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I blame caching.
@Mat'sMug shrug. I don't know enough C# to tell you that it's classified
Wikipedia is not a source.
ECMA != ECMAScript ...right?
@Mast You beat me to it.
does this look bad enough that I should revert it to 300x250?
@Mast wikipedia is a source, just not necessarily correct.
@Mat'sMug Does it exceed the max file size? mine did
@Mat'sMug You should make it fit the requirements.
I get it now.
@Quill No, it's a biased summary of potential sources. And not a bit more.
@Mat'sMug I think you're right, and I'm mixing up the terms.
442kb ...whoopsie
public interface IHtmlCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable where T : IElement
@Mat'sMug Who's ECMA and what's his script doing in my browser?
ECMAScript (or ES) is a trademarked scripting-language specification standardized by Ecma International in ECMA-262 and ISO/IEC 16262. Well-known implementations of the language, such as JavaScript, JScript and ActionScript have come into wide use for client-side scripting on the Web. == History == The ECMAScript specification is a standardized specification of a scripting language developed by Brendan Eich of Netscape; initially it was named Mocha, later LiveScript, and finally JavaScript. In December 1995, Sun Microsystems and Netscape announced JavaScript in a press release. In March 1...
= JavaScript
3 mins ago, by Mast
Wikipedia is not a source.
Stupid names.
@Quill Obligatory star.
@Mat'sMug at best, truthy. not ===.
I'd saw Wikipedia is a source to be taken with a shaker of salt. It can teach valuable information, but be sure to check up on that information with more sources.
possible answer invalidation by shrewquest on question by shrewquest: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117230/revisions
@Mat'sMug I know what ECMAScript is, but who's ECMA himself?
sounds like some ISO
Wikipedia is a source for sources.
basically it defines standards.
@Duga To quote a game I can't remember the name of: Don't do that
JS is ECMA-262, C# is ECMA-334
ECMA-262? I thought the latest JS was ECMA-6.
dude, I don't know.. my source is Wikipedia...
Perhaps that was ECMAScript-6.
Probably not the same.
yeah ^^ that
@DanPantry is probably not awake yet.
@Mat'sMug Then you truly do not know.
if you have a real question, feel free to ask me. you don't need mr pantry for every simple js question ;-;
@Quill I know. I haven't figured out what is and what isn't a simple JS question though.
JS isn't simple.
It's easy to write, but it's just as easy to write extremely ugly.
HTMLDocument.prototype.GetElementsByTagName = HTMLDocument.prototype.getElementsByTagName
say, everyone involved in secret-santa-2015 got their gifts now, ...are we going to reveal?
Which is why I've previously stated to hate the language.
var links = document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
By now I've found out there's no point in hating a language.
@Mat'sMug or should we do guesses ;p
So I just learn them all.
@Mat'sMug Do you want to know?
@Quill that could be fun
@Mast I'm about 50% sure it was you :)
@Quill We could make it an event.
@Mast ~hums pokemon theme
Q: Optimize jQuery Event (bin/unbind)

Valeriu TimbucThis code is used to toggle some dropdowns. I've added the click event on the document to close the dropdown on click outside, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it the right way. I want it to be optimized for better performance. Let me know if you have a better way to bind/unbind the events. $('.he...

@Quill ^^
@Mat'sMug I'm 25% sure I wasn't.
I'm 12.5% sure I hate stats
About 80% of all stats are made up on the spot.
(Including that one.)
I'm 200% sure that you guys deserve a star
@EBrown s/70/80
Because 80% of the x comes from 20% of the y.
80% of the time
Did Dan remove himself as RO?
Always 80% of the time.
He couldn't take the pressure
@Quill Probably, want me to find the discussion about it?
Felt I deserved it more
huh. must've missed that
speaking of which, where's my RO status?
@Mast I can search
@JeroenVannevel We all know you'll abuse it.
@JeroenVannevel LOL no please.
@JeroenVannevel along with your diamond on so
/mute all of you
This is just yet another attempt at silencing a minority
Belgians are a minority
oh, Dan had a work issue
That's the first picture I get for angry belgian.
That means you don't want to mess with us
if you do normal google search you get the chat transcript from the last five minutes
I get that one.
I've won from horses, a dog doesn't impress me.
@EBrown Close enough.
great, now I have to alt-tab this room until yo dawgs are buried
even when you search for "angry belgian person" you get images of smiling people
@Quill Why?
we're too loving
funny, I get this:
gah, fail
@Mat'sMug Trollface.jpg?
@EBrown because dogs
Come here and I'll smile at you until it unnerves you
@Quill You don't like dogs?
@JeroenVannevel Ok Canada.
I would love to see a Canadian-vs-Belgian niceness contest.
Canada would win
because we would let them
Canada is ....... ... no comment
@Quill Oh, right, it's daytime in your remote part of the world.
@EBrown Canadian would win, definitely.
Of course, @Phrancis is Canadian and now that I've got him on Skype I think one of two things has happened: America has corrupted them, or he's not as nice of a Canadian as the usual.
@Mast how could I forget? I sit here all lonely in chat while you all sleep your code hangovers off
@Phrancis is Canadian? Not really...
Q: Is this a good example of tail recursion in F#?

Second Sonlet shuffley (numbers:int list) = let rec loop numbers acc = match numbers with | head::tail -> loop (List.rev(tail)) (head::acc) | [] -> List.rev(acc) loop numbers [] shuffley [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8] I am trying to practice some F# and I was wondering if could be a g...

@Quill What remote part is that?
Some island near the Tasman Sea...
I'm always here until 06:00 our time
@Mast Sure I am! But I've lived in the USA for about 9 years now
@JeroenVannevel Yea, that's bedtime.
For those who like beds.
Ah, @Quill is Australian.
I'm just drumming up contacts in all sorts of countries.
bedtime is 06:00 to 12:00
nothing exciting happens in the morning anyway
if you're not careful, I'll send you a spider in the mail
and I'm out
cheers :)
I had to watch a movie anyway
I'd rather not get tainted with spider thoughts
@JeroenVannevel the snakes are worse, but okay ;p
Spiders around the world aren't dangerous, except in Australia.
@EBrown if (beingNice != notUsingCussWords) { phrancis.isVeryNice; }
But, I have a potty mouth :)
shouldn't that be a property, not a method?
@Quill It's Java or JAVA.
Not sure which.
The getter is probably called the same as the property.
you've got to set the property... not just reference it... would that even compile?
Java is a compiled language now?
compiles to bytecode aFAIK
hello, @HankCa
@Mat'sMug Which is interpreted.
phrancis.IsNice = !beingNice.Involves(Action.UsingCurseWords);
I call cheats.
C# compiles to CIL, which is JITted too
Canadians can curse pretty nicely if I remember a certain post from Mat's correctly.
the French ones, yeah
Awesome typo ^^
the real question is whether you leave your doors unlocked
Hi @Qu
@Quill Hell no
I lock everything.
There's a village around here, Wilsum, where they do that.
So if any burglar reads this, go ahead.
The back-door is usually not locked.
hello @HankCa, welcome to the 2nd monitor! :)
Welcome @HankCa
I remember seeing some documentary where they went around to canadian neighbourhoods and opened random people's doors
Seems legit.
Hank is Australian. @Quill make him talk pl0x?
@HankCa what brings you here, if anything in particular?
@Mast wat do you mean talk?
Hi, @HankCa.
@Quill Talk, yell, whatever it's called over there.
@Mast -__-. we speak english, mate.
@Quill Used to be able to do that in the US. Robbery is such a problem now you'd likely get a load of buckshot in your face if you tried it.
Or a 9mm...
although 40% probably more of our population are illiterate
Seems legit.
And if you didn't get it, the home owner likely would (for an average door-opener, not you).
Who needs literature if you have crocodiles and deadly snakes + spiders.
we don't have guns much here in Australia. when I mention my firearms training people are usually surprised
Might be getting a bit far from the room topic
Might be?
@Mast don't forget the boxing kangaroos
@Quill You're allowed to get a firearms training before age 18?
Hey all, what a nice chat room this is! I'm just lurking :()
@Mast yeah...
@Quill Save the best for last.
@HankCa Yup.
@HankCa Cool, enjoy yourself :)
Alright, time for bed.
Big interview in the morning.
Should be fun.
This discussion is about as good as the one about traveling earlier.
Oh, right, somebody tried to make a joke and we went all pedantic on it.
@Quill Australia is below everything, no surprise there.
Go further south and you freeze.
@Quill The US is awful low for all the publicity they get.
Australia has boxing kangaroo, Canada has boxing moose.
@EBrown Best of luck!
@EBrown Hope you enjoy it.
Guys, if this Canada vs. USA vs. Australia discussion is going to go on, it should really be in The Nth Monitor
I'm curious and new to SE chat rooms. There doesn't seem to be a lot of discussions about Code Reviews?
I have a meeting to preside this morning and I'm not entirely sober. At least I don't have to review any code.
No worries, it looks like fun (though)
LOL. @Phrancis Feel free to move it. That will effectively shut it up.
@HankCa Not at the moment.
@HankCa There's usually a lot of talk about Code Review.
However, every once in a while we go hugely off-topic.
About this time last night, we were making ads.
Where is everybody currently working? Country is fine :)
Most of the regulars are from USA, Canada and EU.
As is most of the western pop!
Quill is the only AU regular I'm aware of.
I'm AU.
I'm in Canberra.
I know, it's in your profile.
Nope. Mehrad and mjolka and now HankCa.
Also, Yushii, I think.
@Hosch250 Oh, right, but those aren't around as much nowadays.
(He doesn't visit chat, though.)
I thought someone would be ontop of it all.
Yushii used to be a chat regular.
Did he? I never met him.
@HankCa We have one golden rule: Site business comes first.
As long as there's no site-business going on, there's no problem.
@Hosch250 Loooong ago.
Oh, Yuushi.
Last time Yushii came in here we were all surprised.
Yuushi, whatever the spelling is.
I remember Yuushi, I think s/he is in Japan though?
Thanks for the chat I'm gonna go have a look around. Cya!
@HankCa If you have any questions you know where to find us.
Q: Welcome to The 2nd Monitor!

PhrancisSo, you have found your way to the Code Review main chat room, The 2nd Monitor, perhaps for one of these reasons: You were invited or "pinged" by a site moderator or other user to discuss a post on the main Code Review site; You visited Code Review for the 1st or Nth time, and noticed the chat ...

Q: Document formatting markup engine in Postscript

luser droogI've been rewriting this same sort of thing off and on over the years, but finally here's the "perfected" monstrosity. Some kruft in the middle with attempting to predict the number of spaces that will be set on the final line. But since that figure is always wrong, the line data structure has to...

How is that question still at instead of ?
> So in addition to comments on programming style or shudder correctness
@Mast Dunno, not sure what the process is to get it to FAQ... @200_success ^^ do you have any advice on this?
@Mast Feel free to make any edits you feel are warranted
@Phrancis It's already Jamalized.
@Mast because FAQ is a mod-only tag
@Mat'sMug You're a mod.
And I changed the tag ;-)
@Phrancis Victory!
Hey Mug, didn't realize you were still around this late :)
Mug is always around, except when he isn't.
@Phrancis He is usually around until between 10PM and 12AM Central time.
Like now.
He just frequently lurks in private mode.
@Hosch250 Central, that's Mountain time, right?
No, that is Central.
@Mast Mountain +1
Mountain is -1, Pacific is -2, Eastern is +1.
@Phrancis So, Eastern?
No, Eastern is Mountain +2
So, 12AM Central is 1AM Eastern, 11PM Mountain, and 10PM Pacific.
I thought the USA only had 3 timezones.
No, USA has... 6 time zones, that I know of (used to work in nationwide call center)
Question - did anyone actually get the SO 10,000,000 swag?
I got an e-mail, and never got anything after that........
10M swag? What swag is that?
Oh, the 10M questions?
@rolfl We probably would've known if any of us got it.
And there's at least one of the regulars applicable.
So, no?
Yeah, I have not been that regular on here to notice it all ;-)
@rolfl I got a #SOreadytohelp tee for tweeting, but that's all
Just one mention of 'swag' and the mug appears!
@Phrancis 6? Wow. EU has 2. One for Britain and one for the rest of us.
Main US has 4 that I know of.
Oh, Hawaii has one of its own.
Hawai probably has it's own, but Hawai doesn't count.
Alaska probably deserves a few timezones at least.
@Mast Hawaii does too count.
But things that far north make timezones whacky
It just isn't part of the 48 contiguous.
@rolfl did you contact anyone at SE to find out what's up with the shipping?
@Hosch250 I haven't seen anyone from Hawai on SE yet.
@Mast I have, although I don't remember who.
@Mat'sMug Nope, but I got some IBM swag today, and it got me thinking
@rolfl IBM has swag?
(I got a really cool "A boy and his atom" T-Shirt).
Pics or didn't happen.
And I know you know how to make a picture.
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by gelpi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110747/revisions
You know, SEQUEL is really making me hate IBM at work right now
@Duga Nope.
@rolfl only the people who won the #SOReadyToHelp profile/tweet thing
@Hosch250 Kudos for pointing that out, did you need a SEDE for that?
They said in november they'd get shipped in a few weeks
6-8 weeks.
@Mast s/weeks/months
no they literally said they were trying for 2 weeks
@Mast Hawaii is UTC-10, Alaska is UTC-9, then Pacific (-8), Moutain (-7), Central (-6), Eastern (-5). Canada has two extra ones, Atlantic (-4) and Newfoundland (-3.5 (don't ask))
not even the fabled timespan
also I got swag from SE the other day, so I can confirm it does still exist
@Phrancis Newfoundland has it's own timezone, of-course.
So the major ones are Mountain, Central and Eastern?
and Pacific
Pacific is west coast?
Mountain != Central, TIL
California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington (state) are in Pacific
@Phrancis I'd assume Washington is Eastern.

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