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and site-business would've been drowned :/
RELOAD! There are 1629 unanswered questions (94.5615% answered)
I've got no problem with the move, but I do believe all of us who participated would have left it straight away if something more related had turned up! :-)
Greetings and a merry christmas to you!
I hate christmas
But thanks anyway
Merry christmas for you too
@Vogel612 Good move
Christmas is over anyways :D
@IsmaelMiguel Hey there
@Vogel612 That's the best that ever happened this week
@Phrancis Greetings
How are you?
@IsmaelMiguel Hey.
@SirPython Greetings. How are you?
Doing OK, and yourself?
Good, thanks.
Quite meh, quite meh
But I'm writting a nice Javascript compression method
Hopefully, it will work
Hope so!
Limit to a dictionary of 255 entries, with 255 or 60k limit length for each entry
But still, it's usable
@IsmaelMiguel Compression of the Javascript code itself? Or a compression method using Javascript?
Using Javascript
Ah ok
What are you compressing?
@SirPython yeah
@Phrancis Javascript Code
But will be for anything
Compressing text into images basically?
Not exactly
Compressing text into text
@SirPython Sorry the massive lag
I was doing a dungeon on Tera
That there will have what I am developing
Basically, I have a compression method with a static dictionary
Now, I want with a dynamic dictionary
Could you parse word-by-word?
What do you mean?
I don't know how your dictionary works, but assuming it compresses words into smaller words, or maybe bytes, perhaps that would work
It just grabs repeated patters, stuffs into an array and replaces them with 2 bytes (to indicate the reference)
Then it is going to store the array, splitted by bytes with the size of the entry
Something like this:
This would be the same as ABC123ABC123
But well optimized, it would do \1\x06ABC123\1\1
Q: Visualizing Brainf_ck interpreter in ClojureScript

ReefersleepI have written a working Brainfuck interpreter using ClojureScript, reagent, core.async and dommy. I am not very satisfied with the code, however, in particular the central part of the code - the interpreting function, step. It is a pages-long mess of nested conditionals. I would like to simplify...

The well-optimized version is 10 bytes long, the text is 12 bytes long
DEFLATE only is effective at above around 50 bytes or so (citation needed)
You are going to loose if you want to compress stuff smaller than, say a few hundred bytes.
Well, if it isnt repeated at all, it just adds 1 byte
Because the dictionary of repetitions will have 0 entries
@IsmaelMiguel Do shortcode and shortcode2 still work well if the iterator variable in a for loop isn't i?
@SirPython For i and j, they do. Others will generate a bit longer results.
shortcode2 is incomplete and I'm considering removing it, since 254 entries is a lot
Let alone 65000
Or so
Compressing larger stuff however could be made effective with proper pattern analysis, but your main challenge would be to find the maximum length patterns which occurs the most times in your designated text to compress. This is the basic challenge of a random compression algorithm.
Well, I will use the most stupid way
Just go for 255 bytes-long repeated patterns (the limit for my dictionary)
Then go lower and lower and lower
Until 3-4 bytes
When the dictionary is full, bail out
Depending on the options, it can try to find other patterns that are repeated
And replace those
Q: Closing InputStream of a running process

John WhitmoreLet's say you want to extract the output of a console application till you've found a certain keyword. If you have found the keyword the started console process still should be running, however the function which has found the keyword should return. Here is a minimal application which simply cre...

There must be, at least once, a combination were you can find 40 repeated strings of 3 bytes, but only 5 repeated strings of 5 bytes.
I do believe you should look into the diffie-hellman algorithms suggested before, and having not only byte references but arbitrary length binary encodings. These can still be stored in an image, and it can still be specialized for javascript. It will however remove some of the restrictions you are having with dictionaries.
This one is just a play-toy
But I surelly will look into more advanced algorythms
Since I have no basis what-so-ever on compression algorythms (just trial and error, no manuals or anything), I think I might learn something by doing it the "wrong" way
@IsmaelMiguel You might then run into issues that the repeated-3-bytes version partially are being used in the repeated-5-bytes version...
True, but that would be on a more advanced step
I think you might learn even more using a better algorithm, and implementing those. But your mileage may vary.
Just a question
@IsmaelMiguel How do you plan to avoid it happening? How do you aim not to 'destroy' your 40 repetitions by one of the other patterns?
@holroy CPU power, lots of ram, storing repeated copies of the replaced string.
Or some simpler way, like replacing ahead
I'm not saying you will, but take care not choosing patterns disqualifying other patterns. Which might be hard, as you kind of want to compare 100 reps on a 4 byte pattern, vs 70 reps on a 6 byte pattern, where the latter is the better option.
That would be a more advanced algorythm with better options
For now, it will be the stupid kid of compression algorythms
Q: Basic Contact Form (PHP & HTML)

user27307254534534534543675765It's for a commercial purposes. It's not going to a database, but will just be emailed to a person via phpMailer. I am not good at php (truly awful). Asking for code review so I know whether this is good enough for going production or not. Thank you for your time & help. <?php session_start();...

What design would be better?
Storing the dictionary with 255 entries right in front?
@CaptainObvious I remember seeing most of that PHP in an example page once
Or just going mad and do 'back-references'?
@Quill-HATMANIAC That code hurts me deep in my soul.
session_start(); //allows use of session variables
   $data = htmlspecialchars($data);
   return $data;
  $token = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
  $_SESSION['token'] = $token;
  $_SESSION['token_time'] = time();
(repeated inside an if and the else)
Hard to say, Ismael, but a good compression takes advantage of knowledge of the text you are about to compress. So the better option/design would use that knowledge to predict good patterns and verify through analysis.
> I am not good at php (truly awful)
@holroy Problem is: I have no knowledge of what will come
@Quill-HATMANIAC Can this be considered broken?
1- It doesnt store the message in the database
@IsmaelMiguel Then you have even better reason to look into ordinary compression algorithms.
2- Doesn't send by email
3- Doesn't store in a text file (awful)
4- Redirects somewhere
5- Does whatever (?)
It stores it in session variables
and then redirects to a page that would use them
But redirects to the same page
Or not?
header("Location: contact9SessionsCRSF2.php");
@holroy You're right. Which algorythm you suggest?
It's not broken, well unless the code inside it is broken
it's just horribly written
@Quill-HATMANIAC Contact 9 sessions CRFS 2?
@Quill-HATMANIAC Not broken, possibly not complete, but that is not illegal
that's the mailer page it redirects to
It is a Basic Contact Form (PHP & HTML)
I can't see it being off-topic
however the mailer code would be nice
It would, but I doubt we will see it
It's broken
Oh, wait, it isn't
Take it back!
But it is seriously faulty
@IsmaelMiguel Take a look at this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Lossless_compression_algorithms . I think I started with a variation of the Lempel Ziv compressions. They are rather easy to implement, and understandable logic. And it has quite decent compression.
DEFLATE would be nice
Q: How elegant/efficient is this little Cache mechanism?

superuserdoI needed a quick caching mechanism to save a bitmap (picture). There was no way I could get the bitmap to the class where I need to upload it to the server so for the sake of organization and code cleanliness I created this. I have never seen this before implemented this way but to me this not on...

@IsmaelMiguel DEFLATE sure looks like it has been used by some good compression engines, but the question is whether you know enough to use this as you first, primary entry point into compression algorithms.
Nah, too complicated
Doing Lempel Ziv is rather simple, and is the base of many others compression algorithms.
I'm reading about LZMA
Well, I'm going to sleep
Have a good night
Just do something that you feel comfortable with!
It's supposed to be fun and entertaining (and just a little taxing...)
Relevant ^ LZ77
A simpler algorithm, which you understand how to implement, will give a greater success rate, and better feeling when completing. You can always advance to better and more efficient algorithms later on!
Good night!
I'd need a mod opinion on something! :)
I'm not sure if any mod's are around, could we ordinary users possibly help you?
I added a bounty on my question, about graph traversal. But I realized I didn't implement the algorithm in my question but another algorithm, that isn't related. I'd like to change the POV of my question to focus on the application of the algorithm I actually implemented, so that I don't receive answers that are only about "Hey, you didn't implement this algorithm at all".
since you don't edit the code I'd say an edit should be fine in this case
But, there's an answer ATM, that says "You didn't implement this algorithm correctly", though the other points in the answer are totally valid. I don't want to invalidate this answer..
But well, I put a 200 bounty on that question, lol.
urk :/ that makes it harder...
then again did you know you didn't implement the described algo before the answer?
One could argue that your code is broken, as it doesn't do what it is expected to do, but I guess you could change/add to the text so that it reads something like "I thought I implemented this, but implemented this instead...". Try real hard not to invalidate the answer, if you change your POV
because then the answer is completely valid.... any edit you want would kinda invalidate that answer, though.
anyways 3AM, time for bed
Nope, I actually wrote I implemented the Dijkstra's algorithm, but that was a mistake from me, as I thought I remembered what the Dijkstra's algorithm was, but I mistook it for another algo
@Vogel612 Good night! :)
@holroy Yeah, that's what I wanted to do, but I wanted an opinion before I did this
@SimonForsbergMcFeely @Mat'sMug @janos @200_success I'd need one of your opinion on the case above (About my question, the edit and all). I don't want to invalidate the answer, but I'd also want to receive the best reviews possible considering the bounty I just put..
Another option could be to extend your question explaining your mishap, and what you want the focus on answers to be. If you explain which algorithm you've implemented, and say that you mistook this for Djikstra's algorithm, that could possibly work out...
@holroy Yeah, that might do it! I'll edit it right now, and well, if it's not ok I'll rollback/edit it in another way. Before there are other similar answers that add up
Just try to keep the addition separate from the rest, somehow, so that if the mods suggests other actions, it is easy to reverse again.
@TopinFrassi what's wrong with Chris' answer?
Hi, please read the last 10 minutes of chat...
@Mat'sMug Nothing Mat, and hi! :0
The answer is good as it states the algorithm isn't well implemented. But I just put a bounty on the question before I realized I'm not even close to the algorithm in question. So, well maybe that's not fine, but I'd like to make that 200 bounty useful to get information on the algorithm I implemented instead of the one I wanted to implement. So I wanted to edit my question, but that invalidates the first part of Chris's answer. So I got some options :

1. I keep the question as-is and receive loads of answers stating "You didn't implement the algorithm correctly" and probably the reviews w
I don't think you'll get many more answers pointing that out, there's already one answer saying it
do you have a new version of the code?
But then again, it's kind of hard to give a good review on the code part when it's implementing a different algorithm...
But don't you think other answers wouldn't point out flaws on the algorithm I implemented instead of the algorithm written in the question?
@Mat'sMug No, it's just the algorithm name that's present that isn't good
All your bases are belong to [foobar]
@Mat'sMug Yeah, sort of
+ the class would change name, because there's the algorithm name in there, but that's all.
just edit it by mentioning the correct algorithm and add 1 or 2 lines saying you messed up at first
case closed
I don't see what' s wrong with being pointed out that this isn't the algorithm you think you were implementing
@JeroenVannevel That's what I thought I'd do
@Mat'sMug There's nothing wrong about it, that's not what i'm trying to say. You mind if I create a chat room and explain it in french? It'd be easier for me
It would give reviewers a better opportunity to review the actual algorithm you've implemeted
Then I'm out... See ya later...
That's the first time the French scared someone away
@holroy Bye
You placed your bounty on a question that you knew was problematic?
@JeroenVannevel lol
HeHe... Not scared away... Don't know French, and TTGTB
@200_success Ehm, not exactly, I figured my question was that problematic after I put the bounty on it
Well, the fact is that you started the bounty after having received an answer telling you that what you wrote wasn't Dijkstra's algorithm.
So, what did you hope to achieve with the bounty?
@200_success I didn't think I was that far from the algorithm, so I thought that adding the bounty on it would help me reach my goal. But I'm actually really far from the algorithm. So yeah, in a sense I shouldn't have put the bounty there (or should just accept the answer/post a new one)
Well, you might as well wait to see if any other answer comes along in the next week.
Is there anyone here who does not have the JDK installed on their machine?
none of us is sane enough to not use Java
@SirPython What do you want to know?
@JeroenVannevel cough
I wanted to know if anyone could locate a jvm.dll in their jre/bin/client folder.
@JeroenVannevel My relationship with Java and JAVA is a complicated one.
@SirPython Yes, in my 32-bit Java folder.
How about we merge 'Java' and 'JAVA' and just call it 'Java/java'
@EBrown Do you have the JDK installed too?
@SirPython Yeah, just looked and I have a JDK folder.
But it's 64-bit.
Did you install the JDK and the JRE separately?
Thank you.
They're not the same version.
If that helps any.
It does.
But I do weird stuff to my PC, so it could be a fluke.
The JRE is 1.8u51, the JDK is 1.8u60.
@200_success That's fine by me, thanks! :)
Shoot, I need to vote more.
@Mat'sMug Can you answer a quick question?
I have a bunch of private methods, should I use camelCase or PascalCase?
@EBrown Aren't all methods PascalCase?
@Zak No idea, that's why I asked.
@EBrown PascalCase, always
@TopinFrassi Alright, wilco.
Also, sidebar: Amazon's Echo is pretty slick.
Does anyone here know what OS RubberDuck has?
Never mind.
Q: Angular Pagination Directive

John HalbertI wrote this small pagination directive after having to do something similar for an app I'm writing. For the app I wanted something that would be flexible and could be reused just about anywhere. Because of time constraints I ended up writing a directive that was very specific to that app, but ...

Q: JLabel formatting on GPA calculator

thekonductorI am currently working on a GPA Calculator side project over holiday break to become more familiar with Swing, but I find the number formatting is more complicated than in regular JAVA. At the moment I have a working prototype, but the number formatting on the overall GPA is way to long. I have t...

user image
isn't that cool!
Q: Return four spreadsheets of Google Analytics account, property, profile, and filter information

BlexyScenario goes like this: User enables plugin from within Google Spreadsheet Authenticates with their Google Analytics Account They select which accounts they'd like to perform an audit on Four spreadsheets are returned with information on their account filters, view filters, goals, and view set...

@SirPython Windows.
Q: Using MergeSort with BigDecimal

Kelsey YoungI recently accepted the "Java BigDecimal" challenge at Hackerrank.com. For sorting in reverse order I used a modified version of MergeSort. However, in my Merge function I could not find a way to incorporate Infinity into my BigDecimal array as the SENTINEL value. The problem is that BigDecimal d...

SERVER: for(i=0;i<=strlen(str1)+1;i++) -> change limit check condition to -> i < strlen(str1); CLIENT: buf[read+1] = '\0'; -> change to -> buf[read] = '\0'; // This correction required in client code at TWO places. You changed 'int stringlen = strlen(str1); but this should be done after scanf() call as I pointed in yesterday comment. [i.e. scanf("%s", str1); //next line; stringlen = strlen(str1);] Please note that I am not compiling and running your code, my comments are purely based on code review. — cm161 28 secs ago
As mentioned here, What is jQuery selection in this line --- Methods called on jQuery selections are in the $.fn namespace? Is jQuery('ul li') a jQuery selection?
@TotalCare: you may also benefit from getting your code reviewed on coder view.stackexchange.com — ChrisWue 41 secs ago
@JaredSmith Mixins are peripheral or optional behaviors(not core). In javascript, I would add mixins as properties of function constructor(Animal.mixin1=funtion(){..}, Animal.mixin2=function(){...}), and the core properties can be added as this.prop1=function(){...} within function constructor. ---- reply to comment
@skiwi I did not get when you say, OOP style written in JS. How would you address your approach?
Q: Find no of swaps needed to club identical elements of array together

user2507845I have created a solution for the problem as below: Given a string S consisting of letters 'O' and 'Z'. Calculate the minimum number of changes required such that all O's are adjacent to each other and all Z's are adjacent to each other. One change is equivalent to swapping two neighbouring lett...

Q: isPalindrome method

Jonathan SmitCan I please have some advice on optimizing and cleaning up my code? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> bool pal_perm(char*); int main() { printf("The output is %sa palindrome.\n", pal_perm("tact coa")? "": "not "); return 0; } bool pal_per...

Q: OpenGL texture not being mapped

Angel BatesDecided it was finally time to start learning 3D graphics! Not really sure why I can't get this texture to be mapped though. I'm able to draw 4 walls around the user. I'm trying to map the texture to the front wall, but this is where I'm falling. The texture loads correctly as far as I can tell...

@CaptainObvious Reads like it's broken.
this question is maybe more appropriate on codereviews — Louis Barranqueiro 10 secs ago
@DanPantry Your picture here is broken.
I can see it @Mast
@Heslacher I can see all the others, but not his.
My question would need 4 more upvotes and the answer 6 more upvotes to get me Amazing Grace hat here
Q: Delayed awarding of Tumbleweed badge

HeslacherI just went through the awarded Tumbleweed badges to check for any possible weed eater hat and stumbled over this question: jQuery resizable plugin The badge had been awarded 17 hours ago but the question is from 14th August 2015 which is clearly due to the needed range Asked a question w...

possible answer invalidation by user2507845 on question by user2507845: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/115307/revisions
@Heslacher Good answer, upvoted. Already had upvoted the question.
@Duga rolled back
If you have problems, please explain the problems. Compile time errors? runtime errors? Please post them. If this is working code and you are looking to improve it, you would be better off over at CodeReview. — nvoigt 58 secs ago
So close @Duga, so close
monking @skiwi
Q: Sanitize server hostname in PHP

LatheesanI am working on a script that calls a third party api, which needs a valid server hostname. Any of these format should be allowed, for example: server.domain.com server1.domain.com something.domain.com 123456x.domain.tld etc... So, I have put together the following script to sanitize the ser...

@skiwi Monking, what's close?
@Mast The hat
Q: OpenGL texture not being mapped

Angel BatesDecided to finally start learning 3D! I'm able to draw four big blue walls around the camera, but I'm not able to get a texture mapped to the front wall, or any other wall for that matter. float xRot = 0.0f; float yRot = 0.0f; float zRot = 0.0f; float zTrans = -60.0f; int boxList; GLuint textur...

Q: Golangish slice type for C++ arrays/vectors

coderoddeThe Go programming language has that slice type, which is under the hood a pointer to an actual array. This allows treating the subarrays as actual arrays with almost no performance overhead. This code snippet is about implementing slice type for C++ arrays and vectors. slice.h: #ifndef SLICE_H...

This is probably best asked over at Code Review. — Jongware 26 secs ago
It's so easy to write ugly code in JavaScript :-)
It's so easy to write ugly code.
Especially in languages you're not familiar with.
Maybe codereview.stackexchange.com is the place to ask. — stubben 43 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs in codereview.stackexchange.comthefourtheye 1 min ago
please make the same question to codereview.stackexchange.comGeorgeGkas 22 secs ago
@thefourtheye no it doesn't. This code is not yet working as intended, because it only works for numbers with up to 4 digits. As such this question is not on-topic for Code Review, it isn't even off-topic here. Aside from that, a question can by definition not be off-topic at one site, just because it may fit better on another site. Please read up on this on Meta Stack Overflow! — Vogel612 21 secs ago
thanks duga
def researchMap = json.researches.collectEntries { [it.id, it.level] }
def researchLevels = [113, 120, 121, 114, 122, 115, 117, 118, 106, 108, 124, 123, 199, 109, 110, 111].collect { researchMap[it.toString()].toInteger() }
researchesService.updatePlayerResearches(player, *researchLevels)
I should move the .toInteger() calls to the point where I create the map though
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comMoo-Juice 26 secs ago
@Duga rba
@Moo-Juice while this question may be somewhat placeable on Code Review, you should not close a question as "Belongs to another site". Questions like this one are better closed as "too broad", with just maybe mentioning Code Review in a comment. Thanks! — Vogel612 48 secs ago
@Vogel612, actually one of the Close reasons is that it is best placed on one of the other stack-exchange sites - unfortunately "Code review" is not listed as a possible target! :) — Moo-Juice 48 secs ago
okay, I've had it
@Mast, good to know! Today I Learned :) — Moo-Juice 17 secs ago
@Moo-Juice Noo this is not for code review! I am not asking for stylistic and other feedback. I am looking if there is some specific problem in my code — user200312 41 secs ago
Gotta love when SQL triggers start failing
@Phrancis marked as spam
I wonder why my Outlook rules haven't kicked in yet...
@Mat'sMug That's very cool dude!
@Phrancis Nice colour, now if only you could change the background to something darker.
I think I'm pretty familiar with the rules of the site, yes. — Bill the Lizard 11 mins ago
Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean Greetings
@Donald.McLean Greetings, Donald.
Q: script to convert csv in more readable and back

user2740I wrote a script to convert csv-files in human readable format and vice versa like this $ ./transform table.csv inflate | $ ./transformtable table.t cola colb colc | cola;colb;colc; 1 a g | 1;a;g; 2 b g | 2;b;g; 3 c ...

Turns out my Outlook is, in fact, broken. Hopefully the repair tool works
@Ikillnukes Instead of rebuilding the new control from scratch, consider cloning the existing one with cloneNode. Avoid inline styles, add a class instead and define them in a stylesheet. Avoid event handler content attributes which require global functions, use event handler IDL attributes or event listeners. You can post your code in codereview.stackexchange.com to get more advices. — Oriol 31 secs ago
Q: Project Euler 48

Dhruv SehgalThis is ProjectEuler Q48 I don't know why but retmod is giving wrong answer after (16^16)%(10^10) https://www.hackerearth.com/notes/number-theory-1/ #include<iostream> using namespace std;//a^b%c long long int retmod(long long int a,long long int b,long long int c) { if(b==0)return 1; else...

I don't know where to move it, chances are small that someone will spontaneously write code for you. Keep trying to write it, it's the best way to learn. If you really get stuck and don't know why something doesn't work, you could try to post that along with all input data in a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example (mcve). Oh I've heard of a place called "codereview" but I've never checked it out. — uhoh just now
I just noticed this text in the Tour:
> Focus on questions about an actual problem you have faced. Include details about what you have tried and exactly what you are trying to do.
Isn't this a bit misleading?
If you have a working solution but are wondering how it could be better this might be more appropriate on the Code Review site. — McAdam331 57 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is better suited for CodeReview exchange. — McAdam331 15 secs ago
@Phrancis Looks more like that's meant for SO
My thoughts exactly
Q: Connect 4 refine the diagonal check

Brigzy97I am creating a connect 4 game in python and I have managed to write the code so that it runs. However I have a lot of duplicated data in it and was just wondering if anyone could help me to refine it to minimise this? Here is my code so far: def Diag2(u, r, b, column, row): utemp1 = u-1 ut...

Q: Listview from SQLite

BassiosI'm trying to get back into programming by building an app I've had in mind for quite a while. I've created an SQLite database and have managed to get some data in it. I'm trying to display the data inside a Listview, and whilst it is displaying, I'm concerned I've made things more difficult for ...

Q: Regex statement to only validate strings with a set first 3 alphabet characters followed by 7 integers

Joshua Aslan SmithIn short I am trying to create a regular expression that only allows strings that have IVP as the first 3 characters followed by any 7 integers. For example IVP1234567 is a valid string. This is the expression I have written to test it: (IVP)\d{7}(?=\D|$) Will this work successfully?

@CaptainObvious um...
@Phrancis Do you have a minute?
possible answer invalidation by Brigzy97 on question by Brigzy97: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/115331/revisions
Nevermind, I think I figured it out.
SQL indexes are painful sometimes.
@Phrancis @Mat'sMug I have an interesting SQL question on DBA.
Whenever you see a tripple nested loop, odds are you're not going about your business in the most efficient way. That's for sure, but given that this code actually works, and you're looking for advice on how to improve it, do consider posting it on the codereview siteElias Van Ootegem 55 secs ago
Q: Wrapping a small library for Angular, is this approach reasonable?

NitI've started out working on a larger project using Angular for the first time. For visual feedback, I'm using Waves (Github) (you can see a demo page here). The standard way to use Waves is to include the script along with its CSS on the page and once the page has finished loading, call Waves.i...

Q: Replacing elements from a list and its sublists

morbidCode Write a procedure substitute that takes three arguments: a list, an old word, and a new word. It should return a copy of the list, but with every occurrence of the old word replaced by the new word, even in sublists. For example: > (substitute ’((lead guitar) (bass guitar) (rhythm guitar) drums...

@EBrown I've had a senior data architect tell me to avoid SELECT * if at all possible
@Phrancis Yeah, I think I need to start changing some of these queries out.
I need to do some joins on this, that would speed up this website substantially.
Q: Reversing a list without (append)

morbidCodeI would like to reverse a list using cdr, car and cons. Since lists in lisp are asymmetrical (can only insert at the beginning), I am interested on how one would write a procedure to do that without using (append). Please review my code. (define (reverse l) (define (aux orig result) ...

A: Code Review Secret Santa 2015: Show off your gifts

Quill - HAT MANIACThanks Santa! I received "Clean Code" by Robert C. Martin. I'm sure this will be a great handbook for improving my reviews! :-)

Almost sounds like Robert C. Martin participated :P
If you give actual code (and it works), this might better suit Code Reviewjonrsharpe 30 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by zebleckDAMM on question by zebleckDAMM: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/115278/revisions
Turns out he wanted to edit his question, which he did. Invalidated answers, so rolled back.
If the code works, you might want to post to Code Review instead. — Juhana 30 secs ago
One rejected edit, one rolled back edit, that guy is not having his best day.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because codereview.stackexchange.comCodeiSir 38 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by PuggyLongLegs on question by PuggyLongLegs: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114757/revisions
@Duga Harmless.
Hmmm, perhaps not.
Heslacher needs one more vote apiece here: meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/6370/…
Someone should do a partial rollback on that.
Reset the code, keep the picture.
ok i will close it i didnt know for code review — Aleksandar Milisavljevic 45 secs ago
Don't migrate this to Code Review! Functionality is around 50% that's what, 50% bugs? — Mast 7 secs ago
Note to self: never eat canned fruit again. — Todd Wilcox 2 hours ago
@Hosch250 Oh wow lol
No wonder I always thought canned food was disgusting.
Q: JavaScript Calculator adding discount on some number of people

Aleksandar MilisavljevicI am trying to learn JS and i am trying to made simple calculator which will calculate price against number of people and will give discount on some amount of people ex every 6th person is complete free . Here is example what i did till now :) http://codepen.io/anon/pen/wMoqzo html <input ...

Q: Excel VBA - Concatenate data files into master document; make multiple master documents if data exceeds Excel row limit

DKnightHere is a code I wrote to concatenate data files into master file. Once the data to be pasted into the master sheet exceeds the number of rows left in the master sheet, the program will create a new master document and continue the process. Hopes this helps. Help me clean it up and make it faster...

@Mast did a full rollback instead
@Hosch250 it's just saltwater, get over it
also off for today, see you guys around :D
@Vogel612 In the first place, saltwater tastes disgusting.
In the second place, I know enough chemistry to know that there will be traces of at least one of them.
This might be better suited for Code Review. — LegionMammal978 12 secs ago
They no way can get the concentration perfect to the molecular level so it will be a perfect degradation of both chemicals.
I've had a decent amount of chemistry and biology, it sounds worse than it is.
I know it isn't going to kill us, but it doesn't change the fact that it does make it taste disgusting.
Q: Using VBA for Excel: Move zipped files from multiple subfolders into one master folder via loop process

DKnightI am trying to write a code that: First Prompt: asks the user to select the folder that contains all zipped folders where each zipped folder contains a data file. Second Prompt: Ask the user to select the master folder path to place the unzipped data files into. The program will unzip the fi...

Q: Utilizing Areas to handle subdomains with shared state/resources

uncled1023I am currently working on a sideproject and have the basic foundation and architecture I want in place for the site. I wanted to get your opinion and thoughts on my current practices and methods before I get too deep down the rabbit hole and any potential issues would be difficult to remove. The...

sigh sometimes I wonder if WPF should have instead been WTF
WPF reminds me of Word Perfect every time I read it.
that was its extension, right?
The extension of the software with the same name, yes.
I meant file extension
e.g., mysuperawsomedoc.wpf
Haven't encountered it in a while though.
I think Word Perfect 6.0 was the last one I used.
anyway, I'm discovering that WPF DataGrid date formats and regional settings don't mix :|
@DanLyons Aren't dates fun?
The question is definitely not on topic, but are we punishing this person for being off topic or for having bad code? Reposting this in code review would be appropriate. — polka 35 secs ago
@Phrancis the problem is more that WPF doesn't use the current culture correctly
it seems to use en-US unless you hack it to pick up on the current culture, and even then, it won't pick up on computer-specific changes a user may have made
@Mast Nice, I <3 that book
@Phrancis I loved the stories on the website, didn't have the book yet.
Now I do.
Even more stories!
[email protected] certainly agrees, the TFS code review process seems to be very limiting and awkward to use. The awkwardness most likely can be overcome with experience, but the tool does not seem to provide capability to manage multiple review cycles, which is very common in any group. I currently do not have a clue how to revise an existing review. — Michael Erickson 24 secs ago
Q: JavaFX Multi-Page Application Mechanism

Hassan AlthafI am currently working on a project in Java, and I use JavaFX for the GUI of the System. Currently, I am in the designing phase of the system, where I am designing the look of the system as well as setting up the basic functionality like navigation. I would highly appreciate it if someone can rev...

New bounty started:
Q: C++ concurrency library

Aleksey DemakovI started a C++11 library of concurrency primitives in order to study and compare their performance; provide high-quality implementation of those to use in my projects. Its main target platform is Linux x86-64. It relies upon the futex() system call for some of its functionality. Other parts ...

Also, this is one away (and I'll have 200 bronze badges).
@rolfl: Were you already aware that posts can still be put back into One Vote Short after reaching a lower score, even after getting a badge? Would there be a way to prevent this (such as with this answer)?
Q: HashMap or Associative Arrays in C

TomI am trying to implement an HashMap in C. I am trying to used a linked list style of interfacing to make adding and removing keys easy and efficient. Searching is not something I am considering at this point as it is early in progress. I am looking for any tweaks that could make this faster, more...

Q: Nesting BsonDocuments in MongoDB queries

McAdam331I have a MongoDB collection setup where each document's JSON looks like this: { "_id" : "Stuff", "project_id" : "1234", "VehicleEntry" : [ { // Irrelevant fields removed. "VehicleStatus" : "PASSED" }, { // Irrelevant fields ...

@CaptainObvious Yikes!
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