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RELOAD! There are 1982 unanswered questions (93.9072% answered)
A: Reporting the status of the actions of a group of SKSpriteNodes

nhgrifI've been chewing on this for a while now. I can't really convince myself one way or the other whether the blocking wait method is better or worse than blocks. So, my thought is this.. in addition to waitOnAllNodeMovement, which in the end, seems fine, why not provide at least one non-blocking ...

Duncan C back at it. Posting answers in place of casting close votes.
Q: swift error 'count' is unavailable: there is no universally good answer, see the documentation comment for discussionIm getting the swift error =

Sonny Sluiterimport UIKit class SecondViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate{ @IBOutlet var search: UISearchBar! @IBOutlet var tableview: UITableView! var items = String() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() } ove...

but this user...
for my taste we see enough trainwrecks here...
He'll be back again in a few hours with help with yet another simple compiler issue.
no need to get SO trainwrecks here
Thank you so much that is exactly what i needed — Sonny Sluiter 1 min ago
though those are usually worse
oh but you need so much more, buddy...
lul no kidding
I try to only post the worst of the worse. Either repeat problem uses like this guy (or in this case double whammy with Duncan). Or that guy earlier who took an hour to finally get any code in his question.
What's up with Duncan?
He regularly posts answer to questions that should be closed. He posts terrible answers in many cases.
@Sulthan, can you elaborate? I'm a senior iOS developer. I have fairly solid knowledge of Swift, but am lacking in the subtleties. — Duncan C Mar 10 at 18:51
> Does anybody have any insight as to why the Swift compiler's error messages are so bizarre and counterintuitive?
doesn't sound like a good-starting SO question
Some of them are bad. The answer to the question why they are bad is because the language is still new and the compiler is not perfect at handling compile problems yet (I think they've only recently sorted out all the segfaults).
recently being like, version 2.0
and we're on 2.1 now with 2.2 soon
possible answer invalidation by electrometro on question by electrometro: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123326/revisions
but by the time you read this excellent answer it all makes sense
Although, this one explains it much more concisely
TTGTB... Niters
If this code is working, you might find Code Review more helpful. — zondo 5 secs ago
@Duga Wow... just wow... ThatGuy really needs a code review...
It sounds to me, it has to be the question for CodeReview community, not here — Farside 42 secs ago
If you are considering posting to Code Review, please review How do I ask a good question? and add some details about what your code is meant to do in addition to the fact you would like to improve it. — Phrancis 25 secs ago
Q: Merging sorted linked lists - C++

Jonathan SmitProblem from hackerrank /* Merge two sorted lists A and B as one linked list Node is defined as struct Node { int data; struct Node *next; } */ Node* MergeLists(Node *headA, Node* headB) { // This is a "method-only" submission. // You only need to complete this method if(headA == NULL) re...

Q: Lock-free multi-producer multi-consumer queue

JoeI'm looking for some feedback on my lock-free queue, based on Disruptor. Mainly I'm looking for any potential concurrency issues - such as where I need additional fences. It looks correct to me, and I can't seem to able to break it, but I'm only testing it on my x86 machine.. Other criticism is...

Q: MazeRunner in Java

T145To test the queue I perfected from one of my CR questions, I've developed a maze program that receives an input maze, starting and end positions, and solves it. I have separate software that handles the maze execution and file parsing. I'm curious as to whether my implementation is optimal (fully...

Q: Anagram finder in F#

Luke XuI've been learning F# for a month or so and I'm wondering how good my "functional" aspect of coding is. When I first started, I did this using an iterative approach with a lot of <- and mutables etc. I tried to rewrite it as functional as possible. Any critique is appreciated. open System let s...

Q: Assigning variables inside if else with PHP

JosephIs this considered good coding practice? I am getting the unique_id from get_unique_id_for_username but if that function returns false, I use that in the if statement to move on to something else. // Check against usernames. if($unique_id = $this->get_unique_id_for_username($username)){ ret...

@BernardMeurer hey
@PinCrash I'm about to leave Arch Linux behind
@BernardMeurer What is Arch Linux? (disclaimer: I don't know anything about Linux :)
@PinCrash It's one variation of linux known for customizability
And for being as lightweight as you wish it to be since it doesn't come with any bloat
what OS do you run?
(and Windows 7 on my work laptop)
OSX is a pretty good system
Full UNIX and BSD based
So I've heard. Never had any problems except very minor, so yeah I like OS X
Q: Beginner Calendar made with tkinter with horrible coding

Absoluteguys I'm new to programming but I have horrible organization skills, and can't really understand the concept of classes, and init. I made a calendar that thankfully works although I could really use some help how to make it more better looking and efficient, thanks! also displays text documents a...

Been dying to try it out, I really like Linux but some parts of it piss me the hell off
package managers for one
@CaptainObvious HOLY CARP that's some scary code...
Holy mother of god
papa bless that dude
That, friends, is a perfect example of copy-paste coding
Also, don't roll your own date/time code. You will get it wrong. Everyone does.
On a side note, I really suck at React at the moment lol.
FBI only dreams about having the forensic capabilities of teenagers in high school computer programming classes.
I like how a missing ! can break all the tests.
Easy to do, but the tests catch it.
@Quill you actually registered ppcg.lol?
@EasterlyIrk yeah
17 secs ago, by Easterly Irk
I also mapped chat.ppcg.lol and avocad.ppcg.lol
the chat one saves me time typing into the url bar :D
@CaptainObvious there is much wrong with that
It isn't even golf....
@Quill oh cool
@Quill Can you map wrong.ppcg.lol to @AlexA.'s user account page?
but I like alex ;-;
You think alex is right?? o_O
Q: Fetch data from co-processor on network in background

Daniel M.My code communicates with a Raspberry Pi (with a static IP address) running on a network. The client sends a signal to the Pi, and the Pi sends back a double (encoded as a string) with the angle correction needed for another routine of the code (the Pi does some image processing, but that doesn't...

@GeorginaDavenport: You could try resize on the new string using the size of the old one. For example newstr.resize(oldstr.size()); after creating it. Note that you'd need to use newstr.resize(oldstr.resize()) every time you assign something to it. However, doing this to strings does not really look "graceful" to me. It looks more like a "code smell" and I'd be suspicious if I were looking at that during a code review. — ray just now
@EasterlyIrk What will you do with it?
link to avocad.ppcg.lol for avocadOS.
I like var. If var could be boiled down into a syrup, i would pour it over my waffles and eat them in front of you, the resulting enjoyment plainly visible on my face. — Shog9 ♦ Sep 2 '09 at 4:18
that is somewhat odd
Q: performance tunning as to segmented sieve of eratosthenes in scala

Hongxu ChenI'm trying to solve PRIME1 in SPOJ with following scala snippet. object _002_PRIME1 extends App { import scala.io.StdIn._ /// ***1*** // def isPrime(num: Int) = (2 until num).view.takeWhile(i => i * i <= num).forall(i => i * (num / i) < num) def sieve(m: Int, n: Int, step: Int, primeA...

"I'm trying to implement a "generic printing macro":" --> This may help Formatted print without the need to specify type matching specifiers using _Genericchux 45 secs ago
Q: please help me to create one object for every session and to minimize http session

bhumik barot// sets the post request as the resulting string httpSessionMethod.setEntity(se); httpSessionMethod.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); httpSessionMethod.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); HttpResponse httpResponseSession = htt...

crazy how time gets away from you when you're working on something
Q: i want help to minimize the code to insert data

bhumik barotI have below code which reads lines from a file and create http session and post data on website but the code is slow. Please suggest how can I improve the performance of the below code http://codereview.stackexchange.com/editing-help package test_reg; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileI...

Q: How to extract data and assign to variables from input from clipboard

HippoManoI could use your help. As a long term project to help me learn java, i'm creating a bot to play a video game for me. In this example I would like these variables to be set to these particular values.: double metal= 243.518; double crystal = 102.547; double deuterium = 46.049; I can import this...

Q: How to print specific words from a text file ( and only display words that don't repeat)

tasuminagorashiIt all works except for the iterator part. I just need it to where the code can only print the words from the text file once. For example if the text file had the sentence : "A dog ran next to a very big dog". The output of the program should be :"A dog ran next to very big" . import java...

1 hour later…
Q: Memory efficient Log Parser

dan-klassonI wrote this together for a test I'm doing. What I'm mainly interested is if this code follow common best practices and if there are any improvements I can make in terms of memory efficiency. class FileReader def initialize(filename, start_at = nil, end_at = nil, endpoints = nil) @filenam...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Producing uniform lists in Scala
Right, I'm not sure that making them alphabetical was a good decision. If you want to know my rationale I can leave some feedback on your Code Review question when it's not 1AM :) — tsleyson 20 secs ago
Q: Gilded Rose Kata - in search of a better testing approach

doughgleI've just completed the Gilded Rose Refactoring Kata in Java. I took the approach that I would fully characterise the existing behaviour with 100% unit test coverage before refactoring. Although this got me there, it took me about 2 hours and got me thinking - is there another approach to testing...

Q: Parsing an IP address (Bit manipulation)

Jonathan SmitGiven a string representing of an IP address, such as "", return a 32 bit integer representation of this string. The 32 bit integer is separated into four bytes, where each byte is one of the numbers in the string, separated by dots. If you & 0xFF with the returned integer, it should...

You should try to get information about texture. After SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(), check if tex == NULL, and if it is true, then print out the sdl's internal error function(std::cout << SDL_GetError()). If not this is the problem, then you I can't help you, but there is great tutorial, where it is explained how to create a texture handler: lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/10_color_keying/index.php . Also, you could post your code at Code Review SE, where they can optimize your code. — Lasoloz 22 secs ago
Q: A command line Java program for computing grade point average

coderoddeI have this command line program for computing GPA (grade point average). Given credit sequence \$\langle c_1, c_2, \dots, c_n \rangle\$ and grade sequence \$\langle g_1, g_2, \dots, g_n \rangle\$ (I assume European grades, i.e., \$g_i \in \{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 \}\$ for all \$i \in {1, 2, \dots, n}\$)...

hey there
Q: Computer Algebra System implementation

S.KlumpersI've just got this CAS like implementation working. I'd like to focus on maintainability and expandability first before adding too much features (this is my third or so attempt). I have got it working in a way so that there is one superclass MathObject, in this implementation there is only a Co...

Q: Conditionally throwing Exception

RahulHow do I make sure that some how it doesn't throw exception at first time while checking condition with 1 and allow to check all the condition and then throws the exception related to first Condition that "Number is already added". class Hello{ List<Example> exam=new Arraylist<Example>(); examp...

I just applied for this job :)
Surely Marvel is a brand trademark?
I believe the full name of the company is Marvel Apps
but IDK
they've been going strong for 2 years, so they obviously had any issues yet
also I thought you just got into React
or am I thinking of @PinCrash
I've been doing React for at least 8 months
It hasn't been around much longer than that - at least not in the spotlight -s o
I already pinged him :X
I suppose there is the time limitation
2 days ago, by Quill
> What's required to be successful in this role? We're looking for strong experience in:
- 3+ years JavaScript with experience in ES2015
if you read that as
> 3+ years experience in JavaSCript
> knowledge of ES2015
That would make sense
that's what @Vogel612 said
What level of position was it?
2 days ago, by Vogel612
@Quill it makes more sense if you take that as two separate things
Was it a junior position?
I think it was midlevel
Alright. if it was junior, I would have linked this:
I looked at it on my work station, so I can't Cmd+Y it
I don't have a mac. what is cmd+y for us lowly windows peasants
Not that I can even go for Midlevel
@DanPantry Ctrl+H
Don't you have Chrome sync set up?
Because Cmd+H is a system shortcut to hide the window without having the window in the dock
and no, I don't really want my chrome bookmarks on my workstation
All of my bookmarks are cheatsheets to programming stuff.
One website that is called 6dollarshirts, one about soylent and one that has a link to this image
Otherwise everything else is programming related
BRB, going to the shop to buy overpriced consumer goods for use in the shower
@DanPantry I'm fairly certain I was the one that linked that here, so that's cool
@Quill I think you were
my shower puns are failing
I think I need to clean the old punDB
I guess you could say your shower puns don't really gel.
okay, brb for real now.
Q: Filtering triangles

Matthias BraunI'm playing with Haskell's list comprehensions, tuples, and foldr. The exercise I've given myself is to find all triangles with a perimeter of length 26 in the set of triangles whose edges range from 1 to 10 in length. main = do print triangles triangles = [(a,b,c) | a <- [1..10], b <- [1..1...

@DanPantry What's ES2015, the newer version of ES6?
@Mast I honestly don't know where the distinction came about.
If I had to guess, I would imagine that ES2015 are the features that most browsers support from ES6 in 2015.. :p
But that doesn't make much sense because ES2015 also includes import/export, which browsers do not support yet.
Apparently Es2015 is ES6.
> However, late into the ES6 specification timeline, suggestions have surfaced that versioning may in the future switch to a year-based schema, such as ES2016 (aka ES7) to refer to whatever version of the specification is finalized before the end of 2016. Some disagree, but ES6 will likely maintain its dominant mindshare over the late-change substitute ES2015. However, ES2016 may in fact signal the new year-based schema.
because versioning nothing can be simple in the js world
@DanPantry That would be awfully confusing.
@DanPantry Yup, they're just making matters worse.
It doesn't solve any problem.
it doesn't solve any problem. there was no problem.
in fact, it makes it worse, because it means now you have to have a defined release date for javascript revisions, which just doesn't happen in reality
In all fairness, they probably got the (bad) idea from C++ or some other language doing it like that.
They didn't invent the mistake, they copied it.
In fairness though, all major compilers support the new specification fully about a year after the specification is dated. I don't see that happen with JS since there are no compilers.
There's just a whole lot of browsers.
And the browsers have been in disagreement about how to handle JS for a while now.
looks angry at IE
Q: Is my sphere code clean enough?

BálintI made a small demo in javascript using HTML5 canvas, wich renders a rotating sphere. The sphere is generated by first creating a set amount of points (currently 50, represented by vectors) randomly, then choosing the one with the highest distance from the already generated points, so I get an ev...

@CaptainObvious When will people realize that's a stupid title?
Q: JavaScript function for logging the members of an object (with horizontal alignment)

st88When iterating over the members of an object for logging the keys / values one gets a "stair case" effect. Therefore I wrote myself this function which takes care for a left-alignment of the values. Any hints concerning flaws and improvement-recommendations welcome. // #### START TEST #####...

@Mast Actually from that POV we are at the best we have ever been
IE sucks, but Edge, Chrome and Firefox - the Big 3 as it were - are all standards compliant
just a shame it took Microsoft so long to get around to it
@Mast Browsers (and their parent corporations) are like nations
they're always going to argue over something
anyone who tries to step in and resolve anything (make a standard) eventually end up another party in the argument
It was HTML, then CSS, then Flash, then JS
now what?
webm, https, same origin policy
@DanPantry uhm, what?
oh, yea, and Safari.
We're in a transition phase, they've mostly crushed the JS phase of the argument
so until they find something new to argue about, we can sit and around enjoy the vacation
Edge isn't in the big three (or four).
Not yet, anyway.
Perhaps I should have said Microsoft, Mozilla and Google
Aren't they force updating Windows 7 now anyway
I will be. IE usage will be completely replaced by Edge, eventually, once enough users upgrade.
I don't count IE11 because it is not supported. The reason I said big 3 is because those will be the biggest browsers going forward.
Safari notwithstanding, though as far as I remember Safari uses the same javascript engine as Chrome
Chrome's engine is a fork of Safari's engine
I may be wrong there though, they may just share the same rendering engine
a fork from a few years ago IIRC
Yes, that's Webkit ,though I don't know whether Webkit encapsulates V8 (the JavaScript engine in Chrome) or not
At any rate, those browsers are all standards compliant (And IE11 is also standards compliant, it just doesn't support much ES6)
We had this discussion a few months ago IIRC
@DanPantry I thought IE11 wasn't CSS compliant
@Quill I cant' speak for CSS, but JS for most cases is fairly decent in IE11
There are a few bugs, though
that reminds me I haven't yet looked into Edge extensions yet and how they will work..
Upgrading is inevitable, it just takes time for the common user to do so. As long as the technology exists for them to do so then I don't really care.
@Quill ish... a lot of users only upgrade by virtue of buying a new piece of hardware that has new default software installed.
It's valid to be pissed at Microsoft for not having a standards compliant browser despite being one of the top ten companies on earth, but now they do, and I should be blaming users for not upgrading.
It's only the tech savvy users that really upgrade right f-in now
Windows 10 is still fairly new
> July 29, 2015; 7 months ago
There are iOS users that never upgrade their OS.
Most laptop users won't be on windows 10 unless they bought a new laptop at Christmas
For my current project, we are still supporting iOS 6 & 7.
We don't use Windows 10 in work, either
It's a circle. it all comes back to Tech Sloth, nobody wants to do something seemingly unnecessary for them
> September 19, 2012; 3 years ago
That's not... that bad I guess?
It's terrible.
hey there @PinCrash
At least it isn't as old as Ie9! (Which was 2011, wow the web has come far in 5 years..)
Isn't that Pre-Swift?
There's no reason for the end user to not upgrade their iOS.
And it's not hidden either. It pops up and tells them they need to upgrade.
It literally downloads it for you, you just have to give it 30 mins max goddamn it. how hard is that
I guess people aren't aware it is downloaded in the background
Or are just lazy
@Quill hey! how are you?
I asked my mother once why she hasn't upgraded despite the download, she said that things could happen in 30 mins and she wouldn't want to miss that
Probably, it's mostly bad experience of upgrading OS outside the Apple ecosystem.
@PinCrash Slowing down after a standards rant.
I think I'm doing well, no one has told me to fuck off yet
After using Apple, upgrading/reinstalling/doing-anything anything else feels painful
> Microsoft Edge will soon support a new HTML, JavaScript and CSS based extension model in a future update. This new model is Chrome-compatible
That's very not-Microsoft.
That new CTO is doing well.
dupe hammer is nice
@nhgrif Your name looks fancy with that gold badge next to it.
because microsoft are going from a business model of puffing their chest to a business model of holding hands and working together
speaking of annoying, I have to reimage a win7 laptop for work
More like a business model of putting their tail down between their legs and begging for scraps?
Yeah, Microsoft have realised that getting tall and joining the grown ups table happens to anyone who waits long enough patiently. the world will move on without them if they don't get their shit together
Idk if you saw the stats in the survey but over half of the developers (that visit SO) use non-Windows platforms
Good morning, @Duga
I think Microsoft would like some of that market share back :P
@DanPantry Was that accurate? I don't think that's accurate... but 26% OS X master race.
@Walking If you're really interested in talking about the best way to do things, I recommend you check out Code Review. This problem isn't really going to be solvable through a chain of comments. — nhgrif 35 secs ago
@nhgrif The usage of OS X is the highest on the survey
given that Windows 10 and 7/8 are considered different OSs
I think combined they were higher, but individually not
Windows is not under 50%
I'll find the tweet nhgrif posted it below
Windows 10, 7, 8, XP and Vista was at 50% combined as far as I remember
with Linux, Mac, etc also adding up to 50%
yeah, so windows 7, 8, 10, xp, and vista all add up to just slightly over 50%
OS X/Linux at up to 47.9%. Windows combined is 52.1%.
Next year, Windows will be under 50%.
OS X jumped by 5% this year, from 21ish to 26ish.
I applied for a job in London today. If I get it, I'll be getting a Mac, you bet
Mac is Linux, but it looks nicer. And isn't Windows. Which is always a big plus for development.
Because yes, OS X/Linux are only as high as they are due to fracturing of Windows...
I'm not sure how that makes much difference, unless people jumped ship to OSX/Linux because they didn't like how many versions Windows have?
If Windows wasnt as fractured we would still see the same userbase, just in one bigger column
But almost all of that OS X bar is 10.11.x (El Capitan). AND OS X is increasing. It's not just increased fracturing.
because upgrading OS X versions is easy and free
looks at Windows
windows 10 is like being nagged by a parent to take out the trash
To be fair you could view the price of Windows the same way you view the (very small) premium of Mac laptops/desktops
sure it makes the house cleaner, but it's a painful task
If Linux were split among the different flavors, Ubuntu would be between Win10 and Win8. The rest would be not much better than WinXP.
it's not just a case of price it's also a case of quality. Mac quality is just really damn good, there's no denying that
that was last year
@DanPantry because they decided to use the business model back in the early days to get their OS distributed
windows utilisation slightly higher
though,, more or less about the same
So yes, Windows got more fractured, which is why OS X is on top this year, but Windows total went from 58% down to 52.1%.
I guess some people decided they didn't like windows 10 and went over to mac
I find it a little amusing how Windows Vista is still the least used operating system two years in a row
How bad does your OS have to be that earlier versions of it are preferred to later ones?
See Vista, 8
I would love to say people got over the xenophobia of Apple, but....
I am.. not sure how that is relevant
os wars are the same as console wars
someone forcing their opinion on others
and usually money is the bottleneck
It's cheaper to run a windows setup -> more people use windows
I like how there's a Windows commercial with a guy boasting he uses a Surface Pro because Mac doesn't have the display or performance he needs.
Well, yes, but also Windows does have more games, and that's the only reason I didn't switch over to Linux permanently - because Linux doesn't support Dishonored, Skyrim, League of Legends, or my graphics card.
@nhgrif "I use an intentionally worse product because... I want an intentionally worse product :D"
OS X runs League of Legends.
Yeah, it does
that's why I am happy with going over to a Mac
Doesn't run Skyrim. I don't know about Dishonored.
But... there are plenty of games that run on OS X.
Dishonored is a Steam game - if it doesn't run Skyrim it probably also will not run Dishonored
And those that don't run on your console.
I don't have a console. RIP
@DanPantry That doesn't make sense.
but I've played both of those games out to their end anyway
@DanPantry If OS X couldn't run Windows, I would have no problem with that statement
... what?
operating system ability != system ability
@Quill When OSX runs windows, isn't that a virtual machine? You'd experience performance degradation
@DanPantry No, You can just boot the operating system like normal
Paradox supports OS X, so that's most of all that matters.
@DanPantry Bethesda have a thing against macs, it always seemed
ha ha ha
I'd recommend starting with this guide. — nhgrif 17 secs ago
Jon Skeet and Scott Hanselman in Australia? count me in
@nhgrif Stack Overflow: A breeding ground for snarky comments and shitty jquery questions since 2008
@Quill oh wait, I'm a junior, I can't afford these things ;-;
@nhgrif Terrible, terrible question.
@DanPantry IE always required IE-specific JS for some operations. Did Edge finally dump that?
@Mast A lot of that was dropped in IE11, as far as I remember.
A lot, but not all?
I don't know all of the IE-specific quirks
I couldn't speak with much certainty
I know that conditional comments still exist in IE11..
if(/*@cc_on!*/false) {} or something like that.
Hrmm. Gold badge does not afford the power to single handedly reopen a question you single handedly closed? stackoverflow.com/q/36114394/2792531
How often is a duplicate closed by an authorative user not actually a duplicate
I would think that'd be a rare case
It was a duplicate when it was closed.
It was edited.
Yes, that's fair. Most dupes are edited to say "you guys said this questions have already been asked, but my copy paste failed. halp"
rarely to be valid
anyway, you can always ask on Meta Stack Exchange
shog'll probably tell you something similar
Q: This question is no longer a duplicate

nhgrifI closed this question as a duplicate. It was edited and is no longer a duplicate. Apparently, despite being able to single-handedly close questions, gold badge doesn't give me the power to single-handedly reopen questions that are edited out of their duplicate status. I cast a reopen vote. T...

Q: Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean

user100741Hey I have gotten the following errors in my code Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in. This error message appears three times on three different lines which i will mark below. Any Help would be appreciated <?php $page_title = 'View Employees'; ...

It is working as intended, you just removed the [ios] tag (for which you hold a hammer) in an edit, so you don't have gold-power anymore. — Tunaki 1 min ago
Yeah. Add the tag, reopen, remove tag
I already cast reopen vote.
There's a hover text on the tag also
but I'm sure the tool could be explained in greater detail though
yeah.. I didn't think about the fact that I removed the tag.
Q: Issue with the templatized version of insertion sort

smartinsertBelow is the templatized version of insertion sort which results in compilation errors. #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> using namespace std; template <typename T> insertSort(T start, T end) { typename std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<T>...

@DanPantry @PinCrash this is my latest CSS quiz for my web technologies class: imgur.com/MuW1pj8
Thought you might be interested in seeing it
and with it, you can see the reason I almost fall asleep in that class often
@Quill good grief
I have a feeling there's gonna be a massive gap between the workplace and university
there always is
especially with the web which is evolving so fast probably any curriculum won't keep up on it
thank god for hobbyists
@DanPantry they told us the stories of ye olde and XHTML the other day. PHP is even part of this class
Q: JS Object to Array flattening function

Jack WilsdonI have written a function that is designed to convert an object into an array of key/pair values ("flattening it") like so: Input { "a": true, "b": { "c": 500 } } Output [ ["a", true], ["b", [ ["c", 500] ] ] Here is the code I have written to do it: function isCyclicOb...

Q: Two stage rocket launch using Runge-Kutta 4 gives weird results

DoubleOsevenI want to see how much fuel it takes to send a rocket into space. By changing the initial fuel, after I pass 1250 tones, the speed vy becomes negative. Even by keeping the fuel under 1250 tones the rocket doesn't manage to fly so far. Is my implementation correct? Function: function [t,sol] = G...

@CaptainObvious got it working this time around?
apparently not?
Q: Get Triangle Type. I got it right but the system said the test case failed

Proton BossQuestion: I have to display the given triangle is: Equilateral or isosceles or None of these. I did everything correct, but the system said test case failed. Can someone say what test this code would be failing? public class Triangle { static void getTriangleType(int a, int b, int c) ...

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