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RELOAD! There are 2121 unanswered questions (93.6302% answered)
More tornado sirens.
Q: object.Body.js - Module for changing background image

arc.slate .0Looking for general feedback. I use and ID instead of the body directly so I can easily modify this for other elements. Interested more on code structure than things like naming conventions. I'm using imager to host my images. Module /*********************************************************...

Q: Design Patterns in Swift: Chain of Responsibility

Reza ShirazianI'm solving the following problem using the Chain Of Responsibility design pattern in Swift: Not all mechanics are created equally. Some mechanics are more experienced and can do more than others. We need a system where every job is propagated from the least experienced mechanic to the mo...

@Hosch250 They went on for an abnormally long period of time.
This question belongs on CodeReview, not StackExchange :) — Akshat Mahajan 51 secs ago
Rewriting your code to use OOP is not on-topic for Code Review. — Quill 6 secs ago
Q: Arabic numbers to Roman numerals conversion

MohamadThe following converts Arabic numbers to Roman numerals. I decided to factor each digit into its place value, then use a mapping to convert it to its Roman equivalent. For example, 1997 is factored to: \$(1 \times 10^3) + (9 \times 10^2) + (9 \times 10^1) + (7 \times 10^0) = 1000 + 900 + 90 +...

Q: Design Patterns in Swift: Mediator

Reza ShirazianI'm solving the following problem using the Mediator design pattern in Swift: Assume we track the location of all our mobile mechanics. We have noticed that there are times when a mobile mechanic might need assistance from another mechanic or a last minute need for a part that someone e...

Apparently I can't tell the difference between "turned off" and "hard deleted" in EF
thank christ it was a test account
lol, got it now?
Joe Duffy's blog is a source of awesomeness
I'm reading the older ones before I start with the Midori series. Definitely worth reading
I mean I'm reading the bottom of page 1
apparently there are 14 pages
Q: Class inheritance testing

TheLazyScripterI'm just messing around with class inheritance. I originally had a separate goal in mind but I ended up here, and my new goal was to have a parent that was completely ignorant of it's self, i.e. no default attributes. This would seem to make it easier to subclass, the MeleClass could set; for ins...

Q: wrapper for a rather unique API

netnoobThis is the first time iv written anything serious so any and all constructive criticism and advice is appreciated. The whole wrapper can be found here: https://bitbucket.org/kod_5/napper/src I will post code for one specific operation but would love if someone would be willing to do a full rev...

This is no code review site! — Olaf 19 secs ago
@CaptainObvious your title is certainly not better
Was listening to Michio Kaku, and then he went into string theory, and then my eyes glazed over a bit
circa 30 mins
This may as well be written in an alien language^
This could be a candidate to migrate over to Code Review, but you would have to show us exactly what AddWorksheetToWorkbook is doing, and showing the signature of the method this code lives in (or, the whole actual method) would help, too. Feel free to delete here and post a completed version there. — Mat's Mug 56 secs ago
Code Reviews be like: [line 67] reviewer: why are you doing this? me: explains function call reviewer: no like as a profession
there are some really interesting theme ideas for Ludum Dare 35:
I would do something like that... if I knew how to make games >_<
It's not too difficult. The only parts I've really been having trouble with are graphics.
Physics are occasionally annoying, but often it's more because of the constraints of the engine or framework I'm using.
Congratulations, @tim, on passing 20k!
Q: Rectangle Class

KHALIDFor this exercise, you need to implement two (2) classes, the Rectangle class and the RectangleTest class, as follows:  Rectangle class: o Instancevariables:  A variable named width that stores the width of the rectangle as a double.  A variable named length that stores the length of the recta...

Q: Reduce memory footprint of arduino networking code

KyranstarI'm writing some code which is basically supposed to http get some information from my own website and parse it, which (finally) works. However, when I compile the code, it showsthis: Sketch uses 14,466 bytes (44%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32,256 bytes. Global variables use 1,28...

@CaptainObvious What???
No code, no votes, no close votes yet?
This site sure isn't busy now.
it was 14 minutes ago
Please post your fully working code, including the input and output, at codereview.stackexchange.com. — R Sahu 31 secs ago
Q: Simple image loader using SDL and C++

Karl StringsI have been coding Java for 5+ years and before that did a little professional C. Picking up C++ again for the fun of it and I feel like I am just writing Java in C++ rather than understanding the C++ way of doing things. Anyway, I wanted some thoughts on my simple little class to make sure I am...

Q: The Trip -- Programming Challenge 2

hyphasisgoatkindly review my code and help me find what might be causing Online Judge to reject this code. I also tried various test input available on the web, including this website and code seems to give correct output. Problem statement is attached at end. Code:- #include <iostream> #include <sstream> ...

Well-written and thought out, but I'm afraid the post is probably off-topic for SO. You could check out the Code Review sister site. (However, be careful to check their rules and FAQ, I'm never sure when I do good by referring someone there.) — Jeroen 1 min ago
If you do repost this question on Code Review, I suggest that you do so with concrete examples instead of placeholder comments. — 200_success 10 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by st88 on question by st88: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/125667/revisions
@Duga soo.. it does change the code, but doesn't invalidate any answers...
should be fine
ohai @Gemtastic
Oh hai :3
possible answer invalidation by Toxantron on question by Toxantron: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/125718/revisions
@Duga handled
Q: error search button

jorgen gWe have a project in school building asp site and i have problem with search button. I did a bootstrap search button which i want to function but it only works if i have a textbox value filled: Textbox which works: @Html.TextBox("search", "", new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "for...

@CaptainObvious Broken.
@Neal @DanP Oh, where to start. So many possible angles of attack.
Also, monking.
@Duga status so far: Machine Learning vs. Old Classification 3 - 1
Holy carp
It's at +29
Also, stats time!
Yesterday, we got 13 more accepted answers, 20 more questions were answered, 41 more answers were posted, 172 badges were earned, 166 comments were left, 30 more questions were asked, 10 more questions were unanswered, 99 users joined, and 349 votes were created.
Our question answer accept rate went down by 0.0143%.
Our question answer rate went down by 0.0244%, and our answer accept rate went down by 0.0023%.
That's a downward trend two days in a row. D:
@EBrown 2 days downward isn't bad as long as it doesn't go too much down and is compensated by other days.
Well, I'm going to be going through the data from the past five days in just a minute here.
To see if the week trend so far is up or down.
SO has yet to have it's Question/Answer Accept Rate go up since I've been tracking it.
Or it's Question Answer Rate.
Or it's Answer Accept Rate.
Or even it's Answers Per Question...lol
Well, I take that back. It's Answer Accept Rate went up once.
@Mat'sMug Who is this Kaz you speak of
Q: Jquery script for double entry

KevinCan someone please give me an idea of a jquery script that perfroms double entry posting in a General Ledger?

Q: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault

AhmadHow can I fix this segmentation error? After running debugger on the code below I got the following error. Setting breakpoints Debugger name and version: GNU gdb (GDB) 7.6.1 Child process PID: 4528 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. In std::string::assign(char const*, unsi...

Woah, I got 10 SO rep today.
lol... dat radio announcer dad joke..
> You know Robinson Crusoe, right? Sure you do. Then you, Robinson and me have a common friend.
> Friday
~badum tish
Welcome to the 2nd monitor @joshblour
@Vogel612 That's not even a dad joke...
It's just a bad joke.
the robinson crusoe reference makes it a dad joke
No lol
@EBrown you'd be surprised
Dear god...please no.
@Vogel612 I'm not clicking that.
I've fallen into that trap before.
@Vogel612 Wtf...why is .blackfriday a TLD?
lol almost everybody has
@EBrown Because it will sell.
@EBrown TLDs can be arbitrary strings since about 2 years or so
it's just a little more expensive
Well, copious amounts of alcohol poured into my body.
Time to go to bed.
Sleep Well
@Vogel612 I probably will with all this liquor.
For some reason, alcohol makes me sleep better.
There are people old enough to be dads that haven't ever heard of Robinson Crusoe
@EBrown It also makes me a better writer when I'm stuck at some arbitrary problem for too long.
@Mast until you reread it the next day?
No, I write surprisingly maintainable code when under influence.
@Mast What's funny is I wrote this entire code thing while plastered.
Alcohol allows me to stop overthinking problems and just solve the darn things.
@EBrown Did you write the question while plastered as well? It's a very good question.
@Mast Yeah lol
Apparently, when I'm drunk, I write far better code and english than sober.
Which is funny.
But also bizarre.
I write better questions hammered than some of our newbies do sober...dear god I truly am a CR junkie.
@EBrown Obligatory XKCD:
@EBrown That's not a good comparison though, some newbies write questions we close and delete within 15 minutes.
@Zak LOL @ Windows ME
@Mast Right.
I wrote my entire Benchmarking setup drunk as well.
And the question.
I need to get an in-home breathalyzer so I can check my Ballmer levels.
I think like 50% of my SO answers are accepted.
Anyway, actually going to bed now.
Good night.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review SE. — computerfreaker 58 secs ago
Hooray, today I learned something about css.
height and width have no effect on inline-block and the inline-block will collapse. But setting it to block preserves the height/width
unfortunately, I need the behaviour of inline-block. Time to use the dreaded float..
also, SCSS is still awesome.
$flags: (
  en-gb: '../assets/images/flags/england.png'

@each $countryCode, $imageUrl in $flags {
  .#{$countryCode} {
    background-image: url($imageUrl);
Q: C# Http Server Socket error

ZapnologicaI have a simple application, that acts as an HTTP Server, that only accepts HTTP POST. It has been working great the past few months, but suddenly I have noticed a specific error in my LOG. And it does not make sense. So before I unnecessarily complicate it. let me show you the function where t...

@CaptainObvious One more VTC.
@DanPantry That's surprisingly easy to understand.
@Mast Right? SCSS makes CSS so much nicer to work with
when you use that + a flat class hierarchy CSS is actually enjoyable
You get to focus on the rules of CSS rather than specificity rules
Assuming you got a HTML/JS/CSS thing going, is CSS the most obvious place to handle localisation for multi-language sites?
@Mast No, CSS should only be used for presentational reasons
There are some limited things you can do with CSS for localisation - like flags
But it should never drive the content
Only how things look
Since we have a SPA, we use javascript to determine what strings to use for localisation and embed them in HTML
I'm working on a dropdown that changes the language of the app now, which is why I am dealing with flags
export default {
  bindings: {
    languages: '<',
    value: '<',
    onChange: '&'

  controller: class LanguageDropdownCtrl {
    change(value) {
      this.onChange({ value })

    getLabel(value) {
      const languageWithValue = this.languages.filter(lang => lang.value === value)[0]
      return languageWithValue && languageWithValue.label

  template: `<uib-dropdown>
    <span ng-style='{paddingTop: 7, display: "flex", alignItems: "center"}' uib-dropdown-toggle>
      <flag ng-style='{float: "left", marginRight: 3}' country="$ctrl.value"></flag>
And yes.. I hate everything about the template property, but that's angular for you
Yeah, inline HTML sucks.
unfortunately it's the only way to add css modules generated class names (in angular)
Q: Rewrite conditional statement

sum1I have this if else block code if($_POST["item"]=="All"){ $notificatioSetting->AllNotification=$_POST["status"]; } else if($_POST["item"]=="Accept"){ $notificatioSetting->AcceptTrackRequest=$_POST["status"]; } else if($_POST["item"]=="Deny"){ $notificatio...

and final result ^^
@DanPantry No Jack?
The rest looks shiny though.
why would I put the union jack on there? :p
it's English not British
I know, you know, the rest of the world doesn't.
@Mast bloody americans, probably
this answer feels like a code dump
@DanPantry That was on a Dutch site ^^
@Mast they're just doing it so the americans don't get confused /s
@DanPantry Agreed, but it got accepted anyway.
@DanPantry it totally looks that way on first glance, but the comments in the code explain the changes :/
OP: Besides this and switch, is there a better way?
Answer: Try this ;) *inserts switch statement*
oh no wait...
it's just a list of possibilities...
/* But here it may cause problem when user inserts something else than the expected; */
It's PHP...
sidenote: JavaFX CSS is a royal PITA
and it doesn't work
I've heard bad stories about JavaFX.
Q: Abstract Factory Pattern in Java

Rajat SaxenaI reproduced my version of Abstract Factory Pattern in Java. I know it's redundant but can I get critical comments about my code. Is it really the classic implementation of the pattern or not? /* * The demonstration of Abstract Factory Pattern * * Here the 'DocumentFactory' creates documents of...

JAvaFX worked fine for me when I used it :P
obviously the issue you're using JavaFX. You need to try using JAVAFX
@DanPantry I see you're trying to sell JAVAFX. You should totally drop that and use JQUERY instead.
You can tell how good of a library it is because whoever says it is shouting at you
Perhaps the same guy who wrote ?
@Gemtastic for whatever reason the CSS has absolutely no effect on selected TableView cells
I'd like to avoid discussion in comments and invite a user to chat. I remember using something like "move this discussion to chat" once on SO but don't seem to figure out how to do it again.
Can anyone provide some guidance ?
@MathiasEttinger you get a link automagically after comments reach a certain point
^ that
Oh… no way to trigger that manually?
Q: Idiomatic Leap years in haskell

Thomas FrancoisI wrote a simple function to determine if a year is a leap year or not. It works, but does not feel idiomatic. isLeapYear :: Int -> Bool isLeapYear year = (mod year 400) == 0 || ((mod year 4) == 0 && not ((mod year 100) == 0)) Is there a more "haskelly" way to write this function ?

can't cmods do it?
@MathiasEttinger Would probably require mod intervention.
(for some values of triggering it "manually")
ok, I’ll comment a bit more, then
@DanPantry mods can, yea, but that's usually not necessary
@Vogel612 Without seeing your code I can't even begin to guess why except you're either doing it wrong or need to clean and build
the stylesheet itself is included correctly..
I know because other rules work correctly
@Vogel612 could it be a specificity issue?
@DanPantry specified after .error, there's a whole 3 classes in use, all 3 have "default" rules, and after them I declared the :selected rules
@Vogel612 idk about javafx
but :selected is not a pseudo class in standard CSS
you might have meant :focus or :hover?
it is one in JavaFX. at least according to the docs
Hmm, then i don't know. :(
Just removed ~230 lines of dead code... from 5 files.. oh dear
               Asset       Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
 0d488fc786fff54b656b.js    1.84 MB       7  [emitted]  main
               vendor.js     887 kB       0  [emitted]  vendor
after all files in our app are completely minimised.. lol
(when not minified, they sit at 10mb together)
looking at that, it is very very hard for me to even care about file size on devices any more.. I've been working on this project for a year and there are a LOT of bloated dependencies in the vendor.js bundle likle angular react etc but when it is all compressed it comes down to 3mb total before gzip
That's just ridiculously high levels of compression
webpack is magic.
Q: Idiomatic abstract inheritance with Go

Eric BurelI am currently discovering Golang, and I try to implement some random variable generation functions similar to R functions. To avoid code repetition, I'd like to use inheritance, which is quite complex with Go at first sight. Each variable implements a x.R() method, which generate a random valu...

Q: Semantic structure HTML5

PeterI'm developing a website and I cut the images that I will use. So, my current structure is: <div class="news-top"> <p>CSS contains the top image</p> </div> <div class="news-center"> <p>CSS contains the center image (repeat-y)</p> </div> <div class="news-bottom"> <p>CSS contains the b...

@DanPantry So I looked up what webpack is, and the illustration they provide on their mainpage is very helpful.
@Mast I'm not sure if it is sarcasm, but that is basically what it is.
You take in X source files, pipe it through Y loaders and get out Z output files.
Nope, no sarcasm.
It's exactly what I want to see when figuring out whether I should add tech X to my stack.
So I pipe in .html, .scss, .png, .js, .ts, es6, vendor libraries, font files, .gif, etc and I get a minified, compressed output file with .js with all my code in, another .js with all vendor code in, some extracted .png files.. etc
Illustrations showing what problem it solves. Gold.
some of the coolest things it does is that it will take in .png files (if they are referenced by url inside a css file) and then if that file is under a certain byte size will replace the url with a data uri and get rid of the external fiel thereby reducing number of web requests.
it'll also remove any css classes it can detect are not being used
it's just.. awesome. :D
Hello. Good afternoon!
welcome @AnwarShah
I've just came at faq page. It's showing 403 error meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/faq
@Zak thanks
It's because you're trying to browse with https
there's no https cert for meta.cr
Try using plain text instead
I see. Thanks
I'd make a security joke, but since the security already is a joke, there's not much to add.
Because it's Friday:
With HTTPS support!
Next time there's a holy war (i.e, semicolons vs no semicolons, tabs vs spaces) we should just post this..
So, @DanP, look what I found:
Q: What advantages does TFS have over Tortoise SVN in this scenario?

CarnotaurusThis is neither a Holy War invocation nor is it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/661389/tfs-vs-svn - This question is much more specific and would potentially make a team of developers very happy: I used an earlier version of TFS for two years but I have not used it for years. What advantages ...

Somebody appears to be convinced TFS is better than SVN.
@Mast Well, the answerer is correct- TFS has file locking and a few other things.
That's not to say that TFS is better than SVN, just that it has more bells and whistles. I could polish a turd and it would still be a turd.
Q: my selection sort algorithms mutates the original elements (not just their order)

MAAI have a selection sort algorithm implementation in C. After I sort the array through the algorithm and print it again, I find that most elements are actually a series of around 4 numbers that keeps repeating. Especially the 0. The sort however does succeed ( I think). #include <stdio.h> #include <

Greetings, Programs.
@DanPantry We don't need no steeenkin' semicolons.
Q: C# Lexical Analyser

GuestFiddichI am trying to make a lexical analyser for university as part of our compiler project building off an example given by my lecturer. His example was only good for a single line entry at a time and I am having a problem trying to get it to work with multiple lines. I split the code into an array o...

Q: Is there a better way to to call logging here?

edistonI have written a code which is basically a web server, handling request func handleReq(respWriter http.ResponseWriter, reqFromClient *http.Request) { // handle request // create respToClient respData := sendResponse(respWriter, reqFromClient, respToClient) go func() { ...

If it's a working code, I'd suggest going to codereview.stackexchange.com which is specialized in enhancing code — Sami Kuhmonen just now
  "ExceptionMessage": "The transaction log for database '[redacted]' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'.",
Our UAT environment isn't working because of the above error.. woops
I think that's the first time I've seen a server fail because of backups
oh, wow
@Donald.McLean how did you get in here?!!!?!
Post this question on Code Review; — itzmukeshy7 41 secs ago
Uh oh, I really don't like when a DBA says "massive blocking" is going on in a production DB
@Phrancis sounds like a job for some Senokot
Whether that is for the DBA or the DB - you decide
Brb googling Senokot
> This process was filling up the tempdb log and threatening to cause the instance to fail over. I was forced to kill the process.
Oh, yeah, now I see the 1000 emails I got this morning about that stored procedure
@Phrancis amongst the 64000 emails you got about the rest of the db?
@Malachi Dude, Scala.
what's that?
I think that was another language I was going to add to my languages to learn list, it's not at the top, but it's on there
Scala (/ˈskɑːlɑː/ SKAH-lah) is a general purpose programming language. Scala has full support for functional programming and a very strong static type system. Designed to be concise, many of Scala's design decisions were inspired by criticism of the shortcomings of Java. Scala source code is intended to be compiled to Java bytecode, so that the resulting executable code runs on a Java virtual machine. Java libraries may be used directly in Scala code and vice versa (language interoperability). Like Java, Scala is object-oriented, and uses a curly-brace syntax reminiscent of the C programming language...
Scala is Java, but with less suck.
@DanPantry Yes, that.
I prefer "All the advantages of Java, and fewer of the disadvantages."
then why isn't everyone talking about Scala instead of Java?
@Malachi There are some aspects of Scala that are tricky, so it has gotten this reputation as "too hard to learn" by lazy people.
I have no idea what I am talking about, Scala was released in 2004
should I learn Java first before I try to learn Scala or vice versa, or does it really matter?
But the beauty of Scala is, you can just use the parts you understand and it becomes advanced Java.
@Malachi That's a difficult question. It depends on what you want to get out of it, and how motivated you are. There's no question that Scala does have a steeper learning curve than Java and if you find you like Scala, you will probably find Java annoying.
If you have prior experience with OO and functional languages, then Scala probably isn't that big a step.
I think I might learn Java first because of the job opportunities it will open up (there seem to be more of them) and work Scala in
A very reasonable plan.
> "Microsoft Research many years ago experimented with using some unused bits on each object as access counters. The research hacked the heap to re-organized mostly used objects so that they ended up on the same page. He showed in a sample XML parser that C# code was faster than optimized C++.
> The talk he gave on it was called, "Making C# faster than C#". The researcher that developed the technique left MS and the research apparently died with him. He had a long list of other, similar improvements that he was planning on trying. None of which, I believe, saw daylight."
Functional languages are odd though.
@Mast Yeah, and the purer they are, the odder they get.
Periodically, the developer of Scala runs an intro to functional programming course on Coursera.
you should show your code and then the question is probably better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comtobi303 43 secs ago
Q: Particle in Cell: efficient data structure handling

Sebastian LehmannI am building a simulation where you have 'Agents' distributed over a rather large landscape. Because the number of Agents is small, compared to the size of the landscape, I use the PIC approach where the landscape is divided into rather large cells and every cell can contain multiple agents - in...

Q: F# logging agent with mailboxprocessor

Peter SiebkeI'm still learning F# and have written this logger agent I want to use in a project. How is the coding style? Especially the part with MailboxProcessor.Start ... will get ugly, if more features will be added. module LoggingAgent // representing the state of the Program by F# type system ope...

So what should we do with this one?
Q: for (post in [loop]) { post.tagMoreAppropriately(); }

PhrancisThe loop tag is generic... like, very, very generic. Generic as in, if your code doesn't loop somewhere, it's probably not a computer program. Hence I'm nominating the loop tag for burnination. Numbers and stuff: As of 2016-04-06 there are 460 posts tagged with loop At the same time, the lang...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belong on codereview.stackexchange.comRiggsFolly 56 secs ago
@Phrancis found one you'd like
I did not notice this before but I am getting the following error Warning 1 [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the textrun ‘Textbox13.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ contains an error: Conversion from string "NULL" to type 'Date' is not valid. — Steve Hobbs 6 mins ago
> Conversion from string "NULL" to type 'Date' is not valid.
@Mat'sMug LOL
> Your value isn't null (or Nothing actually) - it's a STRING literal that contains the VALUE "NULL".

You need to fix your data, not your report.
Q: Idiomatic ruby to calculate distance to points on a graph

MattCan this code be made more like idiomatic ruby using methods such as map or inject? @random_tour is a variable length array of points on a graph: [[0, 0], [2, 1], [4, 3]] I want to calculate the distance to reach each point using the manhattan distance (number of moves horizontally + number of ...

no unnecessary holy wars in the main chat
at least not those that we did already have yesterday
@Vogel612 Blame @Neal
I ain't gonna blame anyone, as long as you stop :D
> If that expression is for Textbox13, then this would work:
Gotta love VB naming of things
How far does that go, up to 255?
@Phrancis gotta love null dates stored as a "NULL" string.
@Mast SSRS generates a textbox for each cell in a grid. I don't know where it stops.
Scary stuff
mind you, my reports have fields like "QuantityOrdered", "AmountOrdered", "CustomerName"...
As far as I know, there is no hard upper limit, it's probably more likely it will run out of memory and die than run out of textboxes it can make
Ya know, I never thought about that off-topic. Thanks for pointing that out...I'll take a look at Code Review and be sure to check the rules in the FAQ as you suggested. — Mike 43 secs ago
this post might go better with the folks over at code reviewJeff Puckett II 24 secs ago
@Mat'sMug That could escalate quickly. On the other hand, if you have so many textboxes, you're doing it wrong.
@Vogel612 Eh? That was just fun banter. I am confused...
preemptive measures mostly
you sure can try to get Mast into a JS holy war though.. but please do so in the nth
the subject was discussed extensively just yesterday
.... oook... weird, but oook
@Vogel612 Which leaves the question of what constitutes a "necessary" holy war. :-)
@Neal Oook! Oook! Oook? Oook.
I'll just .. go back to doing my homework...
I think I got my windows key and mouse oooks to work at last.
And, in case you haven't noticed, it's Friday.
@Vogel612 ((statement) => console.log(`${statement}! ${statement}! ${statement}? ${statement}.`))('Oook')
JavaScript 'd ;-P
@Donald.McLean There is no war. JAVA wins.
user image
@Mat'sMug s/JAVA/JavaScript
Plz send help
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 418
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '91C7' to data type int.
@Phrancis :cookie: !
oh. right. not slack.
@Phrancis hex value?
@Mat'sMug Kinda. Yes. Stored as a string.
Your data source (view, stored procedure, inline SQL) is probably doing conversions "for convenience". If the database is storing dates as dates, there's hope. — Mat's Mug 3 mins ago
@Phrancis my sympathies
I think I understand your saying that the database is changing it to a string with the text value of NULL, If thats the case, Im surprised because the database is from a reputable Vendor — Steve Hobbs 8 mins ago
honey badger database don't care
@Mat'sMug Flag, obvious troll.

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