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Yes, linked lists often suck in practice, even for applications where you would expect them to be the best data structure to use.
so, I haven't really been missing out if I never used a linked list before?
@200_success I think it's supposed to be distance from the center of the planet, which would be ~6 x 10^6 m, and he drew it a little too far to the right :)
Ah, distance to center makes more sense.
A: Under what circumstances are linked lists useful?

Andras VassThey can be useful for concurrent data structures. (There is now a non-concurrent real-world usage sample below - that would not be there if @Neil hadn't mentioned FORTRAN. ;-) For example, ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> in .NET 4.0 RC use linked lists to chain items that hash to the same ...

ooh, I used them without realizing!
It's a top-voted answer, involving C#, and the author isn't Jon Skeet?
There's a related Programmers question that isn't nearly as good. The most important point may be this comment:
Performance optimization really seems to be a wonderful thing
I'm also reminded of this counterintuitive result: the ArrayList implementation turns out to be fast.
Q: Print the N longest lines in a file

Emily L.I have implemented the "Find the N longest lines in a file" problem from CodeEval quoted below. I got a full 100 score and 182ms execution time of their data set on the site so I consider the code to be working and effective. What I'm wondering is, is there something I can do to make this faste...

It's really interesting, on Big-Oh-notation those algorithms should be best, but in reality it really isn't (always the case)
Q: Python killing a tunnel and establishing a tunnel through ssh

Stupid.Fat.CatI have two functions right now: TUNNEL_COMMAND = "ssh -L 27017:localhost:27017 username@ip -f -N" def kill_tunnel(): p = subprocess.Popen(["ps", "aux"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() for line in out.splitlines(): if TUNNEL_COMMAND in line: pi...

@CaptainObvious is that an ok username?
@Mat'sMug Depends, is PETA active around here?
For a lion? I suppose.
@skiwi Big-O is concerned more with scaling rather than performance for a specific case. Occasionally the better scaling functions have more overhead, so they don't become better in performance until you scale things way up.
@skiwi Big-O is for big datasets. If the dataset is too small, a normally slower method could actually win.
> or—​in Intel's terminology—​hyper-threading (HT), which allows an alternate thread to use the CPU core while the first thread waits for required CPU resources to become available.
So that is what HyperThreading actually does
Basically what DanL said.
A CPU cache is a cache used by the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer to reduce the average time to access data from the main memory. The cache is a smaller, faster memory which stores copies of the data from frequently used main memory locations. Most CPUs have different independent caches, including instruction and data caches, where the data cache is usually organized as a hierarchy of more cache levels (L1, L2, etc.). == Overview == When the processor needs to read from or write to a location in main memory, it first checks whether a copy of that data is in the cache. If so, ...
This article is quite a good read ^^
The surprising result is that the benchmark indicates that the array-based solution does scale well.
@DanLyons That's right, and LinkedList vs Array is one example where cache misses occur often... But your algorithm should also not be accessing locations that are far away repeatedly if I'm not mistaken
int a = 0;
int b = 1000;
while (b > a) {
I know, it's a stupid example ^^
But that would have horrible performance then?
It's probably more complicated than this single picture though...
I would hope a good compiler would just reserve registers for b and a, so it would be pretty quick
Even though I guess multiple cache lines can be cached in the cache, and if that wasn't possible it would still be written in registers
sorry about that! the code doesn't show any error on runtime though. I have put the code for review not for error checking though. — lisbeth 3 hours ago
^ What's that supposed to mean?
People have different ideas about what should and what shouldn't be part of a review.
Shouldn't this be proposed to codereview instead of SO ? — Denys Séguret 54 secs ago
I'd say checking for errors is an essential part of that, but there are probably some who disagree for whatever reason.
Q: Adding Tables and Values to database

Thomas WilburI am having problems with my code because I am using a system called styleci. Can you please check it. <?php /* * Tecflare Corporation * Copyright Tecflare Corporation * Provided by the Tecflare Corporation System * * Code has been scanned by styleci.io */ $host = $_POST['hostname']; ...

Q: Reading bytes from packet

MelindaI have a device I connect to on TCP socket. I send it a message with what I want and it sends back all sorts of useful information: +---------------+----------+----------+ | StartTime | 4 bytes | Variable | | Duration | 4 bytes | Variable | | Temp | 2 bytes | Variable | |...

Killing zombiiies
A: Backpropagating with Neural Network

PimgdSo, this is going to be a performance focused review. I'm going to be sacrificing other things to get some more performance. Keep in mind that you should benchmark each run because JIT compilers, memory paging and all the other stuff that tries to make code run fast these days can and will someti...

@Pimgd Oh wow, I know what this is about!
Also I like because I can write dirty code that should theoretically be faster as long as I put a big disclaimer regarding benchmarking
If the code works as intended, this could be a good fit on Code Review as @khelwood mentioned. If you do post it there, you may want to write a title which says something about what your code does. — Phrancis 14 secs ago
I have returned
I have no idea how to rephrase it, but the code will also be theoretically faster without the disclaimer
Except reading that code gives me a headache
Yes, it even gives you a headache faster too
> Yes, it now crashes for layersSize.length == 0. Either add a check or don't support it.
@Phrancis appended review with indentation fix; performance upgrade for maintenance programmer
It shouldn't crash for that case, it's a common case the algorithm needs to support
@Pimgd lol nicely done
@skiwi a 0-layer multilayered perceptron?
what does it mean
@Pimgd There's input and output always
Take for example a dataset on which I'm working now, it's a 28*28 input of grayscale pixels, and 10 output of classes
Okay, I've posted it to codereview. — LifezJoke 9 secs ago
So that's 784 neurons for input layer, 10 for output layer
okay... fixed
gotta do better
oh I know, maybe explain what I'm pointing at in each iteration
If you have no hidden layers, then (in just one specific test case) it achieved a 90% correctness rate, while with a hidden layer (of n=[30]) it got up to 95%
Maybe his original code would be more readable if it wasn't that weirdly formatted
@Pimgd Good answer!
Too bad for him that his code is flawed from a performance point-of-view
Q: First text-based number-guessing game

LifezJokeThis was a learning experience. I have looked around and found some better ways to write some things but wanted a second opinion to look at what i've written and kind of analyze it as well. So I just finished my first "Text based game" Sort of deal. I believe that it's poorly written and is pre...

it probably is
Every layer has their own input and output arrays for example, while output of layer n is really input of layer n+1
but I don't know enough about all the fancy shmancy learning algorithms
all I can do is visualize the flows of the code
and straighten the lines
I don't really see the point of his code, you can either focus on readable or go for absolute best performance, this one has neither ^^
I just finished my first TDD kata (integer -> Roman numerals). What a mess it turned into...
People actually use this method?
@skiwi Well, first you want working code. If after that you have no clue how to continue, you post it here.
I got asked to parse roman numerals as interview question once
took me about 5 minutes to figure out I'd need to parse in reverse
I see I have missed quite a heated debate today...
@Pimgd In TDD you simply start writing and figure that part out during the continuous debug cycle.
@SimonForsberg For some values of missed.
Although it seems like he still has his account here.
Could it be caching?
Takes a few days for disassociation to be processed, from my experience
> You didn't guess correctly.
Your number:2
The random number:1
Main.java:1: error: class, interface, or enum expected
1 error

exit status 1
Something's odd about that guessing game :D
The game throws the answer as exit code? Or is that purely coincidence?
The game apparently doesn't do anything further if you guess the wrong number on 1st Q
> You guessed wrong! The answer is 1 and I'll never let you forget that!
@Phrancis That's not what should be happening
OMG the try/catches
okay now you have to show the code somewhere
    System.out.println("Let's try this out.");
    try {
    catch (InterruptedException ex)
also TrumpScript is like wat
> But most importantly, Trump doesn't like to talk about his failures. So a lot of the time your code will fail, and it will do so silently. Just think of debugging as a fun little game.
In software engineering, don’t repeat yourself (DRY) is a principle of software development, aimed at reducing repetition of information of all kinds, especially useful in multi-tier architectures. The DRY principle is stated as “Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.” The principle has been formulated by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas in their book The Pragmatic Programmer. They apply it quite broadly to include “database schemas, test plans, the build system, even documentation.” When the DRY principle is applied successfully, a ...
(made slight changes so it would work on replit)
Looks like that Wikipedia would be a valid answer.
@Mast Hopefully not.
Exception in thread "main" The first set is 1-2. Pick 1, or 2.
	at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Scanner.java:864)
	at java.util.Scanner.next(Scanner.java:1485)
	at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Scanner.java:2117)
	at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Scanner.java:2076)
	at Main.main(Main.java:105)
There's so many things wrong about that guessing game
@Mat'sMug I'm ready now :)
yeah but I don't get how it broke
slightly faster than anticipated
@Pimgd What did you put into it? AFAICT there is not any input checking :)
it broke completely
won't even run anymore
maybe that's the website's fault
> While it was technically possible to have all the main memory as fast as the CPU, a more economically viable path has been taken: use plenty of low-speed memory, but also introduce a small high-speed cache memory to alleviate the performance gap.
Yeah... let's not have 16GB worth of registers on your CPU
> Are you ready to play? Y/N
You chose: n
If you don't want to play, please exit.
Uncaught Error: Expected ready after reset
main.bundle.js:51 ^--- With additional stack trace: Error: Expected ready after reset
    at repl.it/public/main.bundle.js?1.16.0:51:5800
    at o (repl.it/public/main.bundle.js?1.16.0:53:9366)
    at t._settlePromiseFromHandler (repl.it/public/main.bundle.js?1.16.0:52:14797)
    at t._settlePromiseAt (repl.it/public/main.bundle.js?1.16.0:52:16066)
    at i._drainQueue (repl.it/public/main.bundle.js?1.16.0:51:12939)
ooooooh repl.it crashed
@Pimgd Could be, online IDEs can be touchy
I'm not quite sure what the stacktraces are about and what the current topic is....
Anyways, I gotta go again. I plan on reading up on the chat transcript here on sunday/monday. AFK tomorrow.
how did I get a input mismatch exception
@SimonForsberg Mat's and 200 handled it, so don't feel rushed.
ah, if you don't put numbers
@Mast Yes, I noticed. I'm glad we have them both.
@SimonForsberg I'm glad to have the whole bunch of you :-)
who wrote this
System.exit(0); //Exiting the game, they did not have any points at the time so not displaying any points .
Bad user experience
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this code apparently works and would be best on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Daniel A. White 54 secs ago
the game shuts down without a word
it got us all confused
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's asking for a code review. Try codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — Stijn 52 secs ago
@Pimgd Does it run the Java code as JavaScreipt? o.o
@Pimgd Good thing they are here for the learnings!
@skiwi more like "java code runs on server, uses promises to do I/O"
awww I'm probably gonna rep cap today
This is not a test chat room, use this if you need to test the chat: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/30332/beep-boop-maggot
Q: fixed carousel not advancing

Code4life $(function() { if ($('.form-teaser').length > 0) { $('.form-teaser button').click(function() { window.location = $('#form-teaser-dropdown option:selected').val(); }); } var $buttonBox = $('.button-box'); $buttonBox.click(function() { $( '.mobile-hide' ).toggle( 10, function() { if ($('...

I'm afraid I still don't fully understand what cache lines have to do with Java :| As it is claimed that the JIT is very smart
Someone move my messages to trash if possible, I fixed it by updating chrome
@skiwi cache lines?
6 messages moved to Trash
So, commitstrip and XKCD are already added to chat, but do you guys know about amphibian?
Never heard about them, looks good enough to start reading a couple.
It has bad puns, that's why I like it
I noticed.
@Captain is being slow as usual.
Q: Number to Roman numerals

MastI've been working on numerals conversion lately. Now the JavaScript course I'm following asked me to do something similar for Roman numerals. To keep things fresh and given the amount of test-cases provided I decided to write this one Test-Driven Development style. That is, for as much as I unde...

Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Redis Object storage and convertion
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Using Rails concerns for validation in models
I thought Duck Punching would be similar to Rubberducking. Nope.
> you’ve got to just punch that duck until it returns what you expect
what, make http calls until you get 200 back?
sounds like a stupid idea for things like the 4xx codes
I see the front-end world has discovered decorators
how cute
in... 2010...?
@Mast, whatcha doing reading weird old articles?
@Pimgd It's the Wikipedia/TVTropes effect.
You get a link.
Click some.
Click some more.
All of a sudden it's about Nazis and you lost the internet.
how many tabs?
Only 7 from the link you gave me ^^
Q: Bash function to parse git status

Oliver AtkinsonI have a function here and wondered how well this can be refactored. I currently have this: status=`git status 2>&1 | tee` dirty=`echo -n "${status}" 2> /dev/null | grep "modified:" &> /dev/null; echo "$?"` untracked=`echo -n "${status}" 2> /dev/null | grep "Untracked files" &> /dev/null; echo ...

Q: Python Word Subsets

mattdondersI am looking to build a list of words (three letters or more) that make up a large list of six-letter words. I was wondering if there was a cleaner or more efficient way to loop through the characters to build these subsets. The top of this program (not posted) takes two .txt files - one contain...

Q: Convert Multivalued map to HashMap

user1950349I have a Multivalued map (javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap<String, String>) which I want to convert to regular HashMap so I got below code: private Map<String, String> convertMultiToRegularMap(MultivaluedMap<String, String> m) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); if ...

Q: Writing a Counter object to a CSV-file in Python 3

RolfBlyIn Python 3.4, a Counter object called cnt like this: Counter({'0200': 3, '3000': 2, '3011': 2, '0210': 1, '4000': 1}) is to be written to a comma-separated file. I first tried with csv and DictWriter that I had not used before, but I kept getting misty errors and was pressed for time, ...

@Pimgd Do you know freefall?
I think I did but I forgot
One of the best strips I've read and still active.
@Pimgd quick to answer, but it's sadly still necessary to regularly ask
I looked at it and thought "STREAMS"
because for whatever reasons people write their programs in a way that makes it hard to properly migrate them to a newer java version
also I think you can also get the foreach into a stream...
sure, but I didn't feel like alienating the crap out of the code
        e -> entry.getValue().stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ")
I just wanted to add that the --disable-async-dns flag was removed; see here for the details. If it wasn't removed, at the very least it doesn't seem to do anything anymore on Windows. sigh back to developing using Firefox... — FireSBurnsmuP 58 secs ago
@Vogel612 ... I think you mean groupingBy
anyway, posted 2nd answer,
too late now
I think iterator could help here
now I gotta look up if this will blow up with nulls
javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap can't contain null, right
> Each key can have zero or more values.
@Pimgd zero values != null
this just means that the list is probably empty
no, but with iterator, you get to eat NoSuchElementException
maybe you can skip them with an if (list.isEmpty()) continue;
gotta migrate null values as well or keySet() would change
Ah I got a valid review point
you been on SO much lately?
I try to get to 2k by editing
so I can fix all the typos in stuff I google
fell asleep with 2nd monitor open
830 new messages
@Quill a small drama...
stringbuilder and for-each on list
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm yep that'll do it
Even without drama we generate over a thousand comments per day.
15 more rep till 11111
but here's the trouble
capped in 10
I'll have to wait till tomorrow
and then somehow get a question upvote...? Probably not gonna happen =D
welp, I'm repcapped now
That makes half of the problem fixed.
Ask a question tomorrow and the other half is fixed as well.
@Vogel612 what'd I miss?
I'm probably gonna get upvoted in the night
because I was pretty active today
@Quill drama...
nothing in between regulars though, so no big landmines
or exploding bear traps.
oh, I think I saw some of that in Nth
The star wall shows the most of it.
@Quill A guy who didn't want to use CR but stuck around in chat anyway. It was handled.
back to more enjoyable things
sorry to bring it up
Talking about more enjoyable things, I wrote another JS question.
I still can't stand the language, but I enjoy making it do new things.
Quite unexpected.
Such JavaScript... Many unexpected... Wow...
if (1 == "1") console.log("lol")
oh no now we have to bring up wat again
Oct 21 '14 at 11:26, by Jeroen Vannevel
See how old it is
@Phrancis truthy is the bane of our existence
The joke was supposed to have died a long time ago
unless you need to, always use ===
> No video with supported format and MIME type found.
but it didn't
@Mast works for me
@Phrancis Not too long ago somebody figured out JS lets you divide a number by a function.
Damn, have we been bashing on javaScript for that long?
@Phrancis Probably since release.
4 / function(){}
>> NaN
@Mast wat
Shouldn't that be Undefined?
@Quill I'm still waiting for the ========== operator to make sure something is really true :)
@Pimgd Yea, that sums it up quite nicely.
@Hosch250 no. any number operations with non-number elements return Not A Number
@Phrancis I know it's sarcasm, but it hurts ;P
NaN indicates that there's a value but it can't be interpreted or used as a number
aww yeah, 18 minutes of wat
I think undefined is like null isn't it?
I don't even encounter null
yeah, but not really
it shouldn't be in your code
undefined is very common
@Quill Stay in the real world
JavaScript was build for trivia evenings.
awwwwww don't fix that
too little sleep
Question 12: To what does [] + {} resolve?
brb donuts
the same as var a = {}; a.toString();
@Mast undefined?
@Phrancis No, the string representation of an object
@Phrancis [object Object]
var a = prompt();
var b = Array(a--).fill``
As said, it was build for trivia.
Nobody will get all questions right.
@DanPantry would win, but I'd come in second
it equals 0 for me
@Hosch250 Which is JavaScript's way of telling you It's probably something, but not a number
Yeah, it is pretty crazy.
Q: Objects and arrays addition

HilmiCan anyone explain to me how the results of the following was evaluated? {} + {} // NaN [] + {} // "[object Object]" {} + [] // 0 [] + [] // ""

@Mast I'd say NaN... but it's probably "" or 0
@Phrancis Yea, it's 0
In JavaScript it matters what part of the summation you put left and right.
Change them and shit happens.
Yeah, it is incredibly stupid.
> The optional parameter PreferredType is either Number or String. It only expresses a preference, the result can always be any primitive value. If PreferredType is Number, the following steps are performed to convert a value input (§9.1):
> If input is primitive, return it as is.
Otherwise, input is an object. Call obj.valueOf(). If the result is primitive, return it.
Otherwise, call obj.toString(). If the result is a primitive, return it.
Otherwise, throw a TypeError.
Apparently addition no longer follows the rules of addition, that right + left == left + right.
@Hosch250 It does, but not in JavaScript.
In most other languages it doesn't matter.
On the other hand, you shouldn't be adding things of different types anyway.
TL;DR Concatenating non-primitives results in conversion to non-primitives
In about 7 years, I'm going to have the golden question badge on SO.
@Hosch250 that's not how this works in maths
just because you can define an addition
doesn't mean you can switch operands
Because reasons.
3 mins ago, by Quill
> If input is primitive, return it as is.
Otherwise, input is an object. Call obj.valueOf(). If the result is primitive, return it.
Otherwise, call obj.toString(). If the result is a primitive, return it.
Otherwise, throw a TypeError.
I like the Ruby one, where you hijack the error handling for a missing method, or whatever.
So instead of getting an error for raw text, you can make it do other things.
I think you can do something similar in JavaScript with .prototype, but I'm not sure about that.
> Fortunately, the draft specification has been implemented in recent versions of the major browsers, with the exception of Internet Explorer of course.
@Mast I love these guys
@Mast There's an Error and ErrorEvent prototypes but I don't know which is for that
A wild DanPantry appeared!
not completely paying attention atm
just noticed i got pinged
I assume the Mug counted you as RO...
@DanPantry blames Quill
You are discussing working code without obvious problems, which makes this question more appropriate at codereview. For Stack Overflow, this goes down as primarily opinion-based. — Gert Arnold 34 secs ago
star wall is filled with javascript puns lol
@Vogel612 did I?
not sure
@Vogel612 he was RO for a while
that would explain the ping
@Mast that's the usual response for everything though, so I wouldn't count it as non-normal
@Vogel612 The ping:
29 mins ago, by Quill
@DanPantry would win, but I'd come in second
how did I read my own message out of context
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb << add("abc") << add("def");
    def ("Person") ({
        init: function(name){
            this.name = name;
        speak: function(text){
            alert(text || "Hi, my name is " + this.name);
    def ("Ninja") << Person ({
        init: function(name){
        kick: function(){
            this.speak("I kick u!");
    var ninjy = new Ninja("JDD");
wow, def.js is cool
@Quill Not enough factory jQuery.
Q: PHP multiple-configurations class for practice and later use

BasI wrote a abstract Configuration class, then a abstract ConnectionConfiguration class and a then a abstract DatabaseConnection class. ConnectionConfiguration extends Configuration DatabaseConnection extends ConnectionConfiguration My reason for doing this was learning more about object-orient...

It sounds like you need git rebase. Personally use git up to pull down all branches every morning, then rebase my development branches onto master. Before merging into master and after code review I'd squash all commits on my branch before pushing. Also see kentnguyen.com/development/visualized-git-practices-for-teamMeredith 33 secs ago
oh man, Daft Punk sounds amazing through subwoofers & surround sound
Daft Punk always sounds amazing
it's shaking my lounge
Incoming "Is this a question?"
1 hour league games gaaaaah
@DanPantry better than 20 minute games because your opponent was too dumb to counterplay you and ragequit
@Quill It is scary that someone (ab)used the left shift operator to create some kind of inheritance. Then again, I agree that is kinda cool though.
@Quill wtf is that
@DanPantry still better than csgo
@DanPantry def.js, a library that fake overloads the operators to change inheritance
Q: EF IQueryable Extension Methods

FirstDivisionI've started building extension methods for my EF classes like below because it makes building queries so easy, and the intellisense provided helps keep people from writing a new Where() clause in code every time they do to do something. Example Extensions to an EF User Class public static cl...

def.js is altering the syntax?
this is a js library, right?
I call hacks
@DanPantry primitive conversion, actually
Q: This JavaScript syntax I haven't seen till now, what does it do really?

npupToday I saw a JavaScript syntax (when invoking a function) that is unfamiliar to me. It was like: def('Person') ({ init: function(name) {this.name=name;} ,speak: function(text) {alert(text || 'Hi, my name is ' + this.name);} }); , and def('Ninja') << Person ({ kick: function() {this.spe...

@DanPantry when a non-primitive type is called with a modifying operator, it tries to convert to a primitive type
@Sumurai8 that would fail any code review I did
1 hour ago, by Quill
> If input is primitive, return it as is.
Otherwise, input is an object. Call obj.valueOf(). If the result is primitive, return it.
Otherwise, call obj.toString(). If the result is a primitive, return it.
Otherwise, throw a TypeError.
Being "clever" in code is not a good thing
basically you replace toString and valueOf in the item, and you can replace inheritance
each operator has a different way of calling, so you can replace functionality effectively
If I had a child and they used that hack, I would replace their inheritance too.
You may find this interesting: Fake operator overloading in JavaScript
ya right... wat?
It's like method_missing? in Ruby
The WhereInRole method's purpose is to get all users in a role. My example query was getting "all admins named Bob" -- so for that it's ok I think? Also, as per the comment in the main area I moved this over to CodeReview which is where I guess it belongs. — FirstDivision just now
you can write a method that allows you to use bare words in Ruby
That's pretty awesome
but if you ever actually do that... wat
function StringBuilder() {
    this.data = "";
// Called by <<
StringBuilder.prototype.valueOf = function () {
    StringBuilder.current = this;
// Used to access the aggregated string
StringBuilder.prototype.toString = function () {
    return this.data;
function add(value) {
    return {
        valueOf: function () {
            StringBuilder.current.data += value;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb << add("abc") << add("def");
console.log(sb.toString()); // abcdef
try it
@DanPantry DO IT; Let it consume you
the blog post totally lost me at replacing operand actions, but yeah.
interesting stuff
That Friday song is like the worst song in existence.
@Mat'sMug is there going to be a Meta about what happened today?
The effects of over-saturation have already been expressed
@Zak what happened?
A: Help Desk Chatroom

Simon ForsbergHave one user reply to the comments on Stack Overflow, not five users. This answer is not intended to address whether or not you should keep the chatroom or not. What is important is that we shouldn't "gang up" on SO users. Even though we don't intend to do that, here is what I often see happen:...

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