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Or the entire std namespace. We can go on, but I think that's better suited for codereview than here. :) — erip 58 secs ago
Q: Log messages parser

Lucas KreutzI've been studying Haskell for some time, but I have never used it for real. So, I started following the CIS 194 Course from UPenn. I resolved the second homework but I'm not fully satisfied with the parser I came up with. I think it's way too verbose and I don't like the way the message string i...

Q: Htaccess - Basic Settings, Custom Error Page, Dynamic Versioning, Rewrite Rules

Zarathoserror.php <?php $code = 0; if (isset($_GET['code'])) $code = (int)$_GET['code']; else if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS'])) $code = (int)$_SERVER['REDIRECT_STATUS']; switch ($code) { case 400: $message = 'Bad Request'; break; case 401: $message = '...

Found solution using ManagedBean and ViewScoped (2nd case)! codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/23790/…Aroniaina 46 secs ago
@Quill I'm more concerned about the : It's 100% free, no registration required.
if you want to ask a question, you need to be registered
that's default text on every site
mhhhh look's like I have to much free time at the moment
@chillworld Sure, but browsing is free
Greetings, Programs.
I think this is my limit for This function needs to be split up now
=IF(ISBLANK(Manual_Projected_AUM_Raised[@[Jan, 2016]]),IF(ISBLANK(Automatic_Projected_AUM_Raised[@[Jan, 2016]]),"",Automatic_Projected_AUM_Raised[@[Jan, 2016]]),Manual_Projected_AUM_Raised[@[Jan, 2016]])
@Quill or the entire std namespace.
Nice combination with @Duga there
ooh, +25
something interesting happened
aww yiss one of my answers got accepted, gimme those internet points
@DanPantry ethan did you and that's the end of it?
How many people participated
@Zak can you post a photo onto your secret santa showoff when you get a chance
@Pimgd huh?
@Pimgd uh, one sec
@Pimgd 10 people i believe
Topin Frassi, Dan Pantry, janos, Mat's Mug, rolfl, Joe Wallis, Phrancis, Mast, Ethan Bierlein and Zak.
oh and me
I know who my secret santa was already, so it's no big surprise to me
I should probably write something fancy there.
google images sucks
I wanted to get a nice "something fancy" in fancy font
but you get some weird results back
@Pimgd wtf that's some weird results
told you
I guess the search phrase isn't the best
@Mast well, it's something, and it's fancy
I'd say google hit the nail on the head there.
@DanPantry Google wasn't smart enough to find that, Ducked it.
duck pulls google results
at least from what I am told
You're told wrong.
I can't remember who told me but it was someone here
sure, blame us
@DanPantry That would be me. I could've sworn DDG was just a proxy between your browser and google's search engine?
I don't think DDG is a google proxy
It's not
> DuckDuckGo emphasizes getting information from the best sources rather than the most sources, generating its search results from key crowdsourced sites such as Wikipedia and from partnerships with other search engines like Yandex, Yahoo!, Bing, and Yummly.
I want a new TLD to come out: .ose
ICANN pls.
@Quill TIL
@DanPantry Gold.
www.b.ose for all your overpriced sound equipment needs
I love abusing TLDs
@Quill the TLDs would like to have a word with you
TLD police
g.it would also be awesome
@DanPantry Probably too short to be allowed.
I would start a website with creative TLD uses
@Mast Yeah, most TLDs require 3 characters minimum. :(
that's why it's a Three Letter Domain, right
cuz it got 3 letters
Top Level Domain
TLDs don't need 3 letters
@Pimgd You're doing it wrong.
well it sounded good in my head
also if .foo was for sale ;-;
My blog address uses the .us tld
There's 2-letter .com URLs
google is a valid tld
So is .amsterdam
possible answer invalidation by Benj on question by Benj: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117253/revisions
@Duga It's an ASDA Rollback
@DanPantry ASDA?
Greetings, Programs.
okay I'm not making atomic commits anymore it seems
10 lines and I'm still not done describing what I did
> there i fixed it
@Donald.McLean Greetings, Stargazer.
@DanPantry Never realized jsbin was that extensive.
I wish we moved on from subversion to git already
then I could git-flow the crap out of this
pre-commit hook failed because I'm doing evil things in my test code that tests if, when evil things happen due to reflection, my code can handle it
Monking @skiwi
It's probably better that you post your code with the Interface on codereview.stackexchange.comPieter De Bie 1 min ago
I'm not looking for a code review, I am just wondering if technically speaking there are any disadvantages to doing this. — xorinzor 28 secs ago
My inbox before the rules kick in lol
156 items here
but that's cuz new job
right now I would love some emails....
my domain's mail namespace is screwed
the moment I have 11.997 unread emails in mine mailbox, that's the time to change emailadres ;)
We are aware of users in South America receiving 522 errors from Cloudflare. Cloudflare are working on the issue: https://www.cloudflarestatus.com/
@StackExchange I got 520 an hour ago, but it was only once
but it was from SE
like V V X, problem on their side
(where is checkmark unicode when you need it)
possible answer invalidation by glS on question by glS: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117080/revisions
@chillworld Right lol
@Duga He did what...
@Mast looks ok to me
@Pimgd Was that code up for review or not?
@Phrancis script finished?
I dunno, but it wasn't reviewed and it served as a "look I tried this completely different approach too but it was ass"
@chillworld In email? Not quite...
@Phrancis maybe this script is something for you : github.com/NARKOZ/hacker-scripts/blob/master/kumar_asshole.rb
If you want to get help on improving working code, go to Code Review. StackOverflow is for code that doesn't work. — Arc676 23 secs ago
@chillworld wait, if you get an email "Ahh man sorry I screwed up the blah_staging database again"
it sets the database back?
> scans the inbox for emails from "Kumar" (a DBA at our clients). Looks for keywords like "help", "trouble", "sorry" etc. If keywords are found - the script SSHes into the clients server and rolls back the staging database to the latest backup. Then sends a reply "no worries mate, be careful next time".
I dunno
it's funny, hilarious, sad and cool at the same time
the cool part is what it does, the funny part is that some guy got so pissed he made it, and the sad part is that it's probably still in use
When databases fail, and database devs fail more...
Q: Efficiently process large (~100MB) structured binary file in C

glSThis question regards the C implementation of the python code posted in this other question of mine, hence the explanation of the task at hand will be the same: The problem I need to process the data contained in a (relatively) large binary file. The file has the following structure: 40 byt...

@praveenscience Newcastle in the UK or Newcastle in Australia?
@Phrancis oh man, that bad
@Pimgd indeed, also a script for coffee machine on the github
@Mast How should we call our city? Oh well, let's just name it like our old country!
Anyone who feels like checking my physics questions/answers from the exam I Just took? :P
No? How unexpected :)
I didn't do physics at school
I did. it was fun
@Quill I'm planning on doing it in a year or so.
What I really dislike is that the exam was only about 50% of the stuff we had to learn
I did biology as well, and I found it a whole lot easier. Physics is certainly more relevant to programming though
@skiwi what specific topic was the exam on?
@skiwi I got a couple of spare minutes if it doesn't get too specialized :P
@Quill The course was about everything in physics, basic levels though
how basic?
Not really basic basic, but like 7 weeks with different content every week, but on university level
Q: java - using a final class for string constants

xorinzorI want to use something like Setting.RES_WIDTH in my code without the need for a getter function (ie: custom getter, enum's .name(), .toString() or .valueOf()). Someone suggested using a final class, so I wrote this. public final class Setting { public final static String RES_WIDTH ...

We are also receiving reports from within Europe regarding connectivity issues, which we are also investigating.
@chillworld Just found out someone just deployed a new SQL script on a training database and sent thousands of emails to the whole team because Cannot insert the value NULL into column; column does not allow nulls
possible answer invalidation by glS on question by glS: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117080/revisions
@Phrancis mailbomb that guy ;)
If your code is working try to ask on codereview.stackexchange.comjcubic 18 secs ago
> Edit after @vnp suggestions
Thanks to @vnp the performance of the code improved by a factor of ~2x. Here is the now best python solution of the problam (which is still significantly slower than the C solution, though):
@Duga I say both edits should be rolled back.
I say only 1, it's okay to relocate that other code since he turned it into a separate question
would just get all complicated
@braiamp Probably because it's http://meta.stackexchange.com/
I rolled back the last edit and made a comment
@StackExchange LOL
eloquent troll is eloquent
@Phrancis a neutral comment I hope, because I can understand hatefull emotions atm
@chillworld We got an arsenal of standard comments.
I'm trying to be more patient at work.
send email to DBA => after 7 days mail back that he will take care of mine request
Most of the Secret Santa's have revealed themselves by now.
@chillworld As long as you get paid per hour, their loss.
salaried here, but every hour at the office counts
@Mast every month the same. sick, holiday or working. It doesn't change
150 MB worth of emails trying to update from the mail server. This is just obscene. Some days I wish dbmail did not exist
Or at least that developers working on a project would put only their own email address in the script, instead of the whole team, until they deploy it to production :|
front-end unit testing
what magic is this
@Phrancis already set the rule for automatic deletion?
@chillworld Yeah, but, it still has to download every email from the server in full before evaluating whether it should be deleted :(
apparently crude oil is cheaper per barrel in australia than the cost to make the barrels it ships in
@Mat'sMug monking
@Quill I have the feeling they don't ship it in barrels
Does anyone know if I can check if those two inputs are equal?
Apparently it doesn't render as URL in chat markdown ^^
wolfram blaaaaargh
Oh, apparently === checks for that, and they're not equal :|
@skiwi Wolfram|Alpha doesn't know how to interpret your input.
Q: Array is MinMax Equal or Not

user3789184An array is defined to be maxmin equal if it contains at least two different elements and the number of times the maximum value occur is the same as the number of times the minimum value occur. So {11, 4, 9, 11, 8, 5 , 4, 10} is maxmin equal, because the max value 11 and min value 4 both appear t...

@Phrancis can't you change the downloading to header only?
I remember that was a setting in the old days
so I hope you don't have outlook 2013 (progression of the regression)
monking @Vogel612
@Vogel612 hi
@chillworld I have 2013... I think it's mostly done, heck it only took 90 minutes
I don't get it that they remove options like that
@soru Except when I override toString() in the class, the type of MyEnum.SOMEVALUE still is MyEnum instead of String; aside of that, I actually do need a customised string for each enum value, have a look at my code in the codereview url that I commented. — xorinzor 21 secs ago
What is it trying to do?
I'm reading one resource as a stream, on program startup it's super fast, though later on it's slow
Thanks for helping out with the warning, will post this question on codereview (thanks @jcubic) — Alejandro Gomez 42 secs ago
well yeah, the size of the variable grows or something
if it's more than one resource, you could just dispose of each after completion, but for one...
well snap
people reviewing the same thing as I am with the same comments
FGITW scenario?
you decide
Q: Array is MinMax Equal or Not

user3789184An array is defined to be maxmin equal if it contains at least two different elements and the number of times the maximum value occur is the same as the number of times the minimum value occur. So {11, 4, 9, 11, 8, 5 , 4, 10} is maxmin equal, because the max value 11 and min value 4 both appear t...

11 seconds difference
Q: Functional Javascript Practice with AJAX

Alejandro GomezI am currently doing projects in freecodecamp.com to brush up on my javascript skills and just finished a weather report widget. It does the following: Gets api from openweathermap.org and displays the weather based on user's latitude and longitude Displays the city, weather description and wi...

1:30am, TTGTB, night
Excel formulas <3
Is there an appropriate XML doc tag in C# for attribution?
MSDN is hopeless to search
don't think so
probably best to make your own block formatting in the description
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's exactly suited for Code ReviewScott Holtzman 31 secs ago
I would do attribution in code, but it would probably be redundant to have "// Jeroen Vannevel" all throughout my code
@Duga looks like an okay migration target to me?
Workbooks.Open "C:\Users\marco.henrique\Desktop\Bases\Beneficiamento Base.xls"
ohhh that's a review waiting to happen
oh, apparently .cr is a valid TLD too
Go to sleep @Quill lol
You are welcome! I am glad I helped you. As you are learing (like me) feel free to post your WORKING code on the Code Review Stack Exchange for full peer review. As another member told me, just keep in mind that Code Review is a place where working code is reviewed and not a place to ask how to make it work, but rather how to make it work better. — Oscar Anthony 7 secs ago
says you
@Quill Yeah but this section of code was "completed" by a developer I don't like (he took it off of SO and didn't attribute it).
So I want to attribute it to make him look retroactively bad (he no longer works here). 8)
This may be a good question for Code Review, so long as: (A) the code works, and (B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way. Please read the on-topic guide before posting, if you choose to go to Code Review. If you have any questions or concerns, join us at our CR Help Desk. — Phrancis 40 secs ago
Q: Code refactoring for java swing

Emil ZaharievI want to know is it possible to re factor my code in such a way to remove duplication of almost identical statements, bar the variable name and what it is initialized to by using methods. Here is the code in question: import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Containe...

Outlook has only crashed about 6 times so far. Thanks, SQL developer.
delete your pst file if it gives you issues
You already posted this exact question in the correct place codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/117369/…George Mulligan 17 secs ago
... are you kidding me, source code of InputStream.java
 * Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated
 * with the stream.
 * <p> The <code>close</code> method of <code>InputStream</code> does
 * nothing.
 * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
public void close() throws IOException {}
Wah! So you're the millionaire Santa! The books are awesome! ...I wasn't really expecting a new guitar or a keyboard ;-) — Mat's Mug ♦ 3 hours ago
I've been waiting to drop that bomb for a whole month now ^^
aaaaand I wrote a haskell review
Q: VBA: Best method to copy data from closed workbooks

mschlindweinI'm an intern in an industrial company in Brazil and it happens that I'm using excel a lot. I just started playing with VBA couple of days ago, and I'm amused of how many things it can do for me!! I don't have a strong programming background, so I'm learning by doing basically. The code is worki...

@CaptainObvious T.T the copy pasta
@Vogel612 Well, it's a Swing GUI, what do you expect? ;)
@Phrancis something like a thinking person on the other side?
just compare that copious copy pasta against the result of something like my latest swing answer
Oh wow.
This is why swing is not really fancied...
because you need to think to write clean code
JavaFX just allows you to write some XML for the layout and then bind stuff through maic
but that's making devs sloppy
I lost you at "write XML"
separates layout from actions
But yeah JavaFX is definitively better than Swing, at least on paper
aside from the magic, the magic and the idiocy of requiring a static entry point
into the GUI
someone more experienced with haskell than me around?
1:30 turned into 2. it really is ttgtb
night @Quill
sleep well :)
@Vogel612 You're asking quite something
@skiwi I started haskell literally days ago
The biggest thing I wrote was those few lines of haskell for resistor mania
which reminds me I rewrote that stuff...
possible answer invalidation by Zarathos on question by Zarathos: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117353/revisions
Anyone looking for a job:
@Duga Think that one's OK
> U.S. Citizenship or permanent residency is required for ITAR clearance.
That didn't work. The asterisk is causing chat's parsing to fail.
@Donald.McLean Try using bit.ly on it maybe? Or wrap it in backticks so it can just be copied?
@skiwi Some of the technology used in JWST is super advanced stuff.
@Duga seems okay-ish
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for a code reviewQuentin 9 secs ago
SE is not a code review/writing service. Please isolate the issues that are giving you trouble, generate minimal and verifiable examples and ask questions if any still remain. — Christoph 15 secs ago
Q: C# byte array to Base32 String Encoder

Andie2302I try to create a byte array to Base32 String encoder in C#. So far I have: public string ToBase32String(byte[] inArray) { int block_size = 5; string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"; int pad_characters; StringBuilder output =...

Q: Scala List collection with map function

user3487990I am trying to use map function on a list which will return a nested list. But the map function usage will increase based on the rules defined. rules = ["X","Y","Z"] def sortX(List[obj]): List[List[obj]] def sortY(List[obj]): List[List[obj]] def sortZ(List[obj]): List[List[obj]] val t = List[Li...

@Donald.McLean dead
@JeroenVannevel I'll look and see what happened when I get back from restarting my system.
For a PPT presentation -- do you add in a table of contents? Presentation is around 10 minutes total
@Quentin this would not fare very well on Code Review as it looks like example code. Code Review requires real code in its context rather than small snippets like this one. — Phrancis 18 secs ago
@JeroenVannevel No
@JeroenVannevel 5 minutes more and I'd have said yes
You can add a short overview at the beginning if you think it's warranted, but otherwise I wouldn't bother too much with a TOC
repetition and structure, that's what gets information across
Okay, I'll see how it turns out without a ToC
Q: Java program - Create a billing form where the flavor of ice-creams are displayed.

Harshad RautJava program - Create a billing form where the flavor of ice-creams are displayed. On the selection of a flavor and the quantity entered, the total amount is calculated and displayed.

@JeroenVannevel Depends how many slides. For a 10-minute presentation, if you have enough slides to warrant a Table of Contents, then you have too many slides.
Refactoring requests are kinda offtopic here. There's a site for that: codereview.stackexchange.comSergio Tulentsev 32 secs ago
Just a point, Code Review only takes real code. "Foo", "Bar" etc. will get closed in seconds. If you have that condition in an actual project somewhere, post the actual code. — Zak 33 secs ago
neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap1.html is really a great introduction to artificial neural networks (ANN), as an exception this online resource may even be better than most text books

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