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possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Octopus: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/31545/revisions
@Jamal when can we expect to see that on CR?
I hate whoring votes but I need 2 upvotes to cap today.. :p
@TopinFrassi One hour left!
@TopinFrassi What site?
I need 3 to cap on CR too
@Quill-HATMANIAC Never!!! Downvote and delete!
alright Toppin, let's see what you got
you can't review something that isn't readable
@HATMAN I plan on writing a Sieve of eratosthenes in Haskell but well... I gotta figure Haskell first. :p
@Malachi Sure you can. "This code is unreadable. F."
CR, yeah!
'stop wasting your life'
Q: Random File Opener

Quill - HAT MANIACI wrote a random file opener in Python that takes file extensions as a tuple at code level, and directory/amount at console level: import os import random import sys class RandomFileOpener(): def __init__(self, positives, file_exts): self.file_list_complete = [] self.amoun...

Q: pjen - Simple Python static website generator

soarjayI've created a simple static website generator called pjen. The GitHub repo can be found here. It's a work in progress but I'm curious what you think so far. Thanks. import os class pjen: def __init__(self, path=None): """ By default, the path will be set to the current work...

@CaptainObvious look ma, I'm on the tv box
A: How do I sort a text file in python?

Harry AlexanderSo you're doing the assessment too are you in Mr Williams class by any chance?

Always one of the worst times for SE, particularly SO. I'm surprised we haven't gotten a slew of .
@TopinFrassi Btw, you have a lot of really solid answers
@Barry Thanks Barry, very kind of you. Your answers are also very good, we don't get to see each other on the site because of different languages :p
possible answer invalidation by bazola on question by bazola: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114085/revisions
I've still got to repcap on CR for today, I probably won't make it
How much?
Asynchronous and Async-await are they the same thing?
like 8 upvotes, I think
I can't get it...
40 minutes . . . darn
I'd get reversed I think
@Malachi nope
To those who answered my Python question: Thank you, I'm out of votes
@mjolka alright I will leave those tags alone
Once you get a candidate solution that meets you goals, clean it up, simplify it and try posting on codereview.stackexchange.com for additional feedback. Be prepared for some strong feedback. — chux 23 secs ago
@Quill-HATMANIAC NP, I'm rep-capped anyway :) Tomorrow brings a new hat! (hopefully)
@Quill-HATMANIAC I contributed to the fund, I won't be able to do any more without reversal
A: pjen - Simple Python static website generator

Quill - HAT MANIACis is broken: >>> 1000 is 10**3 False >>> 1000 == 10**3 True You can read more about this here, but in short it's better to use ==. Ternary statements: I really like ternaries, so I may be a little biased, but you can use ternary statements to simply logic: if path is None: s...

Thanks @HATMAN
I should add more, but that's some nice Python
better than my question, lol
@EthanBierlein, you ought to take a look at this question ^
trying to decide what language I want to learn next. I think I might be using Java for this Bachelor's degree I am going for, so I am leaning toward that.
Checking it out right now. Once my WiFi puck decides that it wants to work.
anyone have any thoughts about learning more than one language at the same time
@Malachi You should! Plus it's not that complicated to learn when you know C#! :)
@Malachi I wouldn't recommend it personally, but if you have lots of spare time, go for it. :)
@Malachi learn Unity (the program as well) while you're at it
@TopinFrassi it's like the same thing...almost
@EthanBierlein you should learn as much as you can while your brain is still spongy
@Malachi I think it's kinda complicated. But it depends on the languages. You'd be better to focus 100% of your energy on one language than switch when you feel you have a solid knowledge
@Quill-HATMANIAC Unity for C#?
how difficult is Angular?
Angular isn't that hard
Node is better for resumes though
@Quill-HATMANIAC Unity as in the dependency injection thing or Unity3d?
1 min ago, by Quill - HAT MANIAC
@Malachi learn Unity (the program as well) while you're at it
the game engine program
@Quill-HATMANIAC I have had like 3 different people ask me about angular though. no one has asked me about node for quite some time
I couldn't even explain to you what a dependency injection if you asked me lol
@Malachi redo your website in Angular if you want to try and learn it
@Quill-HATMANIAC @Mat'sMug can tell you
it's not really all that hard
I am going to go through stuff on CodeAcademy
Q: What is dependency injection?

AR.There have been several questions already posted with specific questions about dependency injection, such as when to use it and what frameworks are there for it. However, What is dependency injection and when/why should or shouldn't it be used?

@Malachi Unity really isn't a requirement unless you want to work with video games or stuff like that
@TopinFrassi right now I have a game in XNA in the works. and from what I hear it is still around
Unity is still awesome though. It's actually been used for simulations as well. Let me see if I can go find one.
I might try to finish it up and see how hard it is to get it on Xbox
@Malachi Oh that's right I remember you worked on that! :)
@EthanBierlein oh, okay. thanks
@EthanBierlein Yeah it's awesome. But not that useful on a CV
I just need to get my other Computer set up somewhere, quiet
@Malachi unity is pretty cool, and if you want @EthanBierlein can chew your ear off tell you all about it
@Malachi lol, with unity3d all you have to do is tweak the control settings, click a few buttons, and you have a built xbox game
I might check it out when I get back to my game. eventually i want to turn my 2D scroller into a 3D MMO
That's an interesting transition.
@EthanBierlein same thing if I have the framework set up right in VS
Q: Rate limiting in node.js

user92063I'm building an API wrapper for a REST service that has rate limits such as 500 requests every 10 minutes 10 requests every 10 seconds whichever comes first. I need to build a "scheduler" that decides when and how many requests are sent so it never goes beyond above limits. There are two "c...

I should make the 2D scroller into a MMO first. that would be wicked cool, just to say that I did that even. that would be awesome!
Granted, Unity pro is pretty expensive these days. Isn't XNA free?
i need to find a bank to support me while I write it!
@EthanBierlein and discontinued
@EthanBierlein yeah
A: Is there any case where you would prefer O(log n) to O(1) algorithm time complexity?

Salvador DaliThere can be many reasons to prefer an algorithm with higher big O time complexity over the lower one: most of the time, lower big-O complexity is harder to achieve and requires skilled implementation, a lot of knowledge and a lot of testing. big-O hides the details about a constant: algorithm ...

This is a really good overview
not discontinued. I found the plugins for Visual studio 2012 express
Although, there is the free version of unity3d which has almost all the features of pro with the exception of a few.
sorry guys, I smell food, and it smells good
@Malachi I think "no longer in development" might be a better word.
@Malachi seeya! :)
@Malachi You can see the differences here if you're interested: unity3d.com/get-unity
The only thing that really would tempt me into buying the pro version is the game performance reporting
A: Where is the tool guy in Vault 81?


WTF indeed
flagged as NAA
Same here.
I think the quesiton is a troll
Should be rolled back to rev-2 though.
mark it for mods
Got rolled back and troll came back.
> Your PC ran into a problem, and has to restart.
So, the user went to the trouble of writing (what seems to be) a valid answer. Only to start an edit war by deleting their own answer?
^^ Damn Windows 10. I never had that problem with Windows 7.
I just got excited from a seriously crappy, seriously trippy photo.
Is something wrong with me?
@TheCoffeeCup Windows 10 makes a lot of the decisions for you. I'm still refusing to upgrade for that reason.
In general we don't merge until the coding is finished, unit tested and code reviewed. In the scenario I'm asking about, there would have been a problem (the story was too large, ran into an issue, team members out...whatever) and the coding wasn't finished. In other terms, merging the user story early would just put the rest of the code base at risk because we know the code from the user story isn't stable yet. Ideally, this scenario never happens, but I'm on a new team and they are often biting off more than they can chew... — Greg McGuffey 57 secs ago
And now Windows Defender is complaining that it isn't on.
Change of topic, but how long until reload?
I have literally 1 vote left.
@TheCoffeeCup 1 hour and 18 minutes I think.
No, 18 minutes
Or 18 minutes.
Timezones are funny.
Aren't they ;)
And DST makes it worse.
DST messes me up too much.
I should go back to my old image during WB, much easier to fit a hat on
Grahh, I still need two more votes on a post of mine today to get a hat.
I'm one hat away from Specialist Hatsman.
Good job @SimonForsberg, excellent IDE.
An easy-to-click run and start debug button.
Thanks santa!
Q: Recursive implementation of integer partition without re-arrangement

Daniel JacobsonProblem: Integer Partition without Rearrangement Input: An arrangement S of nonnegative numbers {s1, . . . , sn} and an integer k. Output: The largest job from partitioning S into k or fewer ranges, to minimize the maximum sum over all the ranges, without reordering any of the numbers. Also the...

I don't really want upvotes right now, capped rep today.
Twice more and I get hat trick
@TheCoffeeCup Wow that looks really good @SimonForsberg !
Also Congratz @Quill-HATMANIAC on being #2 Stack-Exchange wide!
What happened to number 1
Mike Miller, *crushes jelly donut in hand*
Mike Miller is #1 with 22 hats, one more than @Quill-HATMANIAC
we were just tying...
get him
crush him
I need two upvotes in 15 minutes to get another hat, searching after that gives me another
once I rep cap for tomorrow, I get another
Looks like the HAT MANIAC replaces the monkey this year.
I've got hats lining up
well 185/200 rep, hopefully I can find a question fast
@TheCoffeeCup Nice!
Need two more for the silver badge hat.
That's a good badge to have.
@Quill-HATMANIAC 4 minutes!
@Quill-HATMANIAC 10???
It says 23:56 UTC on my clock.
my computer has the wrong time
3 minutes!
I have 1 vote left, can't help too much, sorry.
Wait, I have 2!
I just need one more now! aaahhhh!!!
@Quill-HATMANIAC Done :)
@TheCoffeeCup 58
I already rep-capped.
awesome sauce :-)
Thanks guys, love you all :-)
@Mast well, 58 now...
2 minutes left
Don't forget to use chat search
for the searching hat
I think I'm one day away from that.

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