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OK. I'll restate mine. I believe it's a good idea to edit out elements of code to focus on the areas of interest for Code Review. That's obviously the most productive use of people's time. I also don't see that code needing to be 'real' needs it to be full and unedited. Not the same. So it's (a) the most useful thing to do and (b) not explicitly forbidden.
depends on how far you go I'd say
there is the close reason "hypothetical or stub code" after all
I suggested an MCVE and someone went off on one about it being off-topic for code review and invited me here.
@DanAllen MCVEs Are Off-Topic on Code Review.
if you strip too much context (like it's necessary for an MCVE) the code becomes stub code and will be closed
@Vogel612 Just to get some clarification, perhaps it would be good to explain why stub code get's closed.
@DanAllen I did explain above why I think MCVE's are different from editted code. Do you think that view is wrong, and if so, how?
Zak, there's no material difference between "Full and Complete within the context of the desired scope of your review" and MCVE that anyone should care about.
Sorry... do you hear yourself talking?
are you sure you understand what terminology we use?
This is way too nit-picking about English. That works for programming lan
Greetings, Programs.
I understand the English words and technical language. A bit better than some here.
You always go on about the "English" yourself and you're not ready to read up on the semantics we use in the context of code review?
Look at the nonsense about what is or isn't a forum.
but then you go on to condescendingly tell us (who have crafted these rules lovingly) that you know them better than us?
@Donald.McLean raise HandException();
There's no where to read those up other than on the site.
Technically there is but it's not very feasible (browse meta a lot)
this is the last warning if you keep this unconstructive and toxic behaviour in the discussion I will kick you
how the fk is that toxic
@Vogel612 I don't think @DanAllen deserves to be kicked
@Zak did you read the removed message?
I actually missed that one
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.
@Zak be happy
Removed message?
Sure, he's being pedantic and obtuse and a *tad* condescending, but mostly civil.
He's slightly frustrated at the inability to get his point across, eh
@DanAllen the one our moderator deleted for you because you couldn't remain constructive and civil about the rules we set up for here
Is sent here over a pedantic interpretation of I don't even know what and then told I was pendantic.
Thanks for wasting my time. This is petty
I'm sorry you feel that way
but you're seriously making it hard on us (or at least me)
the whole reason we jumped on MCVE is because the whole spirit of MCVE is to strip something down to the bare essentials
and that gets rid of all the context
we'd like at least some context
@JuanCarlosOropeza, alright, I'll make a post at codereview as well. Thanks. — Maham Fatima 42 secs ago
because otherwise we end up writing "it depends" answers
for like, forever?
calling a timeout for myself... BBIAB.
But on the other hand, there's no need to copy pasta your entire class if all you're interested in is "is my binary search method looking alright"?
@DanAllen Perhaps you could enlighten us as to why an MCVE would be helpful on Code Review, remembering that the purpose of Code Review is to analyze and improve existing, working code.
I think that on Code Review it's likely to go the other direction than compared to SO
on SO, people will ask you to make MCVE to reduce the problem
here we might ask you to provide more context
There are some cases where we suggest you trim the code too, but that's if you post your entire project or something
And the whole reason we ask that when we ask that is because we think people won't look at your question
@DanAllen Minimal Complete Verifiable Examples have a specific close reason over here, it's called "Example Code". Probably stub code too. We don't want (or accept) examples. We want actual code.
At the end of the day, I think it's best if you were to just post a question
And look at the reaction
and if it's terribly terribly wrong we really ought to start providing clearer examples of this
Zak and you call me pedantic.
@Zak I do think it would be helpful for someone to clarify why example code is off-topic, rather than just "it is."
A: Why was this closed as being hypothetical code?

Pimgd # It's considered fine. else: # It's considered a problem. else: # Other code which checks for other possible errors... else: # Other code which checks for other possible errors... That bit alone makes me go "you've cropped the code for us". That...

+ "it depends"
Jeff Atwood defined Code Review as follows, back in 2011:
> Does this code make my ass look fat?
That's... a very useful description 9_9
a MCVE won't let anyone answer that question
although there I do say "full" and I'm wondering whether I should edit it out
@Mat'sMug we've been over this; "Yes it does" =D
A: How is this site different from Stack Overflow?

Jeff AtwoodDid you not read the FAQ at all? About page What topics can I ask about here? As I said on Twitter, this site is about asking Does this code make my ass look fat? In other words, general broad-spectrum subjective feedback about blocks of code you've written. Stated another way, on Stac...

@Zak Can we call it quits if he posts MCVS (Specimen)?
Build failed in Jenkins:
oh crap
@Pimgd "file system consistency check"?
no, broken tests
oh, looks like its a coworker
Even better.
"My tests pass! Hahaha!"
It's friday too, so I can say "have a nice weekend"
From that Meta:
> On Code Review, everything about the posted code is reviewable. Therefore, the code in the question must be preserved verbatim, including aspects that have no effect on functionality, such as whitespace, naming, and comments.
Q: How to simplify this Mysql Query, UNION ALL

Maham FatimaI'm replicating a scenario on a sample set for better understanding. Database Table: Products Report required from that table, I've written following query to achieve this, SELECT `Product`, `Price`, `Total Customers`, `Customer1 Name` AS 'Customer Name' FROM `Products` WHERE `Products`.`...

@Zak We did that because schelling fence
it's a slippery slope to wobble about with "is this edit acceptable?"
so we just say no
don't touch the code after it is posted if possible, thanks
@pimgd. It's important to understand the question was about memory barriers / atomics in C++. The really valuable and important code to post reduces the classes to (say) 3 lines that can checked very carefully.
2 mins ago, by Zak
> On Code Review, everything about the posted code is reviewable. Therefore, the code in the question must be preserved verbatim, including aspects that have no effect on functionality, such as whitespace, naming, and comments.
I think that should sufficiently answer why MCVEs are off-topic for Code Review.
@DanAllen And why can't more lines be checked carefully?
> I'm confused! What questions are on-topic for this site?

Simply ask yourself the following questions. To be on-topic the answer must be "yes" to all questions:

Is code included directly in my question? (See Make sure you include your code in your question below.)
Am I an owner or maintainer of the code?
Is it actual code from a project rather than pseudo-code or example code?
Do I want the code to be good code? (i.e. not code-golfing, obfuscation, or similar)
To the best of my knowledge, does the code work as intended?
last point is:
@DanAllen Isn't that a bit short? I'd want to know what you're using the memory barrier for
> Do I want feedback about any or all facets of the code?
@pimgd The poster already cut out some irrelevant code that built some big object by setting loads of members that exxtraneous to the important and valuable question "Is this thread safe".
if you wish to solicit a change of policies I suggest you write up a meta-post
instead of going in circles about it in chat
circles are round and nice
is there a question link
However I was explicitly told that Code needs to be full. We the site doesn't say that and can guarantee that the best interests of the question wouldn't be served that way.
@DanAllen correct
so what?
@DanAllen Define "full."
or rather: Does the asker know what their best interests are?
and the answer Code Review gives is often: no
"full" and "unedited" was the phrase
because of lacking experience, "Betriebsblindheit" and other factors that make you overlook things in the code
@Vogel612 "Betriebsblindheit"?
6 mins ago, by Zak
> On Code Review, everything about the posted code is reviewable. Therefore, the code in the question must be preserved verbatim, including aspects that have no effect on functionality, such as whitespace, naming, and comments.
Vogel612 the fact that nothing is off topic is exactly why it's a good idea to amend code. If you can't ask people to not comment on everything then the only sensible way forward is to not show them everything.
translate: Betriebsblindheit
(from German) Operating blindness
The German language has such cool words. /end-offtopic
I think you're looking at it backwards. Not what to reviewers want but what help to askers want.
@DanAllen that is the stack overflow idea
Making it a condition that if you ask about one thing you have to accept answers about anything will only put people off.
the code review idea is "the other way round"
@DanAllen and we're a bunch of CR regulars telling you that on this site it's the other way around
@DanAllen so be it
Vogel612 we're discussing Code Review remember.
@EBrown "Betriebsblindheit" is when you're cowboying in your spaghetti so deep that you don't even see you could just pull that one string to untangle it all
@DanAllen correct. But you're atacking this from the Stack Overflow angle...
That's not useful. Overflow for code that don't work. Review for code that does.
so I'm trying to explain that the expectations you have towards Stack Overflow don't work for Code Review
I'm never thought they did. You've still misunderstood what I'm saying.
@DanAllen no. Stack Overflow nowhere excludes working code
@DanAllen Yes, we are. And that statement just goes to prove that you aren't thinking critically about this site or what it's for. What value does an MCVE have when an MCVE leaves out very important details that are necessary for a proper review?
> You're using less-than-idea variable names.
That doesn't get answered by an MCVE.
@DanAllen enough of this. Your answers are here, this discussion isn't going anywhere. read the link and if you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to bring them up on meta. We're done here.
moving on then
did we have the feared ritual today already?
4 messages moved to Trash
Code review is far smaller and less active or well known that Overflow - for a start
@DanAllen last warning.
@DanAllen If you really want to continue after the site moderator told you to stop. I recommend relocating to the Nth.

 The Nth Monitor

Conversations that don't quite fit in The 2nd Monitor
What have I done expect disagree with you? Is that off-topic now?
@Mat'sMug I really really wish my boots had spikes...
@EBrown that wasn't needed
@Mat'sMug RBA
> Vogel612 has invited you to join Trash.
Thanks, but no
@Pimgd moving messages does that :/
@DanAllen not off-topic. I'm just saying, everything that had to be said, has been told already. you have been provided with links to our meta and our help center, and cordially invited to disagree on meta. this is the main site chatroom, and we don't like to drag disagreements that spin in circle, at least not in this room.
@Mat's Mug. Thanks. Doesn't answer all the questions. i've no idea why anyone put me through this. Thanks. You really should consider making the on-tpoic/off-topic advice more prominent and less ambgiuous. It is surprisingly hard to find. I had to google to get it. There's no easy path in the sites.
@DanAllen possibly relevant:
Q: On-topic list is too hard to find in the new help center

AJ HendersonThe On-Topic section is really the core of what defines a site. In the former FAQ sections, it was prominently placed and easy to identify. Now in the Help Center, it is buried half way down and 3 columns over. I knew what I was looking for and it still took me several minutes to find. Such a...

hmmmhhhh, but when we say you gotta be willing to get your code reviewed on all aspects
@CaptainObvious VTC as pseudo-code
but you also say you are restricted to <old standard>
@DanAllen Unfortunately, that's beyond our control. Has to be changed by SE. We didn't put you through anything. You made a comment recommending a move to CR. I responded to you tell that your recommendation was likely to get the question closed on code Review and you were invited here to discuss anything you wanted clarified.
doesn't that contradict somewhere?
like, programming C89 or Java 1.2 or whatever
I've been bombarded with petty semantic discussions. It hasn't been fun or useful.
This whole thing was suboptimal for all involved...
Q: Using an Edit box in a table views header section to insert the values into the table using swift

user12345Allow me to provide some context. I have a UITableViewCell that contains an EditText and a Button. This cell is then inserted into the self.tableView.tableHeaderView property of the table to achieve the following result: Below is my implementation for the view controller: class ViewController...

I think the problem we tried to get leverage on with the CR Help Desk has shown itself again
Hey maybe you at least know what 'forum' means now. Not all bad.
it's important to not go into a 1 v n discussion when someone comes here with questions
@DanAllen not quite in the mood for jokes just yet :/
@Vogel612 you're no fun =/ /s
Jenkins build is back to stable
wait I mean boooo
screw that song
@Vogel612 Blech.
but yeaaaaaaaaaaaah the build works again
now I can go home
@Vogel612 Whilst I agree in general, judging by the dynamics here, I don't think that would've led to a different outcome.
I was told before working code can't go on SO. Now I know it can.
I also know Code Review will be populated by pedants who insist on criticising everything insight so best avoided. Both useful.
17 hours ago, by Quill
Had to scroll wayyyyy back for the original topic. But it seems the original question "but I wanted to ask if there's a proper way to do this without lacking a good performance" is on-topic, as long as the code works, which it does in this case
@DanAllen is in the room description for a reason
@DanAllen pedant is best reviewer ever
@DanAllen Well, I'm glad you got something useful out of it.
@Mast other way round...
can we not flag mildly-offensive statements
it's such a hate-tool
@Pimgd well... mildly is always a matter of subjectivity
@DanAllen you may want to tone that statement differently, people are flagging it, and people aren't that flag-happy in here
Can we not flag statements which I think are mildly-offensive
"but Pim what is mildly offensive"
oh crap it started all over again
eh, I'mma go home
Tone it down a notch please, guys.
Can't wait till my pizza is ready.
@Phrancis not quite sure on that one...
What I said is in the same register as other comments directed to me. I didn't find any of that even mildly offensive. There must be some soft egos if that puts backs up.
While the dataset is a sample, that never stopped us from reviewing the code
@DanAllen you're really good at crossing lines, you know?
Let's just talk about something else
> My original query is a lot more complex, with multiple joins and conditional columns values.
@Phrancis I must've missed that part
@DanAllen Sorry for the rough welcome to CR... we really are usually very nice, but sometimes discussions can get heated, here as everywhere else.
@phrancis I wasn't complaining about the tone. It's unfriendly but inoffensive. I have a thicker skin than some it seems.
@Phrancis I've edited the pseudo-query out, feel free to retract CV's
@Mat'sMug OMG, THE PAIN (thanks ;)
I just came to write this :) — Gábor Angyal Feb 26 '15 at 17:07
@Phrancis. Not my welcome. That was a year or so ago and much more productive. Though now I know I don't need to use CR because you CAN post working code to Overflow.
@DanAllen Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but do you want to use CR or not?
I'll be off for a while. behave yourselves, aight?:)
@Prancis I won't be back on that basis because it's obviously flawed to perform a 'Code Review' without a common 'Coding Standard' as people will criticise things compliant with one not compliant with another. So the only practice to stay sane is post to Overflow with a targeted question.
Q: Server client for distributed system

lisbethThis is the code I am using for a distributed system. The code will be used to allow the server to send parts of a (really big) document which will be processed by the connected clients. Please tell me what things would make it more efficient and if there are any security issues that I can correc...

Q: My BootStrap col is not working.

helloMundoI am trying to build a portfolio website right now, and want to have a column of skills with badges showing what language skills I have. However, the Bootstrap col isn't working. I place wrapped my entire body in the .container-fluid div and the col in a .row div but it doesnt seem to be working.

Q: PHP class's errors in different languages

Victor TelloI have a data validation class, which I would like to return errors in many languages. I'm not writing the whole class, just the needed parts as my question only refers to that. <?php class Validator { public $error = null; private $options = null; private $errors = [ ...

@Mast CR is useless because people are free to comment on any & all aspects of the code and teach you things and point out issues you might haven't remotely thought about
@Mast So the answer I discover is - No. I don't want to post to CR. I only ever did because I was told to but reason it appears was invalid. Maybe the rules changed? It was a while ago and CR was in beta.
@DanAllen It's for you to decide.
@DanAllen People criticize what they criticize. One person may make a comment on one aspect of the code while another comments on a different aspect; that's what separates CR from SO. Stack Overflow is designed and expected to target specific concerns, problems or issues. Code Review is for the broader "how am I doing as a programmer" question.
@DanAllen So what are you still doing here if you don't want to use the site?
@Ebrown I'm not using it. I'm chatting to you about it's significant flaw.
You never know someome might improve it. I'm sure there's a good idea in there somewhere but if SO accepts working code maybe there isn't.
which, for us, is it's most awesome feature
@DanAllen Wow, that's even worse than a help vampire.
@DanAllen You seem to think a lack of an MCVE is a "significant flaw", does that mean that Programmers should be considered flawed because you don't even have to have an actual problem to post there?
Somebody in need of attention who doesn't want to be helped.
@DanAllen SO asks for specific concerns, issues or problems. Code Review simply asks for code that works, so that we may suggest ways it can be improved.
Mat's Mug. Well Obviously I'm not like you and want people to feedback lots of things I probably already know or don't care about. Each to their own.
@DanAllen We are a Q/A site. Not a "forum".
@EBrown I don't recognise that as what I said.
I said it's not useful if people are going to review everything aspect against any standard they choose and pick out things you may already know but not have had time to fix.
@DanAllen The perhaps you should make time to fix them.
You are supposed to polish your code the best you can before you post. If you can't fix those things, how can you fix the other things we point out?
Or mention the flaws you already know so reviewers don't have to point them out to you.
@Hosch250. You are a forum. A Q&A site is a kind of forum. I think you're locked into an idea that the word 'forum' means a very narrow form of website when it's actually a broad term in the English language that you don't own and neither do I.
Or write a self-answer.
@DanAllen No!
in VBA Rubberducking, 3 hours ago, by Zak
in The 2nd Monitor, Oct 9 '15 at 0:22, by Legato
Hello @rolfl I hope you're having a great day. Just wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you for all the awesome quality answers you've given me and so many others on the site, I've learned so much and continue to do so and I have fantastic contributors like you to thank.
@DanAllen I never said I own the English language, so please...
in VBA Rubberducking, 3 hours ago, by Zak
in The 2nd Monitor, Aug 31 '15 at 19:01, by Zak
@IntensifierDescriptorMan I've learnt far more about "good" in the past 2 weeks of being on CR than a whole year of googling "how to program VBA well" and reading SO answers.
If you know it's an issue and don't want people commenting on it, it's alright to say you don't want them reviewed.
We got a meta full with responses like Mat's linked, so I'd definitely say CR is useful.
@DanAllen How is this relevant?
OK, an internet "forum" is where people just post long threads of stuff, like Reddit. A Q/A site is there the threads have to have very high quality and pertain to the discussion, or they are removed.
@EBrown It absolutely definitely says in the CR tour that you must wanty anything and everything to be reviewed and it's been said over and over and over on here to me that is absolutely 100% part of the deal.
A forum thread has no use for anyone but the participants. A Q/A is like a dictionary - it is useful for years later to everyone.
We're obviously not going to remove this troll so I'm out for the rest of the day.
I feel this discussion is going in the wrong direction.
Have fun all, don't let anyone spoil your Friday.
@Mast Same here
please, the forum vs Q&A discussion isn't happening again
A: Is Stack Overflow a forum?

Adam LearStack Overflow is not a forum. Forums are largely discussion-based and tend to follow less strict rules about what posts can be like. On Stack Overflow (and Stack Exchange in general), we require every new thread to be started with a question and every response to that question to be an attempt ...

Hosch250 That's my point. You're a techie thinking forum is a techie word. It isn't. Really. oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/forum
It existed long before computers.
@DanAllen Clearly this discussion is pointless. You seem to be selectively understanding what we are saying.
@DanAllen It existed with a totally different meaning way back before 0AD. Words' meanings change.
Funny I get the same feeling.
And, they have specific meanings in different contexts and groups.
@Hosch250 we've been through this already, thanks
That is the current definition.
Yes, it is pointless, if you're going to argue what the finer points of what "forum" means.
OK, I'm out. Obviously you didn't read my message that they have different meanings in different contexts.
I can agree it isn't a discussion forum but it most certainly is a forum. It isn't useful to go too far in redefining normal words in public forums.
Sure, context is important.
SE regulars across every single SE site will take offense at being called a "forum". just so you know.
But that aside, let's get back to what this whole discussion was about, if it is still relevant?
SO you should say 'Isn't a forum in the way we use the word'. It gets a bit Humpty Dumpty again but at least the use of in-group language is clear
I was just explaining what might need to happen to CR for it to actually be useful and was dragged back into pedantry about the word 'forum'.
in the 2-3 years I've been active on CR, you are the, oh, I'd say, 3rd person to claim CR isn't useful
I need to go get food so I'll leave you with it. CR - either not clear what it's for and if it is clear not very useful. Stick to SO for any focused question.
@DanAllen K
@DanAllen Enjoy your food!
CR is the most useful site on the internet.
@Hosch250 That's subjective. CR is useful, but I find the BBC more useful at times.
Enough. Please.
Facebook is useful at times, too
So is Reddit.
Interestingly I've had some downvotes on ancient answers while this was going on. I have to say that my gut tells me it's spite voting. Thanks for the welcome guys. It's been worthless.
Facebook is mostly useful for assignment deadlines for my university. What? That's not what facebook events are for? Well... that's too bad.
@DanAllen FWIW I saw that answer and considered downvoting and/or adding a mod notice, but I thought it'd be over-the-top. the answer isn't reviewing the code, it's presenting an alternative solution without explaining anything - it's a SO answer.
(assuming you're talking about the answer I was looking at)
code-dump "try this!" answers aren't good CR answers
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Paras D Pain: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117304/revisions
Is this still going on?
Chat has been quiet for a bit
Do you want to discuss how delicious chocolate cookies are?
Because chocolate cookies are delicious.
Just saying.
hi @200_success :)
hi @Jamal!
Q: (Simple) String Inverter Program

Lúcio CardosoI'm am currently studying c programming, but I'm at a very basic level. So for practice I made a program that reads a string and inverts it. I want to know if the code is readable and how can I improve it. /* * Goal: Given a string, invert it, then print the result. * Author: Lúcio Cardoso */ ...

Q: Singly-linked implementation in C

DeiDeiC++ programmer here. Thought I'd revisit the roots and scribbled something real quick. Would appreciate input on how my C code is looking! Thanks! slist.h #ifndef SLIST_H #define SLIST_H #include <stddef.h> #include <stdbool.h> struct slist_s { int key; struct slist_s* next; }; ...

Q: FFmpeg command line for showing two videos side by side

Vi.Here is command line for playing two videos side by side in sync in FFmpeg (ffplay). It can be useful for comaring videos, for example. ffplay -v warning -f rawvideo -s 800x400 -i /dev/zero -vf 'movie=video1.mkv,scale=400x400 [mv2] ; movie=video2.mkv,scale=400x400 [mv1]; [in][mv1] overlay=0:0 [t...

@mods could we have a word in private about this with the other ROs in.. let's say 4 hours?
@Mat'sMug hi
@Vogel612 just ping when you're ready
Hi @DanielA.White..I am actually looking for 'Synchronous call at the time of file operations' and on the top of that, I am in fact looking how to write a Json file. If you still find I should post it under code review, I will do that. — Dhiraj Aggarwal 35 secs ago
in The Nth Monitor, yesterday, by Hosch250
Hey guys - we have a new language to write FizzBuzz in! TrumpScript. :P
Is it safe to come back?
@Phrancis Great...
@Hosch250 Yes
they stole our "TS"!
@CaptainObvious I'm not sure this is tagged right.
ah man
I take ONE nap and I've missed all the juicy drama
bunch of forumusers
@JeroenVannevel you snooze you lose!
That MySQL code is making my eyes bleed a bit
CONCAT(APF.`element_3_1`,' ',APF.`element_3_2`,' ',APF.`element_3_3`,' ',APF.`element_3_4`,' ',APF.`element_3_5`,' ',APF.`element_3_6`) AS 'Primary Site Address',
For the record: going forward, please let random SO users call us a forum all they want. Let's be pedantic about the code we review, and stay clear of meaningless arguments over the meaning of a word.
Well, glad to see that the mess has been cleaned up.
Q: Create Express 4 module to handle socket.io events

Below the RadarI am new to nodejs and express 4. I would like to create a module that will handle my application socket.io events in order to put the code outside of app.js I am not sure how I could do it. My app.js looks like this for now: var express = require('express'); var socket_io = require('socket.io'...

Hi. The reason the answer just says '"It's this" is because it's an answer to my own question. Another user (glampert) provided the answer as a comment - which I referenced. However I don't like questions that get answered in comments and never answered so I elaborated the answer in an Answer!
No worries though. As mentioned I've no plans to use CR again in the near future.
Way too petty for me.
Hi, Dan. CR moderator here. I just came in at the end of this, and have finished reading the transcript for the last three hours. I must say, I'm so sorry for the reception you got here.
I urge our regular room participants to take a break, then go back and read the transcript from a neutral observer's point of view, and reflect on how we should have avoided escalating tensions.
Not now, though.
Don't dare put this on us.
Like I said, not now.
it just so happens that CR regulars love this site, and will fight to death to defend it, its usefulness and the place it's taking on the SE network and the Internet as a whole. calling CR "useless" and "unhelpful" and "too petty" isn't exactly ... constructive, for lack of a better word.
Q: NodeJs Code Optimization

Dhiraj AggarwalBelow code is Reading text from web using WebDriver element and writing data in Json file. I just want you to optimize the below snippet as I am new to NodeJs. I had to used if-else(to write only last line in the Json file) just because of Asynchronous behaviour of nodeJs otherwise I was trying ...

@RMunroe Why is Earth at 10^7 meters from me?
@200_success Well thanks for the apology. But too little too late I'm afraid. I've just deleted my Code Review account. Now it's been made clear you CAN post working code on Stack Overflow and there seems to be at least a majority who think you can't limit the areas Code Review might criticise I can't imagine what use or value I might get out of Code Review.
You can post working code on Stack Overflow, as long as you have a specific question about it.
I absolutely understand people might like Code Review. People like all sorts of things I don't and I wouldn't want to stop people enjoying themselves but they're going to do it without my support.
We've been trying to clarify the SO/CR divide for some time. You may want to support this proposal:
Q: Dealing with code critique requests — isn't "Too broad" too broad?

200_successAn unhelpful Help Center… Questions asking for open-ended suggestions to improve working pieces of code appear to be unwelcome on Stack Overflow, and many such questions do get closed. However, it's not obvious why such questions would be against by the rules. Some excerpts from the Help Cente...

Also, I'm surprised that nobody pointed to this guide:
Q: A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users

durron597You're on Stack Overflow and you've found a question that seems to be about improving code. You are trying to be helpful, and you put a comment in the question: You should try asking on CodeReview.SE instead. —YourName 2 minutes ago … and suddenly, out of nowhere CodeReview.SE users swoop i...

Since this is working code it would be a better question asked on codereview.stackexchange.comcharlietfl 5 secs ago
200_success. Not what I was told way-back-when. I think my point is I think only sites where you can ask a specific question about about code is ever going to be useful.
OK. Only you can judge what is useful to you.
They did direct me (eventually) at the guide. It is clear. Working code is OK on Overflow.
I've been through enough dev teams to know that without a nailed down standard code review is at best low productivity at worst toxic.
What Code Review has produced is a massive internet code review without a nailed down coding standard. It's always going to go bad. It's not a great idea. I understand people here disagree but as we can see they're not people I really want to mix with.
I don't think these facts are unrelated.
OK. Thanks for your feedback. Have a nice day!
Will do. My main regret is that under the terms and conditions my content remains posted. I realised I signed up for that but it still doesn't seem entirely fair.
Right! Off to the pub. Have a nice one. Maybe see you on SO. I'm not abandoning the whole shootin' match just CR.
Yes the imports are already ordered in a particular way in the code. By hitting optimize it changes the order and the code review tool of course marks it as code changes. — Salil Surendran 14 secs ago
138 new emails... so there is a price to pay about not reading your emails for a day or two
(Obviously this number is totally insignificant to @Phrancis)
Q: Search Binary Tree implementation in C++

TarekI don't understand . What is the problem? using namespace std; `template <class T> struct Nodo{ T info; Nodo <T> *sinistro; Nodo<T> *destro; }; template <class T> class binaryTree { public: const binaryTree<T> &operator =(const binaryTree<T>&); b...

Q: Writing data to a file

user5763976I have the following two methods that write to file various data line by line. Both methods differ from each other only by few lines what would be the best way to refactor them that when in future I want to add another method (for example, CreateXYZLegacyInFile) it would be least time consuming. ...

Hm okay, maybe it was 1 week of not reading email
@skiwi lol 138.
@200_success Whilst we certainly could have handled that better, there is also only so much you can do with a ... not-particularly-constructive, user.
Then don't.
@Zak As someone who has not followed the discussion, just scanned through it, that's very mildly put
@RaoulSteffen After a rather unpleasant discussion that has resulted in me deleting my account for Code Review and wanting nothing more to do with it, it turns out you don't need to post your code on CR. You can post working code on Stackoverflow. So now I invite you to post a MCVE of this in a new Question and invite feedback on thread-safety and efficiency. I think what comes back will be interesting and potentially surprising. — Dan Allen 55 secs ago
Well, at least one misconception got cleared up.
Is MySQL so broken that it has to convert a date value to a string and then back to a date before it can make sense of it??
YEAR( STR_TO_DATE(PPI.PaymentDate , "%m/%d/%Y" ) ) = '2016'
I have no clue, I don't use MySQL anymore after @Simon showed me the light ^^
Cache lines keep popping up in several topics I'm sideways involved in, I think it's time to understand what it means
I think I have some basic understanding of cache lines... whenever you access one place in RAM, a full line is copied (say 32 bytes) and put in your CPU cache so you can instantly access them, without having to look it up into RAM
Doesn't that make it hard to reason about O(log n) behavior of linked lists vs O(n) behavior of arrays? As with linked lists you'll have cache misses a lot of the time

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