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possible answer invalidation by Jamal, 200_success on question by Joshua M: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/10368/revisions
@Duga uh-huh
@BenLindsay To me, the biggest problem with the code you posted is the lack of organization. You've got one big main method which does everything, making it impossible to reuse that code anywhere else. Perhaps you can try coming up with a design, then post on [codereview.stackexchange.com] (Code Review) to get some constructive feedback? Later on, you could replace those int***s with [codereview.stackexchange.com] (Boost data structures). — bullsy 57 secs ago
Q: Trie Set with Wildcard Search

POewhat I'm ultimately trying to accomplish is a tool in which I pour some documents. Then I mark #x documents as desired and #y documents as undesired. My tool now is to analyse and compare the documents and give me search strings that would find me many of the desired and few of the undesired. Wh...

@Duga How did that get triggered? No code blocks were involved.
I converted code blocks into a Stack Snippet.
Ah, it triggered on rev 2. I saw 4, 3 and re-opened and never scrolled down to the rest.
This is no code review, consulting or debugging site. — Olaf 38 secs ago
Q: Java - refactoring IllegalArgumentException

Parth ModyConsider the following block of code : super(name); VerifierUtil.checkNotNullOrEmpty(name, "[name] can not be null or empty."); // Priority of the path: system property -> configuration -> default String path = getPathFromSystemProperty(); long cacheSize = 0; final C...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it maybe belongs on Code Review. — AbraCadaver 59 secs ago
Q: Validate a string for positive number and normal string

user1950349I have a method in which I am accepting a String clientid and that has below requirements: clientid can be a positive number greater than zero. But if it is negative number or zero, then throw IllegalArgumentException with a message. clientid cannot be a null or empty string. But if it is, then...

@Duga Wow, that's weak.
Vote to close because it's maybe on-topic somewhere else? They lack creativity...
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Coconut, Sailors, and Monkeys
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Implementing a (small) full-text search in Ruby
@RoboSanta Answer by oopexpert. His profile reads: "My name is Arne Lewinski. I do not pretend to have experience and I am not an expert in technologies."
1. Write code
2. Tests fail on edge cases
3. Rewrite code
4. All tests fail
5. Rewrite code
6. Tests fail on edge cases
The eternal struggle
@AbraCadaver See A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users. This question would not be on-topic at Code Review because it is hypothetical code. — Phrancis just now
while[universe has code permutation]
The logical result from the previous struggle
Q: Splitting code to modules

Tristan TzaraI'm trying to reach good understanding of how to build scalable modular application structure. Recently I've been practicing with canvas and rewriting one of the popular snake game realizations. I've decided to try to split its code to modules. The codebase is not big and it seems to be a pretty ...

Q: In a list of pairs, replace snds with median of all snds with the same fst

Tobias HermannGiven is a list of pairs. I want to replace the second element of all pairs with the median of the second elements of all pairs with the same first element. For example: [("a",1.0),("b",3.0),("a",2.0),("a",4.0)] -> [("a",2.0),("b",3.0),("a",2.0),("a",2.0)] The order of the elements in the res...

Oh man. Everything turns up green
I may or may not have written a slick naming convention parser/fixer
@JeroenVannevel Schrödinger's naming convention parser/fixer?
It's up to you to decide. I'll put it on CR now
Haven't had a pinned one for a while, so I figured some humor^ was appropriate
I was wondering why this PC was so slow just now. Then I realized I'm running our desktop application.
Sounds like it needs to be rewritten.
I really, really want to open my IDE, and I really, really want to stay in this room.
But, I have to do school and can't concentrate properly if I do either.
@Hosch250 Go. Now.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 44 mins ago, by Shog9
that's why you'll never be as good as Code Review
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 43 mins ago, by hichris123
No, that's why I'll never be as good as rolfl.
Q: Generates a randomized locally-administered unicast MAC address

Matt H.This is the first time I've attempted writing something in bash, and would appreciate any feedback or criticism to make it better. #! /bin/bash macArr=( 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) for ((i=0; i < ${#macArr[@]}; ++i)) do let "byte=$RANDOM%255" # the first byte must have the least significant bits set t...

Q: Applying naming conventions to any given identifier

Jeroen VannevelVSDiagnostics has an analyzer that verifies whether or not a given identifier is following naming conventions. The following conventions are supported: UpperCamelCase lowerCamelCase _lowerCamelCase ICamelCase On top of simply verifying this convention is followed it also suggests a new name t...

Q: How to optimizing Jquery code with many addClass removeClass functions?

АлександрI have custom slider. There is 4 areas in it, slides(as background) changes on hover of each area. It work fast, but i want to optimize to make it work correct. See below my code (function($) { $(document).ready(function() { $('#c-slider .item-1').hover(function() { $(this).addCl...

@Quill TS
@Zak you're out of stars again?!??
@Quill How is this still surprising?
@Zak RSA
> Logic of this code simple but it looks bad and works incorrect and i cant find mistake
@CaptainObvious wow such smart code
handsome fella too
people should upvote and answer it
@CaptainObvious voted to close as purely opinion based
@JeroenVannevel You have documentation :D
Q: New close reason for outside programming challenges

Alex A.Questions about off-site programming challenges, such as those featured on Project Euler, Hackerrank, etc., are off topic here. However, it's come to my attention recently that questions about such challenges are actually on topic on Code Review. Indeed, they even have a dedicated tag for such qu...

tl;dr we need a CR close reason
Q: Generate String with Random Consonants and Vowels in C

Christian HujerReplace all c / C / v / V in stdin with lower case, upper case consonants / vowels respectively. All other input is passed through. Anything that can be improved? Looking at maintainability first, performance second. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> ...

@Phrancis Quality code
Very SQL. Such Bugs. Wow.
monking @hosch250
Hi, @Quill.
I got the 1.5 page requirement on a discussion due on the 15'th fulfilled. Now I just have to rewrite and polish it.
That can wait for tomorrow. Now I should go read the next chapter for that class.
In case you haven't seen the news, we at PPCG are now using CR as our toliet bowl:
Q: New close reason for outside programming challenges

Alex A.Questions about off-site programming challenges, such as those featured on Project Euler, Hackerrank, etc., are off topic here. However, it's come to my attention recently that questions about such challenges are actually on topic on Code Review. Indeed, they even have a dedicated tag for such qu...

er I mean
we'll be redirecting certain kinds of questions to you
18 mins ago, by Quill
Q: New close reason for outside programming challenges

Alex A.Questions about off-site programming challenges, such as those featured on Project Euler, Hackerrank, etc., are off topic here. However, it's come to my attention recently that questions about such challenges are actually on topic on Code Review. Indeed, they even have a dedicated tag for such qu...

@Quill ah k
@quartata How many of those types of questions does PPCG actually get?
@Phrancis Very few.
But they do come up occasionally.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 42 secs ago, by Jason C
@Hosch250 A bot to analyze the text of all incoming support emails then, from that, generate meta announcements of dubious ideas. It's to replace @shog.
@quartata If that's the case, would that not be better handled through custom close reasons? (rather than using up a template close reason)?
@Phrancis I think it would be good to have a template close reason, particularly so that we can redirect those users to CR.
@quartata Is a comment on their post not sufficient?
What about an autocomment?
@Hosch250 We don't have those at PPCG.
We usually use close reasons for that
Maybe you should start them. I've heard good things about change.
er no
er yes
er I don't tell the mods what to do
since I am crunchy and good with ketchup
And they have a reputation for lynching you.
New phone uses nanosim. I have microsim. Tomorrow I go on vacation. Found a video with instructions on how to cut a microsim into nanosim size
such a dangerous combination
ha! good luck
just go to a store of your carrier and they can give you a new sim
My carrier doesn't have a store
and I go to the airport tomorrow morning
4 mins ago, by Quill
ha! good luck
@JeroenVannevel that does not sound like a brilliant idea
okay let me rephrase this
that does sound like a very good idea
if you want your phone to catch fire
way to void a warranty
@Vogel612 what?
is the badge thing broken again
@Mat'sMug lol warranty
Q: Extending the functionality of lxml.etree

o_oI wrote a class to slightly customize the behavior of lxml.etree.ElementTree and I use it quite extensively. It works great, but there are a few methods that I'm not sure how I wrote, and there are a few other methods that seem awfully redundant. I'll elaborate on specific questions below, but fi...

@Quill I tried to DV your answer but couldn't (nothing personal). PPCG -> CR migration/VTC seems sub-optimal though.
@Phrancis Meta is a judge of yes or no opinions toward a proposal
it's rarely ever personal
I'd love to have enough PPCG rep to cast DVs, but that would mean getting 125 rep there
in The Nineteenth Byte, 3 hours ago, by Geobits
.NET is the antithesis of fun
Q: Monster Buff/Debuff System Design

Nick SavageBelow are a collection of classes that compose my buff/debuff system. The largest flaw in my design that I couldn't overcome is the base class Effect having an enum filled with the different types of buffs and debuffs. If there is a workaround that could clean up that part of the code I'd be real...

Q: Implementing Multi-File Programs in Vitsy

VoteToCloseI'm the proud owner of the Vitsy programming language, which I've been working on for some time (except recently, because high school). It's only been used in PPCG so far, but I hope to expand it to actually useful things. It is a top-access-only 2-dimensional stack-based language that moves in m...

@Quill check mugs message and try to reply to it
@Mat'sMug test
works fine for me
moves it up visually slightly
Q: A Text-Based Fighter - Like Pokemon

Dmitri ValentineOkay, I'm a newb to programming/Python. To get a better understanding of objects/methods, I wrote a text-based, turn-based fighting game. I want to expand by adding new characters with new moves (one of which can alter the way other moves works - I'm thinking of using Decorators for this). Anyw...

@Quill maybe I have an old version
if you want to take a screenshot and add an issue to the repo anyway, I'll investigate later
Q: Computer has to Guess the User's Number (1-100)

BobI've done this program in Python and it works fine. For some reason, in Java it's not working. import java.util.Scanner; public class ComputerGuessNumber { public static void main(String[] args){ int Mid = 50; int High = 100; int Low = 0; int Tries = 0; ...

A: New close reason for outside programming challenges

nhgrifAs someone who isn't a member of PPCG, but is a member of both Stack Overflow & Code Review (with relatively high reputation on both), I'd have to emphatically disagree with the wording of both options you presented. But ultimately, the biggest problem is that in your vote to close reason, you'r...

@200_success A great deal of the code I wished reviewed is getting cut out by your edit.
link to question, @VoteToClose?
Q: Implementing Multi-File Programs in Vitsy

VoteToCloseI'm the proud owner of the Vitsy programming language, which I've been working on for some time (except recently, because high school). It's only been used in PPCG so far, but I hope to expand it to more useful things. It is a top-access-only 2-dimensional stack-based language that moves in multi...

Oh, wait, nvm.
You know, you can open multiple questions, right?
The first edit removed it, I rolled back, and didn't realize that the code returned.
If you have too much code dumped in a single question, the reviews aren't going to be very great..
@VoteToClose Sorry, that was accidental; I wasn't done editing.
Ah, okay.
If all those comments were in your real code, the first review point would say "Stop commenting like that!"
Sorry - I added those comments for clarity (because spaghetti code).
Don't. Just be honest.
^^ that
the comments are in the question but not the actual code?
If they're necessary for the Code Review question, they're certainly necessary for the actual code...
The comments are absent from GitHub.
Ya. But the code review question doesn't have the context of the rest of the class.
And if they're not necessary for the actual code (or you consider them unnecessary), then don't include them.
Lack of comment is also a reviewable matter.
@VoteToClose Then do it in plain text
If the code is good, it's readable without that context.
Okaydokay. :D
Anyway, the conclusion is, just post your real code, whatever state it's in.
Ultimately, what you're trying to do is make your code easier to review so you get better reviews, right? But what you're doing is actually the exact opposite.
I'm not but a poor immigrant from the land of Code Golf, excuse my misdoings.
you ppcg users are always under the impression we're gonna close your stuff
meanwhile you guys have a meta thread for determining whether every post is on-topic
@Quill >.> It's slightly intimidating, moving from no respect for code convention/algorithm/anything to maximum respect for all of that.

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