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RELOAD! There are 1733 unanswered questions (94.3821% answered)
Great answer by Baker.
oh hey, pro tip: don't leave your public email on your DNS settings
@Quill You did that?
I have close to 100 spam emails like this from different addresses
Very emails. Such spam. Wow.
ty @EthanBierlein
... and an additional +1 to Peter Jackson for creative use of a spouse. — Josh Mar 14 '12 at 2:29
•	Add the code required to support linking pass/fail criteria to one or more submission fields, along with conditions for success and result. For example, automatically failing if a particular numerical field’s value is greater 2,000,000, or automatically passing if a particular option is chosen from a dropdown field.
•	Add the ability for a vendor to add, change, or remove these automatic links to the existing submission evaluation design page.
•	Process the automatic evaluation criteria when a supplier’s submission is either received or updated, modifying any existing score.
Am I correct when I say that 20 hours is not enough for this?
It's an unknown code base
is that web stuff?
no, this is for a freelance thing/job interview
so to sum it up: get accustomed to code base, pull out existing functionality, add new functionality, adjust database, adjust UI, test and document
all in 20 hours
lol, where's that xkcd about interviewers getting people to write their code as interview tests
Any C# folks got time for an A vs B linq discussion?
take B, @RubberDuck
A is an asshole
B is a badass
I'll take that as a yes.
take any other language
So, let's say we've got a dbcontext in a using block. Is it better to call ToList() or AsEnumerable?
@Quill I've got a bad feeling about it so I'll politely tell them to bugger off. They also drew up the contract for 25£/h instead of the agreed 35£ so I'm getting the vibe that they're trying to wiggle my snoggle
@RubberDuck show me some codes
AsEnumerable, right? are you going over all the elements
using(var context = new FooContext())
    return context.Bars.Where(...).ToList();
@JeroenVannevel they're asking you to write an easy, non super user form validation system. those are a pain in the ass to use, let alone write
So, you have to materialize the query and call the generated SQL, but which extension should be called?
Does AsEnumerable require the parent element to be still in scope?
Shouldn't. It converts the IQueryable<T> to an IEnumerable<T> which would have to execute the query.
I don't think it matters
they both materialize the query
IEnumerable<T> is more general of course
hmm no wait
> The advantage of using AsEnumerable vs. ToList is that AsEnumerable does not execute the query. AsEnumerable preserves deferred execution and does not build an often useless intermediate list.
Q: What's the difference(s) between .ToList(), .AsEnumerable(), AsQueryable()?

AminSaghiI know some diefferences of L2E and L2O which the first implements IQueryable and the second implements IEnumerable and my Q scope is within EF 5. My Q is what's the technical difference(s) of Those 3 methods. I see that in many situations all of them work. I also see using combinations of them...

I haven't got much experience with AsEnumerable so I can't tell you with certainty
possible answer invalidation by unity100 on question by unity100: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117809/revisions
@Duga strange
Hmm. Maybe I've been doing right with ToList() all along then.
yeah, in a using block, you should probably be returning ToList, otherwise you're returning an IQueryable to the original source (which is counter-using, I suppose)
Yeah. All right. Thanks guys. I feel sane again.
So, giving back a bit. Really nice read about feature toggles here. martinfowler.com/articles/…
@Quill Yeah?
twitter follow
I noticed :)
Q: Analyze frequency and content of political fundraising E-mails

n1c9Since I'm a big politics nerd, I wanted to write a little script that would analyze the frequency and content of political fundraising emails. I signed up for the e-mails of 6 campaigns, donated a dollar to each so I'd get hit up for more money often, and let it sit. Unfortunately you won't be ...

Mathias really went to town with that awesome answer
@Duga probably in response to
I'm not sure if that "UPDATE" section was added in response to the answer you received, so I'm not going to roll it back right now. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers, and avoid creating seams in your posts with big "UPDATE" banners - readers typically only care about the last revision, and everyone can see the revision history of your post. — Mat's Mug ♦ 7 hours ago
...where does that meta say post your updated code in the comments ??
Q: implementing basic toy hashtable

emschorschI wrote a minimal implementation of a hashtable in python as an exercise. from copy import copy def init_nested_array(size): arr = [] for i in range(size): arr.append([]) return arr class hashtable: def __init__(self): self.mod = 3 self.num_items = 0 self.arr = init_...

It's probably an abusive relationship, but I really love UNION
@Quill UNION is nice, but it's very expensive
UNION ALL is better, when that is acceptable
it's an ad hoc omg look at this dataset kind of query
Ever try EXCEPT and INTERSECT? Those are pretty cool too
This seems like a more agreeable degree of translucency... @200_success what do you think?
Also, fixed the alignment a bit
I think you suggested EXCEPT once, but I haven't used INTERSECT
EXCEPT and INTERSECT basically do the same thing, but opposite. An EXCEPT query will filter out the records which are common to both queries, while INTERSECT will filter in those that are common
That's not what the TSQL docs say
(and UNION ALL will not filter at all, UNION will only filter out duplicate rows)
returns distinct A, but INTERSECT in place of EXCEPT returns distinct B
That's weird
select 'A' as [intersected] intersect select 'B'; --no results
select 'A' as [excepted] except select 'B'; -- 'A'
If the code works, this is more suited in Code Review, I think... — Ian 18 secs ago
what should I know for an interview where they want to see what I know about SSRS?
Seems to work fine how I explained it, but I'm probably over-simplifying
@Malachi Huh? Maybe just tell them what you actually know about SSRS?
I mean, that's the point right?
I guess that it is a good thing that I have SSRS experience, the recruiter said it was a commodity out here. hope I remember what I am doing with it....lol
It comes back pretty quickly. Under the hood it's mostly all SQL and XML, so I think you'll be fine :)
@Phrancis more like I'm probably misunderstanding
Q: Angular - model - $scope

Olivier De MeulderI am relatively new to Angular and need to put together an application to update / save / display values. The code is working, but I wanted your input the make sure that I am doing this 'the angular way'. Here is my javascript: var app = angular.module('store', []); app.controller('TableContro...

@Quill This should make more sense:
declare @test table (i int);
insert into @test(i) values (1), (2), (3);

select i as [intersected]
from @test
--odd numbers:
select i from @test
where i % 2 <> 0;

select i as [excepted]
from @test
--odd numbers:
select i from @test
where i % 2 <> 0;


I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question is better suited for Code Review. — bta 37 secs ago
oh, right. thanks
Sorry, my comment should have said --odd numbers not even lol
The freaking no1 reason I'm going to upgrade my desktop to Windows 10: the popup window sound is 100x less intrusive
stupid loud bang
You know you can turn them off... right?
(or change the sound)
Use a Mac, then you can have a robot read you your notifications
I removed the wrong sound a few months ago
life is blissful now
Q: A tiny HTML / JS drum machine, but performance is bad

maxpleThis is just a simple little drum machine, since it loads sounds files I can't just put i on JSFiddle. I tried Github pages too, but not sure how to get the sound files working. However you can clone the repo, run a server with python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 (it wont work if opened with the file...

@CaptainObvious literally all the jquery in that is extraneous or pointless ;-;
"there ain't no party like a management party because I'll have to get back to you on that."
Looks like GitHub is up again.
Am I late?
Haven't been on the computer for a while.
@EthanBierlein I'm not sure why I wasn't following you on Twitter.
That's okay. Don't sweat it. ;)
Also, what is RoyaumeQuest?
It's a little game I was working on when I first started learning C#.
Ah, I was hoping it was XNA.
sigh Eclipse, hurry up and Launch. While you're dawdling, I'm having CPU problems.
I've been trying to get a better banner picture, but I just can't find/make one.
Oof. I hope this system restore works.
@Phrancis Unless those are supposed to be cards made of this stuff, I think that any degree of translucency change is weird. Saturation or luminance change would probably be more appropriate.
@200_success Whoa. That's really cool.
TBH I'm kind of trying to fix a problem (low image resolution, not easy fix) by making them a bit translucent and drawing less attention to them
Q: Issues With Vector Index

lochnesscookieI've been trying to generate primes between m and n with the following function: //sieve is a list of primes between 1 and 32000 fn sieve_primes(sieve: &Vec<usize>, m: &usize, n: &usize) -> Vec<usize> { let size: usize = *n - *m + 1; let mut list: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(size); ...

Kind of a temporary "solution"
(lol, "temporary solutions" right)
I wonder if I can do saturation or luminance with CSS... guess it's worth looking into
probably just use an svg filter
those are pretty powerful
No, you shouldn't need SVG.
Can probably just do it in Photoshop for now
Huh. CSS Filters. I need to try those.
Or you could just get a non-Retina Mac.
I don't think he has a retina Mac
The thing's about 8 years old
Q: SEDE Query to Find... Weird Questio​n/Protect Combinations

enderlandI was interested in finding some of the weirdest question/protection combinations, basically out of curiosity. I heuristically defined this as: Low view counts Not a moderator/SE employee From users who protect multiple questions I'm... let's just say not an expert in SQL. Though this query ...

Q: sieve of eratosthenes Erlang; not that fast

TommyI just started learning Erlang. Here is my crack at the Seive, based on (https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/papers/Sieve-JFP.pdf): -module(seive). -export([seive/1]). seive(N) -> L = lists:seq(1,N), {Megass, Ss, Micros} = erlang:timestamp(), S = doseive(L, 2), {Megase, Se, Microe} =...

@CaptainObvious Hey look who that is :)
This is not a code review site. — Raedwald 19 secs ago
Q: My arbitrary-precision number library (decimal, binary, and rational)

Peter O.I've written a library for implementing decimal, binary, and rational numbers in arbitrary precision (which is in C# and in Java). I'd like review on any aspect of the code, particularly the API, as well as the following issues: Which decimal formats should EDecimal (the arbitrary-precision dec...

SEDE query test link? :-) — Quill 20 secs ago
Q: Using var self = this or .bind(this)?

Sean AndersonI was curious which way is generally preferred, or if there is even a preference, given these two options: $.ajax({ url: '../Component/GetSearchFilters', success: function (response) { console.log("Outer scope:", this); }.bind(this) }); If I was inside of a function where I...

Q: How to purge elements from the map if it reaches a particular limit?

user1950349I have a map of String and DataObject in which I need to start purging elements if it reaches a limit. So if my holder maps reaches a particular memory limit, I need to drop the elements from that map. import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import com.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.Concu...

Q: JTextArea trouble

AustinI am making a poker game and I have hit an issue, almost everything works up to the deal button's actionListener. It is supposed to remove the deal button and add a new JTextArea (this text is just a placeholder). Almost everything works until that point, but in the submit button actionListener i...

Q: How can I rewrite this code that does simple formulas in Ruby?

Heide QueenI am a nurse and I'm learning to code. I have coded this simple tool that helps me doing some common nursing formulas for medication. It works, however I think it is too bulky/redundant. Can you help me with some ideas for refactoring it? Here's the code class NursingFormulas def initialize ...

aaaaaand I totally just screwed my 5000 row dataset. nice
perfect way to end a friday -___-
lol, Friday starts in 17 minutes here :)
..for some values of "starts"
like, TTGTB
@Phrancis DROP [TheBase] -- wub wub
@Mat'sMug good night
This site requires Sun Java (32-bit) or higher. You have Macromedia Java¾ (48-bit). Click here [link to java.com main page] to download an installer which will run fine but not really change anything.
Hi, @Aarpy.
Q: Simple JavaFX Calculator

SkyGood day everyone, I made a simple JavaFX calculator. It does basic calculations, and works to the best of my knowledge. However, I'm a novice at both Java and JavaFX, so I seriously doubt this is as efficient and clean as possible. I personally think it could be more modular...maybe put those hu...

It's mesmerising
You might want to have a look at codereview.stackexchange.com, as questions asking to improve my coding style are usually off-topic here :) — T3 H40 49 secs ago
Q: Is my implementation of multi-threading okay?

Ari Nubar BoyacıoğluI built an application class that should be runnable as a Thread and it would be nice to hear opinions of Java developers to improve my coding style. Main class. package com.ozankurt; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Application application = new Appli...

Q: Swaping characters pairs in a string

Oscar GuillamonI have to swap the characters in a string before sending said string to a device to show the information sent through a LCD, the method I developed is as follows: private string StringSwap(string stringToSwap) { if (stringToSwap%2) { stringToSwap += " "; } char[] array =...

Q: Browse Folders for Videos

IlluminatiI am a self-taught programmer and would love any advice / suggestions. I wanted to implement some sort of n-tier Architecture, but not sure how to move all my code around. My program will take movies from my hard drive and eventually allow me to view the results in a nice Netflix like UI. The c...

monking @all
Please stick to one problem at a time. Focus on the CSV issue separately from the general code improvement tips. General advice on code style is off-topic here (too broad); for working code you can go to Code Review to ask for constructive feedback on how to write that code better. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 42 secs ago
Arrived at CodeReview. Dubbed "interrupted" by CodeEval. — greybeard 49 secs ago
Q: Rails: A clean rubyesque way to create a percentage complete method for a form.

GhostRiderI am a relatively new Rails developer and doctor doing research. In my Rails based research projects I often have questionnaires for which I provide a "% complete" parameter. Here is an example. Only need to focus on the line @status down. def percent_complete(user, patient) score = Score.w...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the problem to be solved has not been specifically identified. (Furthermore, the question has been cross-posted on Code Review and answered there.) — 200_success 43 secs ago
Q: Creating a dictionary. Learning ruby

user3907934I have a Ruby programming task. My code passes all the rspec requirements, but I am not sure if I've done it in the right way. And I'm not quite sure why I need :entires there... Here is the rspec test: # # Topics # # * Hash # * Array # * instance variables # * regular expressions require '11_...

Monking @all
Consider posting your question at Code Reviewchoz 37 secs ago
Oh, thanks for the info @choz. I was not aware of Code Review. Thanks! — novice 15 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's not an actual problem. This might be a candidate for CodeReview but check their guidelines first. — Paulie_D 52 secs ago
@Paulie_D, should I delete this question instead? I will be posting at CodeReview in a while. — novice 38 secs ago
@syb0rg yes?
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Joining tables with EF
If the code works fine you might get a better response on the CodeReview StackExchange :-) — Equalsk 52 secs ago
Q: Optimize multiple mouseover and mouseout functions

noviceI am working on a simple mouseout and mouseover functions. Basically, I have color boxes (or swatch) and I have to get the color of the specific box when hovered and when selected. You can see how it works in the fiddle. So I came out with a working script. But I am not sure how I can optimize o...

possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by novice: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/118226/revisions
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it seems like OP is requesting code review. — Matías Fidemraizer 52 secs ago
Monking :)
The problem is that with design pattern/architecture questions in general, it's very hard to display a self-contained example both on the question and on the answer's side. If you want a better answer you're probably going to have to rework the code displayed question to have a self-contained context, e.g. what does what at this moment. However, you need to be synthetic enough not to bloat your question with pages of code (you might risk getting downvoted by passerbys otherwise...). Or, you can try code review... — Mena 14 secs ago
Monking @skiwi
@Chris311 Since Mena mentioned it, closely read what is on topic at codereview if you even try to post there. As the question stand, it would likely be closed as off-topic for either hypothetical code or code not yet written. — Mathias Ettinger 55 secs ago
Monking @Quill
oooh, my chat notifications are instant now
@Quill this can be awesome and unnerving at the same time
when I'm out of tab or afk, I'd rather have my mobile ping me instantly
but I suppose we'll see
Did I trigger any flags yet
A: Starting and stopping a thread for a command handler

PimgdYour approach is works for a single start-stop cycle. Afterwards, things may go wrong. Let's look at the simple scenario first, though: You should keep in mind that you want to halt the running threads as soon as possible whilst maintaining system functionality. That is, when I say stop, and the...

for long answer
possible answer invalidation by Ari Nubar Boyacıoğlu on question by Ari Nubar Boyacıoğlu: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/118217/revisions
This question might be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comtobi303 30 secs ago
aww why did you go and do that
@200_success Damn, I was so slow at finding that link again…
This isn't a codereview site... — Naruto 29 secs ago
@tobi303 broken code is off-topic on Code Review. This is not acceptable for Code ReviewQuill 38 secs ago
Q: Get no. of trips in SQL Server

Abhishek AgrawalI have a table structure like this. id zoneid status 1 35 IN 2 35 OUT 3 36 IN 4 36 IN 5 36 OUT 6 38 IN 7 38 OUT 8 38 OUT 9 36 IN 10 36 OUT 11 35 IN 12 35 IN 13 35 IN 14 35 OUT 15 36 IN 16 36 IN 17 3...

@Duga @Quill Link to the help center instead, maybe?
Q: I duplicate the U.S. president. What happens?

PyRulezSo the U.S. president (or some other country leader) is a strollin' along. I blast him with a duplication ray gun (secret service must have been snoozin'). There are now two of him. How does the world react? The two copies are identical at the moment of duplication. It's not like an evil twin o...

Sounds like a fun project
the answer is boring but realistic, exactly what I expect to these sort of questions
Most of those "what if" are
- Humans die
- This is impossible, humans die really bad
- Humans don't care and fix it rather quickly, although you do make frontpage news
@Quill I am not so familiar with Code Review, so if this is the case, I apologize and better delete my comment — tobi303 39 secs ago
Yeah, sounds like it is, 1 & 3 are actual answers there
"You would be taken down, restrained, and shipped off site for interrogation." which one of me. Indeed, the secret service has no idea how many of me there are. This would probably make them nervous. — PyRulez 5 hours ago
@Quill Where is the programming question? Asking us how he can code better / more efficiently is hardy a coding issue, and would be almost impossible to answer. — Epodax 3 mins ago
@MathiasEttinger I read that and found it rather boring, obviously they do not know of your clones and they take the instance of you that shot the duplicator down rather quickly
Q: Slow merge sort

Akiiinotemplate<class Compare, class Iterator> void merge_sort(Iterator start, Iterator fin, int sort_type) { Compare comp; typedef typename iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type _value_type; //black type magic to infer data type if (distance(start, fin) > 1) { vector<_value_type>...

@Quill That question is
I would say it's too broad for SO and definitely OT for us
@Pimgd Of course, but do they even come to the conclusion there might be other clones and start hunting "you" down?
if you tell em? Or if you ... tell them but not voluntarily.
Or if your clones are dumb enough to get caught doing something (speeding ticket =D) when you're supposed to be in jail
It's 12 o-clock! Time to open my IDE and start work
dang it CR, always distracting me with interesting problems
So no particular interest of tracking every single instance of you as they would be considered having their own motives (not necessarily related to yours)?
@Pimgd Dang… same
But let's not forget to eat first.
no, lunch is later
I’m starving
@Pimgd ;-) work is only an illusion here
possible answer invalidation by TheLethalCoder on question by TheLethalCoder: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/111795/revisions
@Duga maybe, depends on answers
Yeah, is a valid edit. Might not be the best thing to do, but maybe you don't want your project or company name right in the question
Though it hints at a licensing issue...?
@Zak risky click of the day
12 hours ago, by Quill
Pretty good Ted talk about security & hacking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
@Quill I want to flag this for stupidity
please don't abuse flags
But it'll start up all sorts of drama so I won't
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comToto 56 secs ago
I was actually interested in marking it as watch later
now you've shown I can't trust you yet again
if you're actually interested in a real hacking ted talk, this one is good: youtube.com/watch?v=hqKafI7Amd8
I would onebox it, but you gotta trust me
It's a very simple rule. If (day) = Friday (in any timezone) and (post) = URL and (poster) = Quill Then URL = "Friday" (By Rebecca Black)
it's pretty good, pablos is a cool dude
he made a robot that drives up to people and shows them their password on screen
@Zak ;-;
I should stop link trolling people
I'd be paranoid as some guy in a horror movie if that happens
anyway, saved for later tonight
I just typed my first few lines of code for today
also, lunch in 10 minutes
I spent half my day cleaning up Jira and Bitbucket
Q: Is this approach scalable?

user2321864I am working to rewrite a legacy application (C++) to C# ASP.NET MVC with EF6 but plan to upgrade to ASP.NET Core1 and EF Core 1. The database schema is really arcane in that it has a single schema with tables prefixed T_* for if it is transactional and M_* if it is main. Assume the Customer obj...

@Toto This question is about a specific programming issue (my code is supposed to send me a summary by email, it doesn't). How on earth is that not suitable here? Even though it wasn't, this question is off-topic for codereview as it contains broken code. — Mathias Ettinger 53 secs ago
there is a codereview site on stack exchange, check if your question should better be moved there. — Marged 53 secs ago
Your questiom might be better asked hereguy 38 secs ago
Q: Better way to write PHP PDO bindParameters?

Joe ScottoIs there a better way to write this? Thanks. $query = $db->getConnection()->prepare("INSERT INTO `users` (first_name, last_name, email, username, password, unique_id, date_joined) VALUES(:fname, :lname, :email, :username, :pass, :uniqueid, :date_joined)"); $query->bindParam(':fname', $first_name...

Q: Java Optimize Code

Charly Rochhave this method, allowing the user to choose a start and end date in human readable date then convert it to epoch. So the method will return a array of long composed by the epoch start date and the epoch end date. I have handle some exception so if the user type anything else than the date it wi...

@CaptainObvious CodeReview Optimize Title
hi @JNat
A: Binary to decimal number converter

Dave DavidsonI think that this will not work stop trying.

First post of a new user
wut is this
It does not make any sense what so ever but it's not spam
weeee've got a spammer
Poof, gone.
yeah, he got a friend
I raised a mod flag because I dunno
but looks like the start of a sockpuppet ring to me
Looks like pure crap to me.
@Pimgd They're actually not that common
(correction: obvious ones aren't that common)
not here, at least
(I still maintain it wouldn't be hard to set up a profitable-yet-hard-to-spot) puppet ring
Just requires somebody willing to put a little thought and legwork and patience into it.
usually if you stoop to that level, you probably aren't giving much thought and patience into the questions you're trying to boost
@Quill Hey!
it's like when I don't pimp my long and good answers here, I wait and see whether they ever get noticed
This is a subjective question, unsuitable for SO, possibly suitable to another StackExchange site (programmers, or codereview if you include actual working code). However, generally this is handled by a convention, eg function getLogin()...function postLogin() The switch/if else design is awful — Steve 25 secs ago

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