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Arie Litovsky on September 18, 2015
Spending more than two years with the same co-workers has led to deep connections, trust, and a common knowledge base and language amongst all. That’s what I call good company culture.
A: Carpet Calculator Program

Khumbelo Difference Muthavhine#include <iostream> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> // This program is writen by KHUMBELO DIFFERENCE MUTHAVHINE from Ha- Vhangani . Khumbelo is a programmer using namespace std; // call function calculateCarpetSize void CalculateCarpetSize (int &length, int &width, int &carpetSize) ...

Any opinions about this ? Answering with c++ for a java question throwing only a code dump ?
@EthanBierlein great, one more vote and it is gone
It's, not really a salvageable answer. It was answered two hours ago, in the wrong language, as a code dump, with no explanation, and the user hasn't made any attempt to get rid of it.
A: A quick and easy way to join array elements with a separator (the opposite of split) in Java

skiwiUsing Java 8 you can do this in a very clean way: String.join(delimiter, elements); This works in three ways: //directly specifying the elements String joined1 = String.join(",", "a", "b", "c"); //using arrays String[] array = new String[] { "a", "b", "c" }; String joined2 = String.join(",",...

...didn't even notice it was in the wrong language before!
It's the new accepted answer now :D
Also got me a badge
I can VTC but not VTD
@skiwi Damn, 135 upvotes.
Well, pretty soon in 6-8 weeks I'm not ever gonna lose my VTD privileges.
@EthanBierlein how come?
@EthanBierlein "soon"
That won't come that soon
@TopinFrassi There should be for that
@Zak graduation, and the privilege requirements
@tinkertim #MakesMyDay http://t.co/pBeSvXafIr
Surely you'd just lose trusted status? When is VTD available in limited capacity?
I don't think there's a limit on VTDs.
@ClickUpvote I changed the accepted answer — Eran Medan 6 mins ago
You just don't have to use them very often.
Unless you're on SO
> Oodles And Oodles Of Swag!
Your response has been recorded.
A: The Many Memes of Meta

Robert CartainoMeme: 6 to 8 Weeks Originator: Jeff Atwood First Heard: May 13th, 2008 Cultural Height: In about 6 to 8 weeks Definition: The time estimate given "off the top of my head" when the Stack Overflow team has only a vague idea of how long a task will take because they have little-to-no formal sche...

@EthanBierlein No I mean, I have VTD powers but only under strict conditions. I presume you're a trusted user that can use them in more places than me. With the rep change you'd probably still have the lower privilege version of VTD
@SuperBiasedMan The stricter version of VTD powers is what you get at 10K on a graduated site.
I'm close to that goal, so when we graduate I may have VTD powers, but just with more limitations.
No swag for me:
I hope that's the right screenshot
Ohhh right. I just checked, and there is a much bigger gap in the privilege reps than I thought.
Well, I have an empty inbox
No emails
Wait, did we actually get a date for graduation? Or is it still "6-8 weeks"?
What is 'the expected thing'? I feel like this question should probably be on the code review site more than SO. — Chris Rueber 12 secs ago
@Zak we graduated Sept.22, 2014 ;-)
But almost nothing has happened in our favor since then
For real
No more of this half-assed crap.
KEEP CALM and wait another 6-8 weeks
cough At this rate years.
At least we can have a "pseudo-graduation" with @Quill's site design userscript.
> Tell me where to send you some Stack Overflow Swag!‏
@JeroenVannevel don't you like the labels atop each field ;-)
I'd still rather have Code Review swag.
> US Sizes Apply
I guess that means I have a small suddenly
@EthanBierlein then get to page 1 of the all-time rep users list!
Q: Does this attempt at type-safe enums in JavaScript make sense?

Vivin PaliathI wrote this tiny library yesterday. The goal was to implement enums in JavaScript with type-safety. I modeled the implementation similar to enums in Java, since that is what I am most familiar with. It seems to work like you would expect, but I wanted to make sure that what I did makes sense an...

@Mat'sMug Page one and two.
@JeroenVannevel I got clothes from Europe, large, and I wear Medium/Large if that can help. That was the same size.
I just got mail from TimPost :D
I played safe
@Mat'sMug Top 72 users, in other words.
no idea
Which means swag for me.
assume top-40
If we ever graduate anyways
assume top 40 could get close...
I better get working on my rep then?
> As part of the site's graduation over 3 months ago there was promise for certain graduation swag to be delivered to the top users of the site during graduation (the first 2 user pages, that is, i.e. the top 72 users by reputation). This swag was supposed to be based on Kurtis Beavers' amazing design, especially a very nice T-shirt in the site's colors and featuring those neat little movie images (earlier pictures also had a coffee mug).
That's the design for Movies.SE, but you get the idea.
@Mat'sMug that should be a CR Original T-Shirt
First 2 pages get CR swag?
Then I guess I'm set
Scotty doesn't know
I agree with @sbi to a point. As that article alludes, if you're using setters and getters for the sole purpose of accessing something private then it's silly. However, there's a situation that article doesn't touch on: when you have a legitimate need to treat the private data as being semi- or completely opaque (endianness, serializing/de-serializing to name a few), particularly if the type being represented wraps more than one piece of data. For example: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/7786/…Brian Vandenberg 52 secs ago
@JeroenVannevel I'm more confused as to what they expect I put into "State / County"... that stuff usually isn't part of postal addresses in Germany
Omit state
stuff like that
@BradWerth 99% of users seeing your link will simply think "Oh, I should post my question there." As soon as they do, it gets closed as off-topic, the user gets pissed off because they feel lied to, and there are now two off-topic questions cluttering up two separate sites. This has been a big problem for Code Review and Programmers SE, and I'm sure it happens on Software Recs too. See Be careful when recommending Code Review to askers and When recommend an appropriate site for off-topic question?ThisSuitIsBlackNot 56 secs ago
Simple mock-up, but what the heck
@Heslacher it's a mandatory field
Province/Canton/Oblast, whatever it's called in your location
Write "empty"
Germany is a federal republic consisting of sixteen federal states (German: Bundesland, or Land). Since Germany has a federal constitution, the constituent states retain a measure of sovereignty. With an emphasis on geographical conditions, Berlin and Hamburg are frequently called Stadtstaaten (city-states), as is the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, which in fact includes the cities of Bremen and Bremerhaven. The remaining 13 states are called Flächenländer (literally: area states). The creation of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1949 was through the unification of the western states (which were...
@JeroenVannevel such things like state aren't needed in germany to get your delivering
@Heslacher oh that might be confusing.,..
what Heslacher says.
It's not "needed" in Belgium either because it's contained in the postal code
Still, it's commonly done
and that is what they refer to
@Vogel612 Until a monthish ago Ireland didn't have post codes. That's a fun thing when filling online addresses.
it's not "commonly done" in Germany...
@SuperBiasedMan ohhh dear.
and that with Ireland being a very often chosen location for Digital infrastructure..
@SuperBiasedMan Wow... okay
@Vogel612 Except that you can see in which city a car is registered by looking at the license plate :D
So no swags and no reputation change until design..can it get worse ?
@skiwi Not anymore
@skiwi That reaction is basically what some online forms said to me when I tried to leave it blank or put in 'n\a'
@Heslacher Oh...?
You can now take your license plate with you if you move to a different city
@skiwi that's why I see so many Cars in Stuttgart registered in Hamburg....
Ah... okay
@Vogel612 Thats Sixt or Europecar
that's something like 500km away
It's a sensible thing though with that many cars in a country
Is there some reason you cannot step through the code using Xcode? If so, then just do a code review - you know the reason for the crash, surely you can review the code to see where arrays are being enumerated, and then code review to see where its being mutated. Surely you can't have so many arrays that is not possible — Martin H 11 secs ago
Give me some reviews so I have something to do on the plane: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/104935/…
@JeroenVannevel Write Snake in Haskell
@JeroenVannevel Maybe instead you could retrieve the StackExchange tags using regex
By the time I've figured out how to create Hello World in haskell, my battery will have died
@SuperBiasedMan What do you mean?
@JeroenVannevel I was trying to make a joke about using regex in inappropriate situations.
Whoo hoo... MSO swag form.
@JeroenVannevel putStrLn "Hello world"
No more excuses :>
@SuperBiasedMan Ah yes, sorry. I don't do jokes.
@JeroenVannevel But you're from Belgium, so jokes on you!
@rolfl no kidding ?
Sticks and stones may break my bonus but Dutch people will never faze me
Oh I got a swag email too, for the 10 million thingy.
That .... ^^^ me too
Hello. I have a command line program in 7 .java files and occupying 50kB and I would like to get a couple of the classes reviewed. There was a question on meta whether it is ok to split a larger program in several questions, and seems like the consensus is yes; is it?
@coderodde yes
There's 496 lines of code in my Seed method.
And LINQ is everywhere.
Q: Typing excercise app

Stirl021I've been writing a code to improve my Javascript skills. It is very simple app for practise typing. http://jsfiddle.net/stirl021/m5an8gn7/10/ I'm not sure if using global variables at the top of code is a good practicse. I need a feedback and tips how can improve code to achieve more neat code...

Q: Util method for generating an INSERT sql dynamically

luqo33I'm currently building software that: 'talks' to Google Analytics API, fetches data, persists the data to a MySql db. Insertion of data into the db needs to happen automatically - based on the received headers and rows. This is a utility method that I wrote to generate the needed sql: pub...

Q: Calculator using while loop in c#

Madhav Vadaliahere is my code .there is no any error. but i am not getting any output, if i press y or n so please reply me . if u have any suggestion.thank you. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace calculator { cla...

@CaptainObvious @Heslacher I think they do own this code, it's just on an external site.
Sure but it needs to be embedded in the question. Maybe the comment isn't clear enough.
Changed @SuperBiasedMan picked the wrong one :-(
@Heslacher Yeah the close vote makes sense, but from reading the comment I thought you misunderstood their post
@Heslacher Ah, yeah I've done that too.
And Jamal hammered it
@CaptainObvious hammered by Jamal too
Jamal beat me to both of em.
@SuperBiasedMan I would have rejected that suggested edit because the question is on hold.
reopen time
Hey can you actually buy SO swag?
Or can you only be given it?
@Heslacher I approved it just because it would help if the OP also edits in the code from their link.
Only given
Should I not have? Does an accepted edit automatically put it through the reopen queue or something?
@SuperBiasedMan Yes.
An edit does, so I assume an suggested also
Ah, oops. I'll remember that in future then.
From the swag form:
"Zip Code *
You have one. Look at something someone mailed you."
Not a month ago I wouldn't have.
@SuperBiasedMan What form is that?
VTR please
Q: Typing excercise app

Stirl021I've been writing a program to improve my Javascript skills. It's a very simple app for typing practicing. var excercise = "The Battle of Westerplatte was the first battle in the Invasion of Poland and marked the start of the Second World War in Europe. Beginning on September 1, 1939, German...

or not, @Jamal just took all the code out?
@EBrown Filling out for swag stuff because I did something in the 10million event
I just put a link to my Code Review profile in the covering letter for a job application. Wonder how wise that was?
@SuperBiasedMan Interesting. I did it as well (but have no notices).
@JeroenVannevel Its code should be edited/insert by the op only.
@SuperBiasedMan Congrats
@Heslacher That's a stupid pedantic rule
@EBrown What did you do? I posted in the "How did SO help you" meta thread, maybe only that one was emailed about yet
@SuperBiasedMan That's the one I did as well.
@EBrown Oh, weird. ...you checked spam right?
I'm about to.
Q: Is editing code into the question good practice?

Anton GolovSome questions link to the code they want reviewed, which is against site policy. Should one edit the code into the question in these cases? The problem I see is that all content on StackExchange is cc-wiki, which may not correspond to the wishes of the author. This is probably fine when the c...

@JeroenVannevel In Haskell, you don't print the world. You pass it as an argument from one function to the next.
Right. I've decided I really want CR swag when we get it. I only need to rep-cap every day for 3 weeks in a row. How hard could that be?
@Zak Well considering we probably won't get it for a long time, not very.
@Zak ask @janos
@EBrown I'd rather not take the chance. Plus, I'm gonna need to get those privileges at some point anyway :)
TTGH have a nice weekend @all
With all the Haskell's hype in here, I feel like I should learn it
@TopinFrassi If you want to try, I recommend learnyouahaskell.com
I don't hype Haskell, I just make jokes about it. Which is tricky, given lazy evaluation; you don't get the punchline until after you've laughed at it.
Thanks! Very kind of you
I never laid an eye on any functional programming language. I'm not sure I get the difference in fact
One major difference is that there are only constants, functions, parameters, and return values - no variables. But you'll see if you go for it :)
It's a language in which there is no such thing as an assignment. If you can grokk that, everything else will eventually make sense.
@JacobRaihle Well, you need to get the parameters value from somewhere right?
Is there objects in these paradigm?
So everything is just filtered from input down through functions?
Or from the outside world. It does have IO
@TopinFrassi In Scala, yes. In ocaml yes but nobody uses them.
Well correcting my typo made that look confusing.
Q: Finding the floor value in an array

kyleProblem: Given an sorted array of N distinct integers, find floor value of input 'key'. Say, A = {1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10} and key = 7, we should return 6 as outcome. How can I optimize my solution? private static int CalclualteFloorValue(int[] _sortedarray, int l, int r, int key) ...

Q: Logger class for use in other classes

Jamey DThis is a simple Logger class I've written to use in any of my classes that need certain logging. It's working as is but I'm not particularly sure about the safety of the Log function. enum LogLevels { LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL }; class Logger { public: ...

@itsbruce Seems weird. In which scenario would I prefer this over OOP? (If that's a valid question)
In Haskell, you could call some types objects but the only "methods" they have is their constructors.
@TopinFrassi Well, a whole huge category of errors go away if there is no implicit state
@TopinFrassi a lot of functional languages (including haskell) have fancy type systems, but haskell does not have objects in the opposite sense
OOP sense*
Alright, I'll ask differently. In which scenario would I prefer Haskell to Java, for example?
Preference? Matter of taste. A language which lets you express your ideas best is the best for you
@TopinFrassi if you hit your head hard enough, perhaps ;-)
Some languages are simply more expressive than others but in many cases each expresses some things easily and other things not
@itsbruce Yeah I guess. Sometimes, I wonder why there are SO many languages :p
@TopinFrassi Because languages are tools. And have no barriers to entry*
@TopinFrassi There's a parallel to human languages.
@TopinFrassi So that we can have "holy wars".
So, just like with tools, you have a huge number
some are near-universal
some are general, some are incredibly niche
Schleyermacher thought that each language represented a unique way of perceiving and describing the world. That each language had unique concepts which could not accurately be translated into any other.
@Zak some are toys, with a big "no entry" signpost cough BrainFuck cough
The more you tried to translate the literal sense, the more you lost the higher meaning. And vice versa.
Of course, Schleyermacher was German.
So if that is what he said, it isn't what he meant.
My people need me, ttyl
this also applies
user image
I am also needed at the pub, have a nice weekend folks.
Darn, the pub. I wish I could work from a pub
On fridays
I think the problem that I have is that I have little to no experience in languages that aren't C# and java. And since they are (almost) the same, I feel like all languages are the same
Try some XSLT2
Nope, alright, I also had to learn XSLT in my programming classes
Never touched an XML file since
Q: Binary Bayes network classifier in Java - Part I

coderoddeI was working on the binary Bayesian network classifier I asked about earlier. TERMINOLOGY We are given a directed acyclic graph (dag) \$G = (V, A)\$, where \$V\$ is the set of nodes and \$A \subseteq V \times V\$ is the set of directed arcs, and a weight function \$p \colon V \to [0, 1]\$. For...

@SimonForsberg You around?
@TopinFrassi app.config and web.config are XML...
@Mat'sMug Touché. I meant, I didn't need to use any programming skills in order to manipulate XML
@Mat'sMug Do you remember the information for setting up Duga to report on repositories?
repo settings > webhooks & services > add webhook > enter payload url
@Mat'sMug Right, but I don't remember the payload url...lol
where 123456 is the chatroom id
I think I'll wait for Simon, I don't know if Duga is Bitbucket-compatible.
hmm I doubt it, but I have no idea really.
It looks like Bitbucket uses the same stuff that GitHub does.
heck, if the API is the same, might as well try
I don't want to break anything...lol
I'll just set one up quick, and then log what the payloads look like.
Q: Binary Bayes network classifier in Java - Part II

coderoddeThis is the continuation of Binary Bayes network classifier in Java - Part I. Please refer to the first part for description of the problem this software attempts to solve. This question presents the actual algorithm implementation. BayesNetworkClassifier.java: package net.coderodde.ai.bayesi...

You know, when companies need critical infrastructure, @Jeroen, they often make good decisions, but also make bad decisions. Of interest, recently, a company needed to implement a system for managing the networking of a really large complicated cloud-based system.... Guess the company, and guess the solution ..... hint here
Now, to decide whether it was a good one, or a bad one ;-)
@CaptainObvious Please refer to the first part for description of the problem this software attempts to solve. ...not really.
> The Azure Cloud Switch (ACS) is our foray into building our own software for running network devices like switches. It is a cross-platform modular operating system for data center networking built on Linux. ACS allows us to debug, fix, and test software bugs much faster. It also allows us the flexibility to scale down the software and develop features that are required for our datacenter and our networking needs.
> ACS allows us to debug, fix, and test software bugs much faster.
^^^ hehehe.... I guess it will be busy
Good Guy Microsoft: uses the best tool for the job even if it's a competing service
they're really commendable
You're right..... it is commendable, I am impressed they used it, and more impressed that they released that information too.
I wonder what the conspiracy theorists think of that one...
@rolfl That's ironic
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Pre-commit hook: some are more equal than others
@CommitStrip the last two lines look like garbage
> how can I improve this code?
for (;;) {
Don't worry, the code will not run forever
how is a for(;;) loop even defendable?
It ends when the PC is shutdown
it looks like a sad loop, shedding tears
I felt kinda blue when I wrote that... while (true) seems just... too happy...
This sounds like the question for the Code Review Stack Exchange and you should show your code. — rschmidt 54 secs ago
@rschmidt this will take quite a lot of work to be suitable for Code Review SE. The poster should read the help pages and follow well. — janos 33 secs ago
am I a mean mug here?
> The method has outrageous cyclomatic complexity, is breaking SRP by design, and is poorly named - granted, naming a method that's doing 4 things is certainly a hard thing to do.
Without the context I don't know :D
A: Binary Bayes network classifier in Java - Part I

Mat's MugI like comments. I like Javadoc. But comments that say what are suspicious - good comments say why, not what. Given self-explanatory code, Javadoc on private members is overkill: you have Javadoc everywhere, and it's distracting. /** * This method implements the actual REPL (Read, Evaluate, ...

a quickie really.. no time for more. gotta work :)
got accepted quickie too :)
That checkmark is premature - I merely scratched the surface here, I'm sure another reviewer will come along and give a more in-depth review. — Mat's Mug ♦ 12 secs ago
@Mat'sMug not mean, seems perfectly justified to me
@Mat'sMug he might not notice that
@Mat'sMug You're just another mug in the cupboard?
@janos hmm true
moved to the question
With a bit of imagination this could look like an ASCII-art elephant face -> hilarious
Or some yet-to-be-discovered alien emoticon.
@Mat'sMug by move, you mean delete and re-create, or you have some ninja moves for that?
delete and re-create. good ol' copy+paste :)
@Mat'sMug SRP? Suggested Retail Price?
@Phrancis you're joking right?
(you're right to point out that it would be good to clarify)
@janos I don't know what SRP means in the context used above
@Mat'sMug in C #define ever (;;) for ever {puts("Hello");}
@Phrancis It's the good old Double Responsibility Principle
@Phrancis edited
Socially Responsible Programming
^ kinda true also
anyway, gotta go, have a nice evening all
See ya!
Code Review caused a cycle of computer upgrades for me today.....
@rolfl .....and those computer upgrades caused a cycle of code reviews?
Well, lets just say I now have latest Java, Eclipse, and other software installed.
@skiwi that's bound to end up on Stack Overflow.......
Also, this is probably too complicated of an answer, but it's what the user needs: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/105046/31503 I doubt anyone but him, if I am lucky, will understand it.
Oh, I was thinking hardware upgrades
Well, that's now in the cards too...
I tried the new .Net Core on OSX whateverthenewversionis yesterday. It felt like christmas
@Mat'sMug The joke about the elephant ASCII art might be a little too much. (Very funny, but idk how I'd react if that was my code)
@TopinFrassi you're right.. especially with that diamond next to my name. removed.
@Mat'sMug Gotta be careful with those diamonds man
@TopinFrassi stop, you'll make me want to buy an iThing
@Mat'sMug Ahah, it gives me the opportunity to live the birth of the .net framework, which I missed the first time because.... I was probably playing legos at that time
I played with legos yesterday
For educational purposes
@Mat'sMug The focus is that the review is good :) But I feel like joking about someone's code is the same as joking about someone having trouble speaking a foreign language!
I wrote a fully non-bloated typing exerciser with GUI in 20 lines, I like it.
But it's removed, so no problems there! :p
@skiwi "Educational" :p
For some values of "educational"
I'm not even kidding!
I am thinking about putting it up for review but I fear that reviewers will suggest me to bloat it (e.g. make a constant for a value used only three times, make a class, avoid points['text'] = "Score: " + str(int(points['text'].split(': ')[-1]) + 1) and so on...)
Do you know a way, in the C# language, to auto matically magically set the corresponding properties of a base class to a child class without needing to write them all one by one?
damn.. dem strikes don't wanna work with me
@TopinFrassi I should probably tell the full story, but the implied story here is much more fun
@skiwi Indeed :p
@TopinFrassi example?
1.5sec is the best I can do
<-- PM material
Forget the fact that it doesn't compile and all (lol0
You'll have to specify it once though
You use reflection if you're kinky
@JeroenVannevel always goes for reflection
@skiwi Yeeaahh, I thought about it. But it's a good plan to get killed by my coworkers ahah
Then you're left with a cctor
I would've used Automapper (the nugget package), but idk how the team feels it. I'm new here, I don't want to bring all the packages I know in the project ahha
@JeroenVannevel :(
That's what I thought, but who knows, maybe a trick existed
@TopinFrassi nugget? :p
@ARedHerring Nuget... ahah
oh okay nevermind. Yeah, cctor or a Clone() method. Same idea
Yeah, I'm stuck with writing the 30 properties, darn
You can also generate the code
but then you have to use T4 and a partial class
Which might be slight overkill
Statements.PrintGreeting() - throw ObjectNotInitialized exception.
Apparently Bitbucket doesn't send any details for an event when the event occurs, or IIS is borked.
Ugh, and I can't run the debugger on it either :(
Oh nevermind, now it's sending it.
This is quite funny lol, but the reason may not be appereant to you
Q: Offer letter, ___and___ rejection letter: Which should I believe?

keshlamPosting this as self-answered, in case anyone ever runs into it: After my interview with [insert large company of your choice; in my case IBM], I received a call telling me that I was being offered employment, followed by a written offer ... followed two days later by a letter thanking me for in...

To lazy to create a meme anyway
But the user posts a Q&A, then other answers get more upvotes :D

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