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@Mat'sMug Renamed to b.
ha, ha, ha... (refreshes inspection results) ... "consider renaming variable 'b'"
Renamed to a1.
@Jamal - Hi!
Yeah, I have been a "winning" victim of that problem a few times...... and, no, I can't figure out how to link a particular badge to a particular question/answer.....
What problem? With 1 vote short, or?
This answer of mine keeps sitting at the top of the list even though it won populist a while ago.
Problem is with 1-vote-short query.... it identifies the conditions for what can earn a badge, but not whether that badge is already earned for that situation.
Hey Code Review!
Hey Alex L.
Could anyone here do me up a code review of a commercial (private) project in C#?
(Without stealing my source code, of course.)
Just saw the end results of the Secret Santa and I regret not participating :(
Thank you, sir. :)
@rolfl I can understand that restriction. However, is there a way to set a value for when a post reaches a certain score, or would that get complicated?
That would be complicated, mostly for 2 reasons:
1. the score is summarized on the post, and to get the score at a particular date would require a query on the votes table
2. the votest table does not record the vote time, just the date.
So, it would be "really hard" for most cases, and "impossible" for other cases.
A better solution would be to link each badge to the post that earned it, if the badge is post-related, but SEDE does not record that link.
Q: mysql_fetch_array is not returning result

AlexBelow the //message for the driver comment; $search_loc['location'] is not getting the location in mysql db. I want to be able to retrieve location and email it to driver. <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="hidden"; // Mysql username $password="hidden"; // Mysql passw...

I have a quick question if anyone is around.
@EBrown i'll give it a shot
@mjolka I have a class which uses another class (we'll call this second class Keyword), does it make sense to do the processing for each Keyword in the first class, or pass the relevant data to the Keyword itself and do the processing in it?
Anyone here familiar with node.js?
not sure i can give an opinion on that without more context
It's...complicated. Lol
Right now I do all the processing to check if a string of text matches a Keyword within the first class, when the actual parameters are within the second class.
I think I'm doing it all wrong, and the first class should send the text to the second class (Keyword) which would check if it matches.
It's for a commercial product, so I can't really divulge too many details.
Which of these reads clearer: if (x <= 0 || x >= 1) or if (!(x > 0 && x < 1))?
I'm thinking the first is most direct.
Gah, who wrote all this crappy code?
@EBrown if (!(0 < x && x < 1))?
I'm more used to python's if not (0 < x < 1) si that's what is closer. But it might not really apply hère.
Ehh, I don't like the idea of the constant preceding the value.
(Damn auto correct...)
Too many variables, need a new class for them now.
@EBrown my gut instinct is to agree with that. so you have a method bool Matches(string) on Keyword, and then in the other class you have bool Matches(string foo) => _keywords.Any(keyword => keyword.Matches(foo));
@mjolka I think that's what I'll go with. Thanks for helping me think it through! :)
Q: Simple object-oriented calculator - part 3

Nelson TeixeiraThis question is an improvement I did based on recommendations from these other questions: Simple object-oriented calculator Simple object-oriented calculator - follow-up To those looking this question first I'm trying to find a correct OOP model I can use in JS. I initially found a very diff...

Q: Check if a linked list is a palindrome in O(n) time and O(1) space

WinchenzoMagnificoI liked this problem because there are so many sub-problems that are interview problems in their own right-- (reverse linked list, find midpoint) var Node = function(val) { this.val = val; this.next = null; } var a = new Node('r'); var b = a.next = new Node('a'); var c = b.next = new Node('...

If you just want people to review your working code, then you should post to Code Review, not Stack Overflow. If you are having a specific problem, you should be able to describe the output you expect. Describe where you are having trouble. Just asking someone to solve a Project Euler problem for you isn't really a good fit for this site. — MrFlick 50 secs ago
Q: Maximum Product of Word Lengths in Python

pythonProblems was to calculate Maximum Product of Word Lengths: Given a string array words, find the maximum value of length(word[i]) * length(word[j]) where the two words do not share common letters. You may assume that each word will contain only lower case letters. If no such two words exist, r...

Q: Folder watching in Go

Adam SmithTo try and track down a troublesome AS400 bug, my company wants me to keep track of the order in which files are put into a folder. I spent an hour whipping something up in Go, but I'm still pretty new to Go so I'd like an opinion on a couple points: Idiomatic Go: how do I make it more "Go"-lik...

I should clarify, not on Stack Exchange. There is actually a code review site on the stack exchange network: codereview.stackexchange.com But what you really needed was a tool that lets you compare code. @Radio was correct in his solution, but that's not what you asked for, you asked for us to compare your code. — Jacques 56 secs ago
@Duga I'm not sure how I feel about that one.
So confusing. Why even mention CR if it's irrelevant. Yet, saying anything will probably make things worse. Ugh.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Reviewiamnotmaynard 39 secs ago
@iamnotmaynard "I can not do it, please help me." — That's makes it instantly off-topic on Code Review. Please read the Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow Users. — 200_success 10 secs ago
@200_success I completely agree with you there, though to play devil's advocate a little: I think the OP was indicating that (s)he could not make the changes to optimize the code on their own. Either way, it's a very low-quality question.
Fair enough.
That said, it's still not a good question for CR. It doesn't contain any indication on what the code is supposed to do, it's basically just a code dump.
So, I haven't been on CR for a while, and I noticed the changes... It just now hit me you guys finally got your custom design....
Yep. :)
About a month ago.
possible answer invalidation by python on question by python: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/115362/revisions
Q: Reverse "Guess the Number" program

MitarashiFoxI recently got to a certain exercise in a book I am reading, and am looking for feedback. It is a program in which the user picks a number and the computer uses algorithms to guess it. If there is any way that I can improve my code, feedback is really appreciated! #include <iostream> #include <s...

> Dear Santa, I just found your note. I added it to my answer.
A: Code Review Secret Santa 2015: Show off your gifts

MastLook what Santa brought me: Awesome! Oh productivity, how small thou art. It even has a note:

They should put a huge sticker on the package with WARNING! Contains note!
You do realize that stack overflow is here to help the general community, questions as specific as this are not helpful to the community. That being said, the OP needed to post this on the code review site. I've updated my answer to say that as well. He didn't ask a question pertaining to programming, he asked a question that was about a typo in his code. — Jacques 58 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by python: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/115362/revisions
@Duga False. Jamal knows what he's doing.
All this code is so bad.
I can't believe I wrote most (all) of it.
Wow, I wrote all this a while back apparently.
This was before I knew that FirstOrDefault took a predicate in it.
And back when I left braces out as much as possible.
Lots of green...not sure if that's good or bad.
Q: Change calculator

MagirldoogerI likes my use of functions so I'm mostly looking for little things but if you see something tell me :) #include <iostream> using namespace std; void addQuarter(double &num); void addDime(double &num); void addNikle(double &num); void addPennie(double &num); bool quarterValid(double num, co...

@Duga wtf no
@Jacques no. code review only fixes working code. broken code is explicitly the realm of SO. — Dan Pantry 37 secs ago
That moment of sadness when you look at code you wrote from not-that-long-ago and realize it's atrocious. #Programming #CodeReview
@SirPython Thank Goodness For Code Review?
Good news is it's almost TTLW.
Bad news is I have to go shopping.
Hello everyone!
Hey @syb0rg!
Anyone good with configure scripts? I need to know how to set a variable portably: stackoverflow.com/q/34520988/1937270
Caveat: in CMake
@mancini13: the only way to tackle this is to print out the generated SQL statement before executing it. Then try that statement manually in your SQL client. And do read up on prepared statements. No offence, but your current code is a mess and wouldn't pass any code review in my company. — a_horse_with_no_name 29 secs ago
the only way to tackle this is to print out the generated SQL statement before executing it. Then try that statement manually in your SQL client. Edit your question and add the actual statement that is executed and the error messages (or results) you get. And do read up on prepared statements. No offence, but your current code is a mess and wouldn't pass any code review in my company. — a_horse_with_no_name 32 secs ago
@syb0rg You seem to double up your path... Do you have a typo somewhere?
You have: /Users/syb0rg/Dropbox/Development/Khronos/Khronos/build/library-build/src/pocket‌​sphinx-build//Users/syb0rg/Dropbox/Development/Khronos/Khronos/lib/pocketsphinx/.‌​./sphinxbase... no
@holroy Not that I've found
@holroy Yeah, ik
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