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@Malachi You could look at the Bootstrap CSS library for inspiration, they have tons of this kind of stuff in there
RELOAD! There are 1682 unanswered questions (94.5130% answered)
I think I will work on the design and getting some basic pages going and then work on the other stuff.
so I think I will get the desktop version of the site going first and then see how bad I coded it when I go to make it mobile ready
We'll be here when if CSS gives you grief ;)
(it always does me after a while)
it's been a while since I worked with CSS, but I have The Missing Manual. so I might be okay
Are you using a CSS library?
It makes developing cross-platform websites that look good much easier usually
I only just started using bootstrap a few days ago for my site/blog, and it's great
I started with a premade Visual Studios MVC Project. I might grab bootstrap for it though, I already know a byte or two about it.
@Quill yeah I love it
All made with Bootstrap
(the game board, the cards and everything)
@Phrancis you may be interested in: subtlepatterns.com
Oh wow, there's so many of them
I spent close to an hour and a half last night choosing one
I ended up going with this one: subtlepatterns.com/green-gobbler
Ah nice
I think that the greeting that this user got was unfortunately harsh:
A: Grouping an array by postId and userId

Justin L.As you noted, a more functional solution could be better. Here is a way to write it using lodash.js: var data = [ { userId: 1, postId: 1, postData: "first post first user" }, { userId: 1, postId: 2, postData: "second post first user" }, { userId: 2, postId...

I've tried to make amends.
> As I've already said above, I did not make an "improvement" or claim to make one. In fact, I said the opposite in the post. Why did I make the changes? Because the original poster asked for a lodash solution and I thought it would be interesting to compare that solution the original iterative solution to show that it is, in my opinion not obviously better.
@200_success as happens way too often
> tl;dr The author said "gimme teh codez" so I gave him "teh codez"
That question seems to be asking for unwritten code.
Awkward question, but not altogether inappropriate.
still earns my downvote
two hours trying to fix this DateTime issue
developer time well spent
@Quill Just use Howard Hinnant's datetime library.
It's C#, not C++
DateTime issues take a minimum of 2 hours, is it fixed?
no. literally where I started
@Quill Too bad.
what are you trying to fix? did you post a SO Post search SO for a post on your problem?
my listing model has a updated date field with a datetime2 field, which translates to a DateTime type in C#, when I use the auto generated partial class to make a new listing, assigning DateTime.Now to the field results in returning input string not in correct format
You are passing a value to SQL?
I think SQL usually takes a value like "dd-mm-yyyy" C#'s DateTime.Now is a value like "123435655".
Or maybe I'm not remembering correctly...
@Hosch250 No, it's a full object with all the values, not just unix values
SQL Server DateTime looks like 2016-01-21 ##.##.##.## or something like that
@Hosch250 well, I don't really know how to explain that. uh, I have an code from model solution that turns the db into classes and whatnot
what does the code look like @Quill?
public partial class DataListing {
    public DateTime UpdatedDate { get; set; }
and then
you are having trouble with the part that inserts into SQL Server right?
no, I have trouble with the initialisation of that class
var listing = new DataListing {
    UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now
tell me you have a semi-colon at the end in your code
of course
try this
that code throws a FormatException saying Input string not in correct format
all of SO's related questions are about coming in from a string
> Non-invocable member 'DateTime.Now' cannot be used like a method.
Yeah, .Now is a field.
var listing = new DataListing();
listing.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
Or whatever.
@Quill you have to have a constructor
Identical, from what I saw
you have to create a DateTime object for the Property UpdateDate
you catch my drift?
I don't think that is the case, but I will see
you have to have a DateTime object there I think
hmm, it looks like it might've been one of my other fields
but you can't really tell that in an object constructor
my question is why the FormatException I get says DateTime on the top
what does the whole class DataListing look like?
so it wasn't the DateTime.Now at all?
@Malachi No you don't.
You can have an auto-property.
sometimes you have to have an Empty DateTime object. probably not in this case though.
It looks like I had a Regex.Match call that wasn't accepting my regex capture groups
Q: Prime Display Code Outputs Zero

Rob MerrellI've been trying to get back into C, and so I have been using Project Euler as a source of challenges. This code was designed to compile a list of the first 10001 prime numbers, but it only prints 2, 0, 0, 0, ... and then several enormous numbers (both positive and negative). What is the problem?...

what?! it's Friday!
2 hours ago, by Quill
not till I wake up tomorrow
you got me
2 hours ago, by Dan Pantry
@Quill you're an ass
@Malachi night
Q: Java rolling dice + csv array output

thekonductorI have made a program to take x number of die and rolls them y number of times, then stores the data into an array so that I may output a CSV file. Everything works as intended, but I am having trouble figuring out how to increase the number of die to anything substantial. Right now I am using a ...

case 4: taco[0] += 1;
case 5: taco[1] += 1;
Is this something that would be better suited for Code Review? — Joshua Shearer 10 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic on SO because it's about improving working code. I agree w/ Joshua Shearer, better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Dan Cornilescu 25 secs ago
Q: HAL HATEOAS library for java

kag0https://github.com/blackdoor/hate This library allows you to serialize pojos in the HAL specification format. Review of the code as well as the guide and documentation is appreciated. Thanks!

Q: Jquery Chat Queue

DNN MelbThe spec for this has changed a lot and due to time constraints the code developed in a piece meal fashion. The problem that I am trying to solve is to develop a queue of chat requests with a Sharepoint list being used to store them. This is the jquery part of a page that contains a table which r...

@Phrancis if TRUNCATE is better, how come SQL Server has DROP AND CREATE under the Script Table as menu?
@Quill Good question. Do you have ALTER TABLE permissions on that table?
oh, that would be it then
I'm under a lower permissions user
Why is this code here? We don't need this. https://t.co/UjRAWsNo5m
Q: An integer is even subset of another integer

user3789184An integer is defined to be an even subset of another integer n if every even factor of m is also a factor of n. 18 is an even subset of 12 because the even factors of 18 are 2 and 6 and these are both factors of 12. But 18 is not an even subset of 32 because 6 is not a factor of 32. I Wrote ...

@Quill I feel somewhat bad for that dog there.
Q: How can I make the following javascript/jquery code less redundant and more efficient?

xaisoftI have never dealt much with jQuery or javascript. The following code is something I wrote and while it is functional, I am pretty sure it is a complete mess and it could use some improvements for making it less redundant (meaning I am probably doing unnecessary work). I would also like to make...

1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Q: C database example code

Simon ZhuHere is the program. It is an implementation of a database in C which stores emails. I will post the entire code for completeness, and then mention the parts of interest. It is a modified version of the example here, which takes the database size as parameters when creating it. #include <stdio.h>...

Q: Which parts of this code WIll Create a problem while modification?

Azat  DjanybekovI think the the modification of sendHeader() function will create a problem , But I am not Sure How? //*************************************************************************************************************************************************** import java.io.File ...

Q: Implementing "view holder" design pattern

Zeeshan ShabbirThese days i am more dealing with custom ListView and Custom Grid View. I use ViewHolder class for smooth scrolling. But there is something weird i have notices. Items keep repeating when i scroll down the list or gridView when i implement ViewHolder as it is recommended in android guides. But wh...

@CaptainObvious burn that last one, asking for resolving a problem with the code
@Heslacher do you have the autocomment script running?
can you create comment on last question of captain?
will try
voted the comment ;)
possible answer invalidation by Matteo Italia on question by Matteo Italia: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117468/revisions
Hi! Welcome to Stack Overflow! Here you can discuss buggy code. For enhancing functionality, give it a try and show us where you get stuck! If it is mainly performance gain or refactoring, you are better of at codereview.stackexchange.com. See How to Ask and help center! — jkalden 27 secs ago
he deleted it after he said it was a review he wanted
he went over to SO
Q: Python/Django - FIFO inventory allocation method

Adam StarrhI am an owner of a small industrial business startup and I am learning to write software in order to efficiently keep track of our inventory and finances,as our needs have outgrown the capabilities of Excel. I was working on our perpetual FIFO inventory allocation method and I've inadvertently ...

yeah that's better for his problem
although he really needed a review cause his globals where package private
if you start with that, you know there will be more
Try to post di question on Code Reviewk4ppa 9 secs ago
Q: finding diameter of a tree using dfs

HalfBloodPrinceIam trying to solve Labyrinth(spoj) http://www.spoj.com/problems/LABYR1/. I am using dfs to solve this problem.Procedure used by me is as follows:I have started dfs from one of the leaf node and then i am finding the leaf node at max distance from present node and following this procedure until i...

@CaptainObvious It's broken, so close vote as that,
but dear lord why would you do this
#define ld long double
#define ite iterator
#define mp make_pair
#define ff first
#define ss second
#define pb push_back
#define ioS ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
#define fr(i,x,n) for(int i=x;i<n;i++)
#define re0 return 0 ;
#define mod 1000000007
#define cina(a,n) for(i=0;i<n;i++)cin >> a[i];
#define couta(a,n) for(i=0;i<n;i++)cout << a[i] << " ";
Thanks for letting me know what WA means.
obfuscating while developing
very efficient
skips a step altogether
@Heslacher google 'WA on spoj' and you get...
Tutorial - Spoj
SPOJ – Sphere Online Judge – is a problemset archive, online judge and ... WA - wrong answer - your program ran successfully, but gave an incorrect answer 3.
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Custom Implementation of ObservableDictionary
as the 2nd search result
man, first posts review is hard
I end up skipping more than half
@Pimgd That's not how one should use #define
I know, that's why I'm pointing it out
possible answer invalidation by Chris J on question by Chris J: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117386/revisions
@Duga That one is OK
What a difference a day makes... just awake now, yesterday already finished an exam :o
Q: Reusing HTML with php generated content

Phoenix1355I was wondering what would be the best way to include some HTML code in a php file that builds your page. Kinda like Wordpress does. So say I have a simple html file with some frontend design that I want to include in multiple files. It easy to just implement it with the include function in php. ...

Monking @all
If you want an idea of how busy my morning's been, note that it's almost 11am now.
wow... nice
monking btw
Please explain why this not enough efficiently / quicker /better? I would suggest to ask this on Code Review but I think this wouldn't be there either. — Soner Gönül 40 secs ago
@Zak I've been so busy I didn't come on until half 10!....I was sleeping, but that's besides the point
possible answer invalidation by Matteo Italia on question by Matteo Italia: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117468/revisions
@duga hmm
Q: Accurate email syntax validation (no seriously)

SuperBiasedManSo a friend happened to show me how odd and specific the general email syntax rules are. For instance, emails can have "comments". Basically you can put characters in parentheses that are just ignored. So not only is it valid, email(this seems extremely redundant)@email.com is the same email as e...

Monking folks
monking, nice work on that question
Thanks! I found out some pretty wacky syntax with it.
I may answer it later
@SuperBiasedMan Have you tested for \\\\@gmail.com
I'm not sure if it's valid, consult the standards
@CaptainObvious TIL
I think your code fails for empty local
not sure if that's a valid email,
but your code will probably say "yep that's valid"
actually, try @
shouldn't treat that as a valid email address for sure
if it does, what-the-hell
Hrm, that's a good question. I'll try some of those goofier ones and see what happens. I'll let you know, in case you wanna write it up as a review.
I kinda do
so someone one on Super User downvoted an answer of mine, saying it doesn't work
it was a batch renaming CMD command...
I had customised it for the op, who wanted to rename files ending with _(new)
the guy sent in his use case, and he totally didn't even see the use case I set it for
I don't know whether to be disappointed or humoured
Hello @JNat
@Pimgd I can confirm that validate('@') erroneously works. Shoulda imposed a 1 character minimum...
Oh and also \\\\@gmail.comfails because even an escaped \ is an invalid character in local unless it's inside quotation marks.
@JNat hey!
To what do we owe the pleasure
Q: Custom currency format

gstackoverflowI have the following code for currency formatting boolean isNegative = probe.nl_price!=null && probe.nl_price.signum() == -1; String str = "Price: " + (isNegative ? "-" :"") + "$" + FormatUtils.getFormatInstance().format(probe.nlr_price.abs()) Is there more elgant way to rewrite it?

Q: Connect Four - Console Application

Ryan SwannI have attempted to make connect four in C++ and would love some feedback. I am aware there is a lot of room for improvement and I welcome any kind of feedback. Thank you for your time. Main.cpp // Connect4V2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" ...

Q: Changing a recursive method to iterative

ak1652I'm having trouble converting this recursive method (recP) to one which uses loops (itP). public class Main { public static int recP(int n) { if (n <= 2) return 1; else return (recP(n - 3) * recP(n - 1)) + 1; } public static int itP(int n) ...

Nothing in particular. Just had the tab here, and it loaded when I turned my computer on.
@Zak is okay :-)
@Quill This, yes :P
Quick question for anyone who is good in statistics: Is there a difference between a normal=gaussian distribution with mean 0 and std dev 1 and one with mean 0 and variance 1?
hello megaman
Std dev = Sqrt(Var), so there shouldn't be a difference, right?
I did this a few months ago but it's all down the mental drain
Oh what? My code is working now, why??
what did you change
Changed the learning rate of the neural network, I was following along with the author (his code was in Python), and didn't notice one subtle difference
are you writing in Python?
if you're doing data related stuff, you ought to learn it
numpy and related frameworks are excellent
I'm just running the Python code of the author
Writing in Java myself, and moving to Java+OpenCL then
I still don't know exactly how to explain it, but the learning rate was the issue, I didn't have any "weird behavior" though, so it looked like increasing the learning rate made it learn slower
> Correct: 9443/10000 (94.43%)
Artificial neural networks are really impressive, that's identifying a 28x28 grayscale image containing a handwritten digit 0 through 9
one of the last few units in my Bio class was biological neural networks (basics of)
I'd studied artificial neural networks (basics) before that point, so it was super easy
@skiwi yes
@Zak Yes to what exactly?
25 mins ago, by skiwi
Std dev = Sqrt(Var), so there shouldn't be a difference, right?
@Quill But answering "Yes" to "There shouldn't be a difference, right?" is confusing to me :P
when you add ", right?" you're asking whether you are correct
to which, he says yes
Can you provide also the probe class together with the nl_price and nlr_price with some explication? It's also strange that you don't use the getters for last 2 classes but acces the variable directly. I have a feeling that we can refactor there so this can be better. — chillworld 1 min ago
I forget some of you guys have english as a second or third language. always amazes me
I can barely follow my second/third/fourth languages. (the fourth being what should be my native tongue)
I need to learn a third... I was considering either German, French or Swedish
What's your second, Spanish?
Japanese. Australians don't learn Spanish
What languages do you speak @SuperBiasedMan?
I learned French in school and retained a surprising amount of it, but still not close to fluent. I'm slowly learning Swedish, need more practice tho.
@Quill Ah, of course. I was thinking too locally. :P
@Quill you get by default Japanese at school?
they give you a sample in primary school, and it's a chosen class in high school
wow that's something I didn't expect
It's kinda weird for the older australians, because Japan is the only country to physically attack australia, but meh
I always thought it was cool for those places in Europe
where you can drive 100kms in any direction and be a different country
I was speaking to someone on here a very long time ago about that
they said they learnt four or five languages because of proximity
@Quill indeed, but still I would expect Chinese before Japanese cause that's closer and it's the most spoken language by people
I'm dutch, French English and a little german
yeah but writing is something else ;)
we were given the option of learning German, French or Spanish
But that had to be taken at the expense of another option, and you only got 3 options
Which sucks quite a bit :\
@DanPantry what's your native?
In my country you had 3 options and you HAD to learn Welsh
damn, 3 hard choices then
If you didn't have to learn Welsh you could have picked a 4th option instead of Welsh (like German, French or Spanish)
we are obligated English and French
So I settled on IT, Triple Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and Mathematics
Australians get to learn Bogan too
I would have really liked to have taken German or French :s
That sounds like me having to learn Irish, everyone has to (except exemptions like foreign students). And my school also got everyone to learn French, just cause most universities expect you to have done a foreign language
@SuperBiasedMan It's pretty silly, isn't it?
@DanPantry they both suck with the special signs. é, è, ç for French. ö, ü,.. for german
I mean, I can understand the cultural reasons behind using Irish (Or Welsh)
But academically and realistically, it's not useful. At least not Welsh.
The only places that speak Welsh in Wales are in the far north-east corner and central Wales
and only about half a million people do.. compared to the 60 million population of the UK
@DanPantry Quite. I don't know about welsh either, but they teach irish very poorly here. The curriculum works as if people are already somewhat fluent, and the class ends up being about studying poems and short stories more than actual language learning.
@SuperBiasedMan In my school they had someone with fluency in Welsh teaching but generally speaking it was stuff like how to describe your eye colour lol
or how much you like coffee (which I suppose is somewhat useful)
@DanPantry but I think I would go for german. The French don't want to take English words into their language
so for each "new" word they invent a French one
> ryd'wyn hoffi coffi
Oh well our irish teacher was fluent, just our class wasn't haha
like computer => ordinateur
@chillworld I want to move to Berlin, so German would have been a good one for me
btw, good luck pronouncing ryd'wyn ;-)
I'm not trying that ;)
we have to be carefull with german (as a native dutch)
dutch and german words mostly sounds a little the same
but sometimes you have opposites
@DanPantry I'd have more luck learning Sindarin
> ruh-dew-een
like blowing in dutch means for the germans something what have to do with porn ;)
w and y are vowels
a little opposite of blowing ^^
and I hope I'm not flagged for that ;)
no rage ;-;. I'll make my own rage. ;-;
@chillworld should be okay
@Quill I did try not to say the actual word :D
there are a lot of jokes about that here
hmm, "blazen"?
@Pimgd jip ;)
Watch the topic please
isn't it Friday?
monking @Phrancis how is your friday
wrong song :p
that's what people say when I send them the troll codepen links
also it's a good song
my friday night is trying to hack at Ruby and using paint to draw a teapot.
aren't I the life of the party?
I'm more for this song :
also ringtone of phone :D
I don't listen to songs much
more listening to people
last week I spent a lot of time listening to this guy "GradeAUnderA"
The StackExchange podcast is good, and there's a few other developer podcasts on YouTube
which is some guy from the UK which likes to rant about things with poorly made stick figure videos
which somehow makes it awesome
Q: How can I make this work faster ?

Sandeep GV#include<stdio.h> #include<time.h> int lucky(long long int num) { while(num>0) { if(!(num%10==1 || num%10==7 || num%10==9)) return 0; num = num/10; } return 1; } int main() { clock_t tic = clock(); long long int num,i,count = 0; scanf("%lld",&num); for(i=1;i<=num;i++) { coun...

@Pimgd Have you ever seen Yahtzee Croshaw (Zero Punctuation)?
Does hilarious (but true) Video Game Reviews.
Love Zero Punctuation
already a fan of that
But yes, this guy has the same level of complaints about crap, just doesn't talk so fast
plus he got a massive accent which just sounds awesome
@Pimgd BTW I was trying to educate that user ;p
too bad I felt like editing for once
@Pimgd I understand, the edits made the question better!
That's a new one
@Phrancis OH SNAP CRAP
@Phrancis What if you aren't using windows? How to proceed then ^^
@Phrancis Reminds me of this (warning, photobucket >.>)
@Phrancis are you still being spammed?
fk I know the solution but I can't explain it for a question
@DanPantry lmao
@chillworld Yes!
I'm getting emails from 21:00 (UTC) yesterday
Do you regret changing jobs already?
TIL that you can move than one cursor
Q: How to create Listener in C# that are received data from gps(gsm/gprs) device to C#

BhargavI don't have idea how to create Listener in C# so any one can help me to create Listenre.

@CaptainObvious Does our site look like codehelpview.com?
@Phrancis Excel is (IIRC) limited to 2GB of RAM, regardless of computer specs. So there's a very real limit to how much data it can handle at the same time.
> "Listenre"
@CaptainObvious I don't like to post snarky LMGTFY links, but I feel that one warranted it...

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