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RELOAD! There are 1934 unanswered questions (93.9846% answered)
It sure doesn't look very pretty, but I guess function > form
My experience is that people start on one, or the other, and very seldom cross over. Each one requires an investment to figure out the right key combinations, etc.
I got lucky, and started on vi. It's a better default.
Now I get to enjoy the fact that I have my favourite simple editor on all the machines out there that I use, but other emacs folk struggle to download emacs through the various firewalls, etc.
@rolfl do you really use vi for your day-to-day programming tasks? I mean I hardly ever use it: most of the time simply to quickly change a setting on a server, but that's it.
Not normally for full-out programming, but, actually, it depends.... if I am scripting, i use it. For Java, and now Golang I use eclipse.
I am often spinning through even hundreds of machines..... if I need to change a config value, etc.
Most of the stuff I do is remote.... and vi is just there, and easy.
I often don't even have vim on those machines, it's the cut-down basic vi that's there. I don't use the smart parts, necessarily
On the other hand, I work with a number of people who use vi to program their go code (at least 20 or so people I work with do that).
I don't have time for that, and it slows them down.
Then again, I run linux on my laptop, and they are often running in VM's, etc, so they are remote.
Q: Javascript Iteration

LastSecondsToLiveIn my current project I have objects of the following structure: CanvasBundle - Object Some elements... gridCanvas axesCanvas functions[] (contains unknown number of functionCanvases) overlayCanvas I'd like to write an iterator which would iterative over all the canvases (grid/axes/func/fun...

Q: Resets Rows to default values if column A is missing a value

proxy156I have the below working Subroute that works, but I have recently started updating the sheet and adding new columns. I'm finding updating the current macro to be a bit of a chore. So my question is: Is there a way to use Named ranges instead of declaring the cell ranges as in the below code? ...

@rolfl Wait.. People actually really still use vim to code?
With the right plugins, it is surprisingly powerful, yes. Also, with languages like Go, where the IDE support is not great, it makes vim a more-than-OK tool.
When you are writing code that only works on a machine 2000km away, it can be very useful, too.
You guys like spam stars, right?
come check out our sidebar

 The Renderfarm

A place to talk while we wait for our renders to finish. Site ...
you may have to look closely
(the relevant message is the last one on the list)
@rolfl those are some pretty good points.
@GiantCowFilms - are you trolling or something? Who cares (in this chat room?)
@rolfl Last time (I posted our spam stars) we had a great time
but if that is no longer welcome, sorry
Hmmm... spam stars, not spam flags.... OK.... looking again.
(an no, no intent to troll)
@rolfl its not as obvious as last time.
@rolfl Is this when you are connected to the computer that is far away, or are you writing and then uploading to the computer that is faraway?
live demo: someone star this once:
11 Apparently, this message is popular
@SirPython Well, it avoids that, - it allows you to connect to that remote server, and drivet it as if it was local.
the one beneath it....
@GiantCowFilms I love that we have that reputation. Hey @Malachi look.
@RubberDuck no body correctly starred my live demo
@GiantCowFilms Well, you never know what will get a star around here.
@RubberDuck Well, there are certain things that are virtually guaranteed to get stars in here.
How about this
but definitely not this.
@Zak lol
@DanPantry I want to know why you hate jQuery, (I saw the message on the sidebar). I thought that was one thing that was universally liked, up there with PHP (jk).
jQuery? universally liked? Is this some alternative reality we're talking about?
I honestly have never seen anything bad about it until now
Not saying it's bad, per se, but universal is a pretty strong word.
That is why I was so impressed that I had never seen anything bad about it.
@Zak I love jQuery. Someone wrote a bunch of JavaScript so I don't have to.
@RubberDuck - hehe.... it takes all sorts. ... we hire people so we don't have to write javascript ;-)
The bad thing about jQuery is that it gets used in a lot of places where it's really not needed.
@rolfl lol
@rolfl We did that too actually...
Next year, when the hat bash comes around, I assume this is the place to get my starred message hats.
although you guys probably will then star nothing, just to be extra erratic.
This is actually a pretty great place to be during Winterbash.
We like hats.
Yeah, we do to. @David, one of our site mods was in the three way tie for the site leader board. Other of our site users nabbed 10 and 14.
I liked my hat so much, I took a screenshot so I could keep them.
@GiantCowFilms correction three way tie for first site network wide.
That is what I meant
I've lost it
@RubberDuck only one? I have a whole folder.
Last year I was on vacation over hat bash, so I never got a fighting chance
Q: Array-based MinHeap implementation in Java

ZeusThis is my implementation of MinHeap in Java. public class MinHeap { int[] heap; int pos; int size; public MinHeap(){ this.size = 2; heap = new int[size]; this.pos = 0; } private void minHeapify(int index){ ...

Q: 196-Algorithm Program

PythonMasterAttempting to see whether using 196 as a respectively in my program will have a result or not, I made a simple function to test it. Now the 196-Algorithm requires this: Take any positive, two-digit integer, a Take a and reverse it (for example 23 becomes 32) Now add the new number to a Repeat t...

got new glasses, feels like I'm drunk but all I had was coffee
That's ok. I feel like I'm hungover, but haven't had a drop to drink in ages.
Hmm... I've not seen a question I've found really interesting in a long while.
It got my vote, but I didn't feel like I had a ton to say.
I think I might need to switch up my fav tags, but I don't think we get many questions about closed loops & bit twiddling.
TBH that's the kind of code I wish we had Hans Passant around to review
Yeah. I'm sure he'd make it 10x simpler.
I really need to get this controller done before my brain rots in a bunch of infinite loops and left shifts. It all feels so damned primitive.
you're down to carving code now?
the hydraulic controller right. going well?
Yeah man. I'm working my way back up the stack atm. I need to take a firehose of data and smooth it out into a half decent sine wave.
It's going pretty well. Embedded stuff works good. Just gotta polish the actual app now.
Sampling at 1ms (1000Hz) and I still can't get a smooth curve. #DoingSomethingWrong
"You made a light blink once, so you're the most qualified to program the hydraulic controller." #embedded #dev #funstuff
Oh... And I need to multi-thread the firmware. I keep putting that off.
hats off dude
no hats in the chatroom please
@Mat'sMug Thanks man. It's been a trip.
@AlienHerbNite Oh no the anagram meme has spread to CR
Q: Python import sounddevice as sd (ImportError: No module name sounddevice)

user996061 down vote favorite I have python code that is running on raspberry pi B++ that uses the sounddevice library that lets you play and record sounds with python. I have successfully installed the modules. I can confirm through the python command line and enter import sounddevice as sd is works with...

@AquaTart ;-;
I don't know who anyone is anymore. Lol
@CaptainObvious rofl
@RubberDuck I'm quartata.
But everyone on PPCG decided it's cool to change your name to an anagram and I succumbed to peer pressure
they didn't my IT Crowd reference....
@Malachi missing a verb?
no that's not it
There's a new be nice message on mobile chat. Nice.
@Quill I got it when I logged in on my Laptop too
Same here
just for continuity
in The Renderfarm, 1 min ago, by Malachi
this is the end of the episode. you really gotta watch the whole thing....it's hilarious
Q: Fractional Knapsack

user3759417This is my solution to an assignment on the fractional Knapsack problem. I take as problem input the following pieces of information: The number of item types The total weight limit For each item type, the total available weight of that item type and the value per unit of weight The output is...

@Mat'sMug Hey, I am new here I think.
welcome to the 2nd monitor then!
Q: Welcome to The 2nd Monitor!

Pin CrashSo, you have found your way to the Code Review main chat room, The 2nd Monitor, perhaps for one of these reasons: You were invited or "pinged" by a site moderator or other user to discuss a post on the main Code Review site; You visited Code Review for the 1st or Nth time, and noticed the chat ...

^ obligatory meta :)
@Mat'sMug I've finished reading it, sounds good. Site business first thumbs up.
awesome! what brings you to the star-happiest chatroom of this side of StackLand?
@Mat'sMug Actually, I develop with Python/Java/C#. I like playing and making video games as well as model. I used to get reviews on my code from stack overflow but one of your users advised me to come to this site for them. I also like seeing other's code and learning from what they are doing so that perhaps I get better and hopefully the user.
oops, fail
2 hours ago, by Duga
RELOAD! There are 1934 unanswered questions (93.9846% answered)
yeah, I tried to inline the picture and the link
one does not simply embed click-baits in chat, apparently
@Mat'sMug We do a lot of that from where I come from, I just read the chat and site rules to make sure that whatever I do or say in one, isn't/doesn't violate the others.
every room has its own culture
Yeah, that's for sure!
What brought you here? @Mat'sMug
ooh that's a long story!
@Mat'sMug Long story short, perhaps?
that was the beginning of the end of the Dark ages
No short story there.... there was once a retail coder that had twins that would not sleep.....
They're still not sleeping
Mat's, it's been too long ... heya!
I missed you too :-)
Ta, and reciprocated.
I have been so engrossed in real life, I almost missed a day last week.
@rolfl Twins?
Not mine, promise.
@BlenderWarrior well, I was wandering meta, and noticed Jamal and Malachi always seemed to be around when I was here, and at one point we were literally chatting in comments on meta.. so we came here (the room was "Code Review General Room" then)
I have two kids though....
The rest is history

 The CRonicles

About CR's revival, The Mission, zombies, graduation, etc.
Q: Hi! What brings you here today?

200_successOn 2013-11-15, we were given a review about our beta progress. On 2014-04-10, we also got some feedback from Stack Exchange Community Managers @GraceNote and @Pops. One of the concerns that was raised about the health of our community is that we have too many one-time contributors, and need more...

Heh.... the CRonicals is probably a better link.
@Mat'sMug So that's why I never recognized this room. The room name changed. I might have actually came here before but under a different profile and name at the time.
that name-change was a while ago.
I only know it as the 2nd
My browser still loads it as "Code Review General Room" :-)
so it's got that name for... at least 2 years?
November 2013 IIRC
I think it might stick
at least that was the time of rename
there should be a papertrail from Feeds
Ah, good old times.. congratulating @rolfl for hitting 2K, ...
Q: Manipulating my data set with machine learning - Java

Ben411916I am trying to implement a machine learning algorithm (k-nn for example) into my current data set. The data set description is linked below: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/optdigits/optdigits.names But before I attempt to do that I was hoping for some feedback on my cu...

and then watching rolfl blow all rankings and reputation-gain-speedlimits
Reputation races is still a nice query to run,.....
The zombies are really stacking up lately
JS and Java are growing steadily
I'll just blame the monkey
We got many new reviewers, but somehow I can't bring myself to read answers on posts I haven't interacted with...
I might write a query to find smaller zombies to hunt
@rolfl haha you can see the Santax dip!
@Vogel612 just blindly squirt votes like it's candy then
Totally, also, site activity is pretty steady going up: data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/161411/…
hard to see the new-users increasing, but also questions asked.
Isn't a flatline new-users series an indicator of a steady flow of new users? It increasing means the rate is speeding up
Is it the total amount of users, or users/day
correct. But since the site grows and users also become inactive there needs to be some "fresh blood" for the site
@Mat'sMug also new-users aren't necessarily relevant for the Zombie-Population.
Active users are much more important
I wonder if we'll ever see the zombie count near 500 ever again
I doubt it.
Q: New Method to replace words from one list to another

HannahI am trying to figure out how to develop a method that will create a new world list every time the program finds a word from an already generated specific list. Any help would be appreciated as I have no idea where to take this

It would be interesting to see a percentile of the number of answers that users provided in a given week..
or some "grouping" by answer count
Anyways I'm off to bed.
G'night folks
Or just donate like 20k of rep toward bounties
> I'm only just starting to delve into the wondrous world of functional programming
Q: Sort Algorithms in Julia

Dawny33Similar to this question here, I am trying to implement sort algorithms in Julia, as part of a package. The code for the implementation is as follows: """ The swapping function implementation """ function swap!{T}(x::AbstractArray{T}, a::T, b::T) tmp = x[a] x[a] = x[b] x[b] = tmp retur...

If you are asking for opinions on working code then this question belongs on Code Review, not here. — Jim Garrison 13 secs ago
mom: my computer class is so interesting mom: we learned about programming mom: did you know computers don't talk to each other with words
I have decided to participate in this anagram naming thing. Admittedly, my choices were somewhat limited, but I think it still works.
I'm not even going to azk
They say questions about working code should go to Code Review. — MikeCAT 31 secs ago
Q: Is this a good way of managing game entity data?

LittoniuMI am making a 3D game and I'm focused on performance. I'm making a entity class. This is how it looks: entity: class CEntity { protected: CVector2D m_vec2Position; CVector2D m_vec2Size; int m_iHealth; int m_iMaxHealth; int m_iArmor; ...

Q: Python audio import sounddevice as sd (ImportError: No module name sounddevice)

TondyI am trying to use a raspberry pi to receive microphone input and add an effect outputting a low pass audio filter effect on the microphone input in real time. I have python code that is running on raspberry pi B++ that uses the sounddevice library that lets you play and record sounds with pytho...

Q: Linux Mint - Cannot login or create databases in MySQL WorkBench and PHPmyAdmin

zackymo21I have tried a countless amount of times to manually adjust the MySQL server/workbench installation, and the PHPmyAdmin installation on my Linux Mint machine. At this point in time, I cannot access the root user, or any individual user account, even if I create new users, create new passwords for...

Q: why my dijkstra code is not wotking? i want to find path from 2 to 6

badshah reddyimport java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; class testdij{ static String file ="C:/Users/dwaraknath/Desktop/dij.txt"; static int n; static int a,b,w; static Set<Int...

Q: Using Enum to Handle String literals

Mahm0udI have a java component that was using a lot of string literals that I need to make comparisons on and return booleans based on these comparisons. In order to make the code more robust I externalized these strings first as class constants, then after other classes started to use these constants ...

Q: Reporting the status of the actions of a group of SKSpriteNodes

Josh CaswellWorking on a little Sprite Kit game, I had the problem that I wanted a couple of things to wait until a group of sprite nodes had stopped their animation. I decided to use a GCD dispatch group to monitor the sprites' actions. The nodes that I was concerned about were all instances of the same c...

Question from a very respectable SO user.
Q: Fuzzy grep for fuzzy bears in pure Python

tacI am aware of the Python modules galore to do this, but this was partially a learning experience and partially all the functionality I need and no more. I'm writing a simple interpreter for a Forth-like language, and because my CLIs are of the most high quality,[citation needed] I need to make t...

Q: MySQL: Is that enough using addslashes() to filter users' input?

user99625I am a beginner studying PHP and MySQL now, wondering whether it is safe enough or not. In the case of a login page.

Can you hone in on a specific question? If the code already be correct (from a machine learning point of view), then maybe this belongs on code review instead. — Tim Biegeleisen 50 secs ago
Differential is for pre-commit code review, Audit is post-commit code review. You likely want to be using Differential/Arcanist. — Chad Little 44 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Mahm0ud on question by Mahm0ud: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/122212/revisions
@Duga rolled back
monking @all
Q: Python. Is it acceptable to use nested functions instead comments to show steps inside another function?

4ellMaybe I'm wrong, but I think sometimes code like this @task def log_request(label, target, request_as_dict): def detect_flood(): ''' In general this task do not process misuse. But it can send an alarm to another celery task if something strange happened. '''...

Frequently, requests to cleanup working code are routed to codereview.stackexchange.com. You might have better luck there then here. — mgilson 56 secs ago
Q: Using arrays to read in file, append it with parsed program output and overwrite original

Martin - マーチンYesterday a friend of mine asked on U&L: How to optimize 'grep'-and-save? I will summarise shortly. The output of the torque pbs queueing system tool qstat should be parsed to contain only the Job ID, Queue, Jobname, and the node it is running on. This should be appended to an existing file, filt...

Q: Trying to avoid the repetition for TestDTO and TestPoco objects in TestManager class

Coder AbsoluteThe TestManager class (derives from BaseManager) contains the Busienss Logic to perform certain operations depending on the nature of a function/method, usually CRUD. As I started to develop the code, am beginning to realize that there is so much of code repetition especially the Class declaratio...

Q: What is the scope of the file tag?

Martin - マーチンI am new to this part of town, so forgive me if I have not come across the correct information. Maybe this is trivial and I just don't see it. Today I was asking a question which was basically about file transformation and while tagging it I looked up file to see if it is appropriate for my quest...

@GiantCowFilms jQuery is definitely not universally liked :P I dislike it for a few reasons, some personal experience. It's great as a compatibility layer, but it caches elements internally without telling you (unless you remove() them with jQuery), which is problematic because you have to keep track of every element you manipulate with jQuery otherwise you get a memory leak (like I had before).
Some developers tend to use it as a crutch when the reality is, post IE-9, the majority of APIs are stable and well-supported by most browsers. There are of course browser quirks but unless you are needing to support older browsers, most of the time jQuery is either a glorified plugin framework or something that reduces boilerplate (and even then, not by much).
And it's a very heavy dependency for a plugin framework or to reduce boilerplate, especially as modern ES5 and ES6 javascript is quite terse anyway.
Note there is already a StackExchange site for code reviews. — graham.reeds 58 secs ago
Q: Autoloader class for PHP

Daniel Barrowearlier I created a class that I plan on using to autoload my project classes (20-30 classes) maximum. I wondered if there is anything, anything at all I can improove on this class to improove it any further. Please let me know your thoughts below... <?php /** * YodaCMS, content management sys...

monking @Gemtastic
It's been a while since I stopped by. What's reviewin'?
Not much, I havent' done many reviews recently due to work constraints. Hows life?
A bit exciting actually
I've done my examination project in Ruby on Rails and now I'm looking at Swift because the company I'm interning for wants to build a swift team
Lots of possible projects for CR
> Ruby on Rails
> name is Gemtastic
name checks out.
I kinda had to learn Ruby once I found out ruby has Gems
@nhgrif has a lot of experience with Swift and has a blog that has some codesnippets on it.. importblogkit.com
Though his blog is mainly geared towards generic posts, some of the snippets on there might be useful to get a feel for Swift
I actually learned Ruby, but I prefer JavaScript now
I am in need of a good learning resource. I'm reading a tutorial but it's quite bad tbh. It mentions nothing about how the language works, just the effects. Write this and that happens. :/
The language itself is quite new as far as I know, which might explain the lack of docs and such
JavaScript is becomming Ruby though ;P
How do you mean?
ES7 apparently looks confusingly much like ruby
I feel they are similar with package managers and the fact they both run web servers.
From what I've seen Es7 looks far more like C# than Ruby
the only syntactic changes I have seen are the bind operator :: and the async/await keywords
Apparently people get ruby snippets and try to run them as ES7 code
I haven't actually had a look at ES7 yet. I'm still picking up on ES6
They shouldn't work because Ruby syntax is drastically different.
I've learned most of ES6. There's stuff I still haven't used yet - like array comprehensions
Of course they shouldn't, I just think it's funny that people confuse them
At any rate I don't even think Es7 has reached draft stage yet
I hope it won't arrive too soon as I do want to learn Es6 before that
Yeah, most things in ES7 right now are not proposals yet, and are mainly functions :P
Well you can use some features of ES7 right now using Babel. Async functions, for example, which I use a lot
And decorators
Which are used very extensively in both React and Angular 2 projects
And I also use the bind operator on home projects, because this.foo.bind(this) is not as nice as ::this.foo

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