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@Kaz For a moment I thought those were radio callsigns.
lol @DanLyons
So I did a typing test and I'd like other people to do it too
@Hosch250 As said, if it keeps doing that, you'll need a system restore.
@DanPantry That's pretty fast...
@Mast It is working fine now.
@DanPantry Your words per minute count is quite high, if we just count keystrokes I'm even faster than that.
@Mast how could you be faster (short of rolling your face on the keyboard)? o:
How do you let it onebox?
@DanPantry Last time I checked I hit over 1200 keystrokes in 10 minutes.
@skiwi Add .png to the end.
@skiwi It's not a onebox ^^
@Mast 1200 in 10 minutes?
You realise that my link is in 1 minute? x)
I was just typing slowly there @DanPantry
@skiwi yea yea giving me a fair chance ;-)
@DanPantry 1 minute?
@Mast LOL
now I"m going to type fast... No promise on amount of errors though
@skiwi I would have gotten more words in had I not corrected 2 or 3 errors.. :(
I always press space at the wrong time
That's me typing fast...
Now I'm really curious how you get more than me, because I'm already insane
I should write a program to do that.
@skiwi I channel the blood of my enemies into my fingers
Got good spelling though ;p
who needs spelling?
Woh neesd splling?
if you throw enough words at someone you'll knock them out from the impact of the word wall - they won't need to actually read what you're saying
I have trouble with my Y/U, O/P, and N/M combination, probably due to the way I sit (I sit slightly sideways with my right hand at an angle and my left hand straight off my keyboard).
This is about as slow as I can type...
Hold on, let me order pizza, then challenge accepted.
When I try to type fast on purpose it mostly just comes down to hitting the keys harder, which does not improve things ;-)
I used to type decently fast, until I started heavily using autocomplete in my IDE and CLI
it's funny how I type English faster than German
It's not funny anymore once you realize how messed up German is :P
not really significantly faster, but faster
> [two letters] + <tab>
Okay so when I type and pay attention to my mistakes
@Vogel612 I type English a good bit faster than French also
Ironically I make more mistakes
And I type less fast, so I might as well not slow down ^^
@PinCrash that's probably because of the accents and umlauts throwing us off
@Vogel612 That, and to be fair, English is a fairly easy language
le baguette
@Vogel612 : + e = ë, right?
(prepares for stoning)
@PinCrash I don't know that I'd call English difficult, but it's certainly crazy and a bit scatterbrained as a language
@DanLyons read/read lead/lead etc
i before e except after c...
also, "had had" and "have have" could be a legit part of a sentence
stupid stuff like flammable and inflammable being the same, despite in- being a negation prefix
"he had had enough"
It's not as bad as welsh though.
If you think something looks welsh, you need to another d, w or y to it first.
and don't forget
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence in American English, used as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated linguistic constructs. It has been discussed in literature in various forms since 1967, when it appeared in Dmitri Borgmann's Beyond Language: Adventures in Word and Thought. The sentence uses three distinct meanings of the word buffalo: the city of Buffalo, New York; the uncommon verb to buffalo, meaning "to bully or intimidate" or "to baffle"; and the animal itself, buffalo. Paraphrased, the...
@DanLyons wot
you should look at some of the related articles, too
like the one for "James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher"
Those are just ludicrous
@DanPantry I don't think "have have" is legal, but "had had" is (although writers are supposed to avoid it).
man I just saved that guy's VBA code
Dim result As Boolean

result = result Or item.AmountPaid <= 0
result = result Or item.CompoundCode = vbNullString
result = result Or CInt(item.CompoundCode) >= 2 'todo: define magic number 2
result = result Or item.ClaimType <> "P"
result = result Or StringMatchesAny(item.ClaimStatus,"CAC","OVR","PWE")
result = result Or StringMatchesAny(item.CategoryCode,"D","I","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S")
result = result Or item.PreAuth <> 0
result = result Or Not StringMatchesAny(item.GroupId,"DS","GM","HP","LP")
that looks like normal VBA code....
lol, it's from my answer
OP's equivalent code is about 50 lines
Looks like my app session is about to crash... yay Citrix.
@PinCrash oh hey I also use Citrix :)
@DanPantry high-five
@PinCrash it also always crashes
incoming funny CommitStrip
yea, that's great
How to optimise your time as a coder
Work on feature branch, and then just before you're ready to submit it for code-review type "git fetch; git rebase origin/master" on the feature branch, and push -f that to your remote feature branch for the code review. — G. Sylvie Davies 32 secs ago
@Duga Just use the force... nothing can go wrong at all
> compliation
@Duga And automate that, or it will go wrong. A lot.
@Mast Just once I think
Dem prefixes
@PinCrash I read that as payroll bitch for a second
@skiwi May as well be...
@skiwi that would be a reasonable alias methinks
ELI5: difference between git fetch and git pull
git pull ~= git fetch && git merge
or to be more correct:
so git fetch downloads revisions to some kind of staging branch?
origin/branch i guess
git pull ~= git fetch && git merge remote/branch
@DanPantry it's not a staging branch, but a ref
alas for ELI5 it's close enough
So.. basically it's a "safe" pull if there are changes upstream.
usually git fetch will also grab all remotes and IIRC pull will only refresh the upstream remote
but that's semantics that get interesting when you start working with multiple remotes
Q: CasperJS continue equivalent inside for loop with casper.then

ProGirlXOXOCasperJS doesn't allow 'continue' command inside a casper.then functions. This was my solution but I'm not happy about it. Is there a better way to achieve this effect? casper.start(); casper.then(function() { var current = 1; var end = 4; var skip; f...

codereview.stackexchange.com and/or dba.stackexchange.com may be slightly better assitance for you, but generally speaking have a table of core elements (in this case teams) and then tables of their relationships (this case games/seasons). — Martin 56 secs ago
@Martin this would be off-topic for Code Review as there is no code at all included. — Phrancis 39 secs ago
@Martin No worries. I would suggest for you to look over A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users for reference. — Phrancis 12 secs ago
@PinCrash They probably are. This is big data astronomy. NASA doesn't do much actual astronomy, it mostly just operates the telescopes.
Q: how display a list of attributes and differentiate them from attributes already selected

juanp_1982This piece of code works but it's REALLY slow: var attibutes = attrInfo2.findOne({}, {"fields": {"metric": 1}, reactive: false}); var result = attributeList.find(query).map(function (attr) { if(attr.inputType) { if (attr.inputType === "int" || attr.inputType === "double") { ...

Hey there
@BernardMeurer Greetings
Is any of you folks savvy on web development? I was looking for a word on right tools for the job
Depends on what part of web dev you are talking about and the languages/infrastructure you use.
@Hosch250 The latter is exactly my problem. I wanted to make a simple personal website and just wanted to know what was simple to use for that. I code quite a lot in Python an pure C but nothing in web
mostly because I really dislike it
Typically you would use HTML and CSS.
If you need any code at all (most simple websites do not), then JS is good for running code client-side.
Python or C can be used server-side.
@BernardMeurer What kind of content would you intend to have on said personal website?
@PinCrash Nothing fancy, just an about me page with some contact info, maybe a page for me to post some stuff ocasionally
I already have one made by github pages at meurer.xyz but I want something that I make myself
HTML/CSS would probably be good enough.
Use the HTML for display and the CSS for styling.
Yeah I had thought about HTML, but my experience with it so far has been somewhat traumatic
It isn't that bad, really, lol.
It's also a good idea if you want to have nice looking elements without having to write it all from scratch, consider a CSS library like Bootstrap
@Hosch250 Um, yeah it is. You must not write HTML very often ;p
@PinCrash Not too often, but I wrote a fair amount in my class.
I felt really dumb when I was coding stuff on x64 assembly but couldn't put an image on an HTML page
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Multiple regex replacements
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Parallelizing an algorithm with OpenMP using a dynamic work queue
Personally, I prefer writing my CSS from scratch.
@BernardMeurer Hey, you aren't dumb if you can write good Assembly.
@Hosch250 Assembly is a bliss :p
I'll take a look at bootstrap @PinCrash
The Captain is kind of slow today.
@BernardMeurer Ok. Let me know if you have questions
Also, is it a bad idea to make my site open source?
Probably not.
No, I think it's a great idea, IMO
Q: Detect and Fix Switching over an Enum Without Handling all Members

Hosch250VSDiagnostic's latest refactoring and code fix detects when a switch does not contain case statements for each of the enum members and adds any missing members. So, for example, with the following enum and switch, VSDiagnostics will detect that a member is missing and add it as shown in the seco...

I work on a few open-source sites, it makes it easier to work on (especially if you are not the only person working on it)
In fact, if it is just HTML/CSS/JS, anyone who visits it in their browser can access it anyway (and modify it so their browser displays it differently).
@PinCrash Bootstrap looks pretty slick
@BernardMeurer Yeah it's quite good indeed - look at this one I put together recently for example: cardshifter.com
How come you folks didn't suggest Node, Ruby or Django (in that order!). Everyone keeps blasting about that stuff
And I refuse to use Node because JS is just a golfcart with nitro, it may be cool but it's still a golf cart
@BernardMeurer Those are all good if you need server-side stuff, etc. For static content they are very much overkill though.
Yup. KISS.
you could get really really fancy, and run something like Jekyll over Ruby, but... probably overkill for your needs
@PinCrash That site looks very nice
@Vogel612 I had looked at Jekyll before, but I dislike ruby because the guy next to me at work thinks it's better than Python and gives me shit about it
Also it seemed more like a tool for blogs
LOL. Everyone thinks their language is the best.
And, it may well be for their needs.
I got in a fight with some dude who said Java ruled over C once
But he was drunk so I forgave him
LOL. Don't start another holy war please ;0
@BernardMeurer I love Node, but this has to be the best damn description I've ever heard.
You forgot to mention tht it is a gokart powered with nitro, but all of the bits are stored in different packages. npm install nitroglycerine engine nitroglycerine-engine
Q: Webpack loader for Phaser.io asset files

user1152226module.exports = function(source){ this.cacheable(); //comment this line out to run standalone outside webpack loader context var s = source; var re = /"url":\s*\".*,/g; var m; do { m = re.exec(source); if (!!m) { var path = m[0].split(':')[1].trim().slice(0, -1); s...

I also don't think my language is the best - I just don't think it is as bad as people say :D
@DanPantry Hahaha. Everytime someone around here wants to use JS for something I'm like 'fite me u lozer'
@BernardMeurer (Js is my language, BTW)
I think JS can be quite a beautiful language, it's just people write pointless crap in it
in a really bad way
@CaptainObvious It looks like you're trying to parse JSON with regex... would you like to use JavaScript instead?
    var generateMenu = (arr, parentId) => {
      var out = []
      for (let i in arr) {
        if (arr[i].ParentId == parentId) {
          var items = generateMenu(arr, arr[i].Id)
          if (items.length > 0) {
            arr[i].Items = items
          var item = { id: arr[i].Id, text: arr[i].Name, url: arr[i].Url != null ? arr[i].Url : '', items: arr[i].Items, order: arr[i].Order }
      out.sort(function descending(a, b) { return a.order - b.order })
like this... just wtf?
My general problem with it is that it's really easy to make it super bloated
like monstah-bloat
@PinCrash No, that won't work
method calls will not parse in JSON
in Discussion between MadChadders and Mat's Mug, 2 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
well, you've found the best site for this! ask @Kaz :)
@BernardMeurer That is easy to say of any language with a package manager, though
in Discussion between MadChadders and Mat's Mug, 2 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
in The 2nd Monitor, 3 hours ago, by Kaz
@CaptainObvious To think, not that long ago, I was writing code worse than that.
@Kaz ^^
The difference in code before/after joining CR makes me truly shudder at how bad I was before CR
CR is really an asset
Even if I don't post questions, looking at lots of code daily lets me learn what is good/bad
@DanPantry I'm referring to things like this
(Code that I otherwise would not have exposure to)
@BernardMeurer I've read that article ages ago! and I generally stand by it.
The only issue is that Windows exists
In work, I have a bash shell for Windows so that is fine, however my colleague does not, so any script I write has to be in batch
FreeBSD <3
Or using something like Gulp or Grunt
They do have their place, though I tend to not use them - my build processes can be consolidated into just using Webpack.
That's the one, yep, with Git
Git, Cygwin and ConEmu make developing on windows 7 bearable
@DanPantry Try using PowerShell.
@Hosch250 god no
@Hosch250 NO
I've seen powershell, it makes my eyes bleed, noty
bad @Hosch250
It is like a very bad C#.
Powershell takes like 10 seconds to run ls
Very very bad.
it puts the powershell in the basket or it gets the hose again
@DanPantry wait a minute... they are adding a method call into the JSON!? wtf
I shit you not I can't understand how they made a shell that slow
@PinCrash It's for a framework, so I imagine there' a reason behind it. Also, I believe json5 has some changes like allowing for comments, though I'd find it really surprising if you could use method calls in it.
Ah, no, never mind
I've read the question now
the sad thing is that Visual Studio is actually pretty good, though windows-only
It's using Webpack, which can transform json. It's still a stupid idea
@BernardMeurer VS is okay - as long as you ignore the TFS part of it, and the fact that it really does not like for you to use anything outside of .vsproj
Also it's TypeScript handling is really annoying if you don't do it exactly how Microsoft want you to
are you new around here btw @BernardMeurer? Welcome! I don't think I've seen you around before
@DanPantry Yeah first day around here, thanks!
I'm also a web developer, and I saw you ask about the best tools for the job.. uh
I'll find you
Would it make you sad if I said "NodeJS with React"? :-)
26 mins ago, by Pin Crash
@BernardMeurer Those are all good if you need server-side stuff, etc. For static content they are very much overkill though.
@PinCrash NodeJS + React is very much not server-side (though it can be used for that).
Cardshifter, for example, is pure static assets and uses Angular (soon React)
I was more referring to the "static content" part :)
I've heard a lot of good things about React
If you want a simple static site (couple of pages), sure, use just plain old html and css
but if you were doing anything more advanced than that I would go for react. If you want more of a blog type, use jekyll or hexo
I'm probably just repeating what has already been said, though
@DanPantry This is why I don't touch servers (except DB servers of course), I don't know crap about them.
I ain't using anything that has Ruby, not giving my coworker that pleasure
@PinCrash Think of React like a view layer, both for the server and the client.
it is no more server-side than "just" HTML
I'd rather code my site in assembly than give him the pleasure of seeing me use ruby
Which is handy because it looks exactly like HTML
@BernardMeurer I can't speak much for Ruby but I hear the main good thing about Rails is that you have all the generators.
in Discussion between MadChadders and Mat's Mug, 4 mins ago, by Insane
lucky you @MadChadders taking advice from the king of VBA reviews ;)
Again, this is good for a cookie-cutter site, but once you start trying to something decidely less cookie cutter you may run into issues.
hexo seems neat
Also, Rails is slow (isrubyfastyet.com), but that's probably not an issue until you get to Twitter size.
bootstrap and hexo so far have impressed me the most
Yeah ruby is pretty slow
Hexo is basically Node's answer to Jekyll
which is my biggest critic to it
Bootstrap is a pretty damn popular framework and it's simple to customise and get going with. FWIW we use bootstrap in work.
Why do something in Ruby if it will be slower and take the very same time to do in Python?
@BernardMeurer because you can get the product out faster in Ruby than Python if you know Ruby better
Developer cycles are vastly more expensive than CPU cycles
Q: How to proper compare a string that can hold a numeric value?

Patrick BardI am refactoring a part of big old system developed in Java. I came across a situation where we are migrating some data types, and there will be use of both types. For compatibility, as all the old part will remain using id as an int, I simply overloaded the constructor, and the old getter now pa...

Agreed, but I'm talking from a begginer's POV
You have to bear in mind that even though you may not like your colleague using Ruby stuff, it may be more beneficial to cede to Ruby if your colleague has experience in it as well - that way you both aren't remaking the wheel.
For example, I want to use in React in work, but my colleague only just knows Angular - and that's discounting the effort it would take to refactor to React (the Angular stuff is only just there)
So right now the downsides of using React outweigh the benefits :(
Yeah someone someday told me to use angular
Go find them, punch them in the face
that it made very readable JS code or something on those lines
Don't get Dan started on Angular.
hahaha, no way! The dude got me a visit to google's quantum computing lab
It can make readable JS code, but it's very easy to get it wrong. You have to write your HTML in javascript strings (or load them from external HTML files) and the entire API has changed in Angular 2, which also did not make the API any easier to learn
That's all I will say on the matter :-)
I was singing its praises a year ago, but it is really quite awful to maintain
If he got you an invite to the quantum computing lab, go to the lab, then punch him in the face after
Too late, it's been a while now hahaha
Also I got a rubber duck of sorts so I won't need to rant here so much @PinCrash :-)
I also found out today that BYOD isn't on the cards, so, no Mac for me in work at the moment.. :(
That sucks
Short of asking for a Mac computer in lieu of a new laptop, yeah
I know our CTO has a large iMac, so maybe I could do some convincing
Don't even get me started, need to get a laptop since I'm going to college this year
I'm quite happy with Windows 10, although 8.1 was much more stable.
We aren't even on 8 in work
We're still on 7
I found 10 much better than 8
My main gripe with our laptops isn't the OS, but the spec. The hard drives (slow spin speed) and processor (1.7Ghz) are really, really dismal
We are on Windows 7 as well
@BernardMeurer The UI is better, yes, but 8.1 didn't have as many bugs.
Damn, we have so many things in common it seems, @DanPantry
10 broke a lot of things.
@PinCrash I don't have a badass beard :( (Though I do have blue hair)
@Hosch250 I thought they had fixed most of the issues by now, it's been a while since I used windows
Arch linux at work and BSD at home
@BernardMeurer A lot of them, but not all.
@DanPantry Well I don't have hair, so there ya go
I do use W10 at home, to be fair. W10 is not that bad. If it had Bash/POSIX innately it might even be competitive in my opinion.
In fact, I just today found that the File Explorer crashes when I try to move some files.
@DanPantry I used to have Cygwin on W10
@PinCrash almost as high as your email count
@DanPantry Right... except my emails don't depend on slow-as-hell SSRS piped through Citrix...
@PinCrash SSRS piped through Citrix: because you want the snail mail experience on computers.
After waiting nearly 10 minutes trying to export it
short overflow
@PinCrash 218k Rows?
What did people tell you about using EXCEL as a Database?
@PinCrash lol, that code was written for Excel 97-2003 :)
They said it wouldn't Excel at being a database
ba-dum Tsh!
OK I got it down to 13 pages instead of 2.5K... I'm going to hope really hard now
I'll mess around some more with this tomorrow, I've had enough headaches today
Did the nth monitor get merged here?
You may want to post working code at codereview.stackexchange.com — chux 1 min ago
@EasterlyIrk No?
No, it's just been quiet.
Code has problems including INT_MIN and at least 7 other issues. Bu this in not a code review site. — chux 56 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview — chux 13 secs ago
I wonder whether it's unprofessional to have my company profile icon set to Grumpy Cat
Q: Type erasure and allocators: what's the expected behavior?

skypjackConsider the following code: #include<vector> #include<memory> template<typename T> struct S final { struct B { virtual void push_back(T&& v) = 0; virtual ~B() { } }; template<class Allocator> struct D final: public B { D(Allocator alloc): vec{alloc} { }...

Q: Java interator and iterable preferred style

franciumWhich of these two is preferred? public Iterable<T> adj(int i){ return (Iterable<T>) this.adj.get(i).clone(); } versus public Iterator iterator() { return new ElementIterator(); } class ElementIterator implements Iterator { private int i = 0; @Override public boolean h...

@EasterlyIrk you're lucky I'm not a room owner, or that'd go straight to the trash
And you really shouldn't express your bias in the poll.
@Hosch250 Not me.
@Vihan did it.
@EasterlyIrk I voted spaces...
I'm rather tempted to actually trash that :/
and be it only because tabs is an option
also it's totally against room rules
but yeah, let's all play right into his hands paws
2 messages moved to Trash
@PinCrash to the rescue!
Welcome to Code Review! This site, unlike Stack Overflow, thrives on real code in its habitat, rather than minimal examples and such. Please see How do I ask a good question?Pin Crash 1 min ago
@Donald.McLean if the author is really 12 years old, they're violating ToS: astronomy.stackexchange.com/q/14148
@Mat'sMug A parent may have made the account.
that question was crossposted on Physics.SE as well
and they have another question where they claim the same thing: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/243491/…
I'm pretty sure that is only in the ToS because of that law we were discussing the other day.
Just looked it up.
@dmedine: Ah well that's what code review is for (and secret rendition) — BarryTheHatchet just now
Hey everyone.
@Legato hi
@Legato hey!

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