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@CaptainObvious up here
@Zak You were featured on @RubberDuck's blog: christopherjmcclellan.wordpress.com/2015/08/23/…
@SadiaF Maybe you could post a more complete, and working example of your code at codereview.stackexchange.com with the Fortran tag. Code Review is dedicated to code improvements. Note, you do not need to stick to F77, even if other parts of the code are F77. For practical purposes F77 is a subset of F90, which means your code base is probably as well valid F90 code as it is F77. As mentioned above, we basically only have F90 compilers now, F77 compatibility is a moot point. You should not feel yourself restricted by it when writing new code or reworking existing parts. — haraldkl 38 secs ago
I wonder if I could publish my papers online.
Somewhere where someone can't steal them for something (plagiarize them for their own assignments, for example), but where people can read them.
Some of them were highly praised by my professors.
Oh, I guess I should take this to Acedemia, or something.
@Mat'sMug I sent a connect invitation to you.
Oh, thanks, @Mat'sMug.
@rolfl I sent you a connection request too.
I suppose I should stop using this chat for managing LinkedIn networks...
I suppose, yes ;-)
I think this is it now. I'll post a picture tomorrow.
@Mat'sMug Can you help me with an SE question?
SE is the only place I use this email at.
I've been trying to change it to my main email, but I can't figure out how.
Is it possible?
can you edit your email here and save?
Yeah, but that isn't my sign-in email.
I'm still using [email protected]
hold on
possible answer invalidation by Dan Jones on question by Dan Jones: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/104482/revisions
@Duga I see you have an update.
Q: C++ Doubly Circular Linked Implementation

Dom FarolinoI made this C++ doubly circular linked list implementation and it seems to work right, handle everything well, and not have any errors however I've been working with it for a while and would like some fresh eyes to take a look and see if I am missing anything large or my code contains any 'gotcha...

Q: C++ Doubly Linked List Implementation

Dom FarolinoI made this C++ doubly linked list implementation and it seems to work right, handle everything well, and not have any errors however I've been working with it for a while and would like some fresh eyes to take a look and see if I am missing anything large or my code contains any 'gotchas'. Side...

I'm going to bed. See you all later.
@CaptainObvious there's a link between these two
possible answer invalidation by Mat's Mug on question by Dan Jones: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/104482/revisions
Networking: Apex PITA.
Lots of issues that don't seem to have anything to do with code. :p
That duga update is legit.
@SimonForsberg Awesome job!
Q: Object Oriented Finite State Machine

JustinI wrote a little library for myself: implementing a generic finite state machine. I will be using this library in class assignments. I clearly have little understanding of C++ templates because most changes I make break it and take around 30 minutes to debug each. So I would like some review esp...

Q: Reading a sequence of characters and dynamically splitting into multiple arrays

Sandeep ChatterjeeI am trying to read a sequence of random characters, integers and symbols from the standard inputstream, split it into 3 separate arrays(uppercase, lowercase and numeric) and print them in that order using standard Java API and JDK7. The code below does the same: BufferedReader bufferedReader ...

1 hour later…
@Duga @SimonForsberg perhaps the rendering on the apostrophe and other potential characters is busted
@Quill seems like that one is XML-Encoded...
Q: Decorator for setting up bracketing rootfinding functions

NasserLooking for comments on the use of decorators for the following problem (validating initial guesses for bracketing rootfinding methods), as well as any other comments you might have on the design below. def bracketing(rootfinder): def wrapper(func, x0, x1, *args, **kwargs): func_x0, ...

Q: Sort function in C++ is giving wrong sort

gb27I have used sort function from algorithm in c++ STL. I have made myfunction to sort a given array according to the function. The question is to give maximum possible number with a given array of numbers. Ex : [9, 3, 30, 5] -> 95330 bool myfunction(int i,int j){ string a=to_string(i); ...

Anyway, shouldn't this question be on Code Review SE? — KemyLand 39 secs ago
Shouldn't this question be moved to CodeReview.SE? — KemyLand 15 secs ago
Wrote an answer here. Check it out. :-)
A: Reading a sequence of characters and dynamically splitting into multiple arrays

ambigram_makerPoints on your code You are specifically asking for help regarding JDK 1.7. I think that you should learn about a better/simpler approach to taking input: using the Scanner class. It was added in JDK 1.5, which can be as an alternative to the BufferedReader approach. Prior to it (i.e. in the ti...

A: Sanitising contact form input for PHPMailer

QuillA few things you can improve on: function Sanitise_Mail($h) { $h = filter_var($h,FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES); // Taken from PEAR Mail $h = preg_replace('=((<CR>|<LF>|0x0A/%0A|0x0D/%0D|\\n|\\r)\S).*=i','',$h); return $h; } You can just directly ret...

@ambigram_maker Why do you suggest the or (||) operator, and then not use it in the refactor
I'm guessing it's because it won't work
Q: My website has big Memory and CPU leaks

lopatait's http://csg0.com/ After 10 min passed on it the Memory used is over 150MB, and after 30 min its goes up to 350MB And it's the same for the CPU usage that is 3% when we go on the site and after 15 min , it's constantly at 20% I have literally no Idea why this behaviour: I always reuse alre...

@Quill Take a look at the OP's code: same line after each if. In my code, the lines are different.
The OP's code:
yeah sorry
was looking at the following code check
feel free to actually post the code in here instead of photos next time
I was looking here:
   if (Character.isLowerCase(character)) {
    } else if (Character.isUpperCase(character)) {
    } else if (Character.isDigit(character)) {
Does copy and paste work for code? Or do we need to indent it or something?
When you paste it in, a button called 'fixed font' should pop up
I guess you probably don't understand lambdas in Java, but are you able to understand what this does?
            .forEach(x -> System.out.print((char) x));
I know what lambdas are
Mission accomplished. (in java i meant)
Well, I can read it, and I've written quite a few in C#
and I know how they work
is that indentation normal? the 'double' indentation
Are they very different? I think not.
or is it just a product of the chat
Copy paste error.
Can't edit it now. damn.
1) there is no loop. 2) it works, so you may want to ask this at codereview.stackexchange.com instead — Jaromanda X just now
after 3 minutes you can't edit
I know. BTW... how can you get the link to a comment?
There's no share option
Click on the timestamp
then the link in the url box should have a #comment attached to it
Got it....
drag and drop the timestamp in here
that works just as well
@ambigram_maker you are aware that String#chars (or more accurately CharacterSequence#chars) returns an IntStream?
I'm not sure you can actually call Character functions on that.....
also your java8 approach iterates the Sequence three times instead of once... It might be possible to work something out with a grouping collector....
@Vogel612 probably, that's why the tedious lambda x -> System.out.print(char) x) at the end instead of the simple System.out::println which would print out ints instead of chars
hmm. you could avoid that with a mapToObj or map in between...
btw. parens are unbalanced.
my bad, deleted too many from the original, which had an unnecessary extra pair
@Quill "you know what, maybe they deserve to take our money from us..." <- true that
@Quill certainly looks like it. But that's a bit too minor for me to care about at the moment.
@SimonForsberg perhaps a nice Pull Request idea for @Quill
@janos I don't do Java, so it would be a issue, but:
in Cardshifter TCG, 18 hours ago, by Duga
[Zomis/Duga] Zomis pushed commit 8ab7a907 to develop: Add more details to the possible answer invalidation message
@janos or a nice pull request by anyone ;)
@Quill nah, wouldn't really be an issue. I have faith in you :)
don't mind me, just a thought
I really don't do Java, JAVA at best
pull requests are a good way to learn. You propose JAVA, Simon comments what's wrong, fix & push, and it becomes Java
not doing Java, yet, might be a minor hurdle, but an "issue"? nah
I'd really rather have the pull request go like this: bug fix -> merge -> 'thanks' comment recieved
but thanks for the faith
this is our workflow at work btw
it's not rare that my juniors can point out improvements in my code
pull requests without comments and corrections are a bit suspicious
I was/am one of a three~four team
so it wasn't 'improvements' I was doing, it was just new stuff
how many of you do code reviews in real life?
Q: Get network interfaces on Linux

Jean Nassar#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Get a list of network interfaces on Linux. This code is compatible with Python versions 2 and 3. """ from collections import namedtuple import re import subprocess def get_interfaces(external=False, ip=False): """ Get a list of network...

it has awesome benefits such as bug catching, team building, knowledge sharing, mentoring
sounds like the elevator pitch for... this website!
code review in real life works a bit differently though
it's iterative, and the reviewer acts as a gatekeeper, asking the author for improvements until the branch is good enough for merging
and the code reviewed is often not new code, but changesets
@janos I hope to do it at my new job. I hope they practice code reviews already, if not then I will try to introduce it after working there a while.
@SimonForsberg it's been a long uphill struggle for me
We don't at work.....
my workplace is not quite there yet, but we're getting there
we're only doing this in the teams I'm involved
getting a new team on board with code reviews is usually excruciating
I've been fighting for a code guidelines document
the usual excuse is "we don't have time", to which the answer is that "actually you do, thanks to the massive time saved by bugs prevented"
several studies show that code reviews are highly effective at preventing bugs
@Quill nothing helps enforcing guidelines better than a code review process
the guidelines should be that all code must hit the review process and get reviewed to the standards defined by the workplace before it can become live
there's so many rollbacks otherwise
Maybe you should ask the code reviewing team. — Juhana 37 secs ago
So... when do we start a company consisting of CR people? ;-)
Q: What's wrong with my CodeEval LongestLines solution

Ross DrewSo, I did the CodeEval 'Longest Lines' problem and it works fine for any input data I can devise. When I upload it to CodeEval, it says it's wrong. Because it's a "moderate" problem, input data is not provided. After some System.out.println nonsense I got the test data, and my solution seems t...

If your code review team tells you that your code is not efficient, why don't you ask them what part can be improved, because the code you've shown is very likely not what they were referring to. — Andreas 36 secs ago
@janos I haven't pushed the issue yet, but CRs are something I want to get in place for my team. Gated checkins FTW.
I don't like that nobody sees my code before it goes into prod. Makes me nervous.
Worse, nobody sees my coworker's code before it goes into prod... He's not as good as everyone seems to think he is.
@skiwi as soon as you learn how to ship mate. =;)-
@RubberDuck hmm.. I used to think that of my senior coworker for the first 4 months,too
then he tracked down a nigh-irreproducible bug through the garbage code I worked on
and I was enlightened
This guy is by no means senior @Vogel612. He should be by now, but sadly isn't.
He's been doing this about 5 years and still doesn't grasp inheritance well.
that may be true, but that doesn't mean he isn't good at something
Oh. No. Not at all.
sure it's a serious pain to work on code that fails inheritance or systematically makes the same mistakes
He's a very in depth understanding of the business.
but at some point you might realize that writing awesome code is not all that's necessary
Already do. Please see ^^
But on the flip side of that, he's making a lot of mistakes that he doesn't know he's making. Without CRs, I've little chance to teach him.
for that to happen you must make this as painless as possible for him...
I know. Haven't figured out how yet.
I insisted on getting my code reviewed by the senior
He's eager at least.
and when he found something that didn't fit he asked me about it
and we learned from each other.
Jul 7 '14 at 19:42, by skiwi
We should all just form a company and start coding properly.
I think that is the easiest way to change a mindset at the workplace
@skiwi seems like we haven't done so in the previous year at least...
That's where I'd like to be.
that would be pretty awesome
@SimonForsberg hmm.. so what would we be doing?
selling CC-BY-SA code?
there could be rebecca black start playing at 5pm on fridays
@Vogel612 absolutely no idea. Ask @skiwi.
If anyone comes up with a profitable idea, I'm in. =;)-
Right now I'll settle for improving the processes & codebase where I am.
sounds like a good plan :)
So, has anyone gone through no CRs @ work to doing them? I'd be interested in hearing how you made it happen.
writing a confluence like program for code reviews would be good
@RubberDuck @janos was talking about that earlier, with the context of his workplace, he may be able to elaborate for you
@Quill a tool won't help you make the mentality happen
I suppose
@Quill so like Confluence/JIRA/YouTrack/Phabricator/etc?
No point in doing what's already done if you have nothing special to add
something like that, and yeah
there's always IDE plugins that suggest improvements... oh wait ;-P
I don't think any tool will ever be able to replace a good old extra pair of eyes.
Afternoon, also, @RubberDuck your blog post was interesting :)
Amen @SimonForsberg
Q: Computing the n-th prime: why is my code so slow?

LeGrandDODOMI've written some Python 3 code that computes the \$n\$-th prime. I implemented first a naive isprime function that looks for divisors of \$m\$ between \$2\$ and \$\lfloor \sqrt m \rfloor+1\$. Then a loop looks for primes and stops when the \$n\$th one is found. from math import sqrt def isprime...

And wow, downvotes fly quickly here. — LeGrandDODOM 1 min ago
Try Stack Overflow on for size
That was my downvote - you presented code that does not even run, for review. I believe the downvote was justified.... I was going to wait a moment and cast a close-vote too, if it was not fixed. The real question is why you were editing your code in your edit box here, instead of fixing it in your actual computer, and posting the code you actually run! — rolfl 29 secs ago
Oh. Yeah @Zak. I didn't mean to pick on you buddy. That question is just the one that got me to thinking.
@rolfl fixed now?
And wow, downvotes fly quickly here. — LeGrandDODOM 5 mins ago
@RubberDuck I didn't mean it like that :) It was nice to be mentioned.
Ok. Cool mate.
4 mins ago, by Quill
And wow, downvotes fly quickly here. — LeGrandDODOM 1 min ago
@rolfl I find myself asking that question very often.
@RubberDuck That's where the coworkers are for :P
@Vogel612 Make profitable stuff? ;)
@JeroenVannevel But, you always have something special to add
I'm confused, there were 4 notifications, but I only see 3 mentions
@SimonForsberg pinged you twice
@Quill pinged me twice? where?
Oh... the confusion :P
@SimonForsberg that was a reply to skiwi's confusion
basically, everybody decided they need to comment on skiwi's message
so now skiwi is trying to understand who said what and where (in the conversation) it was said
And I decided I needed to be afk ;)
you outran the ping storm, congrats
Q: Non-recursive permutations and strings generator

t3chb0tInspired by Sam's question (Brute-force string generator) and rolfl's really short version of the algorithm I started to experiment with a different approach and created one that seems to run a little bit faster (about 40-50ms for a string of length 4). As it doesn't really optimize the orginal a...

The blocking of content also happens to Australia with all AMC content
There's 8 million Australians ..... or one of them watched it 8M times?
there's more Australians than that
I meant with internet connections ;-)
oh, probably
These days there's a McDonalds or Burger King on every street corner, and they have public wifi
Y U Take me so Srsly?
Why would you take a monkey seriously
perhaps I should not, Mr Ex-Diamond
@rolfl Not making it available in Canada? That's a new one
Normally they hide everything from Germany
It regularlyhappens, actually. I think mostly people saying "Only available in my country"
I think I'm going to spend some time learning Maya :D
And that country is normally not Canada
We don't post funny or interesting stuff ;-)
@rolfl You should be sorry for that, right?
Also, I invite people to play with Mandy. @skiwi - you would probably like it: github.com/rolfl/mandelbrot
@skiwi My condolences
@rolfl Right, I still have my plan for making my own one
Well, I am going to go check out some chicks.
@Quill Not the culture, I meant the 3D modeling program
@skiwi As did I
Got my binoculars, bird books, and camera.... must not forget my parents too.
@rolfl That's what I did yesterday on University
@Quill Oh... so why?
@rolfl Mandelbrot BUI, what is this? Bring your own UI?
I preferred 3dsmax to Maya
> A Java Swin-based GUI for visualizing and navigating in a mandebrot
Brot User Interface.
Swin-based GUI?
Pull request FTW
@rolfl haha lol
@rolfl I don't think I can PR the description of a project
@Quill I've played around with Autodesk Fusion 360 aswell, seems like a good CAD tool, but I"m looking to combine CAD with animations for use in 3D engines
And they don't seem to mix that well
@skiwi Sure you can, the Readme.md
I did it with Cardshifter
Ahh, the actual description.... fixed.
I want to convert it to JavaFX at some point.
@rolfl There is also "Mandebrot" rather than "Mandelbrot"
Like, srsly.... OMG.... so embarassing.
you've been hanging around your children so much @rolfl, that their vocab is starting to seep into yours :P
assuming generic children's vocab
Well, actually, no. I just sound stupid when I try to be clever.
I'm not being too funny tonight, perhaps I should listen to the eight ball, get a coffee and try again later
@rolfl There might have been a lack of coffee :)
You got a problem with the code? Then describe it more thorough, please. You want to know a more efficient way of accomplishing that? Ask the question on Code Review. — cad 49 secs ago
@rolfl anything stopping you?
Just time, at the moment. Never done a JavaFX thing before.
ah, I see.
I believe the JavaFX route will improve the performance of the image manipulation I do. Also, I use a pretty poor algorithm at the moment.
It's tempting to use a GPU-based library for the actual mandelbrot computation.
additionally, at the moment, when you use the mouse wheel, it zooms in on the center of the mandelbrot, but it should really zoom in on the spot under the mouse pointer.
Time, time, time.... my parents are late.... so Ic an dawdle.
Q: Storing and processing large amount of data in C

Somnath RakshitHow can I efficiently store and process data for this problem? Problem Statement We have two arrays a and b of length N, initially all values equals to zero. We have Q operation. Let's define three types of operations on this arrays: 1 l r c:Increase al,a(l+1),...,ar by c. 2 l r c:Increase ...

Well, it seems my arm is healing enough to start being REALLY painful
Perhaps this is better suited to the Core Review Stack Exchange. — meshy just now
@meshy At its present state, this would be closed as "example code" on Code Review. Unlike Stack Overflow where it is recommended to minify the code as much as possible, Code Review wants context. For more information read A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow usersSimon Forsberg 17 secs ago
Q: Build scripts driven from yaml file

XabsI'm trying to run a build scripts framework, so build scripts can be configured via yaml file tasks.yml: --- release: # This is a 'runner' or group of related tasks. They share common initialization needs config: repo: ci-repo # Configuration parameters can be set at runner level and ove...

Q: 8 shades of grey (sliding puzzle)

Xis88I've written a smaller version of 15 puzzle in C, using OpenGL 3.3 and freeglut. I've found a place you can play it online to get familiar. I'm new to OpenGL, so I have no idea if I'm doing this in the right way. Nevertheless, this game compiles and works as intended on my 64-bit HP COMPAQ laptop...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions about refactoring are better posted on codereview.stackexchange.comAbizern 18 secs ago
@RubberDuck I've been doing it in teams I was involved in, now I'm trying to push it wider. I've been planning a series of blog posts with my techniques and experiences so far, it's high time to actually write it up already...
I'd love to read it when you've put pen to paper (so to speak) @janos.
been sketching an outline for the past few hours, I'll try to come up with something presentable today
hey Bruce
@Duga "Chain of if statemens", ugh
@janos Looking forward to it
Once commented in an SO question that "Chains of if or if/else statements are always a bad smell" and provoked surprise and derision
@skiwi nice! will ping you both
I'm a bit disappointed with my Software Science study
Maybe it's because I don't like math and proving and finding algorithms and such
But I'm working on a project between different studies to actually build something (an ROV) and I'm lacking so many skills
How much of the course is math-specific?
I actually don't know if things like algorithms are considered math or not... But in any case, if you add logic and set theory, etc. to it aswell it's probably 25%?
I should say, how much of the "Software Science" bit. Guessing your main course is wider.
Of the Software Science part it's 1/3 I think
Logic and set theory count as Math. Definitely the latter ;)
This is probably a better question for codereview.stackexchange.com than here, since you don't have a problem you're trying to solve — Eric Renouf 57 secs ago
It's my own fault for choosing Software Science as I like programming more myself, but I do miss classes on other interesting stuff :P
Code review questions belong to codereview.stackexchange.comYu Hao 58 secs ago
Trying to catch up myself on 3d modeling and CAD for example
Luckily I have other group members, but the mechanical and electrical engineering part will be really fun...
Do they use one specific language in the Software Science study?
Others are right - this is a good question for codereview.stackexchange.com. Tell them what the code does though. — Tim 35 secs ago
Even though my main contribution on this project will be programming the Arduino and setting up a WiFi connectiotn to my laptop and making a control application for the vehicle to operate remotely, I want to help out with other stuff aswell
@itsbruce Technically we get taught the bigger concepts in pseudocode, but we use Java for some programming related classes
Java for Basic Programming and Programming Methods, the former teaches the real basic concepts and OOP, the latter teaches design patterns and such
And had to use some C89 for Operating System scourse to learn to work with multithreading on Linux
Hrrrm. I do wish Java were not the default in most Universities
It's so verbose and painful for implementing abstract concepts
Useful practical skill, coding in java, giving the market, ofc
I'd rather have the professors mangle Java than C#.
But it sounds as if the designers of your course think that learning practicalities of one very ornate language are basics.
Nobody would ever suggest that Physics students have to learn how to build and maintain an internal combustion engine before learning that speed = distance / time
And yet in Computer Science, this is forced on students all the time
A lot of CS students graduate without knowing how to write fizzbuzz.
I just had to take an introductory course (the next level isn't offered online), and we learned about logic gates, ifs, loops, and methods.
We didn't even get to classes.
@Hosch250 Which I think is at least partly because they didn't learn the higher concepts first, then how to implement them practicallh
Most java-fed CS graduates I've encountered have no idea why they do things. They just know a lot of things to do.
That is probably their fault.
They read the textbook (or maybe not) and don't apply it to real life.
I don't think the teaching helps.
I wish the Little Schemer were a standard little course (or at least standard text book) in CS
No. You have to take the initiative.
You can't be "taught" anything - you have to "learn".
@Hosch250 Yes, but teaching which starts by focusing on the trivia of practical implementations helps neither the bright nor the less bright students
You have to learn about gates to understand the hardware.
The bright students figure out the details of implementation for themselves, often better than their teachers
The less bright, if first forced to learn lot's of trivia effectively by rote, don't understand it and fail when they do have to learn the higher concept
I've seen it.
The bright students are bright all the way through, the not-so-bright don't do very well ever.
But there are ways to send the less bright at least a bit better equipped.
Anyway, rant over. Should blog about it rather than spam this chatroom
In my math class, the help forums were public.
I had to walk one student almost through the entire class, starting from the very basics and working up the more advanced concepts (I never gave them the answer).
I think they were learning.
They were only halfway done when the class ended, though...
We may be talking slightly at cross purposes ;)
By less bright I mean just not the very brightest, the stars. Not just the plodders.
I think the same principles sort of apply, they just don't need as much help.
Certainly once you're teaching CS, there's a whole middle ground of smart but not imaginitive students who can reach the higher concepts with help and will benefit greatly from encountering them early.
I take a policy of learning the why, not the how. Once I know the why and the basics, I can usually figure out the how and the advanced by building on it.
I think that having a solid understanding of the basics is an essential to learning and understanding the advanced.
The trouble is, the teachers don't make sure everyone understands (nor can they, really).
@Hosch250 On the nail. I hate documentation/guides which say "Do X. Don't worry about why, I'll explain later".
Erm.. Cant you guys just post the code for this specific task in the example, or would that be too long/advance for a newbie? — Muhammad Salman Azhar 1 min ago
@RubberDuck Might find something at Programmers.

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