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Q: Toggle button that will hide/unhide columns within a range

proxy156I have the below toggle button sub that works; Private Sub Toggle_Unused_Click() Dim xAddress As String xAddress = "DR:FI" Call KeyOpen 'unprotects the sheet If Toggle_Unused.Value Then Application.ActiveSheet.Columns(xAddress).Hidden = True 'This returns a value to my notes tab...

Q: ToyVM - a small and simple virtual machine in C + FizzBuzz demonstration

coderoddeI have this small virtual machine: toyvm.h: #ifndef TOYVM_H #define TOYVM_H #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* Arithmetics */ const uint8_t ADD = 0x01; const uint8_t NEG = 0x02; const uint8_t MUL = 0x03; const uint8_t DIV = 0x04; const uint8_t ...

Q: PHP alternative syntax confusion

johnny_sNewbie to PHP. Trying to output the results of an array inside a foreach loop. I have got the following code but I cannot understand what to do with it next. Mainly; Where/how do I start and end the php statements? Is there a better way to format this code? I want to make it as easy to un...

Q: Partionable Code

JackCheck if partitionable. Write a program which prompts the user to enter a list of integers whose end is the indicated by the sentinel -999. Your program is supposed to check whether of not the list is partitionable at some position (i.e., check whether or not the list is partitionable at some pos...


Discussions about VSDiagnostics Project
posted on March 09, 2016 by tonyart

public class newc{ public void bla(){ FileResource resource = new FileResource("my.txt"); for(String s : resource.words()){ int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') { System.out.println("count is " + count); count = 0; } else { count++; } } System.out.println("the length of

@JeroenVannevel You never have enough issues.
My head feels like Friday already and there still so much work to do.
Q: API Call within For Loop

VineethI've got a method which get's a JSONObject as input which internally has a JSONArray. The problem is that one of values in the JSON Array is a country code, but when I return the final structure it has to be the country, rather than country code. To achieve this I'm calling an API (internal), ins...

@user3685285 uhh.... you should not point out that this is not about coding because you are wrong here in this case ... — Carsten 50 secs ago
@Duga Uhhhm, why did you catch on that?
@GuyCoder this is probably better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com - of course OP needs to expand on his question there — Carsten 10 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's asking for code/design review — Carsten 1 min ago
You might have better luck on the Code Review SE site. — David 23 secs ago
I do not understand the code. Can somebody help me — Jack 27 mins ago
hello mates ^_^
@Alexander Hey!
it's so rainy here :( I didn't want to go to office today hehe
This would be a terrible question for Code Review, since there's no actual code. It's all hypothetical, which is clearly off-topic. — Mast 48 secs ago
@Alexander It's only 4 hours old, give it time.
Q: Fnd the difference between arrays by keyword in javascript code?

dimauaHow i can improve this javascript code? https://jsfiddle.net/dmitriykupriynov/1pfzmkr9/1/ I want to find the difference between arrays by keyword but seems my solution not optimal. var network_links = new Array( "<a href='' target='_blank'><div class='network_vk'></div></a>", "<a href='' ta...

@Mast ok ^_^ patience it's not a quality of mine even though I know that I have to wait
reviewing code isn't like answering a question that you already know the answer to when you see it in the questions list and click and say to yourself "I know how to do this!" - reviewing code actually takes time and effort.
and we're not hundreds of millions of users on this site. yet.
I know that. You're perfectly right
where's a way there's a will
@Alexander I think you mean "where there is a will, there is a way."
I think it was: "where's a will there's a way". W/e
Welcome to the 2nd Monitor, BTW!
Tidus to Yuna in Final Fantasy X?
(that's where I heard that saying first)
@Hosch250 hello ^_^ nice to meet u
Nice to meet you. Liking CR so far?
sure, I'm actually on the site almost day by day but I don't have the experience to review questions. yet (as @Mat'sMug said)
you'd be surprised
but I'm learning new thing each day
me too!
@Mast hmm hey it's answered already
Q: I have the length of each word from a file,I need the number of occurrences of each length(how many 7's,6's etc).I have this code so far:

tonyartpublic class newc{ public void bla(){ FileResource resource = new FileResource("my.txt"); for(String s : resource.words()){ int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') { System.out.println("count is " + count); count = 0; }...

@Mat'sMug Edward nailed it :-)
he gave me some nice tips but I will wait for other users to give me some advice on the other side (optimization) ^_^
@Alexander Re-write it, benchmark it and post a follow-up question.
I'll do this. It's already rewriten but I thought of giving it some more time ^_^
and I didn't want to spam the main wall
eh, Jamal is already good at that, no worries.
also, if someone comes along in 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 years and sees your old code and wants to post an answer, they can
o_O I'll do this. I just want to update my profile a little bit
Your profile has nothing to do with posting questions.
cool! then go find yourself a zombie :)
I know, it's just for my own pleasure
Make sure you link to the original question when posting a follow-up. And don't rush it ^^
that's for sure ^^
yes,it works,the output is a little bit different but I have the length of each word correctly — tonyart 2 mins ago
Ugh, that means it doesn't work or one is not good at explaining himself.
Q: Java - Scanner is being ignored inside while loop but not elsewhere

Konzy262I'm in a bit of a pickle with my code as I can't understand why a particular user prompt is being ignored, when the exact same code is being used successfully elsewhere. This is an example of where the keyboard input works... System.out.println("\nHow much would you like to bet?"); mPlayers.get...

@Mast I've no idea what he means
@CaptainObvious broken, because abstraction is leaking
I'll enter in 30 seconds as Cajuu :D
Q: I have the length of each word from a file.I need the number of occurrences of each length(how many 7's,6's etc).I have this code so far:

tonyartpublic class newc{ public void bla(){ FileResource resource = new FileResource("folder/my.txt"); for(String s : resource.words()){ int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') { System.out.println(count); count = 0; } el...

^ dup of previously-deleted...
interestingly it was RBA, ...
Yea, why did he remove it to post the exact same thing again?
it's not exactly the same, but ....
only Chtulu knows
I can't see deleted questions anymore, so I'll take your word for it.
Ah, yes, there's a bit different in the wording. It now has less context.
Does this code work? If so, this question belongs on CodeReview — Chrismas007 41 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because I believe it is a candidate for migration to CodeReview. — Chrismas007 1 min ago
@Mast Migration is a valid VTC reason. It is in the VTC options. However, CodeReview is not currently an actual option, so I had to make it a custom one. — Chrismas007 9 secs ago
and back at the misleading UX
@Chrismas007 actually ... you're wrong. But that's only because the VTC-Dialog's Design is incorrect in that regard. More info on that can be found in A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow UsersVogel612 12 secs ago
in VBA Rubberducking, 7 secs ago, by Mat's Mug
@Chrismas007 the correct course of action is actually to VTC as too broad, and custom-flag for migration. A question must be off-topic on the site it's posted on, to be migratable.. but being migratable isn't an off-topic reason per se. the UI is misleading.
there's some links in the Guide answer
lol, guys, cool down a bit
If stares through monitors could kill...
@Chrismas007 Code Review doesn't accept migrations by said menu to eliminate a whole lot of false candidates. Please take a look at this thread, especially the answers. — Mast 50 secs ago
That's weird. Just changed my name on the profile and here is the same
@Alexander Yup. You can change it for all sites individually.
boom, mod magic
Now it's ok
thanks whoever is responsible for this
points to the Mug
chat profile just needed a kick in the nuts refresher
Ah, caching.
Or Quill, but he isn't around.
@Mast wouldn't that be the best time to blame him?
except I blame the monkey. he knows why.
you shouldn't blame the monkey, you should ♫ shock the monkey ♫
@AlienHerbNite your hair rocks dude
even if it's photoshopped
@Cajuu' the hair streamlines painting happy little trees
@Cajuu' you should thank this man for the awesome hair: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Ross
I thank you. Otherwise I wouldn't have found who Bob Ross is / was / will be
If you have no errors/questions this might be suited for codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — gonzo 48 secs ago
@Mat'sMug I thought ducks were usually the scapegoat of choice here
Especially rubber ones who like VBA
Q: Simple responsive page

kifI sincerely hope this is the right place to ask. Can someone tell me if my code is okay so far? I've read quite some resources online for responsive webdesign but it seems like everyone's opinion on best practices is different. How do I make proper use of units like px, em, rem and %? http://kv...

Q: C# Poker Project WinForms

denisguys I have quite huge question/favor to ask but I hope I can get some useful answers. First of all this is my first complete project I'm just 16 years old and still learning a lot of stuff about C# it's my first programming language. I have several questions on my account connected with the proj...

No code - both.
possible answer invalidation by cade galt 0 on question by cade galt 0: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/122311/revisions
Sometime soon
Closed - both
@AlienHerbNite Ethan, you're a PPCG follower now?
@Mast Not really. I just think the anagram thing is funny.
There's only so many words you can turn Mast in, so excuse me if I'm not even trying :P
Well, you could do "Mats", but that could be confusing
One of these days, I need to change my name to "Captain Obvious" or "mods".
Or all.
Has anyone seen Nobody?
not in a while
I've seen him
> Last seen Feb 17 at 9:57
We had the same idea.
Q: I/O transferring information from input and output files

John DoeI am having trouble with coding this program. I am learning I/O and I am supposed to read an integer from an input file given by the user and expect that integer to correspond to presidents names in the same input file. I am supposed to format those names with last name first then middle then fi...

Q: HeadFirst - Design-Patterns: Porting from Java to C# and C++ for reviewing

icbytesI am learning design patterns once more. The book mentioned above offers the examples in java, and I read them, write them and follow the book, I really like their kind of writing. But I gave myself two other exercises besides those in the book. I would like to port those java exercises to c# and...

Q: One more general function or several slower but more specialized functions

MSeifertI have several functions for merging some dictionaries but over time I created a more general function that would make all these others obsolete if it weren't slower. I have the specialized (and several like it) functions that look like this: def merge_keep_lowest(dict1, dict2, *dicts): ""...

yup. thanks!
np @Mat'sMug
Q: I am a begginer at using JavaJ++

brendaMy teacher wants me to create a Windows/Console application that asks the user to submit the correct password. Textpad keeps on marking errors in my coding. import javax.swing.JOptionPane; class passwordManager { public static void main(String[] args){ boolean masterPassword = ("secre...

Q: HeadFirst - Design-Patterns: Porting from Java to C# and C++ for reviewing

icbytesI am learning design patterns once more. The book mentioned above offers the examples in java, and I read them, write them and follow the book, I really like their kind of writing. But I gave myself two other exercises besides those in the book. I would like to port those java exercises to c# and...

@CaptainObvious boolean masterPassword = ("secret");
that's so basic basics that I'm not even sure what to google
That said, you might need a refresher on what values are legal for what value types. A boolean can't hold the string value "secret". — Mat's Mug ♦ 5 secs ago
hope it helps
you can try: how to create secret master password in java if i am beginner
    if (password = boolean.class) {
    }else {
@Mat'sMug Huh, that's not a boolean.
that's not compilable code either
he was ironic, I guess
Q: Advice to increase performance of printing longest sequence of zeroes

would_like_to_be_anonI am doing a coding exercise in codility and I came across this question: A binary gap within a positive integer N is any maximal sequence of consecutive zeros that is surrounded by ones at both ends in the binary representation of N. For example, number 9 has binary representation 1001 and con...

@Cajuu' People aren't ironic. Statements can be, but people...
His statement was ironic. Better ? ^^
possible answer invalidation by Raystafarian on question by proxy156: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/122384/revisions
@CaptainObvious Oh wow.
@Mat'sMug What the... what!?
Q: Trying to refine my select statement in a linq query

WaragiWhat is a better way to create this select statement? I know there has to be a better way. I tried to just select 'u' and 'us' however the object properties were not accessible when I did this. Suggestions? var userSubmittedRequests = (from u in db.TimeRequests ...

@Duga In my opinion that one is ok.
@Mat'sMug He changed it, but it's still broken.
Q: Hardware interrupt handler in C++

user5434231I wrote this class to use a C++ function as hardware interrupt handler. The idea is to have a single entry point where I can switch stacks, and call a chain of std::function objects to handle the interrupt. It works... but I think it's a pretty ugly hack. Is there anything I could improve here? ...

Q: Render HTML/JS with Values for jQuery Modal Boxes

DennisI have some code that I use to render the template + values for the HTML that makes up jQuery Modal Boxes in my code. //code that pulls together data I need from ORM //assembles it and passes it to HTML template builder public function renderModalBoxesHtml($id) { $query = $this->getEntityMan...

FYI I just changed the hover text on the zombie ad
still cached though
Your code doesn't analyze as provided. The selected signal assignment is missing an others choice or should be conditioned with To_Bit(oz) select ov <= 'Z' when '1', '0' when '0'; or a conditional signal assignment. Note the '1' and '0' instead of "1" and "0". The 'Z' stands for high impedance not Zero. Code review questions should be submitted to Code Review Stack Exchange (tagged vhdl). — user1155120 39 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Jainish Patel on question by Jainish Patel: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/122068/revisions
Your code doesn't analyze as provided. The selected signal assignment is missing an others choice or should be conditioned with To_Bit(oz) select ov <= 'Z' when '1', '0' when '0'; or a conditional signal assignment. Note the '1' and '0' instead of "1" and "0". The 'Z' stands for high impedance not Zero. Code review questions should be submitted to Code Review Stack Exchange (tagged vhdl). What is producing and what should the result be? — user1155120 just now
Any idea about my problem?!!
@Duga that's an understatement
Q: Decompose polarimetric SAR covariance matrices in MATLAB

sepidehI have the following code to implement the algorithm described in the article Adaptive Model-Based Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Covariance Matrices by Arii, van Zyl, and Kim, in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. I want to apply it to 3 images of the sizes 676×718, 1430×144...

nice bounty you got there!
@sepideh I see you've already put a bounty on the question.
But your zombie rating is through the roof
You have a comparatively niche language (matlab), and a rather complex problem
Additionally only a certain subset of answers are relevant to you, so your question is bound to be difficult to answer
Your code doesn't analyze as provided. The selected signal assignment is missing an others choice or should be conditioned with To_Bit(oz) select ov <= 'Z' when '1', '0' when '0'; or a conditional signal assignment. Note the '1' and '0' instead of "1" and "0". The 'Z' stands for high impedance not Zero. Code review questions should be submitted to Code Review Stack Exchange (tagged vhdl). What is produced and what should the result be? Despite Modelsim allowing it a space is required - 19ns violates syntax rules, use 19 ns. — user1155120 10 secs ago
I should freshen-up my MATLAB just to clear-out all those zombies.
We got a couple of very highly voted questions without answers around. Which have been zombies for ages.
Q: Finding minimum scalar product using ST Monad

rampionInspired by a Stack Overflow question, I decided to practice my Haskell by taking a crack at the Google Code Jam's Minimum Scalar Product problem: Given two vectors \$\mathbf{v_1}=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)\$ and \$\mathbf{v_2}=(y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_n)\$. If you could permute the coordinates of each ve...

sounds like a plan. maybe we can recruit some PPCG people for that
Yea, they learn new languages all the time.
Q: Upgoat or Downgoat?

DowngoatGiven an image of a goat, your program should best try to identify whether the goat is upside down, or not. Examples These are examples of what the input may be. Not actual inputs Input: Output: Downgoat Spec Your program should be at most 30,000 bytes The input will contain the full goa...

They even write them.
^^ done in matlab.. in less than 150 bytes of code
Well at least two people with enough rep points to close this question agree with me. Questions like these are better suited for code review than Stack overflow. — Scott Craner 24 secs ago
@Vogel612 I don't see a MATLAB solution, I do see a Mathematica solution.
Not the same.
Q: How to optimize creating 4 arrays out of 1 array?

Leon GabanI have an array of API objects, below is an example of one object: { description: "Get a list of most recent social alerts" example_input: "" example_output: "status" id: 19 method: "GET" resource: "/api/alerts" } With my code below, I'm able to loop through the big Arr...

Q: C++ Neighbours vector of Vertex Class

SorinJust started OOP and implemented an Undirected and Weighted Graph in C++. I slightly ran into a problem. I believe that the references are good enough (at least from what I've learnt this far), but I need to be proven wrong because they won't work. My problem is that the vector of Vecini(Neighbou...

Your code doesn't analyze as provided. The selected signal assignment is missing an others choice or should be conditioned with To_Bit(oz) select ov <= 'Z' when '1', '0' when '0'; or a conditional signal assignment. Note the '1' and '0' instead of "1" and "0". The 'Z' stands for high impedance. Code review questions should be submitted to Code Review Stack Exchange (tagged vhdl). What is producing and what should the result be? And despite Modelsim allowing it a space is required - 19ns violates syntax rules, use 19 ns. — user1155120 51 secs ago
@Mast wait they're not the same (or reasonably close like TeX and LaTeX)
They are not even related.
@Duga we had that a little bit ago, didn't we?
@Duga Oooh, VHDL? Come here!
@SimonForsberg what makes Duga post some comments twice?
hmm.. waiiitt... that was deleted and reposted...
gotta go folks. Bye for today ^_^
@user1155120 The current code is not working and therefore off-topic at Code Review. However, once it works OP is more than welcome to come over and drop his code for examination. VHDL isn't a popular tag there, so make sure the question is above average or it won't attract much attention. — Mast 47 secs ago
Tempus fugit.
You should consider asking your second question on Code Review. — the Tin Man 47 secs ago
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Tag wikis under a certain length
@Vogel612 I seem to be used quite often recently as a Rubberduck for @Duga related stuff...
In my defense, those two looked almost identical
and they were posted to the same question.
No worries, no harm done.
A ping has never hurt anyone.
@SimonForsberg I know right!
Q: ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'Fulano' in 'field list'

XalsarThis is my MYSQL table: mysql> SHOW COLUMNS FROM IS_solicitudsproduccio; +----------------+-----------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +----------------+-----------------+------+-----+---------+----------...

@Mat'sMug Certainly hasn't.
@CaptainObvious I wonder if @PinCrash noticed that fieldlist...
@SimonForsberg I did, and responded but RBA
> The value Fulano in your VALUES clause needs to be quoted, if it's supposed to be a string, like 'Fulano' – Pin Crash 1 min ago
@PinCrash Except that it seems like it should be inserted for the AAS_camp002 field, which is declared as tinyint(1)
Also true. But, that would have raised a different error than that one
> Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'hello' to data type tinyint.
if going with your fix, then it would raise that error
Surely, they can fix that one by themselves ;D
Either way, question poof gone. We might never know what Fulano actually was.
@PinCrash Don't overestimate a programmer.
@SimonForsberg don't underestimate one either. truth is, estimates are hard.
> Best Answer: fulano is a mexican slang word for "someone" but not exactly. its like giving a name to someone you don't know or care about.

ese fulano me dijo que no
"that fulano said no"
"that someone (or whoever) said no"
@SimonForsberg s/programmer/SQL monkey/
select 'sql monkey' from programmers
> Query executed successfully | 00:00:00 | 0 rows
Yo soy fulano.
Slow day on the second monitor...
Hey @Edward!
Busy knocking out tickets before it's TTQW
Howdy. What's happening in your world?
Didn't downvote but,I think codereview.stackexchange.com is more appropriate in this case. — lex82 9 secs ago
Machine learning, mostly. And yours?
Machine teaching. :)
Those machines sure are stupid!
Q: How to Make Spawn Child Process and Event Listening More Modular?

therewillbecodeThis function scrapes data from a webpage by spawning a process that executes a casperjs web scraping script. The spawned process outputs data to Stdout. The function below has an event listener for std out and this is how the parent process (Node) gets the scraped data back. How can I make t...

Q: WinForms Poker (complete project)

denisguys I have quite huge question/favor to ask but I hope I can get some useful answers. First of all this is my first complete project I'm just 16 years old and still learning a lot of stuff about C# it's my first programming language. I have several questions on my account connected with the proj...

I'm 30 points shy of repcap today.
I didn't think I worked that hard!
I can downvote if it makes you feel better
I'm altruistic like that
@JeroenVannevel :) That's why I like this place.
5 hours ago, by Mast
@Mat'sMug Edward nailed it :-)
@CaptainObvious zombie++;
#region variables
That is... a lot of code
> nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope
@CaptainObvious all in the form's code-behind. lovely.
Of course with C# every other line break is wasted on braces... /holywar
#region fluff
    string helpPack = Properties.Settings.Default.CardPack;
    string helpBack = Properties.Settings.Default.CardBack;
That's some error-prone naming
oh wow
meh, hP vs hB ..they're in completely different areas of the keyboard... </not-a-real-argument>
@CaptainObvious thou shall be dissected. shredded. torn to pieces.
    pbTimer.Visible = enableOrDisable;
    bRaise.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
    bCall.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
    bRaise.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
    bRaise.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
    bFold.Enabled = enableOrDisable;
Dat Naming
the guy's a beginner, keep in mind :)
anyway, TTQW
while (code.readLine() != -1) { code.dissect(line); codeQuality++; }
Q: C# Google Chrome Extension, where is my bin/debug path?

pseudocodeI am working on a Google Chrome Extension and I need add a library to my project. I know how can I add the library but there is a problem I have. First, I added .dll file into my referance. Than, I need a debug folder in my bin folder. Normally, bin/debug file create automatically when you cr...

C# chrome extensions?
Is this a thing?
I didn't even think C# was a thing...
Hey, wô there
I didn't comment on the recent APL interpreter code. It made my brane hert.
Q: Ways to reduce this branching in a state machine

PuyoverI have a state machine implemented in Python using the fysom library and I need some feedback on how to reduce 4 conditions I have to implement in all of the states: def on_standby(self, e): if self.mode == MODE_1: pass elif self.mode == MODE_2: pass elif self.mode ==...

Silly question, but I'll ask anyway. A number of recent C and C++ code examples have been complete except for required BMP files.
Is there a nice way to include such files in a question? Or an answer?
Thanks, @PinCrash There are still some pieces missing but there's just no more place to post it .. i hope you can get some better idea from my other questions which also include some good answers too ! — denis 29 secs ago
@Edward Is the actual file data needed? If so, a link to Github could be included. Is the image itself needed (not the data)? Then the image can just be put on the document.
@Mat'sMug zombie (?) down
@SirPython Not really needed for a code review; just needed to actually run the program.
I've been able to substitute in some cases, but not all.
Q: Snake game in C++ (using SFML)

ReethokI haven't done any programming in a while, and I'm getting back into it. I made this Snake clone to refresh me a bit, and I would like to get some feedback in the "elegance" and "well-done"-ness of the code. main.cpp #include "Game.h" int main() { Game::run(); return 0; } Game.h #if...

I think Smeagha's been hiding in a cave with his precious blanket for centuries after killing Deagha to get it. — Double AA ♦ 3 hours ago
possible answer invalidation by denis on question by denis: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/122425/revisions
Well, tomorrow appears to be my final testing for training with the IRS. If I don't pass it, I instantly my (first) job. I guess that'll also give me more time here again, but I still won't feel like doing as much editing as I've done in the past.
@Jamal That's IRS as in "Internal Revenue Service?"
Yes, for a seasonal data transcriber position. I didn't know it was going to be this repetitive and demanding. I have to reach a certain accuracy and speed.
you instantly what your first job?
@Jamal Hope you do well on your test, and that it leads to better positions later on.
That was quick. I like the changes you did, but unfortunately you may not incorporate them into your question directly. Accordingly I have rolled back the last edit. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers... I strongly suggest you take some time and wait for more answers to come, and then compile your updated code into a follow-up-question :) — Vogel612 5 mins ago
I'm just concerned about keeping something on my resume. I've been looking for ten months already. I guess I'll still get paid for the training I've completed.
It also helps pay the rent. :)
Questions asking for commentary on coding style and correctness are more appropriate for CodeReview.stackexchange.com. Use SO when you're having trouble getting the program to work correctly and you need help fixing it. — Barmar 33 secs ago
@Edward I haven't even moved out yet or bought a car. Nothing else will happen until I can keep a job. Having this on my resume can increase my chances of getting a permanent one.
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