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@Mat'sMug Works for me on Chrome :/
works for me
Wrong place buddy. If code works, please refer to Code Review. — findwindow 48 secs ago
> @Mat'sMug Fixed. It wasn't just on Chrome. – topher 1 hour ago
deleted by Mat's Mug♦ 1 hour ago
Works for me on FF.
Q: Deleting linked list

Filip HazubskiWill all of the contents of the list be correctly removed from memory if the first element's destructor is called? Let's say the first element is in std::vector and std::vector.clear() was called. struct MyList { ~MyList() { if (next != nullptr) delete next; } int...

Q: converting decimal to roman MATLAB

Stan-LeeSo I am trying to write a MATLAB program that converts decimals into roman numerals. I understand that roman numerals don't necessarily have a decimal system which made me question whether or not the code below is correct. Thank you. function ans = dec2rom(z) d = [ 1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, ...

Q: An alternative vector

Loki AstariBased on this question (as a starting point) and a couple of other questions about re-writting vector in C++ I am planning to write another blog article to show the best way to do it. Before I start the blog article just wanted feedback to make sure I am not doing anything stupid. #include <new>...

Q: Python Telnet Login/Deliver Commands/Log and Write to file:

nielsI have made some code that will login to a device and send all your additional commands. I logs the commands and the returned information to a file on the local system. Hope somebody can tell me if the code is a little effective or how I can optimize it. I also have a question about the Sleep I...

@CaptainObvious Little iffy about that one...
We're not here to test your code for you. Either it works, or it doesn't. Which is it? — Quill 5 secs ago
> No one wants to spend all their time trying to solve every single scenario on every single device for something as trivial as the keyboard. That’s why we did. So you can go back to the inebriated, carefree lifestyle you normally enjoy when choosing hybrid for mobile app development. Go outside, play with your kids and live the life you’ve imagined!
--     __
--    /  \
--    \/) )
--      | |
--      | |
--      | |
--    __) (_ _
--    \____/(_)    Preprocessing (puffy 1)
wtf is that
It's an ASCII "puffy 1"
In code comments....... "Documentation"
oh, it's the number 1.
Goes from puffy 0 to puffy 6... then this...
		   /* ______    __    __  .___________..______    __    __  .___________.
			 /  __  \  |  |  |  | |           ||   _  \  |  |  |  | |           |
			|  |  |  | |  |  |  | `---|  |----`|  |_)  | |  |  |  | `---|  |----`
			|  |  |  | |  |  |  |     |  |     |   ___/  |  |  |  |     |  |
			|  `--'  | |  `--'  |     |  |     |  |      |  `--'  |     |  |
			 \______/   \______/      |__|     | _|       \______/      |__|
Hate to break it to you
But that's not a puffy 1
That's a wonky D
there was a guy who used his github commit history to draw something similar
Stack Overflow answers with no code. I feel powerful
woot, my change tracker works!!
stack overflow is no debugging or code review service. See How to AskOlaf just now
Where/ How can I place for code review? — Chito 10 secs ago
@Phrancis should I flag this? looks a little NSFW.... ;)
This may be on-topic for Code Review, as long as it A works, B isn't hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting. — Quill 49 secs ago
This may be on-topic for Code Review as long as A, it works, B it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way — Quill 21 secs ago
welcome to the fun phase of sw development. did u try using a debugger? — pm100 12 mins ago
@Phrancis, give me an intermediate query in the Adventure works database or the Northwinds database, so I can figure it out in Linq
ummm just a sec
then I am going to read through the tutorialspoint.com tutorial on AngularJS and the MVC Architecture and stuff. I think I am getting the gist of it so far.
    emp.BusinessEntityId as EmployeeId,
    dpt.Name as Department
from HumanResources.Employee as emp
join Person.Person as prs on emp.BusinessEntityID = prs.BusinessEntityID
join HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory as dptHst on emp.BusinessEntityID = dptHst.BusinessEntityID
join HumanResources.Department as dpt on dptHst.DepartmentID = dpt.DepartmentID
@Malachi Should look like that^^
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review. — Mike McCaughan 41 secs ago
@Phrancis now I will see if I can figure out how to do that with Linq....lol sounds like fun to me
You could also try something simpler (and possibly more useful)
select [s] = s.name, [t] = t.name, [c] = c.name
from sys.schemas s join sys.tables t on s.schema_id = t.schema_id
join sys.columns c on c.object_id = t.object_id
order by [s], [t], [c]
(badly written, I know)
But yeah the other one is more fun. I don't know much about Linq so I'll be curious what you come up with
it's all good, we will see what I can come up with. I don't know much about Linq either...lol
Thank you for the replies! @Quill I will check out that reference provided and post in the correct forum next time! — mmarquez 37 secs ago
Please narrow down your question making it better aligned with the title. It's too broad and looks more like a request for code review. Thanks and regards, — Alex Bell 14 secs ago
Q: Quicksort using Comparator?

Tom HaverfordHow do I implement Quicksort using Comparator? This method public void sortHelper(String[] words, Comparator<String> comp) cannot be altered, and thus I don't know how to use the helper method that I have written. The full code I have used is below: import java.util.Arrays; import java.util....

First I was thinking "huh, what is a duck?". Luckily you have provided a link to the wikipedia page. — Adnan 58 mins ago

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