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There are 1473 unanswered questions (94.4438% answered)
@Hosch250 Hosch!
Speaking of card decks; what am I doing wrong here? I'm trying to randomize the order but I always get the same 5 cards???
@Hosch250 This edit is illegal. Don't approve it.
Also, skipped this review. It's a C answer in non-standard format, not sure what to do with it. Please read it thoroughly.
@Mast That is an odd format indeed...
The format would be fine (to me) except for one thing: They say what they changed, but not why...
@Mast Oops, that was so short I thought it was an answer.
@Hosch250 Reviews are the place where we weed out bad edits made by people thinking too quickly.
If reviews are done too quickly as well, well, we got a problem.
Yep, I'll try to watch better.
@Phrancis Probably it is caching the results of the query...
> 5 rows returned in 1 ms (cached)
Ah. That would make sense
I should really be doing school.
I guess I'll go read about communication theories now.
Apparently one theory discusses how distances affect communication.
That sounds like an interesting topic
I realized that quite possibly the reason I don't like talking is because I'm shy, so I speak quietly, so people move closer to hear me and cross into my intimacy zone.
Time to learn how bad I suck at Photoshop :|
@Hosch250 Feel free to ping if you got any questions about it, I did something with that.
@Mast Nope, this is my easiest class.
I won't mind debating some of them with you, though.
I just did Symbol Interactionism.
Heck, the instructions to a writing assignment were just posted. Better download them and get working.
@Hosch250 That's sociology. I thought you were a CS student?
@Mast Information Technology Management major with Communications minor.
That's like applied CS in Telecom?
Well, the closest I gather is it is like what server admins do.
Fair enough.
Well, you know where to find us.
See you.
And I just realized I'm behind on my backups (queue computer crash...).
back-ups are important
I've learned that.
I've lost all my data before due to a faulty backup - twice.
Cloud-based automatic backups FTW. Definitely worth $5 a month.
I already have an HDD.
So we did get flags shortly after I posted this?
9 hours ago, by Hosch250
BTW, if you want to see the room really fill up, start playing flag football.
I left right after, but I never expected anyone to take it seriously.
lol there you go
Make a big red button that says "Do Not Press"
@Phrancis where?
@Phrancis We should put that on our doorbell.
Maybe the delivery men will start using it.
Backup successfully completed.
@Mast I think that is the second time that user tried to edit that post in a similar way.... @Mat'sMug are you keeping an eye on this?
I rejected it
I saw that. isn't that the same user that edited it earlier?
So, what got flagged?
I VTC'd that question. it looks broken without that Brace
@Mat'sMug You were one of the 50 selected, or is that from the SO.meta question?
@Hosch250 no, that is not from the meta question
@Hosch250 I'm a lucky bastard
I didn't try.
that was the one where you post the hashtag and stuff. I only did the twitter thing. I didn't post a hashtag on my profile.. I wonder....
Shall we do #CRreadyToHelp?
You know how @rolfl was doing bad puns? Has anyone taken over?
he was doing bad puns?
I missed it?
in the TL
for Graduation
in the TL?
1 bad pun and 1 exceptional stat about CR
TL -> Teacher's Lounge
We should do bad puns until we graduate, then good puns after that.
I don't think I have ever been in there
After we graduate, our puns will have to go to Pun Review.
oh yeah because it is only for Moderators
@Malachi You aren't a mod.
I am not quite ready to be a Moderator.
I should really close this tab. It is distracting, to say the least.
@Hosch250 let's make a deal..
you go to work, and I go to sleep
I need to pay attention to my lady
later guys, have a good night doing whatever you are going to to
@Hosch250 it wasn't half bad...
KO! Night
@Mat'sMug Have you ever tried joins or other set operations on hashed values? Say I have a piece of data that's sensitive but could well be used as a unique identifier, if I hashed it I should still be able to use it just fine right?
select Foo, Bar
from t1 join t2
  on hashbytes('SHA1', t1.SensitiveId) = hashbytes('SHA1', t2.SensitiveId)
Something like that
never needed to use hashbytes...
Ah ok
I might hit up the DBA room then, or try it myself
Ah, should be easy to do on SEDE too!
(as long as you remember to cast numbers to strings)
@Malachi For what it's worth, nobody is,
@Phrancis That makes no sense.
@rolfl What about it makes no sense?
What does hashbytes do?
Is... hashes the value...
Why are you only comparing the hashed values?
Why don't you compare them unhashed?
Well, i could, sure. I just wanted to see if it worked when hashed
Why wouldn't it?
I didn't think it wouldn't, I just wanted to see/confirm that it would
The problem is, it doesn't work as well.
So, I have a value A, and another value A, and when I compare A and A they are the same, and when I compare f(A) and f(A) that's also the same.
Nevermind the drastic performance difference, both in the tons of hash operations that are happening and in comparing a 160-byte string instead of a however many byte integer
I'm aware of performance, that's not what my main concern was about
And I'm not a hashing expert... but I gather that, as rare as it is, there is the possibility of collisions, right?
So while A=A guarantees f(A)=f(A)
A!=B does not guarantee that f(A)!=f(B)
@nhgrif Very remote, but I guess in theory it exists
I can't see a use-case for joining tables on a hash operation.
Let me give you an example. Let's say I have a table with sensitive information about an individual, including an ID that's unique, but at the same time said individual could be harmed by it being shared... like a SSN
@Malachi Psh. I'm working in a project that's MVCVM. Manager-view-controller-view-manager. And not a model in sight. The 5000 line manager class tells the 9000 line controller class how to control its view.
(and the classes claimed to be models are singletons)
X vendor requests a list of such individuals so they can reconcile some billing records or whatnot. Of course I could leave that data out, but if it has any use to them, for example as a key to match records that would otherwise be difficult to match, they could use the hashed version just as easily as the actual data (provided I tell them what algorithm I used for hashing)
Anyways, that kind of use case may never come up, but at least I know it can be done.
@nhgrif Yikes. Are there any other classes besides those two?
I hope you are changing that.
@nhgrif I believe so, but I've never heard of it.
Q: Can 2 different string have the same hash code in C#?

Eric Javier Hernandez Saura Possible Duplicate: what is hashCode use for? is it unique? I am generating a lot of strings, then my question is: Can 2 different string have the same hash code in C# ? By hash code I mean: string s = "Hello"; s.GetHashCode(); My question is more about of the algorithm that C# fo...

@Hosch250 you know XAML right?
@Mat'sMug Yeah.
do you see anything blatantly off with this?
Well, pretty well, I think.
    <TreeView Grid.Row="2"
              ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource OutcomeGroupViewSource}, Path=View.Groups}"
              ItemTemplate="{StaticResource OutcomeTemplate}">
Hold on a sec, I've got to look something up.
OK, try this:
<TreeView Grid.Row="2"
          ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource OutcomeGroupViewSource}, Path=View}"
          ItemTemplate="{StaticResource OutcomeTemplate}">
you can't set both DisplayMemberPath and ItemTemplate...
I've never used ItemTemplate.
<HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="OutcomeTemplate"
                            DataType="{x:Type CollectionViewGroup}"
                            ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
                            ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TestMethodTemplate}">

    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <Image Style="{StaticResource IconStyle}" VerticalAlignment="Center"
                Source="{Binding Name, Converter={StaticResource OutcomeIconConverter}}"/>
        <TextBlock Margin="4" VerticalAlignment="Center" Text="{Binding Name}" TextWrapping="NoWrap"/>
SO it is then :)
Hold on, there are still two options I know of.
A) A converter.
B) Using a separate list to hold the item (bad).
neither are going to work.
    <CollectionViewSource x:Key="OutcomeGroupViewSource" Source="{Binding Model.Tests}">
            <PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Result.Outcome" />
^^ I need this to work
I have a "flat" collection and I need to dynamically group them
CollectionViewSource does that, with GroupDescriptions
OK, I've never done more complex WPF views.
I need to get better at that.
everything builds and runs and I get nothing weird in the debug output
but when I add a test method...
But, I am pretty sure your problem is the View.Groups - I had the same problem once.
...nothing happens in the treeview
Oh, that is a different story.
You need to force OnPropertyChanged.
Are you using a List?
Model.Tests is an ObservableCollection<TestMethod>
and I checked, CollectionChanged does fire
OK, I had that issue too, just recently.
I have no idea why that worked, but it did.
hmm I don't need a setter for that collection
in fact the collection is readonly
It isn't being updated ever?
yes, the collection is updated
just not the treeview
My collection was being updated in the view, but the updates were never sent to the view model.
Your issue sounds like exactly the opposite.
7 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
SO it is then :)
Two answers here with two strings that have the same hashcode.
If you want to understand it, best is to write it on your own as best you can, then post it to code review for review, or ask here for answers to specific questions you could not solve on your own (but try Google first). — WDS 31 secs ago
what is code review? — Justin Scott just now
@Duga the best place to be on SE
Code Review is where you can post your working code and say "I wanted to foobarize a smurf so I implemented this foobarizer that foobarizes a Smurf with this FooBarize(Smurf) method and it works wonders, but doesn't feel like it's optimal. Also... does this code make my ass look fat?" — Mat's Mug 53 secs ago
Help. me.
I just spent three hours listening to a bad marching band play at a football game.
Q: list the winner of each race, give how much they win by and which team wins overall

Justin ScottThere are eight cars in each team called Chevy and Ford. One car from each team races its opponent on the drag strip. Read in the racing times for the eight Chevy cars and then read in the times for the eight Ford cars. Store the times into arrays called Chevy[ ] and Ford[ ]. Then list the winner...

Q: CollectionViewSource: TreeView not updating, ViewModel looking good

Mat's MugI'm trying to populate a TreeView in a TestExplorerControl: I have this markup in my <UserControl.Resources>: <CollectionViewSource x:Key="OutcomeGroupViewSource" Source="{Binding Model.Tests}"> <CollectionViewSource.GroupDescriptions> <PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Result.Outc...

This should be on Code Review SE. — Algo 45 secs ago
That's, odd...
I wonder if SO can track your location now.
Meh, probably just some coincidence.
@EthanBierlein Geolocation?
They're giving me job ads for the Nerdery, which is only about 3 miles from where I live.
They're giving me job ads for openings in Montreal, where I work.
And it's even stranger, because I've actually met, and done some stuff with some of their employees.
And some of those employees now follow me on Twitter as well.
So it's just strange to see if on SO just now.
Especially when I'm not even logged in.
they're everywhere. they see everything. they're watching. they're watching YOU!
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com instead of stackoverflow.com — Peter Duniho 43 secs ago
Are mods able to see who stars stuff in chat?
@PeterDuniho "Belongs on Code Review" is not a valid close reason. — Ethan Bierlein 1 min ago
@Duga I hope I got that right
Oh boy, another comment.
Is there a link somewhere to the comments you'd post explaining why "Belongs on CR" isn't a valid close reason @Mat'sMug ?
I don't have a canned one, but I pretty much always include a link to meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/q/2436/23788
Found one of your comments
@PeterDuniho Vote to close because it's too broad or opinion-based; being on-topic on Code Review isn't a valid close reason. — Ethan Bierlein 18 secs ago
There we go
Let's hope the message gets through. In the meantime, I need sleep. Goodnight!
Q: How can I write my this clumsy code of "Birthday Validity Checking" (Python) in a better way?

Sheikh Ahmad ShahI have written a code to check any birthday input's validity. As I am new in programming, after several debugging steps, the code became very ugly. Here is the code: month_dict = {'jan':'January', 'feb':'February', 'mar':'March', 'may':'May', 'jul':'July',...

Anyway, upon your suggestion, i gave this post in codereview SE: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/102231/…Sheikh Ahmad Shah 52 secs ago
@EthanBierlein: "being on-topic on Code Review still isn't a valid close reason" -- actually, you have no idea what you're talking about. Being more appropriate for Code Review than Stack Overflow is both valid and a commonly used close reason. You might want to do a little research before you start presuming to be the arbiter of the Stack Overflow rules. — Peter Duniho 30 secs ago
And how do I move my answer? Do I have to copy/paste it in Code Review SE? — KemyLand 41 secs ago
Flag it with a custom moderator flag, tell them a mug told you to flag your own post and ask a moderator to migrate the post to CR ;-) — Mat's Mug 2 mins ago
23 hours ago, by Asim Abbas
@Quill calm down Quill
I just found that
It seems @Mat'sMug handled that for me, thanks guy!
@EthanBierlein #StalkedByStalkOverflow
@EthanBierlein BigBrother can ;-)
shhh! ;-)
He's in the shop now anyway
But, if you run the script, you can see them too
A: CollectionViewSource: TreeView not updating, ViewModel looking good

Mat's MugFound it. It's the Path of the ItemsSource binding in the tree view: ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource OutcomeGroupViewSource}, Path=View.Groups}" Path=View.Groups satisfies IntelliSense, but is wrong. It needs to be Path=Groups, even if the designer supposedly can't resolve the pr...

Q: Longest Increasing Sub-sequence using recursion

user270386I have trouble understanding recursion, so I'm trying to implement algorithms using it. I wrote this code for LIS. Please tell me, if this is alright or is there a better way to do it. int _lis(int arr[], int n){ if(n==0) return 1; int m=1, temp; for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ if(arr[i]<arr...

@CaptainObvious wow
In that question, could you access the resources like Resources['KSpades'] instead of Resources.KSpades?
Q: novice implementation tictactoe in ruby

junior stephaneAfter a lot of reading , tutorials . finally i was able to code my version of a ticktacktoe game . i would like to have some honest review of the code , and what i can do, to better my coding.` class Game attr_reader :board , :marker def initialize @board = Array.new(3," "){Array.new(...

@Quill Oh, a resource manager:
ResourceManager rm = Resources.ResourceManager;
Bitmap myImage = (Bitmap)rm.GetObject("myImage");
1 hour later…
Well, that was fun
A: Jacks or Better

QuillI really can't keep my poker face on this one; This code is bad. You have so many copy-pasted blocks absolutely everywhere, that I'm getting high fromm all the paste (glue). Generic jokes and bad puns aside, this does need refactoring. How can I refactor this? These would be good, for a s...

Feel to turn it to swiss cheese
@Malachi Yes, it's the same user. I left a comment on his meta, but he doesn't seem to understand.
@Duga Question is now migrated.
@Quill Basically, he needed some Array type.
@Mast certainly
You're still copy-pasting a lot on the labelbox. Can't that be re-factored away as well?
    lablesLinkedToPictureBoxes.Add(pictureBox1, label1);
    lablesLinkedToPictureBoxes.Add(pictureBox2, label2);
    lablesLinkedToPictureBoxes.Add(pictureBox3, label4);
    lablesLinkedToPictureBoxes.Add(pictureBox4, label4);
    lablesLinkedToPictureBoxes.Add(pictureBox5, label5);
And something along those lines a little higher.
@Mast Probably
        List<PictureBox> pictureBoxes = new List<PictureBox>();

        Dictionary<PictureBox, Label> labelsLinkedToPictureBoxes = new Dictionary<PictureBox, Label>();
        lablesLinkedToPictureBoxes.Add(pictureBox1, label1);
        lablesLinkedToPictureBoxes.Add(pictureBox2, label2);
        lablesLinkedToPictureBoxes.Add(pictureBox3, label4);
@EthanBierlein Somebody wrote a tool to post in chat who starred what. I don't remember who wrote it. Not sure it's still up.
@Mast That was me
3 hours ago, by Quill
@EthanBierlein BigBrother can ;-)
3 hours ago, by Quill
He's in the shop now anyway
But, you can run this in console to track star changes anyway
Just make sure you change the roomid variable in one of the ajax requests, and then you can just run reporter.get('stars') to see all the recorded stars
sorry, that was cat-that-is-not-my-cat again
Q: Roguelike-ish template game

Anonymous ShadowI have created a simple program that is supposed to be the core of a roguelike game. The program uses ncurses, and all that is supposed to happen is you choose a race and class, then choose an arena. The player can move around, and if the player moves onto deep water or lava, they die. /* * mai...

to support CardinalityEstimationModelVersion as reported in a comment:

@Duga Duga?
You alright?
@Mast HAHAHA oh god, don't do this to me. I might get fired from work.
@DanPantry ^^
Q: My first fit (malloc / free implementation)

Niklas in StockholmPlease review this malloc implementation. It implements the first fit algorithm for allocating memory according to the last pages in K&R book. brk.h #ifndef _brk_h_ #define _brk_h_ #ifndef _UNISTD_H /* USE WITH CAUTION brk() and sbrk() have been removed from the POSIX standard, most systems i...

@Quill it's a PR that was opened on StackExchange/DataExplorer. known bug.
@SimonAndréForsberg Just wondering why @Duga was reporting it
she's following the SEDE repo
oh, ok
Q: How to read data from binary file

Arun Selva SureshHere I have write code that can write and read data from binary file at the same time of running a program but i have to read binary file without writing it. When try to reading a binary file its segmentation fault or the row size and column size went wrong. what should i do here for reading bina...

@CaptainObvious It reads like OP thinks it's broken, but I'm not sure.
It's not a request for a code review in any way. It's a feature request.
It looks like it won't compile since there's no main, but perhaps there's some trick I don't know which makes this valid.
@Mast Or perhaps the fact that it segfaults when trying to make it do what he wants it to do: "When try to reading a binary file its segmentation fault or the row size and column size went wrong. what should i do here for reading binary file alone(without writing it)"
@rolfl Like I said, it reads like OP thinks it's broken.
This by itself will not compile on my system anyway.
It's missing a using namespace std; to make cout and others work, a couple of includes, a main, etc.
This questionable is definitely broken for the quote @rolfl cites.
If the only reason it fails to compile is a missing using namespace std;, that might be something I'd be okay cutting slack for.
If there are other reasons it won't compile, that's a different story.
@Mat'sMug. One year ago today. facebook.com/Chris.Kuhn.203/posts/4430259250391
oh dear...
and the question only needs one more star to get a silver badge
not anymore :)
is there anywhere I can see my remaining stars?
meanwhile, this question is 6 stars from a silver badge:
Q: Shielding your CodeReview on GitHub

Simon André ForsbergIn response to a feature-request on meta, I spent a few hours today creating the feature in php. This application adds a review shield to your GitHub repository (or wherever else you want it). It looks like the following: To use it, use standard image/link markdown, like this: [![Code Revie...

@RubberDuck already?! wow time flies...
@SimonAndréForsberg better deserved IMO ;-)
@Zak I already had it (someone must have removed their star), but thanks! :)
I know. It does.
@Mat'sMug so you already got the badge?
@SimonAndréForsberg make that 5.
Q: A tic tac toe game programmed in Java

Hassan AlthafI have programmed a Tic Tac Toe game in Java using JavaFX. I would appreciate a full review of this code, and would love to know how to improve this code. TicTacToeController.java: package tictactoe; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Random; import javafx.s...

Oh. That's right. I started writing a tic tac toe game last week. I forgot. Thanks @CaptainObvious.
@SimonAndréForsberg Stars on questions? I thought we usually put votes on them.
@Mast favorite markers
@SimonAndréForsberg Ah, those stars.
While we definitely up-vote a lot, reaching many favourites is a lot harder on CR.
based on the following interactions:

I again updated the day to Sunday ....
@CaptainObvious @SimonAndréForsberg Damn, my bad. I already have asked it. Sorry about the inconvenience, I will delete this question. :) – Hassan Althaf 43 secs ago
Good monking!
How's everyone doing?
been worse ;-)
could one of the mods check what the heck happened with that account?
Lol. I had a restless night. All over that one SO comment.
@Vogel612 he wanted a fresh start.
hmm... somewhat understandable, maybe he could've changed handle though...
I just stumbled upon it because with the new account he asked in the java room about a question from the old account..
I'm sure he could have handled it differently somehow, was probably a case of an XY-problem
But a Hassan with less reputation? Works for me.
public transcript, and people not having had contact with him yet...
What do you mean?
it may come off the wrong way, at least for people who don't know Hassan...
you mean my message about his reputation?
@Vogel612 You can write a message, wait for an answer and then delete it
But the best place would be a private room
@IsmaelMiguel no need to get involved. He's talking about me.
@SimonAndréForsberg Don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that if something must be said in an insecure way, he can delete it after being received. But I advise against it
@Vogel612 Thanks for your concern, if anyone wonders about it, then I can explain myself.
@IsmaelMiguel but it wasn't about anything he said.
it was about something I said.
I know.
Should I take the time to try to explain myself?
No. Please don't. Just drop it.
Alright then
Sorry if my words sounded wrong
unnecessary != wrong
@IsmaelMiguel what about "just drop it" was unclear?
@Vogel612 I wasn't talking about it
Déjà vu in progress
but you were apologizing (completely unnecessarily btw.) about something that you were asked to drop
that's fine, I took the apology as a final message before dropping it
And it was
but don't drop the soap, aight?
@Vogel612 That would be a PITA
Q: Small PHP-MVC system (for personal learning / use)

MathlightI've made an "simple" / "small" MVC-like PHP system. I've used some code of an project I used before and ask questions about it back then to. The thing is, it works (the admin part to begin with), but I'm not sure about the quality of the code. I know that there are mainly no comments, but they ...

~back to rewriting TranslationHelper
Anyone want to take a try to answer it?
@IsmaelMiguel, the following comment causes a Memer error:
2 mins ago, by Vogel612
but you were apologizing (completely unnecessarily btw.) about something that you were asked to drop
What bug?
regex issue
probably with btw.
hmm... reload fixes image not found....
chat really could use some love...
The chat could also use an API
@Ivo Stratev You can edit your question, there's no need to add comments for this. Your question is rather asking for code review and therefore doesn't really fit to StackOverflow, It would be maybe better to consider codereview.stackexchange.com for this purpose. — cezar 38 secs ago
Don't get me started...
Monking, @EthanBierlein
Wow, I suddenly feel more powerful.
I finally realized what "passing by reference" means in C++.
And what "include guards" are.
Why are we speaking of Hassan?... I'd rather not experience the virtual equivalent of a root canal today.
I have no idea what this whole "Hassan issue" is, so I'm just going to stay out of it.
31 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
No. Please don't. Just drop it.
@RubberDuck It's already over
@Quill Wrong message. That one was about something else, but loosely related.
2 hours ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@CaptainObvious @SimonAndréForsberg Damn, my bad. I already have asked it. Sorry about the inconvenience, I will delete this question. :) – Hassan Althaf 43 secs ago
Oh. Missed that somehow.
Q: Encrypter - Double Vigenere Cipher in Python

Tanapoom SermchaiwongSo I wrote this encrypter based on the idea of a Vigenere cipher, but instead of using only one key, it "makes" another key from the existing key. The length of the second key also depends on the different characters in the first key. And so it uses both keys in the shifting of letters. def scr...

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