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If the editer wanted to provide constructive feedback to the answer, that's what comments are for.
but it isn't an attempt to reply
It is though,
it's a simple clarification of the illustrative material
He doubled the amount of code in the answer.
which is a significant improvement in demonstrating that the groups work as intended
Again, if he wished to provide constructive criticism of the feedback ("This answer is not very clear. This could make it more clear") that's what comment are for.
meh. It's a clarifying edit and as such is fully correct
it's not an attempt to reply
This question qualifies for codereview.stackexchange.com You should get more issues covered there not only a question (which is about object property I think) — shudder just now
Then go convince SO that those sorts of edits are valid.
because it doesn't change the character of the answer
@nhgrif why should I? this is not SO
don't mix the sites up
Then tell me why CR should be different then SO in this regard?
then again if such edits are rejected on SO, that's just sad
This is still SE.
The rules for what sort of edits are and aren't appropriate are almost entirely consistent across the network.
@nhgrif if SO review queues aren't handled properly it's not my problem as CR user
The only exception I'm aware of is that on CR we are more strict about answer-invalidating edits
@nhgrif but if they aren't handled correctly on site X I as user of site Y don't have to care
@nhgrif and the code-change edits
Do you have any actual argument for why SO and CR shouldn't be handled the same in this regard?
Then you have no argument.
I mean, that's just that.
do you have any actual argument why the SO way is correct?
This is an SE thing. Not an SO vs CR thing.
I've made that case, Vogel.
you make it a SO vs. CR thing
No, I didn't.
I say SE says it's good
You're making it an SO vs CR thing.
I'm making it an SE thing.
you say "but they are rejected on SO"
And should be also rejected here.
And everywhere on SE.
I am arguing that they should be the same. You are arguing that they hsould be different.
do you have an argument for that?
For what? Consistency across the network?
I'm saying they shouldn't be rejected, neither on SO nor here
but for SO idgaf
I already TOLD you.
*grabs popcorn*
It's an attempt to reply and provide constructive feedback to the answerer.
Again, the edit DOUBLED the amount of code in the answe.r
I'd be furious if someone doubled the amount of code in anything I posted.
@nhgrif that argument isn't really strong
from 2 lines make 4
Except, @Vogel612, that that argument is held up across the network and has precedent on SE. You are the one that needs to make the stronger case for CR to be special from the rest of the netwokr.
@nhgrif I think you're wrong on that one, I say that's a clarification that doesn't make an attempt to reply
One of the reasons to cancel an edit is goes against intent of author. That's the most important question to ask yourself, if it goes against intent.
My rollback holds up SE consistency.
@nhgrif ignore SE consistency
it's about CR consistency
So I'm the one that needs the strong argument for consistency across the network?
and we should judge the edit on it's own merit
@EBrown that sounds like something I might be interested in
And you have no argument whatsoever for doing whatever we want on CR?
@Malachi Well it's almost done, I'll link you to GitHub when it's ready.
Just have to finish the tracking update part.
why are you making this a CR vs. X argument?
because that's what this boils down to, right?
@Vogel612 Okay, I just needed to revert a single commit though
and I am suggesting that the rest of the network isn't necessarily right
stop using CAPS!
If you want to make the case that CR should be different from the rest of the network, make it on our meta.
which is something different from being "the same or diffrerent from the rest"
If you want to make the case that the entire network is wrong, make it on Meta SE.
Greetings, Programs.
@nhgrif YOU are making my argument that
I say the edit is valid with SE standards. You say it isn't
Until someone has made a strong case on our meta that CR should be different from the entire network, or on Meta.SE that the entire network is doing it wrong, then my rollback is correct and valid.
and It's completely irrelevant what happens on the network aside from the SE standards
I went out to buy coffee. I'm saved.
@EBrown I have Enemy ships being created off screen and then shooting from off screen, so I have shots being created off screen, as well as me being able to kill enemies off screen with my shots.
@Vogel612 You have zero evidence of that except a guess. I am telling you that moderation queues suggest the edit is invalid.
I have a board and then I have a world.
@Malachi I'm not sure how much this would help you there, but it's worth a shot. :)
@nhgrif under the assumption you are correct that the edit is invalid*
Or your particular interpretation.
I disagree on your premise
Iff the edit is incorrect the rollback is valid
I want to make it so that Enemies don't shoot until they are on screen
or within a certain distance
You particular interpretation of the SE standards is not more correct than the actual implementation of the standards.
but I challenge that the edit is invalid
Now I have actual work to do
and I do not consider this edit an attempt to reply
What's the problem again? ^.^
So again, once you've made the case that CR should be different from the rest of SE on our meta, or that the entire SE is wrong on Meta SE, link me to that post and we'll talk about it.
@Morwenn Yeah, definitely
I say it's good, nh says it isn't
it's an answer
Stop wasting my time.
How did a rollback being good or back blow up?
@Malachi Ah, then this would allow you to check if they are within the Camera.
@Vogel612 That answer should've been flagged VLQ IMO.
@Mast until the edit came and it became an upvoteable answer
someone make a meta and take it out of chat please
@skiwi I asked if this edit was acceptable, it got approved, and then nhgrif rolled it back, and Vogel612 thinks that was inappropriate.
wow these flags sure are prude
@EBrown not quite
I think that the edit was fine, and the rollback was incorrect as consequence
Too bad I suck at HTML. I wanted to have an opinion :(
that's terminology though
There's 114 instances of the word fuck being used here by moderators, nonetheless, don't be that one guy
@Quill what do you mean don't be that one guy?
fun police, or something similar
we are a room full of professionals writing code for a living, and we have to resort to using childish language in order to get our point across?
I'd say that the fact that they group together using the name attribute is valuable, adding the extra radio group could be classified as minor
@Malachi meh, "childish language"
Q: 2D Fenwick-tree with combinatorics and modular arithmetic

puwiThis is a contest problem; The entire description is here. My code is taking time limit exceeded. So it is to slow or is being caught in some infinity loop. Is it possible to optimize it ? Description: In the winter, children started to build snowmen. The snowmen were becoming adorable, e...

Q: Euler Problem 101 - Optimum polynomial - Haskell

JeromeHere is my solution in Haskell for the Euler problem #101. It relies on building a specific base of polynomes given the values we want to fit (memories of my linear algebra courses from a long time ago). The algorithm is quite fast but as a new Haskell programmer, I'd like your opinion on what co...

23 hours ago, by Malachi
can we be more civilized/professional and not use coarse language, please?
I'd say we start using stronger language when we're emotionally involved, which can be tolerated to at least some extent
@Malachi overly emphatic maybe, but I'd hope children wouldn't use this language
8+ people have decided that we don't need to use that kind of language
@Quill that's the Lounge... that's not a valid measurement for civility
@Quill that is the Lounge not The Second Monitor
2 mins ago, by Quill
There's 114 instances of the word fuck being used here by moderators, nonetheless, don't be that one guy
Code added
@Quill In the making of that message, you wrote f*ck twice
Q: Reviewing a moderately-sized spreadsheet project for readability, robustness, re-usability and scalability

ZakN.B. Apologies if this question is too broad / otherwise off-topic. I had a look around CR Meta before posting and would've asked for a review of my question before posting it but I don't have the rep to ask meta questions yet, so here we are. What I'd love is to know somebody who could show me ...

Q: The "Be Nice Policy" - and Chat

rolflThe revised "Be Nice Policy" states: Don't be a jerk. .... Inappropriate language or attention. Avoid vulgar terms and anything sexually suggestive. Also, this is so not a dating site. When a clarification about how this applies to Chat room on the Stack Exchange (Stack Overflow) sites, the...

@Malachi Should we ban Brainfuck as well or is that acceptable?
@Mast I'm not suggesting banning it
@Mast most people write that as BrainF*ck
@Malachi No, not really.
there was a meta on bf anyway
The name is Brainfuck.
Without capital F and without asterisk.
It's the name of the language.
The name is Brainfuck, but I won't write it in a title!
@Quill that search is btw not including substrings... only full words
@IsmaelMiguel You shouldn't: the title should never contain the name of the language, that's what is for.
In a title, I agree with censureship
Jun 7 at 17:42, by QPaysTaxes
Or B****fuck
Doing asterisks wrong...
@EBrown How about: Brainfuck interpreter
@EBrown Indeed.
I smell a Troll somewhere, maybe more....
But if anyone is going to edit the title of my question, I'm going to roll it back. It's appropriate in this case:
Q: How to speak Brainfuck: for beginners

MastThe following code transforms multi-line input into the the Brainfuck equivalent. One line turns into one program. The resulting programs are split by newlines for readability. Brainf.cpp #include "Brainf.hpp" int main() { std::vector<std::string> userInput; std::string currentLine = "...

That's not the point of this that we should be focusing on
If it gets to the point where we need to use that kind of language
our discourse should be looked at
@Mast I would avoid in the title, but I don't mind in the content
> Give pretty unambiguous fair warning that some language and behavior is likely to be moderated, and you shouldn't be shocked if it is, but...
> The language deliberately implies some contextual consideration. "Inappropriate" suggests that local norms can and should have some influence. And "avoid" and "unwanted" leave room for situational... reasonableness, for want of a better term.
@SimonAndréForsberg Welcome back!
Seriously, who's even nearly offensed by « fuck » or « fucked » nowadays. That's silly ^^"
@SimonAndréForsberg We were just talking about you Brainfuck
@Morwenn it seems there's enough people offended by that to flag out a post with at least one counterflag
@Morwenn Well, if your question goes hot, you might want to censureship it
@Morwenn inb4 pinned
@IsmaelMiguel that's bananas
@DanPantry not a PSA, so no
@IsmaelMiguel That's against my values ^_^
@Vogel612 Pin Star Applied?
Q: Getting the character index of recurring substring

ThomasReggiI create this function below that allows you to declare a string, then multiple instances of a substring. This uses a hash map to keep track of strings that have already been searched for and upon each call of it's returning function will give you the next instance of that substring. I'm wonderi...

@Morwenn No it's not silly at all. I am offenced by them at times, and I have no plan on changing that.
also wouldn't really look nice against the pinned message about coarse language
@Vogel612 it was a joke and holy crap chat is lagging awfully for me
@Morwenn Mine as well. I like to say any fucking thing I fucking want. But in a title, there's too huge exposure.
@IsmaelMiguel Why? Have you tried to find Brainf**k on Google? The first page in the results is Brainfuck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. If Wikipedia makes no attempt to censor it, what is the point?
@Vogel612 also, yes, that was the joke :P
@Mast still Public Service Announcement
@IsmaelMiguel thank you. Did you miss my big welcome-back party yesterday?
@EBrown Cultural exposure
@SimonAndréForsberg Yes, I did. I did missed a lot latelly
You're too focused on the formulation. What matters is the intent.
oh that's banans. On the internet cultural exposure is inexistant
@IsmaelMiguel No worries. I think I might have missed that party too.
@SimonAndréForsberg How?
Just found this awesome documentation in a stored procedure in production:
@IsmaelMiguel Not sure there was one :P
		 *	[New]-->[Reviewing]
		 *      |	  |
		 *      |         v
		 *	'-->[Signed | Rejected | Change Requested]
@Vogel612 Honestly, I don't give a f*ck, I just don't want to offend anyone
@SimonAndréForsberg Probably there was. We have been waiting for you
@IsmaelMiguel Don't go down that road, will escalate quickly ^^
@Vogel612 Different parts of the internet has different cultures.
@SimonAndréForsberg which is what I was aiming at.
Yea, has something to do with 90% of the internet consisting of porn.
@Mast Well, that's conflicting... Don't go down to do not escalate...
If you're going to "ban" a term, then fine. Ban it. But don't make it ambiguous. Ban the term in whole or in part. Honestly, there should be no need to ban a term, so long as it's not used gratuitously.
Don't take the rest of the internet as a guideline.
@Vogel612 which is why I'd say cultural exposure does exist.
interesting... that "porn" gets starred and "fuck" gets flagged
@Vogel612 I was just thinking that.
People are always going to be offended by something.
You can either dwell on it, or get over it.
If you don't want to offend anyone, don't say anything.
Talking about cultural exposure, we realize flagging something points a lot of attention to it for outside users, right?
@EBrown I suggest we do the latter
@Vogel612 I don't flag f*cks. But I starred "porn"
@Mast depends on how quickly it's handled
It attracts high-rep users from all corners of SE to check-out what the problem is.
if the flag lasts for too long, it gets propagated
I wouldn't want to risk it TBH.
@Vogel612 seems like I have missed something here... trying to read back a bit...
I don't actually know how it works right now, but the flag lingers a while before propagating, IIRC
@SimonAndréForsberg it's a long convo
I'll put up a meta tonight and link back
@SimonAndréForsberg Tldr; nhgrif said "f--k", someone got offended, discussion about how we should never say "f--k" in this room.
@SimonAndréForsberg lots of Nth Monitor material in here right now
also it's mostly nh and me saying the same 3 things over and over and over
@Malachi not really.. lots of meta and meta and meta
I think it's fine...
I haven't moved anything, everyone was dancing the line
@Malachi you do know that that's not a valid excuse for not moving things that should be moved?
Q: PHP password encryption algorithm

insanikovI've written a password encryption algorithm in PHP, which (I think) is not very vulnerable to rainbowtable attacks. It's just that I don't have a lot of experience with encryptions, nor PHP. But from the knowledge I have I think this is a hashing algorithm which automatically adds salt, but I ac...

I think there's nothing wrong with a curse as long as it's tasteful and not used for the sake of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Vogel612 business as usual?
I agree this conversation should stick though. Moving would escalate the problem.
But why did this have to escalate at all?
@SimonAndréForsberg yes, we kinda got wrapped up into a discussion about an edit with the amazing volume of ... 150 chars or so?
@Vogel612 it was a discussion on what we should allow on our site. I think it was close to being on topic. and chat was moving too fast to click.
@DanPantry And then how long is it until "damn" is involved?
@Malachi which discussion are you referring to now?
Pretty soon, 90% of the English language is barred.
also ROs can also freeze IIRC
And then, we all have to learn French!
@Vogel612 both
@Vogel612 talking about this?
A: Mutually exclusive radio buttons

JonathanRadio buttons already do this. I suggest throwing away the code. <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male">Male<br> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="female">Female

@EBrown I think there's a pretty clear distinction between lesser curses like damn/bloody and the f bomb.
@Vogel612 room owners can not freeze a room. only mods can.
I didn't roll back the rollback, but I think the initial edit was valid
@SimonAndréForsberg we can make it read only, Gallery.
What's an appropriate name for an interface that represents a PointF Position and SizeF Size?
@Malachi which is basically equivalent, only that the groups "lost" are different
@EBrown Force.
@Vogel612 room owners and mods and people given specific rights can still talk
@Mast Doesn't seem to fit.
Has a position and a amplitude.
@Mast Still not quite right, I have a Vector struct.
also has a direction
vector has movement not size
@Mast Not really, in point & vector arithmetics, these are different entities.
This is literally an object that has a position, and a size. (Assume both are in pixels.)
@Morwenn I was talking about a Physics vector, not a IT one.
@EBrown Sprite?
a vector is a point, direction, and acceleration
@Mast Maybe...but I think I have one of those.
sprites are graphics
@EBrown You won't find a proper name I guess. Those are related concepts with similar operations, but still different enough.
@Morwenn That's my suspicion.
@Mast An IT one?
@SimonAndréForsberg are these people stack employees?
or should we remove them from write access?
@ElectionBot is obviously for elections....
@Morwenn He is saying that it isn't an array
@Malachi Probably new users invited to chat to talk about their question who didn't have enough reputation otherwise.
@Malachi employees have auto-diamond + some cool stuff
@Morwenn That.
they always have write access
@nhgrif @Vogel612 CR is not SO. I see nothing invalid by that edit. I made the decision to rollback the rollback. If three people have approved an edit, I recommend that anyone should think an extra time before rolling that edit back. Think of the post after the edit has been approved on its own: Would you actively edit it and improve it to look like how it did before?
@Malachi they are people who may at some point in time have had too little reputation to write anything here.
@Malachi Please don't even think about making this room a gallery room.
@SimonAndréForsberg I wasn't lol
Yeah, @@ pings let a user talk in the room without needing the rep requirement
It should be a , not a é___è
@SimonAndréForsberg I'd be interested in whether it's actually possible
Refactoring questions are off-topic here. However they are on-topic to CRhindmost 25 secs ago
@Vogel612 in what way would it not be possible?
this is one of the rooms protected against automatic freezing for inactivity, right?
I wonder whether that entails it cannot be made a gallery room...
arghhhh OutOfMemory again
@hindmost Are they really? SO help-center says nothing about refactoring questions being explicitly off-topic as far as I can see. Have you read A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users? — Simon André Forsberg 19 secs ago
@Vogel612 No room is protected against automatic freezing for inactivity.
If there would be no activity in this room for two weeks, then I believe it would be frozen. But that's a very big IF
With all the feeds, it would stay open. If disabled, it'd take less
@Quill I am not sure feeds count as activity for auto-freeze
@Quill As @Vogel612 says. Feeds does not count for auto-freeze.
@SimonAndréForsberg hmm then this mse post could maybe use some attention and a follow up
@SimonAndréForsberg Well, there's always Duga as well
@Quill when Simon's internet goes down long enough...
@EBrown I am going to be keeping a close eye on this project in the near future. I am trying to handle some multithreading issues with my HighScoresManager at the moment, I think I need to make it a Singleton somehow. it works if I create the XML ahead of time and place it in the right location.
my code has issues --> lol
@Malachi You can Clone it if you like. Then you can keep updated regularly.
Q: Cameras and ITrackableObjects

EBrownThe purpose of these two classes (and hence why I am including them together) is to allow you to create a Camera, that indicates a "render zone", and track an object in this Camera, so that when the Position of the ITrackableObject changes, the Camera.Position changes to reflect that. Ignore the...

@Malachi a Singeleton is never the correct solution for multithreading issues
@Vogel612 to be honest, I am not sure it is multithreading. I just know that for some reason my serializer is getting hung up while creating and/or saving the xml
then a Singleton is even less of a solution
either you got a problem on your filesystem (think permissions and filelocks)
or you got an issue in your serialization call
I am thinking about just shipping it with a template HighScores.xml so I don't have to worry about creating it. because I know it works if there is already an XML there
or I might rewrite the whole thing. I wrote the darn thing like 4 years ago
@Malachi It's time for a rewrite!
it's readable and I know what I was doing. so the code isn't written too badly
I just don't want to break it where it goes into the game itself...
I don't have the code here right now, so it's hard to talk about it behind its back. :( I would rather be coding on that....
I need to get a story line and some better images for the enemy ships and shots and asteroids and ..........
If anyone cares to comment on my Camera class and ITrackableObject interface: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/101378/…
actually it might be better as a singleton @Vogel612, because it is actually a HighScoresManager, so there should be only one HighScoresManager
I need to rewrite
@Malachi if you think of making it a singleton, why not DI it?
@Vogel612 Much learning have I for DI
@Malachi it will change your life code forever
It is appropriate to edit a question to add more code after an answer was already posted? I found another class I want to add (that seems relevant) but I'm not sure the regulations on that.
@EBrown I'd make it a separate question
@Vogel612 It might have to be a follow up.
@EBrown Follow-up
If it doesn't invalidate existing answers it's fine, but a separate post would be better
It doesn't invalidate anything, merely an inclusion of the PositionChangedEventArgs referenced in this question.
I forgot to include that class in the question, and I figure I should.
Bah, if it's just context code, just go ahead
make it in quotes, else someone might review it, right @Mast?
Well they are allowed to review it.
There's not much to review though.
One constructor, two fields, two properties.
@Vogel612 Queue?
People will review whatever-the-heck-they-want.
less than 400 rep until 20k.... I might have to post some questions later tonight, get my game going.
Q: Translating the Rubberduck - Übersetzen der Gummiente - Part 1: Modelling

Vogel612So I have committed to making a German translation for the guys over at Rubberduck, which is localized via .resx files. Now these files are basically XML-Files with a certain, rather simple document structure: <root> <!-- Snip --> <data name="Resource_Key"> <value>Resource Value</value

^ still looking for a review of the implementation
@Vogel612 Ah, yes, you still need a decent answer on that.
I completely overhauled it, but...
Unfortunatley, I'm not a native Java speaker.
my kids are super excited about my game. my little guy already has a request on the next game, he wants to play as the Avengers....lol
@Malachi You got it open for testing yet?
@Mast and I made you do it, so I'm fine :)
@Mat'sMug So this edit is fine? (Revisions link.)
@Vogel612 Oh, yea, that's right. I remember something along those lines.
@Mast I have a couple of bugs to fix so that it will install correctly with the setup
@Vogel612 I have been wrong before, I might be wrong again. Maybe there are some rooms that are excluded.
Or the idea hasn't been implemented / feature-requested yet
@EBrown yup
@Mat'sMug Sweet. :)
Q: How to optimize this for loop check?

Leon GabanI have an array vs.tags which may contain hundreds of objects, and a smaller array coloredTags which only contains up to 3 objects. The goal is to efficiently check the ids in coloredTags to the ids in vs.tags and perform some action. This is what I have so far: var coloredTags = ColoredTagFac...

What does it mean off SO careers?
oh right duh
@CaptainObvious Looks like it can be optimized. Kind of decent question.
title could be optimized, too :)
@Vogel612 +150 to the best review!
(got more mugs on the wall)
I'll write up my own points, but not post them for now..
@Vogel612 That's over my head.
how? why? do you need more context / explanation?
You're a smart person, it isn't that hard a problem I am solving...
speaking of bugs
A: If the insects declared war, who would win?

MalachiNeither side wins The reason why we haven't exterminated insects already is because they are needed for just about everything. They are a crucial part of the ecosystem as well. Let's say they all move to a portion of the world to wipe out a specific target, Humans, they still need to eat an...

which means my question needs to be improved,..
@Vogel612 I'm just not a Java guy that much. I can point some things out, I'm sure, but it would not be the highest quality.
@Mat'sMug Now I want to write a n number of x on the y...
@EBrown good quality is definitely sufficient
@Mast you can. use the SE API to compute the number of rep points I'm ahead of @SimonAndréForsberg by ;-)
@Vogel612 I'll see what I can come up with, I'm not really acquainted with the intimacies of Java that you use there.

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