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RELOAD! There are 1696 unanswered questions (94.4736% answered)
@TanMath A user from Stack Overflow came in and expressed they dislike Code Review
@Zak Not sure who would be the right person to make it.
I deeply enjoy the fact that us regulars of 2nd monitors are being compared to the 7 dwarves. — Dan Pantry 2 days ago
@Phrancis so?
Q: convert from matrix form to summation form

user3478697Let \$i= 1 , ... , n\$ and \$j= 1, .... , p\$ and let \$x_{ij}\$ a matrix \$n \times p\$, and \$D\$ is a diagonal matrix \$n \times n\$ We have this equation \$N = X^T D X\$ , where N is a \$p \times p\$ matrix. I need to write N as a summation form, any help please; my code in R and in summati...

@TanMath everybody tried to help, and the situation got out of hand. It's since been resolved.
We like to move forward, and thus mistakes replaced with happier things
It's Saturday in the UK.
Continue with your meta discussions.
you can find the event logs in the transcript
@DanPantry It's Saturday here too
@Quill Aw yis. Not-America FTW
I get time 10 hours before you
Been working on something this evening, thoughts?
Can anyone here possibly weigh in on which OpenCL book to buy to learn GPS computing? Any first- or second-hand experiences?
That song is better,but still pretty bad.
yesterday, by Dan Pantry
@Quill you're an ass
@Quill LOL
the tables have turned
Watch the topic, please. I know it's Friday night/Saturday so we're all hapy :)
@Phrancis apologies
Expected to get rick rolled, ended up getting black rolled
liquid page manipulation is pretty awesome
Is there a Sunday song?
I feel like I'm hacking the matrix... I'm actually running Swift via command line... heh
@DanPantry I think Ismael pulled that trick a while ago with Astley.
@nhgrif Does it look the same?
@nhgrif so many libraries require xcode cli, wouldn't be that much of a jump, right?
Make sure you make it nice black and green, not the white-background Macs use by default.
@Mast I pulled that exact trick yesterday
@TanMath Plenty.
@nhgrif Close enough.
@Quill The difference for me is that... if I wanted to do this with Objective-C, or C, or C++, I have to first build & compile, then run it. With Swift, it's simple...
$ swift yourSwiftFileName.swift
Hi, @JNat!
@nhgrif Runs interpreted?
What sentence is coming from the judge this time?
Welcome back @JNat
that's cool @nhgrif
@nhgrif That's a damn big screen
And it's retina...
your laptop has the same resolution as two of my screens.. lol
yeah, but it's retina
What size? We have the 15" version, and it doesn't look that big.
the new iPad's screen is nearly the same same as my MacBook Air's screen
If I open that image, it displays larger than the original (by a factor of 2)
It's mid-2015, 15"
Ours is from 2006.
It was our first computer since Windows 98, or something.
Hey @nhgrif! Long time!
So, go figure. I was told I'd have to learn how to develop an iOS app today, then you magically appear. =P
I have a better idea
I politely asked to work on the embedded stuff instead.
Metova always welcomes on new clients.
You want me to build your app?
Yeah. I bet you'd deliver tests...
Or be fired
@RubberDuck He'll deliver you the moon, in an iFrame.
meanwhile our employers would laugh at tests
We're not developing from scratch. Somebody else did version 1 and we're taking it from there.
@RubberDuck You can write it with C# in VS 2015. Waits to be jumped on
And there will be no tests.
That's the sort of project I'm on now... although 2 weeks ago we started a rewrite from scratch.
Whatever you're doing, it's not worse than what I was doing up until 2 weeks ago.
Yeah. Sounds about right.
No tests, at least there will be no failure either.
@Hosch250 Shoo.
Lol. .Net 2.0 wanna bet?
@Hosch250 or use Xamarin and C#
@Hosch250 I'm actually very interested in that.
@RubberDuck heh... the language I was working in would be what I'd call Procedural-C.
@RubberDuck Shrug I would ask to be on the embedded team too.
Which is to say... it's Objective-C, but it's not object oriented.
Globals and preprocessor macros.
But @RubberDuck ... since you like embedded, and you're about to possibly be doing some iOS, here's a question I'm looking at that might interest you
@RubberDuck I can create a project and see how it looks. Good luck getting my mom to let me install it on her phone to actually test it...
Q: Reading bytes from packet

MelindaI have a device I connect to on TCP socket. I send it a message with what I want and it sends back all sorts of useful information: Header: +---------------+----------+----------+ | MagicWord | 2 bytes | 0xCAFE | | Version | 1 byte | 0x02 | | Type | 1 byte | Var...

We've got one of those in C#. Thank god it doesn't support a preprocessor.
Ohhh. Shiny. Brb
I'm glad that Swift also doesn't support preprocessor.
@RubberDuck I guess it is a Xamarin project.
@nhgrif Me too. Preprocessor is the nastiest.
extension UInt32 {
    init?(bytes: [UInt8]) {
        if bytes.count != 4 {
            return nil

        var value: UInt32 = 0
        for byte in bytes {
            value = value << 8
            value = value | UInt32(byte)
        self = value

extension UInt16 {
    init?(bytes: [UInt8]) {
        if bytes.count != 2 {
            return nil

        var value: UInt16 = 0
        for byte in bytes {
            value = value << 8
            value = value | UInt16(byte)
OK, so essentially VS 2015 has Xamarin built in.
part of my upcoming answer. ;)
What is ~= ??
It allowed for arcane tricks, but preprocessor macros don't fit in the current model of programming paradigms (most anyway).
lol... I had to ask that myself...
@RubberDuck just about equal to
No, wait, I know that.
Isn't that inversion?
Left argument is a collection, right argument is a value (of that collection type). ~= returns true if the value is in the collection.
@Hosch250 you still have to pay for it
I've never tried it, so I wouldn't know.
~ is usually a NOT operator, that would get confusing very fast.
Uhhh. There should not be operators for somethings.
That's what I thought at first too @Mast. That's why I was confused.
@Quill Yeah, it asks me to install it first thing.
@nhgrif So it is like C#'s .Contains() method?
sort of
Or Python's in operator?
So, he's got a big bag of bit masked values, why isn't he pulling it out by bit masking?
I don't get it...
@RubberDuck this code will let you actually run it
let bytes: [UInt8] = [
  0xfe, 0xca, 0x02, 0x30,
  0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x00,
  0x4e, 0x5b, 0xa2, 0x56,
  0x12, 0x19, 0x00, 0x00,
  0x22, 0x00, 0x12, 0x19,
  0x07, 0x00
let data = NSData(bytes: bytes, length: bytes.count)
Sometimes, you just have to learn a language yourself.
Apr 25 '15 at 21:11, by rolfl
now I know that I can't just ignore jQuery... I have to learn it, but I have enough understanding of why... to know that it is important, and solves real problems that I would not want to have to solve myself, again, and again.
That goes for other languages as well ^^
And @RubberDuck this at the end will let you see what he pulls out:
for item in location {
  print("\(item.0): \(item.1)\n")
Funny @Mast. I recently came to the same conclusion about that @rolfl did.
@RubberDuck they're not bitmasked. It's an array of bytes. It's a payload that needs to be broken into discrete, multi-byte values
Q: Slow Python Code - Nested While Loops

maliacarpioI'm writing code to create a list of new areas for patches of conserved land within a watershed based on the current size distribution of conserved land patches that are in the watershed now. I'm generating a new random area based on a normal pdf fitted to the log-transformed distribution of th...

@RubberDuck I'm currently learning myself how to do web-dev. Front-end first, Full-stack later.
@RubberDuck hey it's better than YUI
@CaptainObvious overcommenting like an undergrad there
@Vogel612 Last release is 1.5 years ago, is it still being developed or has it finally ceased to exist?
And yes, that looks horrible.
I have no clue whether it's actually under development, but I had to use it at my old job
I just noticed that @nhgrif. I was confused by the data in the quote blocks.
it was used to provide css for jsp-built tables...
and nothing else...
not the inline editing, not the asynchronous submission of edits, not the client-side sorting, no nothing...
it was just glorified CSS gone awry
and all the stuff you could've pushed into client side was done on the server for god knows which reasons
That sounds... awful
it's beginning to surprise me how I actually held out 6 months there
I hope I don't have to do any web-dev any-time soon professionally. But for some reason I was suddenly building webservers at my last job, so you never know.
Which was around the time I started yelling at JavaScript.
@Mast if you keep stuff simple webdev is easy as pie
When does stuff ever stay simple ^^
that's the obvious problem
It does when you write-refactor-rerefactor-code review-refactor-R#erize.
Sometimes you have to code review-refactor 2 or 3 times.
@Hosch250 some things are actually impossible to keep simple
but that's a very limited set of problems
Sometimes. Like writing keyhooks involving 5 files that call managed (or is it unmanaged?) code and cause strange and nefarious exceptions, any one of which causes the whole thing to fail.
There is a reason we haven't cleared that for release yet...
Supper time. BBL.
@Quill Sure, though I would argue there was also a separate, distinct problem here of escalation and failure of conflict resolution (regardless of who you think is at fault).
Strange and nefarious exceptions? Sounds like unmanaged to me.
That's what I assumed might get Meta'd
@RubberDuck OK. We are calling into COM interop code and stuff there.
Oh yeah. Calling into unmanaged code from the managed world is fun.
@Zak If you feel you can make an objective post about it, go ahead and see who shows up.
phew, finally finished the code for that question, @RubberDuck... posting answer soon.
I'll keep my eyes on it. =)
Q: Static typed Ids (integers) in C#

Dirk BoerWithin our application I need to work a lot with simple Ids (just integers). They are used to make queries against a database. For performance reasons I don't want to materialize them to Entities before the query. Example: // not really *that* static typed public void DoQuery(int userId, int ...

@nhgrif Glad to see you, been a while.
A: Reading bytes from packet

nhgrifOne things for certain... an array of tuples which is basically being used as a glorified dictionary is never going to suffice as an acceptable data model. Moreover, an array of bytes isn't really that much useful than what we start with. So what's clear, we need an actual data model. So names...

@RubberDuck you don't need jquery
I can absolutely promise you that
plain JavaScript is fine
jQuery just makes things easier. it's just not good for small stuff
better to use for animating elements
Hmm.. my SQL is rusty... I want to add a row with averages for column, plus a row with sums, but still see all of the other rows...
I think Phrancis is online if you need a hand
@nhgrif T-SQL?
    ,sum(abc) over (partition by foo, bar) SumAbc
    ,avg(abc) over (partition by foo, bar) AvgAbc
FROM ...
Also... I forgot how to leave comments...
in SQL scripts...
What is Abc in that, @Mat'sMug?
@nhgrif what's up?
@nhgrif hey that's pretty cool! internal competition? you own them all! haha!
I want to see a sum and average row at the bottom of that query.
But my sql is too rusty
@Mat'sMug I was trying to encourage a competition...
We do have this though stackoverflow.com/teams/68/metova
so that's cool
huh, I never got the email saying teams was up
It's beta still.
And I got a beta invite.
I really suck at SQL, but I get what you're wanting to do
you want the sum + average of all records?
you need to union with a separate query that does it
Or maybe a case
Yeah... I was afraid that might be the case.
There are 29 rows now, right
I want row 30 to be sum of those rows
and row 31 to be average (of 1 through 29, not including the sum row, obviously)
ew religious chat flags
@nhgrif Ah. Then union sounds like it will be your solution, unfortunately
You could also do those things in Excel, but... Excel
@nhgrif that's what Excel is for...
Honestly, I'd return the "pure" dataset, and then perform your final calculations client side, or return multiple datasets from the sproc.
Eww. I feel dirty even suggesting that.
The returning multiple datasets thing.
@RubberDuck lol, I wanted to say that
Yeah... It's clever... I hate clever.
Q: What am I doing wrong?

Abhash Kumar SinghI was asked to implement a minimal vi(vi like) text editor in an interview recently. I had to implement display lines,insert lines, delete lines, redo and undo. I used stacks to store recently run commands and recently deleted lines. In the redo() command I find recentCommands stack to be alway...

Q: Display the count of field in a view

ihaI have a table that look like this ID NIP SHIFT DATE 289305 01000267 M 2015-12-01 00:00:00.000 289306 01000267 P 2015-12-01 00:00:00.000 289307 01000267 S 2015-12-01 00:00:00.000 289127 01020358 M 2015-12-01 00:00:00.000 289128 01020358 P 2015-12-01 00:00...

@CaptainObvious, let's start with your title.
@CaptainObvious Goes without saying.. you are Code Reviewing wrong
I'm getting lazy. I'm starting to like the "Use this pre-built function/tool/framework" answers a bit too much.
@CaptainObvious Little iffy about that one..........
SQL 2000??!
                             (SELECT        COUNT(shift) AS Expr1
                               FROM            dbo.JadwalKerja
power-indent FTW
I vote for tabs-vs-space issue
@Mat'sMug I have one of those... It's awful.
I use 4 spaces and an invisible unicode character
come at me
I think they may have bigger problems than tabs vs spaces
But it's so hard to tell because the formatting sucks
I do think SELECT(SELECT gives it out
yeah, but ...how far is that from ?
Not sure... I didn't SQL in 2000
me neither
I feel like anything I'd suggest wouldn't work
In 2000 I was... 17, and really couldn't care less about DBs
@JeroenVannevel I that why I have trouble getting VSDiagnostics to compile after you've made changes? wink
If my code doesn't compile, it means your RAM is corrupted
There's no other possible reason
Q: Implications of using call—when is it appropriate?

nikk wongI am writing a jQuery plugin that has methods which I believe can be called either with .call or by passing them an object directly. I am trying to decide which one is better practice, and which one should be used for what context. Here's what I'm working with using .call: ;(function( $, wind...

Q: Why codereview badge icons are different than other stackexchange sites

TaReQ MahMooDCan anyone tell me why the badge icons in codereview shows differently than other stackexchange sites? Is there any specific meaning for it?

@StackExchange I'll not DV you, but you don't get my UV.
Q: Why doesn't this user have a bronze tag badge?

RubberDuckMat's Mug has a score of 154 on 35 non-wiki answers for vba, but he's not recieved a bronze tag badge. Why is that? I thought the requirements were a score of 100 on 20 non-wiki answers.

Why no gold yet, not enough questions again?
not enough contributions :)
gold tag badges are hard
@Mat'sMug In this speed you'll get it before next winter.
we'll see that!
Q: Is my linked list appropriate for interviews?

user5828922Trying to learn linked lists so I can answer interview questions. Even though I've seen plenty of tutorials to understand how they supposedly work, I don't know if I am doing a good job because I have no one to get feedback from. Here is my attempt. class Node(object): def __init__(self, da...

Q: Double integral solver in TI-84

user3932000Here's a program I made for estimating a double integral over a general region. It's pretty accurate, but it's VERY, VERY slow. (Getting an accurate enough result takes about 30 seconds) Here's the code; the lines are indented just for readability. ClrHome Input "Surface: ",Str0 Str0→Y₈ Input "...

huh, I need 1 more answer in for a [badge:asp.net]
From a management point of view, "I can't change the existing couts" does not gel with "I can change what the existing couts do". Do you not have any semblance of stability control in your codebase? That's a massive contract violation, far more severe than if you actually replaced the original calls in the code. There's no way I'd accept it in code review. Just sayin'. — Lightness Races in Orbit 52 secs ago
@Mat'sMug So find a zombie and nuke it ^^
about to post this on MSO open-source promotion ads, thoughts?
@Mat'sMug What's wrong with it?
Introductions aren't allowed, right? Just the ad and nothing more.
Too bad.
or that?
First one is clearer.
I like the second better, but the text is hard to read.
Q: Finding the sum of all the segments counts of a 7-segment display in a range

eripI'm working on a programming challenge and the question is as follows: Once Max found an electronic calculator from his grandfather Dovlet's chest. He noticed that the numbers were written with seven-segment indicators (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven-segment_display). Max starts to type ...

The lowest text on the first could be a little clearer as well, but all in all that one's already clearer than the 2nd.
that's on SO
but still...
78 upvotes to go
Explains the low vote count.
lol, nice nonetheless
@nhgrif one [badge:nice-answer] in and you get silver! :)
@Mast I went with that one
@Mat'sMug Link?
Get it some upvotes people.
I've seen worse there.
There's already a duck up there though:
well I'm not renaming my project because someone else said "Quack" ;-)
This question belongs to code reviewbansi 16 secs ago
If you want to make working code "better" then go to Code Review as @bansi said. — Registered User just now
Q: Multiple regex replace

signaLIOI receive a string with a lot of characters that I don't need and I am trying to remove them and replace them with characters that I am able to work with. My current structure has me redefining the var multiple times which I feel is not efficient and can probably be done better. Please let me k...

sorry buddy, see below
we could do a CodeReview team if they'd let us
but that's a bit weird
@Quill He knows. He created a Rubberduck team.
oh nice
And, he said he was going to bed.
oh, my apologies, must've missed that messag
No, that is in the Rubberduck room.
Anyone know how to search the source of an image online?
NVM, found Google Image. It didn't work, but that isn't surprising since I don't have the original image.
I don't know what I'm doing up past 12AM tonight - especially when I stayed up until 1AM last night.
Good night folks (and here's to me having one ;)).
Q: Thread sync - using conditional variables

cslrnrCan you review the code? #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <windows.h> #include "bin/include/pthread.h" #include "bin/include/sched.h" #include "bin/include/semaphore.h" #define TCOUNT 10 #define WATCH_COUNT 12 int count = 0; pthread_mutex_t count_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIAL...

a) You have to actually post the code b) If you want someone to improve working code, post this on Code ReviewArc676 26 secs ago
Q: Playing a raw InputStream using Exoplayer

Aman MahajanI was recently implementing exoplayer in my app to stream an mp3 file. I wanted to replace it with audioTrack class where I feeded an raw inputStream of bytes into the audioTrack. But there was no datasource availble in exoplayer where it could take a raw inputstream as a parameter. So I created ...

Q: How to write optimized code in Java?Who can help me to optimize the code?

liliimport java.util.Scanner; public class BasicTranformSixteenToEight { public static void toBinaryTransform(int n, char[][] arry, String[] arryBinaryStr) { String[] arryOctalStr = new String[10]; String str = ""; StringBuilder octalStb = new StringBuilder();...

and I have no clue what that even does...
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: OVH email manager script using docopt
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: View Model Constructor Arguments
Code reviewer (which seems to be a light version of Code Collaborator) is free: codereviewer.org/about/features.htmlozba 42 secs ago
quick question : are in the next sencence any faults?
MVVM, A pattern what will let you forget MVC
Monking all!
hey Quill can you check that title for me please?
It should be that instead of what
also it's not wrong, but make you forget sounds heaps cooler
@JohnSmith I think that belongs to another question already... :/ probably there are some who can help you make faster algorithm in the code review. But there might be some who can do it in SO as well. Try to post it with your updated code. — Ian 53 secs ago
@Quill tthx
no problem :-)
mine first publish on linked in ;)
1 hour later…
Q: how to refactor below code for printing odd even numbers by using two thread considering agile practice

Pratik Sumanpublic class EvenOddNumberPrinter {       private static class NumberPrinter {           // To check if even number is printed or not.         private boolean isEvenPrinted = true;           public void printOdd(int number) throws InterruptedException {             // Get a lock on Number...

Good morning
This was an interesting way to get someone to apply for your job. Wish more people would do that :D
@DanPantry lol, interesting
I came across one of those somewhat recently: here
@Quill that's awesome
I have a strange feeling of Deja Vu right now
Hi everyone
Hey @Caridorc!
@Quill I have been quite inactive lately, but now here I am
I also have a doubt: In your opinion should I answer a question about a programming challange just suggesting a faster algorithm? It just seems to spoil the challange
A lot of opinion based questions will get voted down or marked as off topic for this forum. The idea is that they attract a lot of spam and unrelated comments to this forum. You might try the code review forum within the stack exchange website family. You might also asked something more specific like so you will attract more quality answers. An example would be will this method be more secure and/or faster than the other. I believe the term best practice means a lot of different things to people depending on how they learned to code using that language and where they work. — Larry Lane 36 secs ago
Thank you. I will look into codereview once I get some more material here. My next step is to get smtp working. — jaunty 36 secs ago
@LarryLane too hypothetical for CodeReview — Caridorc 19 secs ago
Oops... I should have filters for my email or something, missed an open job position that got sent to me
Would be in Stockholm though, that isn't that close
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about optimizing working code. It may be a good question on Code Review (but make sure to read their guidelines carefully). — Jongware 27 secs ago
@Jongware 1: "belongs to CodeReview" is not a reason for closing as off-topic. 2: The OP says he gets an exception, hence this is not working code. — Caridorc 32 secs ago
@Caridorc: well the OP himself broke working code by trying to optimize it. So perhaps he could post only the first (working!) part there. (I disagree on your #1; Stack Overflow is for not-working code, Code Review is for working code - per the Help center.) — Jongware 38 secs ago
Does anyone know some utility that could reduce white background in some way?
On the screen, I should've clarified that ^^
What do you mean "reduce" though?
Reduce to what?
I tried some addons for FireFox, but none really worked nicely
Reduce to be less bright to the eyes
so, in web browser
Q: Need feedback on performance issues on this sily script

HelpNeederI've tried to practice performance management while dealing with massive amount of dynamic DOM elements. Please criticize my flaws, and explain how could this perform better focusing mainly on creating elements, displaying them on screen and hiding them when they are not needed anymore. Please ...

Q: Unlock spreadsheet files - follow up 2

Ekult3kAwhile ago I created a program that unlocked spreadsheets, for a better understanding of what happens when it's run, see here. I decided to rewrite it again, and go for a more OOP approach.. My questions being, what can be done better here, Is a module better then a class in this program, and a...

Yes preliminary, but since it affects the IDE also to some extent a system-wide solution would also work
The brightness of the screen is already turned down, and turning it down further will reduce readability on the darker backgrounds :|
Q: Function optimization (checking all elements against each other for elements strictly worse)

paul23Well considering the following function: def test_func(all_copies, checker): bad_copies = set(c[0] for c in itertools.permutations(all_copies, 2) if not checker(*c)) all_copies = [c for c in all_copies if c not in bad_copies] return all_copies This function basically checks (and re...

If you want to improve working code, you should pass over to codereview.stackexchange.com :) — Stephen Reindl 17 secs ago
Q: javascript snake game

LVsuperim following a tutorial from a guy called Max Wihlborg here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU5YPIvJ24Y now, my problem. I wrote everything exactly the same as him, but when he went ahead to test it, his worked but mine didnt. i probably made a writing mistake if you could help me ou...

Q: Method for adding a product with product attributs to cart

Sebastian Jennings AlmnesCurrently I have an app that have many stores. Each store can have several products. Whom again can have many product attributes assigned to them. For instance a shirt is a product, and size and color would be an attribute. What this method does is add that product with it attributes to the cart...

@Rubberduck203 Thx for that bounty. Hadn't had a bounty from someone else on a (non-meta) question of mine before. Makes for a great day :-)
Hey @nhgrif. Is there any sensible way to try out Xamarin without running out and spending an amount of money that my wife would murder me over?
I don't have a Mac...
@RubberDuck Persuade the boss to get it for you?
@RubberDuck It looks like you can get it for free: xamarin.com/platform
I'm not sure if that is everything you need, but it looks like it might be.
@Hosch250 The Mac or Xamarin?
I'm installing it right now. I'll let you know how it goes.
Q: Making record of students and their grades

RachI am trying to write the following code which enables the user to enter a student's details (username, firstname, surname) as well their grades (there can be one grade or several). The code can also show the students entered and their marks. This is what I have so far but I am having issues with...

Yeah. It's worthless without a Mac to connect to over the network as far as I can tell @Hosch250. Waiting for the install to finish.
We have a Mac in the budget, but don't have it yet. I was hoping to evaluate Xamarin a bit before then.
I just got an email. It appears this is just an evaluation.
We have two apps. We're taking over one, and building the other from scratch.
There's talk about Android too though, so Xamarin seems like a nice option.
Any Windows expert around? Trying to help someone troubleshoot an issue with a monitor where the firmware may have become corrupted... would I need to be in BIOS to access something like that or would the Windows shell work OK?
I won't be a help vampire, I promise, I just need to figure out where to start :)
send it back for repairs
It's too old to be worth repairing really
Then it's just in time to be replaced
But an OEM firmware update seems to have failed without completing and now it's borked
I've never even heard about corrupted monitor firmware
who updates their monitor?!
I didn't know about that either, but evidently it's possible. But it was updating via VGA port, which is really slow, and I imagine not very reliable
@Phrancis Uninstall the monitor driver from the driver manager, then reinstall it.
That might help, but probably not.
It sounds like you need access to the monitor's BIOS somehow.
OK we'll try the drivers first, and go to BIOS. We may end up junking it but I hate to just throw away something that might be fixable
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