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Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Forum project using OOP PHP
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: AngularJS controller to fetch and display employee data from database
1. You should first search for the type of error (since you named it in your post) and try to solve the problem yourself. 2. If you can't solve it yourself, you should post a complete stack trace from logcat instead of just saying you have an error. 3. StackOverflow is not the place to ask for general code review and feedback. It is for asking about specific code problems. — Karakuri 15 secs ago
Q: JavaScript idle managing structure

mattNitI am just getting into the world of javascript, coming from the world of classical inheritance. The following is a library I wrote to track when a webapp is idling and I wrote it like I write classical inheritance. But what I have heard about javascript is you have to completely forget how classi...

Q: 1D elementary cellular automata in Python – Basics and efficiency?

algomachineHow can I improve this simple code for an elementary cellular automaton "dumped" to the terminal (at least in OSX). import sys import random import time import os import fcntl import random WIDTH = 40 # How wide is the pattern? w = WIDTH * [0] # create the current generati...

yayyyy I finally got a laptop
Q: Union Find implementation

cpp beginnerI am trying to complete this challenge. The user should enter a sequence of instructions, = to link two numbers, and ? to query whether two integers are linked. For example, ? 1 2 = 1 5 = 2 5 ? 1 2 should produce no yes I have tried following the algorithm given here to the letter, but I ke...

Q: Refining an ASP.Net MVC VeiwModel for a Table to display worked hours

Matthew VerstraeteI am writing an ASP.Net MVC app which has a page that will display a standard table which will contain a person's hours for the week. The basic structure of the table would be a 7 column, muti-row table. The Header of each column would display the Day of the Week with the total hours worked that ...

Q: Swift is there better Solution to Leetcode “Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters”

Zekun TangHere is my solution, but the online judge told me "Time Limit Exceeded". Is there better solution to this problem?????? LeetCode medium 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Question: Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Examples: ...

Q: Custom Kit Form Validation

DennisI have an HTML form where I need to do the following when value of Select Box changes to initial "Not Selected" value (where values of the option is 0), I am to highlight the select box, when it's non-0, restore the original coloring of the select when I submit the form, and the Select box valu...

if your code is actually working, this looks like a good candidate to move to codereview.stackexchange.comJeff Puckett II 55 secs ago
As it stands, "Is my code ok?" is a closer fit for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Oliver Charlesworth 1 min ago
@Vogel612 Nice, a new one?
Code Review suggested I go to Programmers. If Programmers suggests I go to SO, it will create an infinite loop referrals. Code Review is a much smaller community and in the past my questions just hang there without answer. If I do get an answer, days or weeks later, I typically have longed moved on and answers are of no much use to me. I much prefer SO or Programmers, for I get my questions answered there. Code Review is a place my question go to die. — Dennis 56 secs ago
@Duga Ouch.
Oh it's PHP
@skiwi yeap.. currently partitioning my drive from CLI before getting arch into dual boot
@Vogel612 Which laptop is it?
something close to what simon recommended
Doesn't tell me much ^^
Q: Delete node in a list with passing by reference in C

kafkaGiven the following code for deletion of an element in a doubly linked list not circular: struct list { int info; struct list *prev; struct list *next; }; struct list *insert(struct list *top,int k) { struct list *tmp=NULL; if(!top) { tmp=(struct list *)malloc(si...

Heh, did you say something like codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/158069 ? :-) — peppe 41 secs ago
in VBA Rubberducking, 5 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
if I'm outright wrong, go ahead and downvote me... I'm still missing [badge:peer-pressure]
If you have an object with 100 member variables, SRP is taking a serious beating and a builder is only going to be lipstick on a pig. "Red flag", because the class that's being created shouldn't have any knowledge that it's being created by a builder. It having a dependency on a builder which in turn is coupled with the class it's building, reeks of strong coupling, that's why. Nowhere in the GoF description of the pattern does it say that the product needs to know of a builder. It's not because a contrived illustratory example does it that it's how it should be done. — Mat's Mug ♦ 12 mins ago
that's a "blob-the-builder" pattern
@Mat'sMug Those aren't words
@Quill huh?
they're words that hurt my brain to think about >_< (it was a joke)
@Rubberduck203 Glad to help :) That does nudge me as a reminder that I need to start planning the next edition...
okay, this is why .net wins. .net string constructor overloads, vs. Java string constructor overloads - Java has an overload that intakes a StringBuilder. This is just outright twisted, I'm steering clear of Java questions for a while.
deleted that answer BTW
and TTQW
@Mat'sMug Oh god the page layout on the java docs
didn't want to push it ;-)
guys guys
I just discovered a fun .NET trivia thing all on my own
can you tell me a situation where x == 5.0 works but 5.0 == x doesn't?
as in: compile/not-compile
Q: Python Generate and Execute Statements

pmvI have a series of statements that needs to evaluated with every iteration Currently I'm able to print the statements but I'm unable to execute them import pandas as pd import functools #STEP0: DEFINE DATA ELEMENTS- SCORE CARD AND STUDENT SCORES #SCORE CARD DATA score_card_data = { 'subj...

@JeroenVannevel please end my suffering, spill the beans!
void Main()
	var x = new Myclass();
	Console.WriteLine(5 == x); // wurks
	Console.WriteLine(x == 5); // doesn't wurk

class Myclass
	public static bool operator ==(double d, Myclass mc)
		return false;

	public static bool operator !=(double d, Myclass mc)
		return false;
overload resolution baby
ha, nice
Operator overloading.... nice. I wish you could do that in JS ;-;
@Quill yeah, so you could swap the meanings of === and ==, and make the language even more evil than it already is!
if you could change the definitions, you could pretty much make JS statically typed
I was working on something similarish for my next blog post
@Quill wouldn't that be a sign of the end of the world?
the fifth rider of the apocalypse, Statically-Typed-JS
These days we have JS frameworks like TypeScript (Microsoft) and FlowType (Google) that make a statically typed version of JS anyway
gosh, the end is near
Q: Octree creation for Barnes-Hut algorithm

JohnKI am trying to implement quadtree for my barnes-hut algorithm implementation. I am not sure that the code I've wrote so far is good implementation - it is dirty, and tend to be slow. Of course I am also aware that the results might be correct, but I'd be glad if someone can take a look at that an...

@Mat'sMug a StringBuilder is not something that builds a String
it's basically a MutableString
or to be more correct a MutableCharSequence
also you actually cannot create Strings without StringBuilders. at least not the way you probably think
because "" + "" actually is new StringBuilder("").append("").toString();...
because actually immutable objects funkyness :D
Q: Convert Roman Numeral to Arabic

SethI've been learning Haskell recently and I decided I needed to work on a (somewhat) realistic problem. What I'm most interested in getting feedback on is how well I've used the tools in Haskell to accomplish the goal of converting Roman numerals to Arabic values. I suspect that my approach is mo...

I entered 3,4,5 and this code works, so if you would like it "cleaned" and reviewed, please ask on CodeReviewcricket_007 12 secs ago
I'm a bit baffled that Code Review refused your question. Consider asking a question on their Meta site about that. — Robert Harvey ♦ 18 secs ago
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