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RELOAD! There are 1626 unanswered questions (94.5352% answered)
Q: Parsing expression with exponents and evaluating

penguinguyI'm programming a basic command line calculator in java that can parse expressions and evaluate them, does not handle brackets yet. For example an expression: "9+9/2^2*5-1". At this point I can give my program an expression that contains exponents, and It will evaluate them one by one until the...

Thanks @Mat'sMug! One more for the hat trick!
That was me.
And no need to thank me, you've given me votes to help me cap too.
Lol. Oh! Thanks @Hosch250! Cuz, hats!
Yesterday I needed 120 rep and had 4 hours to get it in.
I posted about 3-4 answers, killed at least one old zombie, getting Necromancer, and capped.
me too
I posted quite a few today. Winterbash has remotivated me.
That's just how it's supposed to work.
I can't wait to turn in all of these hats for cash and prizes.
You should come work on Rubberduck again when Winterbash is over.
It is working really fast now due to the asynchronous parser, and there are lots of cool new features to check out.
Well, async parsing isn't really faster
It's just not blocking the ui anymore :-)
It seems to finish fast, anyway.
@Mat'sMug Reminds me of my when I used to make all the comments on my dim statements line up ^^
A: Function to find the kth match (2)

ZakForget about pretty alignments Don't make comments line up vertically. I didn't even realise there were any comments initially because they're beyond the end of the scroll window and there's all that whitespace inbetween. Far from making your code more readible, it actually makes it less so. A...

@Hosch250 try a larger project ;-)
possible answer invalidation by Sumurai8 on question by Snorlax: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114563/revisions
@Zak IKR!
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is too broad for StackOvervlow; however it is probably on-topic for codereview.stackexchange.com Please always check the purpose of a StackExchange site (in the Help section) before posting. — Erwin Bolwidt 22 secs ago
Funny part is that next release of Rubberduck will embed Smart Indenter, which automates lining up these comments.
@Mat'sMug Well, isn't that ironic :)
Ooh, maybe I should add a generic "Go get Rubberduck" Section to all my VBA answers :)
Dude... Like... Use a data store maannnn. Like, you should totally load the data from a database or xml file at runtime cuz. — RubberDuck Aug 13 at 23:46
32 upvotes lol
Q: Is this a viable brute force java code?

Oybek KamolovKeep in mind I am not gonna use this for malicious reasons. Plus, most software are invulnerable to brute force. This is merely out of fun. FYI: I have the Scanner there so I can tell the program what password it is searching for pretty much. I have the timeMillis also just for personal reasons t...

NOOOOOO I didn't use my votes today!!!
I didn't use all my comment flags either
You know what I mean.
Yeah, I haven't got Vote Early yet either
@Quill-HATMANIAC Have you been capping?
I got it after about 13 votes after yesterday's reload.
I didn't cap the second day either.
oh wait vote capping, um no
I missed two of the days to cap
I think I screwed it
You can still get it.
Remember, it is only up/down votes that count.
well yeah, except those two days were in the middle
so to cap for those days, they have to be 7 days passed
I got extra votes on several days because I downvoted several questions that were later deleted.
yeah, I've got to do that
These comments are escalating quickly. Next thing you know I'll hear "Ask Obama really politely for the nuclear football" — Quill - HAT MANIAC 1 min ago
@Quill-HATMANIAC Do you happen to have a large sheet of plywood, or some other flat material?
no, not really
You could put the wrap on a hard surface, put the plywood on top, and jump on the plywood.
although feel free to write the nth answer
And get Explorer? Or is that only for Q's?
Ask or Answer
@DJanssens Evening
Any native english speaker can help me out with something? I'm looking for a less "strong" word for enforced. Something like between suggesting and enforcing :D
involuntary, demanded, necessary, constrained, coerced, required / requisite
It should fit in the context: The website "enforces" users to start questions with keywords like "what","who","where". It's more like a recommendation, but I find recommendation sound too lacks.
> The website requires users ...
'Requires' sounds good.
Requests might do the trick. That implies that the user can still not follow the recommendation, right?
Check a thesaurus if you need to.
thanks all
Ooooo that's me! How exciting. I look way better in a hat than you @Mat'sMug — Sexy Turnip 27 mins ago
@SexyTurnip that's fine, I have more hats than you do anyway mwahahahaha! — Mat's Mug 7 mins ago
@Mat'sMug I like your hat better, but it makes your mug look like an old man.
It's what makes it cute :-)
1 hour later…
Q: Euler Project 8 Bug

Brandon MinnerThis problem from projecteuler.net requires you to take in a 1000 digit word and find the largest product of 13 adjacent numbers. Here is my code: public final class LargestProductInSeries { public static void main(String[] args) { String num = "731671765313306249192251196744265747423553491...

possible answer invalidation by Dirk Reichel on question by Dirk Reichel: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114572/revisions

Taban CosmosI am having trouble understanding why my updates isn't being pushed through while I don't have an error, success is returned but a ZERO is return for no affected rows. I am using similar style for login and registration. Note: I am not using phpmyadmin. I am developing using mysql locally on mac...

This seems more suitable for Code Review since there is no programming error/problem to solve. — Reti43 28 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Oybek Kamolov on question by Oybek Kamolov: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114594/revisions
Due to a minor glitch, 'discharge patient' does not cause the algorithm to exit, but instead leads back to 'hunt down and capture patient'.
@rolfl ^^
possible answer invalidation by Oybek Kamolov on question by Oybek Kamolov: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114594/revisions
Q: Student grades program

RafehI am just looking for code review and overall critique. I want to know what I can do better and how can I do things more efficiently in Java. I need particular feedback on the use of my ArrayList in my colsToRows method and then how I converted it back to regular arrays in Java. What better step...

> "Due to a minor glitch, 'discharge patient' does not cause the algorithm to exit, but instead leads back to 'hunt down and capture patient'."
A: How do function pointers in C work?

Lee GaoThe guide to getting fired: How to abuse function pointers in GCC on x86 machines by compiling your code by hand: Returns the current value on the EAX register int eax = ((int(*)())("\xc3 <- This returns the value of the EAX register"))(); Write a swap function int a = 10, b = 20; ((void(*)(...

Also, this is one away. I just noticed it on the One Vote Short query.
oh nice! thanks @Santa!
Ho Ho Ho!
Q: Web crawler that charts stock ticker data using matplotlib

TK-421I've built a web crawler using the BeautifulSoup library that pulls stock ticker data from CSV files on yahoo finance, and charts the data using matplotlib. I'm wondering if there are any ways to improve the code I've written, because there are some parts that I think could be a lot better. imp...

Q: Angular JS $HTTP for nested array needs improvement

YconI'm using a factory for my $http get requests. When I pull single json objects from the $http, it works pretty quickly I now have items coming through as an array. It is very very inefficent, buggy and slow. Images randomly load and appear out of their div. Ideally it would just load one list...

1 hour later…
Monking @all
@CaptainObvious Voting to Close for Hypothetical Code
Q: Function to split either a string array or string into a string array

downrep_nationI am programming a language interpreter in c# recently and i have created a set of functions that receive either a string or a string[] and splits it by a received string. For example: with a string Input- "Hey:123:hello:456" ":" Will return this array {"hey","123","hello","456"} And with a s...

Q: Number factorization in clojure

Viacheslav KovalevI'm just a clojure noob (started learn in yesterday). Here is my hellowold program. It factorizes number into primes. Do you have any comments? How could I make this code cleaner and shorter? Maybe I can deduplicate some things? (defn lazy-primes ([] (cons 2 (lazy-seq (lazy-primes 3 [ 2 ]))))...

Q: Refactoring of a client API for avoid duplicated code and unclear passage of parameters

k4ppaI need to develop an API, the functions of the API are requests that call the service exposed by a server. Initially the API worked like this: class Server: def firstRequest(self, arg1, arg2): # block of code A async = Async() async.callFirstRequest(arg1, arg2) ...

Good morning :-)
@Phrancis Star for hating regex. Ignore for regex being our lord and saviour. Only 5 out of 7 people are brave enough to star this!
hey @DanPantry
There's a lot of languages I hate. I use them anyway.
I don't hate fixing problems.
If those hated languages fix my problems, well, no problem.
I don't mind regex. It's usually more readable than brainfuck (but maybe that's subjective, as I don't know brainfuck)
I hesitate to say that a language being more readable than brainfuck is a pro for the language, given that that is a very low bar... :p
OTOH, regex was not designed to be an obfuscation language, as opposed to brainfuck. And I don't think it ranks high on the readability scale in that category.
@DanPantry Exactly :P
@Quill-HATMANIAC I'm proud of you my protégé
Q: Find attribute on class property

DibSince reading Robert Martin's book "Clean Code" I have been inspired to revisit and refactor some of my code to break it down into succinct methods and small specialised classes. Given the need to retrieve the NameAttribute off the Name2 property of the TestObject class below... public clas...

Monking all
possible answer invalidation by piepi on question by piepi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114485/revisions
@DanPantry huh?
@Quill-HATMANIAC you said something along the lines of every time you review a jquery question you generally say to remove jquery :p
Q: django performance - is sql view good enought?

grillazzAs part of my present project I revived task to deliver group of on-line reports. As per reports complexity and best performance on my radar I decided to write sql view on Posgres and next attached them to read-only Django models. I want to ask you what you think about this approach as some of ...

It's not evil, it has its place. In the corner. Away from my code.
This question is probably better suited to Code Review. — DGibbs 47 secs ago
Pretty much though, I almost rewrote jQuery out of an open source project once
sigh, more IE9 problems this morning
Only one of our offices uses it though so it's not too bad, and we won't have to support them for another 6 months
@DGibbs This doesn't make an ideal question for Code Review too...This asker already has an answer and any difference would completely be based on the opinion of the person who answers! — Mathews Mathai 54 secs ago
Q: Angular JS $HTTP for nested array

YconI'm using a factory for my $http get requests. When I pull single json objects from the $http, it works pretty quickly I now have items coming through as an array. It is very inefficient, & slow. Images 'pop' in. Ideally it would just load one list (of say 10 images) then know to load the nex...

@DanPantry do you think that's hypothetical?
The only line that would do something is //$scope.cards = Array.prototype.slice.call(cardTypes, 0);
but $scope.cards is assigned to in getApiData.
Not hypothetical then?
i think this question belongs to codereview.stackexchange.coma4arpan 21 secs ago
I'm not seeing anything hypothetical about this
He has a MVC on codepen as well
Don't dlete your comment, though, @Quill-HATMANIAC
Because I've just replied to it :p
Damn it :P
@a4arpan please read our help pages before you suggest that a question would belong to code review. In its current state (example code) it would be closed as off topic in a heartbeat. — Heslacher 7 secs ago
Too late
Also I nearly just used the answer box to respond to that... mobile design got me good
> sometimes apps like business objects are dependent on [IE] 9 or below
Q: php url generator

sitilgeI have the following code to generate an URL based on alias and args provided /** * Get the url by alias. * * @param string $alias * @param array $args * * @return mixed */ public function url($alias, array $args = []) { if (empty($this->map[$alias])) { return null; } ...

I think IE8 or 9 dependence was on work's Jira once but somebody removed it
IE dependence is the worst kind of addiction
Although @DanPantry mast was the other close vote, if you want to explain
@Quill-HATMANIAC eh?
Q: Extending Sieve of Eratosthenes beyond a billion(Improved)

piepiFollow up form Extending Sieve of Eratosthenes beyond a billion Taking suggestions from the comments on the preious post: Updated Code: This takes about 22 seconds for MAX as \$10^9\$ to reach "done". This is a significant improvement. void sieve_of_eratosthenes(){ bool* a; a = (bool*)malloc(M...

There were two close votes on that question
The second one was Mast
Ah. I can't see them. :-(
If @Mast wants to discuss the close vote on this question feel free - though I have a meeting in 50 minutes.
You should post your code to Code Review StackExchangeLeFlou 1 min ago
Huh. I got a flip flop hat
possible answer invalidation by Dib on question by Dib: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114624/revisions
thats ok @Duga
Q: Please have a look at Serialization/Deserialization with Generics in Java

ShashiI've Implemented a Serialization Utility which Serializes/DeSerializes a class, along with writing JUnit Test Cases for the same. Please Review the code and Suggest me how to improve it. Particularly in generics as I've not written much code with Generics in java. I'll keep adding updated code ...

this belong to code review — Pepo_rasta 23 secs ago
This question belongs here: codereview.stackexchange.comSam 22 secs ago
@Duga the html appears to have example content but otherwise fine
Sorry, missed the codereview category. AntiHeadshot - how to replace those divs? — Petr Volf 14 secs ago
Q: overriding __iter__ in an ordered default dictionary

aaragonI have a somewhat complex data structure: a default ordered dictionary of ordered dictionaries, following what's coded here. The class works fine, as I'm able to create ordered dictionaries by default if a key is missing. I would like to further extend the capability of this class, and override t...

possible answer invalidation by James on question by James: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114397/revisions
@Duga @Heslacher beat me to it.
I am faster than light ;-)
Q: PBEWithMD5AndDES Cipher susceptible to alteration by Adversary?

K.P.I am running FindBugs with findsecbugs plugin to scan java code for security issues. I am getting "Cipher With No Integrity" error for a Cipher function implemented with "PBEWithMD5AndDES". The legend says "The ciphertext produced is susceptible to alteration by an adversary. This mean that the c...

Q: Simple word shuffling game [Revised]

InkblotFrom my previous question, I got great feedback which helped improve my code which I sumbmitted. I went back and built upon that and came back to see if my code is an improvement. try: from tkinter import * except ImportError: from Tkinter import * import time import random with open(...

@Heslacher Now now, you're no @jamal ^^
Who is Jamal ? I am too fast I can't see any other users ;-)
Q: Is this html and css fullscreen landing page written clearly?

Petr VolfI would like to know if this fullscreen page with image and overlay is written clearly. I`m afraid that those two empty divs (topOverlay, and topImage) are not correct. Thanks for any answers! HTML: <div id="top"> <!-- #top fullscreen image with site header --> <div id="topOverlay"> </div>

Thanks for the link @Heslacher. I'll edit again just correcting the mistake with the var names (the code don't working as is). — James 49 secs ago
@Duga ^^^incoming edit should be ok
possible answer invalidation by James on question by James: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114397/revisions
Q: Is it considered bad practice to have huge Maps in classes of buisness logic?

Peter SchmuckiHey there I have many different maps in a class of business logic that has to fill JSONObjects. Some of these informations are mandatory to the object, some of them are less. However I now have over 100 lines of map declarations in my buisness logic class. I myself have a feeling that this is not...

@haccks: Yeah it is showing an error. but how you know he wants a code review, want to know whats the error, or just wants to know how to switch his compiler? — Zaibis 18 secs ago
@haccks: Well you can't know if thats the answer. because actually there is no question to answer. Actually he just cited an compiling error and has shown as the code that absoloutly correct is throwing it. Its like having post with title saying "scruffy bannana" and puting in the text "it stood too long". its no question at all and you only can suggest what is expected. — Zaibis 4 mins ago
So tempted to make that scruffy banana post.
@CaptainObvious Hammertime
if code is working correctly and need some improvement , than you can try posting it in codereview.stackexchange.comn01ze 1 min ago
4 Answers and I'm the only one with upvotes? Cool.
A: Should i ask for more work , when i have completed all the tasks assigned to me for the day?

ZakYes. Even better than asking for more work, demonstrate some initiative. Try and think of something you could do to improve some aspect of your job/division/company than take that proposal to your boss. You know what bosses like even more than employees who get their work done? Employees who ...

Q: Data table retrieval and indexing, across multiple worksheets/books

ZakThis project utilises the external-workbook-retrieval methods found here for the second workbook. This is the beginning of a project. The code here covers: Initial setup (define workbooks, unmerge any cells in data input) Then, for the 3 worksheets across 2 workbooks: Find the table ranges (th...

Huh, flip flop. Did not know that was a hat.
@Quill-HATMANIAC Unfamiliar with the conventions of CR?
conventions of CR != 5 reviews
They can, but surely there's got to be a bigger reason for it
@Zak Yup, the meta post on secret hats already has 13+ answers on it -____-
Hmm it seems that Eric's done this before with 2 answers. seems like they likely just had a lot to say on this particular question.
A: Should one person have multiple answers?

ZolomonI would say that you should make n posts for n solutions. One solution might be better than another, then everyone has a chance to upvote that specific answer.

They're not all massive answers
granted they could be on separate subjects, but it seems like they should be merged a little more
Huh, I didn't think that'd be the end decision but I guess it's the only way to make it work. (doesn't apply to Eric's posts so they ought to be merged)
Maybe it's time for a new meta?
I'm not sure. Would there even be a new consensus? I don't have an alternative proposal.
Well, isn't that the purpose of meta?
Q: transform string to decimal

csetzkornThis feels wrong: private decimal ConvertStringToDecimal(string decimalString, decimal defaultReturnValue) { var returnDecimal = defaultReturnValue; try { returnDecimal = decimal.Parse(decimalString.Trim()); } catch (Exception) { // naughty } return retu...

I'm kinda iffy on reexamining policy. I'd have thought it should only happen with specific new ideas or challenges (ie. If Eric's answers were considered viable based on that criteria, that might prompt new rules)
IMO, I think there should only be 2 criteria for multiple answers: 1) You've hit the character limit. 2) You want to suggest a *completely different* potential solution, which might reasonably gather a different level of upvotes than your first one.
Also Simon did post another answer 2 years ago:
A: Should one person have multiple answers?

Simon Forsberg McFeelyHere is a more recent way to look at things (Not saying that the ones from 2 years ago are wrong) To avoid "Facebook scroller long" answers, it is OK to post multiple answers. If you want to mention a lot of stuff in your answer (such as coding conventions, variable names, method length, code d...

Yeah, that's the two reasons offered basically.
I just got greeter. I'm clearly not pushing my hat game.
I guess this question better suits on Code Review. — serenesat 57 secs ago
Q: Matplotlib: Display y value as a marker

OctoplusI created a plot on which the y value is visible with the marker. What's your opinion ? I wonder if I could have done something simpler. (code should run in a Jupyter notebook) %matplotlib inline fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_axes((1,1,1,1)) X = np.array([3,3.2,3.5,3.8,3.9,5,5.5,5.8,5....

@Quill-HATMANIAC If you need me, use @
I didn't really need to ping you, so I didn't. I left the choice up to DanPantry
@DanPantry The following:
        $http.post('http://test.com/analytic/' + product_id)
            .then(function successCallback(product_id) {
                // this callback will be called asynchronously
                // when the response is available
            }, function errorCallback(response) {
                // called asynchronously if an error occurs
                // or server returns response with an error status.
Greetings, Programs.
Yeah, that's what got me as well
Hello @Donald.McLean
@Mast I thought that, too, but I'm not sure if that's really hypothetical or just comments he put there to understand what happens
I may be wrong. That's why you need 5 votes.
@Donald.McLean Greetings userer (I have no basis for that claim, but it sounded amusing)
so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Either way I can't VTC: (
@DanPantry In which case, there should still be code there
answer more if you don't have enough rep
Or ask more questions. I think a sizeable amount of my rep comes from questions.
@Quill-HATMANIAC It's really not that easy, I don't have a lot of time these days :(
It's hard though, writing very good questions.
I work 9-5, and I'm a jungler for a competitive LoL team, plus I own my own place as well so I have to keep that in check.
Writing a good review takes at least an hour
Which means I generally only get time to write answers on the weekend
yeah, people don't really have time this season too
And if you look at my answer history, my answers are rarely accepted.
So there's that, too
If my internet was better I would get back into gaming
Meh, accepted != good
@DanPantry A good, *comprehensive* review, sure. But there are certain common topics (E.G. Naming) where I can just copy-paste my last answer on the subject and re-adjust based on the O.P.'s code. Takes about 5 minutes.
@Zak I feel dirty when I do small reviews like that.
That's why generally speaking if I have a short thing to say on an excerpt of code, I'll put it in a comment rather than an answer.
Same here, but sometimes OP needs them.
For me, I either have 250 characters of comments or 25000 characters of comments. No inbetween.
got a new hat!
I'm getting pretty close to running out of questions to vote on now :)
At this rate, I'l have to go and learn C# just to have a different tag to be generous to
@Vogel612 yeah, you voted today ;-)
@Heslacher secret hat...
I know. You get it if you vote on either a question or an answer today
Comes in 2 colors. Which ever color you get you will stick to that color
Q: Invoke a property of an object by its name, generic function

Francesco B. Private Shared Function GetPropertyValueByName(Of TObject, TProperty)( ByVal T As TObject, ByVal PropertyName As String) As TProperty Dim result = GetType(TObject).GetProperties() _ .Where( Function(p) (p.Name = PropertyName) _ ...

I also have that hat @Vogel612 but in white
@DanPantry Damnit, and I already sent my secret santa stuff.
@Quill-HATMANIAC bookmarked that so fast I think I gave the bookmark bar whiplash
@Zak buying it as a 21st birthday present for myself haha
this site gets me everytime
do they ship internationally though?
^^ So much pun.
@Zak *golfclap*
I literally just send that to my friend
"Order any 10 shirts for only $50! "
Sounds like a good way to spend $50.
It's also a good way to get cheap logo'd tees: example
Code review questions are off topic here. How do you imagine optimising this? — David Heffernan 6 secs ago
I think the site you're looking for is Code Review, but please read the Help Centre before posting. — Zak 13 secs ago
@DanPantry grabbed one :D
6dollarshirts ship internationally btw, and they have an offer on, so gogogogo! my colleague and i are going halfsies
@Vogel612 :D
Q: copying a dictionary and replace its values

aaragonI have a custom dictionary where the values are numpy arrays. I would like to have a convenience function that creates a copy of its content except that the values are changed. If no value is passed, then the default None is assigned to the keys, else a value is set. The function can also work wi...

Monking @EBrown
So hopefully this week goes better than the last.
We'll see how all that works out.
What happened last week @EBrown?
@DanPantry Horrible, horrible things.
We tried to launch our new website (for the company I work for) two weeks ago, but it was killing performance on our AS/400. So, I had to troubleshoot that and then we launched it the Friday before last, then we had huge issues with a third-party app we have to use and support, so all last week was spent working on fixing them.
@EBrown ouch..
flip-flopping for me too
@DanPantry Nice one! Ordered myself a hoodie.
@EBrown Monking
@Zak Shame I can't see it because it won't let me view the Browse section on 4G on my iBone.
Wow, has a built-in cache function for sequences.
@Zak Ahh, so that's the concept I was trying to make before - "collaborative filtering". Didn't know it had a phrase..
Well, I understand none of that mathematical formulae
Q: Simplify the way a user retrieves scraped information

Sebastian Jennings AlmnesI'm allowing a user to scrape information from LinkedIn by entering the profile url. However I'm relatively new to creating a service (is that even the correct use case?) and I feel like there's room for improvement in my code and how I currently retrieve the information. I've learned that I sho...

@CaptainObvious Don't do that...
huh, I earned flip-flop and I don't know what I did to get it
@Mat'sMug Participate in anything today
pretty much haha
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Sterling Archer
https://i.imgur.com/3sS2ePP.gifv TIL flowers are more important than babies
@Mat'sMug blue or white?
wait there's a blue one too?
yes, @Vogel612 has it.
But you only get one or the other.
yeah, we beat WB.SE again! (and Stack Overflow на русском)
and lol, spot #1 is a 3-way tie
so I'm #4
Q: How to refactor this mapping class not to violate SOLID

Jamie RSo I have the below (which is working correctly and all my unit tests are passing) but it's ugly and is violating SOLID, I will have to change the class every time I want to be able to map a different type (The multiple if statements). Code /// <summary> /// Maps the matching properties from on...

Q: Batch crawling error

user92865I'm constantly getting this error "IMPORT.IO SERVER ERROR: {"errorType":"InputException","error":"InputException: Bad url: no protocol: "}" when running a batch search via Import.Io's macro-based batch-crawl function. The error can be seen here and the macro that I've tweaked here. Essentially,...

dw, they have hats that I'll get tomorrow
    Dim result = GetType(TObject).GetProperties() _
            Function(p) (p.Name = PropertyName) _
                AndAlso p.CanRead() _
                AndAlso (p.PropertyType Is GetType(TProperty))
this is why VB is ugly
Q: Use of C++11 to return row or column from 2d array

ruser45381I have a 2d array class that is actually mapped to a 1d vector. For example, to obtain an element at a particular position, the code is as follows: template <typename T> T mat <T>::at(const size_t &row, const size_t &col) const { return m_values[row*ncol() + col]; } I now need to be able to ...

A: Give me your name, I'll invoke thee

Mat's MugLINQ has two syntaxes to offer. You've used the method syntax, which I find very neat and useful, but for simpler queries I find the query syntax looks much less bulky in VB.NET: Dim result = (From p In GetType(TObject.GetProperties() Where p.Name = PropertyName _ ...

it's quiet... too quiet..
hey watch it, don't spill your coffee everywhere
yeah thanks.. too late for that!
you two are like children :p
coffee-addicted children huh
I wouldn't give children coffee
or red frogs
In my country, you're still a child, @Quill-HATMANIAC ;-)
In my country, I'm still a child...
and so would you be (probably) @danpantry
@Quill-HATMANIAC i'm 21 in 2 days, I think we can let that slide.. :p
Q: Execute every Monday that is not the Monday following last Saturday in month

whytheqI think the following is good but wondering if it can be simplified or improved. My condition for code execution is the following: It is a Monday AND It is not the Monday following the last Saturday in the month. This is the current sql: DECLARE @now DATETIME = DATEADD(dd,DATEDIFF(dd,'1900010...

@CaptainObvious wat
@CaptainObvious ow my head
that's astrological, cause there's so much space!
I had a feeling that was coming
It would be nice if you could edit your post to include the rest of the query/procedure... I'm sure our T-SQL reviewers would have plenty to say ;-) — Mat's Mug ♦ 1 min ago
the hair's pretty accurate too
Q: Perl: Dealing with a command line argument (path) with spaces

menteithI created a key in Windows registry to have an option on every folder which allows me to simply right click, choose the right option and have a pdf made, either from JPGS, or PNGs, or TIFs. My registry key is as follows: '"C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "C:\Users\michal\Documents\createpdf\7900...

This is a code-review question. Otherwise, all code reviews are automatically not code reviews by mere mention of the word optimization. I have yet to see a decent "optimization" question tagged Delphi. — Warren P 47 secs ago
@Duga come over here, we have questions once in a blue moon, and they're all implicitly tagged :)
Just got 4 Flip Flop hats. No clue why.
Urk... mock exam for programming finished after half the alotted time
@Vogel612 That's good, right?
Now I need to kill 30 minutes..
Unfortunately I have a seat somewhere in the middle of some 15 people, which are all still working on that....
@Vogel612 quick! post an answer!
Is there something easy to prey on?
@MattJacob I have asked a new question on this topic. — menteith 9 secs ago
I will be sticking with DateTime for exactly the reason you have discovered - I like to be able to subtract or add integer's. — whytheq 30 secs ago
i.e. I don't care about idiomatic T-SQL
@whytheq except, with dateadd it's completely unambiguous what's being subtracted. Subtracting 2 from a datetime should be illegal as well... and datetime is a legacy typeMat's Mug ♦ 3 mins ago
okay, I think I have enough posts to cap today - gotta work a bit, bbl
holy slow onebox
Okay @Mat'sMug there you go:
A: Serialization/Deserialization with Generics in Java

Vogel612 SerializationUtil should work on T extends Serializable instead of T. This makes misuse harder. Prefixing serializable to a data-holder is unnecessary for almost all intents and purposes. You may be interested in operating on Path instead of String when Serializing and deSerializing Your Util do...

Drafts not working in the app really makes it harder...
Q: Script to redo a rails migration easily

dimidI need to redo a migration occasionally. The workflow is usually something like this: find or ls | grep the migration using some keyword copy the timestamp paste the timestamp in bundle exec rake db:migrate:redo VERSION=123 As I hate repetitive work, I wrote a small bash script that allows ru...

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