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RELOAD! There are 1584 unanswered questions (94.4747% answered)
@Mat'sMug I would (personally) find it helpful to force some of my reference types to follow that "contract."
There is now a piece of taco cheese forever trapped in my keyboard.
I've spent the entire day getting Vagrant to work with my new Fedora 23 box, and I still can't access the /vagrant folder. I probably should've left things the way they were with Fedora 21.
@Jamal Fedora is up to 23 already?
Yeah, as of about a week ago.
I do have it installed now, but I can't work with any of my files.
What exactly is Vagrant?
Hello all
What's the best way to title my code review question? What I want to improve on or the program itself, or?
@Insane What the code does.
I.e. "Fractal Generator" etc.
@Jamal So it's essentially a Virtual Machine Manager?
I wish what I was doing was that fancy. Ugh it's just a school assignment (it's working don't worry) that I wanted feedback on if there was a more efficient way to do it (as it stands I'm using like 9 for loops which doesn't seem right to me for something which seems so simple :P)
@Insane Just title it to sum up what your code does. If the title needs help, we'll gladly help you out. :)
^^ that. Otherwise this site would be littered with "improve this code" titles :-)
@Mat'sMug I knowwww hah
@EBrown Yeah. It's pretty useful for syncing between the host and client. That way, I don't have to use a separate file transfer manager when I make changes.
@Insane welcome to The 2nd Monitor btw
@Jamal Ah, cool! I might have to take a look at the Windows version some time then.
Got a "free" large pop at Taco Bell today.
@Mat'sMug They get Jamalized
@EBrown What's the occasion?
@Insane Well they're doing some donation thing to charity, and I wasn't going to give a large pop but I did the $1 donation and they gave me a free pop.
I had no idea they were going to give me a pop when I donated, I just felt it was the right thing to do.
@EBrown Ah, yeah I was at the liquor store today but you could only donate with change (and you got a little ribbon). Last time I used cash was in 2012 and everyone else was doing it so I felt bad lol
I always donate to these things if they ask for a dollar or less.
It just feels right.
I do when I can use my card, and grocery stores nowadays let you do that.
might be more appropriate on Code Reviewkaveman 54 secs ago
Yeah, Kroger, Walmart and Target all let me use my card.
You might consider posting this on codereview.stackexchange.com, which would be more appropriate. As an initial tip I would suggest to take a dive into classes, which will make your design a lot easier and which makes u get rid of functions like home1, home2, home3, etc. — DJanssens 52 secs ago
Though I usually carry a fair wad of cash on me.
(You never know when you need $20.)
Are there any hot meta posts like "How to make a great Code Review question" or something along those lines? So I know I've included all important information? Or just go with it :P
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is about reviewing your code, please try code review. — Maarten Bodewes just now
Plus I find it's easier to restrict myself to only the most essential purchases when I only keep $40-$100 in cash.
@Insane There is, but it's hard to mess up a Code Review question if your code works as intended.
Yeah I doubt I will mess er up, but it's nice to read those things. I'll look for it :)
@Insane Yup, I'll find one for ya
If you decide to post on Code Review, please write a title that says what your code does, rather than that you'd like to improve the code (which is implied on all posts there). Otherwise, you are more than welcome to post and we can help you out there! — Phrancis 34 secs ago
Q: How to get the best value out of Code Review - Asking Questions

rolfl I have a project I am working on, and I would like some, or all of it reviewed, how can I ask for this review on Code Review in a way that produces the best possible value? This is not about a question being on-topic, or off topic. Rather, this is about making on-topic questions great qu...

Thank youuuu
And if you like reading: We have a FAQ
@EBrown Big difference though between an "OK" post and a great post :)
@Phrancis Indeed.
Q: Beginner looking for ways to simplify my first simple game

HautchI'm new to programming, became interested in learning a while ago and only got to it recently. I'm working on a very simple text-based adventure game using python, and would like some tips on simplifying my code. Any other tips are also welcome. Please don't criticize the storyline though, since ...

@CaptainObvious Slightly better, but not much better title
@Phrancis Nerfed the title.
This would be a better post for Stack Exchange's "Code Review" site as you are asking for help on your code specifically rather than a general SQL question/issue. Here is the proper site: codereview.stackexchange.comdanjuggler 52 secs ago
This would be a better post for Stack Exchange's "Code Review" site as you are asking for help on your code specifically rather than a general SQL question/issue. Here is the proper site: codereview.stackexchange.com — danjuggler 16 secs ago
The code is seriously flawed though.
@Duga wut wut... double post?
Oh gods it's
@Phrancis Two different comments.
He went copy+paste, we'll probably see that comment more often...
Hey, it's better than "I'm voting to close as off-topic because Code Review"
@danjuggler For the future, you can embed the link to any SE site with a much easier syntax: [site.SE], in this case, [CodeReview.SE] will auto-parse to Code Review. :) — EBrown 7 secs ago
Have you optimized the query to the best of your ability, and seeking further improvements? If so, Code Review would be a better place, as long as the code works correctly. — Phrancis 52 secs ago
@Mast Have at it, then!
@Mast You mean copy+pasta?
@Phrancis Usually when I try to answer new questions someone else is faster. I'm not the fastest gun in the west.
Especially if it's riddled with rookies mistakes.
    GROUP BY teamID , yearID , lgID , masterID) B, (select
            sum(H) / sum(AB) as avg
    WHERE ab is not null
    GROUP BY teamID , yearID , lgID) A
        A.avg >= B.avg AND A.teamID = B.teamID
            AND A.yearID = B.yearID
            AND A.lgID = B.lgID
    GROUP BY teamID , yearID , lgID) C,
        count(masterID) as cnt, yearID, teamID, lgID
What the... WAT
I think you are asking for refactoring advice. Strictly speaking that's a Code Review topic. codereview.stackexchange.comAlain O'Dea 30 secs ago
@Mast Tell me about it... I've recently answered quite a few questions so late, that they already gotten an accepted answer already...
A: Stack Overflow shirt lost in mail?

abby hairboatThis is normal for overseas shipping. Additionally, this order is getting out of the warehouse more slowly than usual. We had a few hiccups and delays due to the size of the order. They started rolling out at the end of October/first week of November.

^^^ FYI Swag folk.
@rolfl I posted on that question and never got an email...
Emails sent! If you feel like you should have gotten one but didn't, let me know (after checking your spam folders, and connecting your computers directly to your modems after turning them off and on again). — Tim Post ♦ Sep 18 at 15:25
@rolfl Thank you sir! :)
The funny thing is that the reason I looked was because of this:
I was going to ask: Where's my swag ... ;-)
Well I appreciate you posting those things here.
Because I would have never looked otherwise.
I literally do not know what to title my question.
I tried
Q: Using arrays and for loops to complete operations on user input data in C

InsaneIntro I won't lie this is for a university assignment (don't worry the code is in working order), and while I could hand it in as-is and receive full marks I feel like there is probably a more efficient and better way to handle what I am doing. What the code does Takes user input of 4 names an...

Q: Query optimization in MYSQL for a query with sub queries?

gattu varunIn an assignment, I was given a query and asked to optimize it. The query is: SELECT C.yearID as year, name as teamName, C.lgID as league, D.cnt as totalBatters, C.cnt as aboveAverageBatters FROM (SELECT count(masterID) as cnt, A.yearID, A.teamID, A.lgID FRO...

Q: Using arrays and for loops to complete operations on user input data in C

InsaneIntro I won't lie this is for a university assignment (don't worry the code is in working order), and while I could hand it in as-is and receive full marks I feel like there is probably a more efficient and better way to handle what I am doing. What the code does Takes user input of 4 names an...

^ is that a bot that sends new questions
@Insane A feed, to be exact
BTW, I changed your title, hope you like it :)
Jesus I just couldn't figure it out
And right yeah like we have the xkcd feed in the Superuser chat :P
We do have a couple of bots that put some things in here from time to time, as it is scanning content from CR and StackOverflow for certain things
57 mins ago, by Duga
I think you are asking for refactoring advice. Strictly speaking that's a Code Review topic. codereview.stackexchange.comAlain O'Dea 30 secs ago
Riight yeah
Yup, exactly
There's another one called RoboSanta, that looks for accepted CR answers that have 0 score
That's cute
Hey there
35 rep to 4K.
BTW.Playing planetside 2. I might be "around", but not "around"
Gonna post a question to get "inquisitive"!
Anyone familiar with the TPL?
This ParseCoordinator is about to hit Stack Overflow
Q: About use Context in static method

DuyLPI usally using below code to get values from SharedPreference. public static String getSharedPreferenceValue(Context context, String key) { SharedPreferences sp = context.getSharedPreferences( Utility.PREFERENCES_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String value = sp.getString(key, Utility.E...

Q: Scrub a file of characters and replace with strings

Ben SalitrosI'm new to C and programming in general, so please be gentle. I've searched similar threads, but I can't seem to pin down what is exactly causing me issues. I'm trying to read an HTML file (however it could be any type of file), replace certain characters with strings, and output the result to ...

@Mat'sMug Walk of shame? ;)
haha yeah
possible answer invalidation by budi on question by budi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110495/revisions
Q: Project Euler #13: Large Sum

TheCoffeeCupDescription: Work out the first ten digits of the sum of the following one-hundred 50-digit numbers. ... Of course I didn't include the numbers in the description... I am sure there is a better way to do this. I just did a simple solution, where I add all the numbers and take the first 1...

@TheCoffeeCup We seem to have some differences of opinion on what constitutes a good first post.
You didn't write the code, and it also doesn't appear that you understand the code well enough to be considered an owner of the code. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you, as such questions are off-topic for the site. — 200_success ♦ 2 mins ago
The Code Review cross-post has been closed as off-topic, since Code Review requires that the question be asked by an author of the code. — 200_success 40 secs ago
@Phrancis @EBrown That concerns you too.
@200_success (1) hmm "This lets potential answerers know that they SHOULD guide the student in solving the problem, and SHOULD NOT simply show the complete answer.
The reason I didn't tag my question with this is because I'm not asking for an answer to my homework, I'm asking for ways to improve the code on my own which is is irrelevant to my assignment. As it stands my assignment is full marks. Can I re-edit my question to remove the tag or?
You know what I mean? :P
(So like in my case I WOULD want the complete answer and not just a guide)
I added the tag mainly as a precaution and for your own protection, because we would prefer not to see you accused of plagiarism by your instructor.
Try codereview.stackexchange.com — Raptor 20 secs ago
You can remove the tag if you would like, but I advise you to reconsider. You'll probably learn more by receiving advice than by receiving a full solution.
@Raptor There are several problems with this question, such that Code Review is not appropriate. — 200_success 57 secs ago
@200_success Hey - is this about that MySQL one? (just want to make sure, there are a whole bunch of post links flying about right now)
Or is it more of a general commentary/remark regarding the tag?
Q: Implementing a custom view for data input (creating an in-app (non-system) keyboard)

SuragchBackground I have made a custom keyboard that gets loaded from an xib file. Because the documentation states Make sure a custom, systemwide keyboard is indeed what you want to develop. To provide a fully custom keyboard for just your app or to supplement the system keyboard with custom k...

@Phrancis About the MySQL question where the code was from an assignment, not written by the OP.
possible answer invalidation by Insane on question by Insane: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110509/revisions
@200_success I caught a hint that it could've been from an assignment, but did not know for certain... I'll watch more closely in the future. Any advice on how you were able to tell for sure that it was copied straight from an assignment?
Q: Query optimization in MYSQL for a query with sub queries?

gattu varunIn an assignment, I was given a query and asked to optimize it. The query is: SELECT C.yearID as year, name as teamName, C.lgID as league, D.cnt as totalBatters, C.cnt as aboveAverageBatters FROM (SELECT count(masterID) as cnt, A.yearID, A.teamID, A.lgID FRO...

"In an assignment, I was given a query and asked to optimize it."
Ah. Duh. OK, thanks for letting me know
Also, "In General, how to optimize sub queries which have select statements in it?"
Good luck answering that.
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Insane: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110509/revisions
@200_success How odd is it that my // comments work but (int i = 0; i < n; i++) doesn't?
I really want to know what compiler is being used on my school's systems....
It's possible, just non-standard.
Some compilers have non-standard or experimental features.
Yeah, I'm in love with // comments though.
Not how many I used though LOL
So, what's with the "Module X000" stuff? Are they trying to teach you BASIC?
God I knew I should've removed those before putting it on Code Review
No, don't! That's what makes reviewing other people's code fun.
LOL here I'll show you the "Structure Chart" and "Flow Chart" I had to make to go along with the program: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/67289085/bills_asn5_flowchart.pdf
Side note it only looks that good because I'm an over achiever. You should see the professor's example flow charts.. look like trash honestly
I've inferred that.
I'm going to rewrite it without hard coding / without global variables. I only did that because I could which is lazy
Seriously, though, I've made a lot of remarks, but on the whole the code is pretty good for a beginner.
I appreciate that. Also, the solution many people in my course are doing are making 4 separate arrays for each student's name because we haven't worked with 2-D arrays enough for the professor to require it on the assignment.. it's yuck.
Be glad I didn't do that!
Hm. That's kinda mean, giving an assignment that requires skills not yet taught, and thus making the task even more difficult.
Yeah my solution always differs from the solution posted online after everyone's turned in the assignment.. yet I get full marks because the people grading know I know what I'm doing (comparative to the skill level).
i.imgur.com/wXnNXQm.png This is really helpful also
Great. Hope to see more of your posts here in the future.
Me too!
Side note if I update my code with yours and anyone else's (if other people answer) suggestions in mind should I make a new question or just edit my question and add the new code below the old?
@200_success does an answer like this in your opinion address the OP's question in the context of homework/assignment?
@Insane The first one, make a new question
Thank you Phrancis :^)
We don't allow code changes post-answer, as that will often invalidate answers and make the answers and the post as a whole confusing and less beneficial for the next person who looks at it
Yeah that makes sense
1 hour ago, by Duga
possible answer invalidation by Insane on question by Insane: http://codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110509/revisions
Notice that? ^^ ;)
ya'll got a bot for that
Of course that one was OK, but @Duga does more than just spy on unwary StackOverflow commenters
monking @all
Hey @chillworld!
hey @Phrancis, making a long evening? ;)
Phrancis are you familiar with C or is that 200_success' area :P
I just had a quick question is all
I know null about C
Phrancis is the men for sql ;)
maybe spelled wrong :D
I knew it, luckily I don't suck so hard at Java
Anyways, early morning for you and late night for me... better call it quits now before I fall asleep on my keyboard
'night @all
just one more wisdom I learned at devoxx
you are smarter tomorrow then today so the most work you have you can postpone till you are smarter ;)
sleep good
Nice work on the SQL answer.
Q: Hash Map Library for any type (Void Pointers)

TheInnerPartyThis is a hash map library for C that stores void* pointers with char* strings (null terminated) for keys // ColiisionHashMap // Copyright © 2015 Leo Dastur. // #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> typedef struct HashMapNode { char* key; void* data; } HashMapNod...

@200_success How bad of convention is it to declare pointers like: int * variable instead of int* or *variable?
With the * in the middle
You mean whether the space goes before or after the *?
I mean is this bad: int * numDays
As opposed to int* numDays or int *numDays which also work obviously
int * numDays is pretty weird and pointless (no pun intended).
As for int* numDays or int *numDays, each has some merit.
I personally prefer int *numDays
because if you declare an int and a pointer to an int at once, it could look like
int a, *b;
On the other hand, some people like to see int* together, because int* is the type.
So, I can make my recommendation, but I don't want to start a holy war over it.
LOL, yeah I prefer *numDays also.
Q: Properly use of references in perl subroutines

LlopisI have written this function (and others similar to that one) But I am not sure I am using references on their full power. My currently concerns is if I make a huge use of memory. The subroutine recieve a reference to two files, the subroutines, like these one return a hash (except &log_time whi...

The exact same race condition that 3rd party devs introduces ages ago just showed up again.
Internet OP, image won't load
Now it just did lol
That's always nice... isn't it?
3 MB of 5 MB of PDF download... the free internet is not that fast in the train
I think this is a typical question for a Code Review. — TobiMcNamobi 24 secs ago
Monking! I wrote this answer as best as I could. Take a look...
A: Project Euler #13: Large Sum

ambigram_makerWhen I solved this problem, I readily noticed what the problem expected the programmers to understand. Let me put it this way... An analogy Have you ever seen a car's odometer? If you have, you will notice that the digits in the far right increase fastest while you drive. The next digit, i.e. t...

possible answer invalidation by SuperBiasedMan on question by Llopis: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110522/revisions
Monking folks
@ambigram_maker I thought it was a good one. The OP definitely missed the point of the exercise
Reminds me of when I went looking for how computers actually multiply numbers together
@Zak hooray for binary addition tricks
maybe you should post this here: codereview.stackexchange.comswidmann 6 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is seeking a code review. — Quentin 22 secs ago
Moved to code review. — Joe Scotto 12 secs ago
Q: Proxying socket.io requests and other http requests

AnkitI have written a proxy server using node http proxy, the code for the same is at https://github.com/ankitjaingzb/nodeProxyServer/blob/master/nodeProxyServer.js and below as well. I am bit unsure about whether I am proxying the web sockets correctly. Please give your review comments. /* This is a...

Q: Is there a cleaner way to write this code?

Joe ScottoThe code works as it is but it's very messy. Is there a way to clean up the null checking in the if statement? Thanks in advanced. public function submitCoil ($data) { $db = Database::getInstance(); //Define certain query values $uniqueID = $this->hash("id"); $queryData = array(...

And, it appears, I have caps lock on
The future is coming, and it looks awesome
Q: Threadsafe Logger with scopetime logging

BennXI wrote a Logger which uses the destruction of temporary objects to Log their values including a scope time logger. Lets see what i can improve here to increase the performance and everything else. class Logger { public: static inline LogMessage Log(LoggerTypes type, const std::string& fi...

Hands-on IoT session tonight at the office with free pizza and drinks
Too bad it's at 18:00 but still
let's build some robots
Q: Egg drop problem solution in Template Meta Programming C++

geeksoulHello I have implemented Dynamic Programming solution of Egg dropping problem! This problem but generalized for any number of eggs and floors This is my C++ solution! #include <iostream> #include <limits.h> //Optimal sub-structure //We have K floor and N eggs //Case1: If egg break of X floor ...

MATCH (a:User { email: {email} }), (b:Game { name: {gameName} })
CREATE (a)-[:OWNED_BY]->(b)
This has to be the weirdest language I've used
except Haskell
Code style advice: have a look at the if __name__ == 'main' idiom and also at argparse for command line parsing. You can also post your final code to codereview.stackexchange.com for better feedback. — jcollado 1 min ago
monking @Mast :-)
@JeroenVannevel IoT, oh joy, so many people skipping steps in that branch that the security can be quite awful.
Q: Change implementation from getting json from file to get it from API

mitomedI used to get a json file with some configuration settings from the file system, using this class public class ConfigurationFileService : IConfigurationService { private readonly IConfigurationManager _configurationManager; public ConfigurationFileService(IConfigurationManager configura...

@Mast Well, IoT is the core of what we're working on here
I've had to pass in credentials as parameter several times
never used it
not even when I had to write the functionality
conclusion: no credentials are checked, ever
So anyone can send it new commands, sounds like Jeep
@JeroenVannevel lol
in some cases it may make more sense to have a higher level (API Gateway) handle authentication
although, ideally, each IOT would sign messages they send with a private key and publish a public key. That way at least the IoT devices are authenticated (and you know there are no imposters)
At least have some handshaking going on, HTTPS style.
To verify sender is legal for the session.
Refactoring working code is really for Code Review. — Equalsk 12 secs ago

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