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while(temptedToRunForSOMod == true) { temptedToRunForSOMod = false; }
@Caridorc That's nice and all but I skipped that step and went straight to being great as soon as I was born
@EthanBierlein I got DV'd on SO even though my answer was accepted.
@EBrown Hey Facebook, quit harassing everyone.
@SimonForsberg That might be a better route, to be honest.
I'm with Belgium on this one. Facebook needs to be held responsible for a whole lot more than what they are currently being held responsible for.
Also, @EthanBierlein all the answers on that question, and even the question have DV's.
@SimonForsberg In that they are held responsible for nothing.
@SimonForsberg yeah, like anyone is ever against Belgium
Besides, isn't this a European rule? Every website has to request explicit consent to install cookies on your system
that's why everything has a banner nowadays
if Facebook doesn't offer that then they're automatically in violation, I'd say
Yet another case solved by lawyer Jeroen!
Hey, it isn't just cookies, have you ever heard of pixels?
I prefer pixels over cookies any day.
If only my coworkers worked as much for their day job as on the decoration of my desk ;) @blowdart https://t.co/GiHKV7EN2W
They almost amount to the same thing.
A web beacon is an object embedded in a web page or email, which unobtrusively (usually invisibly) allows checking that a user has accessed the content. Common uses are email tracking and page tagging for web analytics. Alternative names are web bug, tracking bug, tag, or page tag. Common names for web beacons implemented through an embedded image include tracking pixel, pixel tag, 1×1 gif, and clear gif. When implemented using JavaScript, they may be called JavaScript tags. There is a work in progress to standardize an interface that web developers can use to asynchronously transfer small HTTP...
If the code is functional you want to ask a question on Code ReviewmikeTheLiar 30 secs ago
lol, hilarious
Q: Windows Unable to Delete ._. File

Mike KI currently have a file on the root of my external hard drive simply named ._., which I am guessing was added to my hard drive after using it on my MacBook a while ago. I'm trying to delete this file on my Windows 10 machine; however Windows keeps claiming the file cannot be found. I also tri...

@skiwi Wow.
Holy smokes, what kind of file name is that?
Who knows. The OP probably named it that for the "lolz"
I'm surprised that windows didn't give an error when they attempted to name it that
Names the boot file ._.
Can't boot my system.
And she put sweet nothings in all my .conf files.  It'll take me forever to get X working again.
@Hosch250 thanks.
I just have to learn hardware programming so I can do that.
I'll name it ILoveYou.bootmeifyoucan
I wouldn't think that'd you'd need to learn how to do hardware programming to write something to the boot sector. Wouldn't it just require some knowledge of some assembler language or C?
I think not. OS's don't let you do that anymore.
@EthanBierlein no why? C usually should be sufficient
I guess. Unless you're on linux. In that case, you could probably do something like that with just a little effort.
That is nice for now.
But, if Linux ever becomes a major operating system for the masses, I bet it will get patched pretty quickly.
It'd probably depend on the distro.
a few DOS commands can destroy your MBR, no need to learn anything fancy
Right. The popular distro will get patched.
@JeroenVannevel I'd like to know these commands please :P
Me too.
oi script kiddies get back in your cage
*claws at bars*
Can I please have a concentrated oxygen bottle?
*gnaws off door*
I'll just rust the cage into a couple small pieces.
Wow, wikipedia has a serious page on script kiddies:
In programming culture a script kiddie or skiddie (also known as skid and script bunny, The term script kitty is not valid in this context) is an unskilled individual who uses scripts or programs developed by others to attack computer systems and networks, and deface websites. It is generally assumed that script kiddies are juveniles who lack the ability to write sophisticated programs or exploits on their own, and that their objective is to try to impress their friends or gain credit in computer-enthusiast communities. However, the term does not relate to the actual age of the participant. The...
Q: Extracting an XML config file from ZIP file and parsing it

Walid Nawfal SabihiI am currently working with an app that should load various info on a very specific zip file which contains the XML config file, using the DotNetZip library (https://github.com/haf/DotNetZip.Semverd) on C#, here's the code: public static void InitializeData(string configFilePath) { ...

Q: Setting value of variable from multiple jQuery .val() with multiple selectors

CoderPoetI have an application that consists of a bunch of survey questions. I am trying to save the index number of said and boxes to show them in a specific order. With that being said, does the statement below look okay? yesNoQuestions[index].question_text = $(item).find("input, select").val(); O...

@EthanBierlein Wikipedia has a serious page about Dropveters
Not that you should take it seriously, but they have it
A drop lace?
@EthanBierlein I dare you to do it in Python. Because I'm pretty sure it can be done.
Pure Python or any variant?
You won't need anything besides the standard library.
Een dropveter (ook wel droprolletje of veterdrop) is een dropsoort in de vorm van een veter. De dropveter is te herkennen aan zijn langwerpige en dunne vorm. == Kenmerken == Een dropveter mag officieel dropveter genoemd worden als aan de volgende voorwaarden is voldaan: De lengte is minstens 20 cm; De diameter is maximaal 2,46 mm; dit wijkt af bij de dropkabels, waarbij de diameter tussen de 2,46 mm en de 7,95 mm ligt. Het voornaamste ingrediënt is drop, in tegenstelling tot de meeste drop die gegoten wordt, wordt de dropveter (evenals de dropstaaf) onder hoge druk in een vorm geperst waarna de...
The measurements are pure bull.
@Mast Awesome!
Right, my Game's servers are down for maintenance. I guess that's a good excuse to go home
A: Use header application/x-download

Mark BucknellYes. It is perfectly acceptable. This Stack Overflow post demonstrates that the header is simply used for naming the file.

> Okay so use header?
Okay no grammar?
Q: Fibonacci + Fizz Buzz = Fibo Nacci!

Κριτικσι ΛίθοςFibonacci + FizzBuzz = Fibo Nacci! Your challenge is to create a Fibo Nacci program! A Fibo Nacci program outputs the first 100 Fibonacci numbers (starting from 1). If the Fibonacci number is divisible by both 2 and 3 (i.e. it is divisible by 6), then output FiboNacci instead of the number....

If you can imagine it, it exists somewhere on the internet.
and yes, rule 34 applies?
please. no
@Vogel612 Probably, but I haven't encountered any so far.
This one is the best:
@EthanBierlein Wondering what the next guy would look like.
lol wat
right. less nazis and more code in chat?
but i think you mean fibo nazis
possible answer invalidation by Walid Nawfal Sabihi on question by Walid Nawfal Sabihi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110288/revisions
IMO that one was borderline
but good call
Q: Simple plotting abstract base class and example subclass

sunnyI came across a CocoaControl ZFPlot and wanted to extend here. I ended up writing a base class (ZFPlot shown below) as well as several extensions (ZFLine, ZFScatter, ZFBar, none shown here for brevity). I'd really love feedback on everything in the code below but especially on readability, perfor...

And this is why it should have been on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Jon Skeet 33 secs ago
@Duga !!!!
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on code review.stackexchange.com... It's half way between a code self-recommendation and a request for a code review. — Jon Skeet 21 secs ago
happy dance
Thank you @Vogel612, didn't know there are such rules, I will try making another question after I finish from this question :) — Walid Nawfal Sabihi 18 mins ago
remember @EthanBierlein Communication is important :)
Right, sorry.
don't worry.
We are studying using UDP and TCP with C and Java. Why couldn't they use C#?
why do they use Java for that?
TCP / UDP is so deep down the stack that Java and C# only give you an abstracted impotent version of it
that's C / C++ territorry
Meh, it's easy to get at the barebones of it in C# github.com/Vannevelj/NetworkInspector/blob/master/…
The only "hard" part is learning the packet layout and message sequence
And you can just look that up
@EthanBierlein Why the happy dance? It's an invalid close reason and now even Skeet uses it.
I'm not happy about the invalid close reason.
@Hosch250 Python UDP is quite easy.
It's just a little exciting to get a mention by the skeet man.
@Mast & JavaScript UDP/TCP
I think it's a bad thing if the big guns from SO start doing it wrong.
This Visual Code is pretty.. meh
It feels like a worse version of Atom
@DanPantry You really had to bring up JS?
@Mast If you're going to bring up Python...
Brainfuck UDP/TCP
@EthanBierlein lord, please no.
@Mast so go tell him how it's done right...
do that and I'll find some amazing reward for whoever does it
@Vogel612 Starting an argument on SO is losing the argument.
not with Jon Skeet
that guy has too much rep to not get into rational thinking when confronted with rational arguments
Jon skeet doesn't argue, he wins.
but I need my bed now, so he's all yours :)
@EthanBierlein If you can find out how to target the outgoing datastream with Brainfuck you'd be well on your way.
Well, prepare for a full on skeetvasion. Maybe.
Duga should pick up the comment soon
@JonSkeet I'd vote to close as too broad. "Belongs on Code Review" really isn't a valid close reason. Maybe vote to close as "too broad"? — Ethan Bierlein 1 min ago
Question has no code whatsoever...
Q: Writting own malloc function

Mr. Hello_worldTrying to write my own C malloc function, here is what I already wrote, please provide some help if you can. What am I doing wrong?? #include<iostream> using namespace std; #define heapSize 1000 static long heapCapacity = heapSize; struct SECTOR{ bool allocatted; SECTOR *next; char *...

@Mast The OP didn't know how to edit and put the code in an answer.
> What am I doing wrong??
Smells broken.
Also, I haven't seen any code yet. No code would mean it's strictly off-topic at CR. — Mast 4 mins ago
That can be deleted, FYI ^^
@EthanBierlein Hmmm, yes, I didn't notice the OP put his code in the answer.
Flagged answer as NAA.
Cool, I'll edit it into the question.
Which will probably expire, but hey...
A Jon Skeet recommendation for Code Review? What have the times come to!
Does anyone know how this new SO teams thing works?
SO hwhat?
it's all in the announcement
that's where they announce details
Oh, I don't have access to anything there.
@JeroenVannevel where. is. the. damn. announcment.
it's on meta
where they keep the announcements
A: The Power of Teams: A Proposed Expansion of Stack Overflow

ZakI think these are all good ideas, except team Q&A It may work for things like Open Source teams, but for anything even vaguely corporate, I foresee team questions falling into the following categories: Technical questions about [company]'s processes: Almost certainly confidential Q: "Team Goo...

@EthanBierlein STOP SHOUTING!
Q: The Goal of Teams: Our Follow-Up to Your Questions

HynesA few weeks ago, we came to meta with an idea called Teams. For those who didn’t read the first post (we can’t blame you: it was a long read!), the idea behind Teams is to give users of Stack Overflow a way to showcase their team projects and achievements on a shared page and check out what othe...

@ThomasOrozco - Why don't you guys spend the time fixing all the current issues with SE in general instead of making up some random features that your users are telling you you don't need. For instance, search is one prime example, why not build on that...search is pivotal in any application - especially one like this. The current search engine and search UI in general lacks. Stop building features and start improving the user experience and core important things related to questions such as search. If you can make search solid people won't even bother searching google. — JonH Oct 22 at 17:42
JonH just rekt the SE team
One of the mods:
@JonH just use site:stackoverflow.com search term on google when searching... that works way better for me than in site search. — enderland Oct 22 at 18:05
rekt even moar
Also, according to this comment they've finally shipped the mugs:
@JonH We just finished collecting responses from that after chasing down folks that didn't reply, and we had the annual product summit fall right in the middle of that (which I failed to account / plan for). The final list is going out to our warehouse tomorrow. Some stuff was shipped, the rest of it is going out Monday / Tuesday of next week. — Tim Post ♦ Oct 22 at 19:06
However, we probably would've heard in chat if they actually did.
oh wow
I just got an email from the tech head in my school district
He asked me this:
> If you have found a security hole, we'd like to plug it. If you have questions regarding our processes, let's talk.
Regarding storing passwords in plaintext.
I guess my school district does actually pay attention to issues like this.
Now I guess all I have to do is figure out a way to respond without seeming rude.
Q: A class that calculates conditional probabilities and performs naive bayes classification on a given data set

j.jerrod.taylorI wrote a class that I'm using to calculate conditional probabilities of a given distribution as well as perform naive bayes classification. I'd like to get a code review done to tell me if there is anything that I can do to make what I wrote neater or perform better. The Probability class is be...

Q: Can I turn this php document into an html document?

OldBunny2800I have some php code I need to format as HTML, as the web server I'm using only supports HTML. (Switching to a different server isn't an option.) Here are the files (I also have CSS if it's necessary): index.php: <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CSS/index.css"> <?...

Q: Filter Json in Code AngularJS

VictorHello I have the following JSONs $scope.Facilities= [ { Name: "-Select-", Value: 0, RegionNumber: 0 }, { Name: "Facility1", Value: 1, RegionNumber: 1 }, { Name: "Facility2", Value: 2, RegionNumber: ...

@EthanBierlein If you need help with that, feel free to ask.
Okay. Thanks

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