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RELOAD! There are 1764 unanswered questions (94.3183% answered)
Srsly? If you want to help people write better code you should head over to codereview.stackexchange.com. But OP is not asking for his code to be rewritten. The part which actually answers OPs question is hidden in your bloated answer (I'm talking about the vector)....... Don't get me wrong, your code is really nice, but as an answer this sucks. Obviously OP is a beginner - you are throwing way too much stuff at him. This will confuse him more than it will help... Try to remember how it was when you started programming... did you start by overloading operators and passing const refs? — dingalapadum 40 secs ago
Q: Animation Template Method for JavaScript

Barry McAuleyI have recently finished my first iteration of a template method implementation for a JavaScript canvas animation of the snake game. However, I would love for the community to critique this code and inform me where I am going wrong? In my opinion, a bad smell for me is the number of times this i...

@CaptainObvious New user. Pretty nice question.
copyrighted code. XD — dingalapadum 20 mins ago
WB, you really are the best.
@PyRulez I'm 99% certain assaying kits do not contain tests for "magic". — Mike L. Oct 31 '15 at 9:59
Q: C++11 Game Engine/C++11 software 3d renderer/Webgl library

Felipe TavaresI am a graphics programmer and was wondering about my code quality. I selected these three examples: Game engine, uses OpenGL and has a lot of other non-graphics code A 3d software renderer, uses the basic X11 libraries for drawing A WebGL framework (not enough reputation to put the link, but ...

@Phrancis should we flag that post?
@Malachi I left a comment, I don't think it should be flagged now, unless/until the OP has requested it
What's the issue...?
Licensing stuff. Code comments say Copyright © 2016 Alexander. All rights reserved.
11 mins ago, by Phrancis
copyrighted code. XD — dingalapadum 20 mins ago
yea, it's just autogenerated stuff, I'm sure
Like, I'd be willing to bet he's using Xcode.
OP probably just copy-pasted from their IDE and left that in there, and probably just didn't read the terms of service
XCode to write C++?
Most serious IDEs have similar things
Oh dang, nice
The comment block at the top of his is 100% identical to what Xcode would autogenerate for the same file.
I know IntelliJ has a whole feature for generating copyright stuff
Xcode does it purely automatically.
Hmm, pretty nice feature. Does it update all files if/when you change it?
I should change my Xcode though.
It doesn't update all files, no
But I should change my last name from Griffith to Griffith http://stackoverflow.com/users/2792531/nhgrif
Because last name fields are great for URLs
I did get my own emoticon on the work Hipchat though.
I need to get this made into my emoticon on Lync/Outlook: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/15071401/images/…
Today, while I was on a video call with my team and the customer... there was a part that was uninteresting to me, and I was helping another coworker on another project who was asking questions in our "iOS Help Line"
This coworker can be, well, kind of thick sometimes...
One of my teammates saw the chat and saw my face on the video call and point out "I see you have your 'I'm helping <that-coworker's-name>' face on"
(she could tell I was getting frustrated, and understood why I'd be frustrated based on reading the chat)
Q: TreeNode with nested super as parent

Peter RaderI found a way to use the JLS as a tree-structure (at least in let the parent-field disappear). Please ignore the main-method. It works, but from OOD would you say this is ok? /* * Copyright (c) 2016, Peter Rader. All rights reserved. * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html */ package bl...

@nhgrif wow, either she can read you good, or <that-coworker's-name> is really hard to work with
Yeah, more of the latter. Like, you have to really spell things out. And then sometimes, after having spelled it out, you have to remind him what shape some of the letters are.
I have a coworker a bit like that... I'll ask a simple Yes/No question, and he will diverge into a full explanation of the simplest things as if it was my first day working there
He's a really nice guy, but simple questions diverge into 5 minutes of this, that and the other thing (that I already know and fully understand)
Eh, I am possibly sometimes guilty of that. Depends on how busy I am and what the question is.
But I try to take more of a question and answer approach.
Sometimes I appreciate that, especially if it covers things I'm not familiar with.
I don't mind explaining things. But I expect that if I give you an answer with an obviously googlable keyphrase, I expect you to go run with that so I can get back to solving the actually really hard problems that I'm entrusted with.
It's great for when you don't know something, but if it's already covering the same grounds that have been covered many times together (teachable moment amnesia?) it gets tiresome
@Phrancis Yeah. Don't beat dead horses.
I often feel like having a stack of these to give people when they ask me obviously-googlable questions
'Hey Megan, it's your father. How do I print out a flowchart?'
Well, there's two different things here.
One is an obviously googlable question. Those tend to only come from interns where I work (we have a MASSIVE emphasis on autonomy during onboarding/training/etc)
The other thing is giving an answer that, while incomplete, contains an obviously googlable answer that will get you the rest of the answer.
Like, the other day, I don't remember what the question was, but the answer I gave was:
> You need to use @testable import YourAppMainModule.
so.... just Google "@testable import
or Swift @testable import
Yeah I love open-ended answers, opportunity to learn
I like blog posts.
Anyone here learning java right now?
Just today I was letting said coworker know about the problem I found with trailing spaces in some names. He's like "Yeah I got a script to find those let me send it to you"
@Vogel612 \o
Did you get to generics yet?
Not yet
I had a really nice question in the Java chatroom over at SO chat
I've finally had a couple of legitimate uses for Generics in Swift. ;)
My internal response was "I already found them, and it's simple, I'm just letting you know"
This question would be better suited for Code Golf or Code Review. It does not suit Stack Overflow because you have working code. — paddy 1 min ago
@Vogel612 Pray tell, I keep hearing about generics
something like... WHERE name ~= '^ .*$' OR name ~= '^.* $', eh?
ah yea
@nhgrif I got us up to 30% coverage in the main Rubberduck project.
answer behind the link
Q: Is anything wrong with my TCP connection pool?

nikdeapenI am looking for any feedback on my connection pool implementation (I removed the documentation so this post isn't so bloated). The pool times-out idle connections after a certain timeout interval and cleans itself after every 5 seconds (given that a method is called on it). There are no limit...

@Vogel612 simpler than that, WHERE RIGHT(name, 1) = ' '
What is this thing called where you click on a "title" and it expands below? github.com/Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics/issues/…
@Phrancis oh dear.. substring operations.
I forgot about those. That's probably significantly faster
@Vogel612 Hey it's SQL dude, we don't have fancy regexinators
actually Postgres does have fancy regexinators
@JeroenVannevel Dropdown?
their performance is expectedly abysmal, but they exist
Yeah, but it's Postgres... PL/SQL
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because code reviews belong on codereview.stackexchange.comtripleee 58 secs ago
Postgres can also parse JSON stored in tables... slow as hell, but it can
I think they are usually called "dropdown menus", and you usually just hover over them.
I really should keep my SQL updated. It's getting rusty after not being used for half a year
eh well database theory should be coming next semester.
@Hosch250 that's something different
Do you have an example?
@JeroenVannevel slider?
I mean the kind of thing where you click on it and it expands and stays like that -- while the others are not expanded
right... expander
the actual aspx control has that name
soo.. @Phrancis know an answer already?
Sorry got distracted
Also, you linked to the answer so...
Inadvertently read it, thinking I needed context lol. But it makes perfect sense
So <?> is basically saying to the compiler "I have no idea what type this will be, so keep your options open at runtime"?
@nhgrif it's "generics"... the quotation marks are intentional
Code Golf is probably a more appropriate site for this task. Code Review is going to be more concerned with readability/maintainability than pure size. — duskwuff 41 secs ago
Bonus points question: What's the difference between <?> and <T extends Object>
A lot
T inherits from Object while ? is Object (by default)?
yes and no
T is a specific type that inherits from Object. ? is anything
Ahhh gotcha
T includes subtypes though, as long as you don't restrict the Generics Parameter with a lower bound.
<T super Number> is perfectly valid Java
and you can't just place an Integer in there
Q: Code size in Perl

Monsieur Oureri'm a Perl beginner and i really love this language, and i was wondering if it was possible to reduce the size of this code, just for fun and so as to learn Perl specificities : chomp($n=<STDIN>); if (!$n) { print 0; } else { @t=split/ /,<STDIN>; foreach $i(0..$n-1) { $m=$t[$i]...

Wait... is ? going to end up with a type? Like... If I have class Foo<?>, then I'd instantiate instances of Foo with a specific type, right?
yes you would, but since it's a wildcard, the Type would be lost
different story if it's a class Foo<T>.
So ? could be tricky because it could be literally anything?
why would you want the ?
in what situation
Q: HackerRank: XOR-sequence

Ankit SharmaThe link to the question is - XOR-Sequence The code I wrote - #include <iostream> int main() { int N; int64_t f_index, l_index; std::cin >> N; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { std::cin >> f_index >> l_index; int64_t sum = 0; int64_t temp; for (int64_t index = f_index; i...

@CaptainObvious ewwww
So, if I understand correctly, ? is like C#'s dynamic?
hang on I'm currently checking whether that Foo declaration of yours is syntactically valid...
okay... it seems to be syntactically invalid to declare a class with a wildcard as generic type parameter
so class Foo<?> {} won't compile
where would it be valid?
Wildcards are accordingly only valid for usage.
Instantiations as well as passing parameters
I guess I just really don't get it...
like at all
Could you make like a string genericToString(<?> genericVal) { ... }
(probably bad example, all I could think of)
I don't think so.
but you're testing the borders of my impromptu knowledge here :/
@nhgrif the jls starts talking about wildcards here
Q: What does the question mark in Java generics' type parameter mean?

sholsappThis is a small snippet of code taken from some of the examples that accompany the Stanford Parser. I've been developing in Java for about 4 years, but have never had a very strong understanding of what this style of code is supposed to indicate. List<? extends HasWord> wordList = toke.tokenize...

possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by sarthak: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/118738/revisions
@Phrancis no you can't because a Wildcard doesn't qualify as a Type for that purpose.
Nothing wrong with the question as such, but I'm voting to transfer it over to Code Review, where it might get a better reception. — thelatemail 59 secs ago
The extent of my use of generics in Swift has been implementing a Queue (with a Node) and this function:
func synchronized<T>(lock: AnyObject, closure: () -> T) -> T {
    defer { objc_sync_exit(lock) }
    return closure()
so you're blocking execution of a closure returning something through a given lock, right?
I'm, as the function states... synchronizing based on a given lock. If thread A hits code that is synchronzed on LockObject, any other thread that tries to execute code synchronized on that same LockObject will be blocked until thread A releases the lock (and then the next in line gets the lock).
I'll be honest and say I don't really understand what generics are for
so, usage of that function looks like this
let someValue = synchronized(myLockObject) {
    // do some stuff synchronized in here
    return foo
So the point of the generic here @Phrancis is that I can use the synchronized function for ANY return type... but it is a specific and known return type.
If, for example, I do this:
let someBool = synchronized(someLock) { return true }
@Phrancis Apply a procedure to multiple types
someBool's type will be a Bool
If I didn't use generics, I'd have to make the return type some type that everything inherits from (in Swift, Any). And then my variable would have that type. I'd have to try casting it to a Bool.
@nhgrif I do understand your use case (to the extent I understand threads, which is not that much) which makes sense
Generics are also used in collections.
struct Array<T> { /* some implementation */ }
An array can hold any type of object... but it can only hold that type of object.
Okay, so you have a collection of assorted whatevers
I can't put floats in my array of ints
sidequestion: does that Array then contain only Ts or also Subclasses thereof?
(unless my array has a type that float and int both inherit from)
@Vogel612 T or anything that inherits from T
But all of the accessors into its contents (like getting an object at index) return type T.
and never a subclass of T (but you can try casting)
And in Swift, T doesn't have to be a class. It can be a struct, a protocol, or an enum as well.
That^ sounds pretty cool
Swift is not Object oriented. It's Protocol-oriented.
(Protocol being Swift/Objective-C's version of an interface)
You could also call it Contract
I like that, I think "interface" is a weird name for this kind of construct
hmm.. debatable.
It makes sense.
I think interface, protocol, and contract are all decent descriptions of what this concept is
the problem is that Contract is "mandatory" and Interfaces usually just define "you can call this and that on me"
what they do is up to the implementation
a Contract would IMO imply the exact behaviour of the implementation
while that often is the goal of interfaces there are some use-cases where contractual behaviour isn't wanted
"interface" (to me) gets conflated with EDI/interexchange a lot
aside from the difficulties in implementing a formal contract verification :D
I also figured out unit testing asynchronous code in Xcode this week
@nhgrif are you abusing your synchronous generic func?
or are you abusing a semaphore?
"It has 'inter' in the name, must all be the same thing"
I found something new added in Xcode's testing stuff somewhat recently
Create an expectation. In your async stuff, fulfill the expectation. At the end of the test, waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10)
oh that's fancy
and actually, that's not quite right
it also takes a closure to run
when the expectations are satisfied
There is a site called Code Review on StackExchange. — Lex Li 40 secs ago
so you could put an additional test in there (to make sure some value is right after all the async code finished)
So an expectation is like a future assertion, somewhat?
Probably not quite right, bear that I'm new at this ;p
from how I understood it... in a way
let expectation = expectationWithDescription("Some description of what this expectation is so that if it wasn't fulfilled, you get a good description of which one wasn't fulfilled")
To fulfill it:
If that's not called before the aforementioned timeout, the test fails.
I assume you can pass verifications to fulfill?
What do you mean?
So you would do something like if (val == correctValue) { expectation.fulfill() } ?
^^ that's what I was wondering.
Yeah, you can do that.
You can also subclass the expectation class
hmm... I'd have expected something like hamcrest matchers.
That sounds really magic cool
expectation.fulfill(eq(val, correctValue))
or for that case even same instead of eq
Right. I don't know if that is built in, but that'd be a very natural thing to add in a subclass or to extend the class
But... in that case, what I've been doing... is more like this
/* in async block */
XCTAssertEqual(testValue, correctValue)
/* etc... */
Whether or not the test value was the correct value is a different thing to check then whether or not the code block ran at all
@LexLi where this question is completely and utterly off-topic. ... Code Review is not a Site intended to help you "fix" your code. It's there to improve working code (that does what you want without crashing or taking milennia). For more information please read A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow UsersVogel612 58 secs ago
ohhhh.. you passed the verification into the async. that makes sense
wow, that's a big test
My biggest test is 20 lines long, and 10 of those lines make up a nested class.
I spend about 10 lines just getting set up in most of my tests.
@Hosch250 you are mocking a whole IDE though...
In every test case? You don't have any way of abstracting and reusing that?
We already did abstract and reuse hundreds of lines.
We are considering it, but many tests are slightly different, and a some of the components are used in different places, like the module.
It's almost 3.30 AM here... I'll go to bed. Niters
Thing is, you can't get the module without getting everything else.
Later @Vogel612
@Vogel612 Night.
10 lines seem reasonable given complexity of Rubberduck, IMO.
The complexity is irrelevant.
Because it should be broken down into simple units.
It's called unit testing. You're testing the most basic and simple units.
And each test should only be testing one thing.
It should be reliant on a whole bunch of other things also working. Because then if it failed, what part actually failed?
var builder = new MockVbeBuilder();
VBComponent component;
var vbe = builder.BuildFromSingleStandardModule(inputCode, out component);
var project = vbe.Object.VBProjects.Item(0);
var module = project.VBComponents.Item(0).CodeModule;
var codePaneFactory = new CodePaneWrapperFactory();
var mockHost = new Mock<IHostApplication>();
var parser = new RubberduckParser(vbe.Object, new RubberduckParserState());
And then we call parser.Parse() and get the qualified selection as well.
That section should be abstracted out. Do your unit tests not have like a beforeAll? or setUp?
This test takes code from several files:
var builder = new MockVbeBuilder();
var project = builder.ProjectBuilder("TestProject1", vbext_ProjectProtection.vbext_pp_none)
    .AddComponent("IClass1", vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_ClassModule, inputCode1)
    .AddComponent("Class1", vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_ClassModule, inputCode2)
    .AddComponent("Class2", vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_ClassModule, inputCode3)
var vbe = builder.AddProject(project).Build();
var component = project.Object.VBComponents.Item(1);
vbe.Setup(v => v.ActiveCodePane).Returns(component.CodeModule.CodePane);
They do.
But then take this: var qualifiedSelection = new QualifiedSelection(new QualifiedModuleName(component), selection); and var module1 = project.Object.VBComponents.Item(0).CodeModule; and Assert.AreEqual(expectedCode1, module1.Lines());.
I need the project, the component, and the module in this scope anyway.
Actually, I could make qualifiedSelection a field and set it to null after each test.
The module(s) would be difficult because there are variable amounts. Most use 1, some use 3+.
I could make a setup for the ones that use 1, anyway.
@nhgrif looks like promises in js
You guys.. look at the prettiness: vsdiagnostics.github.io/#diags
Go ahead. click one.
the C# and VB.Net buttons don't work
@JeroenVannevel Nice job, but that UI doesn't give any hint that it can be clicked.
and you don't even have any content
@Quill They aren't buttons.
what??! they should be
@Quill They're just to indicate what language is supported for that analyzer
Yes, I thought they might be too. That should be fixed.
also you need more padding after the diag code
The content is the thing that expands. Some mock data now but you get the gist
text was supposed to be at the right of the image though. I'll have to fix that
also this should say "aint got none"
You might want to ask for specific help at User Experience
Yeah perhaps later. Right now I'm already very impressed by my own skills so I'll let that delusion go on for a bit longer
Looking good for now.
Q: How can these sync methods be effectively unit tested?

nhgrifBased on answers to this question, I feel happy with the simplicity and ease of use of the following two methods for synchronization: func synchronized(lock: AnyObject, closure: () -> Void) { objc_sync_enter(lock) closure() objc_sync_exit(lock) } func synchronized<T>(lock: AnyObject...

@JeroenVannevel seriously though. check out bootstrap once you're done with that
I've used it a long time ago here: vkleerplatform.be
<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
The more the merrier
@JeroenVannevel It's insanely ugly, but looks like it works OK
Story of my life
Also unexpected behavior, it makes it look like [C#] [VB.NET] are buttons, which they are not
Clicking either "button" does exactly the same thing
11 mins ago, by Quill
the C# and VB.Net buttons don't work
Ah right, ^that
More intuitive would be something like "Works for: [ ] C# [ ] VB.NET"
Put a checkmark in the box, and color it green or red, depending
How about now? I changed the pointer and made stuff a bit smaller
"Applies to:" might be better than "Works for:"
the checkmark is interesting though
SRSLY @JeroenVannevel you need more Bootstrap in your life. Look into it.
12 mins ago, by Quill
@JeroenVannevel seriously though. check out bootstrap once you're done with that
bootstrap is love bootstrap is life
I want to learn HTML/CSS/JS, not bootstrap
Bootstrap is HTML/CSS
No, bootstrap is <div class="well span3 thing4 lol span5 whatever"></div>
That doesn't teach me anything
I'm okay if it looks a little bit ugly. Gives it character
Reinvent the wheel as much as you want, you won't make it better than Bootstrap (unlesss you spend a lot of time on it)
Factor is, Bootstrap already has fantastic CSS/HTML stuff going, you just need to look through the code and change it, if you want
I'll consider it at a later stage
Just integrate your JavaScript stuff to use it, and it suddenly becomes very portable and flexible
@Quill when a scrollbar appears it changes the width of the screen which makes a lot of content move a little bit. How should I handle this?
to try it out: expand a detail view
things shift to the left a bit
@JeroenVannevel media queries
html { overflow-y: scroll; } is easier
or use keywords like vw (view width), vh (view height)
oh yeah, that works too
but when you want to completely redesign something for mobile: media queries
I think @Phrancis is learning media queries atm/lately as well
@Quill As soon as I'm done getting Tomcat to work consistently, I might look into those
(i.e. never)
they're good to learn, but bootstrap handles most of that kinda stuff
Yeah I'm sure they are
Seems like there are a lot of moving parts when rolling your own HTML/CSS implementation
Makes perfect sense. I honestly was not aware there was a separate forum for code reviews... — SJDS 33 secs ago
Q: Coconut, Sailors, and Monkeys

Jae BradleyPurpose There was an interesting problem on the dailyprogrammer subreddit. I was hoping to get feedback on my solution, and possibly suggestions as to better implementation. I am not terribly satisfied with my use of a potential infinite while loop (replace with a for and an upper bound - if ...

@CaptainObvious +1 for monkeys
Q: Output file is huge and I don't know why

NickHey guys I'm dealing with a problem and I'm stumped as to why my code isn't working... Here is the question: Write a program that reads in test grades (0.0 to 100.0) from a file called "in.txt" located in the same directory from which your executable program will be run. The file "in.dat: w...

@Heslacher Monking!
go to bed @mat'smug
One of these days I'll become a RO and go back and see all the redacted stuff I missed ^^
I shouldn't get all worked-up over that downvote. it just annoys me that someone asked a borderline question (their only CR contribution) in 2013 and comes back as soon as they get to 125 rep to downvote my answer (I have only circumstantial evidence though).. when that question, asked today, would probably be shut down as hypothetical code. I hadn't voted on that question until now.. I felt like sharing the story here, but I didn't want it to backfire on OP, that's why I removed the links
anyway, I should be sleeping
@Zak you can't see deleted messages as an RO
@Quill awww :|
@Mat'sMug Don't worry too much, it's just one downvote
@Quill yes you can ;-)
@Mat'sMug yay!
not as RO, as mod you can
You can make 5x that with one upvote
oh I'm not worrying, I deleted that answer because it was an iffy answer after all, and kept the rep earned from it because it was so old, and re-gained the -2 from the downvote anyway.
never mind, the mug is right about the deleted messages thing
@Zak or just become a moderator and have the real perks ;)
lol, "just"
@Quill Much as I would love that, I don't think I'm mature enough yet to be a great mod
meh, there's a lot of small beta sites that people go to for moderator abilities
one of the mods has 5 sites they're moderating
Q: Templated linked list in Java

Eslam AliI recently reviewed some data structure concepts, so I implementd my own templated linked list. I am very interested about the code efficient and performance. LinkedList class package linkedlist; public class Linkedlist<T> { protected Node<T> head; protected Node<T> tail; protected int size; ...

For the record, "templates" are called "generics" in Java, because they work differently from C++ templates. A C++ compiler will generate a separate copy of the code as necessary. Java emits generic bytecode that works for all classes; the type safety is enforced at compile-time. — 200_success ♦ 3 mins ago
should "templated" in the title be replaced with "generic" then?
Q: A more efficient way of categorizing and store this file into an array

JoeI'm working on this school project and was wondering if there was any way of storing this information better, faster, more professional. I'm also restricted to only using an array, don't ask me why this won't let us use ArrayLists yet My Code: public void loadTweets(String fileName){ try {...

Q: Aync await TCP Server for concurrent connection

Harshal SamI have to write asynchronous TCP Server on to which multiple GPS Devices will be connecting simultaneously (Count :- 1000 Approx) and will push some data of size less than 1 Kb on server, In the response server will send them simple message containing byte received count, The same procedure will ...

Q: looking for code improovements in php project

j0hI have a networked web camera, which I have made a crude interface for. Performance isn't good. It was far more responsive when I was using ajax, but I really want to keep the $url hidden by using PHP. Is there anything here I can change to improve responsiveness, or limit the amount of delay w...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — mscdex 23 secs ago
Q: Modern BIOS and Modern OS, what think about?

Daniell MesquitaI'm developing two major open-source projects and looking for opinions. More information in this quick note and in their respective repositories of projects: https://gist.github.com/DaniellMesquita/0e7e62a7c01646a55e16

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because codereview.stackexchange.com is a better place to ask about rewriting working code. — Barmar 45 secs ago
This would be better placed in codereview.stackexchange.comDaenu 54 secs ago

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