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A: Diamond kata in JavaScript

wvxvwI think you are overthinking it. Or maybe this is just not the right problem for TDD? This seems to be a typical interview / Project Euler (kind of) question. Something that doesn't require more testing than running it several times in console. Why do I say this?--Tests are typically needed whe...

This is gonna be a grueling hour and a half.
Time to finally settle this:
Opinions on PHP ^^
I need something fun to do...
Woo, finally people are working on Grails 3.0 support in IntelliJ
My colleague marked this incident as "triaged" the other day and didn't even look at it. -_-
The records given by the customer don't even exist......................
Is it inappropriate to have a second lunch delivered to work?
You may as well call it dinner
Ah damnit, didn't look at the time. They would never be able to get in the building, that door is alarmed. :(
I hate working late on Fridays.
I should go use our Gym...
Good grief, he billed 10 minutes of time of "triaging" as a technician when he didn't even look up to confirm the patient actually existed. -___-
@Phrancis Billing on such small tasks is a waste of effort anyway.
Oh wait, now I see the problem. Agency has multiple databases, but our system was showing the wrong one ;(
I guess there were no safety rules in 1986 yet...?
Q: Round To Specified int

christo8989Accepting values from a user that need to show up in intervals of some number. In this case, we will say intervals of 5. Is there a better way to do this? public static int RoundTo(this int value, int roundTo) { var midPoint = roundTo / 2.0; var remainder = value % roundTo; var resu...

Hey, does anyone here use NuGet?
Yeah, what's up?
Would you recommend using the VS extension, or the plain command line?
I like the VS extension, so I'd lean towards it.
@EthanBierlein I think I heard @JeroenVannevel about it
Does the console do everything that the extension can?
I'd prefer the console, simply because it's more lightweight, but if you can give me good reasons to use the extension, I'd probably go there.
Q: Delete empty tables

user3204810I'm coding an game addon, and its settings are saved in a table with a format like this: { ["track"] = "Dark Evangelism", ["duration"] = { }, ["stack"] = { ["minimum"] = { ["enabled"] = 1, ["value"] = 5, ...

Q: Swift example of timer dependent object. Problem is it's not testable

guptronHere's a class that manages state by using a timer to buffer the state change. The use case is a mobile device ranging iBeacons. iBeacon proximity states, which are an enum consisting of values like "Near and Far", flip back and forth at their boundaries. So, I want to change the object's proximi...

ya brah console does everything brah
The extension helps you with looking at what needs updating though
shows when a package has an upgrade available
and who doesn't like a nice GUI on a fridaynight
@JeroenVannevel Click all the buttons!
I like me a nice command line on a friday afternoon
Take that, Friday evening grammar.
I have officially sent my last email for the day week
I swear, I've gone through 2 parsing libraries already. ANTLR4 and C# had better be nice and work for me otherwise I'm just going to stop trying.
Well, the reason I was asking about the NuGet extension is because of the awful ratings on the VS2015 version here: visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/…
Q: How can I DRY up these operator definitions?

OMGtechyI'm writing some code that helps me deal with units better, by having a user defined type for things like Metres, Centimetres and Millimetres. Here is the class declaration for Metres: template <typename StorageType> class Metres : public Unit<StorageType> { public: static Metres fromMetres ...

A non-java answer (for me, that's quite impressive):
A: Compile-Time Wildcard Pattern Matching

Manny MengI am not most experienced with C++ (java's my best language) but as far as I know, method names are supposed to be camelCase. MatchPattern_Rec should be matchPatternRec. Also, why are you returning a 1 or a 0? Shouldn't you be returning a bool? (Again, correct me if I'm wrong) The chain of ter...

Please note me of any mistakes.
FYI, C++ doesn't really have an accepted naming style
Or an accepted style in general, really
@EthanBierlein Many consider the style the STL is written in the standard, lacking anything better.
Q: Checking DnD Traits in an enum

BrainFRZOverall, I'm working on a simulator for a modified DnD 3.5 system. Right now, I'm trying to write an enum class that handles the Classes/Professions, and am currently trying to handle the profession modifiers for saving throws. My issue is everything is extremely boiler-plate, and I can't figure ...

@RubberDuck I was outside working...
A: String Calculator Kata in Scala

Peter NeyensIt is nice that you have divided the parsing and the actual calculation over the InputParser and the Calculator. I think your InputParser can be improved at some points : Using a regular expression to extract the separator would reduce the size of you InputParser and the large number of method...

scala answerer!!!▲▲
Wow that's rare
@FelixPalmen - Your words are unnecessarily strong. The purpose of launching a thread is to spin off a small task that can be managed by the OS. If done right, synchronization will take care of itself, Sleep() is just a way to tell the OS this thread has done what it needs to for now, come back in a second or two. Freeing up processor cycles for something else. reference this conversation, although for a different core discussion, makes the point. — ryyker 25 secs ago
This is our fault.
@RubberDuck <3
@EBrown you just need to sea what it is doing.
I feel certain that not the entire internet gets to enjoy Ms. Black on Fridays... :)
Bah. ANTLR grammars are really tedious to write.
@EthanBierlein oh deer
grammar Calculator;

	protected const int EOF = Eof;

	protected const int EOF = EOF;
	protected const int HIDDEN = Hidden;

program : expr+ ;

expr : expr op=("*" | "/") expr
	 | expr op=("+" | "-") expr
	 | INT
	 | "(" expression ")"

INT : [0-9]+ ;
MUL : "*" ;
DIV : "/" ;
ADD : "+" ;
SUB : "-" ;
WS : (" " | "\r" | "\n") -> channel(HIDDEN) ;
That's just for mathematical expressions ^^
I think the RD VBA grammar file is almost 1000 lines long.
@DanPantry U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
@Malachi Finally @Donald.McLean has some competition!
Q: (python)a words guess game

xhj123In this problem,you need to guess a word from a random words list. my teacher offer the random word file call words.py and the code is: from random import * from words import * random_word = choice(possible_words) print(random_word) If I run this, I will get a random word, for example...

@EthanBierlein That does look very tedious
Yeah, but it gets worse.
@CaptainObvious I called this post off-topic, down-voted it, yet never left a CV for some reason.
Since ANTLR runs on Java, and I'm using C#, I have to manually generate my lexers and parsers through the command line, out of my IDE.
Very exciting day!
@EthanBierlein Um. If it runs on Java... why wouldn't you use something like Groovy, and just toss C# aside? Sounds like it's just getting in the way
I wanted to try it in C#
If it really doesn't work, then I'll resort to Java.
OK lol. Just sounds like you're making your life unnecessarily difficult that's all :)
But all the cool kids write C# nowadays it looks like
So I now have three hard rock bands following me on Twitter! :)

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