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RELOAD! There are 2273 unanswered questions (93.3120% answered)
possible answer invalidation by niicM on question by niicM: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/127848/revisions
Q: ReactJs stateWrapper for stateless component

Nick DewittI made a simple state wrapper for a react project i am working on, so i can keep my state at the top component but reason about it at a lower class level. The example below is very simple, but it works and provides enough of an example of what StateWrapper does, obviously i am using it in realit...

Q: Pig Latin Translator in python

vkumarI am a relatively new python programmer and made a simple pig latin to english translator and vice versa. I would just like it if someone reviewed my code and see if anything can be done to make it more pythonic or efficient. Thanks in advance! Here is my code: from time import sleep def main():...

Yesterday, we got 15 more accepted answers, 17 more questions were answered, 27 more answers were posted, 82 badges were earned, 104 comments were left, 26 more questions were asked, 9 more questions were unanswered, 46 users were created, and 180 votes were created.
Our question answer accept rate went down by 0.0011%.
Our question answer rate went down by 0.0214%, and our answer accept rate went up by 0.0097%.
@PadraicCunningham Code that is not working as intended is off-topic for Code Review. Please read A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users. — 200_success 54 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview. — EJP 1 min ago
Stack Overflow is for specific programming questions; it is not a place to check your work with functioning code. Perhaps Code Review would be a better place to post such a question. If if you have a question about statistics, maybe Cross Validated would be appropriate. — MrFlick 17 secs ago
You're welcome. By the way, beginner questions are fine on Stack Overflow, but if you already have working code and you just wonder whether it can be improved, your question might be better placed at codereview.stackexchange.com. Stack Overflow is more about solving problems, so if you have code that doesn't work you'd post questions about that here. Anyway, happy coding. — nnnnnn 40 secs ago
Well, time to watch Ant-Man.
2 hours later…
Morning people^^
Q: Simple file renamer in C

Dex' terIt's been some time since I wrote something in C. I am looking for some advices related to my code in terms of coding style, bad logic, optimization(performance) and good practices. The code speaks for itself, but if there are questions, I'll add some comments to make it clearer. #include <stdio.h

@Dex'ter Morning
Ant-Man is super dope.
He's pretty funny
Not as funny as Deadpool, but up there.
Hi @Quill ^^
Q: Module exports write it better

Jenny MI'm using the following code which is working and my question if there is a cleaner/ better way to write it ? var http = require('http'); var app = require('./app'); var procInv = require('./controller/invoke'); var proxy = require('./controller/proxy'); var server = http.createServer(app); var ...

Q: Is using static context in php considered bad practice and why?

azerafatiin PHP as I understand, every time a request is received in the server a complete new instance is created to handle and process and create a response for that specific request. therefore a static context shared between all users is only possible through other means. (DB, files ...) So let's say...

hi evevryone
Q: JavaScript-function for to convert a dash-separated string into camel case

st88I have to write a function which turns a string with the words separated by dashes ( - ) into a sentence using camel case notation. I've had the following idea for an implemenation using the reduce-method of Array: // -------- THE ACTUAL FUNCTION ------------------------- /** * Converts ...

@200_success ehh my question was marked as off-topic. are you online?
@azerafati I can help. could you link your topic?
Q: Is using static context in php considered bad practice and why?

azerafatiin PHP as I understand, every time a request is received in the server a complete new instance is created to handle and process and create a response for that specific request. therefore a static context shared between all users is only possible through other means. (DB, files ...) So let's say...

Right, so, your question was marked as off-topic because it's hypothetical.
I guess there is a mistake here, my real code would be too long and not comprehensible to be shown in the question.
Basically, you're not asking for a code review; you're asking about a concept
We only review working, complete code samples on CR
Also, your pattern is an incredibly bad idea
If you have multiple instances of that controller all hell will break loose
but doesn't that gurantee I will never be able to have multiple but only one instance
the required thing is that there should never be another instance
how can I edit my question to make it on-topic?
if not possible where should I ask this question?
@azerafati Why are you trying to make a controller a singleton?
That seems counter to MVC. In most popular implementations of MVC, controllers are transient (one per request).
@rolfl How are Watson's Natural Language Processing skills?
You can either add your working code to your question to make it on-topic (at which point we will review any and all aspects of the code) or alternatively you may ask on SO (though I am not sure whether it is on topic there either). in any case, if you do ask on SO again, you should search for the question you're asking before posting it - it is ilieky your concept has alread been answered.
well in php for each request a total new instance is created, am i right?
I don't know, I don't use PHP, but if a new instance of the controller is created for each request then you'll have issues with multiple requests in your code.
@azerafati For this particular question, discussing it in chat is one solution.
heh, ok
but again which chat-room I could find someone familiar with php?
I'm not familiar with PHP but I work with MVC systems :) so I feel I am suitable qualified to answer your question
Are you using a PHP framework?
and I really think my question could be fit for this site, it's really about reviewing a code! every code is a concept
We only review working, complete and real-world code
well, does that mean i should copy all my codes which is really long and full of irrelevant stuff here?
how would be that more suitable ?
hmmm, ok thanks everyone. I guess I better delete the Q altogether
@azerafati Well, you can paste the real version of your controller.
The main issue here is that we review all parts of the code, including parts you may not necessarily want us to. Your question is incredibly narrow in its scope, so asking here may not get you the review you want.
If we only reviewed what the author asked us to review we would have questions that no one really learns anything from and would discourage contributions from other members.
I see
So, really, your code woudln't be irrelevant - we woudl review that as well because it is relevant - just not to the question you're asking
if that makes any sense at all :)
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Android UI code for a test job
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Asking for GPS and Internet permissions
@azerafati Dan is right about the posting procedure and the advice to avoid static.
For questions about generic concepts, ask on Stack Overflow or Programmers.
uh ok! tanx
You could also post your real code here on Code Review, though I suspect that you might be better of taking this particular question elsewhere.
can I move this question? or should I copy and paste it?
Monking @all
Just repost it elsewhere and delete it on Code Review.
you're a mod, can't you move it?
I could, but you might as well start fresh.
got it, ok
As for static — PHP is traditionally run with each responder as its own process, but you shouldn't make the assumption that that is the case.
Poorly written code is the reason why multi-threaded PHP is unpopular.
Search for "PHP MPM" to see discussions about prefork vs. worker.
Also look at Zend.
So, you shouldn't assume that each request gets its own process.
Someone else could probably give you a more thorough answer on SO or Programmers.
Q: What Im I doing wrong ??Error code CS0161 .

james mallardI cant seem to fix this problem Error code "CS0161 Form1.SquareRoot(double):not all paths return a value" The Word squareRoot in the "Private double SquareRoot(double x)" underlined in Red. public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } ...

tanx, yeah it makes sense now!
Monking all
@Mast Monking
I have Source Control Back again :D
Source Control for Excel, how does that work?
@Mast Magic
Also known as Rubberduck
Rubberduck does source-control for Excel?!
How did I miss that?
it's mostly magic
I should Excel more.
and IIUC it's only the Alpha Preview hotfix 1 for now
It's just beautiful ^^
And the diffs actually make sense?
You can put just about anything under source-control, but it gets messy very fast if what you put isn't plain text.
the modules are exported to plain-text files and versioned as plaintext
so there's that
@Mast Don't know about diffs, but this is what the commit changes look like in my desktop client:
that's beautiful plain-text diffs
GitHub diffs <3
I think your question may better asked in codereview.stackexchange.comCampl3r 16 secs ago
OP is asking for a code review. Doesn't belong here, there is a site for this. — InBetween 11 secs ago
Q: SPOJ "TESSER" - Getting TLE using KMP algorithm

user3805080The TESSER - Finding the Tesserect problem is tagged as a problem to be solved by KMP algorithm and I'm using KMP. Still getting............ Time Limit Exceed I'll really appreciate any help pointing my mistakes. Thank you. Here is the code that I submitted: #include <bits/stdc++.h> usi...

I just installed R# on my work PC
time to watch it fall over
well, that didn't take long
my VS froze harder than the ice in my freezer
3 minutes 40 seconds from installation. not bad
@DanPantry R# ? is that a mix of R and C#? R for .NET?
It's a productivity / code quality plugin by Jetbrains
refactoring tool, because VS has no refactorings or code-analysis
@Zak Those are diffs, in the best way possible.
The Office has run out of coffee...
'Come to what?' 'You. Me. This moment.'
You can also try 'Yikes.'
@Zak The hovertext oh god
It begins. PHP 7 has been released.
(Old news, yes)
I don't mind Facebook's dialect, Hack
@DanPantry Look what I found:
@Mast: There's actually a javascript (node.js I presume?) module on npm who's description is literally "New Russian Nuclear weapon. IN DEVELOPMENT" : npmjs.com/package/nukeslebetman 3 hours ago
@Mast lol
HTTP 404 on the github page
I'm choosing to interpret that as "Russia's nukes not found"
Could be a rename fail.
Unfortunately the 'issues' went 404 as well.
Q: Single or several instantiation?

BenjHere is a working typescript code: A modelValidator class that validates form user input. In this basic example it must check for length of form data submitted by user, and if one of the form field is invalid, it pushes error message into an array: export let modelValidator = function (director...

Q: SOLID Principle application C# into this code

iCherryThe main idea behind this class is to create a wrapper for commonly used Database classes. I'm new to SOLID principles and i'm trying to implement it into this library. Does, this code really adhere to SOLID principles? Here's my code //This is the opens the SQL Connection and is placed in DbCo...

Q: Pipeline with std::thread vectors and queue

CIVI89here is my code, it works but after few iterations it slows down and stop without any error, I'm looking for a more efficient solution. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include "SafeQueue.h" using namespace std; const int DATA_MAG = 256; struct Frame { ...

@SimonForsberg Complicated question - you ask it in a relative sense - relative to what? Also, it's available in a number of formates, and I have only experienced the results of the Q&A product (the one that played in Jeopardy), and it's "good" But also sometimes easy to confuse.
It exists in a number of formats, with specific goals, e.g "Sentiment analysis" - figuring out the emotional state of people who tweet things.... for example
hey there @rolfl
Q: Filtering a list of objects

thepacevoid filterList (List<OBJECT> sampleList){ for(Filter filter: filters){ sampleList = filter.applyFilter(sampleList); } } Every filter implementation does this: Creates an empty list. Adds matching objects to the list and returns the new list. Sample implementation: List<OBJECT>...

If this is not just spam for a game, how do you expect anyone to help by linking to the actual game rather than the code? Are there particular places in the code you're concerned with? You should start with those. If you have thousands of lines of code to review, I doubt you'll get very much help, but code review might be a better place for a much more specific question. — Kritner 15 secs ago
@rolfl Does Watson understand Swedish language somewhat?
I am asking because of work, my product owner discovered that Watson had an API... :)
@SimonForsberg this looks to be a comprehensive list: fredrikstenbeck.com/what-languages-does-ibm-watson-support
Oh, thanks @Phrancis
It does seem to understand some Swedish...
Some parts of it do apparently
Language detection says "97 languages" I assume that includes Swedish, though I'm not sure what exactly that does, maybe detect the language of documents etc. kind of like Google/Chrome does
Presumably your PO probably has something a bit more advanced than that in mind
@Phrancis Kinda :)
Q: Insert multiple rows using stored procedure

user104962I have a database with stored procedures. All DB operations are handled using stored procedures because then our DB admin may optimize and change SQL without needing to deploy anything nor to understand PHP. Now, i'm trying to create a php script that will batch insert some values into the datab...

@CaptainObvious pseudo-code
Q: Re-arranging an matrix of numbers to a numeric list

user1996971If I have an array of numbers like this: 1 3 4 6 7 1 2 2 4 5 9 5 7 1 2 3 5 Is there a quick way to take all of the unique numbers and arrange them into a single column, like this? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 The approach I have works, but takes a very long time for large matrix: Sub Test...

@SimonForsberg you're at the limits of my NLP understanding of Watson. I only know what I do from what I have in third-party senses. If your PO is motivated to find out more, I can probably ask in to the watson folk and have someone contact them.
It's a stretch ;-)
Q: Toggle Fullscreen with Click and Hotkey

Xawery WiśniowieckiWhen clicking Red Square it works, when pressing F does not work in IE11. Both methods use toggleFs function on the way to do it. Where is the problem? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.hotkeys.js">

My computer was running slow apparently because Atom was using 78% of my memory... wat
Q: Reading files and displaying their content

kevinleloI'm writing a program to read two files supplied as arguments in the command line, convert them from list to char[][], and display their contents to the user. I'm trying to practice exception-handling and javadocs, so I'm not interested in using a library. Also, this will be part of a larger pro...

Q: Logging errors in google analytics

TomáÅ¡ ZatoApart from general JavaScript knowledge, this snippets requires someone who knows how to properly use Google Analytics API. To log errors on my site, I use this code: try { window.addEventListener("error", function(e) { var file = e.filename.substr(e.filename.lastIndexOf("/")+1); // f...

Q: Lua and complex numbers

TarassI try to use complex numbers in a lua program. I need to parse a table of complex numbers printing side by side the name of the complex number and its value. Can't get through it : require "complex" a = complex.new (0,1) b = complex.new (7,1) c = complex.new (1,6.4) t = {a="a", b="b", ...

Q: NFA and DFA implementation

Gabriel B S MCan you review my F# code and point out some insights about it? What I want to know, in order of relevance: Avoid so much common code between DFA and NFA. I want to make something more generic, there is much code in common there. Make it more F# idiomatic Performance is not a concern. Readab...

Q: Knapsack problem on the continuous case using genetic algorithm

PaulI solved the problem on the discrete case but I can't do it on the continuous case. Can someone help me?

@CaptainObvious No code included, no working code, no clue.
@CaptainObvious LOL
@rolfl I'll talk to her about it, and also inform her about what Phrancis linked to earlier. We'll see :)
@EBrown Nothing to see here, move along.
So now using an API can get you sued for copyright infringement. Great. arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/05/…
Yeah, that's old news.
> Oracle acquired the Java language when it bought Sun Microsystems in 2009. While the Java language itself is free to use, Oracle sued Google in 2010, saying that because Google used 37 Java APIs in building Android, it had infringed Java copyrights.
Java problems
that's ridiculous though
Oracle is clearly playing stupid there
Oracle is just butthurt that Android was so successful, and that they got no part of that success.
sounds like it
I'm listening to a bunch of random songs on youtube
apparently they're all by the same record label
"Awful Records"
It's freaking fitting
@SimonForsberg lol, job postings now. and you thought monkey made typos hahaha
"What cheese do you use to hide a horse?"

Someone tell me the joke. Apparently Halloumi is a Cypriotic cheese but where's the wordplay?
@Mat'sMug I didn't even notice the typos until now
If you have working code which merely needs improvements then you're probably in the wrong place with this post. Code Review is where they handle existing / working code and do their best to improve it in terms of speed, security, sustainability, and longevity. Give it a try. They're good! — Ralph 48 secs ago
@JeroenVannevel beats me
usually, jokes that need to be explained aren't worth more than a "uh-huh"
> It'd be hilarious to release a gorilla in a gorilla suit at the mall and see the look on security's face when they pull off the mask.
the hard part would be to convince the gorilla to keep the mask on until security pulls it off
and then say "boo"
But if it could be done it would be soooo worth it.
You could fake the whole scene doing it all digital, but it wouldn't be the same.
@JeroenVannevel It's part of a series.
What cheese do you use to encourage a bear? Camembert.
What cheese can you disguise a horse with? Mascapone.
What does cheese say to itself in the mirror? Halloumi.
What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese.
And yes, they're usually a tad farfetched.
Or too literal.
What type of cheese is made backwards? EDAM.
Monking Ethan
The starwall, it's made of cheese!
WRITING SQL! (in case you coudln't tell)
> in case
I wish I could be working on my game right now.
Why does German look like such a violent language?
Maybe because German smashes related words together with no spaces, so it makes really long words like "rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz" which means "the law for the delegation of monitoring beef labeling."
Q: What makes the German language sound so harsh?

T SieksmeierWhen international friends hear me talking German, they always think I must be really angry and having an argument with somebody. What are the phonetical explanations for making the German language sound so harsh or rude?

@EBrown It is.
There's a couple of youtube videos on the matter.
They aren't entirely accurate, but close enough.
And then Dutch, on the other hand, sounds so peaceful.
French is pretty tame looking as well
French may be tame looking, but nobody can curse like the French and the Canadians.
@Mast s/French and the Canadians/@Phrancis
@EBrown Meh.
Not much.
@EBrown Yeah I'm pretty tame here, but in more private channels I curse like a sailor :)
@Phrancis Let me just go through my Skype logs.
@Phrancis I think Finnish does that to. And Welsh does it with everything.
> The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
@Quill Pretty interesting idea.
I wonder how the surfaces themselves are "painted".
It certainly doesn't look like it's just layering textures over a mesh, but it certainly isn't coloring individual faces on the mesh either...
@Quill Add a custom importer so you can import whatever 3D model you want to spray, and you got a golden game in hand.
just barely ahead of @nhgrif now!
Q: C# - Getting keyboard input for real time console application

tngreeneI've been building an IDE using C# and only the console. To get keyboard input in real time (as opposed to a read–eval–print loop,) I have the following method to get keyboard input: public static ConsoleKeyInfo[] GetInput() { // A list of characters List<ConsoleKeyInfo> input = new List<...

So my younger sister (16/17) borrows $20 from me like a week and a half to two weeks ago and said she'd pay me back later that week (which she didn't, but I didn't care, when I lend money out I pretty much never expect it back). Well I go to the bathroom today and there's a not pinned to the mirror with $25 in it saying "here's that money you lent me, sorry it's late." So I took my $20 out and left her $5 there. That's not how I play.
EBrown being a good guy.
Writing shared pointers is not a beginner project. That is why we have the standard version. I wrote a blog article about common mistakes people make when implementing smart pointers: Loki Astari's blog Also when you are done it will be worth getting it reviewed at Code ReviewLoki Astari 47 secs ago
Q: Basic Achitecture for WinForm MVC Dialog

KillercamI am wondering what is considered best practice regarding the way controllers "talk" to their blind views when using MVC. I have a working save dialog which shows "Yes", "No" and "Cancel" options with a ListBox displaying the files to save (if required). My question is regarding how to load that ...

Yes, there are ways, but you should rather post to Code Review site since it's a working function. — Sami Kuhmonen 46 secs ago
If you have working code which merely needs improvements then you're probably in the wrong place with this post. Code Review is where they handle existing / working code and do their upmost to improve it in terms of speed, security, sustainability, and longevity. Give it a try. They're good! — Ralph 20 secs ago
Q: Explanation of CSRF

ThomasReggiCurious if this is a valid explanation of CSRF. When a page is rendered if a authenticity_token isn’t created, it’s created. All it is is a unique string of characters that identifies a user on a current webpage. When someone visits the site with a form on it, it is rendered from the server to t...

Q: TinyMCE plugin to save with cancel button

user1032531Please provide constructive criticism for the below TinyMCE plugin which allows the user to save the content, or cancel and go back to the original. Thank you http://output.jsbin.com/bozojo <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ut...

anyone want to vote on some SQL reviews?
Q: How to include a Lenny face in a LaTeX document? e.g. ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)

pixatlazakiHow would one include a "classic" Lenny face in a LaTeX document? A paper is due tomorrow and I am curious. e.g. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I have attempted to use the verbatim environment but it has proved fruitless.

I agree that code review is a better community for this. — bodangly 11 secs ago
@Duga I agree that code review is a better community for this.
@EthanBierlein lol
Two things here: First of all, this question is five years old and already has an accepted answer; your answer in no way improves the situation. Secondly, you're not actually answering the question It's true and useful information, but not what the questioner was looking for. (Think "solution" rather than "code review".) — dcsohl 12 secs ago
When the PM fixes a bug
@CommitStrip lol
on-the-fly UX-review, any thoughts on this?
Q: Typelist with extraction

Olzhas ZhumabekIn which ways the code can be made better? struct NullType; template <typename Head, typename ... Tail> struct TypeList { using head = Head; using tail = typename TypeList<Tail...>; }; template <typename Single> struct TypeList <Single> { using head = Single; using tail = NullT...

Q: Command line application feedback on codestyle wanted

Bart FokkerI've made a Command line application for Rosetta and I would like to know if I could code it in fewer lines (without suffering readability). Would love to see what I can improve. Link to GitHub repository

@Mat'sMug Looks alright
it's a little odd that the OK button is bigger than the Cancel button, and I would probably disable OK until something is filled-in for both fields
I think "please login" (the verb) should be "log in"
@DanLyons ooh that's a pretty good point actually!
@Phrancis right
also, if you're big into cross-pollinating sites, you could solicit reviews on ux.stackexchange.com :)
I don't think UX reviews are on-topic there
@Phrancis They are in the chat.
Would have to be a specific question
was originally like this ^^
@Hosch250 did an awesome job on that panel
I personally dislike the Arial font (or whatever you are using) because it gets hard to read when it's small, especially boldened, but if you are already using that everywhere then I guess it's fine
ReSharper is awesome
I'm just floored in how useful it is
Shame it breaks my work PC, but it works at home
R# caches are crap.
I think SegoeUI is the newer standard font, but that needs Vista or later. Before that, Tahoma was big
who needs a cache when you have a new SSD
I'm going through our project and removing usage of System.Web. it is not fun.
sed only takes you so far :(
@Hosch250 Rubberduck caches are even worse :-)
I agree.
@DanPantry R#.
It caches everything, and makes you restart VS to clear them.
I am not really noticing it on this PC
But I do have a lot of memory
@DanPantry So do I.
It only took R# ~4 minutes to crash my work PC earlier
which if I am frank is 3 more minutes than I expected
When you remove files, it sometimes makes the entire project "uncompilable" according to R#.
I have plenty of memory on my dev box, but alas, VS is still 32-bit
@Phrancis The topmost one?
It's not answer-invalidating
It kinda reads like a "thanks" comment, sort of..
I'm not sure it's necessary but I am also not sure it needs to be removed
I started using ES6 for the first time in one of my projects... oh god this is beautiful
@Quill C# 6.0 + .NET Core 1.0 actually makes C# fun again
@Phrancis Edited.
@200_success Ohh nice edit, thanks
A: What would Clippy say?

200_successCode that should be in a code block We get lots of questions with malformed code blocks from users who are unfamiliar with how to create code blocks in Markdown by indenting everything by four spaces. Ideally, Stack Exchange should Implement ```-style (fenced) Markdown code blocks, but until th...

^ Feel free to add better detection ideas
Q: Creating a VHOST on a port

Thomas WilburI can't create a vhost file, Maybe I am doing it wrong. addvhost() { echo "<VirtualHost *:$2> DocumentRoot /var/parakeeweb/$1/ ServerName $1.lh <Directory /var/parakeeweb/$1/> Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews +Includes AllowOverride All ...

oh wow, new project files in ASP Core 1.0 are awesome
@200_success Wouldn't we have to come up with a pretty big list of keywords? like import, public, private
they no longer track files.. a file is included by default
@200_success I VERY almost edited your answer to remove the mis-formatted code
$ grep --help | grep case
we must go deeper
<p>public class HelloWorld {</p>

<pre><code>public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello, world!");

@200_success ^^ parsing HTML with regex I see? ;0
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