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RELOAD! There are 2019 unanswered questions (93.8408% answered)
hey, actual Swift questions
A: core location and core data using swift?

nhgrifYou already know exactly what your viewDidLoad method should look like... you just didn't write it how you know it should look. It should look like this: override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() setUpCoreLocationManager() setUpMap() } If you've got a block of code and it...

Is it common practice to solve layout issues in a similar way? Speaking professionally... absolutely not. However, it's hard to show you the correct way without a complete description of the layout you expect to see across all devices. Can you update this question with some information describing exactly how the layout should look? Major bonus points for screenshots. — nhgrif 8 secs ago
Q: Cleaning up a Go ping program

EMBLEMI've just written a ping application in Go. I'm proud of the logic, but I want some help to refactor it. The program has too much code in main, and pulling functions out of it requires a lot of variables (see cleanUpAndExit). package main import ( "fmt" "golang.org/x/net/icmp" "gola...

Q: Generate 6 random numbers for lottery in PHP

MatíasThis program generates 6 random numbers between 0 and 45 and the numbers cannot be reapeated. Can this code be improved? $numbers = []; $i = 1; while($i <= 6) { $number = mt_rand(0, 45); if(!in_array($number, $numbers)) { array_push($numbers, $number); $i++; } ...

If you have a question, please be specific about what behavior you are seeing, and what behavior you expect to see. If your code works and you just want some constructive criticism, please look at the posting guidelines for codereview.stackexchange.com. — chepner 53 secs ago
@Jerry Coffin: You around?
@Jerry Coffin: Based on the discussion we had on your answer here: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/123459/507 I wrote up: lokiastari.com/blog/2016/03/25/resizemaths Love to hear your opinion.
@Mat'sMug wow @ bluefeet's answer
Q: 2D colliding disks in JavaScript (ideal billiard balls)

MaximI am implementing a simulation of colliding disks (ideal 2D billiard balls) in JavaScript. I follow an event-driven algorithm that avoids discretizing time; the algorithm goes as follows at each step: Compute the moment of the next collision (with walls or between two disks) Translate the sphe...

@Shannon That's why I directed you to codereview.stackexchange.com. Your question is off-topic for Stack Overflow. — chepner 27 secs ago
@PinCrash IKR! I'm sending an adapted version of that to Sage tomorrow :)
Q: TCP client and server supporting six simple commands

ShannonFor a class, I was given an assignment to code a simple TCP connection between a server and a client. Once the TCP handshake is done, the client sends inquiries to the server. It's a 2 second conversation, if that. I need some feedback on my code. Please keep in mind that I am new to Python. The ...

@Mat'sMug Nice! I need to find me a use case for that so I can "get it" that sounds like a very handy maneuver
pivoting isn't something you typically do in plain SQL
select *
  from #tmp
) d
  for OptionalFieldName in (Field1, Field2, Field3)
) piv
You could use a CTE instead of that subquery, right?
note, Field1,Field2,Field3 are actual row values
if you don't know what values you're after, that's when you start needing dynamic sql
you should see the query Sage sent us earlier today, to get their "optional fields" to work with our reporting
their proposed solution only allows 1 optional field at a time
which is dumb
I pretty often find myself putting together ad-hoc queries for stuff to send a customer or colleague who just needs a data set looking a certain way, this may be good
@Mat'sMug oh damn
yeah... I thought "if I could figure out a way to pivot the damn thing, I'll make them work a bit harder"
that said
Q: What is the word for always YES (100%) or always NO (0%), never in-between

simonFor example: 1) In statistics, this attribute will always either be 0% or 100%, never in-between. 2) The boundary is either safe or destroyed, because there is never a state where it is only 'slightly leaking'. 3) The rash either itches or does not. It can't itch a little. That woul...

I would have expected a "Sith" answer
hehe.. done
@Mat'sMug Got a DV; I saw it come in.
well I just re-read the question, and "Sith" makes no sense, so it's well-deserved :)
it's not about "someone", it's about "something"
If this code works, I believe this question should be migrated to codereview.stackexchange.comAndrew Myers 41 secs ago
Why aren't you spending time with your wife?
waiting for the kids to fall asleep
@Quill It is his wife's birthday.
I feel obliged to say something nice, but that feels weird
hey GitHub now has a "canned responses" feature
@Quill lol
I said "happy birthday", but I wanted to ask what she thought of an Internet stranger saying "happy birthday" to her.
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Mat'sMug BTW, what does that smiley mean?
I find it interesting that it has come to a world where it is less effort to paste the question than even google for a solution when this question has been asked in the past few days on this site. ExampleKevinO just now
it means tsu, IIRC. or n
This does not count as MCVE. — nhgrif 44 secs ago
@nhgrif dat indent
@AlienHerbNite Monking
Q: I hope when imageView mobile imageView can click on the view

Kveen.LiI want my imageView when moving to each click #import "danmuWeb.h" @interface danmuWeb()<UIGestureRecognizerDelegate> @property (nonatomic, strong) NSTimer * burstTimer; @property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat heartSize; @property (nonatomic, strong) NSTimer *timer; @property (nonatomic, str...

> I want my imageView when moving to each click
This is clearly an XY problem. — nhgrif 13 secs ago
Q: Converting C to assembly language

Soo LavishI'm relatively new to assembly language and I'm having some trouble trying to convert this code: int sum = 0; for (int i = 10; i >=0; i--) { sum+=i; } into emu8086. I'm not too sure on how to start, but the way I was think was starting with a counter controlled loop that subtracts for the CX...

Q: How can I programmatically check which device my app is running on? (Swift and Sprite Kit)

Harrison RI want to create if statements testing for which device the app is running on. For example, if the app is running on an iPhone 5s, change node positioning. Does anyone know how to create these statements? Thanks. I want to test for the screen size. EDIT: I've found the answer. I download the S...

@nhgrif please reopen. Just do it. Don't be an a** — Harrison R 44 secs ago
Q: pls answer this

user101528Create a program that will do the following: 1. Ask user to enter number 1 to 100. 2. The system returns error if the entered value is out of range and terminates the program. 3. The system stores the number in array memo that can collects at maximum of 10 numbers. 4. The system repeats process 1...

@CaptainObvious nope
@CaptainObvious lol
Q: How can I replace scanf for %s and change the input and output behavior?

Junyoung KimThis is my parentheses balanced program. I didn't attach stack.c and stack.h. I already checked this program to my TA and I got a comment like this. Your stack is supposed to grow and shrink dynamically to accommodate any number of characters. DO NOT USE scanf for %s, this is risky behavi...

And in other news .....
user image
that puts the "ninja" in "ninja-edit" haha
and the ninja close
oh wait, no, you were 6 seconds late
wat. I can't even see that on the front page
yeah.... I thought i could at least fix the formatting before the close vote, but the vote and now delete were pretty hot on each other's heals.
Just hiding
well, if you get the edit afterward, it should hit the reopen queue
Q: Minimax java implementation with depth control

Santiago Bassanii'm currently working on a tic tac toe game with a MiniMax implementation. i've been trying to make it work for the past tow 2 days without luck, the problem is that the minimax function isn't getting down the tree for all the possible moves. Every piece of advice might come useful as i'm new to ...

speak of the devil
@CaptainObvious hello Captain
Q: Place Ajax request on completion of Ajax Request

user35I have an Ajax request which in turn on completion make another ajax request. Is this good? How can it be improved? $.ajax({ url: '<?php echo BASE_URL.'Dashboard/GetMyTrackList' ?>', type: 'GET', success: function (response) { var list = JSON.parse(re...

while I personally enjoy this kind of questions (and it did provoke some good answers) sadly those are not really a good fit for SO - see you don't really have a problem, you are asking for advice or and code review and I think the codereview site on StackExchange might indeed be a better place for those — Carsten 27 secs ago
1 hour later…
You could also submit the above code to codereview.stackexchange.com, since it contains several other mistakes. — Roland Illig 24 secs ago
@RolandIllig: Code Review is for reviewing working code, not for fixing non-working code. — Jonathan Leffler 16 secs ago
> 405,971 reputation
monking @all
Q: Sending file[type="file"] multiple content as list of base64's

Vassiliy VorobyovThere is a code that takes all files from input of multiple files, gets base64 for each of them, packs to array and jsonifies it. How to simplify and improve quality of code? text = $('#input-' + id).val(); var files = document.querySelector('#files' + id + ' > input[type=file]').files; if (text...

doesn't really solve your question, but if you want a little code for start/stoppable background jobs, see [here](codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/122159/a-two-method-program-for-ru‌​nning-background-jobs) — max pleaner 38 secs ago
Q: JavaScript Date formatting

menakaWhat is the best way to format a date using JavaScript,covert a date into MySQL stranded date format. I have used the below JavaScript code/function that i found. function formatDate(date) { var d = new Date(date), month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1), day = '' + d.getDate()...

Thanks santas. :)
@rolfl wow, that was a fast off-topic hammer
Well, I think I just found an odd peculiarity with expression-bodied members in C#.
I had no idea Costco sells cars...can you buy just 1, or do they come in packs of 10? — coburne 11 hours ago
I've been seriously considering migrating to the US in the next couple of years... isn't the car situation in the US kinda screwy?
As in, you can only buy a car from a monopoly -screwy?
No, you can buy cars private party and used and such.
Monking all
I'm beginning to wonder where the heck I should report my segfault :/
@EBrown Oh, cool. Good stuff
I can't drive anyway
@DanPantry Not exactly any different here. And it's not a monopoly per se. Yes, you have to buy through a dealership, but you're more than welcome to pick and choose which dealr you go to.
@Kaz You don't have to buy them from a dealer in the U.S., at least not in any state I've lived in.
Why would you want to emigrate to the USA?
^ that
@Vogel612 Did you figure out who caused it? Report it to the one who should feel responsible.
@EBrown If the car's brand new, then somewhere in the chain it's being bought through a delaership.
Q: Python: Bound Method Object - Inheritance: Logic Gates and Circuits

Trey We have a couple of questions about this code. We are studying Algorithms and Data Structure at Uni and this is the first time that We are using Python 3. So please be gentle with your answers :) Ok, let's start. Please check the whole code in the bottom. First, we run the program calling main(...

Q: What would Clippy say?

200_successWe have a question closure rate of ~30%. That's a significant burden on moderators and users who help triage the questions. While some questions can indeed be very difficult to triage, there are also many many incoming questions that are obviously bad just from a split-second glance. Stack Exc...

@Kaz I guess that's not what I meant to imply. Yes, all (or at least most) cars come from a dealer, but you don't need to go to a dealer to get one. You can get one from another person as well.
@Mast it's either IntelliJ or openjdk or the combination
@Mast Because there's actually space to breathe in and the cost of living is lower (health insurance not included). Though if Drumpf gets the presidency I'd probably reconsider
Values compared to UK
Go to Germany, or Sweden.
Belgium, if cheap living is all you need.
Cold countries, though :(
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Correct syntax and improvement account.php file
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: is_dir function for FTP/FTPS connections
@DanPantry Cyprus, Australia.
Australia's particularly welcoming of skilled migrants these days.
Cyprus is cheap because the economy is in the bin, Australia is filled with creatures tryign to kill you :P
@DanPantry Monaco, Bahamas, Canary Islands :p
Yeah but none of them have girls with American accents.
You can't fault me there.
The good kind, not the NYC/ southern drawl kind
@Bluefire I have explained the difference. which is one better? depends on your context and is off-topic (try codereview.stackexchange.com). — gurvinder372 29 secs ago
@DanPantry You want the Wisconsin kind.
@DanPantry meh... I think that's overvalued ...
@EBrown This guy gets it
If the code works, you understand what you are doing and what is going on, maybe the question would fit better in codereview.stackexchange.com ? — M.T 25 secs ago
also I'd seriously reconsider going to the US because most houses are basically wooden barracks
@DanPantry My boss is from Wisconsin, and she's like an 8ish. Great voice/accent.
@Vogel612 BS
It depends on what area you are in.
@Vogel612 You should see the houses in the UK..
@EBrown everything else would be without "room to breathe"
@Vogel612 What? No. Concrete houses and steel houses are pretty popular over here, and they're very nice.
damn. I post my meta answer and it gets an upvote inside of 2 seconds.
and what is the question? debug/clean up my code? that is off topic here. If you have specific problem in code that is relevant here but not that you put whole code here with vague description not explaining what and how it do what it do or should (unless it is something trivial). This may be better for codereview.stackexchange.com Also do not use graphic tag if you are not solving graphic problems. To mark graphic.h usage use BGI and WinBGI tags instead. — Spektre 45 secs ago
@Kaz @200_success Is awesome like that.
Ugh, it's 0400...I need to go to bed.
@Mast the problem is, the JVM is basically supposed to never ever crash
not even when you feed it garbage
@Quill Monking, as I leave. :P
then on the other hand it's obviously IntelliJ's fault for doing something strange, because the program itself works fine when run as a standalone
@Kaz :)
I smelt the word Australia
@Quill It's like the @Quill Signal.
The title and body heuristics are probably even more predictive if we consider Rev 1 rather than the latest Rev. I should revise the SEDE queries for that.
Cool, that car question was answered by @200_success (that @Kaz linked)
small world
It's on the Hot Question list.
I guess it isn't "cool" then
Q: Is it possible to make my python code work faster?

YanI have made the algorithm that split text into n-grmas (collocations) and it counts probabilities and other statistics of this collocations. When file is more then 50 megabytes it takes long time to count maybe some one will help to improve it. import math import re import csv from itertools imp...

Q: Unit of work using session for NHibernate for WebApi and MVC

Daniel van HeerdenMy goal was to use the NHibernate Session and to create a UnitOfWork class that I could use thoughout my project. My goals are: Calling Commit should commit everything including un-flushed state (was mostly out of the box I believe) Rollback should roll back everything including whatever was ...

I'm doing a quick web app to support some web scraping I did for work
I think I'll use this stack: github.com/vulpino/jolteon
" Babel + Electron + React "
yes, yes, yes
@Quill All the more relevant right now as Microsoft just updated my PC and now it doesn't turn the display off (ever) like it should.
I have a mac app so my display never turns off
yay! ruining battery life!
I want my displays to turn off after a short period of time.
And now my Windows box won't do it at all.
BTW you should all justgetflux.com
So, I've just finished reading up about this while LeftPad thing.
I f love updates.
@Kaz yeah....
Mother of Leaky Abstractions.
@Vogel612 It wasn't an installation problem? Can you reproduce it on a clean system?
It's really appalling that npm didn't realise the security concern in allowing that many names to go freeforall
for that fact, npm should keep any name protected that is used by >n people
@Quill Ambiguous.
But yea, something went terribly wrong.
@Quill "protected" how?
npm doesn't need to keep anything protected
it just needs to not let users "delete" their packages and unlist them instead like every other package manager
and also start enforcing the usage of scopes
only I can publish @danpantry/left-pad, for example
@Quill For maximum effect, install that on the workstation of a graphic designer.
@Mast lol
@Mast I ain't gonna nuke my whole system :/
@Vogel612 Are you running on windows or linux.. or mac?
but IntelliJ is recently updated
@DanPantry linux
If you're on *nix, you could try and reproduce it on a VM
of same distro/build
Though that wouldn't be a perfect test
@Microsoft My PC just did an update, now it refuses to turn off my displays after the 1 minute setting. #TheHell #ComeOnPeople #Bug
I thought about #AreYouFreakingKiddingMe but I only had 9 characters left.
wow, Visual Studio
After I tried to run a project
No other output
Now I need to figure out where to report this damn bug for Microsoft to ignore.
So, I locked my screen at 0435, let's see how long it takes to turn off.
Is your screen the reason you're still awake, @EBrown? :P
@DanPantry Yes, the damn thing won't turn off. And the power button on one monitor is broken, which is just dandy.
Well, 0437 and the thing is still on. Awesome.
Let's see if "Feedback Hub" has anything.
Turn it off at the outlet
Looks like I'm going to have to.
Let me try shutting my mouse off quick, see if that changes anything.
@Vogel612 VM? New installation on a second partition?
@EBrown The screen or the laptop/desktop won't shut off?
@Mast The screen.
"When plugged in, turn off after" under "Screen" is set to "1 minute". I wonder if it's a Microsoft estimated time to completion "1 minute".
Pull the chord if it's a stand-alone monitor, close the lid if it isn't.
Which could be anywhere from "1 minute" to "1 hour".
1 minute to infinity, really.
Schrödinger's switch-off
@Mast the laptop doesn't have enough HDD space
@Vogel612 Make a partition on a USB?
It isn't fast, but it works.
Shame it only works for Mac
(But it should work in a Chromium Shell for Windows anyway)
Because Mac is a clean application style
@Mast I'll create a VM later today
That said I'll be off for a while...
@Quill For some values of clean. The crap happening under the hood is sometimes horrifying, but the end-user shouldn't notice this most of the time.
I do like the Mac style, but liking the Mac style is irrelevant when I only have a PC. :-)
To avoid the left-pad disaster I'm getting a copy of sinopia on the work network, @Quill
@DanPantry make like @EBrown
And get a mac
You don't need a Mac.
Unless you want to use Xcode, I haven't figured out how to do that on a non-Mac yet...
To do that on a non-Mac, buy a Mac on a non-Mac machine
I'm not sure why, but that reminded me of a quote from my main in League
"To truly know someone, eat them, then walk a mile in their feet."
This is a JavaScript answer to Java calculator question?? — Tunaki 12 mins ago
function my_function() {
it's crap, NAA IMO
it's not even related to parent code in OP
@DanPantry you main rengar? and then you complain about soraka? sheeeeesh talk about double standards
@Vogel612 uh, that quote is Kha'Zix.
same difference
(those are so damn similar, too :D)
There's something amusing about this image that I just found on an answer. It captures the essence of RFTM
user image
That looks like it might be a user duplicate
var escapedHTML = html
    .replace(/body/g, 'body$')
    .replace(/head/g, 'head$');
that's one way of doing it
Q: Adding and modifying HTML tags based on JSON input

Jhon DI'm having a program (a client side program only which cannot use npm modules) that are getting HTML as string and need to change to content of it and return HTML string back (with modified content). An Example: Input: This is the HTML content which is coming via input to my method <!DOCTYPE ...

the question is seriously weird
I'm tempted to link React in the comments
I'm tempted to agree with @200_success though
he doesn't actually use the JSON to modify the code
he has a hard coded function that matches the json
Q: Simple Text Based Console Game

MattI made a simple text based console game in C++ for my assignment. I was just wondering if you guys had any initial feedback. You can find the files here https://github.com/MattJumpertz/Simple-RPG-Game/tree/master/Assignment. The main file is PlayGame.cpp. Thanks

No code included Simple Text Based Console Game - Matt - 2016-03-30 09:30:26Z
TIL about nohup
okay aside from the npm unpublish fiasco, npm and git are a match made in heaven
Q: Swift - RSS reader in clean architecture

bluenowhereI've read the Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob and been trying to implement it based on my understanding. My program is a simple RSS reader where users can read news and subscribe topics for customising their news feeds. According to the article, I had four basic layers in my architecture: Ent...

For best quality results, add -w3schools to the end of your Google searches.
I even added it to my omnibox formatting string, so now I'll never have to see w3schools again!
Q: Get parent folder ids by folder id(s)

ArulkumarMy Scenario: #TmpDistinctFolderIds table contains one or many FolderId. fnGetAllParentFolderIds function receives the input as FolderId and return it's all possible parent folder ids (a parent folder can have N number of sub folders). I'm using the below block to get each folder's all possible...

Q: Handling Name Variants

KazPart of my standard modules deal with my company's employees and linking them to/from various data sets. The following are a series of enums/functions to handle peoples' names. Namely: An Enum for advisers and functions to: Provide a collection of names associated to each adviser (E.G. their ...

@Quill For best quality results, use a search engine that doesn't filter bubble.
Q: Doctrine onDelete="CASCADE" behavior

ByScriptsI just started to maintain a Symfony2 application, and stumbled upon this code (I removed all the unneeded lines) class Conversation { /** * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User") * @ORM\JoinColumn(onDelete="CASCADE") */ protected $user_0; /** * @ORM\ManyToOne(targe...

Q: desparate TicTacToe please

elephant98I'm building a Tic Tac toe game... but I can't figure it out how to use the function addEventListener and if that is the only problem in there. I've seen some tutorial, and mostly of them use onclick on the markup but I would like tu use addEventListener, so I can call it once for every box that ...

desparate Title please @CaptainObvious
@CaptainObvious Saw the username, suspected the user being under 13, realised it was 2016 already. Now I'm feeling old...
Does it even work?
@CaptainObvious 2 more VTC, explanation of code.
It's a non sense, but well, ok, the next time I'll start my message with "I just written this code and am wondering if it is correct..." and nobody will knows... Sometimes I like the Stack* strictness, but in this case it seems a little inappropriate to me (just my opinion). Have a nice day, i'll search by myself :) — ByScripts 1 min ago
What an asshat
Not only is it amazing that a TCP server is apparently a very easy program to write, I am thoroughly floored at the fact that it's getting golfed for fun. I'll just go back to struggling with FizzBuzz like an imbecile. — MonkeyZeus 15 hours ago
Q: How to write code for Breadth-first search in C++

purezenI have been trying to do a graph search for a problem from Hackerrank (ref: https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/bfsshortreach). Lastly, I have come up with #include <cstdio> #include <list> using namespace std; void bfs(list<int> adjacencyList[], int start, int countVertices) { // initial...

@tac Yeah, there's a whole slew of .close() and .dispose() methods we're not calling here that would cause people on Code Review to have a fit. — TimmyD yesterday
Luckily PPCG answers aren't often posted here.
@CaptainObvious Segfault.
@SimonForsberg @Duga This question doesn't have an accepted answer yet. If the current answers aren't any good, you could consider adding a bounty to it. Duga would earn a slew of badges in the process.
Q: Is it possible to make more efficient this code?

Crazy Ninjapublic TheatreListDataWrapper[] wrapData(TheatreListData[] theatreListData){ TheatreListDataWrapper[] wrapperList = wrapDataWithoutRequestData(theatreListData); if (wrapperList != null && wrapperList.length > 0) { Set<String> requestIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (TheatreListData listDat...

I added some description
can you explain in the post what your code does
@CrazyNinja Your code formatting seems off. Is this a copy-paste error?
and also the title should be about what your code does
@Quill The top part of the question doesn't qualify?
It's not great, sure, but we've seen much worse.
sure, I'd just rather than explanation that's not in comments
Actaully, what all it does is take theatreListData object and return TheatreListDataWrapper[] object array
I'm not VTCing, just giving advice
It's an internal method
so, all what I'm looking is, is there any chance to avoid a loop
or any kind of improvement
in terms of Plain Java
@CrazyNinja And we're looking for context.
Better context makes for better questions. Better questions get better answers.
Yes. I understand
and more upvotes :)
Better answers makes everyone, including you, happy.
Also, you've not answered my question yet.
@Mast it seems copy paste thing
@CrazyNinja Allright, here's what you do. Select all the code, hit Ctrl + K and see if it got magically fixed.
It worked!
I think it may be easier if I do it by myself. Is it really illegal to share the company code in a forum like this?
Mast is Magic
@CrazyNinja Ask your company, or a lawyer, not us.
@CrazyNinja it's not illegal, it might be against your contract though
you can always delete the question though
however it's a bit harder when it gets answers
yeah. I think I should delete. It won't make any sense to anyone else other than me
That's irrelevant.
If it doesn't make sense, it needs more context. Not deletion.
the context is not make any sense for anyone
Posting company code is not always a big deal. One of the companies I've worked for wrote a lot of open-source.
It's a broad context.
is there any chance for me to, just to get this piece of method reviewed by anyone without providing the whole bunch of context?
Let me phrase it like this: What is the code supposed to do and does it do so as intended?
I mean as just a Code Review .
Q: How to get the best value out of Code Review - Asking Questions

rolfl I have a project I am working on, and I would like some, or all of it reviewed, how can I ask for this review on Code Review in a way that produces the best possible value? This is not about a question being on-topic, or off topic. Rather, this is about making on-topic questions great qu...

If there's something unclear after you've read that question and the answers, don't hesitate to ask.
I think all what I'm actually looking is the help of a Static Code Analysis
Are you looking for a tool?
I just asked some help from anyone who could
We're not asking for context to bug you, we're asking for context so you can allow us to help you.
Without proper context, the answers are likely to miss obvious improvements.
Your call.
However, we're just trying to prevent your question turning into another zombie. We already got too many of those.
don't worry. I won't make rubbish here
I'll remove it
Q: RSS reader in clean architecture

bluenowhereI've read the Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob and been trying to implement it based on my understanding. My program is a simple RSS reader where users can read news and subscribe topics for customising their news feeds. According to the article, I had four basic layers in my architecture: Ent...

I broke this up a little to browse in bulk. It looks like this code is very much incomplete. If you get rid of the Use Cases & Interface adapter, we could review your entities, but otherwise, you're asking us to review a bunch of stub code (importantly, the 2nd & 3rd sections wouldn't even compile). — nhgrif 39 secs ago
Q: How to simplify SQL loop update sql

John MathildaI have User a table with clientIPs. Second table stores IPs and third table Country has needed CountryId which I will update in User table (CountryIp is null in user table). This is workaround at the moment, because we don't fill CountryIp yet. Now my query which works is this(quote messy): dec...

hey I am trying to get my score up on anyone want to help out? link to my answers. please only upvote if you think the answer is deserving. if I have something to learn, tell me please.
@Malachi You tend to forget interpunction and capitals in your posts.
Fix two-three answers a day and you'll have two benefits:
More exposure (more upvotes)
Improved answers (more upvotes)
@nhgrif Error found between keyboard and chair.
Greetings, Programs.
So here I thought there was something wrong with my code or my set-up. Turns out my 12-bit ADC is only accurate in the first 9 of those...
@Donald.McLean Greetings.
@Mast no i dont
jk lol
@Mast PEBCAK Error
Problem Encountered Between Chair And Keyboard i guess

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