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@skiwi Code yellow, so could get windy.
On the way to uni you could actually already notice it
Apparently they're worse in Vlissingen ^^
The wind is always worse in Vlissingen.
There's a reason the NK Cycle against the wind (Tegen de wind in fietsen) is done around there.
Yeah true... Sometimes I forget all the crazy stuff we have over here
National Championship Cycling against the wind: Check
<div [class.extra-sparkle]="isDelightful">
seriously, angular
what's wrong with two lines and an ng-if
Ghost captain: Check
@Quill ng-if?
Electing and getting rid of a parliament before Belgium can even form one: Check
Defeating the sea by building a dike around it: Check
@Quill So, you use it to get rid of things?
@skiwi TS ^^
Angular is weird.
Can't make sense of the framework.
@Zak RSA
@Mast pretty much
@skiwi @Mast would you like your conversation moved to Nth Monitor? It's a bit too localized to be really relevant to anyone outside The Netherlands
@Phrancis We talk about bad weather all around the globe here, British, USA, Dutch, whatever happens to come around.
There isn't exactly any site-business going on, haven't seen a new question in a while either.
It should be okay as long as there's not any site business
OK fair enough :)
@Phrancis is just practicing for the diamond ;p
@Quill Meh, what you're doing isn't applicable to ng-if.
That said, Angular2's template syntax is wtf.
One of the main complaints about Angular is that it required a lot of domain knowledge... they go ahead and introduce MORE domain knowledge in Angular2.
@Mast CR is primarily a knowledge-sharing thing. But it's entirely dependent on team culture. Funnily, the Operations people had no interest in the team culture.
@Mast Doesnt' look like he is asking for a CR.
> Angular2 is wtf.
I read up on that parent & child scope thing today
interesting stuff
There is actually site business going on here now - RE @Mast's question - Fyi ;-)
If I saw this code in C or C++, I would immediately reject it at code review because taking a reference to a potentially uninitialized value is fraught with peril (next maintenance operation, it'll blow up). Here I look at it and just nod. It really is so liberating when you can trust the language/compiler. — Matthieu M. 37 secs ago
@DanPantry Yea, there's no comment left by the one who put the first vote on it though. But it doesn't want a review.
No clue what he actually does want.
Well, the code is fugly and a dictionary would be an improvement. But he wants the suggested improvement (as yet unwritten) approved, not the existing code reviewed. So it's an SO or Programmers question
Crap, I broke everything
You might have better luck asking this over at codereview.stackexchange.comBrandon 8 secs ago
Java 9 just installed itself and then opened Chrome to tell me how great the new Java install is.
Chrome doesn't support the Java plugin anymore. lol
Java got sick of being uninstalled and became sentient
Hello, @JeromeLaurent
Q: Does this code make my ass look fat?

Shafayat Alami meant how can i make this look better var express = require('express'); var session = require('express-session'); var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var multer = require('multer'); var passport = require('passport'); var LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy; var passportLocalMo...

@CaptainObvious For real dude...?
@Phrancis Bad title, indeed.
At least he did something right.
don't downvote. one is enough.
for historical purposes
if he changes his title and then adds some background on the code it is probably a good question
I left a comment letting them know
@CaptainObvious lol
hey...uh.... I am one vote away from a bronze badge in vb.net --> codereview.stackexchange.com/search?q=user:18427+[vb.net] if any of you haven't voted on some of these and think they deserve your vote, I would appreciate it... there is also a a silver badge in my future too...sql
I've nearly got a bronze badge for
badges are cool
oh god
I put my resume on Monster yesterday
A hundred reactions today?
12 emails, 10 missed calls, 5 voice mails and a bunch of LinkedIn requests
They like you.
If they liked me, they'd know I never pick up phones
@JeroenVannevel I know it's a joke, but recruiters never do research
I got an e-mail once asking if I wanted to work at a senior C++ position which required 10 years experience
For those who don't know: I'm 21 and I don't do C++.
It's not even on my resume.
But you're a developer.
There was that one job ad on Twitter
So, you know, you fit the bill, right?
for a dev with 7 years angular experience
Angular is just about 6 years old now...
@CaptainObvious Well, now the title is bad AND boring…
> Mad Girlfriend Code: When you see something strange happening, but the software is telling you everything is fine.
Currently dealing with this.
huh, I thought that'd be more expensive
@Quill That's a steal, get it.
Q: Find word using Java

kj2016I am trying to write a java class to find word surrounded by ( ) in text file. And output the word and its number of occurrences per line. How can I write this in java . Input file School (AAA) to (AAA) 10/22/2011 ssss(ffs) (ffs) 7368 House 8/22/2011(h76yu) come 789 (AAA) Car (h76yu) to (h76y...

@Mat'sMug or any C# pro, if you in C# have an interface with a method boolean show() and you have a class MySuperClass that has void show() (Note: Different return value), can you then have a class MySubClass extends MySuperClass implements MyInterface ?
the void method hides the bool method
overriding the base method makes overload resolution fail IIRC
IOW, not a good idea
stay away from problems, give the new method a new name
@MathiasEttinger I made it a bit better
@SimonForsberg if you implement the interface explicitly you can do it.
@Mat'sMug Cannot do that, the interface is not under my control. I think the only solution is to use composition over inheritance. So that you implement a boolean show() that calls the other void show()
@Heslacher What kind of C# magic is that?
@SimonForsberg really nasty magic.
that's the best kind
was going to say, if it's an interface make it an explicit implementation
class Foo: IBar
   void IBar.show() {}
Downside is that the only way to execute that particular show implementation is to execute show on an IBar reference.
method will be called when type is accessed via its interface
What @DanPantry says
IBar bar = GetFoo();
bar.show(); // invokes IBar.show()
var foo = GetFoo();
foo.show(); // invokes Foo.show()
@DanPantry but you should depend on interfaces anyway, so it's not really a problem, right? ;-)
It's really bad.
I agree @Mat'sMug, but ideology != reality
hmm in my world, 'tis
It does not help anyone at all to ask a question without data, then lie and say that it is made up of integers. This question should be closed as "unclear" and code review attempt. — Pierre Lafortune 28 secs ago
@Mat'sMug what do you mean "overload resolution fail"? my first thought was that is that you have to create both methods in the in the subclass and that they would be overloads of each other. is that not the case?
@DanPantry Can you have that method call the other show method?
@SimonForsberg uh
if you mean class calling interface, yeah
@Malachi overloads aren't allowed to differ by their return type only
but, again, it's not nice
Thank you for editing context into your question, and welcome to Code Review! I hope you get some great answers. — Phrancis 7 secs ago
@Heslacher you can add an optional/nullable parameter ;p
void Show()
    var @this = (IBar)this;
    class A
        public virtual void foo(){}

    class B : A
        public bool foo(){}
Thats ugly @Quill
foo() in B hides foo() in A
@Heslacher oh yeah.. what was I thinking? parameters not return type...duh
@Heslacher this whole fix is ugly
and this doesn't compile:
    class A
        public virtual void foo(){}

    class B : A
        public override bool foo(){}
if you don't ever intend to call A.foo(), then the cleanest fix is an explicit member shadowing imo
    class A
        public virtual void foo(){}

    class B : A
        public new bool foo(){}
it raises the question whether A.foo should even exist, but, it's cleaner
Q: Which version of custom mysql sql duplicate_key update query is cleaner?

user1035375The goal is to create an activity or update it's counter if it is already present. And to be super accurate the code avoids race conditions with a custom insert_on_duplicate_key_update mysql query. All user activities are already preloaded, so in case the service knows that there was an existing ...

@CaptainObvious Not sure what to think about this one...
What are the rules about A vs. B questions?
I don't quite know how to handle those ones.
I think the general consensus is that they are on-topic, although some don't like them and downvote them
And the problem with this is what, exactly? SO is not a place for Code Review requests. — cimmanon 11 secs ago
I did a s/ng/angular on my codebase due DefinitelyTyped changing the alias from ng to angular
Turns out we use the word lang a lot as a symbol identifier in my codebase
@DanPantry lmao
laangular much?
Sounds like you're going to be doing some regex ;p
@Mat'sMug We want to implement the bool show() method from the interface through the super-class which has void show()
why does void Show() need to exist then?
@Mat'sMug because JFrame already has it.
makes me wonder why Swing hasn't Swung out the door by now
even WinForms sounds like a better API
@Mat'sMug oh you.
This A vs. B post is slightly improved
Shoudln't that be ?
hey again
@Mat'sMug If JavaFX wasn't so... verbose
@Mat'sMug It mostly has, if only JavaFX weren't so buggy...
Q: Alt Gr key gives menu focus when I don't expect it to

Simon ForsbergSeveral keyboards have a Alt Gr key. On my Swedish keyboard layout, to enter the [ character I have to press Alt Gr + 8 (or Ctrl + Alt + 8). If I were to input this character twice in a JavaFX TextField, where the application also has a MenuBar, the menu bar keeps the focus instead of the text f...

Now I am at work of course, so this is not the issue I'm dealing with.
what is going on here?
Q: Listeners inside DAO

daniel spI have a DAO in my server that has the methods insert, update and delete. Whenever one of these methods is called, if it produces a change in the model the views need to be updated. I am considering adding to the DAO two methods, add/remove listener. Each of these added listeners would implement ...

oh sure now it changes, you have to change the badge you are going for and then change it back
@CaptainObvious no code no glory
One of the recruiters even texted me
When they start showing up on my skype, I'm taking the resume down again
I have one recruiter that I swear has forgotten about me
every time I see their company list a job I have to contact them to get them to ask me if I want them to submit me for the job.
ERROR in ./app/search/AdvancedSearch.css
Module build failed: (12,34): error TS2339: Property 'AutoCompleteDataSource' does not exist on type '{}'.
So, apparently my css file has a dependency on a javascript file? okay
possible answer invalidation by Bassie on question by Bassie: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/119278/revisions
@Duga its ok
@DanPantry That's... odd?
@Phrancis It's because the javascript file with a dependency on that css file failed (with the same error)
(yeah, you can have JS require CSS, but not the other way around. webpack is magic)
Q: Connect4 With AI

Ryan SwannI have made a connect 4 console application in C++ and would love some feedback. In this project I have learned about inheritance and using virtual functions. At the moment my AI is entirely random on how it chooses a position to spawn on. I'd like to implement "smart AI" but I am not 100% sure...

Q: minimax of input iterator range

DanielI previously posted a question on finding the maximum value of an InputIterator range. For completeness, I thought it would be useful to post an implementation that finds the minimum & maximum values, in a similar way to std::minmax_element. #include <iterator> #include <algorithm> #include <fun...

To add to the lang problem, we also use nextSibling... nextSiblingular lol
That one is pretty nefarious too because that's a part of the solution that has no typings, which means had it not been run at the start of the application I would not have noticed
Q: upadte attribute of one panel id of Composite component .in another xhtml JSF2.2

RahulTest1.xhtml.. I want to use one panel id=d from the composite component on selecting a dropdown value in another (test2.xhtml).I am new to jsf2.2 and struggling to implement my logic with custom components.Thanks in advance. <composite:interface> <composite:attribute name="AA" required="tru...

check out CodeReview to see if they have any suggestions for you — minitoto 43 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Gimmeh Teh Codez
This question should more so be asked in Code ReviewSameer Mirji 21 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comkhelwood 22 secs ago
Interesting to see Visual Studio using up 2.5GB of RAM
oh god
they found my house telephone
that's not even on my resume
Getting stalked eh? That sucks
@Phrancis gets 15000 e-mails a day, so he knows the feeling of being spammed by irrelevant e-mails
@Duga All 3 are the same, looks pretty good aside from the title
If you post this to Code Review please write a title that describes what your code does, rather than that you would like to improve it (as that is impiled for all questions there). — Phrancis 57 secs ago
@JeroenVannevel So, C# structs are supposed to be immutable, right?
supposed how?
What about structs that contain mutable types, like List<T>?
Should they: yes. Are they forced to: no
Yeah. Is a struct considered immutable if you can change the contents of, but not the direct object of, one of the members?
Like, if I have a struct containing an Fizz and a List<Buzz>.
I can add more Buzz's to the list without changing the struct itself.
Please post these kind of questions to codereview.stackexchange.comWand Maker 5 secs ago
Q: VBA to export email to excel

Logan LowerI need to extract certain parts of an email to a table in a spreadsheet. here is how the email is formatted: Employee Information: Name: Joe Smith Email: [email protected] Employee ID: 012345 Cost Center: 1A23 Ordering Details: Activity Number: 555555 Mobile Number: 5558675309 Accessories/Cost: ...

I know what you mean
but I can't tell for sure
OK. I'll look it up sometime and make an issue on VSD if it shouldn't be like that.
intuition tells me that the containing type is mutable if it contains a field that is mutable
as is the case with a collection
@CaptainObvious Off topic, but you sure don't follow SRP very well.
OK, time to do some school. TTYL.
Q: A Generic Approach To Doubly Linked Lists

cadI've written a small implementation for doubly linked lists. While actually intended to be only used by me in subsequent projects, I wrote it as generically as possible. Maybe this'll be advantageous. I tested the implementation and resolved as many bugs as possible but maybe there are more lurki...

Q: Seeking inputs on python code written against a problem "Researcher Hatim is right or wrong" given in a code challenge

SeasonedNoobI wrote a program to solve a problem, I am not so good in python so want help to find areas where this program can be improved or simplified and readable too:- I got this problem in a code challenge Problem:- Professor Hatim is researching the sexual behavior of a rare species of lizard. H...

I think this would be better off on Code Review... — originaluser2 44 secs ago
stack overflow is no code review service. — Olaf 46 secs ago
Q: Porting C to Swift

DuarteCan someone tell me if the following code is well ported? The original is in C and the target must be in Swift. Original C Code: inline float mac(const float *a, const float *b, unsigned int size) { float sum = 0; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) sum += (*a++) * (*...

What did I just step into.... I'm implementing an IQueryable provider for SageAPI
Feels like rewriting Entity Framework
A simple solution to a complicated problem
Oh, crap. This is soooo not good. I just got an urgent email from a vendor saying "57 duplicate orders submitted today"
If this is your final working program, i suggest you go over to CodeReview and read their requirements and guidelines for asking a question, then format your question accordingly and it can be migrated. — user1803551 12 secs ago
@Phrancis Happy Monday! Eh...
@Mat'sMug You're still working on your own trap?
yeah.. lol
possible answer invalidation by castle-bravo on question by castle-bravo: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/64615/revisions
@CommitStrip Name for next kid, @Mat'sMug?
the algorithm fails if it's twins
Just name them _1 and _2
@skiwi Rubberduck would fire a warning for that.
@Hosch250 I hope not. they're not valid VBA identifiers anyway
well, kid1 and kid2 would anyway
It would at least complain about the digit at the end, if the parser managed to parse it.
it would parse it with square brackets, like, [_1] and [_2]
Q: Manage EF DbContext correctly in Web application

S. PeterI know there are alot of articles regarding this topic, but wherever I looked, it was either too complicated or unclear to me. My team develops web application that uses Entity framework code first. We also use Autofac for dependency injection. Currently, the data access looks as follows: The ...

@Mat'sMug VBA doesn't like it, but the parser doesn't care.
I thought the ambiguousIdentifier rule validated the "must not start with an underscore" rule
OMG it compiles!
What you should do is implement "must start with character"
            using (var context = new SageContext(/*redacted*/))
                var orders = from po in context.PurchaseOrderHeaders
                    where po.Number.Contains("123")
                    select po;

                foreach (var po in orders)
                    Console.WriteLine("PO Number: {0} {1}", po.Number, po.OrderDate);
I've just implemented a Linq-to-Sage provider!
now, let's see if it works...
@Mat'sMug Are you going to sell it?
I think the code belongs to my employer
so I'll just put it on CR
Q: Function to return a legal name for an Excel range: Follow-up

Jeremy CaronThis Excel VBA function was originally the subject of a previous question on Code Review. This function (Namify()) takes a string as input, modifies it to make it valid for use as a range name, and then returns the valid string. I've revised the function based on some excellent input from Mat's M...

Q: C# Global Hotkeys, EventHandler

user3772108I have programmed my first C# WinForms program. But now I have some problems with the event handler and I think this is because my code is bad. After some time or keystrokes the handler didn't change the color back to white. When this happens and you move the mouse over the window then it works...

@CaptainObvious yay, checkmark!
@CaptainObvious borked
hotkeys/keyhooks are hard. my sympathies
Is this question off-topic?
@SirPython Doesn't look like it. I see that it has 4 deleted comments which might explain the previous downvotes.
I said it was off-topic because it doesn't say what it is doing.
Am I missing something?
That would possibly make it unclear, not off-topic.
@CaptainObvious I wonder what made him start with win32 API calls and drawing rectangles
@DanLyons you know any way to hook up hotkeys without win32 API calls?
'cause I could use that ;-)
it wasn't obvious that he really wanted global hotkeys from his description, especially when it came to his surprise that the keys would be swallowed when the app was minimized
I got the impression he just wanted key presses to map to button presses while the app was focused, but I didn't get a lot of time to re-read it before it was deleted to be sure :)
> When the program is finished it should show on top of a game what keys are pressed.
Darn, I got Robinsoned... — Jon Skeet Apr 8 '09 at 19:30
Writing my 25th question, this could take a while.
OMG it works
I've done it
I wrote a LINQ provider!
wow this is so cool
Q: Best way to pass a LINQ query to a method

RobbieZAI want to pass a result of a LINQ query to a new Form in order to create a graph on the data. I created a class: public class graphdata { DateTime Date; int Sales; int SOH; } I then attempt to copy the LINQ result into a list of class type: List<graphdata> chartdata = new List<g...

You might get better feedback from codereview.stackexchange.comdave 51 secs ago
in Cardshifter TCG, 21 mins ago, by Duga
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 7532f5f9 to develop: Format display name for question poster, fixes #119
@Mat'sMug that should make you happy ^^
Will be deployed on Saturday
for now nothing beats this anyway:
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var context = new SageContext(/*redacted*/))
                var orders = context.PurchaseOrderHeaders.Where(po => po.Number.Contains("123"));

                foreach (var po in orders)
                    Console.WriteLine("PO Number: {0} ({1:d})", po.Number, po.OrderDate);
interfacing with the SageAPI is going to be as trivial as if done with EF
I can't believe I did this
maybe I know how to code after all
Thank you, @Michael, I should post this in codereview. — Vyacheslav Butenko 27 secs ago
Q: get unique results that have duplicate entries? (intersection?)

DevilsAdvocateFirst time posting here, hope I'm using the site correctly: I have a table of patients that has a field for which hospitals they visited. I want to retrieve a list of patients that have visited Green Hospital and have also visited other hospitals. Here is the query I wrote. Is it accurate? S...

Q: Minimal, Low-level Telnet API

cadI've started Python some days ago and wrote a small Telnet implementation according to RFC 854 and RFC 5198. It is pretty low-level and sending messages directly isn't even supported. The highest abstractions are commands and user data where commands include negotiation (like "Do") and "general-p...

hmm... I'm not sure whether I should hide badges, too...
Q: MVC ViewModel interface

Shelby115IViewModel.cs - Core view model interface. Allows for Paging results and serializing to a RouteValueDictionary(RVD). public interface IViewModel<TModel, TKey> : IPageable<TModel>, ISerialRVD, IViewModel { new TKey SelectedID { get; } new TModel Item { get; } new IEnumerable<TModel> R...

Q: Insertion Sort C#

emelieonwpublic static int[] insert_sort(int[] numbers) { for (int i = 0; i > numbers.Length-1; i++) { int j = i + 1; while ((j > 0) && (numbers[j] < numbers[j-1])) { int temp = numbers[j-1]; numbers[j-1] = numbe...

> We can provide you a store credit refund if you cancel this product. This credits can be used for future purchases or renewals and has no expiry date.
And that ladies and gentlemen, is how to get scammed by the shittiest host on the internet
What/who's the host?
Time for shit to hit the fan.
Q: Auto-click the sequence

MastThe following pascal script needs a bit of context for it's purpose to be understood. For those who don't give about purpose, feel free to skip ahead. Background A game I'm terribly fond of has a couple of levels which have nothing to do with the rest of the game. One of those is a puzzle: Alph...

I think this would do better on Code Review since this is working code, but you are asking for a critique. — zero298 40 secs ago
@Mast I recognized the screenshot directly! I've also been playing that level. Although I liked Creeper World 2 better.
@SimonForsberg Got all 3, wasted way too much time on them.
2 was awesome, but 3 has it's moments as well.
Q: Auto-click the sequence

MastThe following pascal script needs a bit of context for it's purpose to be understood. For those who don't give about purpose, feel free to skip ahead. Background A game I'm terribly fond of has a couple of levels which have nothing to do with the rest of the game. One of those is a puzzle: Alph...

Q: PHP how to combine multiple if-statements into one function

user97068Currently based on checkbox value,form will add subscribers to corresponding list. Issue: If I select more than one checkbox and submit form, only the first checkbox value is saved. How to merge in order to select and save more than one checkbox value? if(isset($_POST['checkbox_list']) && in_...

Have you read his blog about the latest game he's building? I'm looking forward to it, though it risks never being as good as the CW series of-course.
@Mast IMO 3 has been the worst of them all. It was the same thing every time. Step 1. Get control in the level. Step 2. Congratulations, now you cannot fail. You will win sooner or later.
@SimonForsberg Was 2 different from that?
@Mast Not really, but the levels I liked playing in 2 were much harder to get control on.
Particle Fleet? Never heard of before.
Hah, you just didn't get far enough into CW 3 I think. It starts out easier than 2, definitely, but it gets quite tough.
Then I would delete this question and ask it over on Code Review. That's where I asked last time whenever I had a "Is this how I should be using JavaScript?" questions. Stack Overflow is more for code that is not working, and needs fixing. — zero298 31 secs ago
@Mast It felt like the levels took really long to play through. Like 40 minutes for one level, sometimes even more.
Is it just me or does that Particle Fleet game look really similar to Creeper World?
And here I thought I was the only one taking so long for one level :-)
@SimonForsberg Same engine, different concept.
from the few minutes I looked, the concept looked similar as well
@Mast Oh no, you're not. I don't know if it's just me being slow or if levels are supposed to take that long time.
Let me rephrase that: the game started out from a completely different concept and somehow it's getting closer and closer to CW3 again.
Must be a case of old-habits-die-hard or something similar.
@ScottHoltzman I am trying that. I have researched (each error) and cannot find a solution that works in this case. What I have found for this RT error (since this is a copy & paste from one workbook to another) is to create a template. I do not think that is the answer. I did have a copy/paste code that worked, but as the amount of data grew over the month, the longer it took for the sub to run. I went to Code Review to ask for a more efficient way to achieve the c/p goal and this code was provided. I am learning what I can and sometimes overlook the obvious answers as in the RT438 error. — Iron Man 11 secs ago
Some of the player-made levels make you play as the Creeper instead of what you're usually doing. Some of those are awfully hard.
It's something of a continuance on the plot twist from Arca.
@Mast Now that sounds interesting. I have been wanting to see a multiplayer variant of Creeper World for some time. (Even considered making one myself) Maybe this is a step in that direction.
By the way, @Mast, another thing I thought about when I saw your question: You could use Machine Learning for that ;)
@SimonForsberg Filter for #PlayAsCreeper in Colonial Space for maps.
@SimonForsberg That would be awesome.
Not sure how I'd hook that to Pascal though.

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