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@EBrown I did and almost left well enough alone because the other point was a good one.
delete what?
@RubberDuck Right, so instead you just decide to downvote. That's fine, I'll just leave that answer off that question.
It doesn't have much substance anyway.
Someone else can make my point.
@DanLyons I think the guys who make Commitstrip are french.
> Place a box near your keyboard that is the right size for the cat to sit in. If possible, place it on something warm.

Cats like two things: warmth and security
And boxes.
Cats looooove boxes.
Cats like boxes for the security thing.
I refuse to believe this.
I just feel they like boxes
its cuter in my head
@EBrown no offense meant. I figured you would appreciate knowing why. I guess I was wrong. My apologies.
@RubberDuck I don't appreciate being downvoted for something so trivial.
That's like downvoting because someone said "Lambda" instead of "expression", et al.
Q: Link with return url

thomiusI would like to add a link on a .NET MVC page which will contain the current page in QueryString so that user can return back to where he came from. The url can contain hashtags (http://my.com#foo) which do not get sent to the server so I need to use client-side API. I would also like to have a ...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comFred Larson 12 secs ago
Maybe codereview.stackexchange.com is more appropriate. (Cue mob of angry code reviewers pointing out that it isn't. :)) — biziclop 28 secs ago
@EBrown but it's not. Not at all. IMO (and that's all it is, an opinion) pointing out a different than your used to brace style is fairly trivial.
@FredLarson Please vote to close as too broad. "Belongs on site ---" is not a valid close reason. — Ethan Bierlein 6 secs ago
@RubberDuck No, it exactly is that. You DV'd for something trivial. When, the best practice (and almost de-facto standard) is that C# braces are formatted a specific way.
I couldn't read twiddly-twat in the original question because of his poor bracing and indentation.
@RubberDuck has already apologised for his downvote if it offended you.
Please pack your pride up in a box and move on
You don't need to get offended just because someone felt like your review wasn't complete enough (or whatever the reason for the DV was).
And if RubberDuck hadn't TOLD you he downvoted you because he obviously respects you then you would be none the wiser.
@ARedHerring Nope, and I still would have deleted the answer and the OP would miss out on certain, valuable information.
You're good @biziclop. This one does look like a good Code Review question and I've flagged it for a moderator to migrate it. — RubberDuck 44 secs ago
If you would have deleted the answer because of one downvote, then your view of yourself is incredibly fragile.
If you got more than one downvote then maybe the downvote had merit?
No, my expectation of the community is very precise.
Then perhaps you should lower your expectations.
We are all human, after all.
Some people can disagree with you. That's okay.
At least RubberDuck had the guts to say "Hey, I downvoted you because X Y Z".
Here's what happens: person 1 downvotes the question, mentions it in chat (or something), then more people storm in and downvote (because bandwagon).
You could at least show the maturity to not get your pants in a twist over it.
It's happened before to me, I'm sure it'll happen again.
I've yet to see a brigade on a poor review unless it is actually a poor review.
I wouldn't DV over a brace suggestion.
@alicinwonderland: Code reviews are off topic for this site. Unless you have a problem with the code you need help with, post this on the code review site. — Fred Larson 47 secs ago
I wouldn't either.
But I also wouldn't get stuffy about a single downvote in chat.
That was the original answer (before I deleted it).
I don't have the ability to view deleted posts.
Well there were two parts to the answer: one pedantic remark about braces, and one about the overly tight coupling of his interfaces.
The biggest problem there is the pedantic remark took up 4/5 of the post.
Like I said.. I really, really don't care about the content of the answer.
@Hosch250 Because I reformatted his code so it was easier to read.
Leave that to him.
All I'm trying to say is you don't have to get stuffy because someone disagreed with a post you made.
I can remove that just as well, but I figured it would be more valuable in it.
Apparently not.
Q: Need some comments on my programming skill

alicin wonderlandI solved a problem recently and I want to check the code I have written is good or is a bad design. Is good or poor in terms of efficiency. The problem is given an input string count the number of occurrence of each character in the string and print it, example: Input String is: fffdddssaaa Resu...

Just do one/two examples, if you feel it necessary.
Again, at least RubberDuck had the decency to say that he downvoted you.
If he had not have mentioned it, you would have been none-the-wiser.
And, if you would truly delete that answer with just 1 downvote you really, really need to work on your expectations of the community.
@ARedHerring And yet I would still have deleted it. The only difference is that I now know that the pedantic carp that happens in chat is also outside of it.
Allowing not one person to disagree with you else you delete your answer just makes you come across as a martyr
It's not the 1DV, it's that it was immediate.
RubberDuck downvoting you is "pedantic crap"?
@EBrown but I didn't drop it in chat...
@RubberDuck No. You didn't.
But 9 times out of 10, the way code review works is that if the question (or answer) ever gets to the negatives, more DV's follow shortly.
I've seen it happen time and time again.
All it takes is the first vote to be -1.
For truly bad questions and answers.
That are off-topic.
And it's over.
Or low quality/effort.
Well, that's another problem entirely that's been bothering me too.
Talking about that, it applies to stars too.
@RubberDuck It's bothered me from the beginning. It seems that people take less time to read whatever it is once they see -n.
A message will be up for a minute or more, then I star it, then everyone does.
@Hosch250 This just further proves my point.
probably because chat moves fast and it'll show up on the star wall if more people star it.
Had he not DV'd it, and made the comment (and gave me time to rectify it) life would be good.
I never said it didn't.
But that DV is a call to action.
Whats bad about that?
A call to action that something in your answer is off/missing to another reviewer?
...so what?
I leave downvotes for answers I feel are incomplete or bad.
Not saying yours was.
But a 'call to acton' is exactly what a downvote is.
That's why you're encouraged to leave a comment if you downvote something.
At any rate, brigading is a completely separate issue from this
You might have been worried about being brigaded, but from what I'm seeing here you're just worried about having a non-positive score on an answer
When the first vote is a DV, it turns into a brigade.
That's anecdotal and false.
I've seen it happen time and time again.
Observational data will show that my message is correct.
And there have been several occasions, as well, where downvote brigades have been reverted when the answer or question has been rectified to not be low effort or off-topic.
I'm done having this discussion; it's just beating a dead horse.
There is no horse that we are beating here, though.
There's another answer on that question now that points out the same things I did, so I have no need to undelete it now.
You are concerned about brigading because RubberDUck downvoted your answer because he thought it was low-quality.
You would not have even thought to have brought this discussion to chat if RubberDuck had not owned up to the DV..
@ARedHerring That's not why he DV'd at all.
I doubt he maliciously downvoted your answer.
low quality, or low effort
He DV'd because he felt it was unnecessary for me to point out OP's bracing issue.
If the majority of your post was about bracing
It was not.
And he thought it was unnecessary
then you have hardly any information except moot information.. which makes it low effort.
@Hosch250 apparently disagreed earlier?
I don't know, again, I can't see the question.
Though, the majority of it was the same code in the question (after formatting it more appropriately).
A full screen on the braces.
I just think you need to lower your expectations a bit. Actually, a lot.
And 4 lines on the other point.
RubberDuck has been on this site for a very long time.
The other point was a very necessary critique.
He is not out to get you. He would not have downvoted you if he didn't see a reason for it.
Yeah, seeing that answer... I would have downvoted it too.
> -1. There's nothing wrong with OP's braces. They're consistent, which is more important than one true brace style.
You have one line of explanation and then another 4 lines apparently as the main critique
It's clear that I'm in the wrong (as always).
You're not always in the wrong.
You are just wrong here.
Never once has anyone agreed with my opinion because it's not the "popular opinion".
More often than not, it turns right into something like this.
Then perhaps you should re-evaluate your opinions/
People aren't going to disagree with you just because it's you.
Because instead of seeing things from a separate point of view, we all jump on the "well the veterans are always right" bandwagon.
At least, I would hope not.. I don't think 2nd is that corrupt.
@ARedHerring Which answer?
I don't think the veterans are always right.... but I think the veterans are right in this case.
@EthanBierlein @Hosch250 linked it above, see PNGs
I've never once seen anyone go against the veterans' opinions.
Nah, EBrown linked it.
@EBrown Because the veterans are generally correct?
They are veterans for a reason.
@ARedHerring s/generally/always in here
That's your opinion... The only person I usually always agree with is @Mat'sMug.
Not always - there have been several fights in here among the veterans themselves.
Can I just add something?
@Hosch250 Those don't count.
Why not?
@EthanBierlein no need to ask for permission..
@EthanBierlein Why not? Everyone else is.
I think the answer is perfectly valid. There's a useful tip at the bottom too. Instead of saying that the OP needs to use C# braces in a demanding way, simply suggest it.
I think the answer is perfectly upvote-worth one you've done that.
I don't think it's downvote-worthy though.
@EthanBierlein I said they should be using C# braces, not Java.
Oh whoops
Let me edit that
Either way, the same material is covered in a separate answer on that question now.
So there's no point beating the dead horse.
(Regardless of which side you sit on.)
@EBrown I think it's the way you wrote it. If you want to undelete your answer and rephrase that, I'll remove that part of my answer if you wish :)
@TopinFrassi I also mentioned the interface stuff that you did as well.
I added it to my answer because you deleted yours, and I thought it was valid concern.
I personally feel the answer is mostly fluff due to the braces thing. I don't think its much of a complete answer at all in its current state.
Again, thats just due to the way its laid out.
I WOULD have downvoted it, but if it were laid out differently, I wouldn't've
Presentation is half of the battle when it comes to displaying information... which is why there are courses in infographics and web design
I think it's hard to pop a complete answer to this question. There's not much to review, it's more of a design review than a code review so
I think if you add a small code example to go along with your tip about the interfaces, and switched the order of the two tips, then it's a good answer.
@TopinFrassi That exactly.
There's not much to say, so I covered the few points there were.
@EBrown See, you're not always on the opposite side of everyone :p
@EBrown I'm with you on that point
When the question is as empty in substance as it is, you cannot expect an answer to have sufficient substance to be on par with all the other answers on the site.
That doesn't mean your presentation has to go to shit as well.
So instead, we assume it should be on par with the other answers on the site.
Oh wait, that's the opposite of what I just said.
Nor does it mean you need to get melodramatic because someone DVed you.
I posted my answer, and downvoted the question.
You are not always wrong, and remember that this is code review.. everyone's answers are going to be different, and subjective.
/me backing away
Everyone's opinion on what is right, and wrong on this site is completely up to intepretation a lot of the time.
This is not SO where there is a right and wrong answer.
So don't get annoyed when people DV you because they disagree with your answer.
It's not personal, and if other people like your answer they will negate the DV anyway.
Look! A banana!
Hello Mug :)
My weights finally arrived after 3 weeks..
Guys, what's going on here? Aren't we a happy bunch? Come on now, group hug!
20kg is a lot heavier than i anticipated
@ARedHerring Yeah, it's not that light ahah. Depends on what's the grip you have on the 20kg
they're dumbbells but they have spinlocks so i can remove about half of that... thankfully...
pretty sure 20kg is heavier than i am
interface CRitter
    void Hug(int hugIntensity, CRitter other);
Lol, are you 5 years old? :p
@ARedHerring I was for a moment thinking you were talking about CPU spinlocks
@Mat'sMug I came here for the hugs.
No, I'm 20.. I weigh 8-9stone last time I thought about it.
@Morwenn you get a hug and @skiwi you get a hug and @EBrown you get ahug
@skiwi I read « CPU Slipknots » ._____.
I'm not sure how much these stones weight
@TopinFrassi more than 20kg. it was an exaggeration
But yeah, you gotta start somewhere. 10kg might be rough at the beginning
@Morwenn That's even more awesome
@ARedHerring These are some big stones.. :p
@TopinFrassi thats what the ladies say
@ARedHerring When you "ask them for their phone numbers because you lost yours"? :p
@EBrown I think the substance is ok, but the tone is a bit off. I wouldn't have DV'd, but wouldn't have upvoted either, because of that.
@TopinFrassi I really wish you didn't remember that....
Hrya ^^
@Mat'sMug I'm editing it now.
Welcome to 2nd, @N3buchadnezzar!
How is it going?
@ARedHerring Eh eh eh, actually it's a pretty good way to do it if you assume it's stupid and go with it
Howdy' (I'm now texan)
possible answer invalidation by William Jockusch on question by William Jockusch: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/106711/revisions
I updated to Windows 10 today. It looks ok.
Of course it does
@EBrown I'll remove my answer then
@TopinFrassi The text says Texas, but the photo says Australia.
I think my Windows 10 install is why my Visual Studio is borked.
@Morwenn It's cool
Windows is like fashion dogs. They look really good, but are inbreed to the point that they can not function properly.
@ARedHerring Actually, it's an example picture from Windows 7 ahah. I wish I'll go in Australia one day. But I'd need a spider-proof aura or something
@N3buchadnezzar I like you already
@TopinFrassi I believe those are called boyfriends
@N3buchadnezzar You and I are going to get along./
@ARedHerring I'm then supposed to be a spider-proof aura. But dang these spiders are huge in Australia.
argh, what do I do. The OP posted an answer, that is sort of a question, idk how to react
A: Related classes around generic types

EBrownYou have the tightest coupling of interfaces I have seen in my life. You are also restricting them in abnormal manners. For example, IDrawer should not need to know about the IAnimalModel. Instead, it should be worried about IDrawableModel, which IAnimalModel can worry about. This way, the coupli...

A: Related classes around generic types

TopinFrassiConsidering the indentation and spacing your code has, it is very, should I emphasize very difficult to give an opinion on such a post. You should consider using more white spaces, or using this bracket style : //Gives more space class a { } versus class a{ } One way or another, your code...

Let the DV's flow back in.
plz halp
Oh you can't delete it from my Upvote?
I'll try
You should just leave it, since I mention nothing about Covariance or Contravariance.
Oh alright, ahha

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