) where i=heartU group by noms with rollup;

Q: Display in the “tooltip” to “Square bin map”

OBA <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"/> <title>Square bin map - japan</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://wsj.github.io/squaire/dist/squaire.css"/> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.6/d3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></...

Q: ATM Machine simulator (Fixed)

YacineSo I have a project in my computer programming class which basically stimulates an ATM machine. The program is in C language. I did most of the program but I am still stuck with two parts: the first is transferring money from your balance to another person's balance, and the second part is when t...

Hey everyone!
Hey Doctor Nick
@CaptainObvious Wait what am I reading here ?
"If your tongue is puffy with teeth marks along the side, we know that your body isn’t making use of all of its nourishment. This is a common situation with an over-trained athlete who has pushed their body past its own point of functioning optimally, but has yet to do any real damage."
That's all the info I need to conclude I'm an overtrained athlete
@JeroenVannevel What kind of spam have you been reading?
Q: Reg expression for finding expression in sentence

MistersI have a regular expression that match the string that contains the word duration following < or > operator and then a number. Here is the expression: duration\s*(<|>)\s*([0-9]+) Is there any way i can make this expression better?

yep, puffy pale tongue with teeth marks is what I have and apparently it means I have a deficiency of sorts
which happens to be exactly what my mom said about it
@JeroenVannevel Hippocrates would just tell you that you need to rebalance your humors.
and makes sense considering my body was pushed to the limit saturday
if only they'd say how to solve it..
@Mast All those cheese have a "particular" pronunciation in french, it took me way too long to understand until I pronounce it in English :P. It was funny though!
If you are looking for feedback - some small portions of code may be reasonable on CodeReview.SE, otherwise looks like spam and not a question. — Alexei Levenkov 11 secs ago
@JeroenVannevel It wouldn't be homesickness, would it?
that would surprise me
considering I'm home right now
@Quill wow, lol
Q: XOR Neural network R code suggestion?

EkaI am trying to write a simple neural network of my own using R. I am using this source's(slide 17) pseudo code to write a feed forward NN. W = random initial values for iter = 1 to T for i = 1 to N (all examples) x = input for example i y = output for example i W old = W Err = y − g(W old · x) ...

Q: These mysterious $A framework questions

Joseph the DreamerI've been seeing a lot of these questions lately: object.Storage.js - creates a namespace for Storage object.ErrorHandler.js - Hanldes erorrs on bubble and capture phase object.TitleMaker.js - How can I make this Title Maker better? object.Storage.js - manages local and session storage object.M...

I am not sure at a 100%, but this feels more as a code review stackexchange question than anything else. — Kevin Avignon 6 secs ago
Q: Counting if the word entered is a capital letter in a loop in Python 3

DA_FI'm trying to that function that keeps prompting the user for words until they hit return. At that point, the program should return the number of upper-case words entered by the user. What I have so far. def upper(): while True: x = input('Please enter word: ') if x.str...

@StackExchange mysterious
3 hours later…
Q: Write a program which takes input from user as numeric value and prints the entered number in words.

i.shahWrite a program which takes input from user as numeric value and prints the entered number in words. For an example, if user has entered 678, program should print Six Seven Eight. This program should allow user to print only numeric values. If user enters other than numeric value, proper messag...

Q: Jr dev Portfolio

d_cr_stack_exI am making a portfolio git account to host some code so I have something to show an employer. I have no industry exprience. I was wondering if someone advise me on what I need to add to this portfolio so I can get a job. I have applied online but no luck. The account is https://bitbucket.org/dan...

This question better fits to Codereview. — diiN_ 1 min ago
monking @all
Q: Java program to draw following pattern

i.shahcode to draw following pattern I had try following code public class Pattern1 { public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++){ for (int j = 1; j < i ; j++){ System.out.print(""); } for (int k = 5; k >= i; k--){ Syst...

this is a code review request. — Nahum Litvin 47 secs ago
@Quill I'm enjoying C# now that they made project.json.
So I like C#, I make bad jokes, and can be overconfident. I'm @JeroenVannevel now.
This kind of question schould be ask at codereview.stackexchange.com. — Jens just now
Q: Median of 3 Quicksort in C

Matthew WestphallI'm trying to re-implement the C stdlib function qsort using a median of 3 quicksort. void qsort(void *base, size_t nitems, size_t size, int (*compar)(const void *, const void*)) This is my first major project in C, and I'd like to know how my style looks and what techniques I might be missing...

Q: Make my code better, and object oriented

user105041I have made a simple tic tac toe game and need help tweaking it to fit the bill of object oriented design. Any suggestions most welcome. I basically want it safer, and more "best practice-like" It is a game consisting of four classes, and I'm pretty happy with it as I am new to programming, but m...

Q: how private members of superclass not accessible by subclass and only be indirectly accessed in java?

divyaWhy multiple inheritence not allowed in java, distinguish inherit and accessibility?

@CaptainObvious nope
Q: How can I clean up this CountDownTimer in MainActivity?

Alex JohnsonThe app: Creates CountDownTimers and displays them in a simple layout. The user can choose how long the timer should be through SharedPreferences and a settings activity. Each timer has a preparation period before it actually starts. The problem: I'm not sure how, but I feel like the code is mes...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Mouseover effects for social network icons
Reminds me of when one of those Windows worms went around. Our router at the time was a Linux box and my brother setup a script to make the PC speaker beep whenever our IP was scanned (and also to log the information of the infected machine). My dad said for a while it sounded like someone was playing a video game, due to the high frequency of attacks pinging. There's also a variety of maps like map.norsecorp.com/#Wayne Werner 14 hours ago
how would you determine when your IP was scanned
@DanPantry define "scanned"
@Vogel612 it's a direct response to Quill, so, whatever is meant there
@DanPantry you get pinged for device info and stuff
it sends a GET style packet
Are you looking for a code review to make this more concise or are you trying to speed up the process? I'm not sure I understand exactly you are trying to do and which step you are having problems with. — Robin Gertenbach 15 secs ago
So, there is an Excel bug, which is so far appearing on every computer except my own
in other news I got my GUI to work !!
Q: Shorten JavaScript fuction due to duplicate code

MichaelI am currently implementing the Ace-editor embeddable code editor. In to my application. I use a div with a certain class(example: editor_js) to render the editor the div also gets a data attribute (data-key) corresponding with the name (example: Site[tagmanager]) of a textarea. The session fro...

@CaptainObvious Shorten CodeReview title due to duplicate content
Today was a good day, until I clicked "Hibernate" on my #Windows10 PC.
@EBrown8534 We're here to help! Are you still experiencing this issue? Have you tried any troubleshooting steps? Let us know!
I don't get it
Windows Support literally tweeted back at me asking if clicking "Hibernate" on a Windows 10 PC is still an "issue."
Is it a bot or is there a human alive that uses so many punctuation marks
well, their support has gone out the window
I don't know, but that is awesome.
@DanPantry so... you're the new jeroen, eh?
so in a statement like const int aNumber = 2, what do you call const if int is a value type?
irrelevant /s
what do you mean "what do you call it"
what is the term for that style of keyword, const, readonly, static
Modifier, I think
that's an exponent
also, Slack has ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on /shrug lol
Discord has flip table and put back table
tbf if i was using Discord I would want to flip a table too because it has no search grrrr
I've got a working arch-linux
that's the hot research topic on unis all over the world
because it looks good on the university's portfolio and is on the fast track to $$
quantum computing is much harder to justify for the $$
our MSDN licenses just got.. downgraded.. wot
dropped us from enterprise to professional
there is MSDN Licenses??
subscriptions, sorry
but yes, all of the dev ones got downgraded
Yesterday, we got 16 more accepted answers, 21 more questions were answered, 32 more answers were posted, 112 badges were earned, 147 comments were left, 17 more questions were asked, 4 fewer questions were unanswered, 83 users were created, and 231 votes were created.
Our question answer accept rate went up by 0.0175%.
Our question answer rate went up by 0.0151%, and our answer accept rate went up by 0.0083%.
all the testers still have enterprise
Q: Code for my first crud app

filemonczykI would like to ask more expirienced developers to review my code, it's my first app, self made, I know there is a lot to improve, Ii would be great if you could just point the main errors. I'm aware that my implementation is not universal, but I couldnt get pass it. My edit option with usage o...

wait for it - they'll have better PCs than us too I bet ^^
Well, now have 5901 rep.
So, I tracked down the bug in my spreadsheet. It was being caused by DoEvents
Which literally makes no sense.
Q: Refactoring String operations in Java 8 streams

AdHominemGiven a string, S, of length N that is indexed from 0 to N−1, I want to print its even-indexed and odd-indexed characters as 2 space-separated strings on a single line: Hacker -> Hce akr My code works, but I feel it could have been done more elegantly and maybe in a single stream instead of in ...

Q: Design/Architecture for MVC WinForms Dialog Control/Use

KillercamAll I have built an MVC WinForms application where Views are blind and deaf of their controllers. To facilitate this I have used Ninject as my Dependency Injection (DI) Inversion of Control (IoC) container. I have a question regarding my design/architecture of the way I handle showing dialogs (re...

Q: Phoenix/Ecto: Update associated fields

Simon HI have this model schema "jobs" do field :name, :string has_many :shiptos, MosaicApi.ShipTo end I want to update the shiptos associated with a job: there could be new shiptos, some deleted, and changes to existing ones. In the end I decided simply to delete the existing and replac...

error: Couldn't set HEAD
fatal: update_ref failed for ref 'HEAD':
wtf, how did that happen
what the heck did you do??
I didn't do anything
I was just running a rebase and then it just conked out like that
"just" running a rebase
I was rebasing a feature branch on top of a develop branch, I do it all the time.
any conflicts?
not on the commit it died on
Yes this should be OK for Code Review but I would suggest reading How do I ask a good question? to improve it a bit, especially the title. — Phrancis 12 secs ago
@Zak The bug that caused your Excel to freeze on the last couple of lines?
Q: Using Array to store calculations in VBA

user105061I have the following VBA code, which works perfectly well to calculate "q" However, the code is very slow and that is due to the large number of q's being calculated (roughly 7.2m q's are being calculated). So I thought the best way to proceed is to try store the calculated q values in an array...

Q: Add digits of number

MUSRI am new to programming and was looking for some explanation for the following program. I am not able to understand what purpose does 't' serve here? Can we not initialize 'n' in while loop? #include <stdio.h> int main() { int n, t, sum = 0, remainder; printf("Enter an integer\n"); sc...

Q: Computing the in-center of a triangle

abybaddi009I've written the following code for computing the in-center of a triangle. This code is supposed to be for code-golf. Any help would be appreciated. d = lambda x,y: ((x[0]-y[0])**2+(x[1]-y[1])**2)**0.5 e = lambda w,x,y,z: float(d(y,z)*x[w]+d(z,x)*y[w]+d(x,y)*z[w])/(d(x,y)+d(y,z)+d(z,x)) a,b,c=...

Q: How to optimize PHP code for better performance?

Heng SopheakI'm creating an application to get data cross domain all the line of code seem work as well but I'm not much understand about performance with my code process with the real server and real action because sometime there are a lot of case will happen when I fetch those data so I want to make a meth...

@CaptainObvious don't use php?
arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/05/… wow the US is a joke there
@Vogel612 Create Hack? :p
@Mast Different bug (I think).
Q: Refactoring String operations in Java 8 streams

AdHominemGiven a string, S, of length N that is indexed from 0 to N−1, I want to print its even-indexed and odd-indexed characters as 2 space-separated strings on a single line: Hacker -> Hce akr My code works, but I feel it could have been done more elegantly and maybe in a single stream instead of...

Today's lesson: How to make code more complicated using Java 8 streams
wtf, the new .net tools are 1) weird and 2) don't seem to work with proxies
Q: Reducing the time of Update and Sum Query C# Access DB?

Usama KhanI have a simple query using query builder of VS2012 C# which updates the database in my winforms application. The database has 216 entries so far and it's taking a lifetime to update the database. How to reduce the time? Should I make more queries for each column or is there something else? Here ...

So.. it seems I have a choice. Try and use dotnet restore without going through the proxy and hit a HTTP 502 or use it with a proxy and hit a HTTP 407.
goddamn I am writing spaghetti today
I guess Italian Code is on the menu for today
keyserver.ubuntu.com is blocked internally.
alright, i'm done
i'll just develop on a virtual machine in the cloud. can't install nuget packages locally, can't install them on a vm on the internal network...
Looks like you don't have a development environment...
@DanPantry Does your employer purposefully try to get in the way of developers or is it just accidental?
I'm pretty sure it's just a case of an overzealous security dept
but it's crazy how I can't download nuget packages
possible answer invalidation by Freddy on question by Freddy: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/127797/revisions
we're a .NET shop
and I can't download nuget packages
just let that sink in
@Duga Boooooo. rolled back
Q: Simple 'Evolution of Text' app

katkinI'm a complete beginner to python, and wanted to get some feedback on my first app. I tried to make a clone of the 'evolution of text' app found on this page: http://usingpython.com/programs/ without looking at the solution on the website. My solution is a little different, so I wanted to ask som...

Q: Is asking a question about doing something a different way on topic here?

TheLethalCoderI recently asked a question on StackOverflow and eventually ended up self answering it. The solution I came up with is, in my eyes, a bit of a hack. Is a question asking for a different/better way of doing the same thing on topic here? EDIT: This is the original question on stack overflow.

@StackExchange Yes No It depends
Q: How can I serve images from a Raspberry Pi camera quicker over HTTP with a web.py server?

I'll add comments tomorrowI have a Pi with a camera module that I control with python. I created a web server with web.py that allows me to make HTTP requests to the PI to retrieve an image. There are two optional parameters to specify width and height of the image. The code looks like this (imports omitted): urls = ( ...

@carlos_cs here is an example of what I am talking about. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/121434/… Storing things into arrays makes processing times faster since youre not invidually writing each line one at a time. — Doug Coats 51 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by thexiv on question by thexiv: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/127792/revisions
Q: Line alignment bug with user names and comments

TheLethalCoderThere seems to be a bug in the comments where if the username wraps to the next line and ends up underneath a word that contains characters like 'g' it will overlap those characters see:

Q: Intersection of linked lists

Adnan IbrićI want to implement a function in C which takes two pointers to node of a singly linked lists and returns their intersection list.Here we consider lists as sets without repeating elements.In this code we go through both lists using pointers and function returns their intersection but with repeati...

If you have working code which merely needs improvements then you're probably in the wrong place with this post. Code Review is where they handle existing / working code and do their upmost to improve it in terms of speed, security, sustainability, and longevity. Give it a try. They're good! — Ralph 16 secs ago
@rolfl Your edit has a distinct lack of freehand red circles — TheLethalCoder 1 min ago
lol ▲▲▲
my commit graph looks like a slug leaving a trail with rather pointy eyes.
somebody's been busy... I love how the deleted is more than added ;)
To be fair this is excluding two users where TFS screwed up and made the author a GUID rather than my name
If you include those it's another 613073 additions and 197408 deletions
@DanPantry Looks active :-)
leaving me at 1,571,223 additions and 1,341,479 deletions
i've altered 2.8 million lines of code in the past year.. holy crap
@Malachi Author has a distinct lack of what's important.
averaging 1,752 lines altered per commit. that's not good lol
@DanPantry Adding and removing files does that.
@rolfl If possible, that would be very interesting yes :) Is phone the best communication, or e-mail?
@SimonForsberg Drop me an e-mail with the contact person to contact at your work, I'll forward it along as I can figure out. My e-mail is my first.last at ca.ibm.com
It probably won't be rapid... but I will try to dig deep in to the watson system for you.
Also, recently seen on a resume: Gained in debt experience with Java Server development
@rolfl You're the best monkey, monkey!
so I started writing a programming language
@Quill looks like C ish
Q: Getting data from service and storing it in MongoDB

trexI wrote code to get data from HTTP service and store it in MongoDB. Please, can someone let me know how efficient my code is and whether it is good from the OOP point of view? /*global Promise, getData, httpReq, searchData, getHotData, storeData*/ var http = require('http'); var CoubVideo = re...

yeah, I'm still trying to decide how to write the format
in The Nineteenth Byte, 52 mins ago, by Quill
the tokenizer is easy the worst code I've ever written in my life
would someone look at this answer and tell me if I was in outer space the day I wrote it?
A: Read numbers until a prime is entered then print non-primes

MalachiI looked at this piece of code that you have in your Main method bool prime = false; List<int> non_primes = new List<int>(); while (prime == false) { int number = 0; Console.Write("#: "); number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); prime = true; for (int i = 2; i <= num...

looks alright
I think I was reading the whole question wrong, it should continuously loop until a prime number is entered
Q: scss-lint config best rules for a huge project

RadukenI have this set of rules for my scss-lint.yml , the problem is: when I run this rules, comes infinite errors because my project is huge and sometimes crash the building. I would like know in your point of view which rules are the most important to me apply in that case, we still want a clean scs...

it's all messed up
@rolfl it's like that awesome book by Skeet, "C# in debt"
@Quill FYI
This post has already enough history as it is, an answer marked as accepted, and another answer addressing an earlier revision; reopening it isn't going to fix the mess. As I said in another comment, code edits on answered questions will be rolled back. If you are interested in feedback on any/all aspects of your working code, please post it as a new question. — Mat's Mug ♦ 6 mins ago
Ah, okay
I saw broken code -> comment "I fixed" -> Edit
I didn't see the answers and then the fact it was an invalidation
the worst is that OP called the actual reviewer's answer (which pointed out a bug) as NAA, and then posted their own NAA selfie, and marked it as accepted.
@Mat'sMug Just came here to comment on that rollback.
@Edward what's up?
The notice says, "Questions containing broken code or asking for advice about code not yet written are off-topic, as the code is not ready for review. After the question has been edited to contain working code, we will consider reopening it."
However, it doesn't look like he can actually edit the code because there already answers.
Something of a Catch-22.
And he already accepted his own NAA
I'm no fan of the question, but is there better guidance we can give? The OP isn't going to be the only one who reads it.
Q: How to make a working python script more efficient?

JosephI am developing a plugin for a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software which uses Python. I have been using Python for over a year (on-off) and have the following code which works. It basically reads the names of files loaded into the GIS software and adds some string texts and puts these i...

Q: Storing large data in variables vs using from a file

CarbleWhen working with very large data sets, with millions of entries, is it better to read from a file the data as I need it, or should I import all the data at once into a variable then work from that? Is there a benefit for one or the other?

nuke the whole thing
@Quill I'd be OK with that.
Me too. But that wouldn't be fair the the reviewer that correctly identified a bug in a previous revision that OP swore wasn't broken.
If things start getting out of hand on that question, I'm locking it down
It's enough of a mess already
For what it's worth, I also tried the latest code the OP posted and it still segfaults due to other errors (referring to vector indices that don't yet exist).
Took me all of 2 minutes to test.
Why didn't the author?
I sort of avoided this particular issue, by opting to use isChecked() which will return a pointer to the (abstract )button checked, or zero. So now I can compare to zero or NULL, that being an entirely different code review symbolic constant war. NULL is enshrined in an internal coding standard, but 0 is enshrined in standards, places like for pure virtual. But it has come up in the discussion — infixed 30 secs ago
I would suggest you ping the OP in the chatroom that was created for all the comments
OK. I'll recommend that the code be tested and then get posted as a new question. Sound right to y'all?
Yup. But no mess allowed. If OP posts more broken code and gets closed/DV'd, I'm not responsible for the system itself imposing a question-ban to the OP.
I plan to emphasize the testing part. If it's not worth your time to test, it's not worth my time to review.
FWIW I don't think he read any of the help center links that were given to him. That ^^ sounds good. Hope all goes well!
Q: List<dynamic> to ComboBox

SilentRage47This code get a list<dynamic> from a repository class using Dapper. I need to bind this list to a ComboBox. The only way I can get this to work is by using a simple class (ComboBoxItem in my case) and than use that to do the binding. UI.cs var mRep= new MaterialRepository(); comboBox1.Items.Cl...

@CaptainObvious you don't leak dynamic all the way into your UI!!
sees ComboboxItem abstraction - phew!
A: Read numbers until a prime is entered then print non-primes

MalachiI looked at this piece of code that you have in your Main method bool prime = false; List<int> non_primes = new List<int>(); while (prime == false) { int number = 0; Console.Write("#: "); number = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); prime = true; for (int i = 2; i <= num...

I fixed it
Thank you. I'm kind of new to the site. This has been a learning experience for me. You all are 10x more kind than Stack Overflow users. I will post a new question if I need anything answered again. Thank you, sincerely. — thexiv 20 mins ago
Q: Transfer the cell formatting in a legend to a dataset in another sheet

schneiderwmOn Sheet 1 is a legend that contains unique values in Column A every ten rows. To the right of each value in the next five columns over are a series of color filled cells that extend down ten rows to the start of the next unique value. The color fill of each 5x10 area is what I want transferred t...

Q: Form validation in core php with oops concept

HimanshuHere, i build one form validation script in php using understanding SOLID concept. My question is the way i coded my code is true way for OO concept ? Use of abstract class and the extend it, is that true way ? can i strongly use interface for this functionality ? i use namespace but i can't i...

Yeesh. I should just avoid the SE network hot list for a few weeks.
Too many potential spoilers for the new marvel movie.
@Mat'sMug Message delivered in chat. I'm hoping that we'll get more topical questions from this user in the future.
OK, putting my mop and bucket away for now.
See ya!
@Edward thanks!
@EthanBierlein which one? Civil War?
Greetings, Programs.
Actually you are more asking for code review; and there are other sites for that. It is also a bit well, unexpected that you asking others doing the (potentially hard) work of checking the correctness of your logic. My suggestion: turn to unit tests, and simply fire a lot of tests against your implementation. Theoretically, you could even try something like quickcheck in order to really "prove" that your solution is correct. That wouldn't be easy; but you would learn more from it ... than having other people tell you "hmm, well, looks correct". — Jägermeister 40 secs ago
@Donald.McLean Greetings
@SimonForsberg I was watched last night.
+1 for scriptwriters asking for information on this SE. — A. Darwin May 6 at 16:57
@Malachi Yeah, Civil War
@EthanBierlein you haven't seen it yet?
Nope. Not yet.
you should just get off the internet right now....lol JK!
lol, I'm just avoiding areas where there would be spoilers
Busy today, we had a production database corruption, and a fire evacuation drill
git commit
git push
git out
@Phrancis At the same time?
@Phrancis Were they Related?
@Mast No, the corruption happened yesterday, we had to restore the DB to a state 12 hours earlier (middle of the night) and now everyone is scrambling to get it back where it should be
@Zak nope, data center is far away from the office
@EthanBierlein You mean, like, the entire internet?
@Zak no, just reddit (like always), and scifi.se
@EthanBierlein You may want to avoid this chat as well, depending on whether @EBrown has it on his watchlist in the next couple of weeks ;-)
Well, I'm probably going to see it this weekend, so it shouldn't be much of a problem.
Q: How can I visit 'Null Island'?

Mark MayoSo while Null Island is one of the most 'visited' places on Earth, the island itself doesn't exist - it's a geocoded point added to the Natural Earth map, among others, to indicate the latitude/longitude location of 0,0. That said, the location itself is very real, and there's something there to...

It said to ping you for no reason when I clicked on your name
So I did
@syb0rg How's life syb0rg?
@Mast Pretty swaggish
I have a free week here since I finished finals last week and I start work next week
So I'm just doing whatevs
Good, good.
Doing anything Khronos in the meantime?
Trying to
I saw the project is still active, but with commits like Fixed up a lot of CMake stuff there's some ambiguity.
@syb0rg hey, weren't you the dude who started the PPCG vs CR rivalry?
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