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RELOAD! There are 1915 unanswered questions (94.0023% answered)
^^ ?
@Phrancis What happens if I try to enqueue an item into your queue when it's full?
Maybe I'll just call it Queue then, and call the other one CircularQueue
@nhgrif You get a QueueFullException
What's the CircularQueue do? And why do you want a queue with a max size?
Just exercises for learning certain data structures that's all :)
Circular queues don't get exhausted, so when you dequeue an item from the full queue it frees up a slot for a new item at the back of the queue
Just like at the bank, if there's room for 5 people in the queue, and one is done with the teller and leaves, then another person can come in at the back, ad infinitum
That's a queue.
And there's not a size limit.
Other than how many people can fit in the bank.
Or in programming terms: how much RAM you have.
Well, sure. This one has an artificial limit, because reasons (i.e. that's the exercise I'm working on)
A circular queue will get just as empty/exhausted as any other implementation, and just as full. The difference is how to handle the ordinary queue to handle the entering and leaving. If you have fixed table, you either need to shift elements in table or reduce queue length when elements leave it. And if you use some sort of linked list it wouldn't have a size limit.
empty != exhausted
I'd pick a word other than exhausted.
But your queue that can only be filled up once should have a different name that has nothing to do with queues.
Empty means there's nothing in it... exhausted means there can no longer be anything in it (ever)
Do you mean that a Queue can't be reused?! Strange concept!
Again, I'd pick a word other than exhausted.
Because it's not clear enough.
Yes and no, depends on what you want to use it for. Imagine you have a puzzle game (like Tetris for example), you could have a mode where you give a player 100 puzzle pieces total (then the queue of pieces is exhausted), or one where the queue fills back up continually with more pieces (circular, or whatever)
I can't think of a case where I'd want a data structure that didn't allow me to fill it up at my pleasure. How I fill it should be based on business rules implemented elsewhere, outside my data structure.
I'm up for naming it something different... I'm trying to think of a real-life object that might relay the concept that it has a fixed amount of slots... maybe FiniteQueue would be fine though
FiniteQueue is a decent name for a queue that only allows a maximum number of currently queued items.
Q: Multiplying square matrix with C pthreads (POSIX Threads)

DallasI'm a student, and I'm trying to make the product of two square matrix with some threads in the soup. I've already worked on some fast single-threaded product (with some cache-friendly tricks), and I'm interested now on multithreading. The following code works, but I don't fully understand my ou...

But not for your other data structure that doesn't allow to be refilled.
Maybe opt for ImmutableQueue which implements only one constructor which takes an ordered collection.
My implementation of a FiniteQueue (in a fixed size) would keep track of the head and tail, where you remove items from the head (and advance it once), and add items to the tail (and advance it once). If/When you tail gets to the end of the table, only then would I shift all items forward so that the head points to the first item of the fixed table.
This structure could be used both with a refillable queue, or a one-time queue. In the latter case you wouldn't shift the items when tail gets to end...
public class ImmutableQueue<T> {
    public ImmutableQueue(ArrayList<T> items);
    public T next();
OK those are good ideas about #NamingThings for sure, I'll see what I come up with. As I said, this is just for exercises and kind of reinventing-the-wheel-ish
Kind of like ImmutableQueue, but a key point is then that you can't add items after creation. This could be done in a FiniteQueue. Imagine a card game where you could use a FiniteQueue to keep track of many times you've flipped the card stack and some state related to flipping the cards.
That would require addition of items to the queue, but you only have a given limit of turns/flips/...
Again... let's try not to implement business rules in our data structures.
I'm all for that^^ sure
Just trying to visualize pros and cons! And names often indicate a lot on usage.
If you can't think of a good name for it, you're probably doing something wrong, honestly.
Just want to be sure there is a distinction between creating a data structure (for learning) vs. using a data structure in a program
Honestly the circular/finite queue is way more interesting
That we can't think of a name of for a data structure that works like a queue except that after a certain arbitrary value we cannot enqueue anything else is a good indicator that we're thinking about our problem wrong.
To me, a "circular" queue would be one that, upon dequeuing, actually re-enqueued the dequeued object.
The problem is creating a data structure without intention, usually makes for a worse implementation. Then you are building the house before you've decided what to use the house for!
@holroy A data structure isn't a house. A data structure is more closely equivalent to the 2x4s and shingles and plywood and drywall that goes into the house. These are all generally manufactured before the house they go into has been planned.
@nhgrif Like queuing up N actions or whatever things to be processed in a loop or repeating sequence, one by one?
@Phrancis Right. Like if you were implementing a card game which had a particular number of phases to a turn.
Still you are creating a thingy which you have no plan for how to use!
Or for that matter, any turn-based games.
@holroy The point is though... when you go to build the house, you don't build the 2x4s. You buy them from the lumber yard.
When it comes to data structures, when you're writing an app, the data structure you need has almost certainly been implemented by someone, somewhere in your language.
Yes, but you use the 2x4 because they have been created out of necessity, not by the whimp of some designer!
And data structures have also been created out of necessity.
But you don't create a data structure guessing at the necessities...
Just my point!
> The problem is creating a data structure without intention, usually makes for a worse implementation.
Right, but there's no problem in implementing a known data structure as a matter of education & academics.
Seems like there should be a Larson cartoon about 2 people debating something to realize that they are making the same point :)
As long as we're not trying to invent data structures without a known necessity.
My new data structure^^ :D
But this debate also somewhat illustrates the problem when the class name reveals something related to the underlying data structure. FiniteQueue, CircularQueue and ImmutableClue (or NonCircularQueue) will give different associations depending on who you ask!
@nhgrif wtf lol
@holroy What is this? A cartoon for ants?
Too small?
user image
It's a classic related to building a swing viewed from different perspectives, somewhat similar to our earlier discussion...
Oh hi there Mat's Mug, whick mocking framework are you using? Have I talked to you about MultiAssert earlier? I know I discussed here in the chat room with someone, but I don't remember with whom...
using Moq :)
And which testing framework?
MS Tests, built into VS2013
yeah I've seen that MultiAssert class before - I even used it once.. good stuff
Do you know if something similar exists related to the Moq function of verify()?
What do you mean?
It verifies that a mocked member was called with specified parameters
It seems like a lot of your test methods have the same arrange and act, but you vary the assert (aka the verify call). These should/could be gathered into one test method, as the two first don't vary at all.
well all test methods are covering the Open method of the SUT
so yeah, you're right
What does SUT stand for?
System Under Test
In my opinion, if the assert and act doesn't change, and you don't expect another result due to some side effect, then it should be one test (if possible).
Different test cases for different test scenarios.
Q: File creation program

BenI have written a program that is very simple, with a very specific purpose. However, having written it in approximately 2 hours, (with a bit of cut/paste from some of my other programs and MSDN) it's very ugly. For example, the main part of the program is held entirely within one big using block...

I.e. one test case for when the open fails due to missing db configuration. One test case for when there is no properties, one for when there are some strange properties. Different test cases for triggering exceptions, if they exists. And so on...
so.. they're bad tests?
Well... The coverage could be a lot better, and you most likely need a lot more scenarios triggering various options within the Open() call...
like, handle null credentials, etc.
I'm leaving it up to the wrapped API to blow up in that case
i.e. I'm failing "fail early"
Maybe your code has flaws... How does your code handle if the session.Init() or session.Open() fails?
how do I test this with a mock session?
I make the mock throw?
Are you saying that you expect Open()'s implementation details call exceptions, which the wrapper code should handle?! That doesn't sound good...
There are possibilities for the mock to throw exceptions or return null values and so on. This would provide real case scenarios which you then can use to test that Open() behaves as expected
right. I need the instance to be in a known/stable state if/when that happens
Let me rephrase: It seems like that you in your implementation allow sub-calls (i.e. session.Init() and session.Open()) fail, and leave it up to the caller of Open() to handle those errors. That is dangerous, say the least.
wow there's a freakin' blizzard outside, it's unreal
you're entirely correct
I'm sorry if my comments also causes a blizzard in your code world. But they should, because you are on a dangerous path assuming everything is OK, and if it's not your expecting the fault to materialize at a given level. This could blow up in so many different ways which you are not able to handle because you already has left that context!
lol, just saying in case power goes out :)
@Mat'sMug I'm jealous.
trust me, no
I've never seen a real blizzard.
Blizzards can be cool, but when they get big enough they are really dangerous and somewhat terryfying. (And expensive, and life threatening, and ... )
meh, just fierce winds for a while.. it calmed down now
@holroy Yeah, but still. I want to see one.
Q: bootstrap 3 grid system with 1px of margin

Ghost Sitesi made this one only by table on HTML now , im trying to get a similar result but with grid system on bootstrap 3, but i cant get a margin between each element <div class="row text-center" style="margin-top: 5%;"> <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4 main-col"> <...

Thanks, Santa! This is one away now.
@Hosch250 The weather reports that the weather in South of Norway could be interesting in that aspect the following week... So if you go to the highlands, you'll have a pretty good chance of experience hush weather conditions...
Where's my passport? I'll gladly come.
More seriously, I have to take midterms with two viruses in the house, plus I was next to a sick woman for a couple hours at the concert yesterday... :(
Q: FiniteArrayQueue type with interface and unit tests

PhrancisDoing some exercises on basic data structures, I learned about queues, and decided to roll my own to better understand how a basic queue can function. As the name indicates, this Queue is made from a finite (i.e. regular) array. The JavaDoc gives more details throughout. All this is pretty new ...

@Hosch250 Good luck with the midterms! Kick those viruses out of the house... Don't you have anti-virus programs?! :-p
@CaptainObvious looks broken to me
Well, I use Defender, which is good enough for SE, MSDN, and the U (pretty much the only sites I visit).
If your code is working, perhaps you should be at codereview.stackexchange.comzondo 1 min ago
@Hosch250 But, but, then why do you have two viruses in your home then?! :-D
@CaptainObvious @Phrancis, is this the circular version?
@holroy Yes
My dad, who isn't allowed on the computer because his specialty is picking up viruses, and my sister, who uses a Mac with no AV.
Now I have my work cut out for me tomorrow (in addition to house cleaning), reviewing one for Phrancis and one for Mat's Mug. Even more incentive that it is TTGTB!
Later @holroy!
see ya
A: FiniteArrayQueue type with interface and unit tests

nhgrifFirst, a minor nitpick. public boolean isEmpty() { return(tail == head) ? true : false; } public boolean isFull() { int diff = tail - head; if(diff == -1 || diff == (capacity - 1)) { return true; } return false; } Twice we're using returning true or false based o...

how do Java test cases work?
is each one run fully independently?
@nhgrif Correct, it calls the constructor anew each time. It's also possible to override setUp() and tearDown() from junit.framework.TestCase, though I did not feel a need for those for simple tests like these
I know that the instance variable testQueue reduced some boiler plate... but when you see my second answer, you might see that it's probably better to not have that instance variable and just create one in local scope...
I'm writing an answer just on testing.
Ah good thank you, I need to get more knowledgeable/better with testing
Jesus Mary Joseph. I've been struggling all day trying to find out why my console.log statement didn't show up in the console, turns out a chrome extension's popup thing has its own separate developer tools environment -- including the console.
Q: Unit testing F# code without using an existing test library (MSTest, xUnit, etc.)

GillesI know I can probably use MSTest (I'm under Linux without an IDE so maybe not?) or another unit testing library, but for a small project I decided to write my own unit tests without resorting to a framework (for fun and for learning). Right now, I have only one type of assert and one test but I ...

This question has a pile of answers in the ask-language. I don't see that this answer adds any value whatsoever, especially considering assumptions that you've made. — nhgrif 2 hours ago
Q: Hangman Help Last Minute

Rougel AninonCan someone please help me code a hangman program in which you may enter a list of words in which they may be randomly generated into a hangman game?

@CaptainObvious NO
@CaptainObvious KILL
Monking BTW
blows smoking flamethrower
Q: Improving large data set processing when finding distinct combination character sets

frostwareThis a continuation of a previously asked question (here). I wanted to thank Joe Wallis for his help with increasing the readability of my code. Although the changes made by Joe Wallis did increase the overall speed of the code, the speed improvements aren't enough for my purposes. I'll reitera...

Man my chrome extension is progressing very solidly. You can add crappy sites for yourself and it will save them in the synced chrome storage. Tomorrow or the day after I'll probably release it on the chrome store
And it automatically updates the webpage when you add another site to the list
One more thing left: removing items
and then prettifying it
Q: Keyboard handler for selecting radio buttons

aussiedanI have got my JavaScript working as seen here: https://jsfiddle.net/yLg1qs04/3/ But how do I condense/shorten it so that it's not repeating itself so often and taking up so many lines? $( '#mcnumber' ).keyup(function(){ //when a user types in input box var mcnum = this.value; if ( mcnum...

@JeroenVannevel same thing applies to userscripts btw
Q: Return a color proportionate to it's weight in a group of colors

EdmundInput: An array of colors with weights. e.g [['red', 10], ['blue', 20], ['green', 30]] Output: A random color from the array, based on it's proportion to the other colors. So for the example above, red should show up 1/6 of the time, blue 2/6, green 3/6. I was asked this during an interview. Af...

So stupid that JS doesn't give an automatic warning when you write parentNode.style.backgroundColor === '' as a statement
Or VSCode. Whichever is to blame
On the upside: even more stuff works now
Q: Is it ok to test rails validations this way?

DelGiudiceIn my journey of learning rails, i'm figuring out if i should test model validations, if so, is this a correct way to do it? require 'test_helper' class ShippingAddressTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "shipping addresses validations" do s = ShippingAddress.create assert_not s.vali...

This is unexpected... I tried adding a simple getter like public int getCapacity() { return capacity; } to my class, but since there is no getCapacity() contract in the interface it implements, I get cannot find symbol (that is, unless I add that to the interface, which I don't necessarily want to do)
I'm pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to work, but I could be doing something wrong
your variable is defined as the interface
not the class
That means you can only use what is defined in the interface
define it as the class, add it to the interface or create a subinterface that contains that method
whatever seems most appropriate to you
or cast the interface variable to the class, but that's ugly
Q: Fizz Buzz in Haskell

ApproachingDarknessFishPretty straightforward, I implemented the popular fizz buzz challenge in Haskell. import qualified Data.Map as M factorWords = M.fromList [(3, "fizz"), (5, "buzz")] factors :: Int -> [Int] factors x = filter (\y -> x `mod` y == 0) factorKeys where factorKeys = M.keys factorWords fizzbuzz ...

@JeroenVannevel I must admit I don't really "get it" ... I made a minimal example here what would be the most "common" way to implement something like getBar() method?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this should be on codereview.stackexchange.com. — jsve 34 secs ago
Do you see the difference?
You defined your variable as Foo myFoo = new MyFoo(42);
That means you create a MyFoo object but you tell the program that you only expose whatever is defined in Foo
Ohhhhhh OK
If you define it as MyFoo otherFoo = new MyFoo(42);, you create a MyFoo object and also expose everything MyFoo defines
Wow, cool, thanks m8. I have read somewhere today that it was good to "program to the interface" but I guess it's not always true
Yeah I don't quite like that quote at face value
Depending on what you want/need to expose
It means that you should strive for interfaces because they're, amongst other reasons, easier to unit test
However a more important idea is "Program to the minimal abstraction that you need"
If your minimal abstraction requires getBar() but the interface does not define it, you have to
10 mins ago, by Jeroen Vannevel
define it as the class, add it to the interface or create a subinterface that contains that method
That right there sounds more reasonable
A class can implement multiple interfaces right? Is that what you mean by a subinterface?
interface Base { }
interface Sub : Base { }
Interfaces can inherit from eachother
Oh, nifty
so you can add getBar() to Sub and then use that
that way you don't pollute Base
But yes, you can implement from multiple interfaces too:
 class MyClass extends BaseClass implements Interface1, Interface2
And then I would implements Sub which would implicitly implement Base as well?
Oh that's pretty nifty!
It's the same mechanism as subclasses
except you can also implement multiple interfaces
Very cool, thanks for "turning on the light" so-to-speak, this makes everything way more clear WRT interfaces & inheritance
no problemo
poke me when you have more questions
@JeroenVannevel why would it?
You can evaluate strings with strings
On a side note, intellisense isn't as powerful in VSCode, especially for JS
@Quill It's a pointless action in that context
It's an expression, not a statement. Only statements should occur in a block
Trolling at its finest
Q: Can't find clit

j0hI have some lit files I want to convert from mircrosoft reader files to something my other devices can read. My friend says I should have clit, in $ which clit /usr/bin/clit but I cannot find it. I tried locate clit but the results are unrelated. So then I tried sudo apt-get install clit but ...

Bonus points for being a legitimate On-topic question which is almost, but not quite, obviously trolling.
Q: Do I need to use the 'add' function in mips to store into a variable or can I store into a variable with load word?

Brandon WoodardThe following problem deals with translating from C to MIPS. Assume that the variables f,g,h,i, and j are assigned to registers $s0, $s1, $s2, $s3, and $s4, respectively. Assume that the base address of the arrays A and B are registers $s6 and $s7, respectively. Write the MIPS code for the follow...

@Zak lmao
Q: Randomized Lighting with Python

SpencerI use this to automate the lights in my home while I am away at night (simulating presence). The scheduling of when this runs is handled by my home automation software (Indigo Domotics). I'm open to any/all critique, but am especially interested in whether doing the randomization within the Lig...

Q: Looking for feedback: I created the Remote Procedure and Event Protocol (RPEP), an open standard draft

B TI created RPEP: https://github.com/Tixit/RPEP , partially in response to the unfortunately named WAMP protocol. I have a very similar (unreleased) protocol already implemented, and will probably port it to RPEP at some point and release it as open source. I'd love to hear any feedback people ha...

possible answer invalidation by Matt Fitzmaurice on question by Matt Fitzmaurice: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/121339/revisions
Q: Two Java methods for easy writing and reading bytes in files

coderoddeI have these easy-to-use methods for reading and writing binary data in files. FileTools.java: package net.coderodde.file; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import jav...

Q: Which script is more efficient bash script or shell script?

sriI need to know how bash and sh are different and which one is more fast & efficient in dealing with > 1GB files and 5000 data files.

hi @Mat'sMug :) thought i'd pop in if you wanted to continue the comment conversation
@Quill thank you for reverting this question https://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/120223/80949.
How should I handle the last OP comment?
- you should raise a flag and explain everything to a moderator instead of manually deleting it
- you should have thought about the online publishing before asking
- the content he wrote is under CC-BY-SA: the community has the right to reuse it
Q: A simple Rock Paper Scissors game in Python - Need suggestions for improvement

PotCoderNote: This code was first posted on another forum by me under the name Candy. Read this note before you declare this code copied. Since I was bored, I decided to code a Rock Paper Scissors game in Python in my iOS device (There are offline interpreters available). The very first version of my co...

Q: Suggest Improvements and Additional Functionality

Motoko KusanagiI wrote a small JavaFX Application to inspect Javascript within HTML pages. It loads and browses sites, shows the HTML source, shows an overview of the text of a page, provides a simple Javascript terminal, and runs Javscript files from disk. I'm thinking with some careful perusing it can be at l...

hows ti going?
Getting better.
@oliverpool Manually deleting code after an answer has been given is considered answer invalidation, a big no-no. If the OP wants to remove his code, he'll have to contact a moderator. They will have to contact a community moderator to purge the question. This is only done in rare occasions. The community-part in this is to simply roll the edit back and tell OP he shouldn't do it. I'll leave a comment.
@DanPantry I've noticed I've been overly negative lately, working on that. The results are slowly coming in.
In time I should be less of a nuisance to you all :-)
Q: A full-duplex connection to an IRC server

Francisco AguileraThis connection class can be used, through composition, to make IRC clients for different kinds of IRC services. #ifndef CONNECTION_HPP #define CONNECTION_HPP #include <string> #include <queue> #include <functional> #include <tuple> #include <boost/asio.hpp> #include "irc_exception.hpp" #inclu...

@Mast I haven't particularly noticed you being negative, FWIW
also, I am sick. so I have hot chocolate at 7.48am
@DanPantry I've been feeling bad all weekend up till yesterday, glad that's finally gone.
hello @MotokoKusanagi
do you think my question is written well?
Q: Web Page Inspector

Motoko KusanagiI wrote a small JavaFX Application to inspect Javascript within HTML pages. It loads and browses sites, shows the HTML source, shows an overview of the text of a page, provides a simple Javascript terminal, and runs Javscript files from disk. I'm thinking with some careful perusing it can be at l...

This one? ^
Looks fine to me
private static final String help = ""
    + "dir=function(x){"
    + "rv=\"\";"
    + "Object.keys(x).forEach(function(key){"
    + "rv+=key+\"\\n\";"
    + "});return rv;};"
    + "dir(%s);";
Unless you use that dir function in your browser, you could write it as a self invoking function instead
My SO swag arrived :D
(function(x){ var rv=""; Object.keys(x).forEach(function(key) { rv += key + "\n"; }) return rv; }(%s))
Grats @Quill
Woops, I wrote that wrong.
(function(x){ var rv=""; Object.keys(x).forEach(function(key) { rv += key + "\n"; }) return rv; })(%s)
i was going for short, as the console outputs it in one line
@Quill the latest version of webpack is currently 2.1.0-beta4. Excited :D
@MotokoKusanagi My code is no shorter or longer than yours (with the exception of var).
but that reads much better than the former
I just haven't split it on to different lines
that is a good tip. thanks
just trying to avoid globals
otherwise you could call dir() from the web page
and also rv would be exposed on window.rv and could be overwritten by anything else
unless you use var
i'm just starting out with javascript, but that is a very good point
join the dark side... 8)
and if i decide to hook in some java functions into the scripting functionality, not having globals is that much more secure
If you do decide to use scripting, use ScriptEngine
Unless there is a newer alternative I'm not aware of... paging @skiwi @anyotherjavadevs @SimonForsberg
ScriptEngine is something I've played around with a few times
@DanPantry that is the newer alternative. At least for JS in Java.
Although I can highly recommend using Groovy and its GroovyShell within Java.
Not sure why this is so heavily downvoted; that Python bool is a subclass of int is often surprising. The expression is one I'd outright reject in a code review; use if b != (a & 1): a += 1 instead, preferably with a comment explaining why that last bit matters. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 48 secs ago
@Duga Not sure whether that suggestion is much better. There must be a better method in Python.
@DanPantry yassss
"I started randomly changing settings" This is exactly the kind of thing that leads to posting another SuperUser question: "Help meee, my computer doesn't work again!" — David Richerby yesterday
Q: Parallel extension enchancement

Alex ZhukovskiyAs suggested in comments here I created a new topic for next version. I edited a bit original code, added exception processing and optimization, that first N = 1/core count tasks are processed on main thread. public static void Foreach<T>(ICollection<T> source, Action<T> action) { var toBeP...

Q: Jquery Get current array of hidden html element value on the click of array of buttons

Muhammad MuazzamI have html elements as: <input type=hidden class=txtCustomerId value=".parent::current()." />"; <input type=button class=printToTextarea value='Get to box' /> and jquery: $(".printToTextarea").on("click", function () { var array = $('.txtCustomerId').map(function() { return this.valu...

@CaptainObvious Reads like a feature request.
@Mast Thanks for your intervention! (I wasn't sure, what was the best way to handle this behaviour)
@oliverpool Perhaps worth noting is that this user is a repeated offender. He has been banned for 7 days in the past for not being able to comply with the rules (although I'm at a loss what the deciding factor was in that ban, ban discussions are frowned upon).
And this chat exists for a reason. To notify others if you're not sure how to handle something you see on the site.
To learn. To help.
And to share dank memes.
@Mast: All right!
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Recursive function in JS
Q: Parse HUGE csv file

ThomasI've got ~20GB of data (coming from small files of 16ko that I've concatenated to one file) which is like so: HeaderA|HeaderB|HeaderC|HeaderD|HeaderE| <= File1 value A|value B|value C|value D|value E| <= File1 HeaderZ|HeaderB|HeaderG|HeaderD|HeaderE| <= File2 value Z|value B|value G|value D|valu...

Q: Simple one heap Nim game, OOP exercise

Ofelia van AnalhardI wrote this game to practice some simple OOP. You play against the computer, but beware computer has no real AI as it just generates its moves randomly. Loser is the one whos turn it is when it is only one match left in the stack. I am only a beginner. import java.util.Random; import java.util....

Your question is better suited towards codereview, although read their guidelines before posting — Sayse 20 secs ago
@Vogel612 Monking
@Duga Doesn't link to our guidelines sigh
but it's better than nothing
sidequestion: what is a "reasonable timeframe" for 10m swag delivery?
I got my CR swag within 3 workdays, but I'm still waiting for 10m delivery
Wait what
That's it? wow
JavaScript really is the future.
Now we just need to give it a new name
It's probably going to be that simple in Golang too, I was just showing a node example
@Vogel612 Usually takes sometime between 1 and 2 weeks
Can take longer, at times
And only to trickier locations
I've been asking people to allow up to a month, and let me know if they don't get anything by the end of March
aighty, if nothing happens by the end of march I'll shoot you an email
thanks for the info
@Quill that's skipping a lot of abstraction right there I'd say
and that's only because the http-2 protocol makes it that simple for the calling side
Yeah, consuming http2 doesn't look to be easy
that's true
the example you saw for the server is purposefully abstracted to be 100% api compatible with the existing http module
which is why it is as simple as if (response.push) { .. }
I had my first web technologies lecture today
I'm supposed to learn HTML, CSS and basic PHP and SQL
soo.. you'll be bored out of your mind?
Pretty much.
Is this a college lecture or some mandatory attendance thing?
You could skip college lecture (go to the first two or three to get a gist for the level)
Yeah, I'm not going to anymore
and for mandatory attendance you may work out a deal with your lecturer...
I might watch them on two times speed or something to cqtch up
@Vogel612 I just have to go to the actual lab sessions, which'll be easy enough to alt-tab anyway
I'm not too worried, I'm taking a calculus course this semester that I'll have to study for
So meh
You're still attending school? and working at the same time?
and additional lectures? That's admirable
All that at the age of 17 :P I don't know how he does it
Should be migrated to Code ReviewMauro Baraldi 55 secs ago
I can hardly motivate myself to write code outside of work (despite the fact that I really want to)
On that note I'm back to my JavaFX adventures
React looks so cool
You have no idea.
It's so awesome.
Funnily enough the reason it is so awesome is that it is so simple: It's just JavaScript. Requires very little domain knowledge to actually use it.
That's something that other frameworks really sorely lack
I agree with most of that article, esp, TypeScript and Flow
TypeScript is too opinionated and Flow can't yet leverage the massive DefinitelyTyped repository, making it a no-starter
Wouldn't be better in Code Review instead? — Soner Gönül 33 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comSani Huttunen 27 secs ago
for the close voters. this is not a code review. the code is working but i am highly suspicious that the algorithm is incorrect — MonsterMMORPG 12 secs ago

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