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Specifically, what does a unit test even look like?
@Zak That's impossible to answer, in my opinion
@Zak something that tests a single unit
I just mean, I'm sitting here wanting to write a unit test for a function, but I have no idea how the syntax of a unit test even works
can't really get much more specific than that
But basically, you build a series of tests to check if your code is doing what it is meant to do
it depends on your language, what libraries you're using...
and you should also write tests before your functions (imo)
well yes, but I am where I am
oh wait
I think I get it
From what I see, you need a new module
Then you create a new Private Assert As New Rubberduck.AssertClass
As an example
I've got all that
I'm just at the point where it says 'Arrange, 'Act, 'Assert
That's where you actually write the test code
The 'Arrange must be a set of values to use to test
The 'Act must be where you loop those values
The 'Asset must be where you say "This worked" or "This failed" to a value
so, this would be a valid unit test? pastebin.com/TvEthGea
Not an useful one, but valid
why not useful?
If CopyArrayContents2d is a built-in, it isn't useful
it's not
it's one I wrote
Then fire up the test!
Q: First 100 value of the sequences

aarthiI want a sequence a(1)=2,a(2)=a(1)+1,....a(n+1)=`[a(1)*a(2)*....a(n)]+1` I used the command > A = numeric(100) > A[1] = 2 > A[2] = 3 > for(i in 3:100){ + A[i]=(A[i-1]-1)*A[i-1]+1; print(A[i]);} i got the answer only upto i=10 afterthat i got every value "Inf" [1] 7 [1] 43 [1] 1807 [1] 326344...

it says "Outcome Inconclusive, Cannot Run the Macro "VbAProject.TestModule1.TestMetho...
@SuperBiasedMan VTC added, 2 more.
oh no wait, it's running now
probably because I renamed the test
it passed :)
@Zak You have to refresh before running
I figured
oh wow. Suddenly I'm appreciating the power of unit testing
@Mast Do you have the canned comment thingy?
@Zak Unit testing helps you to figure out what and where you f*cked up. Source control allows to revert the code to a working state
@IsmaelMiguel The what?
You already left a comment, no need to leave 2.
But my comment sucks
Q: First 100 value of the sequences

aarthiI want a sequence a(1)=2,a(2)=a(1)+1,....a(n+1)=`[a(1)*a(2)*....a(n)]+1` I used the command > A = numeric(100) > A[1] = 2 > A[2] = 3 > for(i in 3:100){ + A[i]=(A[i-1]-1)*A[i-1]+1; print(A[i]);} i got the answer only upto i=10 afterthat i got every value "Inf" [1] 7 [1] 43 [1] 1807 [1] 326344...

Q: Is the structure of my code satisfactory?

Niklas in StockholmI've created code for a manu system that can show / hide menus and submenus. Now I wonder if the structure of the code is good enough or if you find something that can be done better? var initExpanders = function () { "use strict"; function lsTest(){ var test = 'localstoragetest...

@IsmaelMiguel check ou
Q: Frequently Posted Comments

Simon André ForsbergOn Code Review we often encounter questions with the same kind of problem over and over again. Some of us are using the auto comments script which allows you to maintain a list of comments to post. What are some useful tin-can comments that can be good to have in your list of comments? If you ...

@Heslacher Thanks! I'll have to keep it close
do you get rep for upvoted comments?
You can get the Pundit badge for 10 comments with a score of 5
This app is handy too, I use it a lot
Oh oops, that question does link the script. I'm a dummy.
Right. new RubberDuck question. How does the source control work?
@IsmaelMiguel how does this badge has anything to do with upvoted comments ????
Well, the question is important
@Heslacher Nothing, but it has to do with no comments
@Zak Github, I think
I get that. I'm just trying to make it work
I have no idea
I know less than you
@Zak it's ... complicated
it uses git and a config
RubberDuck implemented the Source Control, but I'm not dead sure it's already working fully
okay. So I should just leave it alone until 2.0?
That is a complicated question
oh wait, I think I have it working, kinda
actually using github functionality doesn't seem to work, but exporting to a repository which guthub can reference does seem to work
That seems a good idea
that's fine, it'd be nice to actually do github stuff from within rubberduck but I only really need a version control system atm, which this will do
As long as it works, that's what matters
now to go and write all my Unit Tests :)
Q: Project Euler #10 Java implementation

Altamash KhanThe sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17. Find the sum of all the primes below two million. Here is my code... public class Java { public static void main(String[] args) { long start = System.nanoTime(); long sum = 0; for (int i = 2; i < 2000000; i++) { bool...

It's hard to admit, but this is the first time I do and read anything related to unit testing
A lot of the stuff I'm doing now is stuff I only discovered in the past week since joining CR
@Zak you will learn a lot of things very fast here. And you will also learn that a sadly large majority of programmers are unaware of those things.
@Zak That's good :-)
For example, I'm the only person in my company (that has been around for years and is the largest credit company in europe at the moment) who knows how to unit test.
I'll upload a script later today I wrote for the community challenge which incorporates feedback I got on a different script on CR.
@DanPantry wow.
I'm the only person in my company that knows how to program
(...and I don't know how to unit test)
@SuperBiasedMan this is me :)
or, at teh very least, in my department. And my department is in charge of all internal apps which drive how our company works. If internal apps dies, the company dies
@SuperBiasedMan well, me 15 minutes ago
@DanPantry I would've thought stuff like TDD, version control etc. would be standard in professional software development?
TDD isn't
@DanPantry Why on earth not?
version control is used here but it's TFS instead of git (all hail git master race)
@Zak because training.
You aren't taught TDD in college. You aren't taught to unit test in college, either. Or at least, you weren't in the previous gen of coders.
Question: how does one unit-test a website?
@IsmaelMiguel you don't
unit testing is testing the smallest possible unit - a function, or a class. Or a component.. basically as small as you get.
you unit test specifc bite-size thnigs
For testing an entire website, you use end-to-end testing.
what's end-to-end testing?
This usually uses something like Selenium to interact with the website and create assertions.
The problem is that each "bite-size" is a mouth-full
It's when you test end to end of a website on a real production setting (or as close to as possible)
so I might write a test to check that when I log onto a website, if I enter a wrong username/password, then I will see an error message.
@IsmaelMiguel good sign that things could be refactored further
What that will actually look like is I will browse to X url, fill in Y and Z fields, press the submit button, and then check for elements with the class .error-message.
btw important distinction, TDD is not about making sure every code path has a unit test
it's about making sure every code path has some kind of test
Q: Reversing a String in Python

CodingoI have a simple function that takes a string and reverses it: def reverse(string): begin = 0 end = len(string) - 1 strlist = [i for i in string] while(begin < end): temp = strlist[begin] strlist[begin] = strlist[end] strlist[end] = temp beg...

while you want to try and aim for unit tests, some things - such as ui interactions - can't be unit tested and have to be integration tested (i.e, mock out some components)
what defines a code path?
anywhere there could be a return is probably a good way to describe it
But here's the main reason why it is not standard...
your boss does not care how well tested your stuff is
he cares that it works as he expects
if there are bugs, its your job to fix them (and it gives you job security)
you can get perfectly fine working software without writing any tests at all
it won't be the most elegant code, but it will work, and that's what your boss cares about - not how modular your code is
@CaptainObvious Is it a poor answer to also show them why they didn't need to write that function?
unless your boss is a programmer, of course..
You see this in most corporations. It's only in the 'bigger tech giant' corps that you actually see that attitude change.
For example, Netflix, Google. They care about the quality of their code. Netflix is unique as well in that most of their code is open sourced
But a lot of corporations still view code as a second rate citizen and view the end result as the first rate citizen (which is altogether understandable. clean code doesn't get customers. good results do)
monking @Phrancis
Yes! Add it to your question. Arguably this question then belongs on the code review site, but I'd leave that to more seasoned c++ people to decide. I'll remove my down vote once you edit the question (it's locked in until the question is edited). — Simon O'Hanlon 44 secs ago
@DanPantry We actually did :D
> Or at least, you weren't in the previous gen of coders.
@DanPantry Yeah... okay, fair point
Okay. I guess that makes sense
We even went as far as mathematically proving taht the code is correct...
@skiwi That's comp sci for you
What do you actually learn in a CompSci course?
@DanPantry That's how things go in here
@SuperBiasedMan quite the contrary, go ahead
@Zak algorithms, functional programming, the application of mathematics in programming
@skiwi would be better to ask as he actually took a course on it, I'm self taught
@SuperBiasedMan Well, in a recent review I gave an alternative that simply said "Throw this code away, don't write any code and change your URL"
Sounds perfectly reasonable
ultimately, code exists to achieve an end result
But code is read far more often than written
Thanks, I've made the edit. But if this question belongs in the code review site, then I am happy to delete it. — Aciel.Eshky 21 secs ago
If you write and you can't read it, you're doomed
As the code is working rather post it on codereview.stackexchange.com3dd 41 secs ago
@Zak Nothing practical :D
I'm just sticking with it because it looks good on my CV
Assuming the code works as intended and you want to know how to do achieve the same result, better (for some values of better), feel free to post it on CodeReview — Zak 36 secs ago
@Duga Would that be on-topic here. Sounds like it may fall under "Asking about new functionality" but I don't know enough to tell
@skiwi I can get that :) if life hadn't intervened, I'd still be at Uni right now doing my maths degree
@IsmaelMiguel that's called "WORM" code
@skiwi and if it hadn't also intervened 2 years before that, I'd have just graduated from Oxford this summer
@Vogel612 "Write Once, Read Many"?
~ding ding ding ding
you've just reminded me. There's such a thing as WORM memory right?
Now I've also learned how to not English
@Vogel612 ?
@Vogel612 anime chatroom is somewhere else ;-)
@DanPantry right...
@Zak Well, life happens, not always in a good way
@IsmaelMiguel it's easier when you translate for 正解です ...
@skiwi amen to that :)
@Vogel612 正 <-- Looks like IE, in a single character
@skiwi on the plus side, at least problems presented themselves (relatively) early on.
Q: can mail be send by this code or i have to use phpmailer()?

pank<?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $query = $_POST['message']; $email_from = $name.'<'.$email.'>'; $to="[email protected]"; $subject="Enquiry!"; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' ....

Q: Cleaning up html created by users

RobHI have a system that accepts free text from users. This can either be plain text or a heavily limited subset of html. I've written the below with Html Agility Pack and Microsoft's AntiXss library. I have had to remove a few things from the below code which do things like whitespace normalization,...

Q: JavaScript Json Return Value not Updating View in MVC

KillercamI have the following view @using System.Linq; @model MyCompanyNET.Models.ViewModels.AdministratorViewModel <style type="text/css"> span { padding-right: 10px; } ... </style> <div class="manage"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="myTab"> <li class="active"> <

@CaptainObvious more close votes please
@CaptainObvious Burn it with fire
@IsmaelMiguel この漢字
@skiwi Now I just take some standard pills every evening and my head stays functional
@Zak which Oxford are you referring to?
The Oxford
The University of Oxford
Are you a brit?
whereabouts are you?
~watches Dan dance around the fire
Oh cool. I'm just outside London
@Zak I was diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety issues approx. 1 year ago, this feel sucks. Thankfully I don't need the medication anymore
... </off-topic>?
probably :)
watching me dance around a fire and quoting stuff in japanese is not off topic but me asking where another user is located is? :S
no it's just the "arbitrary point of intervention"
also there's a ?
usually ASL is frowned upon, though.
Honestly, I don't mind it
That's cool. So, Dan, what kind fo programming do you do?
neither do I FWIW...
Well, there's no site business going on
@DanPantry still got no idea what mine is. Some combination of Autism, depression, anxiety, funky brain chemistry and general mental instability.
@DanPantry It's a broad line, when site business is rolling, they're all off-topic, but when it starts getting a bit... personal, it's kinda frowned upon by some
@Quill okay, that's fair enough
@Zak full stack web developer
I can sum it up pretty easily. Drugs (prescribed by your doctor) are cool!
@Zak I avoid those like plague
@zak if you want to talk more about personal stuff just start a room for us :-)
@DanPantry take it to nth instead
@zak or ^ that
@DanPantry I think that was the final statement
@IsmaelMiguel I wasn't saying it as a "lets stop talking about this now" but rather as a "if you do want to then feel free to"
yeah sure, why not :)
does it take a mod to migrate chat to a different room?
@Zak room owner
@Zak yes, but you can start talking in the nth without mod intervention
@Zak @Vogel612, you wanna do the honours
@DanPantry I know. I was just informing you that was the last personal statement. Like a conclusion.
to the Nth!
sure, if you want me to..
Then again, I don't want to untangle
@Vogel612 it's not a huge issue, I don't think
up to you if you want to migrate the chat or not
@Vogel612 maybe just move the more ... personal messages
is there really much difference between window.setTimeout and setTimeout without window?
practically there's no difference, @Quill
Q: What the difference between window.setTimeout() and setTimeout()?

user3073240I would like to know what the difference is between window.setTimeout(myFancyFunciton, 1000); and setTimeout(myFancyFunciton, 1000); Both seem to do the exact same thing. When should you use one or the other?

Obviously if you're doing dev on node, window.setTimeout isn't going to work but setTimeout will.
@Quill meh. then I'd have to move the whole conversation around that
@Vogel612 fair enough
Q: How can I refactor my code jquery?

Daria MI am currently done with this little rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock game in jquery. The game is working fine but I am not pleased with the code. Is there a way to refactor this else/ if statements? I was thinking maybe about ternary operators and I tried doing so but failed. This is basical...

@Quill Not exactly. Except that if someone defines a variable with that name, it may screw things up.
@CaptainObvious " little rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock " - I'm sold
@CaptainObvious why would you tag a question if you don't actually use jquery
@DanPantry Recommended tags?
@IsmaelMiguel would it really recommend over ?
@DanPantry No, both
just... retag..
But most only learn about jQuery and don't know that jQuery is a Javascript library. So, they assume that jQuery is the language.
I wonder why that question was tagged with css
Suggested tags
wow... how.. what...
Strings and UTF-8 is hard
When I post a Javascript question on StackOverflow, it recommends CSS and jQuery even without saying jQuery once.
direct c+p of that question doesnt' give me any recommended tags shrug
Well, at least on StackOverflow it must give something
I tried it, it gives me jQuery
@DanPantry did you put in a title?
@Vogel612 I put in the exact same title as OP
I don't even really write Javascript but felt compelled to answer about switch there
@RubberDuck there is always one post from @nhgrif that I will plug everywhere. Its' about eating elephants
@RubberDuck Hey! quick question, how much of RubberDuck's git integration is meant to be functional?
@RubberDuck they're both awesome posts :)
This might be better suitable for CodeReview.SE — Thomas 56 secs ago
Assuming it works as intended, feel free to post it on CodeReview — Zak 51 secs ago
Q: Basic Java Swing Calculator Improvements

dijamHello I am new to Java Swing so decided to create a calculator to learn some of the basic however I would like someone to look over my code to see if they can give me any improvements? I have 6 classes and 2 interfaces I have chosen to split the communication of both operators and digits the mai...

Q: Making table with php

jjroonsSome background info: Creating a user booking system. I am trying to make a table quickly that will allow me to select an element within a table, and it will book it so it can't be selected by another user (if booked). I am trying to create a big table 8x15 in php i.e. echo "<table border='1'>"...

/Random Poll about UTF-Codepoints:
What Character is This? ¤
no googling..
stack exchange search != googling
Q: The '¤' character

codeboltLately I've started wondering about the ¤ character which is shift+4 on my Norwegian keyboard (it's also present on several others, including the U.S. International keyboard layout). I've never seen a use for it, yet for some reason someone decided it was important enough to have it put in such a...

okay okay, accepted.
Must you do it in Clojure? On the JVM, you can do it in Java or any other accessible JVM language. If it must be Clojure, show us a solution in your language of choice. Finally, you might be better to post in CodeReview. — Thumbnail 45 secs ago
@Thumbnail this would get closed as off-topic on codeReview. Code on CR must be already working as intended before it can be reviewed. — Zak 21 secs ago
Q: Unit Testing and good use of matchers

npmasterI been having discussion with colleagues recently about good use of matchers. Consider the following sample: @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public class LoginRestServiceImplTest { @Mock private LoginService loginService; @InjectMocks private LoginRestService loginRestServi...

A: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard and Spock

QuillTo review the code as it is: It would be better not to even have result as a variable, and swap the order of operations inside the else-ifs that assign result from (result = X, gameResult++) to (gameResult++, return X) You don't need semi-colons on the end of if statements: } else { retu...

Boy, that was fun.
Thanks @Vogel612
@Quill I just realised I was duping the win rules...
Wow, for a 16 year old you sure know code. Thanks so much, I am on to trying your method. — Daria M 37 secs ago
@Quill don't engage..
@Quill oh dear
just give it a rude flag :)
get used to hearing that
@Vogel612 It's a partly a compliment, and I couldn't care less
I find it incredibly disrespectful...
So do I
Q: curry function with function constructor?

djangoShall I make a curry function this way, or is it best to avoid Function constructor in all means ? var curry = function(fn) { var fnString = fn.toString(); var arity = fn.length; var paramList = fnString.substring( fnString.indexOf("(") + 1, fnString.indexOf(")")).split("...

@Quill IT's difficult to tell without tonal inflection, but it's certainly ambiguous as to if it's sincere compliment or not
I don't think the comment author is a native english speaker, so maybe give them the beneift of the doubt
(from this question they appear to be french)
Hey @DanPantry, on that answer I posted, I had to declare results separate to the function, I tried to declare it inside, but I couldn't figure out how. Is there a way to declare it inside, so that everytime I call RPSLZ() it'll keep the results?
Let's not hold being French against them, guys
@JeroenVannevel I'm not holding it against them being french. The OP made a comment that could be inferred to be rude depending on inflection. I was saying that because they are french (and not a native speaker), they may not be aware of the inflections/double handed compliment they made
@Quill use an IIFE
I know, I'm just kidding.
I'm sure they meant it to be nice
var func = (function() {
  var results = { foo: 0 };
  return function() {
    return results;

var results = func();
// results.foo = 0
results = func();
// results.foo = 1
@DanPantry should we tell them that their compliment is ambiguous and offer an alternative phrasing?
@Zak I don't know, I'm not a mod. If you think they should reword their comment, then tell them in whatever way you see fit :p
@Quill I don't know, I haven't looked at the question in detail (nor do I intend to because I have to work on my CV)
@DanPantry What about for this case?
What's an IIFE?
@nhgrif immediately-invoked function expression
it's when you do something like this: (function() { return function(){}; }());
@Zak or you could just assume they were being nice
I assume they're being nice, I just think it might be useful for them for future reference
@JeroenVannevel I'm going to do that, along with the do nothing option
The name comes from the fact that the function is immediately invoked when it is parsed. It's used to encapsulate state in a closure @nhgrif
It reads only like a compliment to me. Not many 16 year olds can code like that, hence the genuine reaction
You'll only find it to have a negative connotation if you're looking for it
still the age is completely unrelated to the proficiency
@JeroenVannevel whenever it was given to me when I was younger it was used as a back-handed compliment
may I remind people that 'rude or offensive' is not the same thing as 'obsolete' / 'too chatty' ?
along the lines of ".. but nothing else"
@Vogel612 No it's not. If you plot the amount of good coders at each age, 16y will be overrepresented with bad coders.
@JeroenVannevel that doesn't prove your point though
@Vogel612 it does
The majority at 16 will have bad coders
but I know a coder with 17 years of exp who didn't know how to use a switch, so
@DanPantry I dare challenge that
the majority of people who code at 16 will be more proficient and invested than the majority of people who code at 20
@Vogel612 what's rude about that comment?
@Vogel612 I was programming when I was 16; I programmed C++ in a predominately young-teenage-male community for WoW emulation. everyone was awful, including myself
I think it's not so much that 16y olds are bad coders. It's more that new coders are generally bad coders, and at 16, a much smaller proportion will not be new coders
@SimonAndréForsberg it's (IMO) condescendingly referring to Quill's age
then again that may well be only me reading things into it
4 mins ago, by Quill
@JeroenVannevel I'm going to do that, along with the do nothing option
but I think the age of the poster should not be in any way relevant to whatever they say.
because that has to be judged on it's own merit
I removed the comment anyway, but I didn't really find it rude. I saw it as a compliment, such as "Wow, you're only 16? You certainly know how to code".
@Vogel612 that I agree with.
remember mod-election comments?
It's certainly 'too chatty' though
yup, I remember the mod-election comments
i wouldn't worry about it. Questions like 'is this good' or 'did I write this code right?' is probably more suitable for another stack exchange website (codereview.stackexchange.com) — soulshined 40 secs ago
Q: Top users under age 30, sorted by age, with rank

QuillIn the pursuit of SQL enlightenment, I wrote a quick SEDE query to display Rep, Age and Overall Rank. Sorted by Age, then Rank (Which is generated by Rep). SELECT TOP 150 ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Users.Reputation DESC) AS Rank, Users.Id as [User Link], Users.Age, Users.Reputation as R...

@Quill definitely, which is why I removed it.
@Quill I remember writing that the last time we had a discussion about this
especially those mentioning the age were nasty. And that's what I am generally seeing on the internet when "professionals" meet "enthousiasts"..
because age suddenly becomes a simplistic (and dumb) standard to judge proficiency by
@Quill I am not nearly as high on that list as I'd like to be
Side note, why does SE think I'm 21? I'm 20.
@DanPantry Neither am I
@DanPantry then get more repz
@DanPantry It does maths on your year of birth, not day/month
@Quill oh
@Quill actually I think that's just the SEDE export...
@Vogel612 how so?
The youngest person on our site is RoboSanta - a bot
I just realized we have a member named Duck ^_^
@RubberDuck ;-) you've got competition
@Quill the main-site calculates the age by date..
@Vogel612 Ah, right
wait, so is it doing age by date, or by year?
Q: Is this a proper way for retriving and using createdAt on Parse.com?

biggreentreeI got to show the createdAt date in a message timeline, I tried to make a separate array only for dates, but don't know if it is the right path to follow. It seems to me that my workaround is too tricky. I'd like to be sure that what I've done is not THE RIGHT way, but at least it isn't A WRONG ...

@Zak The sites use date, but the SEDE exports don't
I know I just posted an answer, but this probably belongs on Code Review. — Cyphase 52 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Yeah, eww. I fixed some of it up, but it's eww.
@Duga Looks alright.
Now if you want to make this a great codereview answer you just should explain why you made these changes :) — Vogel612 1 min ago
Q: Code for Accessing a function from Unmanaged dll

Abhishek KumarHere is my Code #region Native Methods and Constants static class NativeMethods { [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string dllToLoad); [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string procedureNam...

Q: How can I shorten this string?

orangeI have this which is used to enable GC logging: updateJVMArguments("-Xloggc:gc_" + myapp.getFileName() + "-" + getDateTime() +".log -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5 -XX:GCLogFileSize=2M"); As you ca...

Does that list show the first 150 people sorted by age then sorted by rep?
or by rep and then by age?
Probably by age, I'm not on it x)
@Zak which?
I mean. Is that the 150 youngest people, sorted by their rep
or the 150 highest rep age < 30 people, sorted by age
@Quill Lowest ranking youngsters. Why Lowest?
@SimonAndréForsberg I don't know, it was posted on my question by someone else
@Zak Age under 30, sorted by lowest rep ASC
Greetings, Programs.
oh okay. So those are the 150 lowest ranked people, whose rep is at least 150?
@Zak 150 people that are under age 30, sorted by lowest rep to highest rep
@Donald.McLean Greetings, Music Fan
By the way, I posted my first question ever on MusicFans.SE. I hope it's on-topic :3
Because, you know, I didn't bother to read the help centre again x)
@Morwenn a question about infected mushroom, interesting o:
@DanPantry I have been spamming the chat, I could at least try to contribute to the main site ^^'
I haven't heard of them for.... a long time... I never understood that band...
A: Retrieving creation date from Parse.com data

nhgrifYou have left commented code in. There's no reason to leave commented code in--we should let source control handle that. If we don't need it, eliminate it completely, because huge chunks of commented code are simply clutter that some maintainer will eventually delete anyway. And we shouldn't l...

Q: Join strings with different delimiters and some possibly empty strings

XabsI want to construct a string from several substrings, each one of those with a different delimiter. If the string is present, the delimiter and the string should be added, if not, none of them should be added. This is my current code that looks a bit dirty to me: def my_join(major, minor, pat...

@DanPantry What do you mean you never understood them?
@Morwenn I never got the appeal. Their cover the The Pretender is cool and I remember there was another song by them that the name escapes me now that I used to listen while playing WoW (oops)
I like their glitchy sound, unusual song structures and great melodies. Also, even their old beats don't sound that old.
I liked the remix from The Pretender at first but I quickly got bored of that one :/
@Morwenn at risk of still being off topic, Suliman was the song I was thinking of
@nhgrif Is the necessary? Does the code not apply to both osx and ios?
'moring everyone.
morning @IntensifierDescriptorMan
@DanPantry From the most recent albums, I think that the song I like the most is The Messenger 2012.
@IntensifierDescriptorMan 'ello

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