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RELOAD! There are 1968 unanswered questions (93.9364% answered)
@CaptainObvious I gotcha bud
A: Print every character in a line if it's greater than 80 chars

syb0rgA few notes (overall very good for a beginner): There is a maximum amount of characters you can input on a line according to the C standards ยง5.2.4.1 Translation limits The implementation shall be able to translate and execute at least one program that contains at least one instance ...

@syb0rg hey there!
@PinCrash Hey!
@PinCrash Why the change in name?
Mar 7 at 23:50, by Pin Crash
in Cardshifter TCG, Mar 1 at 15:51, by Pin Crash
lol... celebrating PPCG graduation announcement with the anagram name tradition :)
@PinCrash I didn't know you were a regular there
@syb0rg I'm not :)
Q: Python implementation of netcat

heapexchangeI'm trying to write a simple python script that acts like the nc program (netcat). I've got it working on osx (the client that is) by testing against a netcat server, but I'm unsure about the way I've implemented it. I'd appreciate it if anyone could give me some advice and/or let me know how y...

Q: GUI Caesar Cipher with model-view-controller

Jacky XieI created a Caesar Cipher Program in Tkinter, to help me learn the Model-View-Controller concepts and Tkinter in general. The code works, but it is a mess, and I want some help on cleaning it up, reducing junk, and just making it better. import string import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk...

@PinCrash Wait, you were Phrancis? Derrrrrr
@AquaTart and Pin Crash profile picture applies
If your code works, you're on the wrong website. Try codereview.stackexchange.com, which is where questions like this belong. — Oka 39 secs ago
Q: SQL report of subscribers and their associated revenue

NonaA user can have many subscriptions, and a subscription belongs to one plan. The plans table tells us a subscription's cost. Is the query below the correct one for figuring out the number of subscriptions purchased by a user with an "ongoing" status and the total revenue brought in each day bet...

2 messages moved to Trash Cleanup after stack2rss feed going rampant over edits. Also removed rampant feed
Vogel612 has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
darnit, this is why we can't have nice things
@AquaTart lol that dawned on you just now? :)
It's really stupid that the newest questions feed doesn't include migrated questions
it shouldn't be that way
This may be an "acceptable" question on Code Review, but in its current form it would not fare very well. Reference How do I ask a good question?. If OP can write a title and plain English description saying what their code is about (not just that they would like to improve it) then it should be OK. — Phrancis 55 secs ago
@Duga but hey, they closed it as POB
it's also valid from a SO POV
reviews aren't "definitive answers"
not always at least
well, when they're not quoting authoritative and widely-agreed-and-accepted coding standards
Some reviews are definitive... like "You should definitively not use VBA"
but yeah POB for SO
Kids keep messing with my duck and think it looks like Trump.
They said it has a yellow face, an orange mouth, and a comb-over.
@Hosch250 And you let them demean your duck like that!?
I told them to leave it alone, but if I tried anything more serious, they wouldn't cooperate.
@Hosch250 Well doesn't it?
If I tried to enforce it, my parents would jump in on their side and tell me to grow up.
@Mat'sMug But then I can disagree and have absolutely nothing happen.
@EasterlyIrk Yes, that's the problem.
Paint it pink.
@EasterlyIrk but then I'll have more votes than you and then I'm right because the Internet said so
The internet says I am epic, so.
possible answer invalidation by Toby Hobson on question by Toby Hobson: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123031/revisions
pfft. I can make a prettier screenshot than that with MS-Word
The internet says so.
It was created by one of my fans.
Totally. Plus these sentences are increasing in length.
so what does it do?
@Mat'sMug actually intended to be a oration interpreter.
@Conor explain pls
haha that's hilarious!
> `breathe` - takes a breath, able to say another 7 commands.
`inhale` - take a deep breath! Able to say 14 commands! However, doing so thrice in a row will raise a `HyperventilationError`.
Uh oh esolangs are slowly infecting the 2nd Monitor
(good)? WS bye should be (good WS | kthx)? bye
Q: Down with FizzBuzz... LOL

Mat's MugThis post is the result of reading through and following the LOLCODE Specification 1.2 ("smoking the manual", right?), and writing and executing my code on compileonline.com. My "hello world" was going to be a fizzbuzz. I like it because it nicely illustrates the basics of a language - variables...

my top-voted question is ...
@Mat'sMug LOLCODE is called a weirdlang.
It's not that esoteric.
Go learn brainfuck.
...since it's more than fully functional aside from the names of the commands
A: Output Tildes and Pluses

Mat's MugI know nothing of whitespace, but your code strikes me as something like this: ... Console.Write("+"); Console.Write("~"); Console.Write("+"); Console.Write("+"); Console.Write("~"); Console.Write("+"); Console.Write("+"); Console.Write("~"); Console.Write("+"); Console.Write("+"); ... You hav...

@EasterlyIrk actually... there's the brainduck...
soo... we got that covered
I liked whitespace more than BF actually.
didn't do much of either, but..
whitespace feels more.. complete.
I blame the heap
Now this is an esolang: esolangs.org/wiki/Emmental
@EasterlyIrk A fan of his created it.
wait that's MS-Word!!
Like you said.
indeed, much prettier :)
I can't tell if you guys are just in awe of Emmental or have no idea what a "meta-circular interpreter" means
Either way it's... delicious
I just don't see the point
here it is
>> . <<
ah! geez, thanks!
@JeroenVannevel to the rescue!
In the esolang world, points are like spoons: there aren't any
@AquaTart We don't need the Emmental bug, we already have a much bigger one.
I saw that
no you didn't
FWIW Emmental is named after a kind of cheese
ah, so that's the smell!
@AquaTart I thought it meant "'e went mental".
^^ also
something tells me I should stop saying that in commit messages.
TTGTB. Niters
good... nap!
like, it's TTGTB here.. Germany should be sleeping already! :)
Q: R: Function with two inputs telling whether the sum is a cube number

NeoXxSo I want to do this: Write a function with two inputs \$X\$ and \$Y\$ that can tell you whether the sum of \$X^3\$ and \$Y^3\$ is a cube number so long as that sum is under 500 000 000. My code is as follows: > my.function <- function(X,Y) { + b <- round((X^(3)+Y^(3))^(1/3),digits=6) + if (b%...

@CaptainObvious nope
@Mat'sMug I just realised that I should have asked this question on Cross Validated instead. Thanks! — NeoXx 22 mins ago
Q: R: Function with two inputs telling whether the sum is a cube number

NeoXxSo I want to do this: Write a function with two inputs $X$ and $Y$ that can tell you whether the sum of $X^3$ and $Y^3$ is a cube number so long as that sum is under 500 000 000. This is actually the special case of Fermat's Last Theorem where n=3. We know that there are no integers for which ...

Off-topic there too lol...
Q: Learning C#: Serializing (and deserializing) basic mesh using JSON.net

TheroIn order to improve my c# (which is fairly basic at best) I decided to try to serialize a simple mesh to a file using the JSON.net library. Simple mesh in this case means an array of vertices and a number of arrays of triangles constructed from 3 vertices each. No materials or animations or anyt...

possible answer invalidation by Michael Anderson on question by Michael Anderson: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123053/revisions
If your code is working, StackOverflow isn't the right place for your question. If you are asking for improvements on your code, you might find Code Review more helpful. — zondo 53 secs ago
it works to some extent but past this point it won't. Like I have reached the limit of what I can do with this type of code so im just trying to figure out how to fix my mess. I'll try code review though thanks. — Elkman123 1 min ago
@Elkman123 if your code doesn't work (at least what you posted), consider posting one of the parts that does work to Code Review. Just keep in mind that broken/malfunctioning code is off-topic there, but on the other hand if you cannot narrow it down to a more specific problem, Stack Overflow might not be able to help that great either... — Phrancis 18 secs ago
@Hosch250 He was here yesterday as well.
Q: My python code is overly complicated. What's a better way of doing this?

Elkman123ok so my code is basically a character sheet. I run the module and basically type whatever I want to see. Like this: def main() print "" print "What would you like to know?" print "" option = raw_input("--> ") if option == 'name': name() elif option == 'money': money() elif option == 'in...

For just starting out I'd recommend getting a working version locally then worrying about deploying to Heroku. Anyway, your question is kind of a hard one to answer succinctly as there are a lot of different ways to do background jobs. Gems like background_job, resque, or sidekiq. I just recently decided to face this challenge and I ended up making my own little system. See codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/122159/…max pleaner 46 secs ago
monking @Quill
Q: Change following code to generic code

shopia TIm using the following code, jQuery.each(aDataSel, function(index, oData) { oPushedObject = {}; aSelectedDataSet.push(fnCreateEnt(aProp, oData, oPushedObject)); }); This is aSelectedDataSet values and this is the values of OData What I need is that before I do the ...

I just made the biggest rookie mistake ever ;-;
If this code has problems you know of, you may want to post them here. If this code works and you are looking for a review, you might be better off over at Code Review. — nvoigt 50 secs ago
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Loops to merge documents and renumber pages
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is a request for a code review. — Raedwald 21 secs ago
Q: Matlab code for this Algorithm

ArthurPlease I'm looking for a proper matlab code for Split and Merge Algorithm Split โ€ข Obtain the line passing by the two extreme points โ€ข Find the most distant point to the line โ€ข If distance > threshold, split and repeat with the left and right point sets Merge โ€ข If two consecutive segment...

It's not a code review. The question is how to prevent CSRF when two application are hosted separately and interact through a HTTP POST. I've provided and example. — c12 12 secs ago
monking @DanPantry
hows it goign @chillworld?
@Quill oh?
very busy :)
just released at work a custom component and still occupied with new project
so atm no time for reviews at CR
lol :P
that's the way it goes with me as well
I was just looking at our Hudson, each programmer has a tab
I have 5 projects under mine name
witch is the highest number, along with 1 or 2 people
but that in 2.5 years working is a record I think :)
why are end users so stupid
because they don't have our insight
and sometimes you have the "jerks" also. When there is pointed only numbers allowed they will enter letters to see what will happen
every report i haev for our software says "it doesn't work"
and no more info
just checked, I'm the only one with 5 projects, second in place have 4 projects
@DanPantry not even a link of the page?
@chillworld eh, it's a web app, no way to provide a link
is every page the same link with you?
I create also webapps but I have different links for different pages
yeah, we do, but this issue is with a modal which does not have a link
indeed, modals doesn't have links
close incident with reason, "unable to recreate the issue with the data provided. Please be more detailed with steps to reproduce this issue if issue still present."
It's still nice and you ask for more details next time they make a report
so if this doesn't help keep closing them like that. You are covered because you can point out that you ask for better reports
I do have the info I need but only with some digging
stacktraces in logging?
nah, just from the way the issue was described "I can't do X but Y team can do it"
its basically an issue that a field is being displayed to a user that should not be
ah lol :)
that's always a problem
I have also application where a there is a Boolean "restricted" in the model
restriced objects can't be seen if you don't have the permission
but normal users can't see that field if they create the object
so they have no clue it exist
yay. I wrote some code to post for a change :-)
but a lot of work in the services to separate normal users with the restricted users for the query
@Quill Is that the aforementioned rookie mistake? ^^
it was....
I tried to querySelector an element from the document instead of another element
@Quill lol
yeah... ;-;
someone needs more caffeine
that's a great idea
back to work now ;)
Q: Asking for optimizing part of a hog-based object detection using C++

FedericoSince Matlab implementation of HOG+SVM object detection algorithm was too slow, I decided to make use of the speed of C++ and re-implemented the algorithm in it. However, I'm more or less unfamiliar with this powerful programming language. Anyway, at the first stage I'm going to extract the featu...

@SimonForsberg News about POI: ew.com/article/2016/03/16/…
This is one that would probably fit better on Code Review. — Stephen Ross 26 secs ago
@Donald.McLean Thanks :)
Wow, I've just seen the best thing happen
@DanPantry you got a promotion
We use a ticket incident system where users email an internal email address with issues
May 3rd it is.
So someone raised an issue yesterday. I looked at it today and closed it because it is a known issue.
Closing an issue sends an email to the person who raised it
Now somebody left a thank-you note instead?
So I closed the issue, which sent an email to the person who raised the issue.. which hit an auto-reply because they were out of the office. The auto reply was sent back to the issue system which reopened the ticket because it received a reply.
@DanPantry Wouldn't that make it a duplicate instead of a closed issue?
Oh, that's gold.
Q: Base-changing numbers in Java

Tamoghna ChowdhuryOn a whim, I came up with this program to act as a helper class for base changing, if I require it in the future. It was made to support fixed-point and negative inputs, but they are basically a hack. I used conventional mathematics for the algorithm, and I welcome any appreciation or criticism t...

So now you can't close the issue till he's back otherwise it will be automatically re-opened again.
Can you change the reporter?
Nope x)
@CaptainObvious Boo. No support for negative, fractional, or complex bases.
> but it hurts my eyes less than camelCase.
@DanPantry Now you should open an issue for the problem caused during this issue.
        for(int i=0;i<Short.MAX_VALUE;++i){
sir, you've got other things to worry about
@Pimgd Totally self-documenting code. Totally.
Q: Smoke the SmokeDetector

QuillOver in Tavern on the Meta, our spam detector, SmokeDetector has been the topic of an ongoing argument between those who believe SmokeDetector fills the chatroom, and those who believe his service is payment enough. While you can ignore users, you can't exactly ignore specific replies to Smokey ...

@Pimgd Oh yeah, the code is fugly, no question.
welp guess I'm reviewing that one next
> I used the startsWith and includes polyfills, because I was too lazy to use indexOf.
@Pimgd lol
i like how he uses large tabs but compensates for that by having no whitespace anywhere else at all
@Mast wat
@Quill I admire your honesty, but why didn't you use indexOf? It isn't that hard IIRC.
@Mast Eh, startsWith is going to be standard (soon tm)
Because startsWith has positioning, and includes is easy
soon, but not right now
it is actually supported by a lot of modern browsers @Quill
In fact, it will probably work on anything that can use userscripts
*write a review
@DanPantry That graph makes my head hurt.
I'll stick to writing old-style JS, supported by everything.
monking @all
monking @Kaz
@Mast Like I said,some features are supported by quite a few browsers. Once Edge has a larger market share, there won't be much reason to use transpilers unless you want to support IE11. IE is really the one lagging behind here.
const, let are both already supported by most browsers (in strict mode)
Q: Smoke the SmokeDetector

QuillOver in Tavern on the Meta, our spam detector, SmokeDetector has been the topic of an ongoing argument between those who believe SmokeDetector fills the chatroom, and those who believe his service is payment enough. While you can ignore users, you can't exactly ignore specific replies to Smokey ...

Q: Sorting List on basis of certain letter

BattyI am trying to sort a list on basis of C before . Is there better way to do this? import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class MainClass { public static void main(String args[]) { List<String> activeLoadList = new LinkedList<String>(); ...

Q: Hangman in CSharp

Robiowpublic partial class Game : Form { private ReadFromFile readFromFile; private Random random; private string word; private int wrongGuesses; private int amountOfLettersRevealed; private bool wordRevealed; private const int MAX_WRONG_GUESSES = 9; public Game() {...

in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Shadow Wizard
@PeterJ I assume all questions on Code Review are automatically ending, without having to write it, with "Please review the above code". ;)
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Andrew T.
An efficient SE site, that is.
@DanPantry I just did a little google search. It looks like VBA is older than me.
> First appeared 1993; 23 years ago
It is a request for a code review because you have not identified a specific problem. — Raedwald 22 secs ago
doesn't get much love, and this is a pretty good answer.
A: Powershell Script for setting DHCP reservation description & host value

MattVery impressed with your formatting and spacing. Top notch to see that in practice. I see a couple areas that could be improved and I see at least 2 problems. Variable Expansion in Strings Variables will expand in double quotes easy. However you need to be using subexpressions in order to get ...

Q: C# Calculating all possible horse turns (Chess)

denisI'm creating a console application that takes as input starting column and starting row, also the ending column and the ending row and it's going to output all the possible way's to get to that point and also highlight the best turn/s. It's all working however I'm not satisfied with the time it t...

@CaptainObvious I've no idea why that has a JAVA tag.
what is JAVA? I only know Java
@Kaz Thanks for making me feel old. My YOUNGEST child was born in 1992.
@Donald.McLean your youngest child is older than me and @Kaz and @Quill.
Preview of @Scott_Helme's OWASP Manchester talk tonight: https://t.co/lPeYblLtqS
@CaptainObvious It's a knight, not a horse
now I have to change my answer
This is probably better being asked on : codereview.stackexchange.comTom C 44 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. — Jonathon Reinhart 21 secs ago
oh wow, no, that's really unfortunate timing.
fkkkk it's not just indentation and a validator, it's also helper functions
Is there anyone around who could write a quick SEDE query for # of VBA-tagged questions (and answers, and ratio of the 2) over time?
@DanPantry Yea, IE is irrelevant. I try to stick to whatever is supported by the rest, but it's not easy to see. Even with those charts.
@Mast you can generally use caniuse.com, but the chart I gave is the one to use for ES6 language features
System.out.println(BaseConverter.changeBase(""+0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFFL, 10, 16, true));
runtime error
@DanPantry If you're in doubt whether something is supported that's quite nice, yea, but I'm not going to ask for every darn function I encounter whether it's supported or not. I won't remember the outcome once they're with too many anyway.
gonna rub that one in
@Donald.McLean @rolfl sad news that Season 5 will be the end of POI, but I guess that was quite expected. Good news that we finally have a starting date for season 5 though!
Kaitlin Pike on March 17, 2016
The results of the largest and most comprehensive survey of the programmer workforce are here: the 2016 Stack Overflow Developer Survey.
> JavaScript remains the most popular programming language in the world.
React is the fastest growing technology on Stack Overflow. Swift is exploding too,
Water is wet
@StackExchange Isn't that old news?
@Mast jip but "new" article about it ^^
@chillworld That's awesome.
Full results ^
new idea for inserting in the CR swags :)
@chillworld looks like you get half the drink
Interestingly, it appears that Mac + Linux have the same market share for desktop OS as windows 7 + 10
Q: Generating a Postgres query dealing with creating a time series

hibeI want to sum the number of my published publications model in a given interval and return a time series. (related SO) The main challenge is that I want the code to respect the time zone passed to it. This seems to be only relevant when it comes down to aggregate the publications over days as di...

@Pimgd but there is food included ;)
but it's not very handy
because if you eat half the cookie biscuit
then it can disappear in the pocket
lol there are more people developing on windows Xp than on windows vista :D
stuck forever
but wait, you can hold the cup upside down, the biscuit will fall out
if you don't mind getting wet
"But what if you drink first?"
Have you EATEN biscuits before?
You get a dry mouth!
@Pimgd pessimistisch thoughts?
Gotta eat the biscuit first, then drink.
@DanPantry Must be Dutch.
So this biscuit pocket is a elaborate marketing ploy by biscuit makers in order to get you to eat your biscuit all at once
but the advantage that the letters won't come of by rubbing it ;)
@chillworld oooh burn
also, (yes, I wasn't done yet)
I'm a leftie!
the biscuit would get in the way of drinking
not only that, but the flat side of the cup means I'd spill more easily
you can't use chocolat biscuits
maybe leftie design is also there?
I'd have to drink really weirdly, instead of using the ear,
it'd be my hand wrapped around the hot mug
... that said, I wish I had biscuits.
@Quill already posted by SE :p
/me looks away slowly
@Pimgd the person you are writing an answer for really overshares quite a bit
they're creepy like that, I guess
I don't mind
Q: Iterate through IMongoCollection

ivan_petrushenkopublic class JobInfoRecord { ... /// <summary> /// Gets or sets the XML serialized background job info /// </summary> public string SerializedBackgroundJobInfo { get; set; } } public void Execute() { var mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionStringBuilder.ToMongoUrl())...

Q: Class to read the property files

dataEnthusiastI wrote the following code to read the config/property files. I will be exposing my api as jar to multiple application teams. Functionality: Reads the property files and returns the resource bundle object. I am returning the resource bundle object as, there can be multiple config files in the ...

So, every single line of scraped data had a chr(160) on the end. That was annoying to have to figure out.
Q: Please help in optimizing the solution of the below

Ash4507 A zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers is given. The dominator of array A is the value that occurs in more than half of the elements of A. For example, consider array A such that A[0] = 3 A[1] = 4 A[2] = 3 A[3] = 2 A[4] = 3 A[5] = -1 A[6] = 3 A[7]...

possible answer invalidation by user69786 on question by user69786: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/122863/revisions
@Kaz Blech that does sound annoying
@Duga lol OCD much? It's OK though just a typo in docu string
i must know hat
@Matthias Instead of just saying my code is trash, give me constructive criticism and how I can do this in a better way. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/123041/…Rustywasp 59 secs ago
Q: Rigidity Test Using the Pebble Game algorithm

user100488I need your help for complete the part of implementation with language java in the theme of my graduation "Rigidity Test Using the Pebble Game: A centralized Implementation" please

@PinCrash Not as annoying as the next step int he process.
I have to take this list of 2,000 (User-created) company names, and try to match them against the official names registered with Company House.
about 10% are direct matches. The other 90% are going to be, well, tricky.
In information theory and computer science, the Levenshtein distance is a string metric for measuring the difference between two sequences. Informally, the Levenshtein distance between two words is the minimum number of single-character edits (i.e. insertions, deletions or substitutions) required to change one word into the other. It is named after Vladimir Levenshtein, who considered this distance in 1965. Levenshtein distance may also be referred to as edit distance, although that may also denote a larger family of distance metrics. It is closely related to pairwise string alignments. =...
using that might help
Maybe, but it's probably going to produce a lot of false positives
when I was doing data matching with listing counts at the 200000 mark, case insensitive got about 40% and levenshtein got about 60%
2000 isn't that many to manually match anyway
No, it's not. I could do them all in about 8 hours.
It's just a pain.
Well, I guess pain it is.
at least it's on the clock work, I suppose
who in here is from Brazil?
why do you ask @Malachi?
someone viewed my blog yesterday from Brazil
almost all my views came from in here.
@Malachi @BernardMeurer is from Brazil I believe..
maybe the link traveled through facebook to some people in Brazil as well?
@DanPantry I don't recall seeing them in chat...
IIRC JNat is as well
There was a location query thing someone made a while ago
Oh wait, managed to get another 10% gone.

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