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@MikeDunlavey No! Code Review is only appropriate for correctly working code. Not for unwritten code, nor for failed attempts. — 200_success 41 secs ago
RELOAD! There are 1638 unanswered questions (94.3690% answered)
Q: Matlab style and efficiency

Chris CarrIm not really certain whether this is OK, but I'm looking for some code advice- particularly around style and efficiency. the code takes a video (a drop onto a fabric surface) and I want it to return the area of the drop. Currently the code works, but I'm no matlab expert, and wrote it entirely...

Q: Handle Infinite loop with "If condition" for decimal input

user90672This is my first question post. Learning to program in C. Using Sams Teach Yourself in 21 days, Day 13 - Using the goto statement. I altered the program for fun. It is a short program to learn the use of "goto". My question is not about the "goto". The example is basic. I input an integer betwe...

Q: Jacob's Ladder (continued)

thexivagain. I'm in a frame of the programming steps wherein my thoughts are very tense and I'm becoming a little afraid. I'm afraid it may actually work :) I've got a problem though. It seems that my program is giving me an out of bounds check fault. If you could help me with that, that's all I need I...

@CaptainObvious Wait a sec, he hasn't even got an answer on his other question.
@200_success How do we handle this? I haven't checked if it is close enough for a dupe.
Should he edit his first question because there is no answer?
There are very minimal changes in the second version that I saw, although I didn't check it char-for-char.
@Mat'sMug Are you around?
@Hosch250 Shouldn't it be closed as it has an "out of bounds check fault"?
I didn't see that.
Shakes head
Well still, suppose it had worked and it was this similar. How would we handle it?
I've just closed the second question.
OK. Thanks.
Q: Fake 3D effect in SFML - follow up

MORTALBased on previous Question, i have implements all recommendations that i have given. Here is a summary of improvements: implements meaningful names as possible for readability removes multiple declarations in one line removes the independence on dynamic_cast and apply new class hierarchy desi...

Woohoo! Got my #SOreadytohelp tee! :D
@Hosch250 just got home
@Mat'sMug Congrats!
Q: Brainf**k Interpreter, Follow-up: ++;++; is now +=2;

TheCoffeeCupFollow-up to: Brainfuck Interpreter: Slower than a Snail? Many improvements have been added, including: Remembering where the matching [ and ] is Combining +s, -s, <s, and >s into groups Providing the option to not optimize the code BFInterpreter.java import java.io.IOException; import java...

Q: Pulling information from a Couchbase lite database (Android app)

Mo GainzI'm working on an android app and am trying to do the following: The user creates an account. Their password is hashed and stored in the database. When the user attempts to login, the hash of the password they entered is checked against the hash of their real password (retrieved from the databas...

^^ Off topic.
2 upvotes in 4 minutes! I'm surprised.
Thanks, Santa!
(you gave me 50 rep too much yesterday)
@glampert Hi, everyone in the community is silent on this. Is that a good thing? This code now holds water to some extent. I'd like to know your opinion.. It compiles, but I get a cygwin::exception when I run it. — thexiv 4 mins ago
@Hosch250 Hmm...
@TheCoffeeCup Close it down. OP says it is broken code
@holroy I did.
Comment on whether dangerous animals are attracted to fire:
Moths. They hide in your Coca-Cola cans and surprise you in the morning... Right @Dynadin? — Aravona 3 hours ago
Q: Pulling information from a Couchbase lite database (Android app)

Mo GainzI'm working on an android app and am trying to do the following: The user creates an account. Their password is hashed and stored in the database. When the user attempts to login, the hash of the password they entered is checked against the hash of their real password (retrieved from the databas...

One more to close:
@Phrancis Remonking?
@Caridorc lol, felt The 2nd Monitor effect eh? :)
@TheCoffeeCup Just got back from in town
@Phrancis Oh.
And Walmart was CRAZZZZYYYYYYYYY busy, but I got what I wanted :)
This might be better suited for code review. — James Root 15 secs ago
@JamesRoot the author of the post specifically stated there is an issue with the code, which would make it off-topic for Code Review. Only once everything works as intended is it on topic there. — Phrancis 8 secs ago
@Jamesroot Phrancis is right. It is missing a little edit or typo that is stopping it from fully working. Even if that is all, it should need to be fixed to be in the realm of Code Review. — thexiv 37 secs ago
Is your code working as intended and you just want a review? If that's the case you should try codereview.stackexchange.com - Otherwise, what is the issue? And yes, it seems you have an infinite loop as Phix mentioned — Sergio 12 secs ago
The OP says in first line it doesn't work. Then it is off-topic for Code Review. Please don't refer them to Code Review when the code is broken — holroy 47 secs ago
Hi there
Without the capital i
Hey @happytime
@Phrancis I think you have the highest starred post with a margin of 2 now.
rolfl's about the hats was only 27, IIRC.
Good good
Oh, only 24.
That one's been a long time coming, and, @Pops well, he's been dealing with us lot, enough said :)
Bunch of rowdy coders who now finally have a gorgeous, fully graduated site!
I'm personally really excited to finally be able to turn that page and see what else lies in the future of Code Review!
This is my highest starred post:
Sep 12 at 16:18, by Hosch250
You can't be "taught" anything - you have to "learn".
I would so star that, if I could
This reminds me of when I was spending 30-40 votes per day:
Feb 16 at 0:47, by Hosch250
I didn't spend my last vote yesterday because I overslept.
You were a true soldier (not saying you aren't now)
Eh, I'm not so much now.
Come on, Santa, you were too good yesterday, why are you backing off now?
Hmm... Someone wanting upvotes?! :-)
Santa is too busy playing Planetside 2 when he should be wrapping gifts for the good boys and girls.
@holroy Not really, just wanting to comment on the extra 55 rep yeterday, and almost no rep today.
It is kind of strange when you get or not rep changes, it seems. Have written many answers which I thought would get better response, and the opposite also. Hopefully, in the long run the good answers will actually get properly voted.
Wow. I just found out why I wasn't getting any mail to Gmail for a long time. It was all being redirected to trash. I must have set up a filter incorrectly at some point :|
@Phrancis That sounds quite effective...
There are simply too much email from time to time, so redirecting everything to trash sounds kind of like a good idea! ;-)
@holroy Until you need something from your mail, which is rare :D
Now I know where to find the mail I'm expecting... Gmail > Trash
Nothing like a little dumpster diving from time to time ?!
possible answer invalidation by sky91 on question by sky91: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/111881/revisions
Though it is still on-topic, A vs B questions are not well accepted here. — TheCoffeeCup 3 hours ago
@TheCoffeeCup ^ I'm not sure how that comment is constructive, so I'm deleting it.
I posted my program.
@holroy ^^What is unclear about the MongoEngine question?
Most of it?
I think it's unclear what he wants to achieve, how he wants to achieve it, and how we are able to test or verify what he wants to do
OK. I'm not going to argue, since "unclear" is often a matter of opinion.
Q: improving web scraper

SlayerSo, this is my first web scraper (or part of it at least) and looking for things that I may have done wrong, or things that could be improved so I can learn from my mistakes. I made a few short function that can take a user and search tpb to get the maximum number of pages of content that that u...

Q: Output Tildes and Pluses

Hosch250Inspired by this question, I wrote a program in Whitespace to output the following text: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~~+~ +~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~++~+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...

Editor just unfamiliar with our site, that is. Not malicious.
@200_success Do you think it is clear?
Apparently Whitespace isn't as popular as BF or LOLCODE.
I should've written an LOLCODE version :P
Q: Cleaning up and improving quadratic sieve

qwrHere is an implementation I pieced together from various papers on the subject. It took a lot of fiddling to get it to run at all. My ideas for better performance and readability: Always pass by reference and never return any "large type" Separate matrix Gaussian elimination from main Avoid p...

I think I know what the author is trying to ask. I am not familiar enough with Mongo to answer it, though.
Isn't that a good enough reason to VTC then? Quote: "I think I know", isn't that unclear?
Mongo what? I don't have a whole lot of experience with it, but I have a little...
This one:
Q: Updating a list of a few dozen document resources in MongoEngine

latusakiThis is my model: class Subject(Document): uri = StringField(required=True,unique=True) resources = EmbeddedDocumentListField('Resource') date_modified = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now) meta = { 'indexes': [ {'fields': ['uri'], 'unique': True}, ...

1 hour later…
monking @all
Q: Java Utility that reads a warc(Web Archive) file parses the content and inserts it as xml in a new file

Ashish RI have written a program to perform a task, but I'm guessing it is not optimized. I want to know if there are any ways to improve the effiency and performance of this program. This program reads a set of .gz files from a directory, parses each file, inserts the filtered content into another .xm...

Minking, @chillworld.
(I guess I'm a furrier.)
And still the beta logo :(
@chillworld monking
Time to start evaluating my teachers go to bed.
Two more votes here and one on the accepted answer, and 200 gets a Populist: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/111938/34073
@Hosch250 I have the new one
Q: converting lua to matlab

Gini Johnwhat does the code in lua grid = {}; grid.w = 60; grid.pos = function (self, x, y) return (x * self.w + y)+1 end does? I want to convert it into matlab.I didn't understand the use of self and what is its equivalent code in matlab.

brb in need of some coffee
@mjolka Sounds like an answer to me.
> Bottom line: Don't expect any new graduation swag to start popping up until the design backlog gets cleared out and they have more time to spend on other things
A: How will graduation/election swag work with the changes to the "graduation" process?

animusonWe have full intentions to continue creating swag for graduated sites who have received their new design, but at the moment it just happens to be an incredibly low priority because of the huge design backlog right now - there are a bunch of sites still waiting for their graduation design and some...

Looks like 6-8 weeks
Monking @all
I got this in my notifications box. Any idea why? :S
did you perchance comment on that question before?
@Vogel612 I don't think so
it might have been deleted.I can only speculate, but if you discuss something with OP in comments you'll get a notification
discuss means: there have been two participants in the comments, including OP
if you had a comment there that might explain....
I must have commented on it then, I don't remember but it was a month ago now
@DanPantry sigh, begrudgingly upvotes
@Zak I have a better vine to show you once I finish this in work...
I can't find the vine, but this is a digg for it @Zak
My internet cut out and my first thought was to post here about it
My second was "Oh yeah, no internet"
Q: C++11: Mixing in-class initialization and initializer lists

Greek FellowsFrom this question, I do know that initialization list and in-class initialization are different things. The class in the following code has members with in-class initializers and those initialized in initialization list in constructors: class Bamboo { public: int a = {0}; int b; B...

I already tried that. I'm disposing pck and ws. I've set limit per file to 300000 at first then I got exceptions, now I'm trying to get number of rows per file that will work without throwing exception. After polishing everything I'll probably put question on codereview. Ideally I'd like to put million rows per file, but EPPlus wont handle that much, especially with 100+ columns. — Misiu 19 secs ago
1TB SSD or £150: ebuyer.com/…
Holy hell
This algorithm (and its compatibility with Unicode) has been discussed also on Code Review: Split a string into chunks of the same length. — Adriano Repetti 36 secs ago
Q: stack order exchanging

Ravindra Reddy prA stock order is an order to buy/sell a given quantity of stocks of specified company. Person willing to buy or sell a stock will submit an order to a stock exchange, where it is executed against the opposite side order of same company i.e, buy order is executed against an existing sell order and...

I would VTC but RIP my VTC rights :(
@nshah143 This type of question is not appropriate for SO but with some cleaning up and some focus, it might be a good fit at Code ReviewDelightedD0D 59 secs ago
@CaptainObvious giime the codez
@DanPantry you can still flag it
hmm.. graduation really took a chunk out of the close-voter pool
@Vogel612 That it did
3k rep shouldn't be that hard to reach for most of the former close-voter's
true that.
but it'll still take a few days
also I need to get back into trusted user territorry...
According to the stats. There are only 120 CR users with VTC privileges
And who knows how many of them are still active these days
At the time it was obvious that we will sooner or later graduate full, I started to answer more to keep trusted user priv.
If the current code is working, I think its better that you post the question on codereview.stackexchange.comPetter Friberg 57 secs ago
@CaptainObvious closed
Q: Sql Server: Getting the highest value based on two uniqueidentifiers - possible to avoid union?

SpikeeI have two riscProfileTypeIds (both of type uniqueidentifier) of which I need the one with the highest sequence number (the highest of the two risc profiles, at business level). The below query does the job, but I'm not very happy with the union, I wonder if there's a way to do the same without i...

@PetterFriberg I think this question is actually better off on Stackoverflow. It's laser-focused on the question "Should I create a setter or keep my current code?". That's a very clean, clear and focused question and better off here. Code Review answers aren't mandated to address the concerns of OP and as such posting to Code Review may not "yield" the best results — Vogel612 56 secs ago
Q: How to create dynamic reports with customized templates and tables from database

nshah143I have already created this feature of creating dynamic reports by creating custom templates and assigning columns from tables to be parsed in the template. And it is working fine as well.Basically the use of this feature is to create invoices , sales reports or quotations. My queries with it is...

Q: What is good way to crete get api method for different service method?

merso0027I this good way to crete get api method for different service method? Use enum and base on enum decide what service method in api to call. Enum: enum scopeValue { None, GetAll, GetWithDetails }; API public class WorkItemController : BaseContro...

@CaptainObvious removed by author
@CaptainObvious OP seems slightly...
possible answer invalidation by Spikee on question by Spikee: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/111995/revisions
@Duga let it slip, no harm done
table aliases removed, actually,...
For codereview, please ask on [codereview], not here. — FUZxxl 5 secs ago
Q: Pseudoportable C "script"

coderoddeFrom time to time, while working with a command line in *nix family of operating systems, we have to write those scripts doing a rather specific task. Usually we use bash + utility programs to do the job. However, I had to ask myself: how to implement such a script in C? After an invocation of su...

@Vogel612 unanswered questions of removed user, what do we do with that?
@chillworld answer it...
or close it if it's off topic
it doesn't matter whether they're removed or not
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's about code review which belongs to Code Review. — FUZxxl 48 secs ago
I'll see if I can make an answer
Q: Reading inputs from a .txt file into an array efficiency please

user3667111Looking for a quicker more efficient way of entering the following code. Basically reading data from a file and if the first letter is P,B,E the file will contain different values. I'm unsure how to make it more efficient, whether adding it to an array would be more simple. public static Custo...

I'm thinking this is broken code (he always return null?)
@chillworld agreed, VTC applied
oke thx
@chillworld maybe the op didn't know about void ?
@Heslacher but what happens with the list? will adding in the list triggers a save to DB?
if not, your whole list is gone after the method
but, if you don't look at that point, the code will work
@Vogel612 I did state why its off-topic. This question asks for code review. Code review is not within the scope of this site. How could I have made this any clearer? — FUZxxl 58 secs ago
thats true, I will vtc as well. Just a note, the user doesn't be to be removed, as its migrated from SO its possible that the user refused to join us (his loss)
@FUZxxl You're fully correct, but the help center does not explicitly state Code Reviews are off-topic here. For OP to understand you will need to provide reasoning that can be led back to what's on that page. In this case usually "Too Broad", or "unclear". — Vogel612 28 secs ago
Q: Speed up a matplotlib scatter function inside a for loop

Ben CarrThis function is working exactly as I want, only, it's taking too long. For speed ups, I've tried to do as much as I can before the main for loop by declaring each function as a local variable, I've also switched from using pandas dataframes to numpy arrays and decreased the outputted dpi. Thi...

Q: Partitioning a string into chunks

RobHInspired by this question: Split a string into chunks of the same length The code is designed to work on text elements rather than chars to avoid unicode problems. public static class StringExtensions { public static IEnumerable<string> Partition(this string value, int chunkSize) { ...

Q: JDBC Connection and Retrieval of Info: Can this Code be shortened?

Matthew MeaklimFirst off, here is the code. /** * This is the Main Method. * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // call method resultSet1 resultSet1(); } /** * This Method shows Resultset1. */ public static void resultSet1() { // declare my variables and assign values to them Str...

woo, design
when are we getting shirts?
@Pimgd 6-8 weeks, easily
and can I get stuff on page 2, or do I need to get an extra 500 pts so I'm -oh you
page 2 seems likely
- on page 1?
but you've got plenty of time
plenty of time to get knocked back down again too =D
3 hours ago, by Heslacher
> Bottom line: Don't expect any new graduation swag to start popping up until the design backlog gets cleared out and they have more time to spend on other things
hey @Pimgd
whoaaaa green
highlights are green
teal, actually ...
Yeah, something like that
oh wait it got changed after I complained...
I mean notifications in chat
oh cool. They used to be red-ish,right?
I wouldn't know since I use that dark-chat theme
My answer to my question got deleted and I was asked to create a follow up question. How do I do that
Q: Translating from English to Entean

user3620828I wrote a python script that converts English to Entean language from an anime called "The Devil is a part timer". I am sloppy at coding and know that the script can be made better. In the anime, the language in Ente Isla is called Entean, which is basically most of the consonants in the English...

got deleted
ah yes
@Wally The idea is this
we wanna keep the answers given to the question valid and of good quality, but also allow you to post improvements.
now, looking at your answer like an answer,
it's a pretty bad answer.
"Hey, you could use str.maketrans()!"
and blam, code
no explanation or anything
just wall of code, no reason for why it's better
@Wally if you follow the link at the deleted answer (what you may or may not do after receiving answers) you will come to this
> If you incorporate advice from one or more answers, but are still unsure that the code is as good as it should be, then post a new question with your revised code. For the benefit of other users, add mutual links: mention the previous question in the new question, and add a comment on the old question linking to the follow-up question.
if you wanted to have it as an answer, you'd be better off explaining the whole thing...
but even if you did that you'd not be able to get feedback
so what we recommend instead is that you make a new question,
What do I name the new question
in that question, link back to the old one,
and in there go "here's my code, it does this, I made such and such changes because of this or that reason, I didn't add this other change because other reason..."
... you can either name your question something like "V2",
"Translating from English to Entean V2"
but that's pretty meh
maybe you can come up with a specific angle you'd like reviewed?
I'll go with V2
or add the biggest change in the title
Translating from English to Entean with maketrans
Q: Processing a list to build an ip in a string format

Oscar GuillamonThe point of this code is to build an ip from a list of type ushort. var ip = new StringBuilder(); List<ushort> ipList = new List<ushort>(4) {192, 168, 1, 1}; ipList.ToList().ForEach(x => ip.Append(x + ".")); return ip.Remove(ip.Length - 1, 1).ToString(); The code works and outputs an ip as ...

Q: Using reflection in a test to check if a private variable is really null after a function, is this okay?

Wesley EgbertsenI am using reflection to check if a private variable is set to null after the logout function. This is needed because the getUser function will always attempt to set and return an user if no user is set. Am I doing something wrong or can I do something better? This is the bean that has the logou...

Monking folks
A: Java Console Quiz

chillworldYour a beginner and we can see it. So let's educate you a few important things. Acces modifiers. This is the first thing that I noticed, and almost every beginner will make this fault. class StudyBot { At this moment is your acces modifier package private, and this is a choice what's rarely ...

knowing this answer will probably never accepted :)
Can someone checked their flag history page, I'm getting a bug where the summary on the right is at the bottom of the page.
@SuperBiasedMan same here IE11
Might be part of graduation changes, I'll post it to meta.
dinner time
@chillworld You never know :)
In the meantime, have an upvote
Oops. Me and another posted within minutes of each other with reviews that have significant overlap. I guess that at least that makes things extra explained for the OP
@Vogel612 silly cr chat has bg white !important
@SuperBiasedMan explained²
@DanPantry Now they'll learn ² as much!
Q: English to Englsih to Entean (V2) with maketrans

user3620828I wrote a python script that converts English to Entean language from an anime called "The Devil is a part timer". This is the second version of the script which was first posted here Translating from English to Entean. This version is compatible with both Python 2 and 3.This version uses the st...

Code reviews have O(N²) educational content :)
@Kitler ohmigawd....
No wonder it doesn't look remotely okay then...
Did I do something wrong?
Anyone with delete privilege who thinks it should be deleted
A: Split a string into chunks of the same length

Igor QuirinoTry this: public static string[] Split(this string str, int chunkSize, bool strict = false) { if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str)) return null; if(chunkSize <= 0) return null; List<string> chunks = Enumerable.Range(0, str.Length / chunkSize) .Select(i => str.Substring(i * chu...

cleaning my question ;-)
@Wally Not that I can see, why do you think you did?
dang, 15k for deletion
It was just that my question was posted by a user called "Captian Obvious". I thought I did something wrong. LOL!
and 25k as highest level...
that's gonna take a while
Oh, no that's a bot that just posts every question as it comes in.
It's not criticising any of them. :P
@Wally Captain Obvious posts all new questions every 10-15 minutes. @Duga posts various things, but mostly whenever Code Review is mentioned in a comment on Stack Overflow
@Pimgd I thought it was 10k?
there are some rarer bots, like Santa (I forget the exact name)
but Captain Obvious and @Duga are the main 2
oh yeah
it's is 10k for delete
why can't I delete it, then
Q: Flagging history appears at the bottom of page

SuperBiasedManOn my flag page the sidebar at the right containing a summary of my flagging history has recently been pushed right to the bottom of the page. I assume it's a bug related to the recent site graduation. I get this using Chrome v46, though I asked in chat and it was in IE11 too. Here's how it look...

Not sure, it's at -6 so it should be up for voting as far as I remember,.
Cast delete and undelete votes on questions
@ 10k
not answers
Voting to delete answers with score of -1 or lower
@ 20k
Oh, weird. I thought it was easier to vote delete answers than questions.
that'd be 14 people on this site
I don't think I ever VTDed a question. Usually just close them.
Oh right, I just copped that there's been more suggested edits lately cause people lost editing privileges.
@Vogel612 will have a fix for it soonish, repo is a bit of a mess atm :P
Q: Safe Traversal Operations for Iterators

Snowhawk04Motivation I have found on occasion that I have needed to safely increment/decrement iterators by ensuring they are within some bounded range. After reading through some implementations (SO, Boost Summer code) and a proposal, I found that most of these "safe" functions did not handle the case w...

Hmm... the interface looks cleaner now...
Dunno how it'll turn out on my phone ;-P
is it pissible to do this wothout tryParse? Send enum insted of string. — merso0027 44 secs ago
StackExchange sould really be possible
@ΚριτικσιΛίθος Thanks! (Thank god for tab-completion.) — Dennis ♦ 16 hours ago
Q: The color (or contrast) of visited links is too light to be readble

HeslacherAfter one has visited a link one can't cleary distingush between this link and surrounding text.

Q: Can I keep my chat with darkness in it?

Vogel612I prefer a dark color-scheme for almost all my activities online, including the 2nd monitor. For SE chats I have a special extension installed, that inverts colors and has some other gimmicks. Unfortunately since the design update I can hardly write chat messages, because I can't really read the...

Sometimes I'm astounded by the sheer amount of paper we go through. One client wants to make one, single payment into a pension, and to do that, we have to fill out a 20-page form.
That's awful.
mhhhhh I hate our support
Monday I discover issue with IE11 (they pushed it onto our pc last week) with developertools
I ask who tested this and tell them the issue
today fix is pushed
but if I type url or choose a favo link, developer tools closes itself now
well tested :s
Q: Facing difficulty wit double loops in python

Abbas Hassan#The function prints a diamond that has 'totLines' number of rows. (if 'totLines' is an odd number). in the case that 'totLines' is even, it prints a diamond that has 'totLines - 1' number of rows. def printDiamond(totLines): if(totLines%2 == 0): totLines = totLines - 1 #This is the fir...

what the
I just got shown a flag from another chat and asked to vote on it
yea, I get that a lot
that comes when you go over 10k rep network wide
Oh, I didn't know that. Also didn't notice I passed 10k network wide.
@StackExchange likely others have the same problem. Maybe I should also complain about the used font. IMO its not very readable at least the t's
Q: canvas snake game

vtzi made a simple js snake game with canvas, the code is all mine so it can have some drawbacks or not so good parts. I will be glad to hear some opinions. https://github.com/vitaliyterziev/snake /* main game object is below */ var SnakeGame = { setup: function() { 'use str...

small answer :
A: Using reflection in a test to check if a private variable is really null after a function, is this okay?

chillworldPersonally I wouldn't do this. The reason why is when your field change name, your test fails because the field is hardcoded there and with refactoring this isn't persisted to the test. What should I do? Normally your AuthorizationBeanTest is in the same package as your AuthorizationBean. When...

imho there is no "way that classes have to be used". There is a way classes are supposed to be used, but you can do whatever you like (as long it compiles). To review your code, this is not the right place, but you should try on codereviewtobi303 57 secs ago
thanks a lot man. she told me I would lose marks if I did this in the finals so just concerned about that. in the end it should execute thats all. codereview? thanks a lot! — user2704772 31 secs ago
"Friday" sounds too much like "Free day"
My brain is refusing to boot up
@RMunroe LOL
Q: AngularJS: Http API Service - any improvements / remarks?

SpikeeCould you please review the below AngularJS service. What it does is centralize all HTTP action calls. Do you see any chances for improval?: "use strict"; angular.module("services.api") .factory("apiService", [ "$http", "$q", "coreUtilityService", "constants...

> You know what's actually really good? Avocado and Skittles.
OMFG, the caption is perfect X)
Is it only me (my old eyes) or does the C# tag looks strange ?
Not just the tag, the entire language looks strange to me.
Q: Matrix operations using classes (c++)

user2704772So I recently had a practical exam in which I was told to execute a function of a menu oriented matrix operation program using classes. the code I made was supposedly wrong as I hadn't used classes they way they have to be used. Can anybody help me rectify the error here. I'm a noob (less than 2 ...

That was me linking to it to be lazy, and yeah something seems weird with that hash.
@Mast I actually kind of like C#, as long as you don't have to deal with CLR. I consider it as a much needed cleanup of some of the uglyness of C and C++.
@Mast you can be glad that you aren't sitting next to me !
You guys, I've got a simply Python question: If I have two translating functions, to_entean(text) and to_english(text), and I would like one common function, i.e. translate(something, text). What would you use instead of something, and what you would call the main function. I kind of don't like translate as it hides the str.translate()
You mean like translate(mode, text) where mode tells you which function to use?
I'd just use a mode string personally.
mode would be good IMO
type could work, but gets ambiguous very fast
And explain the modes in a docstring.
But should mode be a string, should it contain both to and from language, or a magic int? Or ...
Since it's Python, probably a string.
I mean, in C++ you'd probably make it a byte, but Python prefers readable code.
Single characters could also work. r, w, rb are well-known mode examples from the file reader.
@Mast HeHe... And use "e" for English, and "e" for Entean? ;-)
en for English and en for Entean.
eng and ent could work, but are still very close to each other. It's Python, don't bother going short. Just write it out.
What would you think if mode was "English" is that to or from? Would it be better to use end_language or to_language?
It won't hurt anything.
Hmmm, yea, the mode would have to be eng_to_ent and ent_to_eng.
Or go generic and use two variables, a to and from.
Make sure you check whether the given arguments make sense though.
Well you should name it translate_to and then the mode is the target language.
Save all possible combinations in a dictionary or a map or something.
Since you want to avoid shadowing translate anyway.
@SuperBiasedMan That does make sense... Even though I kind of like the transparency of specifying both languages, it is such a simple function that the user can be held responsible for knowing which language they translate from.
I think I'll go with: def translate_to(language, text), which should read rather easily, even without a docstring
@holroy Users can never be held responsible. That would imply a basic understanding of responsibility on user's side.

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