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There are 1516 unanswered questions (94.3898% answered)
Q: Is OOP better for portability?

Geoffrey HaleI found the suggestion that OOP is better for portability in an answer to a question on stackoverflow about advantages of object oriented php. I haven't been able to find anything that supports that claim one way or the other. I was told Code Review is the best Stack Exchange site for opinionat...

@ Anyone is MD5 pretty good for byte hash?
It seems popular.
I don't know the slightest thing, except that I've seen it referenced in a lot of places.
byte hash to do what?
god bye
@JeroenVannevel passwords for benign application
use something funky like bcrypt or aes or some other thing I don't know anything about
md5 is 10 years outdated already
Oh. Alright I'll look into it
Promotion & raise today.
@nhgrif didn't you just join them?
I'm sure java.security.MessageDigest has a bunch of other options, MD5 just seemed like the most widely used
@nhgrif Congratulations!
@nhgrif nice! congrats!
@nhgrif Nice!
Yes. June 1 was my first day. I haven't had my first review yet (@ 6 months), which will also have a raise.
Sure you deserve it. ;D
nice work
What position type are you getting promoted into?
(if that's not too personal)
Metova doesn't really have positions like normal companies. My title will go from "developer" to "lead developer"
I was already the iOS lead on the $4.6mil contract we have.
so, by Christmas you'll go from "lead developer" to "development manager, iOS"?
and then, Chief Technical Officer by 2017
But my added responsibility is something along the lines of developer retention--making sure my comrades are happy with their company/project/platform/etc
so you bring the doughnuts on Fridays then
More like, I do what I can to make sure people are working on projects/platforms/etc that they are happy with, and if not, try to get it fixed
I maintained shitty VB6 code for a whole year and a half with doughnut Fridays as an incentive
I think you just secretly like maintaining all things VB and just using doughnuts as an excuse ;)
And I will be doing everything in my power to avoid going to a management position.
^^ that's what I wanted to read :)
Ew, management
live 2 code / dev 4 life
Also, it seems we are hiring non-Americans now and I know we need at least one .NET dev...
So, you can email me your resume
you're kidding
offsite remote .net dev?
Maybe... We prefer onsite but I can inquire if you email me your resume
I'm getting my passport done (never had one)
what's the payscale?
meh.. "depends" I guess
you see my problem is that I'm making a very very decent salary, without any certs or even any completed school beyond high school
changing jobs is almost guaranteed to mean taking a hit
Well, all this has me thinking, if you all don't mind the interjection.
Going to be looking for internships for the summer, any advice?
@Legato In Canada?
No, but I'd totally go to Canada for one, heh.
I don't know that process well enough.
@Mat'sMug send me an email
I'd rather not use mod privs to look that up - who@where? ;-)
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on a code review site. — Mad Physicist 7 secs ago
It's on my website
ah, of course!
Hmm, we have Cardshifter now to a point where I actually feel pretty good inviting people to play.
@Phrancis Got the new version up?
Anyone who wants to try it, play.cardshifter.com (choose the dwarftowers server) I'm in the chat room there if you want to try :)
Alright @Hosch250 it's on! Just ping me if you have questions, I realize the in-game chat goes away when you start a game (will fix that later)
Picking my deck.
Programming language family tree v1.0
Any suggestions for improvement are welcome
Inspired by some chat conversation from ages ago.
You missed Objective-C & Swift
Uh-huh. They're going to be the rich kids from next door in v2.0.
Visual Studio 2015 allows you to build native iOS apps in C#.
If this code works you probably want to post it on codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — Blastfurnace 8 secs ago
Q: Setting the smallest number so far from user input

CoopTangI'm trying to teach myself C++ from Stroustrup's Principles and Practice Using C++ (second edition) and I've gotten to the drill in chapter 4. The problem tells me to make a program that takes in a number with a unit of either feet, inches, meters, and centimeters, as well as log the largest and ...

Stupid Microsoft, wants me to use TFS.
@EthanBierlein telling VS to default to git is pretty simple
Yeah, I know.
It's just annoying how it selects TFS by default.
@EthanBierlein You can change that. I did.
Man, I'm loving these new Python tools for VS.
You can do Python in VS?
And it's amazing so far
Let me get a scrshot
I got VS on my work PC, maybe I can look that up. Can you do Java in VS? (probably not)
You can do Java in VS, I believe. You do have to install an external extension online though.
You guys want to see something sexy?
The PR that introduces local functions for C# 7 (made by an intern, nonetheless!)
I'm not convinced about the use of these things but it's really sexy to watch
@JeroenVannevel but.... why???
more like nested functions
essentially, subroutines
it's backward
it's like GoSub DoSomething
There are a few applications though
    Foo[] GetFoos(Whatever a)
        IEnumerable<Foo> result() // iterator local function
            yield return a.First;
            yield return a.Last;

        return result().ToArray();
Hey guys, I found something crazy:
This guy has the same first name as me, and he's the same age
Recursion is also helped by it, I believe
And validation in async methods (I believe that was the scenario) because otherwise the exceptions would be thrown in a different synchronization context. Something like that
@EthanBierlein Time for some statistics courses for you
Time for me to wave my magic wand and disappear before I get destroyed.
@EthanBierlein when I was 8 or 9, there were 4 Mathieu's in my class, and 3 Julie's
There were 6 Ethan's in my preschool.
I was referred to as "Ethan Bie"
Which sucked
I like the diligence of these tests. They're thorough
@JeroenVannevel I'm having some serious problems with my Roslyn fork, mind if I ask you a couple questions?
Saying things often does not make it true....
very true
@Hosch250 You can but when I forked Roslyn I never even got it to build
That's my problem.
I can't even get the tests to run.
I can't even find the tests.
Don't get your hopes up.
But, thanks for the info, I'll just work away until it looks right.
That's somewhere in the wiki. They're a separate solution
But I recall a github issue.. let me search
They let the users test things there, right?
@rolfl I see them in the project as [Fact]s.
The test runner doesn't see them.
They are using XUnit, and there are lots of tests.
OK, thanks.
May I suggest [codereview]? There's a whole site for what you're looking for. :) (Welcome to Stack Overflow, by the way!) — Nate Barbettini 8 secs ago
Did I miss a night-fest?
I don't even know who is going to bed and who isn't.
I'm not (yet)
Here is some code to get people here awakened:
UserDocument(String userName, String passwordHash, Date dateCreated = new Date()) {
    this.userName = userName
    this.passwordHash = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(passwordHash.bytes).encodeHex().toString()
    this.dateCreated = dateCreated
static DBCollection usersCollection() {
    def usersCollection = new CardshifterDB()
@Phrancis You were told not to use MD5.
I haven't fixed that yet, bear with me ;p
This code lives on my computer, so no one will get hurt by MD5 yet
I'm not even sure anyone would care to know what 529ca92615658a6fcceb114c521726a1 is supposed to be anyways after hashing it
I just beat AI fighter with Mythos.
Nice! Fighter can be tough
I think the main problem with Mythos right now is that too many cards have effects, it's really hard to keep track
I like all those effects.
Who is FigTree?
(just got an invite)
Oh, that is me.
I just typed something in, and it turned out to be that.
I got Roslyn building after unloading three projects. How can I run an XUnit Fact method with the unit tests?
OK, I've got to go. See you.
And when I think about it, a lot of "things I want to do" are just learning about and discussing new tools for tinkering with the chain.
Q: Producer-Consumer in C++

T145This is my first experimentation with the producer-consumer problem (and thread manipulation in general), so any feedback on taboos and fixes is greatly appreciated! #include <condition_variable> std::condition_variable cv; #include <iostream> #include <random> #include <mutex> std::mutex mtx;...

Q: state machine in c - implementation

cslrnrI have written a simple state machine in c , comments ,feedback are welcome #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef enum Event { eEVENT_X, eEVENT_Y, eEVENT_Z, }Event; typedef enum States { eSTATE_X, eSTATE_Y, eSTATE_Z }States; int e = eEVENT_X; int s = eSTATE_...

Installed XUnit runner, tests are being found.
@TimBiegeleisen Interestingly enough, the two libraries I used here are also used in the solutions in Cracking the Code Review. So I am going to make an assumption they're going to work (I can be totally wrong though). — theGreenCabbage 1 min ago
Ugh, build stopped working, and I can't run my test.
Q: C++ Open Source Logger

SerdalisI couldn't find a lite logging tool that worked the way I wanted so I made one myself with the main requirements of: Auto-Rotating Log files based on day of week. Asynchronous Multi-Threaded Logging. Ability to find actual .exe path even when used in a DLL loaded by another program. Lite and Ea...

Q: Red-Black Tree (2-3-4 node tree) map implementation

MAGSo here is an implementation of a red black tree that I made. I am pretty sure its working fine though I may have overlook something. So my question is how can I improve it in any way possible. Thanks. Interface: #include <functional> #include <utility> #include <iostream> #include <stack> t...

Q: Is't possible rewrite to single pipeline by using Data flow blocks

Dmitriy SosunovGood day, I have a number of messages with payload as a list of items. My goal is to transform the message payload without losing the relation between the message and payloads. The question: Is't possible rewrite the code to single pipeline without creation an instance of nested pipeline for e...

monking @all
possible answer invalidation by kJo on question by kJo: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/104953/revisions
be carefull with foreach against normal for, normal for is faster then foreach, so that can be reason to choose it. — chillworld 30 secs ago
Q: DavidWebb on Android getting main thread exception although not on main thread

Cloak N DaggerHmm. I seem to be getting a main thread exception using DavidWebb: final boolean b = new Handler().postDelayed( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (register(name, email, password)) { onSignupSucc...

Q: Efficient Method for loop Itetration

Sujith KarivelilI have choose two options for loop through files in a directory, let me know which one is Efficient(in Speed/memory Conception/ GC). following are the two options: Option 1:(collect the file name in an array and loop through it) Dim fileEntries As String() = Directory.GetFiles(targetDirectory...

possible answer invalidation by kJo on question by kJo: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/104953/revisions
Q: Project Euler #3 Largest prime factor

CodeYogiGiven The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? Solution def max_factor(num): """Find the maximum prime factor.""" factor = 2 while factor * factor <= num: while num % factor == 0: num ...

@Rustam very intelligent sarcasm ;) Everybody: maybe I'm not "trendy" but best "tool" is critical code review — Jacek Cz 40 secs ago
2 hours later…
It seems that your code currently works, and you are looking to improve it. Generally these questions are too opinionated for this site, but you might find better luck at CodeReview.SE. Remember to read their question requirements as they are more strict than this site. — Kyll 11 secs ago
Optimisation questions are, I would imagine, be better suited to CodeReviewExchangePaulie_D 38 secs ago
There is no construct that will help with this. There are various tooled approaches, as others have mentioned. I personally would favour code review, backed up by a tool-generated warning or error. — Adam Houldsworth 29 secs ago
monking @all
Q: Bootstrap Modal View & Youtube Video

Tahsin Çağrı ZorkolI'm using bootstrap modal view and youtube video with iframe code. I've a problem about that. First of all modal shold open when browser is loading and It's ok. I did this. But modal should close automaticly after user watch youtube video. how can i do this? ex: http://jsfiddle.net/tombulta...

> Trolling company schooled by Newegg over “shopping cart” patent sues its own attorneys
Some company sued its own attorneys
Who would take that job
Worldbuilding.SE has some of the odder titles:
Q: How to enforce a Ban on Vegetarianism

MedwedianPresident2Let's say that Vegetarianism is banned in my country and meat eating is mandatory. The technology is modern. Stuff like Tofu, Quorn and other things that can make vegetarianism more popular are banned and considered contraband drugs. The punishments are the following (but differ by region, somet...

Worldbuilding.E is k ind of... odd
Q: Android - set of weak references

PS glassIn my Android app I have a singleton TimeTicker class which contains Set declared as follows: private Set<TimeTickerListener> mObservers = Collections.newSetFromMap(new WeakHashMap<TimeTickerListener, Boolean>()); TimeTickerListener is simple interface, which looks like this: public interface...

Q: Refining and improving a menu toggle method?

stylerI've just created a method that toggles menu visibility. At the moment I've gone with an if..else which checks my flag and acts appropriately. Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to make this snippet better? Maybe it shouldn't all live in the same snippet? Maybe I should be combining the show...

Q: Generic domain independent Monte Carlo Tree Search methods library

nejc92I've developed this small generic library for the purpose of my Bachelor’s thesis. It's fully functional and unit tested and I want to get as many opinions as possible regarding overall code quality (readability, naming, "architecture", coupling, cohesion, etc.). Suggestions on how I could improv...

Hello people.
My brain hurts. Last night was annual company outing into London. Followed by dinner and an open bar. I am ever so slightly hungover
Ah, open bar. Truly the pinnacle of civilisation.
One thing I have established above all else, is that the Financial industry takes its hospitality very seriously.
@Zak and paycheques, or so i hear
@ARedHerring very much depends where / what you're doing
can somebody tell me why the crap a router would block Network Shares without any chance to enable them?
"Outgoing ports 445 and 139 are blocked. You should configure your programs to Access more secure protocols like VPN, HTTPS or SFTP"...
and two Firmware Versions later they expose a Checkbox in the configuration....
Q: Get multiple minimal number from array

itxI have script for get three values (minimal numbers) from array : $(document).ready(function(){ var _array = [1,2,3,4]; var save = 0; var _new_array = []; var nearDistance = []; $.each(new Array(3),function(n){ if (_new_array.length < 1){ save = Math.min.a...

Ya I agree, I am having hard time doing project Euler. But I want to improve my programming and logic abilities. Please let me know if you know the path to follow. — CodeYogi 5 mins ago
I'm a bit confused by what this person was asking, I thought I already did offer a 'path to follow'.
<cynicism>People are incredible morons. Don't try to make sense of the nonsensical</cynicism>
Maybe, I'm presuming English isn't their first language though cause of their odd phrasing. I'm mostly curious what they were trying to say really.
want more cynicism?
I'm really in the mood right now :D
they probably just want to help Vamp you dry
oh I should've cynicism-marked that
possible answer invalidation by CodeYogi on question by CodeYogi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/104997/revisions
@SverriM.Olsen I did go through some examples but I just couldn't figure it out on my own. codereview.stackexchange.com/a/37132Kill Bill 30 secs ago
inb4 junk..
@Vogel612 Oh yeah, quite possible. They've posted a bunch of questions on CR lately so they're definitely thirsty for help.
Q: passing facebook LoginButton object into another activity in android

rohanhow can i pass the LoginButton object provided by facebook sdk4.1 to another activity in android and how can i reccive it in the destination activity

Greetings, Programs.
Greetings, Scala wizard.
I am but an egg.
I have ramen and it is incredibly salty
I think i am getting my daily dose of salt here
@Donald.McLean Big-endian or little-endian?
@itsbruce I don't recall that either of the books give a shape for the eggs.
If only the Lilliputians and Blefuscans had seen it that way
@itsbruce Wrong book.
Oh, you meant the one about the talking horses? True. Don't think they even ate eggs.
Let alone grokk them.
    The 2^x bases have some really cool relations to binary, look this table to figure out:

0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 10 2 2 2 2
3 11 3 3 3 3
4 100 10 4 4 4
5 101 11 5 5 5
6 110 12 6 6 6
7 111 13 7 7 7
8 1000 20 10 8 8
9 1001 21 11 9 9
10 1010 22 12 a a
11 1011 23 13 b b
12 1100 30 14 c c
13 1101 31 15 d d
14 1110 32 16 e e
15 1111 33 17 f f
16 10000 100 20 10 g

Q: C++ basic Linux daemon

AJefferissTo help me relearn C++ I'm looking at writing a simple proxy. At the moment I've got a logger, command line argument parse and simple daemon (it does nothing beyond log). Next I'll be looking at starting the network related work, but before that I wanted to get a review to see if there's anything...

@itsbruce That's the right book. :-) (or Red Planet)
the fact is, if you take groups of log2(base) and translate them to decimal and concat them you got a number in base base
well I am going biking now, bye
Good morning
Or evening
Or night
It seems that your code currently works, and you are looking to improve it. Generally these questions are too opinionated for this site, but you might find better luck at CodeReview.SE. Remember to read their question requirements as they are more strict than this site. — Kyll 16 secs ago
Or whatever
Or wherever
Or whenever
don't you dare start spamming
I would never do such a thing
possible answer invalidation by rookie on question by rookie: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/104752/revisions
What is that, the fifth time that user has invalidated answers?
Ah, looks like someone has taken care of it
I have rolled back the last edit. Please see what you may and may not do after receiving answers. — Heslacher 4 mins ago
anyone else use BitBucket other than @Ebrown?
Q: every so often my code randomly hits and array bounds error. recursive binary search in java

Steven Barbrahow do i prevent the random error that i keep running in to. im really unsure. also im trying to increment numcalls as a counter to count how manny times the recursive call... is called. public class Labpart2 { public static int binarySearch(int[] n, int key) { int low = 0; int h...

not for anything I am wokring on right now though...
@CaptainObvious Definitely belongs on SO
@Vogel612 do you like it? do you think it is better than Github?
I like it better wrt. Pull Request reviewing and I like the Option for private repos.
The only advantage BB really has over GitHub is free private repos.
I prefer Githu flavored markdown and the issue tracker on GH
Me too
Hey @Quill
I do like the idea of private repos! what is the limit on them though? is there a limit?
It's night over here btw
2GB, I think
Or maybe 4GB
Not sure
Still, a fair amount though.
What's this in?
my Game may or may not be bigger than 4 gb. depends on the graphics. when I go to 3D it will be bigger for sure!
@Malachi you may want to not actually put the the raw binary data you use into Version control
Why is a private repo so important? I mean, so what if people can see it?
even git is slow when you give it problematic files
@TopinFrassi Would you open-source a commercial website?
@TopinFrassi making Money off of open code is hard :D
Because that's basically what's happening with a non-private repo.
@EBrown Seems legit.
@Vogel612 I am going to hopefully have a home NAS Server eventually.
@TopinFrassi the game I am making, I want to sell it
I put a lot of work into that game already, and there is going to be a lot more going into it.
@Malachi I am not sure whether a home NAS is a great place to store your git stuff on
on a related note, you loose out on the cool UI from github.
@Vogel612 I was talking about my game
@Malachi Yeah I understand, you wouldn't want someone stealing your code. I have that bad habit of still believing the world is full of nice people. :p
@Malachi yes. Versioned with git, right?
Q: a cmake module that improves upon CheckLibrariesExists

Joachim WuttkeThe following module AssertLibraryFunction improves upon CheckLibrariesExists in two respects: It honors the optional argument REQUIRED of find_package: if the check fails, it raises a FATAL_ERROR. It also honors QUIET. Its result is cached in a variable named ${LIBNAME}_${FUNCTION}. Therefore,...

Version-controlled.. RIGHT?
@Vogel612 I think it might be locally
I would back up the source like once a week to the NAS. maybe not the version controlled stuff...IDK, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. I have a lot going on right now
I put in my 2 weeks on Wednesday, close on my house on October 2nd, and then drive to Tennessee and then....
Q: use QSqlQuery::bindValue() for variable number of placeholders?

WimI am familiar with the simple use of QSqlQuery::prepare() and QSqlQuery::bindValue() as in: QSqlQuery query; query.prepare("SELECT name, address FROM members WHERE id = :id"); query.bindValue(":id", member_id); query.exec(); In this scenario I show a list of people (members) to the user, all w...

half an hour for 130 MB ... hrmph.
If it's working code, you may wish to ask over at Code Review... — Mike McCaughan 49 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.com. — icza 53 secs ago
Q: Is there anyway I could remove duplicate these two methods have?

Please TeachI have many different methods like ones below, but is there way I could improve them and remove duplicate code ? public static ADUser Load(string userName) { using (PrincipalContext pc = MyUtilities.GetPrincipalContext()) using (UserPrincipalExtension user = UserPrincipal...

Woo :)
2.16Million files, 670k filter matches, almost exactly 3 hours and no crashes.
And now onto step 3: Profit ^^
Q: Create a Tree Node from JavaScript Array

KyleMitI'm trying to create a list of subpaths from a flattened array. Here's the starting point: var flat = [ {path: "/" }, {path: "A" }, {path: "A.A"}, {path: "A.B"}, {path: "A.C"}, {path: "B" }, {path: "C" } ] The goal is that anything under a parent would be a subpath of that. ...

Q: insert and attach tag to the post in same time

MohammadIm begginer in laravel I create a form with title , body and tag input and there are 3 tables : posts , tags and post_tag now I use this function to add new tags and attach them to the post postcontroller.php public function store(Request $request) { $input = $request->all(); /...

> "If you want a Code Review, then post a question asking for a Code Review"
You wouldn't think we'd have to tell people that
To be fair, people don't go to Stack Overflow to ask for a Stack Overflow
your question might a good fit for codereview.SEJ.F. Sebastian 31 secs ago
American baseball plays every night? Not just once a week?
@JeroenVannevel I believe they play more than once a week, but not every nights
I see
I think I'll go watch the Red Sox then
They play the "Rays" 4 days in a row?
What kind of weird sport is this
I just had to take an English language test for my internship
level C2 baby
> You can understand with ease, virtually everything heard or read and differentiate finer shades of meaning.
If that's C2, what is A???!?
.. C2 is highest
You're in the USA for an internship? That's kinda cool
Oh... lol
passing stuff off would be so much easier if I had all my notes in one spot...
I thought it went the other way around
No, I'm going to Boston tomorrow for a week. After that I'm doing my internship in Barcelona
Oh alright! I've heard Boston is a very beautiful city, though I never went there.
I wasn't aware of codereview.SE, but will certainly post this type of question there in the future so thanks for letting me know about it! — Steve 43 secs ago
Yeah let's hope so. I'm ready to do some whale watching
Ooh! Whale watching?
If you have the opportunity, go see our side of the sea. It's quite cool and not THAT far from Boston.
I started typing that before seeing your post. :p I guess whale watching is near the sea.. ahah
I went whale watching in San Diego once. Didn't see any whales. Saw the pacific ocean though. It was still nice.
Yeah, there's some old amphibious boat tour, whale watching and running next to the waterfront I intend on doing

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