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tomorrow we have a company-sponsored breakfast too
so we have breakfast and lunch on the company
@DanPantry Nice
@skiwi Need to get some hats some way :P
Any C# dev can confirm my points about the RemoveExtraComma() method here:
A: You are Promoted, You are Promoted, We All are Promoted!​

Heslacher public IntroduceField(RubberduckParserState parseResult, IActiveCodePaneEditor editor, IMessageBox messageBox) { _declarations = parseResult.AllDeclarations.ToList(); _editor = editor; _messageBox = messageBox; } why don't you pass an IEnumerable<Declaration> instead of a Rubber...

can't confirm
two usages:
var significantCharacterAfterComma = false;
var index = 0
lol excellent VS crashed again
both times the type is extremely clear
@JeroenVannevel not about the var, about the method itself
let me take a look then
also: var is still perfectly fine
we don't write code in notepad
intellisense tells us the contextual information
Seems it removes the only comma, or the last comma that has no "significant characters" after it (being no white space of underscore).
I'm not going to bother trying to figure out that code's task. If it's not documented with unit tests for those scenarios, I'm declining it for CR anyway
No, I missed something. It does indeed do weird stuff, then at the first comma returns the string with that comma removed.
But it sounds like one of those things that can be very simplified with a regex
@DanPantry have you tried not typing taskkill /im devenv.exe into cmd?
Q: Best CakePHP 3 project structure

RicardoI Create new folders and files in CakePHP 3 but I don't now if this structure is the ideal strucuture (all works now). What was created: The Exception Folder (and all file include inside) The Lib (folder with my custom classes) folder (and all file include inside) The pt_BR folder (in Locale f...

.... I found it @DanPantry
oLogAnchor.classList.add("selected"); I had somewhere down in that function, and that crashed everything because it didn't exist anymore
@Heslacher I agree on the var, though, big fan of it :)
@joranvar I use it myself too, but only if the type is obvious.
@Heslacher Can find myself in that. But then I decide a type could be an IEnumerable instead of an IList, and with var I don't have to change that everywhere.
@JeroenVannevel We don't?
As is, now the question is more suitable for Code Review than Stack Overflow. If you want to leave it here, better show a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example and specific questions about what exactly is not working to you. — fedorqui 21 secs ago
Q: Get Workbook Method(s)

ZakI'm re-writing my Module of standard methods. These 3 are used to retrieve Workbooks as Workbook Objects. The standard I'm aiming for here is "Third-party Library/Add-in". So: Does these functions adhere to the principle of least surprise? Have I missed any potential error-cases? As alwa...

Your question should be asked at codereview.stackexchange.comB. Kemmer just now
My dear 17 year old technician, did you test on what you answer above? Do you think forEach works? — overexchange 43 secs ago
he's correct
even if insulting
I fixed it anyway
> undefined
At least something good will have come out of this.
A collection of elements are not an array, they are a NodeList - different things
I remember it from the polyfills @DanPantry linked me
@Mast I'm not sure it's quite flag-worthy.
@Quill-HATMANIAC That works fine.
But you can't do elements.forEach.
Array.prototype.forEach.call(elements) will work just fine, though.
@Zak I didn't flag it
@Zak I think it's patronising at the very least, though not flaggable
(also because I can't, I have no comment flags left)
I think there's definitely disparaging subtext there, but nothing explicit.
Okay, NOW you can flag him.
Don't hurry for getting votes. When are you joining Computer Science degree course? — overexchange 18 secs ago
I'm just always online :P and Feb next year :-) — Quill - HAT MANIAC 9 secs ago
It's fine guys, really
Yay, validated flags ^^
I get it a bit with 25+ year old users
On one hand yes but I think is more about general refactorization approach to simplify booleans like that. Not just code review. — Grzegorz Gajos 25 secs ago
assuming overexchange is that old
Just because you're used to it doesn't mean it is okay.
@Quill-HATMANIAC Sure, but it's important to cut that kind of behaviour off early.
It's rude and uncalled for.
@DanPantry I know Quill from the day he is in online in CR, dont take it offensive. — overexchange 21 secs ago
@Zak It's rude, therefore flag worthy.
Sorry friendo, to a neutral onlooker that's not how it looks..
Well, if your code works and you want to improve it, Code Reviews SE would be a better place for your question. Check what's on-topic question here and there for more details. — Kevin Guan 10 secs ago
Oh @DanPantry, I'd really want to change courses if they tried to teach me the difference between nodelist and array in JavaScript :P
That guy is a bit of a character. Not much to do against it except flagging if he crosses the line.
yeah like @mast said
It's a bit like JavaDeveloper
@Mast I agree, if it's an "in joke" fine, but it doesn't belong in comments.
sometimes they post off-topic code
I'm not flagging him as rude/offensive (I don't think it quite warrants that). But he's definitely getting flagged as "not constructive".
I would suggest him to delete this answer. I think he need more time to do his homework, before answering such questions. I wish, people do not misguide Quill. — overexchange 50 secs ago
and there's my line
@mods: @janos @mat'smug can we kill this now please
@Quill-HATMANIAC ++++
I think some people forget that SO accounts etc. are used as part of a professional profile
And that this is a site for professionals
Whether or not you "know" someone doesn't give you an excuse to make disparaging remarks against them
I've personally gotten calls from recruiters based on my activity on this site and SO
I'd not like them to see stuff like that
Thanks @DanPantry, when can we expect the diamond showing up on your profile? :P
@DanPantry Agreed.
@Quill-HATMANIAC I'm not mod quality, I am far too emotional for that.
If people have something constructive to add in the comments, sure, let them do it. But I didn't see it here.
Also, Q/As are not about the people posting them. They are about good questions and good answers. Anything else is just noise.
Plus I like to see CR as a hobby, not a job. If I became a mod I would likely burn out.
And then I'd have nowhere to complain about Visual Studio crashing on me, which would suck.
It is a JavaScript solution, a polyfill is when you replace an unwritten function with its implementation in a different solution/library, for example jQuery has a simpler document retrieval system, which I tend to replace with polyfills to discourage jQuery use — Quill - HAT MANIAC 7 secs ago
@Quill-HATMANIAC That isn't clear in your answer.
> For example, one of my polyfills for jQuery selection:
I'll try and improve that @Mast
It's a nice question, but doesn't it rather belong to Code Review instead of SO? — Fausto NA 52 secs ago
function $$(selector, el) {
    if (!el) { el = document; }
    return Array.prototype.slice.call(el.querySelectorAll(selector));
@Quill-HATMANIAC nice polyfill, but I would rather just stick with el.querySelectorAll
@Duga Possibly, but it already has a good answer I think.
I prefer it as an array, so I can use forEach lol
Yeah, but that isn't standards behaviour
I wouldn't say that is a polyfill in a true sense because it's not
@FaustoNA "what is wrong with the code" is clearly off topic for Code Review. — Heslacher 58 secs ago
I suppose so
a polyfill is used to implement standards behaviour in older browsers that don't support that standard
What you've got there isn't a polyfill, it's just sugar
No browser supports .forEach on NodeList :)
yeah... I should probably reword it then
Q: I want to get codereview for OpenSSL code

UfxHere is my client and server code. I want to get review. I also have a problem. If client does not send to server any command for some time than connection breaks. But this problem is only if client and server run on different machines. How can I solve this problem? // === ICLIENT === class ICli...

Oh, I get paid tomorrow. Yay.
@CaptainObvious Broken
@Quill-HATMANIAC hi, what's up?
18 mins ago, by Quill - HAT MANIAC
I would suggest him to delete this answer. I think he need more time to do his homework, before answering such questions. I wish, people do not misguide Quill. — overexchange 50 secs ago
insulting comments
I think it's over now
sorry for the ping
Code Review is made for Q&A related to working code that needs improvement, just like this one. I'm not saying it's bad that the OP posted it here, just trying to figure things out. — Fausto NA 13 secs ago
(Got to go to the cinemas to see star wars)
looks like it's over
back to work :)
Afternoon all :)
hey @DJanssens
Hi @DJanssens
@Quill-HATMANIAC you managed to get tickets for star wars that early?
Greetings, Programs.
Greetings @Donald.McLean
Greetings, @Donald.McLean °/
@DJanssens I live in Australia, so yeah
I'm excited!
no spoilers! :D
I heard it was awesome
he's actually luke's father
Oh wait, wrong one
Looks nice @DanPantry
@Quill-HATMANIAC Enjoy :)
Time to set it in all of my code editors until I get tired of it and switch back to Consolas.
Oh, god, what the hell are you doing visual studio
Have more confidence in your methods man
It's not my method, but it's my comment
@DanPantry What happened to the quick brown fox?
@Mast Deforestation.
What does the quick brown fox say?
@DJanssens something about ringing and dinging IIRC
Monking @EthanBierlein
Hate Hate Hate ho
OLog at work.
I should really ask another question
I just don't have any code lying around for review.
Q: C++ Code Performance Test: My code failed the performance testing

Leandro GecozoI've taken this (link) sample algorithm question. It is quite a simple problem to solve.. But it is the execution time of my code algorithm that bugs me. Here is my working code. #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class TwoSum { public: static std::pair<int, int> fin...

@Mat'sMug do you really have to answer all the C# questions? your answers are like everywhere!
@Malachi sorry!
Q: Track mouse coordinates

overexchange Problem Statement Write a JavaScript code that prints the mouse coordinates in a text area when we move the mouse over the HTML document. Expected Output Solution <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Track mouse coordinates</title> ...

> The T3 'BACON' release has been successfully cured, smoked and deployed to all production and training environments.
Gotta love buildmasters with a sense of humor
Aaannndddd c# silver tag! :D
Yeah, plus I'll reach 6k today. And I got 13 hats. Today's a good CR day
Improved performance by better strlen calls - if you are interested in the final version please see codereview answer Thank you for your thoughts! — thgr 6 secs ago
Hey there @overexchange :)
Musical appreciation day I see
Monking folks
Can I get a quick sanity check on this answer? It is \$O(n^2)\$, is it not?
or however you write formatting in chat
@Barry You don't, chat doesn't support Mathjax
> I'll leave the rest of the FTP code to other reviewers, and focus more on the client WinForms code
Eh, copy/paste from phone, gimme a break ;-)
@Mat'sMug I didn't read it all, I was craving more coffee.... I think I am awake now,
Q: DisjointSets/UnionFind implemented as a State Monad

Magnus EklundI began implementing an immutable DisjointSets data structure in Scala. It ended up as a state monad as I realised I was passing state around. I'm new to both the State Monad and Disjoint Sets so any suggestions for improvement are welcome import scalaz._ import Scalaz._ object DisjointSets { ...

Q: What is my django developer level?

Vassiliy VorobyovThere is my current project. It's time for getting independent evaluating of my level. https://github.com/zuberok/wts What are my badly and not so mistakes? Main apps are dashboard and mlm1.

@CaptainObvious 42
I just spent an hour (eventually) figuring out why I should not try to do the thing I wanted to do.
Not sure if good or bad thing.
Better than later spending an hour figuring that out and who knows how many more fixing it to be stable.
@Phrancis Ah, ok. But it is n^2, is it not?
@Barry I wouldn't know, algorithms are not my strong suit
this was closed as not a real question, but it looks like a real question to me...any thoughts?
Q: Everything's done, just need to write in a different way

TheDarkLionHey guys, the goal of my assignment is simple, here it is: Write a program that converts a given text to "Pig Latin". Pig Latin consists of removing the first letter of each word in a sentence and placing that letter at the end of the word. This is followed by appending the word with ...

@Barry Link?
@Malachi needs a real title?
but not closed... right?
you edited the tags while I was editing the title....lol messed me all up
there is already another question with title of "Pig Latin Translator"
> Dude. If the name of the variable is firstLetter then you don't need the comment.
possible answer invalidation by Mat's Mug on question by TheDarkLion: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/24841/revisions
sorry @Mat'sMug looks like you have the edits, I will get out of the way
I'm done :)
@Duga we got it
Never even seen the NARQ close reason - But this looks good @Malachi I voted to reopen
feel free to VTR
it was from before Mat, Jamal and I came around I think
@Phrancis NARQ must have been a thing in early 2013
we made quite a few changes to close reasons since then :)
Ah that would make sense, maybe it's one of the "canned" close reasons for new beta sites?
maybe MEBBEH
@Phrancis Did you hear that music?
Q: CodeFirst apporach, feeding the table

thebanananaI have a database (postgresql) from which I want to migrate some data to the MSSQL. I decided to use code first approach. The question is related to the proper way of feeding my new tables. Please find my classes below: Model.cs: public class Info { [Key] public int InfoID { get; set; ...

and another Hat(Mask)
@overexchange Yeah I thought it was good, though I can't really relate to the message, culturally
Punjabi is a second language in CANADA. Message is given in punjabi language. The singer with duff in his hand is very famous in CANADA. BTW it is not a msg, there is a girl in that song lyrics
@Barry Yep, O(n^2)
@CaptainObvious Managed to misspell PostgreSQL in 3 distinct ways... ;0
@Heslacher Thanks for the edit! FWIW exemple is the french for example... Sometime having a native language that share many similar words is "hard"
In your eyes, how ugly is it to use facade instead of façade?
LaTeX is fun and all but oh my god can it complain about a single French letter
I want folders for repos on github
how do you render equations on SE?
@JeroenVannevel It complains?
@Zak MathJax I suppose.
the math site suports latex
@JeroenVannevel I don't like accents at all, so I prefer facade over façade.
I've been through a bunch of questions and I still haven't found a simple markdown document
@JohanLarsson s/latex/mathjax
@Mast for some reason it suddenly doesn't understand that unicode symbol
@JeroenVannevel It's unicode. It should stop whining.
@Zak Hungarian!
> "str" says "that's a string". "wb" says "that's something about a workbook". Both are Hungarian, only one of them is doing it right.
@EthanBierlein maybe, I think I have written latex and it has rendered correctly
but I don't know latex :)
You'd think I have enough with \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
I don't understand why it doesn't get it
@JeroenVannevel I just thought that I have some dust on my monitor ;-)
you can use a gif if all else fails
@enderland I meant code review - been a long day. — chriz 35 secs ago
Lol. I used ctrl + f to find ç on utf8-chartable.de and it highlights all the c characters
That's rather ironic
@JeroenVannevel "gars con" != "garçon"
aww duga beat me, I don't have the heart to tell that guy how CR isn't a good fit either
It's part of UTF-8. Why doesn't it woooooork
@enderland I did it :p
@Mat'sMug I know, I'm getting better with it.
@TopinFrassi thanks, hah
@enderland You're welcomed!
@JeroenVannevel Is the file itself saved in utf8?
@chriz It's not on topic on code review either! This isn't OP's code, and well... even if it was we don't do code explanation, we review code. Security would be the good fit, there already are questions like that there. — TopinFrassi 38 secs ago
@Mat'sMug I feel the same way but I also really don't feel like fighting LaTeX
It's not on-topic on Code Review either. — Mast 43 secs ago
@JeroenVannevel I feel like fighting in latex.
@JeroenVannevel I did my thesis in latex because I would rather fight latex than Word
Gah, well I will just get back into my hole! — chriz 41 secs ago
@joranvar Have I told you recently that I love you?
death to ANSI default format.
@JeroenVannevel Not recently, but I know :)
file formats/encodings strike again
@enderland Can't blame you.
@chriz It's alright, it indeed shouldn't be on StackOverflow. You tried something! :p Both Code Review and Programmers have guides on what's on-topic. You should check them if you want to propose migrations! :) — TopinFrassi 37 secs ago
@Mast my adviser ended up wanting a word document too. WAT
Export to PDF and have him deal with it.
he was... particular about it
Having Word as a requirement is a very lousy requirement.
@enderland so you do it in Word, and next thing you know they open it in LibreOffice and it looks like crap
fortunately the full versino of adobe converts a pdf to word ridiculously well and I have a friend with it
Whenever I have worked with documents in academia they've wanted it as word.
Though my highest form of education was A Levels, and hardly uni, so..
@Mast a lot of professors are technically illiterate (which is ironic when you think about it)
This is the same country that teaches powerpoint as "IT" though
Latest job I had in academia wanted everything in PDF. They couldn't open Word themselves because it was all OpenSUSE anyway ^^
@DanPantry LOL
my adviser was not exactly a model adviser, anyways, I basically sidestepped him to graduate anyways
Oh, wow.
That's bad.
@Hosch250 2,374 views!
There's 1 bounty on the docs-beta site.. Mine, asking how I can quit it. That's probably not the milestone they hoped for
See: "European Computer Driving Licence" A.K.A. how well can you follow this in MS Office
@JeroenVannevel Starred for incredible amount of WTF value
> Hey Megan, it's your father. How do I print out a flowchart?
@JeroenVannevel docs-beta?
@Mast yeah. whatever. I'm done now. learning to deal with BS and difficult to work with people is helpful anyways...
@enderland ironic how there's little documentation on the docs-beta site
oh, right, the SO one
possible answer invalidation by thebananana on question by thebananana: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114171/revisions

 CR Secret Santa 2015

Room for preparation to the Code Review Secret Santa 2015 event
@Duga should one roll this back ? The edit is because of a copy&pasta error, but I have mentioned it in my answer.
Rep caped on meta ;-)
@Heslacher Thought meta.CR at first and that seemed off.
no meta.se
this ^^
Thanks @Phrancis
Oh wow, I should walk back through my old comments I guess.
@Heslacher I rolled it back with explanation
I see quite a few problems with your code that should be refactored. If it compiles and is working, I would suggest you post it on codereview.stackexchange.com. — roryap 29 secs ago
This question looks like it might be a pretty good fit for Code Review.SE, provided that (a) you want every aspect of your code reviewed, not just some, (b) your code is already working, and (c) you're asking for a review of concrete, real code, not abstract design (whether or not it's expressed as code). If you agree with all of those, please read about what's on topic, and, if your question fits that, delete it here and repost it on CR. — Phrancis 41 secs ago
@SuperBiasedMan you can get rep badges on site metas though
@enderland Rep badges?
@Quill-HATMANIAC you are hat leader network wide !
I Hatz to fix this!
@Heslacher Seems to have been debunked by Pops
I have seen it, but somehow it is correct but either not the amount of comments or the age
@Heslacher Apparently they have to be deleted over two days.
BTW CR passed EL&U
what is the idea behind this HAT culture, every winter?
@Phrancis there should be a hat for that
@enderland Weird, so you just have to do the equivalent of rep capping to get it?
and 50 times for the Epic badge
and 200 times for the Legendary badge
@overexchange It appears to be a sort of game SE does.
@overexchange There is a meta post for that
They are similar to badges, but only available for a limited amount of time.
They're badges you can wear
@overexchange the idea? fun!
And better yet: they're hats.
you wonder why Valve was so successful with TF2 hats
fun of me? why?
@DanPantry Says the guy with a monkey mask
@HATMAN go away hatman.
Dan shouldn't be the only one with a monkey mask
I'm just trying to blend in with @rolfl and @nhgrif
Nobody else likes it :P
hey guys.. does anyone have any feedback on this question of mine.. still waiting for some feedback on my design.. I also have bounty as well but looks like everybody is on holiday may be
Q: Synchronous / asynchronous REST client

davidI have working code with original design, and now I had a slight design change so trying to code review that as well. I already had code review on my original design here. Original Design: I am using RestTemplate as my HttpClient to execute a URL and then my server will return a JSON string as ...

Looks like you got an answer

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