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2 mins ago, by skiwi
I am curious though why Go would be chosen over an existing tool-chain of any currently well-supported language
2 hours ago, by rolfl
The single biggest benefit of go is the compile-to-a-single-binary-with-no-dependencies.
But any language that's not javascript is not javascript
using Single = System.Double;
That's so nasty
@JeroenVannevel LOL
This question seems more appropriate for the Code Review site: codereview.stackexchange.comPatrick Goley 36 secs ago
@skiwi Playstation 4 is powered by Java (says on the box). I don't know about the games themselves, probably a mixed bag
@Phrancis I doubt it, it's all C++ as far as I know
I'd assume most game consoles are powered by C++.
Monking btw
Netflix is Java ;-)
@skiwi Found an interesting thread here: gamedev.net/topic/…
> C++ has widespread penetration in the game dev market, but it's also a piece-of-shit nightmare.
I can understand the nightmare, but doesn't look like another other language is more powerful in game dev
Technically the JVM is powerful enough to power games, but Java that follows best practices is not
Is SE lagging for anyone else?
@MattAllegro No, code review requires working code in all questions posted on the site, so this is explicitly off-topic there. — josliber ♦ 6 secs ago
@Jamal Not really.
@rolfl How is the cross-platformness of Go?
requires recompile of code for language components. Support for most common platforms, including linux (powerpc, arm, amd64, 386), mac, and windows
Each platform can change a variable and cross-comile for any of the other platforms.
that sounds good.
Any mobile support?
Hi monkey!
Hey Jamal!
@SimonForsberg- no idea on mobile platforms. There's a GCC frontend for go, so it can be compiled with GCC which opens a number of other things.
@Jamal - I ended up being worked off my feet - from 8am in the office, and back to the hotel at 10pm
Got back to toronto, called in sick, and slept for a day.
This belongs to codereview.stackexchange.com — Daniel Jour 48 secs ago
The FixDataTable example sorts hundreds of records correctly. The problem reported in the question can not be duplicated. A more appropriate place to ask for more help would be StackExchange CODE REVIEWRoberto 26 secs ago
This would be a good fit for Code Review, as has been suggested, since the code works correctly and you do not have a specific programming problem/question and are instead looking for improvements. — Phrancis 57 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it contains working code and the OP is seeking a review of it. Such questions should be on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Daniel Jour 12 secs ago
@Roberto No, Code Review is for working code only. The OP clearly states that their code is not working. Please see A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users. — Ethan Bierlein 33 secs ago
Q: radix sort for advice

Lin MaI am learning Radix sort and learning by experiment and various forms of implementations, I post one of the code I am looking at, My question is, what is the value of globalPtr? Especially lost by statement next[bucketTail[value]] = globalPtr, why we cannot just use bucketTail[value] = next[buck...

Q: Reading cell array of vectors with h5py

JacksonI have a data stored in .mat files, each .mat contains a cell array of vectors of length ~70. I'm trying to read these .mat files in to Python with h5py, but reading just 1000 cells takes about 7 seconds, and I have in total about 10^8 cells to read... Is there any way I could simplify this pro...

Q: limit http request rate for spray/akka-http

TobiasPfeiferI want to limit the request rate in a spray/akka-http route. I'm not an expert with both scala and spray/akka but learning. So I came up with the following custom directive: trait RequestRateLimiter[T] { def check(ctx: RequestContext, realIp: Option[RemoteAddress], proxiedIp: Option[Remote...

Q: Z algorithm for string matching

Lin MaWorking on Z algorithm and post the link and code I am referring to, I tested the code works, but I think there are cases when Z algorithm is sub-optimal, for example, I think it is possible there is another l2, where value z[i-l2] is larger than z[i-l], which could even skip more elements to com...

@CaptainObvious This doesn't seem to do much of anything useful:
        if (segment_index%1000) == 0:
            print "Evaluating segment", segment_index
@Phrancis It prints which index it is evaluating every 1000 indexes.
very useful at times actually.
Although his range is from 0 to 1000... hmm
Nothing personal, @Phrancis, but I have to downvote there. There are more important matters to consider in that code. I think that statement will not affect much but I did ask for clarification in a comment on your answer.
@SimonForsberg No worries :)
I do stand by "improve any and all aspects" though, but I'm OK with downvotes
Q: Singly Linked List in Java 8

ezmacnsteezeSo I am having trouble implementing the method which adds to my linked list. Conceptually I am having a hard time figuring out how to add new nodes. So for this assignment, my professor wanted us to create a cursor as a nested class instead of just a field of the LinkedList itself. That being ...

Q: Expose generic interface method on non generic interface

akrobetI've got the following generic interface (only relevant method shown for brevity) public interface IEntityEventEvaluator<T> { EventNotification GetNotification(EntityEvent entityEvent, EventSubscription subscription, T entity); bool DoParametersMatchEvent(EntityEvent entityEvent, EventSu...

@CaptainObvious noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Looks like gimmeh-teh-codez
Bah, I closed and @janos commented.
We're too fast in the west.
team work =)
We also hate linked lists.
@SimonForsberg Can't imagine the golf languages doing well on those lists either.
Your question will be more suitable hereguy 35 secs ago
You should ask questions about code quality on Code Review.SEmartijnn2008 18 secs ago
I did not know code review was a thing I am sorry about that. — Zander 44 secs ago
Asking questions on SO makes me feel nervous... what's with that?
It's a hostile environment @rolfl?
Sometimes, yes ;-)
Some people say that about code review too, though.
Anyway, I think I asked a decent question: stackoverflow.com/questions/35541589/…
Please note that I've migrated the "review" aspects of your question to Code Review. In order to solve the Python 2/3 rounding problem, please ask that as a separate question on Stack Overflow. — Matt ♦ 30 secs ago
Well, inadvetent pimping... thanks for the +1's santas.
ok I have added it to code reviewer thank you for that information that you provided I had no clue. — Zander 15 secs ago
@rolfl Looks like that's the Go equivalent of os.symlink in Python.
Their usage may be the same.
Well, I need a relative link so that I can relocate the folder without breaking links.
Whether it's python-like or not, I don't care ;-)
> Just curious if I should stay in programming or switch to IT.
@rolfl Welcome to the club. :-) Well, I haven't posted anything in a while, so I just flag crap.
@rolfl That's a good sign. I get nervous every time I ask a question there.
I can give you a downvote if it makes you feel any better?
@Duga Looks like they came over here.
@rolfl Something like this?
Q: Tic-Tac-Toe AI help in Java and is this spaghetti code?

Zanderpublic class Tictactoe { public static boolean playerTurn=true; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); public String[][] board; public static boolean gameOver=false; public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Welcome to tic tac toe!"); System.out.println("This computer w...

@Mast Reading symlinks is fine either way, it's creating them that I am struggling with.
@Mast Again, that code is reading symlinks.... not creating them. The commit message is more interesting than the code.....
> First off is this spaghetti code? My teacher is saying that it is but he says everything is spaghetti code so I really cant tell anymore at this point.
Please read this codereview post. — aribeiro 58 secs ago
Who decided to name the language 'Go' anyway, that's an awful name.
A search engine can't decipher the difference between 'go' as verb and 'go' as language.
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Raise an event (sample 1)
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: AngularJS code to query DB and update $scope
it's not called go
it's called Golang
for that reason
A: Creating a relative symbolic link through the os package

Tim CooperDon't include the absolute path to symtarget.txt when calling os.Symlink; only use it when writing to the file: package main import ( "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" ) func main() { path := "/tmp/rolfl/symexample" target := "symtarget.txt" os.MkdirAll(path, 0755) ...

And, there's an answer.
Q: Is this a good way of handling user uploads?

Sebastian OlsenI'm building a django application, and in this application, you will be able to upload a track, and optionally an image to go with it. So my question is, is this a good way of handling the uploads? I have directories like so: -users -- foo --- tracks ---- trackfoo.mp3 --- art ---- trackfoo.png ...

@SimonForsberg Sign of a true programmer, that teacher
Q: Python HTTP Server

Joseph MalleThis is one of my first times writing Python. I'm most curious about style and whether while 1: x,y = socket.accept() is an acceptable way to wait for new connections. #!/usr/bin/pythonw import socket import os class Server: def __init__(self, directory, host="", port=8123): print("...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is a request for a code review. — Raedwald 59 secs ago
I see at least 5 review points to consider. Suggest posting at codereview.stackexchange.com — chux 23 secs ago
Now that you have it working. You should probably get the full code reviewed at codereview.stackexchange.com I am sure there are some more subtleties we can look into. — Loki Astari 27 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Colonel Cat: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/119646/revisions
@Raedwald FYI This was posted to Code Review already and closed as off-topic as asking for help writing new code. — Phrancis 7 secs ago
been quiet in here?
Q: Simple Phase Locked Loop

Tom KealyHere is a simple Phase Locked Loop, which is a circuit used in radio communications for synchronisation between transmitter and receiver. The loop works by calculating the (phase) difference between the input signal, and a reference oscillator, and then adjusting the reference until the phase d...

@Malachi kinda sorta, it's the weekend
@CaptainObvious That's pretty cool
@Phrancis I had a phone interview with some people at HCHB
they called me an hour early, so I wasn't completely (mentally) prepared. and then I couldn't understand a word the one lady was saying.
she spoke very good English, with a perfect Indian accent ( at warp speed )
I don't think she was impressed with my lack of being able to understand what she was saying...
Ah, that's annoying
What is HCHB?
Company I work for
She asked me why use primary keys.... I was like....uhh I almost said, because it is a primary key. I think she meant like on a join or something. I answered all the other guys questions pretty well I think
If you want to do database work, you should definitely be able to explain everything about primary keys.
no, you should be able to use Primary keys effectively.
I am not teaching
and it's more of a .Net development position, so it's not even Database work, so to say.
@Malachi I would buy that argument if we were talking about something less fundamental.
I am sure that I am going to be writing queries, but I know enough to know that I should be joining on Primary keys if possible
Not being able to explain primary keys is like not being able to explain loops...
I was able to explain a primary key, then she asked me why use a primary key
because all the things I just said...?
Q: JavaFX 8 Custom Component

JohnRWI have a few custom components, some bigger ones and some smaller ones. I'd like to know if the structure is correct. As in: Is the code to do x in the right places. For starters I'd just like to show a very small one, take your feedback and adjust my other components accordingly. It can be fo...

You should join on whatever makes most sense, and joining on primary key isn't usually what makes most sense... Usually you join on a foreign key... But if it is a particularly common query, whatever the join is on should have an index (I think they're called indexes... Been a bit)
that is the reason why it was such an odd question. I could have said, "why not use a primary key?" I am not disagreeing with you
Some of it is a matter of semantics... But we don't have primary keys for join efficiency (those are foreign keys). We have primary keys for row uniqueness.
If you are asked an odd question during an interview, you should explain it is an odd question, explain why you feel that way, and tell them what you can about what they asked about.
Sometimes, intentionally odd questions are asked for the sake of determining something both about your technical ability and your personality (do you challenge things that don't seem right?)
(Which, in an interview, depends first on whether you identify something odd in the first place)
I can't say whether or not that was the case here, but something to keep in mind.
user image
@nhgrif Congrats!
@Malachi I think she maybe meant why use primary keys in a table at all.
@Hosch250 It's impossible to know. It's doubtful that Malachi could produce an exact quote, and even if he could, it's coming from someone who isn't speaking their first language.
Without the opportunity to ask the interviewer about the intent (which can be clarified during the interview), it's impossible to know. But... anything other than that question probably doesn't make tons of sense.
@nhgrif Yes. I was asked that question in my college class on databases.
best asked without context
or in a written exam
for maximum stupidity effects
Four-year colleges aren't doing the best of jobs preparing people for careers in the tech field... so for a question in a college class to be identical to one in an actual interview... call me jaded, but I'd call it mostly a coincidence.
or a stupid question
@nhgrif That's a fact.
BTW, what are some warning signs to watch for in a company when I am interviewing?
My mom doesn't work, and my dad is in a union, so he doesn't need to interview. I really don't know anything about the process.
> "How often will I be expected to work more than a forty hour work week?"
> "What kind of source control do you guys use?"
> "What do you guys do for continuous deployment?"
> "How often are code reviews?"
> "What's the expected level of automated test coverage?"
> "How often are performance reviews?"
Hang on, that's a different category
although, it belongs with my first question
@nhgrif depends on the job description...
Questions 2-5: The specific answers don't matter... the scary answers are obvious and do matter.
some jobs are basically impossible to achieve coverage on, because legacy
The person that seemed most interested explicitly noticed that I used GitHub and liked that I did open source.
@Vogel612 which is where we get to "the specific answers don't matter, just look out for the scary answers"
I'm working on a comprehensive cover letter to send to him.
The scary answers look like this...
> "We use a shared network drive for source control."
> "What is continuous deployment?"
> "We don't waste time on code reviews."
> "We don't write automated tests."
sidenote: Possible flags for the first question include "We don't, we just expect you to get the work done"
and "We don't really track time comprehensively ..."
So if that is answered
If they give a vague answer, then follow up with...
> "How frequently does the average developer at your company work over 40 hours?"
What's the overtime pay?
> "Who sets estimates for work I'll be doing?"
> "How often are performance reviews? Who does conducts my performance review?"
"we don't use estimates" is just as bad as "the marketing guy"
If you weren't an intern, this would be a question:
> "Can I work remotely? What is your flex policy like?"
Even though I don't personally care about working remotely, I care about my company's policy regarding remote workers.
So, what exactly is Continuous Deployment? Is that like our Appveyor thing on Rubberduck, or does it merge changes directly to prod?
Here's what continuous deployment/integration looks like at my company.
it's usually continuous integration (AppVeyor) + Something that regularly packs and installs the master to test / prod
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