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RELOAD! There are 1716 unanswered questions (94.4262% answered)
i came here asking about the animation because who i am not interested in pusuing this current implementation if i can't make it smooth. but okay here we go.. i dont understand why you are saying using classes or a prototypal chains would acheive a protected variable? even the first google result says that even if you make properties of an object they will always still be accessible from the console? am i not reading that right? — John Murphy 42 secs ago
This simple-looking challenge was surprisingly difficult to make work...
in SQL Helpline, Jan 22 at 16:45, by Bruno Costa
It goes like this. I have a table with the Records


How do I get only the records that there aren't duplicated in both columns

I came up with this monstrosity query which works...
surely that'd just be testing the flipped column values
I guess so, but I couldn't make it work without a loop :|
(and I tried really hard)
Guess it's about as good as it's gonna get
@Quill Is there any reasonable defense against hacking, other than obfuscation? One can always fire up a debugger and tweak anything.
@200_success Yeah, I was in the middle of a comment back when I realised there's not really a reasonable suggestion for anything
Doesn't something like:
select rownum from @holdingTable
where (foo not in bar
and bar not in foo)
group by rownum
having count(rownum) = 2
work @phrancis?^
@200_success If we're talking in general, a client-server model can nullify a lot of hacking usually but there's always something that the client has to have access to that hacks can abuse. The best defense is either to put so many little roadblocks in place that it isn't worth the effort to hack or to design a game where hacking gives you little advantage
blends back into shadows
Negative.. syntax errors aside, this would be how to write it
select rownum from @holdingTable
where foo not in (select bar from @holdingTable)
  and bar not in (select foo from @holdingTable)
group by rownum
having count(rownum) = 2
But returns no results
host all the game logic server-side, and simply make calls like score.increment()
@Phrancis IDK, I was just reading from here: stackoverflow.com/questions/7179260/…
@Quill The main issue with this is that it is JavaScript :P
It's pretty difficult to make a browser game with server logic like that.
there's always sockets and node to host the sensitive stuff on anyway
Here's the problem. If you host all the logic on the server and make the client basically just render junk and report key-presses you need interpolation. Give the client any more responsibility and it's hackable.
Glad I'm here to get these tidbits.
@Legato heh
@quartata I don't think the client should be responsible for any logic besides that which is related to displaying to the user, and getting input from the user
@Phrancis Right, that's what I'm saying. But in order to do that and have the game play smoothly, you need interpolation.
And for shooter games you need lag compensation which opens up a whole new world of possible exploits you need to worry about
"What happens when the client reports a fake ping?"
Fair enough. Sounds like a complicated situation
Oh, it is. It's my primary excuse for having not finished my game in 2 years :P
just go back to flash ;-)
@quartata hello VBA lurker :)
This is a bit off topic for SO. You might be better off asking the question in code review. Having said that : the amount of saving is small. I would be asking what would the performance benefits be by including the framework overhead. — jeff 1 min ago
oh gosh
30,000 lines
@Duga I don't think jeff meant the Code Review site, but rather in a regular code review
@jeff This is definitely NOT on topic for Code Review. — quartata 42 secs ago
@Phrancis no he meant the site
Q: is there any alternatives to any of the steps below that can increase efficiency and simplicity?

dzjustinli2I'm new to Java and is trying to solve the beginners problem of finding out the number of vowels in a string. The code below works. However, I was just wondering if there is any alternatives to any of the steps that can improve efficiency as well as simplicity. Any help would be greatly appreciat...

Q: Linux C Port Knock Implementation

JavaProphetCompile with: gcc -std=gnu11 -o "portknock" "portknock.c" -lpcap I did this as a learning experience, and it actually ended up being something useful. I made a port-knocking spawned reverse TTY with it, and it could easily be made into a port knocking firewall daemon. #include <stdio.h> #include <

@CaptainObvious thanks Captain Obvious
This question may be better suited to codereviewPaul Rooney 24 secs ago
@Duga I think that one's a good referral
Have you heard of Code Review? :-) — E. Sundin 41 secs ago
I understand there is not much going on right now here, but please respect that this room is meant for Code Review talk and not random things
@Lumberjack Yes, go for codereview. Your question is good, codereview shall give you the hints. Just keep trying, questioning, working through tutorials and trying your own experiments and you will master it. — Jan Vlcinsky 47 secs ago
Eh, it's boring in here anyway. I'll just lynch @quartata and be on my way.
While I'm here I will say thank you to @Mat'sMug. You made my first and only (so far) experience posting on Code Review very positive.
always a pleasure!
thanks @Phrancis
well that was entertaining
@Quill @skiwi probably would be interested
I'm still planning on making that process easier for you room owners and moderators out there
Sorry, someone invited me back here :)
Q: Converting money into change

calvin phungI am trying to figure out a more efficient way of converting money into change. The code below is what i have written so far. It works perfectly but i know the code can be improved. Is there a more efficient way of writing this code? Thank you! public class Problem2 { public static int quarte...

You're fine @Zizouz212 just watch for off-topic stuff
Yep :)
everyone from PPCG is always welcome here BTW... as long as it's not for trolling
I've been in PPCG chat, I know what ya'll are about: ಠ_ಠ
@Mat'sMug Am I welcome?
man, it was really dead yesterday. much more lively today
lol, and from Open-Source too ;-)
Yaay! :)
that "Yaay!" really suits your avatar
Thanks :)
Yeah, wobbuffet's a weird one
how's Open-Source doing BTW?
@Quill No.
@Mat'sMug Open Source is awesome like always :)
I should visit more often, is still the main theme? I have an OSS project, I could probably contribute things... but I don't know what to ask.
@Mat'sMug Yep. Sadly :(
There's too much licensing stuff.
Q: Converting money into change

calvin phungI am trying to figure out a more efficient way of converting money into change. The code below is what i have written so far. It works perfectly but i know the code can be improved. Is there a more efficient way of writing this code? Thank you! public class Problem2 { public static int quarte...

Doesn't work.
And people are just really picky about what non-licensing stuff is allowed.
@Legato From the looks of it, it should
I put in 13 and got this:
@Legato braaiiiiiins
love the new avatar!
Thank you!
@Legato overflow?
Try a smaller number.
Operator precedence bug.
@Legato Ah, I thought you were getting an error or something. Wasn't looking at the logic
@200_success linkz to the codez?
Oh nevermind
Yeah, those are very evident logical errors.
This is the "money into change" one right?
Also, probs hw. Though that wouldn't be relevant if it worked.
@Legato I didn't think you guys got that many HW questions
Q: File system manipulation helper

Dmitry NoginWhat do you think about this file system manipulation helper? There is an utility class Folder which I can use to define directory structure of my app: static class Folders { public static Folder Bin => new Folder(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)); ...

We don't.
Definitely HW, I don't know why anyone would name their class "Problem2" normally :P
I've a theory that the people who know the site are too diligent to need the help with actual hw.
I think whoever has homework only care if it works
Intro CS courses are often nitpicky af about style
@quartata Maybe he just has problems.
He posted the wrong code apparently...
I don't even get the point of this task...
@quartata My "intro to linux" (a mandaroty prereq) professor is extremely nitpicky.
I remember Computer Science in Grade 10... Good times :)
The correct code works.
I'm introducing the tag.
Quick poll.. would something like this (my code, wrote it to solve a specific purpose) be closed as example code? I feel it is more of "practice code" but others may disagree and say it's example code...
@200_success Are they really that frequent?
@200_success sounds good, if you want to follow up with the tag description, that'd be cool
@Phrancis write it as a function, rather than a specific solution and it'd be fine
Will do, when I get home.
okay, cool
@Phrancis I don't understand the problem statement.
@200_success Guess I'll think it over... it's basically from Dataset1 get Dataset2
It doesn't look like a generic "What is best practice?" question. On the other hand, you could do better than foo/bar.
Owner reposted it as a comment.
Q: JavaFX application AWS Client

gadelkareemThis is my first try with Java. AWS Client is an open source GUI application to monitor and ssh into EC2s, and probably will expand to more services. Can I get code review for this application? https://github.com/gadelkareem/aws-client

I was not familiar with code review. That is good to know for these type of questions. Thanks. A moderator can "remove" my question if necessary. — Lumberjack 23 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Mat's Mug on question by Mat&#39;s Mug: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/93391/revisions
why would you bother updating
If I posted a question in D, would people be able to answer?
I know you guys have a D tag but it doesn't look like it has much activity
make it active!
The D programming language is an object-oriented, imperative, multi-paradigm system programming language created by Walter Bright of Digital Mars and released in 2001. Bright was joined in the design and development effort in 2006 by Andrei Alexandrescu. Though it originated as a re-engineering of C++, D is a distinct language, having redesigned some core C++ features while also taking inspiration from other languages, notably Java, Python, Ruby, C#, and Eiffel. D's design goals attempt to combine the performance and safety of compiled languages with the expressive power of modern dynamic languages...
Languages have enough similar constructs that people don't even necessarily need to know the language to give a person a solid review.
A: What tips would you suggest to increase tag activity?

Mat's Mug I could personally try and create more content in a Q&A format but CodeReview.SE does not seem like a site that lends well to people answering their own questions? Funny you mention create more content - that was exactly my CommunityBuilding.SE answer to How do I start an active userbase for...

You should probably take this to our code review site. — Prune 34 secs ago
good answer ;-)
@Quill I was just reminded of the existence of that post... I thought it could use a bump.. thinking again it was a stupid edit that I shouldn't have made
@Legato I suppose but one of the things I would ask for help with would be for optimization which would involve some language specific trickery
meh, I mean, it's not hurting anyone
Hey, can't hurt to post.
that edit isn't exactly setting an example either
feel free to do a followup if you want a bump (and new reviews)
And if you put a good enough bounty on it, maybe a few people will learn D just for the sake of the bounty.
OK. I might post it a little later (tomorrow maybe). The code isn't 100% ready.
@SirPython All I have is my association bonus :P
@quartata ping me when you do, and I'll add a bounty for you
Q: Image Processing: Help optimizing MATLAB image curvature code

Brady SheehanI have some MATLAB code that computes the curvature of a 2d image. It computes it iteratively using forward and backward differences. Could you offer some tips for how I can optimize this code? %This assumes the image, Io, is a double in [0,255] function [K] = IterativeCurvature(Io,epsilon) % p...

Wow, took a while for responses.
I can't believe this evil code now resolves perfectly well.
A: Form for registering a user

Joseph the DreamerLet's start with your HTML <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> type is optional. By default, browsers execute scripts as JS. The only time I see type being used is when you want to tell the browser it is not a scr...

BTW @Quill for being one of the winners for Winter Bash 2015! (I just noticed, haven't been active for a while)
another good answer from Joseph
Thanks @TheCoffeeCup :-)
wiki, wiki, wiki, readme, gui, wiki
;-; no decent issues
Damn GitHub, takes forever to Commit anything...
perfect time for a coffee :-)
> MySub.MyVar1.MySub = MyProject.MySub
even to a non-vba dev, that hurts
and Rubberduck knows what's what nonetheless!
You lot might be interested in...
Q: What happened to that contest swag I was promised?

abby hairboatWe've run a couple of large-scale swag-yielding events around these parts lately. So far we haven't had a good way of keeping track of each one's status, short of long comment chains on the individual contest posts (or random other meta posts). This question will serve to aggregate all of that in...

Happy to see this isn't an Excel worksheet :) — Mat's Mug just now
language design looks fun, but compiler design looks hard
Thanks, Santa (I assume that's you, @Quill?)
Q: Hangman Dilemma

JohnI am trying to make a really really simple C# code for hangman but I just can't figure it out this is one of the first projects we have in my computer science class and I don't even know where to start.

No kidding about the compiler design; it's actually an interpreter.
At 2000 lines of code, I'd say I did a pretty good job.
there went my hope of making one
Q: Stack Overflow Annual Survey 2016

samthebrand Update: This survey is now closed. Stay tuned for release of the full results. The annual developer survey is now open: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/so-2016 It should take about 10 minutes to complete. We know you have bugs to squash and things to build and taking surveys isn't in your j...

Crap wrong link
Tim's comment anyway
A: Developer survey: how many pennies were there?

samthebrand753 pennies. Doesn't look like it, huh? The median guess was 423. 56,032 people took the survey (wow). 42,035 respondents made a penny guess. 54 of you guessed correct. 37 correct guessers will be getting swag in the mail (they included a user link with their survey responses). 118 more of yo...

@TheCoffeeCup scoping and resolving identifier references is particularly "fun" ;-)
if someone knows anything about animation, the author of this question is looking for an animation-related review: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/117455/62429
Q: Deduplicating value pairs between 2 columns

PhrancisThis was asked in the SQL Helpline room: I have a sql query concern. Could you help me? It goes like this. I have a table with the Records A B A C B A B C C A C B How do I get only the records that there aren't duplicated in both columns A B A C B C While it seemed simple at first, it was...

@Quill I'm horrible at animation.
TTGTB now, see ya tomorrow!
Later @TheCoffeeCup
see you later @thecoffeecup
Q: vertically table using multi dimensional array

efdynna * * * * 12345678 Question: how to create the coding to make the display likes above

@CaptainObvious ...many broken... such formatting... wow.
Q: Space Complexity of Radix Sort?

KFloresI'm doing an assignment to find the space complexity of a couple different sorts in c++. I'm having trouble finding the space complexity of a Radix sort. I used why the time complexity is O(nk) for the elements of the array and k being the most digits of the values in the elements. I just found t...

sometimes evenings feel like weeding the garden
you should see the junk we get on ppcg. We got mistaken for English Language Learners SE once I kid you not
here it seems the most typical crap-post is one that gives specs or a problem statement, and seems to expect us to implement it
kind of like on-topic PPCG posts do ;-)
@Quill If you're interested in language design you should start with something simple like a small stack based language
I have this problem where I say "I'd love to do X"...
@Mat'sMug :P
@Quill *slides over copy of the Dragon Book*
and then I end up with a whiteboard looking like a one-sided game of naughts and crosses
I will buy that book soon
I have a pdf of it.
Do you want it?
no thanks, I'd rather a physical copy
thanks anyway
@Quill naw bae
compiler design is total dope
Yesterday I read the introductory paragraph of chapter 1 of the dragon book
so I'm pretty much an expert
First or second edition?
that's pretty much how I act when people talk about Swift
except I read like five chapters
second edition
Compiler design is... well I'm still too stupid to understand it
If I got lucky, maybe Mr Lippert would review my compiler design (he does review things here)
Lexer that reads tokens, Parser that transforms tokens to syntactic constructs, semantic model that interprets syntactic constructs into symbols
easy peasy
Is the Lexer the hard part?
Oh I get all that
Lexer is the easy part
You just read stuff in
it's a lot of code to handle the entire syntax but altogether fairly straightforward
maybe I'm misunderstanding what is meant by Lexer
the semantic model is where it gets kinky
I just cannot for the life of me figure out how to get bison to do its thing
keep in mind that I've never implemented a compiler myself. This is all based on Roslyn's implementation
@Quill lexer parses code into tokens
nor do I have ever studied it
You shouldn't take my word on anything, really
did you end up emailing that MS contact, @JeroenVannevel?
lol no, not yet
I do one thing a day
today I wrote back to the London company saying I expect a contract
tomorrow I might talk to someone at microsoft
was yesterday's thing 'learn hip vocabulary'?
oi mate, a've olways been a funny bloke
gave you a bit o' a chuckle aven't I?
@Quill learning ANTLR grammars helps understanding the difference between lexer and parser ;-)
Yeah I just watched an English mob movie. Sue me.
sounds more like you watched crocodile dundee there
Is that the australian dude that got eaten?
I'm a big fan of English hooligan/mob movies
I thought those oneboxed ...
eh, part correct. Something about Australia
@Mat'sMug that sounds interesting, I might follow that up
ANTLR seems pretty interesting. I haven't managed to get past it's learning wall yet though.
I'm not sure Rubberduck uses 5% of ANTLR's capacities
defining a grammar is pretty simple though
(unless you've never seen a regex)
you define lexer tokens for things like whitespace and language keywords; then you define parser rules out of lexer tokens
or rather, out of other parser rules, themselves defined from parser rules defined from parser rules, defined with lexer tokens
like, this parser rule defines a VBA module:
module :
	(moduleHeader NEWLINE+)?
	moduleConfig? NEWLINE*
	moduleAttributes? NEWLINE*
	moduleDeclarations? NEWLINE*
	moduleBody? NEWLINE*
Ah, I see how it's structured now.
this is what those words look like to me
all camelCase things are parser rules; all SHOUTCASE are lexer rules
> あなたはこれを翻訳しました。よくできました。
looks like a horrible regex child
STRINGLITERAL : '"' (~["\r\n] | '""')* '"';
> "You have to translate this. good job."
anyway, TTGTB here
it's past tense: you translated this
night @Mat'sMug, thanks for the interesting discussion
@Quill Well, Google Translate sucks, so, yeah..
translate: あなたはこれを翻訳しました。よくできました。
(from Japanese) You translated it. Well done.
I haven't spoken Japanese in a while. I get into conversations every now and again, but I can never escape that weird feeling of conversing with someone in their first language with your second
maybe I'll use ANTLR to make a psuedo code compiler
Python Cobra, I'll call it
@Quill It becomes second nature
Though technically English is my fourth officially
so one could argue I'm da bomb
but english like invades other languages
the ratio of english loanwords to non-english loanwords would be like 1000:1 or more
@BrunoCosta and @Hosch250 did a great job with the todo explorer 2.0 :)
any suggestions?
yeah, why is there a dropdown icon thingy when there are only two icons?
That would drive me insane
remove it and show everything
and don't show it when there's nothing else to show
colour the priority levels differently, remove the gradient from selected boxes
I assume double clicking on an entry navigates to the corresponding location?
and selects the comment
@Quill hmm really? that gradient is ubiquitous in the UI, anything that's selected anywhere in any toolwindow has it
the colour is fine, but if you're going for a minimal look, gradients are counter-design
not exactly minimal, ..I'd call it "sober"
when Apple removed their gradient from everything, everything got much more minimal and simple
Apple styling does not apply to Windows styling
that gradient actually mimicks the Windows Explorer style
it's just an example...
my windows explorer has no gradient
mind you they removed the gradient in win10
(or 8?)
they removed it in 8
go to bed, man
Night @Mat'sMug
@Quill you waited for me to sign out before posting another XKCD without the hover text?! ;p
they one-box :)
Q: Load & View Downloaded to HD Movies in Netflix like UI(Inefficient loading speeds)

IlluminatiBy HD I mean hard drive. I am a self-taught programmer and would like anyone to point out anything that is not the standard or professional way to do things. Any help/advice is greatly appreciated. I would love to post a lot of my code or perhaps make a youtube video explaining certain portions...

@CaptainObvious "Netflix Like UI" huh
@JeroenVannevel Yeah, that is an awful pain. It is locked, and everything is shown, but I would have to totally override the style to remove that.
I'll work on that and a few other issues still in the thing.
This question seems more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Chase 56 secs ago
Q: java Program with file concept(Please provide me the code ifpossible)

user95873 Please,can anyone provide me the code for this program..

@CaptainObvious Please provide us the code.
monking @all
Q: Jquery fade in and out with multiple objects

HTMLNoobThough, the code that I made works perfectly fine. I'm wondering whether there is a better and less chunkier way of doing this. $(document).ready(function () { var item1 = "active"; var item2 = "unactive"; var item3 = "unactive"; var item4 = "unact...

Q: Passing condition codes or states around (hopefully avoiding globals)

CharlesI have code which looks something like this (with comments indicating the irrelevant parts which I've snipped for brevity): # Returns (bad, total, skipped) sub checkCode { my $code = shift; return (0, 0, 1) if skipCode($code); # Stuff return (0, 1, 0) unless $irrelevantCondition...

This is not a code review site. — Raedwald just now
Q: How to start a fire and forget async method

sevevesSonar/FxCop are telling us that we shouldn't use void async methods. That's ok. This is the current implementation: private async void InitMethod(ServiceControl serviceControl) { if (serviceControl != null) { await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => serviceControl.Execute()); } } ...

This is not a code review site. — Raedwald 44 secs ago
Q: Multiple cases with the same instructions in Haskell

Abirwell this is my code: fct 1 a b = a+b fct 3 a b = a+b fct 8 a b = a+b fct x a b = a-b `for the rest : 2,4,5,6,7,9..16` My question is, is there a way to combine the 3 first lines, as they do the same thing, something like "case x of" ? but with multiple values. Any help will be appreciated

Q: Parameter Naming with dash

FerDuring a code review I have seen the following line within a controller: @return_path = params['return-to'] || request.path This is the first time I see (in rails) a parameter name with a dash instead of with an underscore. I have looked for style guides but all I found is not talking about...

Q: xor of binary number in a list and binary number not in a list

user5570542I am trying to find the xor of binary number given in list a and (key = 1) k1 given in the program below. I tried the below code but it gives xor value of list as ['01100001', '01100001', '01100001'] ideally I am looking for ['01100001', '01100001'] or 01100001 01100001. Any hints will be appre...

Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: F# code to check whether there are three same digits within a given number
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: User Registration Form Layout
@RoboSanta because it's a crap answer
Q: Using basic REST API in Angular 1.x

TanmayI have built real-time markdown editor in order to learn AngularJS by practice. I think what I'm trying to do can be done a better way. Any suggestions appreciated. Here's my code: var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]); myApp.factory('Data',function ($window) { return {message: $window.loc...

Q: Using a class to create a custom wrapper for including files

Sam Swift 웃I am using PHP in order to create a custom wrapper for including files, for this I have written this class: <?php class Refrences { #region properties private $_basePath; private $_lastIncl; private $_lastRequ; #endregion #region public members public function __cons...

lol just saw the discussion about CR not usefully. Maybe not for him, but if you don't find CR usefully you have also an attitude that your code is the best one in the world.
so next time, just ignore those users and point them out that he doesn't need to be here as he doesn't find it usefull
Q: Need advise on this Service

Jamie RI have wrote a windows service that I am currently not that happy about as I am facing design issues (First windows service). The aim of this service is to monitor CPU usage and send an alert when it reaches a threshold (coming from the DB). So the user has set a threshold of > 60% CPU usage fo...

Q: Refactoring smartrecruiters api

jhedmHi I'm currently implementing smartrecruiters api. It's working but it's so slow. Here's my code snippet: function getContext() { $opts = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'header'=>"X-SmartToken: xxxxxxxx" ) ); return $context = stream_...

Refactoring is fun.
And by fun, I mean this is awful.
lol, JavaScript or C#
I'm refactoring the app (that uses implicit load order) to use at least some kind of module loader - in this case, UMD with RequireJS.
RequireJS isn't great but it's better than nothing and requires the least effort
It'll pay off once it works though
// This entire file is a hack
^ tl;dr;
at least they're honest?
I wrote that.
(See Nth for the full file)
@DanPantry I find refactoring fun(as long it's no whole week). you see your old code and if you can do it better you know you are better then your old self ;)
@chillworld It's funny you say that because my work this week is essentially "refactoring"
Stack Overflow license debates are CSPAN-level good. I'm loling http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/272986 https://t.co/qJK9rUYG32
lol @200_success' answers are twitter worthy
@DanPantry we need to do 0.5 day / 2 weeks
@chillworld Unless my colleague gets back from being ill this week
then he need's to do it?
No, but I'm waiting on him to finish a task so I can get onto a task that is blocked by it
So until his task is done, I can't do anything else. Might as well refactor.
Jip that's true.
I'm currently writing some unit tests
Normally I don't write test's because I do find it's someone else his job to write test's for me. (And I write them for someone else)
But having a little to much time and nobody write tests for me
I'll do it myself. now on the model, you can't even change the equals or hashcode without test fails ^^
@dan why does your website not have a front page?
@Quill I only really have that domain name for the, well, domain name, to be honest
make a proper profile page
I won't be sticking with that domain anyway, I bought http://danpantry.me
@DanPantry You should get http://danpantrynise.me
nise? like にせ?
monking btw
uhhhhh. Probably not?
(it's meant to be a pun "don't patronise me")
oh, okay. In japanese, that means false or fake

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