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im still DVed from last night, so that prevents me from getting the >=5 upvotes and no downvotes hat
unless I delete the post?
@Quill Don't do that.
Tomorrow there'll be another day.
@Quill you have still gotten the down-vote. Deleting the post wouldn't help.
That is what I thought
perhaps you're right
@Mast it's 3 weeks, we're day 1... ....kids...
I've got bounties here:
Q: C SIMD Matrix Multiplication

PeterI recently started toying with SIMD and came up with the following code for matrix multiplication. I would greatly appreciate if someone with more experience with these things could tell me how far off I am from a good solution. First I attempted to implement it using SIMD the same way I did in ...

Q: Siamese neural network

DavideChicco.itI have been studying the architecture of the Siamese neural network introduced by Yann LeCun and his colleagues in 1994 for the recognition of signatures ("Signature verification using a Siamese time delay neural network".pdf, NIPS 1994). I had some problems in understanding the general archit...

@CaptainObvious I am not how this question should be handled. A major part of the code depends on 3rd party frameworks. In particular the image loading is done via Firebase (which I am not familiar with), so it is difficult to judge if the framework is used correctly, or where the potential "lags" might come from.
Do you do iOS professionally?
Word to the wise. Don't ever lose your source code. Decompilng things is not fun.
mystery cat has returned
@Mat'sMug @Hosch250 / anyone: Here's the screenshot from last year:
Dec 15 '14 at 19:14, by Simon André Forsberg
user image
@RubberDuck It might be easier to work with than the previous crap if it is legacy code.
Just 285? I'd bet you are closer to 2850 this year.
@RubberDuck Been there, done that!
@Hosch250 I also think so.
@Hosch250 If it was legacy before decompiling, it's surely legacy afterward.
LOL. So it doesn't return nicely formatted code?
@SimonForsberg Only 285? We pinged someone almost 500 times in 12 hours once!
@Hosch250 yeah, but... it's still crap code. It's just nicely formatted crap code.
@RubberDuck that reminds me - I'm getting Michael Feather's book this week :)
@RubberDuck with even more unreadable variable names than before
@Mat'sMug It's amazing. Enjoy.
@SimonForsberg that. Exactly that.
Q: (Javascript) Help me make this table work

Ken JobsI wrote html & css for my table: 14 cols x 12 rows (13th row: use the 1st cell only) thead 1 row tbody x1: 5 rows (value *1) x2: 4 rows (value *2) x3: 1 row (value *3) Average: 1 row Under "Average": 1 cell (Average) And I need your helps to make it can do these following things: I. S...

@CaptainObvious hippopotamus/not written yet code.
Or borken. Non-existant. Idk what to say about it
Hey there @IsmaelMiguel
How's it going today?
Busy; you?
Is it ok to swear and delete once you see?
@IsmaelMiguel Hi! :)
@TopinFrassi How's it going with you?
Not bad, not bad. Having some troubles communicating with my future university. They keep refering me to other people, lol
I hate hats
are you an Android app?
@TopinFrassi Lol. They called me Isabel, Isamel, Misael and what-not; when I was at school
What's up people?
@Mat'sMug Me?
@Jacob Greetings dude
@IsmaelMiguel Room owners and moderators can see deleted messages.
Q: Android app hates hats

Mat's MugI don't hate hats. Proof: Yet, the Android app isn't showing them: Saw this post from 2013 asking for hats in the Android app, and this one from 2014, also saying essentially "it's not worth it". Fine. Except, the iFolks got their hats on this year: That's religion-based discrimination...

@IsmaelMiguel Ahah, they just don't want to talk with me. I can't get the info I want because no one has it or people that have it are always in reunion
@TopinFrassi s/reunion/meetings/
@Mat'sMug What is up with those strange android fonts?
@Phrancis Lets just say that every single day since 1st December till 2 weeks after Easter are the worst days of my life
@Phrancis Oops :p
@EthanBierlein are you mocking my phone's fonts?
@TopinFrassi Have you tried to scream at them and push some strings?
@Mat'sMug yes
yes I am
What font do you use?
@IsmaelMiguel I'd need to go at the university, and that's 1h30 of bus/subway, which I don't want to do :p
Comic sans?
My Android doesn't look like that
that's why mine does :)
and no, it's not Comic Sans
-- decryption section begin
--(100 lines of undecipherable, undocumented queries follow)
@TopinFrassi I would complain a lot
it's called Rosemary
I don't see much of a difference.
At least it isn't the Disney font
I found Samsung Sans boring
I just have the default font
 when @soatask = 'LockDate' then
  left(isnull((select REPLACE(Convert(varchar(10), max(ceoh.ceoh_transdate), 21), '-', '')
^^ not a joke
oh, got Mortarboard on MSE now, and 2 hats that I don't have on CR yet
Agree with Johnie. Here is a similar example. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/43762/…Steve Greene 52 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel I'm confident I'll get an answer soon-ish. Plus I got 'till March to get an answer :p
Well, the sooner the better
They will answer soon
bbl, I'm going to go work on my speech
Good luck!
Thanks! :)
Good luck.
I hate making speeches.
I hate speeches
Both writting and listening
I hate them too, but researching things is interesting
I don't mind the writing part.
I hate speeches too. I had to do one just a week ago, almost died. Have fun :D
I'm just not a great thinker on my feet. I take longer and find sources to verify my claims.
I just panic and avoid them like plague
There's a rather large chance that 1 or less people will even understand what I'm speaking about.
@EthanBierlein It's for school?
I guarantee that, at least, 1 person is understanding
@TopinFrassi Yeah
@EthanBierlein Otherwise, if you think noone will understand, you either got the wrong audience or your speech is bad. :p
@EthanBierlein Try to make it stupid, so everyone understands a little! :p
IF (@@ROWCOUNT = 1) -- only one row
Arrow is spelled with one A and two Rs
@TopinFrassi I don't have a choice on my audience. It's a bunch of crazed "typical highschoolers"
@Phrancis Still a precise comment... Not incorrect...
@EthanBierlein Yeah I wrote that before I got your answer.. ahah
Not useful either though ;0
@EthanBierlein Oh boy
That is the audience type I had
Yup. And I'm talking about compilers.
And I had to talk about aerospace . . . go figure
but first, lemme take a selfie
@Phrancis THAT is a different ball game...
A: Image Filter client

QuilldefaultOptions: Providing a defaultOptions array is useless if you don't use any other property than imageCallback The following line is redundant if you wish to create imageCallback and not an empty object: this.defaultOptions = {}; Getting and assigning click listeners: There's dupl...

I'm probably going to have to really "dumb this down" to make it remotely understandable.
@Phrancis If you want, I can show worst
@EthanBierlein I choose to interpret that the other way.
i++; // increment i
@EthanBierlein What is it about?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Compilers.
1 min ago, by Ethan Bierlein
Yup. And I'm talking about compilers.
Q: Entity Framework Code First Softball Stats Database Schema

Shak3nNotStur3dI am creating a website for my buddies and I to track all of our offensive softball stats. I am getting tired of maintaining a huge excel spreadsheet and emailing it out every week, so a website is the way to go. I've created the DB a few times but I want to make sure I am making this thing righ...

@Mat'sMug Check this
That will be fun
I wonder if you can get 007 as a selfie
@Quill I'm trying.
I tried, didn't work I don't think
I just posted a selfie if you want to test it :P
I'm trying for Living in the Future, but just two more votes to try for 007.
TTGH, later guys
See you, @TopinFrassi.
Me and my Walmart outfit gotta go
@Quill I will post an answer there too.
MathJax is messing with your Javascript
function b6db8df6-ed49-4458-bc8d-a9287fb3a918
i metad it
Q: using $$ in a post causes strange number series to appear

QuillSo, in one of my recent Code Review questions, I have a function $$ and posting it (even inside the code block) causes the following issue. So you can see that my code looks like the following: but then in the post: All the space between the two dollar dollar blocks is seemingly replaced w...

I've posted about it on PPCG, a while ago
And the guy that answered you...
@IsmaelMiguel oh god, why
@Quill Well now, that's a real bug
@DanPantry MathJax bug
yeah, I know
@Quill It's not the post we need, but its the post we deserve
(I'm sorry)
please don't comment on my cr question about it
i'm trying for 007
What do you mean?
You don't want another answer?
Oh lovely. One of my classes was cancelled.
Is it good?
No. It is bad.
Oh yes, right in front of my nose. I must be delirious from hat fever. Apologies. — Kit Z. Fox 1 min ago
Good thing is, it isn't a prerequisite.
not a comment
answers are fine
Bad thing is, it is the one I was most looking forward too.
> That's religion-based discrimination
@IsmaelMiguel it looks like SE (or maybe mathjax) might have just hashed whatever was between the double-dollar signs
@Phrancis It's a MathJax bug. I had it on PPCG a while ago.
A: Checking for duplicate values in database with Python

CaridorcIn python checking membership of an item in a set is extremely fast. I suggest you use sets.

@RoboSanta Umm, @janos answer is better.
Caridorc won't be happy...
maybe the downvote will prevent him from a hat tonight?
@janos well, the OP said: @Caridorc your suggestion to use a set solved my problem. Down from 13 seconds per insert to 0.009. If you add your comment as an answer, I'll accept it. If even with a 3 orders of magnitude improvement in performance I deserve a downvote... so be it
@RoboSanta @janos -> I love how you put the hat on him :-)
@Caridorc it was good, if I didn't cap it would've had my vote. consider it +1ed in an hour
@Quill s/hour/two hours
yeah, for some reason SE said 'daily vote cap reached, try again in 1 hour'
Want to DV some stuff?
Q: Is it ok to test ideas on secret hats here on meta?

NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇI was just wondering if we could use temporary questions to test ideas we have for how to earn secret hats here, or if that is a bad idea. They can be removed as soon as the hat is confirmed or a few days after posting and nothing happening.

Doing a test
@Quill yeah :)
@Quill I guess they round down then
also I've had about 3 hours sleep in the last 24 hours and pretty much the entire rest of it was me trying to get hats, make CR posts
@EthanBierlein either that or I need another coffee
@JonEricson: SORRY NOT SORRY! — abby hairboat ♦ 5 hours ago
Oh I want to star that so bad!
That is hilarious!
@Hosch250 Yes please :)
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I only have 101, so I can't DV.
Thank you for thinking about it
May have to wait for some regulars to show up
@janos I already got deservedly downvoted for thinking that Java had default arguments...
I'll be around somewhat for a bit, BB in full in 40 or so
The hover text is the funniest.
@Hosch250 That last one is... creepy... to say the least.
I hardly think so. Morbid, maybe.
Oh, I was talking about the "massage therapist"
Oh. I didn't read that entire list.
so my colleague just got 'called in'
returned and started packing up his stuff
also Code Review is at 15/20 unique hats
@Quill DONE!!! Oh God, finally done!
I'm not going to comment there so you can get 007
If I get another two hats, I get a free one.
jQuery is required by vex
I have to have jQuery
You mean, the hat?
yes the hat
I hate hats
I opt-out from the hat thing, as soon as possible
so yeah, I have to have jQuery and I didn't want to add the elongated extend polyfill
@IsmaelMiguel Star of shame.
Still better than var extend = jQuery.extend
how so
that takes up no extra space for a definition
no need to bully the hat-haters, they're already missing all the fun...
1- You don't rely on an external library
I have to have the library
2- You don't have to rely on the behaviour of that external library
@Mat'sMug OK, removed.
3- If it bugs out, you bug out
Vex, the popup library requires jQuery
I see your point though
4- If anything happens to jQuery, your library can now work without jQuery
just get rid of the Basically, you depend upon a ~80kb long library just to copy a single method!?
4: no
Vex requires it, so it needs jQuery, which is why there's a check in the constructor
1,2,3: See above point ^
I can't find the check :/
I found the perfect profile picture to go with the "wireless" hat
@Mat'sMug I don't only hate the hats. I hate the concept. Also, I hate every single thing from 1st December till after Easter. It's just a sea of bad memories ruining every second of my life. I can't even walk outside without feeling miserable. It's not that you should care, it's just to show that I'm not a "hat hater" and that I'm not "missing out the fun", since I have no fun at all on these months
sorry to hear that, but what does it have to do with SE?
@Quill for the record, RoboSanta is set to never pimp my answers ;-) (btw I have by far the most Naruto answer...)
@Mat'sMug Nothing. It's just loosely related to the hat thingy
@janos oh? I was just commenting on his hat :-)
ok I totally misunderstood that
Try to ask the question of Code Review instead if the code already works as expected but feels too slow :) — Morwenn 38 secs ago
interesting did you know anyway :P
@IsmaelMiguel see below:
        if (!jQuery) {
            throw new Error("jQuery not found.");
IE can't find it
the mathjax bug hides it remember
I saw the source.
I will edit my answer a bit
@Quill why would you? now I can't see it work
.. Did someone say.. CHRISTMAS CAROLS?!
^ Prepare yourself for 3 weeks of this
@JeroenVannevel declined
@JeroenVannevel great...
@Vogel612 imposed
do you wish to challenge my powers, mortal?
*runs and gets camera*
I keep Hairboat's Revenge in the palm of my hand!
@EthanBierlein you're supposed to talk about nice little happy clouds now, I think
ah yes, happy little clouds
such nice peaceful things
@Quill There, you can check my answer now
I knew about that bug btw, I just didn't want to fix it -_-
solid answer tho :-)
^ Putting up known broken code for review
Can you check for spelling mistakes?
Probably there are a few
@JeroenVannevel it's not broken
jquery is attached for me in a local demo
@Quill, you've gotten the Hairboat revenge, but did you do it here on Code Review? Or is it kind of an universal hat so if you do the action on Stack Overflow it will show here as well?
@holroy um all hats are universally visible
@holroy You have to do in on CR.
if you want one for CR do the comment on CR
The post is pinned to the starwall.
I got it on CR and SO.
there's no stopping you if you want to go to SO and comment there, like I did
Hmm... I didn't find him in a search earlier... Must have misspelled it... But the pinned post doesn't have a lot of comments? Have they been removed by someone already?
usually every now and again
We remove them once we get our hat.
So you can remove it yourself, and still get the hat?
My comment on SO was flagged and removed before I got around to it.
@holroy After the hat comes in.
A: You have no respect for logic

QuillThere's incorrect/inconsistent indentation in: HEY CHRISTMAS TREE result YOU SET US UP 0 and HEY CHRISTMAS TREE isZero YOU SET US UP 0 The ArnoldC wiki says you should declare 0s and 1s as the "macros" @I LIED and @NO PROBLEMO HEY CHRISTMAS TREE isZero YOU SET US UP @I LIED I...

I answered Mast's ArnoldC question too
I'm at 3/5 5+ answers for the day
Done, and soon removed... :-)
Q: Function to convert a decimal number as a string to hexadecimal

user3308310I am designing a cipher and need to convert between bases repeatedly in a loop. I have optimized the everything else, but I'm not too familiar with C++ code, and and am trying to figure out how to make the conversion faster. Here's the current code I'm using: string digits = "0123456789abcdef"...

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