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RELOAD! There are 2108 unanswered questions (93.6472% answered)
I missed SO being down again
Yep. By like 20 minutes.
Hopefully Twitter isn't flooded with "oh god what would we all do without Stack Overflow"
I don't want to see the same shit for the tenth time
Apparently heartbeat was lost at 23:29.
Aw man I step away for a few minutes and miss a SQL outage lol
Scheduler ran perfectly. :D And the API was up when it ran, this is good news.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 mins ago, by Quill
I was working on a native chat app for se/mse/so, but ditched it becuz technical reasons. It would really come in handy, every time I switch tabs chrome reloads the page ;-;
Mobile chat is annoying ;-;
Well, let's start graphing data.
Uhh you can make Android apps with C#?
I'm learning this as well. I was trying to say that your struct should be constructed by the list class. I have a similar post here: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/125323/73806Ritchie Shatter 57 secs ago
@Phrancis Xamarin
Oh, that's what Xamarin is huh
It's basically an abstraction platform for the WP, iOS and Android platforms
Unity is like the Xamarin of games too
so you write for Xamarin and it will work (should work) on each of these platforms
And it has its own flavour of C# IIRC and JS
Xamarin is normal C#. No special flavours
I was talking about Unity
Bugcheck dump log from Stack Overflow's primary SQL server: https://t.co/IucG8hVU9k
oh nvm then
Lol The dump says "2 Mhz processor (s)"...
But for the apple releases you have to get a mac to build the executables
I thought maybe it changed with the recent Xamarin changes
Maybe if Xamarin had servers that built stuff for you
But not that I know of
for some of the features you have to modify native code (ie Android Studio, Xcode) as well
Shout out to @alioth, @GBrayUT, and @Nick_Craver for turning a SQL outage around in 10 mins. Root cause not known yet, but damn that's fast!
but it's still not working on all sites?
Which ones aren't working?
those are the only ones that I have tried
Both work for me.
I even tried a forced refresh
if you refresh an error page it stays on the error page
had to remove the error?aspxerrorpath=/
Sounds about right.
Q: heuristic c++ coding is not accurate when solving maximun clique

Amos KeeI m building a c++ coding to solve maximum clique problem. I'm using binary matrix adjancency to represent the graph. But when I test using the DIMACS-benchmark, my answer is far more different compare to the answer given. how can i improve my c++ coding? int i,j,N,M,r,t,k,maxi,a,maximum,nCl...

I am trying to Fix Windows 10 right now. start menu won't work and the edge icon doesn't show up in the task bar
Cygwin takes a long time to install...
Well, it looks like this question is actually belong to "codereview" stack exchange though :) — Earth Engine 49 secs ago
Well, my code base now entirely follows my ESLint rules
there were like 200 to fix
So I'm in Visual Studio, and I want to make a sandbox project where I can just test out code and whatnot
It doesn't seem to really have a thing like that... I picked a console app Solution, but that appears to only allow a main/program class
you can add any number of classes to a console app
I must be missing how to do that then, haven't used VS much
see that treeview docked to the right?
right-click it
well, right-click the project node
add > class
Ohhhhh OK
Can I have as many Main as I want or does it need to have a single entry point? (for the project/solution)
Single entry point.
You can have _Main, which is what I do.
you pick the entry point in the project properties
you can have 200 if you want, but there's only one that actually runs
I.e. I have a solution for sandboxing C# questions on SE, so I make other classes (Site_QuestionId) with a _Main(string[] args) method, called from my Main(string[] args) method.
Ah, that's clever
Then I put all the code for that question ID in the class for it.
So that other classes don't see it.
the irony is that you end up with a C# solution to hold Code Review projects with classes named Q123456, Q234567 and Q345678
Gah, I need to build a graphing system so I can build graphs for this website project.
@Mat'sMug You end up with something like this:
class CR_108280
    public static void _Main(string[] args)


    static class GMLogger
yup. looks familiar :)
Then call it with CR_108280._Main(args); from main.
You have it opened?
go to project properties
in the Application tab
Literally a solution called Stack Exchange Questions.
I know how to change the entry point.
does the startup object dropdown list all _Main methods?
No, because that's not how the Startup object works. :P
hehe.. I've always just left it alone :/
For it to show up under that dropdown, it has to be an internal class and method, with the method named Main(string[] args) specifically.
Apparently a public main works as well.
so only your underscore trumps it then
Yeah, that's why I use it. I always leave that at "Not set"
I'd rather call them from the root Main method.
Because sometimes I want to run multiple files at once.
Also, Atom is sweet.
Atom is great
Really nice for rapid-prototyping a concept.
Q: Callback-oriented Tic-Tac-Toe

Jack WilsdonI have written a simple implementation of the game Tic-Tac-Toe designed to allow "pluggable" player control, meaning I can easily swap out the controlling logic for players without modifying the game itself. I have a few issues with my existing code: I don't like the while loop for processing,...

2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by Amos Kee on question by Amos Kee: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/125346/revisions
@Duga ugh.. messy.
Ugh, graphing data is hard.
Bright side: I am now watching The Force Awakens. No spoilers please.
Have fun! It's a good movie.
These random all-caps words are disconcerting.
Disney is trying too hard.
We get it, alright.
they're in the original trilogy openings as well...
I don't remember random caps.
They're still UNNECESSARY though.
Oh dear god. All the dark.
they just want to be sure you GET IT
What is this robot thing
I don't remember him from the original 6.
Because he's not in the original 6.
He's new.
BB-8? he's new. now shhhh... watch and learn
Who tf is this old guy?
Robot's back.
I want to see an Astro-Droid.
At least the troopers learned how to aim.
I remember in the original 3 they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.
Now at least they can hit something.
30 years of training
(Shoot, that's probably a spoiler for someone.)
Is that Obi-Wan? I thought he died.
No that's not him.
This guy talks just like I do.
grabs popcorn
"I'll show you the dark side."
I bet you will.
throws popcorn at @EBrown
You watching it with me?
lol, no
saw it a few months ago
Same here.
Why is the gray trooper a woman?
not her fault. she was probably born that way. happens to about 50% of the population.
No it's a suit.
Maybe they're all just robots that look like humans.
That would be super dope.
"I am your father." "Actually, not true. You're a robot, but you were invented by my father."
> Storm troopers are people too.
This movie is awesome already.
9/10 would watch intro again.
Man, they made that star destroyer look really small.
just you wait
things will get bigger
HELLO @Heslacher
@Heslacher Hi
This woman is really bad at tally marks.
You're supposed to make the 5th, 10th or 20th mark a diagonal across the previous ones.
@EBrown ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)?
@EthanBierlein I was gonna make an inappropriate joke.
How old is this girl?
you always talk like that during a movie?
@EBrown Daisy Ridley is 24 years old.
@EthanBierlein She looks like a teenager here.

 The Nth Monitor

Conversations that don't quite fit in The 2nd Monitor
any thoughts on the undefined behavior here?
Q: Maximum clique using binary matrix adjacency

Amos KeeI'm solve the maximum clique problem. I'm using binary matrix adjacency to represent the graph. But when I test using the DIMACS-benchmark, my answer is far more different compared to the answer given. How can I improve my C++ coding? #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #define n 500 using nam...

does it make the question broken? I guess right?
What have you mean?
As adviced, will post similar queries to code review. Thanks for your valuable comments. — Naresh Raj 12 secs ago
int main()
    int i,j,N,M,r,t,k,maxi,a,maximum,nCliq;
    int vCliq[n+1],p[n+1],max[n+1],e[n+1][n+1];
AFAICT line 2 is underfined behavior, n isn't initialized
#define n 500
Right at the top of the file.
oh wow
@EBrown ew
That's not even his first problem.
using namespace std;
Alright, technically it's the first problem.
The second is using namespace std;.
The third is that huge line of variables.
Then the next line of variables.
I'll show you a for loop.
ok ok.. so the code works then
for (int i = 0; i < long.MaxValue; i++)
@Mat'sMug Yeah.
Yeah, I compared an int to the max value of a long. Get over it.
"It'll only loop 2^31 times. It's okay!"
Sure it will.
Because no one would realize that i get's promoted to a long for each iteration.
So, not only will it loop forever, it will also perform much more slowly than expected.
computer dead / 10
10/10 best for loop ever.
Would loop again.
And again.
Q: go http client fails after several requests

DanyI am using golang's net/http package in my application. In my use case I am trying to make http calls several times continuously using my custom http client. I am facing following issues with this. Issue 1: After several calls [ ~100 less than a minute], client fails to make calls.I mean the req...

@Mat'sMug I need your opinion on something.
Because in my opinion it's a good idea, but a lot of my good ideas are bad ideas.
Go to this question, look at Wrapper<T>, and tell me if I should implement IEnumerable<T>.
I want to implement IEnumerable<T>, and have it just enumerate over the Items property for easier access.
So I don't have to remember that I need to enumerate Wrapper<T>.Items every time.
@EBrown not if Items is public
Well, I need to get at least 5 hours of sleep. Night @all.
Oh no
This movie just got intense.
Sad time.
You need to ask specific questions if you are stuck somewhere. If you want a review of the code, please see codereview.stackexchange.comRohit Agre 24 secs ago
Q: Primality check

Wilf-FineI'm learning Python. I want to list the first N numbers that are of the form $$p^{2^n}$$ where p is prime and n is a natural number. My code is as follows. def isprime(n): if n==1: return False if n==2: return True if n%2==0: return False if n<9: return True if n%3==0: ...

Q: Find the date for the nearest day of the week, in this case Fri & Sat

LarryMoeGeneral objective: Find the date (day of the month) of the nearest specified day of the week and output. More specifically: Focusing on events which take place every Fri & Sat, want the page to automatically update dates to next events. HOWEVER for clarity the page should never display Fridays a...

@CaptainObvious Broken
@RohitAgre You are correct that Stack Overflow requires questions to be about a specific problem. However, Code Review is not appropriate for this question either, since asking for explanations of how code works is off-topic there. — 200_success 43 secs ago
Q: A linked list with push pop append and destructor

lorniperI tried to implement a linked list that can do pop(), push(), append(), printall(), and so on, and also I tried to handle the wraparound features, and de-wrap it when check if the list is cyclic to avoid endless loop, but I am sure this wrap and de-wrap features can be implemented better... #inc...

What's up @JNat.
It's 2:55AM here...lol
So I guess, yes, it's morning.
Also, who do I talk to if my CR Swag shirt is the wrong size?
@EBrown Shoot me an e-mail
@JNat I'm kidding. I haven't worn it yet. It's not a for-wearing shirt. :P
But nevertheless its the wrong color ;-)
I haven't even unfolded it yet.
> Now, instead of spending time figuring out what time of day is it for every member of the channel, we spend time explaining newcomers benefits of UGT.
Just finished The Force Awakens, 7/10 was not disappointed.
In any case, good UGT night everyone.
@EBrown whaaaaat
Q: signal handling in C/Unix

Programmer 400I've written a small shell that can start and run programs and in the background. But I'm not sure about the signal handling which is supposed to handle background processes so that ctrl+c doesn't stop the whole shell and doesn't stop the background process but only the foreground process. Should...

Q: the video is not playing what could be the issue,thank you

tonyart//section of code is displayed below

@CaptainObvious HAMMERTIME!
Also, monking all.
@nhgrif Agreed. That's because readability gets hurt if you write too verbose.
I just accepted 18 licence terms at once by installing VS2015 Community.
New record.
lol @Mast
I've just been reminiscing about when I started playing LoL. I just remembered that I a) tried to build Trinity Force on Anivia in Dominion in my first game and b) saw nothing wrong with Irelia gaining 26 HP per hit on her old W passive.
I was very stupid.
You can build a Trinity on pretty much anything, but I've been an avid Anivia player and that's not a good combination.
I preferred Nocturne in Dominion though, nice chases :-)
RIP Dominion.
to be fair over the years I think I played maybe a handful of games in it. I never understood it tactically

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