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Look at this
I don't know much about this topic; I'll leave that to the more experienced programmers.
It's not full answer just small part of it which I was already aware..
@david Are you using Java 7?
wait a few days, if it is a good question you should get some answers
Oh, NVM. Other answer already covers it.
you have 5 days left on the bounty
> asked

4 days ago
main part is the design changes whether it's a good or not... or if we can simplify anything
I am hoping so
will wait for sure
Is 4 days bad on CodeReview?
naah... just wanted to check nothing else..
Some take over a week on our site
I'm not Java reviewer, but it looks good to me.
@Hosch250 Yes I am on Java 7
That is why nobody is around
Yeah, the other answer covers what I saw.
It looks very odd to have call method inside another call method and have two executors doing the job... I am pretty sure there might be better design to do this..
I'm looking to get my first bounty. Questions with bounties are either above my head, or I don't know the language.
so waiting for some experienced programmers to teach me right design for this..
If {condition} Then Else {do something} doesn't strike me as a go-to solution in terms of readability. Otherwise I agree, one should avoid unnecessary variables whenever possible, but sometimes (often) an intermediate variable is better than nested function calls. — Mat's Mug ♦ 47 secs ago
Is it just me?
:26226570 I used to be guilty of that. You helped me see the error of my ways :)
Can't they reverse the operator and remove the else?
@Mat'sMug no, that's ugly and obfuscated
if (!expr) {
  return something;

return somethingElse;
I prefer ^^^^^ over
if (expr) {
  return somethingElse;
} else {
  return something;
nesting is evil
like jquery
At present, I'm operating on the assumption that *whatever* I code will seem horribly amateur in a few months' time. So rather than focusing on "Good code", I'm focusing on "Readable code". Even if that means being overly verbose.
Better to be overly verbose than overly terse @Zak
@Zak is there a reason the OP has weird indentation?
@enderland I was wondering that myself.
I've written a lot of VBA and never once considered the weird if/else syntax
Nov 30 at 13:06, by Zak
"I would much rather maintain code written like an essay, than code written like a tweet"
@Mat'sMug I actually prefer to leave the on error resume next indenting like that
@enderland I prefer to do away with the resume next altogether ;-)
@Mat'sMug well, sure :P
My complaint was more about the outdenting of Dim statements - a recurrent observation :-)
out of curiousity is there any way to successfully call a 3rd party add in written in VBA with the wrong type?
> Optional ByVal strFilePath As Variant
I don't know why you wouldn't just require a string for that argument
Good point
@Heslacher Doesn't your code just return the string with the first comma removed?
like yours
Mine doesn't:
for (var index = 0; index < str.Length; index++)
    if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(str[index]) && str[index] != '_' && str[index] != ',')
        significantCharacterAfterComma = true;
    if (str[index] == ',')
        significantCharacterAfterComma = false;

    if (!significantCharacterAfterComma && str[index] == ',')
        return str.Remove(index, 1);
First, I check if the current character is not whitespace and not '_' (the line continuation character) and not a comma.
Perhaps the method should be RemoveTrailingComma then
If any of these conditions is false, it sets the flag to false.
The condition of the last if is always true if the current character is a comma
@Mat'sMug It isn't necessarily at the end of the string either.
@Heslacher Right, thanks for catching that.
I wonder why in the world it works?
no problem
@Hosch250 no tests ??
The tests broke.
That happens
No tests are working now due to breaking changes in the parser.
@enderland Probably because I wanted to use IsMissing() on it.
So now I am expecting lots of upvotes. At least 4 to rep cap ;-)
Oh right, it doesn't work.
Everyone vote on this - it catches a bug: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/114154/34073
What's weird, though, is that I did test it on the condition that breaks now. I must've tried to clean it up, or something.
@Zak you can do a <> "" check for that I believe
And boom. My workplace answer has now rep-capped 2 days in a row.
At this rate, it might single-handedly earn me that hat
@enderland Ah yes, that would be a better idea.
@Hosch250 I guess the second condition had been an else if
If foo = 42 Then Else DoSomething Rem Happy Debugging
No, I don't think an else if would work either.
TTGH have fun and hats
See you later.
@Phrancis Rem is an instruction, you need an instruction separator (:) for that to be legal ;-)
@Heslacher, what did I miss?
Wat : Rem VBA is crazy
Woah, this seems unlikely
Q: Is it safe to ignore the possibility of SHA collisions in practice?

Hristo HristovLet's say we have a billion unique images, one megabyte each. We calculate the SHA-256 hash for the contents of each file. The possibility of collision depends on: the number of files the size of the single file How far we can go ignoring this possibility, assuming it is zero?

> Briefly stated, if you find SHA-256 collisions scary then your priorities are wrong.
I finished watching Star Wars
It was amazing
@Quill-HATMANIAC you're living in the future? it's out in 2 days...
wait, did I miss something?
Premiers on the 16th in places
oh well
Australia for example
I might see it on blu-ray at one point (hides)
Yes I am @Mat'sMug, I have the hat and all
ha! I KNEW it!
ah, nice to know I can still grok code
@Heslacher I've upvoted, but I don't agree that var is hurting anything there. declarationText is a string; GetVariableStmtContext returns a VariableStmtContext; HasMultipleDeclarationsInStatement returns a bool; GetLines returns a string (ok that one is a little ambiguous) and newLines is obviously the same type as oldLines
@Mat'sMug I'm curious what you would do or have done with respect to the last paragraphs here
Q: update a data by using Dictionary

ipetrprivate readonly Dictionary<Credentials, Data> _dataToCredentialMap = new Dictionary<Credentials, Data>(); Credentials contains SqlCredentials and ExchangeCredential properties. Data have SqlData and ExchangeData and other properties. I use the following method to update _dataTo...

Q: Simon Says: is this too complex?

LegatoI took a class covering HTML, CSS, Javascript and for a final project, thinking of a previous community challenge, I created Simon Says. Going through my code my professor deemed it overly complicated(or did he mean complex?), explicitly referring to my showSequence method in particular. I'm ju...

Simon says: INTERRUPT!
@enderland depends what the scope of the method is - I personally don't like passing Err stuff around much
@Mat'sMug no there isn't supposed to be a "Depends"! :P
Maybe I can get an Amazing Grace out of being honest?
Just hit 200+ rep
That is what they measure
like for mortaboard
yeah, but that's not "rep cap" - it's either a bug in the hat algorithm or a bug in the text
comment: "I'd say that was egg-citing. That's no yolk. You must have been scrambling to find the microwave pieces. This video brought me out of my shell. That's eggs-actly what I wanted to see. He should have done the experiment in Sunnyside, WA. Then the eggs would be Sunnyside up. Cleaning up the mess must have been eggs-asperating."
The amount of puns crammed in there is ridiculously eggshausting.
2 more votes for me to rep cap today ;-)
If Legato accepts my answer, I get a hat.
It isn't the best answer, though, but I don't know anything else about JS.
I need +85 rep on Blender.se
Gotta get to work!
A lot of our regulars are on vacation so I am going to have fun
Wait, Heslacher and HATMAN both in the same place? I thought Heslacher was... then who is HATMAN!?
I'm a visitor from Krypton
I should post on Blender.se. I'm starting to learn it but it is quite confusing to this old maya user.
Once you figure it out it is ok
It was Me all along!
But yes, takes a while
This is what I have been working on in Blender recently: blenderartists.org/forum/…
@SuperBiasedMan HATMAN is NoviceInDisguise.
Yeah. Once I accidentally didn't set it to use Maya shortcuts when I opened a file and was utterly lost with trying to navigate haha.
Alright, before I empty my clip, anyone want to offer up some targets?
@Zak Are you talking stars or votes?
@HATMAN This looks great :D
@SuperBiasedMan Votes.
I don't need any help running out of stars.
@Hosch250 UNMASKED
@SuperBiasedMan Thanks
@Zak, after coming home I checked the Star Wars bingo thing and I got two separate bingos -_-
so I got the three rep cap hat on MSE, and I just need to cap today on CR to get the hat
I've got 7 hours to get 10 upvotes, so I think I'll post a script I've got lying around
@Quill-HATMANIAC Are you saying that leaving out the var was intentional?
not necessarily; I didn't read the author's post
just saying what happens to the variable
it's nearly as bad practice as parsing html with regex
It is just a folder structure.
And I'm out of votes. @Mat'sMug @RubberDuck Santa says hi.
@Hosch250 -> it's php, probably nobody opened it lol
also yes, it wasn't intentional
some people have a structure like:
var a = false,
    b = true,
    c = false;
and that declares each of them as valid vars, but that's not the case in the question
@Mat'sMug what's up mug?
well I just capped again today
I've not rep capped in a long time
might get reversed though
I have a ways to go today
closer to Hat Trick hat @Mat'sMug?
3 mins ago, by Zak
And I'm out of votes. @Mat'sMug @RubberDuck Santa says hi.
I DVLR'ed.
I have 2/3, need to get today
@Hosch250 ?
I have a ways to go for capping.
@HATMAN Daily Vote Limit Reached.
I am 3 away
Try to save a few
I got it like 5 hours ago
Friendly reminder: pleasse vote for posts, not for users. and spend all your votes daily!
I asked Pops. Just up/down votes.
@Mat'sMug exactly
@Hosch250 oh?
I see
Are you calling me a liar?
I was teasing, being aggressive.
oh, okay then
in David's hat store, 16 hours ago, by Hosch250
@Pops The description of Vote Early, Vote Often isn't particularly clear on whether reopen/close/delete votes count.
might need to work on that a little more
I want to add a footnote to this URL: github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/…
It's obviously too long for a footnote
how do I resolve this?
k fixed it good job jeroen
possible answer invalidation by Legato on question by Legato: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114181/revisions
@Duga nope, conversion to snippet
@JeroenVannevel glad we could help
Q: Make code snippets results window vertically resizable

durron597Now that we have stack snippets, it would be cool if the results window could be resized the same way we can resize the edit textarea for asking/answering questions, e.g. with a grippie. Here is an example post that would greatly benefit from being able to resize the results box. And another:

gosh we need this
@Quill-HATMANIAC Here is the link Pops gave us: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/270991/…
By the way, for clarity. @Hosch250 @Quill-HATMANIAC. From my understanding, in this case, whether var is here or not wouldn't make a difference for my purposes since it's outside of any function to begin with. Hosch had it right, it's just an oversight due to a later add-on. I've already rectified it.

Thank you both for the discussion.
Hey there, @Legato.
Have you been hunting hats?
We are trying to beat the other sites.
We are working on passing Arqade.
I have not. I lurk daily for questions, but I almost thought it was only happening on SO until today.
Where may I find the hat achievement list?
I'm trying to get the hat where I post an answer within 30 minutes and get it accepted.
So far, I've not been successful.
That, and the hat where I have 5 5+ answers.
I need that one too
I have posted ten answers on our site, and only 3 got +5
If I get those, I'm at 20 hats.
kinda worried about the quality of them
@Hosch250 I got it on MSE
Going to have to double check them all
I have 6 answers, and three are 5+.
@Mat'sMug It only counts if it is on CR.
I'm second here, but I haven't a chance for the network list.
We have 2-3 of our most active users gone, so I think that did some of it
but someone capped me to death, so I'll hold off answering for today. @Malachi C# is all yours!
And mine.
I need to cap today still.
Ohh, a VBE question coming in!
Holy smokes, is that some rotten code.
So like, I have to do something silly to get the Batman one lol.
Q: Variable and solution effeciency

PlainsWindIn order to automate a manual task I created the following code. As I've never written a program to this size, I'm curious if my use of variables, as well as, solutions are the most optimal way for handling. In this program, the user will choose a Year, Month, and Zone. These choices are used to...

@Legato No, just find a question that is being reopened that you didn't help close.
Oooh. Misunderstood, thought it had to be your own question for a sec. Thanks.
@CaptainObvious You weren't kidding @Hosch250
@Mat'sMug I wasn't specifically voting for you guys. I *was* going through the VBA tag though (mostly because it's the one where I feel most able to judge post quality), and your answers *do* appear quite regularly.
And yep, my workplace answer has capped for the second day in a row
@CaptainObvious Oh my, that takes me back.
What is that, 23 * dim #rng# as range
@Zak are they dimensioning a range in the middle of a calculation???
No, they're dimming 23 different numbered range variables
Today I shot a zombie. Did you really let new zombies appear while I was away?
looks at the code - ah, phew! for a minute I thought I had yet another change to make to the VBA grammar to accomodate yet another funky syntax that nobody uses
@πάντα-ῥεῖ hint: indentation is review material ;-) — Mat's Mug ♦ 13 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com — Rune FS 12 secs ago
Ah crap. I hit enter int he wrong focus and now I have only the very beginning of an answer posted.
@RuneFS example / hypothetical / MCVE code is off-topic on Code Review. Please see A guide to Code Review for SO users. — Mat's Mug 31 secs ago
> Now, I'm going to point out all the good things you're already doing: {one, single point}
I'm kind of shocked that 100k classes didn't give the JVM a heart attack, but if testing is going well then I think you should proceed. Maybe toss some of your code prototypes on CodeReview to share and get ideas for better performance. — markspace 55 secs ago
in CR Secret Santa 2015, 13 secs ago, by Mat's Mug
@Mat'sMug Good to hear :)
Q: The MIT License – Clarity on Using Stack Overflow Code

samthebrandCC-BY-SA is an ideal license for a crowdsourced knowledge base. We’ve benefitted immensely from it, our community has gained protection through it, and we look forward to CC-BY-SA continuing to cover prose contributions to Stack Overflow for all of eternity. But code is a bit different (pun int...

@Mat'sMug What restrictions does MIT have?
I know CC-BY-SA is so open you just need to reference it.
You can't sue the author.
You can't claim the work is yours if it isn't.
You can't anyway, can you?
Try proprietary licenses :p
Q: Code licensing change for all SE sites

RaystafarianI don't know why it's not on meta.stackexchange, but there's a post on meta SO explaining that there will be new guidelines for contributors starting January 1. Figured it's relevant here. Starting Jan 1, 2016, contributions across the network will be licensed to the public under the follow...

@StackExchange @RubberDuck ^^
Okay, I'm done pointing out nice things to say about the code. Now to rip it limb from limb.
@Mat'sMug ^^ $199.00/year for first year, gets cheaper following years
@StackExchange Important!
@StackExchange Could one of the ROs pin that?
@Zak 1 sec
@Zak It's featured on meta.CR as well.
When you’ve been keeping a project running by the skin of your teeth
@Phrancis Now there are 2 stickied.
@Legato I'm quick, not that quick.
@Mast fixed
@Phrancis nice, thanks!
Crap, crap, crap. This is not even "what do you think of changing the license", this is a "we will change the license". This is not your work, you have no right to decide this. Shame on you. — Hans Passant 28 mins ago
someone's grumpy
@Mat'sMug to be fair, that is how I read it too
I flagged the post
I think its a valid sentiment
> This post belongs on MSE. I found this post pretty much by accident, and it affects my home site.
I mean the post
oh, hah
How is it enforced? The same way all copyright is enforced. By lawsuit. — Zak 38 secs ago
The license change should not be retroactive. If someone is not OK with MIT license, they can just stop posting their code to SE.
@Phrancis AFAICT it's not retroactive.
Oh, right, different meaning of "should". gotcha.
@Zak I mean more how does it work on SE itself, do I have to add disclaimers to every post I make? or what
That's the reason why I like being on Code Review
Just an update - I updated my project to cache the property objects, and it is now about 60% faster - great suggestion! I also incorporated your "Assignator" style of property assignment (from your linked question) into my project and found an additional 10% speed improvement. I'd try the CodeDom mentioned in that other answer, but I'm a bit pressed for time and that looks a little too complex to wrap my head around right now. — Mage Xy 4 mins ago
@enderland Aw, but I can't make a pithy response to that.
Quick question... Shouldn't <div class="c-left" /> create an empty div?
I'm using it in conjunction with Element.insertAdjacentHTML, so that might have to do with it
@skiwi It's invalid mark-up. The self-closing <div> ain't valid HTML
So... I think not. But maybe it does create an empty div, browser blitz is still a thing. :p
flag was marked "helpful", but the post hasn't migrated yet
@TopinFrassi hmm, but it is valid for input elements, etc. right?
@skiwi It's valid for some elements. I'm not even sure it's valid for all input elements.
You should always check W3C in case of doubt (That's what I do)
Like, <script src="..."/> won't work in some browsers, so <script src="..."></script> is the way to go.
why, WHY, WHY!. Why would you give me spreadsheet data in PDF form.
possible answer invalidation by StepTNT on question by StepTNT: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114036/revisions
Are any of you guys web dev whizzes?
Hmmm right, it embedded the divs in my old version, so that definitely caused some weird behiavor
I have a quick question
@HATMAN @DanPantry
@DanPantry Do you know if 9 patch PNG files are or will be supported soon for website resource creation in a non-mobile context?
A: Are self-closing tags valid in HTML5?

QuentinNot exactly. If we get the syntax right (it is / not \) then: In HTML 4, <foo / means <foo> (which leads to <br /> meaning <br>&gt; and <title/hello/ meaning <title>hello</title>). Browsers did a very poor job of supporting this and the spec advises authors to avoid the syntax. In XHTML, <foo />...

> Using the slash in a non-void element tag is invalid, but browsers parse it as the start tag anyway, leading to a mismatch in end tags.
Okay, good ^^ Got smarter today
Protip: When you refactor a GUI, take screenshots of how it looked like before

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