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Sophisticated as in, they know about databases in general, or about another database specifically (but not yours)?
> Some users of this database may be sophisticated users, but the information in this database is unlikely to need a custom, personal application for use or analysis.
Like, they may be familiar with my DB, but they just use it as a casual user (SQL) or a naive user (preprogrammed applications).
Hm. Not too sure how to best scope/describe that. I think what you quoted there sounds OK, to me
You might ask on the DBA chatroom, they would be better positioned to help with that
Q: C++ formatting on memory allocation program

JKKMy question is, in what way must I modify my code using C++ formatting to obtain the desired output as noted below? The assignment instructions: gist . github.com/anonymous/fd25bbbb54b1ab6dc0c9 input.txt a 1 16 a 2 8 a 3 8 d 1 0 a 4 12 d 3 0 a 5 ...

off-by-one on SO:
A: Using StringWriter for XML Serialization

Christian HayterWhen serialising an XML document to a .NET string, the encoding must be set to UTF-16. Strings are stored as UTF-16 internally, so this is the only encoding that makes sense. If you want to store data in a different encoding, you use a byte array instead. SQL Server works on a similar principle;...

why do the specs say the XML encoding is UTF-8 ffs?!
(working on some EDI stuff, trying to match the 3rd-party's requirements)
OMG not another one of those damn "ghost" data changes that never got logged into audit :|
Q: Ising Model - Atom Vibration Simulation in Scala

Julian LieblThis is my first code review here. I am an experienced java developer (12+ years) and have recently switched to scala and I love it. However I feel not comfy yet and I have a feeling that I might use to many paradigms from the good old java days. That's why I would like to start with some simple...

@CaptainObvious wow that's a really great question
Q: Graph - Breadth first search with iterator (Java)

grmfI'm trying to create Breadth first search with iterator, but I do not know where this error. Why it does not work? public class Graph<T> implements IterableGraph<T>{ @Override public Iterator<T> iteratorDepth(T origem) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet...

@CaptainObvious Busted.
You know, there is one badge that I simply can't get. The badge with 5 upvotes on 5 comments.
I have 1 comment with 5 upvotes, last I checked.
Didn't even know there was such a badge!
Actually, I have 3 comments now!
@Phrancis Pundit.
You already have it.
Ahh ok
posted on November 27, 2015 by CommitStrip

Pirate avoids lawsuit after hitting 200,000 video views

I don't get it...
@Hosch250 I know, it's really tough
@Phrancis They get Youtube views to make money to pay for their fine
But.. Well it's not their best. :p
heya fellas
Sometimes I wonder if people think Shared in VB is the only way to allow other callers to see the method/property/whatever.
Guys, Shared means static.
@EBrown Why didn't they just call it static then?
@skiwi Because VB.
I'm still admiring the new site design every time I look at it
It's ok @Phrancis. I don't get it either.
@fluffy It's simple now. You see a logo that means "not fully graduated", you're on PCG :p — TopinFrassi 5 secs ago
@skiwi because MS underestimated VB devs. Thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
@janos especially the new chat design. It's awesome!
@EBrown aren't there some subtle differences between Shared & Static though?
@RubberDuck AFAIK no.
Yeah. Digging the 2nd Monitor's new skin. =)
Well, @RubberDuck technically VB.NET allows you to refer to a static/Shared member with the class instance, IIRC.
In C# you can only access a static member by type-name, but VB.NET allows instance references (for whatever reason).
@EBrown WAT?!
@Mat'sMug You didn't know that?
No, in C# a static member can call another static member without qualifying it
I know, but in VB.NET you can qualify Shared members via instances.
Public Class Foo
    Public Shared Property Bar As String
End Class

Dim foo As New Foo
Perfectly valid VB.NET.
Am I gaining anything by doing this substring() instead of partial string match with like?
select * from SUPPLY_ORDERS
    exists (
        select 1 from SUPPLY_VENDORS
            substring(sv_name,1,9) = 'CAR STOCK'
            --sv_name like 'CAR STOCK%'
            and so_svid = sv_id
    and substring(so_pono,1,3) = 'STA'
    --and so_pono like 'STA%'
order by so_insertdate desc;
Or does it just make the code less clear?
@SimonForsberg Wut
^^Someone got paid actual money to make this and put it on a PowerPoint.
@EBrown @Mat'sMug it's because they wanted to keep backwards compatibility with VB6.
@RubberDuck exactly
@Phrancis compare the execution plans. I bet they're the same.
@RubberDuck It really doesn't bother me that much when compared to the rest of the syntax of VB (which I despise).
Eh, I don't mind the syntax. I don't even see the End Ifs any more. It's just a curly bracket in my mind.
@RubberDuck Maybe make n IDE that replaces that stuff with brackets :D
@RubberDuck Sounds like Quackholm syndrome
Wouldn't be hard I bet. I think Roslyn could do may of the work for me.
@RubberDuck RSA
Bbiab with a new Q. I want to play around with a feature I've never used before, and I'm only 16 from capping today.
The format of this question may be better suited for Code Review since it already works. — Felix Castor 1 min ago
@Olaf All the code needed is there. The question's problem is clear, and a picture is provided. The instructions are provided. I was told by 2 staff to go to CodeReview, which I was redirected back here. — JKK 50 secs ago
@Olaf please see A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users before recommending to post there. — Phrancis just now
Have to disagree that that's a good line. It conveys nothing because it doesn't describe what's meant by "crap" and is overly aggressive to the people trying to help. (I already see conflicting answers to the question of "what is crap?" in the comments to this answer.) — user1118321 4 mins ago
Hey what happened to the migration path to Programmers.SE?
It looks like it was removed sometime ago. I'm guessing not enough people (including myself) truly understand their scope.
OK. Should the answer related to that on the migration Meta Q be deleted then?
Anyone here have an Amazon Echo?
@Phrancis Hey, that's a city I forgot to add in my Haskell code
Don't even know what that is.
A speaker?
Nah, it's a thing you talk to and it says stuff.
What is the use?
> Echo connects to Alexa, a cloud-based voice service, to provide information, answer questions, play music, read the news, check sports scores or the weather, and more—instantly. All you have to do is ask. Echo begins working as soon as it detects the wake word. You can pick Alexa or Amazon as your wake word.
Like a sort of Cortana?
But in it's own device.
@Jamal We haven't had any declined migrations to them though... but maybe they just don't trust us.
> Use Echo to switch on the lamp before getting out of bed, turn on the fan or space heater while reading in your favorite chair, or dim the lights from the couch to watch a movie—all without lifting a finger...or even raising your voice.
To be fair, we get far fewer questions that would potentially be on-topic on Programmers than we do for Stack Overflow
That's disturbing.
I'm pretty sure I'm getting one of these soon, it'll definitely be fun to play with.
I suppose the next migration path can be for DBA. We have gotten quite a few database design questions.
finally asked a question on main
@Jamal Database design is not really on-topic on DBA, from my experience (too broad)
@JohanLarsson Yay!
@Phrancis: I'd recommend to remove your first comment, too, because there is no reference anymore (not even sure it was this question I said SO is no code revice site - which does not imply I mean the SE site code review, btw.) — Olaf 37 secs ago
Q: String formatting of unit types

Johan LarssonI have a units of measure library that I added string formatting to. Here is sample code: [Test] public void FormatSpeed() { var speed = Speed.FromMetresPerSecond(1.2); using (Thread.CurrentThread.UsingTempCulture(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { Assert.AreEqual("1.20\u00A0m/...

@JohanLarsson and it's not ?! ;-)
@Mat'sMug Thanks for reminding me, I need to study up on my WPF.
@EBrown uh, no problem!
I think WPF is an acquired taste sort of thing.
Man... VS2015 takes forever to load.
Hello friends
I think I may need a new box.
@JohanLarsson Wow. Looks good, too. The only suggestion I would even make is to consider extraction the different culture tests to different methods.
Hey @DanPantry!
@RubberDuck SSD it up, biggest issue with VS I've had is the amount of crap it needs to spin up.
@RubberDuck Mine is the same, but it's a hard-drive issue.
So, my graphics card is... crazy good.
My little 5400RPM drive in my laptop just can't keep up with the demand.
Eh.... I'm no good with hardware. It's easier to just buy a new one...
@EBrown yep, good suggestion. Wrote it like that for demo purposes.
@DanPantry You managed to connect it?
@JohanLarsson I might make it an answer, if no one else does.
@Hosch250 after wiring it up with a new power supply and a few electric shocks, yes
@EBrown I have a 7200RPM, and it still takes a while to load.
I just answered an old zombie already-answered question on SO.. see which is better:
Q: Setting StandAlone = Yes in .Net when serializing an object

Mr ShoubsIn the following code I want to set "standalone = yes" to the xml, how can I do this? Dim settings As New Xml.XmlWriterSettings settings.Encoding = encoding Using stream As New IO.MemoryStream, xtWriter As Xml.XmlWriter = _ Xml.XmlWriter.Create(stream, settings) serializer.Serialize(xtW...

Other than that, there isn't anything to say about your code. You write really clean code.
@DanPantry I like the shocks part.
It is so good that it is rendering everything on the highest settings at 75fps at 2715x1527.. then downscaling that to 1080p (because thats all my monitor can display).. and thats only using half of its power. wtf.
@DanPantry Wow.
@JohanLarsson Can you be more specific about point 1?
@EBrown Like someone mentioned in here if I should have length.ToString("F2", "mm", sv);
or if I should remove some of them if they are just noise
@JohanLarsson Ah, I'm writing up a bit on that part.
I noticed there are a few quirks with your code that I don't quite like.
good, I'm really not sure about the api
but there is nothing in the framework to lean on really
closest is timespan I think
[Explicit(Reminder.ToDo)]<- is nice
makes it easy to track tests that are temporarily supressed.
Are you using CultureInfo for that second parameter?
Ah, beautiful.
I write failing tests as todos, the only way to remember things for me.
Ah, yeah.
I don't do enough Unit Testing to comment on any of that.
@JohanLarsson it's the best kind of TODO in my opinion.
but then build server can be an issue if it prevents checking in what was previously finished
@JohanLarsson Answer posted, feel free to comment on it.
(First answer I've posted in a while, too.)
upvote while reading :)
@Mat'sMug Why is this in when the original code is in ?
because I hate VB because I hadn't even noticed
@Mat'sMug Good enough for me.
@EBrown I'll leave the question open for a while. Thanks for the answer.
Says the Mug who is our top tier VBA reviewer.
@RubberDuck cough shhhh ;-)
@JohanLarsson I'm adding more to it.
I discovered another thing I didn't like that I think needs pointed out.
@EBrown moving from VB.NET to C# is a solid CR in itself anyway
@JeroenVannevel It's not a CR question, it's an SO question.
Well I guess I didn't notice that part
@JohanLarsson Answer modified. :)
And thanks for the +1 on it as well. :)
@JohanLarsson no TestData provider for your unit tests?
I edited a @Jamal question. D:
@JeroenVannevel sample
ANyone else getting absolutely spammed by Black Friday mails?
@JohanLarsson yeah, I think that's what I was referring to. Although I would prefer to see the data inlined in attributes personally
but I don't know if that's possible with the framework you're using
@Snowhawk04 hello!
@Snowhawk04 Ahoy!
@skiwi Nope.
In fact, I'm waiting for an email that isn't coming.
@JeroenVannevel yeah
@skiwi yeah and amazon broke me
And, I do not have a trigger set to send my email to the trash, like @Phrancis does.
I bought the HONY book
@JohanLarsson Now that's what gets me all warm downstairs
@Hosch250 LOL ;p
but attributes have limitations, 1) can't new things. 2) cant be shared between multiple tests
Looks like the tests are in order then
Also formattting is poor with nuint & R3
Why use Assert.AreEqual for everything?
Assert.AreEqual(null, actual.ValueFormat); and Assert.AreEqual(true, success);
Assert.IsNull() and Assert.IsTrue() will provide more meaningful error messages, I think
Say you have [TestCase(new int[]{1, 2, 3}] and a bunch more. Then they get merged to array in the runners tree
@JeroenVannevel yeah, valid point. AreEqual all things keeps my OCD happy :)
Also xunit is nicer
yeah I feel you. Aligning those assertions is equally nice
Nunit 3 & R# 10 was a complete mess.
Think it was nunit that was doing the dumbs
I think the best thing is having working tests :P
Alright, time for me to go. I don't want to brag but I totally do and I'm going to a girl's house for dinner and sleepytime.
10 rep to max today!
Later skaters
Q: The C# tag clips just a tad

EBrownThe picture is pretty self explanatory. It seems that the # sign on the c# clips when formatted into a tag. C# and C# don't do it, but c# does.

and thanks for the discussion
@TheCoffeeCup Santa should be around here soon.
@StackExchange that's weird (but that's the nature of CSS)
No big deal, just refill the ink cartridges and you'll be fine — Jeroen Vannevel 42 secs ago
This is probably better for codereview.stackexchange.comMike 19 secs ago
@Duga Doesn't appear to be a good fit.
Would be closed as UWYA probably.
if ($_FILES['image']['name'])
$FName = md5($_FILES['image']['name'] . time()) . "." . end(explode('.', $_FILES['image']['name']));
$NewFile = "../UImages/" . $FName;
    if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $NewFile))
    die("Failed to move file " .$_FILES['image']['tmp_name']." to " . $FName);
Could you imagine if all code was indented like that?
Sometimes I love the descriptions for some of the problems I get.
User calls, "I can't see the blue bar on my internet explorer." I go to investigate, simple matter of F11.
@Phrancis Not really, because I walked all the way to our Sales department to see what the actual issue was.
Oh. That sucks
@EBrown Good exercise.
Also, now you know the level of (computer) intelligence of that user.
Also, now you can suggest F11 next time without doing the walking.
Also, my first draft of my DB final essay is done.
In the end, one of the comments on the question I asked yesterday just makes me feel dumb ><
@Morwenn ♪ In the end, it doesn't even matter.
Monking @IsmaelMiguel
@EBrown Greetings. How's it going?
@IsmaelMiguel Good good, haven't seen you in a while.
I know
Didn't felt like coming for a while
@EBrown Best song
And everytime I visited this chat, is was more empty than my wallet
Or people were busy with their business
@EBrown It's Motion Man!
@Phrancis I can. Sadly, I know of a website that has code without any indentation (on most parts)
Q: Clever variables : tabInt() , tabDouble(), tabChar(), etc. - How to implement these sort of variables?

georgeMy name is Michael, 13 years, and I began to do C++ programming recently. I have a book with following exercise: Create a class myArray that solves the overflow problem when handling arrays. In addition, this new class will allow a user to provide any integer (positive or negative) as t...

@IsmaelMiguel Well today it's probably especially empty (or at least, lacking American's) from the holiday yesterday.
It was on weekends
I would open the chat, greet everybody and leave 1-3 hours later
Ah, I'm often not on during the weekend.
I probably won't be on the whole weekend
I'm going to make a small upgrade, that probably will result in hardware failing and what-not
Yeah it's much more quiet during weekends usually
Well I bet Visual Studio will take ~10 minutes to start.
Quiet to the point that I only see 10 messages in 2 hours, at 3pm (GMT+2)
Good thing I'm doing it now instead of right before I have to leave.
Is it that slow?
Yeah, the HDD in this laptop is getting ready to die.
I don't think it even runs at 5400 RPM anymore.
Do you want an advice?
I'm going to replace it with an SSD shortly.
(A month or so.)
I don't think it will last a month
It might not, but there's nothing mission-critical on it.
If I were you, I would grab a cheap USB drive, shove Debian in it and use it from now on
I have to have Windows on it for Visual Studio.
Hey Visual Studio only took 5 minutes this time! :)
Someone said, a long time ago, that there's Visual Studio for Debian
Today I had to debug an issue with MySQL Workbench
I forgot I had over 400 tabs opened, and it would crash when opening, after loading around 370 tabs.

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