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Q: Reverse part of a linked list

Chris YatesI'am learning data structures. Currently i'am with linked lists at the moment and i'd like to have a pretty strong grasp on them before moving on to more complex data structures like trees. Below is the last problem i solved. I'd like to know what you think of the solution and what can be done b...

Glorious Capitalisation Master Race!
A guide to become your boss' favorite: offer to do a task and by the time he comes over to ask you if it's feasible, show him the completed program
@JeroenVannevel I think my best result on that front was when I was shown our main spreadsheet and asked if there was a way to automate copying certain columns from selected rows into a table in an email, addressed to our trading team.
Took 30 minutes to go from request to research to coding to implemented
It's fun when that happens. It's strange to hear what people think is and isn't hard to do.
Aye. Of course, it's less fun the other way around. When they ask for something that sounds simple, but is actually really difficult
Indeed. Thankfully people here seem to err on the side of "This is probably impossible."
I just tell them, "Tell me what you want to achieve, and I'll tell you if it can be done" *
* (within a reasonable timeframe, with current resources, with a sufficient ROI to warrant its development)
Q: Invoice receipt markup

Kai Hendryprompted by a meta answer, here is an HTML page I'm deliberating over in JSBIN and I would like your review please. I am not looking to implement the logic, just please focus on HTML & CSS. Are tables a good candidate to mark up purchase items? I'm seen this implemented as a list in each column...

> can't seem to get a border working
Seems to be broken. OP seems to also be asking us to fix his code
Why upvote? OP clearly states:
> /* This does not work... why? */
Since you already have working code, this could be a good candidate for codereview. — cel 7 secs ago
@CaptainObvious hammered until clarification is given
> or your comment doesn't work as expected
@rolfl @janos My boss asked me to come up with some interview questions for further Java Developer candidates. You got any suggestions?
@SimonForsberg "Have you used Groovy?" "No" "NEXT!"
Speaking of interviews, I have my Toptal interview in just over 48 hours... nervous as hell
"Please type out Java"
"JAVA" leads to instant rejection.
"Would you use Java to do browser-side scripting?"
The number of people I've spoken to that think Java ≈ Javascript is annoying
(though I can't blame them, really, the names are confusing)
Oh I didn't knew codereview. Can a moderator confirm this and I will move it to codereview ? — HadiM 29 secs ago
Q: Returning the range of a number as a palindrome

ArnoldM904I like to do programming challenges in my free time to teach myself and keep fresh, this one I can't seem to optimize though and it's driving me insane. The goal is essentially, "Given a number, return the numbers leading up to it as a palindrome." For example if you are given the input 5 the a...

That question is about shortening code, that's explicitly off topic here isn't it?
Hah, someone had just flagged this?
Shortening is not golfing
Shortening is what we do every time we review code
@JeroenVannevel OP appears to be asking for golfing
> The catch? You have to solve it in as few characters as possible. The minimum needed seems to be 41 characters and I can't condense it past 76.
But they're literally asking to shave off characters.
Then that's golfing and they should be thrown in the sea
and the question can be closed too
@SimonForsberg a bit older (and lengthy) version of my hiring process: janosgyerik.com/how-to-hire-good-programmers
What is the appropriate close reason in this case? @JeroenVannevel
I just fixed the CSS issue. =) — Kai Hendry 1 min ago
Can anyone confirm that?
Looks fixed
he added table { border-collapse: collapse; }, which might make it work correctly
@Simon I ask this as a homework question, and reject a lot of candidates based on their solution: gist.github.com/janosgyerik/5003505
@ARedHerring I'll refer you to @janos for that
in-person interviews are time-consuming, and I cannot judge skill based on resumes, I need to see code
> Know well data structures
Know well algorithms
Well, I'm buggered. I have no real education on these and come across them on an as-needed basis.
Though I'm better at data structures than I am algorithms
during interviews, I ask simple questions, like decide if a string is palindrome, or a number is prime. I used fizz buzz before, but everybody passed that, so it was useless
@ARedHerring I wrote a custom one point out Code Golfing as off topic because I found a meta post that seemed to indicate consensus about it.
@janos: Do you have much experience in JS? I would like to try and complete that homework question and have your opinion on it.
@SuperBiasedMan Linking the meta in a comment would help.
@ARedHerring some, not a lot
@janos alright. I'll complete it anyway :)
@Mast Yeah, just edited that in
@ARedHerring I can try to review it anyway
@janos thanks <3
I am a moderator on Code Review and I have flagged this question for migration to Code Review. All we can do is to wait to see if the Stack Overflow moderators will agree with that. — Simon Forsberg 32 secs ago
@Duga Looks like a good fit indeed. Let's hope SO mods give it to us.
@Duga That graph looks super weird.
@janos I would imagine a naive implementation that would get rejected looks like this
which is O(n)
it depends on the level we're looking for too, for example junior or senior
try mid-level :p
I think a better implementation could be created using a functional reduce
there are many good things in there
and candidates can take ask much to write as they want (it's a homework)
you did this very fast
stop it, you'll make me blush ;-)
a very important thing I look at is input validation
hm, yeah, i should have checked that size was > 0 (this would also eliminate checking whether it was undefined/null/not a number)
and checked that the list had a length property
if you took a serious shot, I'm confident you'd get invited (the positive result of a homework question)
time to go for lunch
hf, and thanks again
I'm favouriting that competency Matrix post. Very useful for researching what I should be learning next
level 0: "Thinks Excel is a database"
Made me lol
@Zak Agreed.
Now I'm just thinking whether I should train deep or train wide.
@SimonForsberg Basic collection questions. Difference between LinkedList and ArrayList
Monking btw.
I didn't major in CS, but a lot of that chart is still applicable on embedded.
Monking @Vogel612
Damn the forest I'm walking through right now looks gorgeous
@janos is the at most intentional?
@Vogel612 yep, that one is defitinitely included already! I like @janos idea of giving candidates some homework. Will see what my boss thinks of that.
@SimonForsberg You're being asked for those things already? Sounds nice ;)
@skiwi Yes.
Otherwise you would have to remove elements from the array if there were excess elements.
@ARedHerring Ah, right
And his first and second examples wouldn't work
My completed example, btw. Array.prototype.reduce is too much effort for too little gain
But returning [[]] is actually a valid answer :D
In my example I don't let that happen
Write a partition that blabla where the returned list of sublists is a partition of the original list, would fix it
Maybe a loop-hole :P
But I'd say if candidates seriously return [[]] they are either really worth considering or trolls :P
I would say they were a troll unless they pointed out the loop hole AND gave a working example.
Then I would say they're definitely worth considering
I consider that here
@skiwi a method that would always return that would be rejected for having a horrible method name
@ARedHerring Fair enough, if they understand it, then they should also do the intended assignment
Maybe it is not your website, but your browser that throws: 1001-9732e57c756f-tainted-dot-chromiumcodereview.appspot.com/…rene 17 secs ago
@Duga false alarm
Q: The Power of Teams: A Proposed Expansion of Stack Overflow

HynesThis past spring, the product team held a multi-week brainstorming session where we thought about how we could build on Stack Overflow's current success of improving the lives of developers. What other valuable information does the programming community need, but is trapped elsewhere online and o...

@ARedHerring Yeah I was reading that earlier... seems odd.
I think it seems like a good idea but I also understand the backlash
So... what problem was this solving again? — Travis J 14 hours ago
Yeah, Shog's answer was more informative than the question.
interesting read, though s/angular/javascript
@ARedHerring yes, I'd recommend to invite for the next stage
btw, the biggest reasons I reject: missing input validation, bugs, blatantly inefficient, poor testing (cases not decomposed), messy writing style
I consider these grave issues, failing at 3+ is clear to reject, failing at 2 is pretty clear, failing at 1 is only acceptable if there are enough compelling good things on the side
ok back to work now
Thanks for the insight, definitely something I'll take on board
@janos What makes you decide that input validation is important though? The fact that it is a library class and intended to be inside a professional codebase?
When toying with things myself I find myself more and more trusting the caller on things like the passed object not being null etc., though I haven't really encountered a case of indices that need to be within bounds
Should be moved to Code ReviewTushar just now
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this should be moved to CodeReview Site — Tushar 34 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's a code review request. And, as such, belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comSergio Tulentsev 52 secs ago
@skiwi yes, the wording of the question is important. A library class should be reasonably robust
btw this also gives candidates the opportunity to show off their skills of testing expected exceptions
which is not a requirement, but a plus
@AdrianLynch Retracted vote, but you want to improve your code, you have working code, isn't that the criteria to move to Code Review? — Tushar 9 secs ago
in general, by looking at the solutions, it's usually pretty clear which candidate cares about writing good code and which doesn't
How about the process of getting there? Nobody writes flawless code on the first run.
"Can we sit together after lunch to get you S3 access?" "Oh, I've already got that. I've uploaded the files already."
"Awesome! So maybe we can integrate AWS with your code then?" "Did that too already."
"Ok then, let's make an API call and merge with the codebase!" "Got the API call but yeah, let's merge!"
I'm so getting a job here
@JeroenVannevel A job is good.
Greetings, Programs.
@janos Fair enough
@janos Thing is that I could easily do input verification if it were told that it's expected of me, but due to whatever reason (may be stress) I could forget it... Though the library part might give a big enough of a hint
Any of my american friends here able to tell me WTF Spirit week is
@ARedHerring Yes.
glad that's sorted
possible answer invalidation by Sylvester Hilary on question by Sylvester Hilary: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/106566/revisions
Spirit week can't be explained, only experienced
Spirit week is a week at a High School, often leading up to "Homecoming" where special activities are planned to "raise school spirit"
Mostly it's fun, often silly stuff.
@Donald.McLean So it has nothing to do with the alcoholic kind of spirits?
So basically its a load of activities to raise morale.
@Mast I would say getting drunk might raise some high schooler's spirits :^)
Actually on that note, what is homecoming? I've heard it on TV so many times.
@Mast Well, it's high school, so officially no.
@SuperBiasedMan Homecoming is a home game followed by a dance. The sport is usually football, unless the school doesn't have a football team in which case it's usually basketball.
@Donald.McLean Oh, that's much less dramatic than the TV made it sound.
It's often the first home game, or at least very early in the season. If possible, it's against a team that sucks so that the home team has a good chance of winning.
Are there bald eagles involved?
For extra freedom points.
@skiwi it does happen that I invite somebody because they have enough other good points, even with some WTFs. And yes, the library bit is meant as a hint. Candidates picking up on these things or not, are also part of the test
The thing about homecoming is that it's all about the extra "spirit activities" - the dance and all.
@janos Sounds fair, were you also hiring people who can't move to France?
Q: The Power of Teams: A Proposed Expansion of Stack Overflow

HynesThis past spring, the product team held a multi-week brainstorming session where we thought about how we could build on Stack Overflow's current success of improving the lives of developers. What other valuable information does the programming community need, but is trapped elsewhere online and o...

I am immediately sceptical
What I expect:
I like the idea of being able to create teams that say "Hey, us SO users work together on THIS project" with a link to github.
The intersection of: Questions that only a guy from <company> can answer | Answers that would involve confidential information will be huge
Everything else about the proposal (custom questions) seems.. silly
btw @janos from your blog on hiring good programmers:
> If an unworthy candidate manages to get through somehow, you have to ask ourselves what you did wrong and adapt our pre-interview testing methods.
Shouldn't that be yourselves and your pre-interview there?
My suspicion: this is solely a way of gathering valuable data to integrate with careers.SO
@Zak I'm not really sure this is a bad thing...
9 times out of 10 you'd want to display your work on your careers.SO
@Zak That will get complicated very fast. I'm curious whether they'll pull it of with success.
For the other 1 time you probably wouldn't create a team on a public website anyway.
Monking @EthanBierlein
@ARedHerring true. I'm pretty agnostic about most of it, but I think team questions is not going to work
It's weird that they planned this big shift with a beta practically simultaneously with the entirely separate documentation one.
If they do it, I hope they'll scale it to other SE sites as well.
CR teams FTW
@Zak I don't like the idea of the custom question thing.
Would this be better suited for code review? As you've said this works. — Noelkd 13 secs ago
Taking to the next level.
But I like the whole idea of tthe ability to create teams and associate them with users and provide a link to them or whatever
Teams? Huh? wat
But as other people in the meta have mentioned it seems a lot like a social network which a lot of people are not okay with for this that and the other reason.
@SuperBiasedMan I haven't heard about the documentation thing for a while.
If it remains completely optional Id ont' see the issue with havings ome aspects of a social network on SO.
And I'm pretty sure half the hypothetical example questions they showed in that post would get a response of: "Sorry, that involves privileged information that we're not allowed to give to random people on the internet"
I think it could've been planned as site agnostic, and just said it was being tested on SO or something. But maybe there's a ton more overhead there I'm missing.
@SuperBiasedMan Remember that Stack Overflow is now the official name of the entire collection of sites (or at least the name of the company).
@Mast As in, that was a couple weeks back, right? Seems like both things are a lot of work to run at the same time.
"What was your hardware budget for the recent server move?"
for example
@ARedHerring Oh that's true... and mildly confusing.
Yeah, but it's on Meta.SO, so...
@Zak or "What are your SSH private keys? It's me, the sys admin. I'm locked out of the office. :^)"
@ARedHerring What, why?
@Mast don't ask me, they decided to change their name to it. I can't find a source but it was on the meta a few weeks ago
I think it'd work better if the teams vetted questions before they were visible to anyone else. That way if they don't want to ask them then no-one even realises they neglected to comment on private info stuff.
@ARedHerring Confusing indeed...
@SuperBiasedMan Congrats! You just created ask.fm
"How do you make remote working work across multiple timezones" - blatantly a workplace qustion
@ARedHerring That site needs to die
@Zak Indeed.
@ARedHerring I don't think SO is under the illusion that they're making something brand new as opposed to a better system.
So basically they're going to re-organize how SE works...
"What's your hardware setup" - probably confidential
I need to actually do some work today. AFK.
Or, at least, not explicitly public
Also does anyone use ask.fm as anything other than personal?
@SuperBiasedMan yes, members of companies now use it as a generic Q/A site. See Riot Games and RiotLyte
And if I'm an employee, I'm not about to post information that may or may not be considered confidential
@ARedHerring That is... weird. I suspect they're heavily edited though
ask.fm is mostly like a worse version of Yahoo answers. Almost everyone at my school has an account. I still really don't know what purpose it serves when we have SE.
I'd be interested in teams from people who work on semi obscure code systems I have to interact with, but I'm pretty sure they're too small and niche for this unless teams actually gets big.
I mean, essentially, team Q&A is going to be about questions relating specifically to that company. Which, for anything technical and non-generic, is likely to be confidential.
And for anything non technical - company website
and for anything generic - SO
But hey, the non-Questions aspects seem like a decent idea
Sounds like an answer to that meta post to me ^^
I think it depends on how closed the company is. I work with a couple programs where the devs are really open, they've changed stuff for us and regularly communicate on their forums or google groups. SO Teams would be a more robust platform for that if they were interested.
I'm actually just less sure that many companies are going to be interested. I expect there'd be more open source people who did casual hobby projects.
But anyway, I gotta head for lunch. Later folks.
@Zak Why?
It's not just for companies, it's for any team. Think Mozilla. Think Cardshifter.
@Mast That is a good point
I might need to refactor...?
private final Map<Component, Map<com.skiwi.rovcontrolsoftware.gamepads.events.Event, List<Consumer<com.skiwi.rovcontrolsoftware.gamepads.events.Event>>>> eventListeners = new EnumMap<>(Component.class);
You're right, for Open Source projects / similar, that deals with a lot of the reservations I have
A: The Power of Teams: A Proposed Expansion of Stack Overflow

ZakI think these are all worth trying, except team Q&A It may work for things like Open Source teams, but for anything even vaguely corporate, I foresee team questions falling into the following categories: Technical questions about [company]'s processes: Almost certainly confidential Q: "Team G...

@skiwi why can't you just use Event D:
namespace collision/
@ARedHerring Yeah...
why not rename it to GamepadEvent?
If I could only important it as some other name!
Moves to C#
I know it's inside the gamepads namespace... but
well, it would avoid this issue :P
Well, funny thing is that this approach won't work yet anyway
Q: fastest way in numpy to check elements in array

vsinghI have two arrays of integers in numpy. array a and array b. The arrays have two elements: value,index. Iterating over all indexs I want to know if the corresponding element of array b is less than the corresponding element of array a. Of course, I can write a for loop in python but it is way too...

Or no, it does work, I was just not working
No wait, I just confused myself lol
Today I learned
you can get the public github keys of anyone on github
Yeah, it's just that you can't get the private ones
well, uh, yeah
they're private keys
Yay, it sort of works
XboxGamepad xboxGamepad = new XboxGamepad(controller, 10);
xboxGamepad.addListener(XboxGamepad.Component.RIGHT_STICK_BUTTON, ButtonPressedEvent.class, event -> System.out.println("Pressed right stuck button"));
xboxGamepad.addListener(XboxGamepad.Component.RIGHT_STICK_BUTTON, ButtonReleasedEvent.class, event -> System.out.println("Released right stuck button"));
xboxGamepad.addListener(XboxGamepad.Component.RIGHT_STICK_BUTTON, ButtonClickedEvent.class, event -> System.out.println("Clicked right stuck button"));
Now let's see how I can clean that up at a later point :D
xbox stuff in java
microsoft would be so mad at you
The library I use works for any gamepad (even controller) actually, but now I'm trying to abstract it down to the specific thing being used
cool. gotta love lombok
@skiwi we have offices at different places. But I wouldn't recommend my company to anybody here. Not that it's so bad, but there are lots of far better places for young people
@skiwi probably you're right, it's just my weird English. Will check on that tonight, thanks!
Every time I forget something simple I get coffee.
I just realized the flaw in that plan.
[janosgyerik/hiring-tools]‌​ janosgyerik created repository
possible answer invalidation by user673679 on question by user673679: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/106746/revisions
Based on Fowler's definition, the antonym of "Refactoring" in this context would appear to be "Programming". — Laconic Droid 22 hours ago
This question is a good fit for codereview.stackexchange.comsstan 47 secs ago
Q: Very simple interpreter

m654I created a very simple interpreter in Python. It's capable of doing basic math (unfortunately with only two numbers), creating quines and printing text. import re def prompt(): userInput = input("> ") return userInput def parse(command): if command.startswith("+"): numbers...

Q: Should a style sheet object know about its target?

William JockuschHere is are three classes in my project. They work as expected. What I'm not sure of is the passing of the target into style sheet. What is going on is that I want the matrix as a whole to be left-aligned on the screen, but each entry to be centered within its column. The GetHorizontalAlignmentQ ...

Read "Understanding 2015 Data Integrity Regulatory Requirements for Temperature Controlled Pharmaceuticals" or browse around the internet
Tough choices
@LeandroSoares: It's not "wrong" in that it will work - but it's code that makes me wince and I would certainly reject in code review, as abusing an API, being hard to read, and performing badly. As such, I think it's unhelpful. It's a bit like presenting a "sort" algorithm of "shuffle, see if it's sorted, and repeat if not"... yes, it'll work, but it's a really bad idea. — Jon Skeet 40 secs ago
Hey there Jon Skeet
Q: Cutting Recipes problem on codechef

doctorsherlockWhat is the problem with this code. This is the solution to Cutting Recipes on codechef. I checked for all the test cases i could think of. Here is my solution- #include <stdio.h> int main() { int T, N, i, j; int smallest; int a[50]; int flag; scanf("%d", &T); for(i = 0...

@JeroenVannevel I could go for a nap myself.
Oh I feel you there
Late Spanish lunches are detrimental to my state of awakeness
1 hour break to go eat spaghetti, canneloni and some icecream
And so late on the day as well
Yesterday I fell asleep 4 times in a meeting
@JeroenVannevel seen this?
Q: Code Fix - changing accessibility

Damien_The_UnbelieverI am trying to get the hang of Roslyn at the moment, and to implement a couple of code fixes for specific fields/properties that should usually be readonly (in the case of a property, to have no setter). I've started from the "Analyzer with Code Fix (NUGET + VSIX)" template and now have two diag...

looks like everybody is writing code analyzers haha
An apprentice
a potential contributor?
Q: Code Fix - changing accessibility

Damien_The_UnbelieverI am trying to get the hang of Roslyn at the moment, and to implement a couple of code fixes for specific fields/properties that should usually be readonly (in the case of a property, to have no setter). I've started from the "Analyzer with Code Fix (NUGET + VSIX)" template and now have two diag...

Let's hold off on that for the moment. The real deal is the Analyzer but he hasn't shown that
The code fix is easy peasy
@Mat'sMug Some write code analyzers for C#, some write for VBA, I write for Brainfuck...
I'm at the point where I support disabling inspections and selectively ignoring specific results
and I'm just sitting here, writing wrappers around decades old API...
Q: Treat undef in Perl's <=> operator as +inf instead of -inf

cevingI have to sort some numbers with Perl. But some of the numbers are undefined. Perl's compare operator <=> treats undef as -inf. The result is, that the undefined numbers are at the beginning: perl -MData::Dumper -e 'print Dumper(sort {$a <=> $b} 3, undef, 2, 1);' $VAR1 = undef; $VAR2 = 1; $VAR3 ...

but hey I'll probably have to use swing for university and I really hate it. Maybe I can get it into a state where I can deal with it without shouting at everybody
@Vogel612 make a drag-and-drop designer a la WinForms! :)
Spare me!
At least WinForms has a reasonable Layouting policy
Maybe you can use JavaFX and embed it with a JFXPanel :^)
that's not the point
also JavaFX is a similar pain
@JacobRaihle haha sounds a bit like a WPFControlHost
It would be a "swing" application, but yes I understand :(
if it's so old, perhaps it should be renamed "swung"
Nono, it is obviously the noun they are referencing, as verbs do not exist in Java...
urk... here we go again
$2 on gorilla
Who the heck is the gorilla?
doesn't matter
0 questions tagged, *disappointed*
IntelliJ even has an annotation @MagicConstant for the crap swing is pulling
and it warns when you do strange stuff instead...
haha JetBrains rocks
but it doesn't recognize when an expression can only evaluate to a swing-constant
the craziest about that is, that they actually annotated the java API with the magic constants that can be used, possibly manually ...
damn you, travis!
We have:
- openjdk 1.6
- openjdk 1.7
- oraclejdk 1.7
- oraclejdk 1.8
but not openjdk 1.8 or oraclejdk 1.6
@Vogel612 are there any alternatives for java beside javafx and swing ?
little... eclipse (yes the IDE) have written their own windowing toolkit (swt), which is loosely based on the java API's standard "Abstract Window Toolkit" (awt)
that's about it for windowing and thick client stuff, unless you want to go closer to the metal and go for OpenGL
Swing was around from the start
and JavaFX got added on the road to 1.7 IIRC
So I stay with using swing if I have to do gui stuff (although I don't want to)
Swing is fugly and JavaFX makes your code fugly because it imposes an at best mediocre structure upon you
@Heslacher usually, yes.
how hasn't UI improved in 20 years Java has been around?
oh JavaFX is shiny
> JavaFX makes your code fugly because it imposes a structure upon you
but the code you produce with it is imo a spaghettyish piece of junk
fugly is still shiny in Java terms
@Vogel612 compare to MVP and MVVM
fx is more wpf
without MVVM
and winforms is more swing
@Mat'sMug with misunderstood MVC
and an entry point that rips your application into static context when you start up the GUI
Q: How to count hours with no "if"

TomderyI'm trying to do this in simple Code::Block using C++. So this is the code. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { setlocale (LC_ALL, "LITHUANIAN"); int a, b, c; cout << "Hours : "; cin >> a; // 23, 15 = 1380, 900 cout << "Minutes : "; cin >> b; // 55, 50 cout << "How much minut...

Q: Rate my first effort with React, use of components, props and states

Toni LeighI've just created my first set of related classes in React and would like to get feedback from more experienced React developers. I've used ES and completely vanilla React. The application is a shopping cart where the cart item quantities update the totals. The one file situation is because it ...

@CaptainObvious we don't rate, we review.
Bloody hell Amazon, put some javadocs in your jars
Huh, here's a question.
Code editing is not allowed for a suggested edit, always rejected. But should we do anything if the OP accepts the edit? (it's not invalidating any answers)
I suppose that's how OP has it in their IDE then.. doesn't make the post any more on-topic though
If unclear, ask :D
The OP might think it's just a good suggestion. But I was thinking more generally, the editor just got told they made a good edit by the system, is it worth leaving a comment informing them not to edit code in future?
they wouldn't be ping'd
but yeah
You can @ping editors on posts they've edited.
Unless that's weirdly an SO only feature.
huh, I didn't know that

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