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Q: Read lines of a text file in java

danelle hankinsI am trying to get my code to read the lines of a text file. It does not seem to be working. public Passenger(String filePath) { path = filePath; } public String[] OpenFile() throws IOException { FileReader fr = new FileReader(path); BufferedReader textReader = new BufferedReader(fr...

Think you mean parseInt at least
Both work, for some values of work.
I'm finally going through all my junk mail and unsubscribing from the sites.
(Apparently my email was sold to several dozen sites.)
If anyone would like to get this junk mail, I'll send you the sites that will likely sell out your email address.
@EBrown I periodically start a new email address every few years once the junk gets to unmanageable levels
@Zak I get over a thousand junk messages every day.
How do people get that much junk? I've had the same primary email for over 10 years. I use it indiscriminately on sites and just occasionally have to unregister from stuff.
@Zak My current e-mail was created somewhere before July '05.
Since that's the oldest message I saved.
@SuperBiasedMan I've had this address about five, and one of the sites I am a member on sold it. (I'm not sure what one, though.)
Welcome to DriverGuide!

Thank you for registering at DriverGuide.com.

You are one step away from having access to the world's largest driver and
PC support site! The final step is to click on the link below, which will
send your web browser to a page which will automatically validate your account.
It should be against the law to sell people's email to this many sites.
@EBrown I have ~9000 emails in one of my old email addresses
I no longer use it any more except for Steam and Guild Wars 2, but my god
@ARedHerring I get like, that many a week.
@ARedHerring 14359
9000 unread or total?
9000 unread
probably more read
or rather, marked-as-read...
Step up your games fellas
@JeroenVannevel LOL.
Holy hell.
That's a lot of Candy Crush invitations.
I have 0. I'm too compulsive to leave any in there.
@JeroenVannevel Cheats.
3 accounts? That's cheating
Next : E-mail cannon
@Mast I already built one, does it count?
@Mast this kills the StackExchange site.
@EBrown Did you put it up for review?
@Mast Nope, commercial product.
I plan on reselling it (at some point in the future).
@JeroenVannevel do I want to google what tweakers.net is?
@EBrown If it's not up for review, it doesn't count.
Need to build a commercial API for it.
@ARedHerring It's a tech site.
@ARedHerring Dutch IT news site
Alright, just making sure..
@Mast @Mat'sMug reviewed it once, does that count?
@JeroenVannevel Ah, so the darknet.
It's mostly white people actually
That must be where the mysterious hacker 4Chan is hiding
@JeroenVannevel Ah, so the darknet.
@JeroenVannevel Ok, that's moderately offensive. Let's try to keep it clean in here.
I just got the double entendré. ouch.
It's only moderately offensive if you look for it
Don't look to be offended and it won't
2 mins ago, by A Red Herring
@JeroenVannevel Ah, so the darknet.
Unfortunately.... that's not how chat room moderation works, and you know it.
2 mins ago, by Jeroen Vannevel
It's mostly white people actually
@EBrown I was about to counter with a drug joke, but something was fishy
People don't look to be offended. Just because you don't find something offensive doesn't mean they're only pretending they are.
@ARedHerring It's a cultural difference. Muricans think different about such jokes than most of EU
Yes, because white is the opposite of dark
@Mast I don't get bothered by those, it's the racist/sexist/religiously prejudice ones.
@Mast I am european
@ARedHerring You're an islander, doesn't count
I don't personally care, but I know someone might be offended, so I wouldn't make the joke
@ARedHerring That reminds me of a Tumblr post I saw that asked, "Does Britain have anything other than BBC?"
And like 10 replies came in mentioning other BBC stations.
Everyone forgets the royals.
Let me see if I can find it.
I'm baaaaack!
user image
Anyway, off to work.
It's funny tea is seen as so British when you're only 5th in tea consumption per capita.
@SuperBiasedMan all other teas are fake
our tea is the one true tea.
It's funny because I actually hate tea
I like earl gray but thats it
I feel like some kind of fraud
I like Lipton (sometimes).
I hate most hot drinks, including tea, which is blasphemy in Ireland.
Though the stuff I get at Teavana is far superior.
And I use my SO mug for the crappy Lipton stuff.
And it feels wrong.
My friend, who is incredibly confident, is currently asking me how to get a guy's number.
I responded: "Tell him you've lost your number and want to borrow his"
apparently I am lame. It would work on me. :(
I think you mean "lost your phone"?
Because, "Hey, can I get your number?" is now so overrated.
I'm so using that one
@JeroenVannevel It's not nearly as successful as it sounds.
@SuperBiasedMan Nope :p
@JeroenVannevel Don't take any kind of pick up line advice from me.
I've been single for 3 years.
I don't do pickup lines
I woo them over and then reel them in with a joke
"I've been single for 3 years."
That's also not the best pick up line.
That's a good joke
@ARedHerring I've been single for 21. #Winning
@JeroenVannevel "are you a beaver? cus dam"
Anyone who doesn't fall for my really bad Dad jokes are just not going to work withi me because that's all I've got.
That's a little harder to weave in a conversation though
@SuperBiasedMan Refer to "I've been single for 3 years"
That's what I was trying to refer to.
I wish Spotify Radio would let you go back songs.
Code Review turning into Life Review
I just remembered the "Thumbs Up" and "Thumbs Down" buttons, and now I can't go back and rate the good songs.
@Mast No site business to attend to atm shrug
CaptainObvious has been very quiet for a while now..
Apparently I am the only one who posted a challenge suggestion for October.
LifeAdvice.SE would be an amazing and awful venture.
@EBrown Have you finished all other challenges already?
@Mast Haven't finished any. Lol
@SuperBiasedMan "how do I get over depression" "JUST BE HAPPY"
I forsee those kinds of answers.
@EBrown You should try one ^^
@ARedHerring Yeah but on SE you can downvote the snot out of them.
@ARedHerring "+1 Worked for me just fine" Unfortunately yes.
@EBrown That doesn't work as well for incorrect but popular opinions.
@Mast I would need one that's practical and applicable to something I'm working on right now, I can't afford the time to do challenges that aren't moderately applicable to my work.
@SuperBiasedMan Flag 'em.
@EBrown I wouldn't want a moderator to be removign opinions on an opinion-based site, TBH
Incorrect answers aren't a flaggable offense unless they're offensive/harmful somehow.
^ (+1 worked for me thanks)
@SuperBiasedMan That would be significantly offensive on a question/site like that.
@EBrown It would really depend on whether the mods have their heads screwed on right
@EBrown To me and you sure, but offensiveness is ill defined on SE. It's seems to be a vague consensus rule the mods get to decide on.
Anyway, October de-facto challenge:
A: October 2015 Community Challenge

EBrownMandelbrot Set Fractals So it seems we started something here with Mandelbrot sets, so the proposal I want to make for October 2015 is to write a programme in your favourite language (or a new one if you're feeling adventurous) that will generate a Mandelbrot set fractal. At the bare minimum it...

Bah, I've no exp in mandelbrots yet
They're some kind of art in maths or something right?
Great time to get some. :)
@ARedHerring No, they're a mathematical formula.
Yeah, but they render into some kind of graphic
They don't have to.
You can generate a list of points and what the values of them are.
Though, generally yes, they are rendered.
@EBrown Like what, what's it you're currently doing?
@Mast Well I'm working on several websites and products atm. The only reason I did the Mandelbrot Set before was because I needed to get in the mindset of algorithms like that, for one of the projects.
@EBrown Do some voting with graphs, JavaScript with D3 perhaps.
@Mast I don't need the JavaScript bit, I'm not using much (if any) JS for most of these projects.
One of them's a Baysian Spam Filter.
(Which is only C# stuff.)
Do it in C# then.
Does anyone here frequent worldbuilding.SE?
@SuperBiasedMan I have an account an upvote stuff once in a while, but that's all
possible answer invalidation by user300224 on question by user300224: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/106724/revisions
@SuperBiasedMan @ratchet is a regular there and here.
Just cause I asked a question there that got a downvote and no upvotes. I know we'll never fully understand the mysteries of people's voting but I would like to know how to match their site better and posting on meta for this ain't worth it.
@SuperBiasedMan I just watch the hot network questions really. It's fun to see what craziness they've come up with.
^^ that
@RubberDuck Same, there's cool stuff on there. Someone asked about how to ban vegetarianism which was an interesting read.
Q: Python system backup

MortorqSo I've written this python script to make regular backups of a Linux server. It even works pretty well except that the script sometimes backups files more than one time which is pretty strange and I don't know why. But that's not the key point of my posting here (just if someone may see a little...

Thanks intersite Santa!
@RubberDuck They take crazy to the next level and think of some pretty exotic questions.
worldbuilding always have interesting questions when it comes to HNQ
@SuperBiasedMan If you're referring to this question, go for Hydrogen. It's what stars are made of.
Can you please incorporate that in your answer? Like I said I need the log file name to have name as data at which point write was made. Please also remove the interfaces part from your answer, I won't need it most likely — user300224 1 min ago
@Mast Yeah, that response was good and has now made me rethink a way the game could work, win-win!
possible answer invalidation by user300224 on question by user300224: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/106724/revisions
@TopinFrassi What an asshole.
Greetings, Programs.
@SuperBiasedMan If you look at most sci-fi, they use Hydrogen isotopes for interstellar travel which isn't far fetched.
@ARedHerring There's a part about CodeReview that this guy didn't get
@ARedHerring Indeed.
I have a no-op logger too.
My favourite part is how he tells you off for lots of logging callings and not to use interfaces.
It's really handy using interfaces for it.
When the interface is one of the exact problems that lots of logging calls would be solved by.
Oh yeah. @Mat'sMug has shown me exactly why interfaces are quite handy.
@ARedHerring I mean, why not using the interface? I don't see why you wouldn't want it in such a case. But eh, I'm mostly done with that answer, I said what I had to say :p
@TopinFrassi a lot of programmers don't see why interfaces are useful.
"It doesn't do anything other than just be a contract, so why should I use it?"
@ARedHerring Yeah, and they're a pain to work with, usually.
grabs popcorn
@TopinFrassi Not if you use them correctly.
I'm not going to be debating that any further. OP is incredibly rude and seems to have missed the point of CR.
I meant the programmers who don't want to use interfaces :p
@ARedHerring Yup. I'll let this flow
@user300224 because that's not my job. — TopinFrassi 33 secs ago
Victory to @TopinFrassi.
Straight to the point
Our job is to review your code. You have no such requirement in your OP, as I can see. And any requirement would likely invalidate any kind of thread safety as you would be modifying an external resource on two different threads. You may think that interfaces are confusing, but our job is not to help you understand concepts. Our job is to review your code and tell you what we think, as professionals, could be done better. If you do not understand interfaces it is your perogative to ask about them.. hopefully, in a nicer manner than you have here. — A Red Herring 44 secs ago
(so much for not debating it further)
FWIW, I think your answer was pretty good @TopinFrassi and if OP doesn't understand interfaces I have no idea why the hell he is trying to do concurrency.
@ARedHerring Our job? What job?
I thought we were volunteers.
@ARedHerring 'Cause damn, threading is much much harder than interfaces
@Mast I don't mean to imply by saying it is my job and I am paid to do CR.
Rather that it is my job - as in, my purpose in answering reviews - is to do X Y Z.
Teaching someone who is rude about a concept and tells me to remove it because its "confusing" is not part of that criteria
FWIW, I only phrased it like that because @TopinFrassi did
I wonder if we'd charge for reviews, would we then get all nice OPs or entitled brats?
@iharob probably, but I guess the OP wanted more conceptual answer on return statements rather than concrete code review. — David Haim 18 secs ago
The phrasing is ok in my opinion :p
And in addition, the phrasing came from the fact that OP made out to say "if you wanted to help why didnt you do this for me as well!"
@skiwi It would be a recipe for disaster without a clear TOS
I'm not voting enough...
A: Thread safe logging class in C# to use from DLL

EBrownYou're going to have a severe performance drag with all that writing to a text file constantly. I would recommend that you avoid that if at all possible and create an internal buffer. private static List<string> _buffer = new List<string>; private static int _maxBufferSize = 25; // number of mes...

@Mast 2000's not enough?
@EBrown OP is a douchebag so you write him another answer?
Nice tactics, may even work.
Just because he is a douchebag doesn't mean we can't answer his question.
Perhaps maybe not in the way he likes.
As it stands his question is good.
It's just his attitude that sucks.
The answer is good, and original question is also good, so why not?
@Mast I wrote the OP an answer about one of the concerns he had.
Without using hard to understand interfaces
double whammy
@EBrown Yea, which is good. Perhaps he'll see the light eventually.
> show 15 more comments
@SuperBiasedMan Nope.
Can @mods clean this up?
@Mast you have... significantly more than me
3/4/80 here, lol
most of my activity on this site is done in 2nd
Oh weird, I'm on 57/88/835 but I still feel pretty new
@RubberDuck I don't want to take this to chatroom. I'd like it to stop, and as @EBrown said, it'd be great if someone could wipe the comments
thank you @Mat'sMug
Thanks @Mat'sMug!
@Mast "Now you know"
Damn, that user isn't cool..
possible answer invalidation by user300224 on question by user300224: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/106724/revisions
@EBrown Darn, too late.
@Duga Rolled back, those comments weren't necessary.
.... the rollback wasn't necessary either.
My phone is not having fun with all these notifications.
@RubberDuck Maybe, but I don't think it was a bad idea either.
@RubberDuck Perhaps, but how would you propose to keep this site clean?
Anyway, it's all water under the bridge now.
Moving on.
Wooo, helpful flags
ty whichever mod got rid of that last comment.
In my opinion, questions which turn into such a mess should burn. But that's just me.
I don't get why it created such a fuss. My answer was good, his question was good. That should've been the end of it..
@Mast wat
@ARedHerring User profile
@TopinFrassi because he wanted gimme teh codez out of you.
Your answer was great. Hej ust wanted you to do more work for him for free
@Mast Why? Then I lose my +40.
Rep whoring to the max.
If this code works as intended already, this question may be better off on Code Review. Before you post your question over there, you should read up on the rules over there. — Vogel612 19 secs ago
I lose a +40, @TopinFrassi loses a +60, and the OP loses a +20.
And what's the virtue of it? The OP got two very good answers, whether he likes them or not.
Which is sad D: Plus, the question is good honestly, I don't get why it should disapear
Q: Calculating revenue from roller coaster rides

MY_GProblem description: The task is to calculate the amount of money earned from roller coaster rides on any given day. There is a queue in front of the attraction. Visitors might be alone or in groups. All members of the same group will want to ride together. The ride begins once the...

I'm not going to lock down the post just yet. I think OP's done now
@Mat'sMug Why did you close the tag at the same time you open it?
because I don't do web stuff ;-)
@Mat'sMug That's all I do, it seems.
@EBrown I used to do only this, I started to dislike it. Now I'm doing something else, and I wish I came back to web.. ahah
I don't mind it, as I don't have to do a lot of front-end stuff.
I'm glad the OP followed the ♪ Let it Go ♪ principle.
So, I probably shouldn't do anything that might provoke a response. But I had to get that off my chest.
@user300224 we are not here to provide "solutions". After all, your code already works. We are here to provide feedback. Suggest better ways of doing this that you may or may not be aware of. Offer our professional opinion. Provide direction. But we are not here to do your work for you. — Zak 1 min ago
@Zak Why did you comment? The OP had stopped.
That ^
Let it go.
@EBrown I kinda like frontend. Sometimes, no CSS, but JS is pretty darn cool
@RubberDuck ♪ Let it Go
@TopinFrassi I hate front-end, I have carp design skills.
@TopinFrassi I'm sorry, sometimes I can ♪ Let it Go ♪ , sometimes I can't
@EBrown I have terrible design skills too. But I like the ehm.. how is it called.. "full client"(?) stuff. The client side as more and more responsabilities, and I like that so much I appreciate doing as much JavaScript as I can to unload the server
When you have a load of 1.2M users per hour, you want your client to do as much as possible :p
@TopinFrassi That's q uite big load
@TopinFrassi I don't have any of those requirements. My work only requires me to support ~1.5k users.
@skiwi Yup! :p It's been a pain (or a joy, still not sure) to make this work. The challenge was big
@Zak Ffs let it go.
Just start with supporting 1 concurrent user
@EBrown Okay okay, sorry, he got under my skin.
Back to work. See you guys in a bit.
@skiwi Web apps are already kinda concurrent-friendly (sometimes). For the rest, we dealt with it :p
I like how OP on this one question says "Thanks for your comment!" on both answers, but doesn't upvote.
Wut. I have an accepted answer with no UV's...
quick, anyone knows if the kPa unit can be negative?
IIRC it can.
Q: Is negative 20 psi / 1.5 bar possible?

RudieIf I understand correctly, negative pressure usually means relative pressure: the difference between inside and outside. If outside is normal (1 bar, 15 psi, 100 kPa etc), how low can the (relative) pressure inside be? Can it be -20 psi / -1.5 bar / -150 kPa? Absolute pressure can't be negative...

I guess as a difference between two pressures it could be, but negative absolute pressure doesn't seem like it would make sense
@JacobRaihle That is also what I thought
Thanks, Santa!
Oh, and then there's black holes. But I don't think I should consider black holes in my application

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